The Management of Media Organizations From Theory To Practice

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Economic, social, political and cultural problems of the future society


The Management of Media Organizations

from Theory to Practice

~ Ph. D. Cristina Andreescu (Manolache) (The Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies)

Abstract: Media organizations have become a barometer in the development of a society. The way
these organizations are managed depends on the context they can be placed in. Media organizations can be
assimilated with a social and economic context. I attempted to emphasize the importance of good manage-
ment that takes into account the basic principles and which can be integrated into a media organization.
Leadership should be concerned with combining the specifics of management with those of human nature.
The need for management is real. As it is the interdependence between the media organization and an effi-
cient management. Despite their shortcomings, today’s managers are able to manage a newspaper, a radio
or a television station. They can be divided into three categories, namely: managers of a media organiza-
tion, having no knowledge of management; managers having the necessary training but unaware of how to
implement management rules and finally, managers with very good training but lacking interest, who let
things run by themselves.
Key words: Management, media, management style, leadership styles, free market
economy, strategy.

Introduction name of unbureaucratic bureaucracies. For

the manager of a media organization, it is a
As with most organizations, the media greater or a lesser effort of management. I
ones are of a bureaucratic nature. In my pa- mean that in case of a lack of hierarchy the
per I tried to stress out their characteristics participative management appears, where
but what really differentiates them is their the employees’ need for self-achievement is
No. 10 ~ 2009
Economic, social,political and cultural problems of the future society
encouraged. In fact, the leadership style that The daily offers general political, cultur-
should characterize the behavior of today’s al, sports, miscellaneous and advertisment
managers resides in combining the priority information. Cultural and political informa-
of production with the interest for human tion comes first. Different other types of sto-
resources. ries are approached but mainly when the the
The managers in Argeş are highly inter- other types of information are scarce.
ested in what is happening in their neighbors’ The strong point of the newspaper lies
yard, in the publications of the competition as mainly in its highly stable pool of editors that
well as in their own profit. This is so because write for the paper. It is one of the few publi-
newspapers such as Societatea argeşeană, cations that did not know major fluctuations
Observator argeşean, Top, but less in the case of personnel. The professionalism and stabil-
of Argeşul, are owned by people who are in- ity of the editorial group translated into the
volved in other businesses that can sustain, possibility of assuming and publishing arti-
despite of losses even, the business called cles that had an unusual impact and were a
newspaper, just for the sake of the social po- first for that region.
sition or other important advantages deriv- Argeşul is a serious newspaper brand
ing from it. Such managers are not interested that does not promote scandal stories, ob-
in adding value or improving, meaning that serves ethical principles and has a leadership
they do not make efforts for improving their aware that credibility is one of the greatest
leadership style. assets of the newspaper.
Placing a media organization in a suit- The long-term strategy of publishing
able environment allows it to develop. The only credibile information and not resort
more dynamic the environment the more dif- to sensationalism proved beneficial. On the
ferentiated its structure should be. The more Argeş area market, Argeşul newspaper is
differentiated the structure of a organization, considered the most serious as compared to
the more difficult the task of coordinating the other four existing newspapers which, with
employees’ work. This shows how important almost no exception, compete in promoting
the different aspects are for the management on their front pages, information on crimes,
of a media organization. rapes, sex, incest, pornography, showing less
interest for the major problems the local com-
Literature review
munity faces.
Argeşul is the oldest daily newspaper in The daily has been given credibility due
Argeş area, whose first issue was published to the information it offers, the attitude it has
on December 23, 1989, continuing the tradi- and the fact that it is considered traditional,
tion of the first publication, with the same with a ballanced but firm voice. It is a daily
title of March 31, 1876. with a personality that constantly increased
The newspaper in tabloid format the number of its readers.
does not indulge in scandal stories, has Top daily, with 6.000 daily issues, is
a general audience for its general con- edited by Media PIC, part of the PIC group
tents, targeted mainly to the rural audience of Piteşti. Top was launched on the market
(subscription-based). on April 1, 2003 as a weekly publication.
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Economic, social, political and cultural problems of the future society
Ten issues later it appeared twice a week, range of social topics, focusing on those tar-
Tuesdays and Fridays. geting the largest audience. News in brief are
Six months later, the need for informa- presented side by side with economic, social
tion of the people in Argeş area led to the or political information, each according to
daily publication of the newspaper, starting importance. This was the way the newspaper
with October 1, 2003. Everything contrib- tried to get as many readers as possible.
uted to an increase in sales. Top daily is ed- Curierul Zilei is the daily with the larg-
ited in very good graphic conditions at the est public in the area. It was established in
Gutemberg publishing house in Craiova. Top August 1994 , at the initiative of two busi-
defines itself as an information and publicity nessmen in Piteşti, Mrs. Marilena Baraţă and
daily, guided by the interests of PIC group. Mr. Constantin Neguţ. The first issue was
At present, it advertises the products of PIC published on September 15, 1994. The edito-
group. Top is a rather new product in the rial office started with a team consisting of
media market. It presents political, social, young people, mostly with no previous ex-
economic, cultural, sports, society and mis- perience with the media work. Paradoxically
cellaneous information. this proved to be an advantage, which soon
All categories are treated fairly to cover translated into an increase in circulation.
most of the public’s interests. Mention should be made that at the
The editorial policy of the newspaper time of its first publication, on the Argeş me-
aims at bringing the readers general informa- dia market there was an audiovisual channel,
tion on all aspects of the social life in Argeş namely STP Piteşti, radio and television sta-
County. tion, and Argeşul Liber daily. The direct, con-
The newspaper targets not only the cise, dynamic language used by the Curierul
readers interested in local information but Zilei, alongside its attractive layout, made it
also those interested in events in general. For a vivid experience that quickly won the sym-
the last category, the paper brings the latest pathy of the local public. Just to show how
and most important national and interna- this worked we shall say that one of the rules
tional information. in writing the articles was „Write it as you
The Argeş County daily, Observator, would tell it.”
was first published in January 2000; it ap- Curierul Zilei is a daily tabloid, consist-
peared in an already crowded market strong- ing of news that are 99 percent of local in-
ly inclined to enrich the genre. terest. Its contents is varied (news in brief,
Observator is an independent daily of social, economic, political, sports, publicity)
the Argeş County, published in a 16-page with a focus on miscellania and publicity.
format with an additional daily real estate The articles are written with professionalism,
supplement. The Argeş media market can be easily readable, presented on pages that are
said to target the lower class of society. Crime modern, clear and attractive.
is the topic of excellence for all the newspa- Its distribution is 91 percent urban and
pers in the area, most of the front page fea- the remaining 9 percent rural, only in Argeş
tures dealing in this subject. Since day one, County. Due to its high circulation and low-
Observator intended to approach the whole er publicity costs per one thousand readers,
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Economic, social,political and cultural problems of the future society
Curierul Zilei is the best media tool for pub- ability to cope. People would buy one paper
licity messages in the Argeş County. This is that would be read by several people or they
shown by the fact that Curierul Zilei is used would resort to radio or television.
as a publicity carrier by famous clients in the Of the five daily newspapers we talked
area. about, Curierul Zilei and Societatea Argeseană
Curierul zilei has its own loyal audi- cover mostly miscellania, tragic and shocking
ence, due to the debatable cases it has always cases, presented with photos. The other daily
presented. At present, this daily is the most newspapers do not focus on this kind of infor-
popular one in the county, the one with the mation but it is nevertheless present.
fastest development after 1989. Economy is the less covered topic by the
Societatea Argeşeană is a complete one, newspapers of the county, while crime takes
according to its own description. It was first precedence on the front pages. Integrating
published on December 1, 2003, in an already a media organization into the free market
highly competitive media market. Along the economy requires both good training in
years, the newspaper adopted different edi- the field and the implementation of an effi-
torial policies, according to the other actors cient management style. As for the publica-
existing in the print media market of Argeş. tion management, the only publications that
Societatea Argeşeană grew its own loy- preserved the manager position are Argeşul
al public, very much like the Curierul Zilei – the oldest daily newspaper in the area,
by publishing debatable cases, original sto- managed by Mihai Golescu – and Curierul
ries and journalistic investigations that have Zilei – with Constantin Neguţ as general
more than once triggered true political and manager, as well as Marilena Baraţă, ex-wife
administrative earthquakes in the Argeş of Cristi Neguţ, as founding chairman, which
County political class. allows us to say it is a family newspaper. Top
It created true information break- was created for the purpose of promoting
throughs in once considered taboo areas, the interests of PIC group and not so much
such as police, magistrates, clergy, finances for the sake of successful journalism. It was
and the business community. managed by Marian Jinga, who was removed
Societatea Argeşeană is a daily bringing from leadership as he created his own public-
a large volume of information, whose man- ity company.
agement changed quite often, which pres- The owners of PIC group considered
ents a diversity of political, social, economic, there was a contradiction of interests and ac-
sports, cultural, ads and publicity, miscella- cused the manager of lack of loyalty. At pres-
neous information. ent, manager of the newspaper is Mr. Iustin
The publication is disseminated all over Angelescu, who does not interfere with the
Argeş County, through its own as well as editorial policy of the newspaper, mere-
other distribution networks. As a conclusion, ly managing the business newspaper Top
Argeş County continues to be a strong eco- represents.
nomic center still, people afford less and less According to the development of the
buying a newspaper. The lack of cash result- internal life of the newspaper, we can say it
ed in the print media consumers’ desperate was dictated by personal ego and financial
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Economic, social, political and cultural problems of the future society
interests. The newspaper is meant as a support organizations work. I considered them to
for the publicity business of the PIC group. be the most important actors in the me-
Observator daily has its own publishing dia. The reaserach is based on the results of
house (S.C. Tipcomp S.R.L), just as Argeşul questionnares conducted from September
(Argeşul Liber S.A.), which is a great eco- to December 2006, addressed to managers
nomic advantage. of print media publications in Argeş area, a
Marcel Proca, chairman and owner of total of 21 managers of the newspapers Top,
the newspaper does not interfere with the Societatea argeşeană, Argeşul, Observator
editorial policy. In 2005, Adrian Ştefănoiu argeşean and Curierul Zilei.
was assigned editor-in-chief. He managed The questionnares focused on the per-
the newspapoer well, increased the newspa- ception, opinions and management style in
per circulation, won new segments of read- terms of media organization treatement.
ers, improved the editorial team and their The questionnare results correlated
working conditions and signed monthly with theory led to the following conclusions:
publicity contracts of over 50 million lei. At The opinions of the interviewees were
the same time, there are interesting man- objective but their analyses and comments
agement positions, such as strategy direc- showed they did not have thorough knowl-
tor Cristi Bumbenici, administrative director edge of the approached topic. I talk here of
Roxana Matei. That looks like there is an edi- the management of the media organization,
tor for each director, which may seem quite which was treated superficially. This conclu-
funny for the editorial office of a local daily sion resulted from the managers’ tendency
newspaper. to be more concerned with profit rather than
Until the fall of 2005, Societatea competiton. The reason they give is that prof-
Argeşeană was managed by Gheorghe it-driven means customer (reader)-driven
Smeoreanu. The businessman financing the but this led to bad management. This is not
newspaper dismissed him for abuse and fi- how it should happen, as one of the most
nancial disorder, though he was the manager important roles of a manager is to trans-
under which the newspaper started its ac- late potential into reality. This means that a
tivity. Societatea Argeşeană is considered a manager is expected to always act as a fac-
branch of Curierul Zilei, because Gheorghe tor of change, progress and innovation and
Smeoreanu was first manager of Curierului not just to passively react or adapt to what
Zilei. The newspaper focused on topics of lo- has already happened. All the interviewees
cal interest and had no characteristic style: it promoted the notion that the means of in-
was an odd mixture of miscellania, political, formation co-exist peacefully and comple-
sports and moral lessons from His Holiness menmtarily for the purpose of information,
Calinic, Bishop of Argeş and Muscel. an idea that should be discouraged. This im-
age should be replaced by another one taking
into account the fact that the means of infor-
Theoretical Background
mation are generally the result of another
The purpose of this paper is to iden- profit bringing business. As for the manage-
tify the context in which managers of local ment style an accute lack of concern for this
No. 10 ~ 2009
Economic, social,political and cultural problems of the future society
aspect was noted. The capability to manage almost all daily newspapers we approached,
a media organization is the capability to ef- while the management struggles to get the
ficiently implement one’s own management selling price that makes the newspaper as af-
style. Integrating and maintaining, of course, fordable to the reader as possible. Peaceful and
a media organization into the existing media complementary co-existence of the means of
market requires good media training which, information for the sake of information is an
at present, does not exist. idea that should be discouraged. This image
Most media organizations in Argeş should be replaced by another one taking into
need certain investments, need exploring account the fact that the means of informa-
new interest areas as well as bring journalists tion are generally the result of another profit
capable of writing with style into their edito- bringing business. For any businessman, me-
rial staff. dia should be a profit-oriented business.
The editor-in-chief of Societatea Based on the answers I got, I considered
argeşeană is worried that some newspaper the following conclusions should be pointed
managers, whether local or central, tend to out:
overestimate the way their newspapers sell Societatea argeşeană – the goals of the me-
and to underestimate the competition. This dia organization are correlated with the in-
is an observation that makes me state, as in terests and the respect of the employees. Top
the theoretical part, that management is tru- – the newspaper management has a manage-
ly needed. The fact that unimportant things ment style that resembles that of other publi-
such as overestimating the circulation of a cations and takes into account the employees’
publication are points of concern for a news- need for a social life. Hence, an increased in-
paper manager shows that integrating and terest in the human factor.
maintaining, of course, a media organiza- Based on the questionnaire results it
tion into the existing media market requires becomes apparent that most media orga-
good media training which, at present, does nizations in the Argeş region need certain
not exist. An optimal motivational climate investments, should identify other areas of in-
should be created, in which the interests and terest and bring journalists capable of writing
needs of each person could be integrated into with style into their editorial staff.
those of the organization, so that one’s own
goals should be best achieved.
Paper Content
Interviewed managers tried to define
the strategies of the organizations they lead, According to editor-in-chief Daniel
but it twas all talk. Goals were not clearly de- Barbu, the manager of Societatea argeşeană
fined, here and there just the financial ones, tries to adopt the typical behaviour of today’s
leaving the impression they lacked knowl- managers. The goals of the media organiza-
edge on strategy. tion he manages are correalated with an inter-
One of the greatest problems managers est and respect of the employees.
of media organizations have to face is the le- The newspaper is not managed in a
gal framework and there was a consensus in profit-oriented way, even if profit is one of the
this respect. Economic issues come first with main targets.
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Economic, social, political and cultural problems of the future society
The interpretation of other newspa- employees’ need for a social life. So, there is
pers’ managers of the competition is criti- an increased interest of the manager for the
cised and he sustains the idea that the public human factor. Emilian Zamfir thinks a good
is the only one aware of how things are and worker is the first step to making profit, an
the only decident on the success or failure of idea shared by his colleague at Societatea
a newspaper. An important role in produc- Argeşeană. This means an evolution at man-
ing information is played by technological agerial level because it requires an integra-
change, which goes for most fields of activ- tion of the employees’ needs with those of
ity. In Daniel Barbu’s opinion, today profit is the organization. Newspaper self-manage-
the most important thing. Management and ment means the financial aspect is very im-
quality depend on the financial resources. portant. The profit is set at the same level of
Dumping prices of the newspapers (for in- importance as the readers’ satisfaction. The
stance, at one time, Societatea argeşeană had leadership of the editorial office also takes
the price of 1000 ROL), which was harshly into account the tight competition existing
criticized by the most circulated newspa- on the media market in Argeş. Unlike Daniel
per in Argeş, Curierul zilei. On the other Barbu, the editor-in-chief of Top thinks the
hand, Daniel Barbu admits that the journal- media market is too often seen in terms of
ists’ recruiting system plays a crucial role commerce and competition.
in the success of the business, of the media As for the economy of the newspaper,
organization. a balance is sought between the funds from
Good management should combine publicity, the costs of production and the
readers’ satisfaction and profit. Those who newspaper selling price.
hold the secret manage to make a name and He values much the honesty of the pub-
maintain it on the market. lication and of those managing it, as it is cru-
Emilian Zamfir, editor-in-chief at the cial that correct and authentic information
Top daily newspaper believes media orga- reaches the public, which would result in the
failure of manipulation attempts.
nization should not be placed in the com-
Unlike other newspaper managers, the
mercial area where businessmen’s ideas
chairman of the Observator argeşean is keen
and orientations prevail, as this impedes on
on the economic aspect. He has a higher lev-
presenting the true image of journalism. He
el management style, where reaching goals
sincerely admitted that most times, perfor-
takes precedence over the interest for the
mance translated into survival, meaning you
other employees.
have to continuously adapt to change, to re-
Marcel Proca is politically involved,
quirements, to the team you’re working with.
which has advantages and disadvantages for
As in Argeş region competition in print me-
the newspaper. Nevertheless he tries to keep
dia is extraordinary, (six daily newspapers,
a balance so that his political activity does not
and four weekly ones) maintaining a direct
have undesired effects on the publication.
and objective contact with readers could be
He tried several styles of management;
the key to market success.
first with management teams consisting of
The newspaper manager has a man-
the journalsits having different positions in
agement style that takes into account the
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Economic, social,political and cultural problems of the future society
the editorial office, but because of misun- Today’s media is characterized by sen-
derstandings he gave it up and assigned one sationalism, hence the effects, unprofessional
manager, namely Adrian Ştefănoiu. media, lack of objectivity, a false media.
According to his employment contract, For Mihai Golescu, being competitive
Adrian Ştefănoiu pledged to increase the cir- means covering information in a correct, ac-
culation by 30 percent over the following six curate and clear manner.
months, publicity with 50 percent whereas Argeşul has become a natural and nor-
the editorial team was supposed to write bet- mal presence in the media environment of
ter articles. Argeş, to whom everybody resorts.
On the other hand, notice should be
made of the continuous effort to integrate Conclusions and implications
new technologies.
What the management of Observator By sheer definition, the strategy of a
argeşean seems to forget is the competition. society consists, in economical terms, in es-
The lack of other newspapers that could at tablishing costs that allow establishing the
least equal the performance of the newspaper selling price of the newspaper, in setting a
made them so sure of themselves that they do price for publicity correlated with the circula-
not take competition into account. tion so that by balancing expenses and costs,
As for the profit, it can only be said that a minimal profit is obtained so that the orga-
it has a leading role in a media organization. nization can function and the reader can buy
It can signify the existence and also the de- the paper. If such a strategy does not exist,
velopment of an organization, even if in local the rest is just talk.
media we talk of small profit. Economic is- I wanted to emphasize that free market
sues are important even if a balance is sought economy compels media organizations to
after between expenses and income (mostly have not only a good management but also
from publicity). benefit from the new technologies. They do
All this is important for attracting a not only reduce the working time but also
larger audience while bearing in mind the contribute to simplifying different operations
needs and requirements of the public. in both print and audiovisual media. The
Mihai Golescu, manager of Argeşul, manager has an important role here, know-
considers as most important the good rela- ing how and when to implement technology.
tionship of the media with the public, as the Another aspect of media management
only one responsible for keeping media alive. is concerned with the legal frame the media
He believes that in today’s environ- organization works in. Most media manag-
ment, where the laws of free market econo- ers complain of the limits it sets to their activ-
my and the spiral of industrialization rule, a ity. Moreover, they accuse the administration
place apart is held by print media. and the political class for that!
According to the manager of Argeşul, a Different management styles mean
healthy strategy of a media organization lies augmenting the role of the human factor. Of
in its awareness of the role technology plays course, the manager cannot do everything
in its present but also future activity. by himself. An efficient management speaks

No. 10 ~ 2009
Economic, social, political and cultural problems of the future society
of the manager’s capability to integrate and to the managerial context. The image of the
coordinate the efforts of all members of the organization is mirrored by the manager’s
organization so that to achieve the desired achievements.
outcome. One can say that the achievements If he is able to provide the organization
of a leader are a reflection of his own achieve- with the necessary resources and if he man-
ments combined with those of his employees. ages the human factor correctly, he should
In sum, media organizations are suc- be able to reach his goals. Otherwise, if the
cessful when they are managed effectively. It media organization is used in the absence of
is only in such circumstances that they can a strategy, of professionalism, he will disap-
benefit from public recognition. In terms of pear and so will the respective media organi-
quality, there can be noted a lack of reference zation eventually.

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No. 10 ~ 2009

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