Institución Educativa San Antonio de Anaconia

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Institución Educativa San Antonio de Anaconia

Para Educación preescolar, básica y media académica

1. Read the text, choose the correct word and finally answer or make the question.

Alexander Von Humboldt was/were a German naturalist and explorer. He was/were born in Berlin in
1769 and he was always interesting/ interested in nature. When, he was/were a child, he was/were
fascinated/fascinating by plants, animals, rivers and Geography in different parts of the world. In
1799, he and his French friend Aime Bonpland traveled to South America. Their expedition was/were
very exciting/excited because they was/were in Venezuela, Colombia (1800), Cuba, Ecuador, Chile,
Mexico and the United States. In August 1804, Humbold was/were back in Europe organizing his
scientific material into 3 fascinated/fascinating volumes. He died in 1859.

a) When was Alexander born? ____________________________________

b) What was his occupation? _____________________________________

c) Was his friend French? _____________________________________

d) Where was he in 1800? ______________________________________

e) When did he die? _____________________________________

2. Put the verbs in brackets into past simple and underline the irregular verbs

Dr Victor Frankenstein ____ (be) a scientist who __________ (want) to experiment giving life
to creatures. He___________ (study) and _____________(investigate) after locking himself
in his castle, in England, for many days. He __________(collect) parts from dead bodies and
_________(give) them life by means of electricity. The new creature_____ (be) alive! But it
was a sad and pathetic monster. Dr Frankenstein ___________(no like) the result of his
experiment, so he ___________ (decide) to abandon this poor creature, which really wanted
to have a friend, but _____(have) to remain alone. Rejection _________(make) the monster
angry and swore revenge on his creator. Dr. Frankenstein ______(have) to come back and
face the cruel reality…

3. past simple vs past progressive

1. Sylvia _____________ when she 2. While Steve ___________ a

___________ the DVDs. documentary, he __________ asleep.

was running / dropped was watched / fell

ran / dropped was watching / fell

was running / was dropping watched / was falling

ran / was dropping was watching / felt

3. They _________ when you _________ 9. You ___________ while I
for remote control. ____________.

aren't listening / were asking played / study

weren't listening / were asking were playing / studying

weren't listening / asked were playing / was studying

listened / asked were played / was studying

4. ______ you __________ anything when I 10. He _____________ when his father
______ you? came home.

Are / doing / called were doing

Were / doing / calling was doing

Did / do / was calling did

Were / doing / called did do

5. ________ you ____________ my friends

while you ______________ to school?

Are / see / went

Did / see / were going

Did / saw / were going

Were / see / went

6. We _____________ home when the

accident ___________.

were driving / happened

drove / happened

drove / was happening

were drive / happened

7. I _______________ a novel while my

mother ___________.

was read / was cooking

read / cooked

was reading / was cooking

was reading / cooks

8. I ___________ out of the window when

the accident happened.

was looked



was looking

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