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By: Brent Marco M. Camus, Daphnie Paulynne Santos, Jermeign Gonzales

Once there was a princess, who lived in a huge castle. She can get everything she wants:
food, clothes, jewelries, etc; except for one thing- FREEDOM, freedom to go out of the castle to deal
with different people and explore the world outside. Her parents were very strict since she is their
only child. “Why can’t I go out of this place and experience things like other children do?”She
always asks herself.

Her parents love her so much, so the king promised to her, “My princess, when the day
comes that you’ll turn 18,I will give you the chance to go out of this castle but promise me to be very
careful at all times.” The princess was very glad to hear that and said, “That was the most wonderful
gift I could ever receive in my entire life! Thank you Father!”

The most awaited day of her life came, as she turned 18. The King and Queen were very
worried for her safety, so they ordered some soldiers to follow and look after her secretly on that day.

While the princess enjoys the outside world, there was a man who caught her attention. As
they stare at each other, they both knew it. They seem to fall in love with each other at that very
moment. ”This can’t be! Why do I feel this way? Is this love, love for the man whom I don’t know
where he came from?”
From that day, the princess always looks forward to seeing the man named Lucas and started
to be close to each other. Finally, Lucas wins her heart.”I know this will be very hard for us but I will
fight for you ‘til the end.”

Finally, they decided to go to the castle together to formally introduce themselves as couple.
At first, the King and Queen have doubts on him, not because he doesn’t seem to come from a royal
family but because they do not know exactly his whereabouts.

But one day, a situation tested Lucas’ courage, love and intention to the princess. A number
of men, who were found out to be the enemies of the kingdom, came on their way to get the princess.
Lucas said, “You have to kill me first to get the princess.”She was so amazed to know that Lucas is
very good in sword. They fought until Lucas defeated them, but he got wounded so the princess
asked for help to take him to the castle.

The King was enlightened that the man really loves his daughter and willing to risk his life
for her. “You have proven your intention to our daughter and we are very grateful on what you did.
From now on, we welcome you as part of our family.” The princess is very happy and Lucas later
told them that he was a soldier from a far kingdom and he’s already an orphan- but not anymore! He
already found a family on them.

The princess looked up the sky and said,” Thank you God. Since I was young,I was
determined to go out of the castle just to explore the world. But in my journey, you gave me more
than I asked for. You gave me more than FREEDOM.”

By: Jenny Lou M. Sidlacan, Jealan Baquiran, Calvin Prieto


Amanda watches drops of rain crawl down on frosted hospital windows. The city outside is now
awake. It's color a sharp contrast to the hospital room's boring white walls. Quiet and still, with only
the soft humming of the air conditioner and soft beeps from the ECG filling the cool air.
By: Jenny Lou M. Sidlacan, Jealan Baquiran, Calvin Prieto
But it's only because Amanda can't hear the soft whispers from the sofa on the corner of the room
that it seems so quiet.

"She knows today could be her last." Death whispered, voice as cold as the night.

Beside him, Life shakes her head. "It doesn't have to be."
Death sighs. Amanda shifts, the bed creaking at the action. Both Life and Death paused. It was silent
once again and this time, it's accompanied by frantic footsteps from nurses and doctors, screeching
wheels of stretchers, cries of woes from families who just recently lost a loved one, courtesy of

They watched as Amanda settles to a more comfortable position. Unaware of the two pair of eyes
watching her breathe what could be her last breath.

Some years ago, both of Amanda's parents died. Her mom over the very same reason she's at the
hospital, and not long after, her father died of heart attack.

"If she made it through everything that happened back then, she can handle everything that's coming
her way. Only if you give her a chance." Life implied.

A glimpse of Death was enough to tell Life that the other was nodding.

"You're right." Death replied. "But poor Amanda's suffered long enough."

Across the room, Amanda had now fallen to a deep slumber. She may or may not be prepared for
what's to come later on.

"But she can manage. Can't you wait a little more?" Life asked.

"I did. She's years due."

Death remembers a funeral. White flowers, black attire, a girl finds comfort under the arms of a
loving father. The only one she have left. Amanda wasn't afraid to cry. To show her vulnerable side
to everyone in the room. Seeing the smiling face of her mother on the coffin, Amanda can't help but
think of how different she looks from the person lying inside it. When she looks up, people gave her
looks of pity and she knows she tried her best to ignore them.

Time passed and just as she was halfway recovering from her loss, her father, clear as day, hadn't
even started. Another funeral except this time, there were no arms to hold on to, to keep her warm
when the absence of her mother was too cold to bear. A heart attack took her father away and there
was nothing Death could do about it.

See, Death does not delay when your time is running out. He can make it faster, but to slow down
what fate had set for you is not within his grasp. Your passing is bound to happen sometime and
when it comes, Death is merely there for you. To act as your chauffeur to wherever you will end up
to. Heaven or hell, if it even exist.
So Death wanted to use his ability to give Amanda rest. Maybe reunite her with her parents. But
seeing how Amanda remained strong, persistent, and willing, he opposed to that thought.

Life, however, possess the ability to lengthen one's life expectancy. But only to those whose death
wasn't written by Death itself but by fate. By the universe.

Neither can defy what fate each has wrote for a person. And now, Death thinks, is Amanda's time
and there's nothing Life can do about it because Amanda's death is set by Death himself.

Outside, the rain had stopped pouring. Someone in the hallway calls for a nurse. A mom is scolding
her son for wandering off. Any noise is loud enough if heard from the deafening silence in the room.

Life sighed. "27 is when others begin to truly live. 27 is when Amanda dies."

Death. A complex thing. Others fear the very word. But it's inevitable. No amount of cries from
loved ones can bring you back.

Death stood up from where he's sitting on the sofa, slowly making his way to the body sleeping
peacefully on the hospital bed. Life follows after him. How long they've been doing this, not even
the both of them know. But may it be millions of times already or more, the job was never less

"No more wires, no more apparatus, no more hospital food, no more plain, boring room for you."
Death said.

Life eyes him. And when the first of the sun starts to peek from the horizon, Death turns to leave.

"You can't keep everything to yourself." He adds before finally disappearing into thin air.

And Life knows it well enough not to argue.

Later that morning, hours after Life and Death's little exchange, the ECG flatlined, and the
monotonous tone of the flatline was piercing with the deafening silence.

By: Mapalad Censon, Mary Nathalie De Leon, and Samantha Nicole Pangan

"Lhea, let's go out after class!!"

"Hey, come with us later please"

"You're being dramatic again, forget all of that and come with us!"

They always invite me to go out but I always say no. Not because I don't want them but because I
don't feel the excitement anymore. I want to be alone.

I have many friends but I'm isolating myself to everyone. I'm hiding my true self. I smiled not
because I'm happy but because I'm in deep pain. I have low self esteem and insecurities. I don't even
want to live, I just want to end this suffering.

Stars are my source of strength, they lit up my mood, so I decided to go out and see them. I went to
our village's park to see a better view. I saw a boy standing behind the swing, he looks so fine and
strong but in a gentle way. He has a messy black hair fell into his gorgeous dark blue eyes. He's
wearing a black sweatshirt with a safety pin as a zipper pull. He's also wearing a slightly tattered jean
and a pair of white shoes. Oh my gosh I checked him out! Meh. He looks hot though.

I was watching the stars and thinking of many things when he suddenly approached me. I was
speechless for a moment, but we introduced ourselves to each other. His name is Ezekiel, we talked
like we are long-time friends.

"Why are you seeing the stars alone?" Ezekiel asked.

"You, why are you looking at the stars in the middle of the night?
"Let's just say that stars make me calm. They make me forget all the bad thoughts for a short time." I

"Stars is just stars, but stars give light to the dark sky. Dark sky without the stars feels empty. It feels
you came to an end, well everyone and everything has an end. We always don't get what we want,
life is so unfair right?" Ezekiel said.

"Yeah, fate is a bitch, life is a bitch. I just live to give disappointments to people." I said.

"No, you're not. Don't waste your life just for pity things. Many people want to live a long life like

Did he whisper at the end? I don't understand the last phrase.

"Enjoy your life Lhea, make the best out of it. Life is too short so better make many, many memories
okay?" He said smiling at me and patted my head gently.

"Go back now, it's getting late. Don't worry I will go here tomorrow." He waved at me and bid our

I went straight to my room and see my scars at the mirror. I remembered what Ezekiel told me to
enjoy, but how can I enjoy if I am suffering from a deep pain. I opened my phone with a lot of "how
are you's" "Are you okay?" "Hope you're fine" but that's bullshit, pretending they're concerned but
it's just for show that they are a great friend.I let my tears burst out all night, and isolating myself
again and again.

Ezekiel and I are doing good, we have this daily routine to meet at night in the park and talking about
different things happening in our lives. We've became the best of friends. Then one night he just
confessed that he likes me but I'm scared.

"You're not beautiful" he said, I admitted that I wasn't. I don't really care, to be honest. "you have a
round eyes, you don't comb your hair, your looks wasted all the time."

He looked at me and held my hands for me to feel his sincerity, "But once I look at you, my eyes
stay. I end up staring at you." My eyes stay. And that is all I need.

We always meet at night, looking at the bright stars. He gave me hope to continue my life. He helps
me to cope up. He's always there for me.

"Lhea, what if one day I'm gone?" he asked me, my heart beat gets faster. "Don't say that please" I
don't want that to happen. I'm used to living alone but when I met him, it gave me the will to live
more. "Okay, don't worry I'll always be by your side, I will be your angel who will protect you all the
time." He smiled genuinely. We talked and talked until we bid our goodbye.

Why I feel it was the last goodbye of us?

"Goodnight Lhea, don't be sad princess. We'll meet again, goodbye Love." I had a bad feeling about
this, his words, his tone, it feels different.

The next day came and when the darkness comes rising, I went to the park.

As I wait for him, the air felt different, it's like a cool breeze touched the warmth of my cheeks.
Time passes by but no one came, no Ezekiel shows up. I sat on the ground, panicking silently. His
last words flashed into my mind. I'm crying. I'm scared. I don't know, I just don't know.

I looked up at the sky, I regain calm in my mind, so I wait for him again. I wandered around the park
until I saw a camera with the name of Ezekiel on it.

I'm freaking scared about this. Help.

I opened the camera, a video of him wearing a hospital gown. I badly want to cry.

"Hi Lhea, maybe the time you're watching this, I'm finally home." He smiled, but a faint one. "When
we met, I don't really expect that a girl like you will be at the park in the middle of the night. I was so
curious, so I approached you." He continued, "While we're talking, I found a comfort, a new home
and a new hope to live longer. I had a dilated cardiomyopathy, my older brother died a year ago
because of a sudden attack. I was devastated back then, he's the only one I trust the most, but I lost
him. I lost it, I lost myself." His voice became weaker, I'm crying. "6 months ago, I was diagnosed
the same disease my brother had. Instead of being sad, I was so happy. I'm weird, I know haha" He
laughed weakly. "I enjoyed every moment of my life, accept that I'll die soon, I was ready. But I met
you." He said, "You're the reason for me to have a treatment. I live at the hospital for the treatment,
and I'm sneaking out at night to meet you. You're my source of strength but I guess fate wasn't favor
in us." His tears came out as well as mine. "My body is tired, I need to rest. I have one favor to ask,
can you do it for me?" he said smiling despite of his tears. "Let me go, continue to live, have a great
time with your friends and family and lastly, find someone that will always take care of you, who
will not leave you. Okay? So, I guess that's it. Goodnight, Love." I burst out crying thinking all the
moments we've shared together. I'm not fine. I'm not okay.

I lived, longing to be happy

I fell, longing to be loved

When things were picture perfect and everything I longed finally happened. How could we end up
here? Absquatulate; to leave without saying goodbye.

By: Johan Pagsibigan, Eula Mae, Lhei Abbigail Silvestre

Once upon a time, there was a family who moved in a new village. They had a daughter
named Mia, who was indeed a smart and charming little girl. While her parents are fixing and
cleaning things, Mia was playing with a ball and she opened the door to see if there's someone who
wants to play with her. Her parents didn't noticed her going outside. While Mia was walking around,
finding someone that she can play with, the wind blew so hard that's why she dropped the ball and
didn't noticed a truck coming by, that's why it hit her and she died. The truck driver was so afraid and
confused that's why he ran away.

Liam and Olivia, the parents of Mia, were searching for her but they didnt find her. While
searching, they found a doll that looks completely like Mia, so they thought it was Mia and brought it
home. After a week, they hired a helper to care for Mia because they were too busy to their work. A
week passed by, everything was fine. Until a day comes, when Mia's parents arrived from work,
They found Isabella, the helper, dead. They found no traces of the killer and the case remained
unsolved. Emma, their neighbor, knew what happened to Mia. She didn't showed up because she
fears that someone will point her as a killer. She thought that Liam and Olivia knew about it. One
day, Emma became curious of what she saw in her neighborhood. A girl that completely looks like
Mia which she knew, already dead. That's why she asked Olivia, " Who is that girl? ". "Our only
daughter, isn't she adorable?" Olivia replied. "What? Your daughter died a month ago, you didn't
know it?" Emma told Olivia what she saw. "Your lying. if my daughter is dead, then who is that?"
said Olivia. She pointed at the place where the doll is while it was looking madly to them.

By: Danielle Therese Felipe, Jazcel Galang, and Jocel Myca Ramos

I am Vanessa Miller. I live in Los Angeles, California with my parents and my older brother, Lucas.
I am so thrilled because finally I will be studying in Jefferson Highschool next month. I am dying to
know what it feels like meet new friends! I’m not saying that I don’t have friends, actually mom and
Mrs. Rogers are my bestfriends, but having friends of my age is completely different. Oh! By the
way, I’ve been homeschooled up until the sixth grade that’s why I’m very enthusiastic to enter
highschool. Mrs. Ava Rogers is my very altruistic teacher. I admire her kindness and she always give
me a pack of my favorite gummy bears. I love her great sense of humor. I am kind of sad because
she is my not teacher anymore but she assured me that she will visit me often.
This is day I’ve been waiting for. I am excited and nervous at the same time. For the nth time I
rejected mom’s offer to come with me to school. She kept on reminding me of the things I must and
must not do in school. I understand that she is just concerned of me but I think she is overreacting.
“Mom, I’m not a kid anymore. I will be fine I promise.” I said after she insisted again to come with
me. “Okay fine. Make new friends but always remember that you don’t have to please everyone. Just
be yourself and the right people will come to you. I love you baby.” I smiled bitterly. “Yes mom. I
love you too.” I kissed her cheeks and bid her goodbye. When I entered the gates of Jefferson
Highschool, everything felt so different. Everyone is looking at me but everytime I tried to approach
them, they will take their eyes off of me and pretend that they’re busy doing something. I looked
down and started to walk towards our classroom. The teachers were nice to me but my classmates are
being distant from me. Everytime I give them a smile, they will look away. It’s lunch time and I’m
sitting alone at a table. I finished my lunch fast because I was disturbed by their looks. I wanted to go
home. I don’t feel comfortable here. Mom was outside our house when I went home from school.
Her smile faded when he saw my unhappy face. Dad and Lucas are in the living area watching a
movie. I went to my room and cried out my frustrations. This is harder than I thought. What should I
expect? Who would want to be friends with someone who looks like a monster.
Dad said that they were not expecting a baby when mom was pregnant. Mom suffered from great
depression because of my grandpa’s death. They almost lost me but miraculously, I survived. Yes I
survived but it affected my physical apperance. I do not look like a normal human being. I had to
undergo different surgeries to make my face a little better.
I envy Lucas because he can go wherever and whenever he wanted while I was caged at home
playing with barbie dolls, reading classic novels, watching corny movies and eating my favorite
gummy bears. I wanted to experience the real word. Mom and dad freaked out when I told them that
I wanted to study in an ordinary school. They were so uncertain if they would allow me. I understand
their worries now. I almost forgot that I am not a normal kid.
“Hey baby, how’s the first day of school?” Mom suddenly entered my room. I swiftly wiped my
tears and flashed a smile. “It was great mom! All of them are kind to me.” I lied. I don’t want her to
get upset for letting me to study in Jefferson Higschool. I wanted this so I should stand for this.
I was eating alone the other day when a charming girl approached me with her sweet voice. “Hi, I’m
Mia! Can I seat here with you?” pointing at the seat infront of me. “Uhm... Ye-yeah. Sure!” I
awkwardly said. The other kids looked at us in awe. “What’s your name?” flashing her bright smile.
“Ne-nessa, Vanessa Miller.” I startled. I can’t believe someone really talked to me. “Aren’t you
scared of me?” I asked. “Why would I be scared of you? I actually want to be friends with you. Can
I?” she asked. “Yes. Ofcourse!” I agreed immediately. “Okay great! Let’s eat Nessa.” she giggled.
We became best of friends. I told her my story and she was astonished. She even told me that it’s
cool. It feels so good to have someone that understands and accepts you. Every after class, we always
go to our house to play video games and to watch movies. I even shared my favorite gummy bears
with her because she deserved it!
The other kids started to be rude to me especially some girls but Mia is always on the rescue. I can
say that she has a strong personality. “Don’t mind them Nessa. They just don’t know what to do with
their life. Let’s go.” as always. But one day, she did not attended our classes so those mean girls had
the chance to hurt me not physically but emotionally. “Hey monster, where is your guardian angel
huh? Maybe she finally realized that it was a wrong choice to be friends with you. You know what, I
wonder how can she bear to see that face of yours everyday.” Atasha said. She is the leader of their
group and the meanest of them all. Her friends laughed at her statement. Those words hurted me so
bad. I don’t understand why do they have to humiliate me like that. I went home crying and I saw
Lucas outside our house ready to leave. “Hey little sis. Wait, are you crying?” I cried even more and
hugged him tight. He hushed me until i was better. “So tell me what happend to you? Did someone
bullied you? Tell me!” he’s the best, my knight in shining armor. “I just don’t understand why do
some people don’t mind about what others may feel about what they say. I know that I look like a
monster but is it right to humiliate me infront of many people? I guess not.” I ranted. “First of all,
you do not look like a monster. You are beautiful and unique. You know what made you even more
beautiful? Your kind heart. Second, it’s okay if those people are mean to you. Don’t be affected
because you know yourself more. Okay? I love you my princess.” she patted my head and left. It
honestly made me feel better.
The other day, those mean girls are into it again. Im so tired of this. Ugh. “Hey monster I forgot to
ask you, why is your face like that? Did you got into a car accident or you got caught up in a fire?” I
continued eating and did not mind them. “Hey Atasha, when will you stop huh? You are so mean.
No one is perfect si stop acting like you are one.” Mia! Gosh I missed her so much. “You know what
you are beautiful but nothing is more beautiful than having a good heart like Nessa’s” she winked at
me. “Thank you Mia! You are the best!” I am emotional. “I just told her the truth. That’s why I chose
to be friends with you in the first place than to be with those brats.” she rolled her eyes. I went home
that day with a smile plastered on my face and I was surprised that Mrs. Rigers visited us. “I missed
you Mrs. Rogers!” we talked about how I am doing with my studies. “Are your teachers better than
me?” she asked. “Ofcourse not! They are not giving me gummy bears!” we laughed. She suddenly
became serious. “Tell me gummy bear, are they still mean to you?” I was not surprised that she knew
about it. Lucas is the most talkative person ever. “Yes but it’s okay. Mia is always there to defend me
from them.” I smiled. “I admire you for being such a strong girl gummy girl. You remained to have a
good heart despite those things you experienced. Just continue it gummy bear, okay? Be kind to
unkind people because they need it the most.”
Later on, Atasha and her friends stopped bullying me. She looked so stressed and everytime we pass
by each other, she will look down and will walk faster. I found out that her parents just got divorced.
I guess that’s why she is mean to me. It is a way to divert her attention from the problems of her
I realized that it is okay to be different and unique. What sets me apart sometimes feel like a burden
but it’s not. I have a facial deformity, but it helped me to find a true friend who accepted me fully.
Not everyone matters, only those who wil love and accept all of your flaws. Kindness is an important
thing. Even if you don’t get the treatment you want from people, be kind because everyone is
fighting a battle you know nothing about.

By: Jose Luis Torres, Martina Roque, Faith Anne Rodriguez

It was dark and eerie, there were tiny pinpricks of silvery light that surrounds the moon and
was reflected on the ground. There he was laying against a Prussian blue 1980’s car with crimson red
flowing off his head, drained, lost, and in shock. A lone cricket chirped beside him and had
accompanied him, soon enough an echo of an ambulance was heard heading towards the deserted
town. “Sir, can you hear me!” shouted the medics. Being unable to communicate with him, he was
rushed to the hospital, half conscious and overdose but alive. Minutes after, he was headed to a tall
gate leading into an utterly white background, it was vivid. The golden aura encasing the place
seemed surreal. A slim silhouette of woman appeared against the light background. It was his wife,
heading towards him. His tear broke free and the rest followed in an unbroken stream. After hours of
waiting, he finally saw her. He has never been happier since then, but he knew he’d have to wake up
soon. “It is not your fault, you must hurry and go….” His wife whispered softly. He held her hands
tight for he knew that this is his last and thus kissed her goodbye. He woke up to the radiant light of
wall sconces and the plain hospital smell. He rolled up and reached for her. She wasn’t there, and she
would never be again. It hit him, though he remained calm, as he comes back to his senses, he
realized what had happened and it wasn’t a dream after all. As much as he tried to hold it in, the pain
came out like an uproar from his throat in the form of silent scream. Beads of water started falling
down one after another, without a sign of stopping.
“Hey! New comer, it’s time for breakfast” the police officer said. He then woke up in a barely six
feet by four prison cell and surrounded by four white walls. “Hey, Clarke right? Must be hard ey?
Take it easy, you’ll get used to it.” The police officer added. Clarke was horrified. He had yet
another dream nevertheless his wife never came back. He stared at his meal hopelessly then his eyes
started to drip with tears. He pressed his head against the wall…salty drops fall from his chin,
drenching his shirt. Can’t seem stop, his hands trembles. He lets day and night pass staring at the
four corners of the cell. Looking at the paint that had started to chip off as time passed has slowly
turned him into getting mad.

The day of the final court trial has arrived, “April 11, year 2002, 8:07 pm, inmate 023 B, Nicholas
Clarke was found overdose near Aberdeen. At the High Court of Glasscow today, 14 July 2002,
Judge Smulders sentenced Nicholas Clarke to 8 years of imprisonment after the offender was found
guilty of Misuse of Drugs regulations made under the Act 2000.” Judge Smulders declared.

Clarke lay flat on the ground, behind bars, holding the ultrasound of someone whom he never
met. Someone they waited for 9 months but never cried. The doctors told Clarke that they could save
either his wife of daughter but they were wrong. He told his wife that she would be okay and that
was the last lie he told her. Emily was supposed to be the name, derived from his mother Emilia until
the heart monitor chimed its final tune. That’s when he realized where his downhill started.

One night, he dreamed about his wife, Emilia. “It was never your fault. There was no other way
you could’ve done it. Go on with your life. I never wanted to leave you but it was getting late and the
graveyard is about to close.” Emilia said. After that night, Clarke has been writing plenty of times in
his old-looking leather notebook all about his wife and their memories together. Emilia and Emily,
serving as Nicholas’ motivation to move on with his life and live the life how Emilia would want it.

Years has passed, seasons has changed and it is now spring, the season of new beginnings and on
April 12, 2010 at exactly 6 am, Clarke was released. After the blackness of the night, Clarke was
welcomed by the morning sun giving light as its gift.

By: Harold Daos, Ysabela Therese Mendoza, and Filippe Eina Sumalabe

Are you willing to sacrifice personal happiness for the greater good? Those who have greatness
within them, who aren’t content with the ordinary, who want to help humanity achieve the next step
must always be aware of this: what burden they bear and the cost of following their own heart.

Can love conquer the darkest time or will it be the end for the Sun and Moon?

Long time ago when the earth was simple, the people were grateful every time they see the Sun. The
Sun brought them joy and warmth.

But he was lonely, all by himself in the vast skies. Then there was the Moon. As the Sun began to
disappear she would rise into the sky, flanked by millions of stars. Her radiance was a sad kind of
beauty, one that went unnoticed as the people slept. The Stars watched her with woefulness, hoping
that one day they could get close enough so she wouldn’t feel so empty. But they couldn’t. The
Moon was untouchable, surrounding herself with a blanket of darkness through the cold nights.

One day when the Sun was sliding out of the heavens, he caught a glimpse of her. The Sun fell in
love with Moon. How he wished to see her more than the fleeting moments he shared with her at
both dawn and dusk.

Then the time comes, Sun confesses his feelings to Moon. “I Love You”, the Sun cried his heart out.
“Go and let me breathe, for you and I have decided fates. You illuminate the day, and I cast a glow
on the night. We will never be. Our connection would go against what all people believe, all they
know.” Said the Moon.

During the summer, the Sun would stay a little longer just in case the Moon would change her mind.
It was no use.

“Don’t you dare abandon your blessing of light for my darkness.” Those were the last words the
Moon was strong enough to speak to the Sun.

By: Aron Haberia, Jay Lorence Guintu, and Nexandra Punzalan

At last I finally found a new home near my company. By the way I’m George and from now
on I’ll be living here in Austin, Texas. I’m living with my best friend Jack, we studied at the same
school and we also work in the same company. We left 7:30am in the morning and arrive home at
7:00pm in the evening. It’s 10pm already, we got home late because we finished the task that is
given to us, while going home we’ve noticed a guy waiting in a street lamp, he wears black shoes,
pants and a hood. I find it weird for someone staying outside this late at night. We just passed him by
like we didn’t see him, until we got home it’s still bothered me, what is that man doing at that time?

It’s already two months since I moved here, all the people here are nice and friendly. But in the
past week, a news started to spread in the town about the drug dealers who are having some illegal
transaction. While walking we saw many policemen near our house.

[George] Can I ask what happened here?

[Policeman] We are currently investigating the perpetrator behind the death of our colleague.
[Jack] Is there any information you know about the killer?

[Policeman] The suspect have something to do with the drug dealers. These drug dealers are usually
having transactions at late night.

[George] Thank you for the information, we will report it immediately if we find someone

We continue walking and I remembered that we saw a guy staying late at night when we just
recently lived here.

[George] Hey do you remember the man that we’ve seen before?

[Jack] Is it the man that wears black by the lamp post?

[George] Yes, do you think he has something to do with the drug dealers?

[Jack] I don’t know, we can’t judged a person based on his physical appearance.

We already arrive at our workplace, everyone is nice to us since the day we started here. There
are just things I can’t understand, why do our boss sometimes absent and always late, they say that
our boss is always busy at night. When I checked the schedule, his meetings and appointments are
until 6pm only, maybe he have some other business.

“Hey it’s already 7pm, time to go home” “ No we can’t go home yet, we need to finish the report
because it must be passed tomorrow” and the other workers start complaining. Well, what can I do; I
just need to finish it early.

[George] We sure have a lot of work today.

[Jack] Yes, it’s quite a day.

It’s already late night we need to go home, it’s dangerous if we stay much longer outside. I see a
man in black standing in a street lamp “wait,wait,wait; isn’t it the man we’ve seen before” “Hey
that’s him” Jack said. Then suddenly a the man ride a car and flew away. I called a taxi and followed
the man, it bring us to an old abandoned factory near the town. It’s too dark we can’t see anyone,
we’ve also lose sight of the man. Then the lights in the factory suddenly turned on, maybe there’s
something going on.”Come on, let’s check it out”

We search the whole area but we found none. There’s no one around, but there must be
someone, the lights won’t turn on if no one’s around. Well out of my curiosity I really want to know
what’s inside. Then we hear some noise, like having some conversation, maybe we’ll find out. We
go to the stockroom and we find a group of people having some kind of conversation.
[George] Wait, those are drugs isn’t it?

[Jack] Yes, it is.

[George] Let’s get out of here before things go crazy. Jack you get out of here and call the

Jack already left, maybe I’ll get out too, it would be bad if I stay here much longer. But
before I knew it there’s already someone behind me, he wears an all black- ‘wait’ it’s the man we
always see by the lamp post. “ Hey there’s someone here” the guy said. “How did that happen?” said
the other guy. “ Maybe he’s the one who’s following me” he said. “We’ll just have to take care of
him” wait that voice is kinda familiar. When he step out of darkness I saw his face, “Boss!”. “Yes
and what can I do for you? HAHAHA!”. I just wasted my time trying to fulfill my curiosity. “Hey
can you remove your mask?” boss said. Then he remove it I’m surprised because it’s the policeman
we met this morning. “ Income in selling drugs are much bigger than being a policeman. HAHAHA”
the man said. Then he aimed his gun to me, never thought my life would end like this. Never thought
that my sacrifices would be in vain. I never thought that of all the places I would die in an old
abandoned factory. I thought I could marry a beautiful woman and have three kids. BANG! Silence
filled the room and only the gun made a sound as I fell on the floor.

The fox hunts the wrong prey. Messing with the king, the glutton lion devoured his life.


By: Marielle Ellaine Cruz, Lila Combasa, Eidrian Gabriel Dela Cruz

In some parts of the Romanian forest, in the late 1800's, a forbidden love has sprung from two
creatures that can't be friends - let alone lovers.

Everything started on one remarkable day. The day when the prophecy has finally come to reality;
where vampires were all over the nearby town, celebrating because they can finally come out during
the daylight. But their leader's daughter named Luna Adams was one of the few vampires who had
chosen to stay in the forest. She was said to be the most beautiful girl in the world after Aphrodite
herself. With a fair complexion, long wavy hair and scarlet orbs, she was indeed a head turner.

While she was walking through the woods, breathing in the fresh air and taking the sunlight that
reflects on her smooth glowing skin, she heard a low groan that seems to be in pain. Luna became
wary and started to follow the sound of the groan. She regretted it in an instant.

She was now looking down at a huge wolf whose gray fur were drenched in crimson liquid, it was
unmoving but she can hear it's ragged breathing. She knew he was a werewolf and she was also
taught all her life that she should despise werewolves, but she couldn't just leave the wolf dying in
his own blood.

Luna dragged him at a nearby lake and gathered herbal medicines to heal his wounds. After washing
his fur with water and cleaning it, the wolf woke up and changed into its human form. Luna's eyes
went wide as her scarlet orbs met his striking blue eyes.

The man was incredibly handsome with an untidy pitch black hair, broad shoulders and well-toned
body. The minutes passed by and they just stared at each other's eyes. The man let out a cough and
was first to look away.

"You're a vampire," he said while trying to catch his breath.

"And you're a wolf," she replied.

"Why did you help me," he asked curiously. When she didn't answer, he said instead "I, Vladimir
Ziegler the alpha of the Vanderwolf clan will be in your debt then, vampire,"

Luna’s eyes went wide "A-alpha?," she stuttered. Vladimir nodded slowly. If he was really the alpha,
this was the man her father was trying to kill for almost two decades now. She was going to be
charged with treachery if her fellow vampires knew about this. She quickly stood up, ignoring the
tingles in her tummy.

"I have to go," she said and in a blink of an eye, she was gone.

She stopped running when she reached their village. This is bad. The tingles, the legends, her father's
resentful face - all of this flashed in her head. The tingles only meant one thing: she found her mate.
A mate that was supposed to be her enemy when she took over her father's place.

After that day, she went to the lake again but this time, to swim and to unwind her thoughts. After
bathing for almost an hour, the sky is already turning into dull gray, she felt her eyes boring on her
head and she turned her head around to see Vladimir, the Alpha... her mate.

"Hey, my little vampire," he said with a smile on his lips. Something inside her moved, the tingles.

"Stay away from me, Alpha," she said calmly and took a step back whilst still in the water.

In a flash, Vladimir was in front of her, his hands wrapped around her waist.
"I can't," he murmured and looked down at her "You're my mate, little vampire,"
He was about to lean closer to her when they both heard from afar that there were growling and
shouts of war.

Luna wore her cloak and Vladimir changed his form into wolf. They both dashed abruptly to the
place where they heard the strange uproars. Their eyes widened as in front of their very eyes.
Vampires and wolves were having the war they suppressed for eight long decades.

They looked at each other, then she went to help her own kind and he did the same. After hours and
hours of battling, wolves and vampires were in the ground, unmoving and cold. Vladimir was
fighting a vampire when he felt something inside him. It was a pang of pain. Then he suddenly
became lonesome. He became anxious and tears started to stream out of his eyes. He threw the
vampire; he was fighting to the ground and searched for Luna, his mate.

His eyes scanned the area and he found her, on the battlefield, lying on the ground and motionless.
He shrieked out a loud howl. The wolves stopped fighting and looked at him.

"My daughter! Luna!" said her father and hugged her unmoving body.

Tears continued to flow from his eyes. Everyone stopped fighting. It was on that day that the Alpha
of Vanderwolf clan and the leader of the vampires cried. An Alpha lost her mate and a father lost his
heiress and daughter.
And on that day, the vampires and werewolves signed a treaty. They will not kill one another as
respect for Luna's death. Luna's death was like a sacrifice. A sacrifice to help vampires and
werewolves live together in harmony.

In her large stone grave, these words were engraved:

A princess.
A leader.
A hero.
A goddess.
A great daughter.
A caring friend.
My love.

By: Jheymee Vianka Lee, Yanne Grace de Vera, Lance Oerick Galvez


Black it was until a crystal like geometric pattern beam cut the darkness and let the light came
through. "Over here..." As a voice of a grown man speaks beside my ear. In response, I shifted my
head towards the sound the same as my place changed and turned to a lobby filled with people
covered in hospital gowns and attires. "Look, over here" another voice spoke unto my ear; persistent
and clear.

From that land I saw people over filled with joy. Abnormally. The vivid image then shatters like a
breaking glass, I began to worry. Surprised, blood starts to drip down the shattered pieces of glass.
Such thick blood. I am of fear as I ran away from the scenery, crying out of terror I thought that stop
it there. But I was wrong. Counters burned to the ground with such explosions causing rage of flames
penetrating the area. Then came a loud creaking sound of some creature that is known to none.
Killing everyone that moves. In that moment, I cower in fear and hope that the creature would not
find me but to my shock I felt a strong grip from my shoulder as I quickly turn my attention to it. It
was my friend, Gloria showing her shiny pearly white teeth. We suddenly fell into an embrace and
then face each other again. "Why are you here?" I asked in confusion, she smiles and said "You
shouldn't be here." I froze to the sight of her pushing me somewhere like on the edge of a building,
causing me to fall helplessly, I braced myself to be ready for the impact, until my eyes open

A honeycomb of sunlight pierced through my pupils resulting me to cover it. Hearing the buzzing of
my alarm that obliged me to get off of my bed. 'What a strange dream' I said to myself. An erie
atmosphere filled the four corners of my room or is it just my wild thoughts. "Odette come on, the
plane's got to go." A petite brunette girl suddenly barge in through the wooden door. "Ugh, the door
says knock before coming in?" I said waving my hands with full of sarcasm. "Oh I don't have to
mind the door if we are going to be late, the plane will fly soon and I don't want us to be left behind."
the brown haired girl said as she pull me off to bed.

I manage to get ready as I settle my things, pulling a drawer beside the dusty cabinet trying to find
the polaroid that grandmother used to capture pictures of me with. Deep inside the unclean wooden
drawer there I reach something. I gave it a better sight and realize it was an old cassette tape that they
use to play in the old days. Suddenly had some interest and decided to put it in my bag. I wonder if it
still works. Finally I have found a polaroid about a size of a tissue box.

"She's here!" I can hear the voice of Bailey that is leaning on the yellow volks-wagon hippy van.
"Finally, I thought we will be in bones when she finally come out." I rolled my eyes to Mary's
exaggerated statement.

"Guys, relax there's nothing new. Thus, I believe that consistency is key." I stated, breaking the ice
from a disappointed mood. "Get in losers we're going to England!" Bailey who's in the driver seat
reprimanding us in a soft tone. The group burst in excitement and shout their hearts out. "Ok calm
down folks, we need a jam" Bailey then pushed the button on his music simulator and let the music
manipulate the whole van. A song called “I Didn“t Mean It” played by The Belle Brigade. Bailey
pat the stirring wheel as if it was a drum, feeling the beat of the song as we all sing along with it.


The cotton clouds were beautifully seen in the blue skies with the presence of the bright sun striking
its light directly to the iconic Big Ben. Sophisticated hotels were present and we are overwhelmed to
check in one. A castle-like interior made stable by the enormous artificial gold pillars. High ceiling is
ornamented with an intimidating chandelier at the very center of the lobby. Wonderful England it is.

Walking through the carpeted floors, a disturbing sound lingered along caused by the wheels of the
cart brought with my things. "Room 2001, I guess this is your stop ma'am." Said the good bellboy.
"Very much pleased mr." I said as I carefully look on his name template. "Chance?" I asked in
hesitation. "That is my name" he chuckles. "It is weird and everyone in this structure thinks so to."
said the fair man. "I don't know about weird, instead I thought it was unique. I love it." I said
throwing back the sweet smile from him. "My parents does too." "Well I shall see you again miss..?"
He stated waiting for me to say my name. "It is Odette".

"Very well." as he turn his back away from me. "Oh wait!" he then faced me again with
attentiveness. "Do you happen to have a cassette tape player by any chance?" he said. “Uhm, why do
you ask?” I replied with a curious look. “I just love collecting cassette tapes, and I think you have, is
this yours?” As we were checking in, I dropped the cassette tape. “Oh yeah, that’s mine. Thank you.”
I said. He smiled at me and after that, he left.

As we enter our room, we were very tired and we spent the whole day watching thriller movies. The
night came and we had pizza as our dinner. The dawn came and it looks like it’s going to be a sunny
day, a perfect time for outing! Me, and my friends woke up early, which is very unusual. “So, where
are we going today?” Gloria asked. “No problem! I’m going to see the directions of the most
beautiful tour ever!” Bailey said with confidence as he checks out his phone. As we opened the door,
a gorgeous man standing in front of us, which is Chance, the bellboy I met yesterday, approached
me. “I think, it’s the best time to have fun with you.” He said. My friends made annoying sounds like
“AYIEEEE!” which made my pale face to blush. “I’m going with my friends today, I can’t go with
you, I’ m sorry.” I replied with a soft voice. “ Oh. Do you mind if I can go with you guys?” he
asked my friends and they hurriedly agreed.

As we departed from the hotel, a blue car stopped in front of us. There’ s Chance, driving the car.
That’ s the reason why after my friends decided to let him go with us, he ran to the elevator and
went to the parking lot. “ Guys, hop on now!” he said. My friends occupied the backseats, so I have
no choice, but to sit beside him. “ We are going to have fun! Let’ s venture to Manchester!” and he
started to make the car move. The car is filled with excitement and joy because of Chance’ s
hilariousness. We traveled for almost an hour, and because we woke up really early, we fell asleep
while a lullaby is being played.

We got our eyes opened because of the startling thunder. “ The weather looks so bad, I think, it is
dangerous if we stay here in the car.” Chance said. “ But, it was sunny when we left right?” Mary
said. “ I think we should find a place to stay, what do you think?” Gloria suggested. We couldn’ t
find any place, but an abandoned hospital. It was creepy, however, we got no choice but to stay
there. “ This is Barnes Hospital, and it was abandoned since 1999.” Charlie shared.

The whole day was really stormy, so we didn’ t have the chance to leave. The night came and it was
really cold. The rain stopped and we are preparing to leave. Until a voice was heard. “ Over here” it
said. I think I already heard this voice before, then the memory of my weird dream came up. As I
was realizing that it was a premonition, a creature stood before us. “ Don’ t move!” I shouted.
“ Are you crazy?” Bailey panicked. “ Just trust me, I said don’ t move!” As I was saying that,
Chance was carrying a piece of wood and headed towards the creature. “ Don’ t move!” but he
continued his plan. Until, he was smacked by the creature.
I wanted to cry, but I can’ t for the sake of my life. The creature went away. He has really long legs
and arms that are usually seen in horror movies. When the creature went away, we left the
abandoned place. Even we wanted to take a revenge for the death of Chance, we just can’ t. We
decided to leave and as we stepped out the door, two creatures showed their sharp teeth. “ Stay
still!” Our hearts were pounding faster than it beats before. While we are not moving, thoughts are
coming to my mind. I remembered that I saw these kind of creatures in a book I’ ve read before. It
says: “ This creature, who is likely to be called a predator, finds its prey using heat sensors in which,
whatever moves and has extreme heat is a food.”

An idea came to my mind and as the creatures went away, I asked my friends if they have something
that can produce fire. “ There’ s nothing.” Gloria said. “ I have sunglasses! We can use it as a
magnifying glass! Remember, science!” Bailey suggested. “ Are you serious? There’ s no sun!”
May said. Until, Bailey realizes that he has a lighter on his pocket. “ Good thing! Wait, why do you
have that? Do you smoke?” Mary asked. “ No, I don’ t! It was just for Odette’ s birthday right? A
lighter for the candles.”

We made a plan, and everyone has a challenging task to do. Gloria ran to the field to collect the
leaves in one place, while me and Mary looked for gasoline, and Bailey is responsible for setting the
fire. “ Where could we find a gasoline?” Mary asked. “ I think, we can find some on the car.” We
headed to the car carefully, being alert at all times. When everything’ s ready, Bailey started to flick
the lighter and he set the fire. The creatures saw the fire and went there hurriedly.

Appreciating the sight of the ashes dancing through the wind of the misfortunate creatures.
Odette sighs of relief, with her heroic friends; Gloria, Bailey, and Mary. “ I guess we made it
through the dawn.” Mary disturbed the silence. The field with a tower of fire were manipulated by
their laughter, Gloria equip the group to quickly go to the car. They managed to paint smiles on their
faces. With their gratitude in their hearts that they’ ve survived, together as one.

Secretly, behind the tall trees, there hides a predator with heat sensors in its eyes which shines
so bright, awaits them to come play in the night.

By: Ryan Carlo Hara, Kristel Azalea Chanco, and Blessed Keziah Lopez

A secret agency hired alex to hunt a Hyacinth macaw in the forest of Brazil. Alex is a skilled hunter
that’s why he is the one choosen for the job. He met the manager of the agency and signed a deal,
only reading the cost of the said bird.

“We only have the budget the bring you to Brazil, the rest of the journey is up to you.”

“When will we start?” Alex asked. “Tomorrow.”

He packed his things and went to the agency’s private plane straight to Brazil. When he arrived, Alex
summons a taxi and went to Rio De Janeiro. As he passed by, he saw children by the car’s window
playing football on an open field. When he finally reached the forest of Tijuca, he immidiately got
off the taxi. A few hours after he entered the forest, he glanced at a waterfalls and found a nice spot
to sleep for the night so he unpacked and set a camping site. He drew a sandwich for him to snack
on. As he bit the first bite, a Coati came out of knowhere and snatched his sandwitch.” Hey little
raccoon, thats mine.” he said politely but the Coati hissed at him and began to ate the sandwitch as it
ran. Alex managed to grasp the sandwitch from the Coati and suddenly felt guilt for what he had
done, so he gave the Coati a piece and said “Here, my peace offering to you”.

Not far from Alex’s site, there was a cabin; there who lived a girl named Hope. Hope’s family lived
in Tijuca forest for generations, and they were almost like the forest guardians. The next day, when
she was preparing some Pao de Queijo for breakfast, she left it by the window to let it cool off. When
she returned after doing her usual morning routines, she returned to the kitchen only to see an
unexpected visitor grab her breakfast .She followed the Coati at a hurried pace. The Coati stopped at
its tracks when they were near the waterfalls. She noticed clothes hanging lifelessly on a nearby tree.
She knew that it belongs to a man just by looking at it. Then she saw a man taking a bath and slowly
emerging from the water. Hope quickly covered her eyes but left a tiny hole for her to peak.

That man was Alex and she noticed that the Coati was willing to share the Pao de Queijo with him.
“Hey little guy, where did you get this?” Alex asked. The Coati rushed towards the tree Hope is
hiding in, and the Coati dragged her out. “Oh, hi there, is this yours?” Alex asked. “Put some clothes
on!” Hope replied. Alex put some clothes on and they conversed as they share breakfast. Alex
claimed to be an explorer interested in birds.”Are you an American?” Alex asked. “Half” she
answered. “So do you live here?” he asked, then she nodded. “No offense but living in the city is
much more convinient” He continued. “My family has lived here for generations;we have no
problem living in these conditions” Hope replied. “By the way, what brought you here?” she said.
“Oh, I just want to take pictures of birds”Alex said. “Want me to give you a tour?” Hope asked with
excitement. “Sure, thats great, let me introduce my self, my name is Alex”. Alex smiled warmly that
melt a woman’s heart. She bit her lips to suppress her smile then she followed “The name’s Hope”.
Hope returned to her cabin and brought her bike along with her by the waterfalls. Since there was
only one bike, Alex insisted that he will be the one that will drive the bike and let Hope relax at the
back. Hope gripped onto Alex’s shoulders. Alex laughed and slowly guided Hope’s hands to
intertwine above his stomach. “You okay?” he asked as he glanced at his shoulders. ”Totally” Hope
answers while blushing like a tomato. While Hope is giving Alex directions while showing him
around the forest, Alex kept asking about the species that can be found only in this forest. Alex saw
many species of birds on the distance and insisted on going there. Hope warned him because some
already tried to go there before but only few returned.

As they approached the site, there was a hidden fox den nearby, a skulk of fox suddenly appeared
and circled up around them. Alex quickly reacted and performs a defence mechanism against foxes.
The loudly stomps his feet while holding Hope’s hands as they weave through the growling foxes.
The bike was left behind by the foxes and they could not go back so they have to walk their way
back to where they started. Hope was amazed how Alex reacted at the situation and kept thinking
about it as they walk. They finally arrived near the cabin after hours, just before dusk. Hope invited
Alex to have some dinner and offered him some Feijoada. “Vem, Alex, vamos comer.” then they
started eating. They got know more about each other as they were having dinner. When they
finished, Alex said goodbye and returned to his tent near the waterfalls. Alex did not realize that he
was smiling on the way back to his tent as he remembered about the things that happened earlier.
When he arrived, he saw his belongings scattered to the ground while the coati sleeps on his
backpack. He tossed the coati aside and rearranged his stuff back inside the bag. He noticed the
cumulonimbus clouds approaching and decided to ask Hope if he can stay the night in the cabin. The
rain already started pouring then Hope heard sharp knocks at her door. She knew that it was Alex as
she opened the door. Alex smiled and politely asked to let him in while drenched in rainwater. She
wholeheartedly welcomed him and offered him some clothes. She checked on him after half an hour
and saw Alex already asleep. She looked at his face closely. “How long have you been staring at
me?” Alex whispered. Hope suddenly fell to the ground out of shock. Alex got up and offered his
hand to help her stand as she stood back Alex’s face was so close and unexpectedly kissed her. She
quickly pulled away and said “this is too sudden, we just met earlier”. Alex apologized and sat back
on the couch. Hope sat beside him and leaned her head by his shoulder and fell asleep in an instant.
Alex admired the beauty of her complexion but guilt was pestering him deep inside. He was
comparable to a mercenary whose only concern is the money.
He cleared his thoughts, looked around Hope’s cabin and saw a map of the forest which she has
already explored. It was so detailed that it has the species names marked on it. He saw the name
Hyacinth macaw. It took him 2 hours to pinpoint the location and find the bird’s nest. He loaded his
tranquilizer gun and shot it while the birds were sleeping. He gently took and carried it. There’s a
sudden movement by the trees near him so he threw a knife; only to realize that it was Hope. She
was confused and angry at the same time. “What is this?!” she asked with a shaking voice. “Im sorry,
I lied” Alex answered. She was taken over by wrath and punched Alex on the cheeks. Alex did not
defend as he knew he deserved it. “You’re a hunter aren’t you?” “so that’s why you did so well with
the foxes” “im such a fool to fall for your lies” “that bird is almost extinct!” she asked consecutively
but she only saw coldness in his eyes. “Are you done?” he said while he pushed Hope away. “This is
goodbye” he added. Hope knew she won’t stand a chance at stopping him. She sat helpless as she
watch him walk away while tears stream down her face. Dawn arrives as she sat by the slippery
rocks beside the waterfalls, she saw the same coati that caused them to meet while remembering all
the moments they had that will remain a memory for the rest of her life.


Credits for images: google


By: Ryan Miguel Chua, Marc Escasinas, And Jillian Dayao

In a quiet evening a lady named Emily is sitting peacefully on her chair in the corner of the living
room listening to the voice of her dead husband through a recorder the only light source of being the
light coming from the lampshade next to her. Ms. Emily’s husband, Nick committed suicide because
of shellshock or battle trauma Nick stabbed himself repeatedly and violently in the throat. Suddenly
Ms. Emily heard a thud in her kitchen Ms. Emily went to check, as Ms. Emily went to check she
heard multiple thuds in the living room where she was just in. So Ms. Emily came to investigate in
what part of the living room it came from after looking around and searching she went back to her
chair just to find a note that said ”If you can nit release it shall come to take a piece”. As she was
reading the note she felt like something was watching her from the darkness Then Ms. Emily thought
she saw something pass by the kitchen after that Ms. Emily saw a figure as she walk closer to see the
figure better the figure stepped out of the shadows and into the light .The figure looked like a human
like creature but with no eyes, no ears, no nose only a mouth with sharp teeth, wearing a suit and red
gloves that looked like they are badly damaged because of the creatures sharp claws that probably
poked thru the fingertips of the gloves. Ms. Emily shocked and in fear ran as fast as she can to her
bedroom closing and locking the door behind her and again the same note appeared ”If you cannot
release it shall come to take a piece” then she looked at the recorder that stored the last words of her
husband nick. In the recorder Nick said” I’m doing this for your safety and my salvation “that was
the last words of Nick. Ms. Emily heard thudding above her so she looked up and she saw the
creature she screamed in fear and pain the creature just started to tore Ms. Emily apart limb from
limb and it wrote its name on the wall using Ms. Emily’s blood as ink and the creature’s name was

Now we never discussed why Nick killed himself here is the story of why nick killed himself. Nick
was in the army he was in the front lines when his squad got captured some of them where killed
some them where tortured to get info but none of them said anything that is why a lot of people in
Nick’s squad was killed. But then Nick and his only remaining squad members managed they were
only 12 to escape. their only problems are dying of too much exposure too heat and starving to death.
On their journey on trying to find their way back two of them died so in the tiny place that the 10 of
them were staying at one of them was killed over night the only person to know what happened was
Nick, “It was a creature that had no eyes, nose, ears and wearing a suit and it also has stiches running
across its head” said Nick but no one believed him. they all thought that Nick was the one that killed
their comrade. After that day they moved on and they went on to find their way back to their base.
They stop because it’s almost night so over 2 nights pass by there were only 3 of them 6 of them died
because of freedom, them suspecting Nick stopped because the 2 of them also saw what Nick saw in
the end the 3 of them got back to their base alive. The following night the other 2 died because of
FREEDOM and nick experienced so much trauma that in the end he ended up killing himself. That is
when and where the story began.

By: Neo Salto, Althea Bianca Aliwalas, and Denisse Grace Alvarado

When I opened my eyes I saw a girl playing with his little doll, she is lonely in this big empty
house, I walk to her to but suddenly the whole place is slowly breaking apart the walls, the floor, the
ceiling, even my hands are disappearing. I can’t see, my head hurts I can only hear her voice, she is
talking to me inside my head. “Sister…..sister did you forgot about me, about our family, sister!
Sister! Sisteeeeeeeeer!”Then suddenly the world falls apart.“Ahhhhhhhhhhh” I’ve woken up. Every
day, I always experience this same dream all over and over again. I don’t even know why I
experience this. It always scares me but…..but it felt like it is very important to me, it is so nostalgic.
It is like I’ve lost something, something I love. I’m always searching for it, for something or
someone I don’t even know.

“Alice hurry up you’re going to be late at school”. I fasten up my pace, when I’m all done
and ready to go to school, she asks me “Alice are you feeling alright today?” ”Yes auntie, I’m all
right, you should not worry about me, I’ll be going now auntie, bye.” I replied. That’s my Auntie
Denisse, she is very religious and a strict person but even though she is like that , I know she is doing
that for my sake. Every day I always do this same routine, waking up, eating, getting ready for
school, studying, going home, eating dinner, and then sleeping all over and over again. “I’m always
sick of this!, I’m sick of this city life!” I want to go to a province, smell some fresh, and meet some
new friends.
One day when I’m at my way going to school, I saw a very beautiful blue butterfly, it flies
gracefully to the wind, it is very eerie its looks like searching for something. Afterwards I left it
behind and I continue walking to my school. When I reached the crossing, I saw a girl playing with
her ball in the sidewalk but suddenly the ball bounces away to the road , she runs to get it but a car is
about to hit her. The car is moving fast. It is getting closer and closer to her . Without hesitation I
rush away to tackle her out of its way. I managed to tackle her but its look like I sprained my left leg,
I can’t move, then I felt a strong impact in my body…… the next thing I saw was the ground stained
with blood. I feel my consciousness is slowly, slowly fading away…away…….way………ay…..y.

I can’t feel my fingers, my legs nor, my body, I can’t feel anything. “What is happening to
me?” “Where am I?” Then I saw a brink of light, its slowly getting larger and larger until it fully
engulfs me. With a brink of an eye everything changed, I hear a voice calling to me, I don’t know
whose voice it is but it sounds familiar. “Sister, sister wake up , you’re going to be late for
breakfast.” I didn’t respond, “Sister wake up!” My eardrums bursts out of my ear, I fall in my bed. I
stand and opened my eyes. I was so shocked of what I saw, she is the same girl in my dream, she had
the same hair ,voice, and the same face. “Who are you?” I said. “ Hey sister are you day dreaming
again? Get a hold out of yourself! Come find me in the terrace when you doesn’t feel sleepy
anymore?” she said it to me with a gloomy look on his face. I relaxed a bit and the I try to access the
situation. Then I followed her orders and met him in the terrace. “It is so beautiful up here right
sister? Did you remember it or forgot it? Did you forgot about me sister!” I realized it now, why
didn’t I realize it earlier? She looks like me, she calls me sister, why didn’t realize this! “Are you my
si….? But the whole place falls apart, I saw the house and her disappearing in front of my eyes. The
world goes dark, I can’t see anything. Then suddenly I felt a chill in my body, I opened my eyes and
see a room. I can’t move, I can feel pain throughout my body. Then when I look beside me, I saw my
auntie crying, “Thank goodness! Alice you’re awake now, I thought I’m going to lost you.” ”Auntie
don’t cry I’m okay now, I’m here by your side.” I replied. I ask her about what happened to me, she
tells the whole story, she said I was hit by a car for trying to save a girl, she said don’t worry the girl
is fine, she only sustained some minor injuries. After I got hit, she said I sustained heavy bleeding to
the head and I immediately rushed to the hospital. She heard it from a friend and she went to the
hospital, the doctors said that I was comatose and I maybe not able to comeback but I did. The
doctors said, this is a truly a miracle. They said to me that I must cherish this second life the lord
gave me.

It’s been now three weeks since that accident, I had fully recovered and been discharged from
the hospital. But suddenly I’ve remember it, the dream I had when I’m at sleep in the hospital, the
girl who looks like me, my self-thought sister. I quickly ask Auntie Denisse about this, she pause for
a moment and take a deep breath then she said, “ I thought it will never come to this, Listen Alice,
from now on you will learn the truth of how I got you” She started the story, it started about eight
years ago, she said one morning when she is walking down the hill she saw me, I was badly injured
so she kept me in her house. She said I had an amnesia, I can’t even remember anything about
myself, I only remembered my name, Alice, afraid of getting my feeling hurt she hid the truth from
me, she said I’m her stepchild and she also said that my family abandoned me and they will never
comeback. “That’s the truth, Alice forgive me for hiding it to you, I’m so sorry forgive me.” she said
it to me while crying in my shoulder. “Auntie it’s okay, I’ll forgive you, I know you did it for my
sake.” Auntie cries even more saying “I’m so sorry” again and again.
After learning this harsh truth, I’ve decided, I want to learn more about my past, I want to
learn about my family, about my town, and about my sister. I will travel even all around the globe
just to find it, my forgotten memories of the past. The next day I departed from home, I will go to
Tampa, Florida, if I’m not mistaken the house I saw in my dream is in a hill near the ocean, it is also
the place where Auntie found me eight years ago, so that place might be it. After a few days on the
road, I’ve finally reached it “the land of flowers”, Florida. I searched for the house in my dream for
hours…hours… and hours, but I didn’t found anything nor a clue. I decided to end my journey here
but a man shows and he said he know that place he works there before, he said it is located in the
town of Neopolis, he offered me to service me there but I refuse, I said “There’s no need of it,
you’ve a great help, I don’t want myself to cost you more trouble. He gave me directions to how to
get to it. After hours of walking, I’ve finally reached it, it is truly the same house I’ve seen in my
dream. It is very big and had a large garden. I went inside it is very dusty there, its look like it is
abandoned for a very long time. Then suddenly I saw the blue butterfly again flying through the
house, it landed on my palm, it is so soft and gentle. Just like before I felt a chill on my body again.
The world goes dark.

“Sister…sister wake up, look at this I found a very beautiful blue butterfly.” I opened my
eyes and saw it, yes it is the same butterfly I always saw, it is like guiding me to find my memories.
The world changed again this time I saw an elegant woman crying while hugging the two of us, “
Alice, Thea, your father left us, he will never come back, say your last words to him now” she said.
Suddenly the world goes dark again, this time, I’m back at hour house, but… but the atmosphere
changed, my mother was crying her hands are full of blood over my dead sister’s body. “ Alice do it!
Kill me save yourself! Live!”, I just realized I’m holding a black thing in my hands, yes it is a gun.
Then I heard a voice I don’t know, “ Come on little girl! Pull the trigger, here let me help you.” The
man walk towards me, she place the gun in my hands, and aim it to my mother. I tried to resist but I
can’t. “:Come on Alice do it!”. I hesitated but he place his finger over my finger on the trigger, we’re
holding the gun both. I cried even more, but suddenly my mother spoke, “ Do it Alice, I am sure we
will meet again.” “ I love y..” “ Bang…….!” The next thing I saw was my mother full of blood, I
saw her fall to the ground, she is not breathing, she’s dead. Then Another man came and said “ You
idiot! Why did you fire a gun, the neighbours must heard it, the police might come after us!” “ Take
all the money and jewellery, and after that make sure you dispose that child”, but suddenly I heard
sirens, the police came, the man carried me and escape. When I opened my eyes, I saw the road, the
man is still carrying me, he is full of blood, suddenly he collapses and dropped me down the hill,
then I felt a huge pain on my head, then the world goes dark once again.

When I opened my eyes, I’m back, I’m still holding the butterfly, then it flies away. I
followed it, it flies towards the sea, it like an angel, what a beautiful scenery. I will always remember
this day, when I found my harsh and cruel past and the day when I learned that this world was so
cruel in many ways but I will never forget this day because the scenery I saw was almost like… like
a scene from a wonderful dream.
CREATOR : Eric Schnakenberg CREDIT : Getty Images

By: Isabel Cyrene Robles, Maria Faraseth Celso, Efren Gemart Trani

It was a cold, winter night when Mr. Black woke up at about 5 o’clock in the morning when he heard
the door creaking. He was about to close his eyes again but he heard a loud thud. He elbowed
Druella, his wife, who was sleeping peacefully on his side.

“Hey, do you hear that noise? I feel like someone has broke into our house,” he said with his husky
voice, still sounding sleepy.

“Cygnus, it’s probably one of your weird imaginations running inside your head again,” she replied.
“Look at the time. It’s 4:43 AM. Who will try to break into someone’s house at this time of the day?”

“No, really, I heard--”

Mr. Black hasn’t even finished the sentence when the couple heard a loud cry.

They rushed downstairs to check on their newborn baby named Andromeda—Andra for short. It
seems so unusual for her to cry that early in the morning so the couple started to worry about her.

And right before the couple’s eyes, they saw a woman wearing a black cloak, her fangs pierced right
at the baby’s neck.

Turns out, it was a vampire who broke into their house.

Of course, the couple fought with the vampire to avenge her for what she’s done to their child. Mr.
Black quickly got a knife from their kitchen and was about to stab the vampire right away but she
was too fast; she grabbed his hand that was holding the knife and grabbed the knife and stabbed him
instead. And Mr. Black’s body hit the floor covered with blood.

Mrs. Black was about to get the baby on her arms, in an attempt to run away and escape from the
vampire but the vampire caught her and chased her. Druella turned her back as she pulled the
curtains open; sunlight filled the room and eventually, the vampire was gone in a blink of an eye.

Unfortunately, before the vampire disappeared, she threw the knife towards Mrs. Black’s direction
and hit the back part of her chest. So like Mr. Black, her body landed on the floor too, showered with

“The story is so surreal,” Andra replied. It was the caretaker of the orphanage she’s living into who
told her that story. “And the baby’s name is the same as mine, too.”

The caretaker remained silent. She opens and closes her lips as if she was about to say something but
ends up shutting her mouth.

“Andra, listen to me carefully; do you remember the time when you asked me who you really was?”

“Uhm, yes,” Andra answered.

“It’s your eighteenth birthday today so I think it’s the right time for you to know the truth,” the
caretaker said.

“The newborn named Andra in the story and you, yourself, are the same person.”

Andra looked at her for a while. Then she laughed.

“You must be joking; I mean everything’s just a fantasy, right?” she laughed.

“Haven’t you ever questioned yourself or even me why I won’t let you get out of your room during
daytime?” the caretaker asked. “It’s because you’ll die in the sunlight,” she added. “It’s me who
found you in that house on the night your parents were killed.”

Silence filled the room.

“Forget it,” the caretaker said. “Anyway, since you’re at age, I’ll let you live in another place. You
see, there was this man who was at his 20’s who’s very rich… Mr. Rosier. And as we need someone
to save this orphanage, we had an agreement that he’ll sponsor this orphanage in exchange for
sending someone to take care of the house since he lives in the condo unit near his company building
and only goes home monthly. He wants someone that could stay for a long time. And I was thinking
of sending you.”

Andra, with no second thoughts, agreed. Seeing the four corners of her room everyday as her
companion for eighteen years is tiring for her eyes.

And with that, the caretaker called the man she’s talking about to settle things. As they finished the
call, they waited ‘til dusk and went to Mr. Rosier’s mansion, along with Andra’s stuff.
They reached their destination in a few hours. The gates of the mansion opened and let Andra and
the caretaker in. They looked around in awe since the entire place looks beautiful. They even
wondered why the house needs someone who’ll take care of it if all the things there look like
someone’s devoting their time on taking care of those.

“Welcome,” a woman in formal attire says. “I’m Natasha, Mr. Rosier’s secretary. The room you’re
going to stay in is upstairs, on the right. Make yourself at home,” she said. “Goodbye for now; got
loads of work to do. And by the way, if ever you’re asking why Mr. Rosier needs someone to take
care of this house when all things seemed to be properly maintained, well, it was I who maintain it
all but it was extremely hard for me, especially I have work also in his office.”

She smiled at Andra and went outside. “This is where I’ll leave you, I guess,” the caretaker said.
“Remember, don’t go out of the room until it’s nighttime. And keep the doors, windows, and the
curtains closed too, during daytime.”

She waved Andra goodbye and went on her way back to the orphanage.

Andra heaved a sigh and went to her bedroom right away. She jumped on the bed and slept.

The sound of the bedroom door closing woke Andra. She checked the digital clock on the wall and
saw that it’s 12 o’clock in the morning. She saw a shadow move right in front of her; a shadow of a
perfect figure of a man.

“Hush, don’t be scared; it’s just me, Evan Rosier. And you must be the one the caretaker sent from
the orphanage,” he said in a low voice.

Andra wanted to see him in the light so she tried to pull the string of the lampshade beside her but
because of her sleepiness, she mistakenly pulled the curtains open and there lies the full moon,
lighting up the dark sky.

The moonlight reflected upon Mr. Rosier’s eyes and then he started howling. His perfect figure
transforms into something that looks like an animal. Andra scaredly watched him transform under
the white blanket. In a few seconds, Mr. Rosier’s body has taken the full shape of a wolf.

She looked at him and her gaze met his. They stayed like that for a few moments until Mr. Rosier
attacked her. Andra quickly jumped off the bed and was chased by him. She thought of a plan to save
herself from him so she went outside the room. As Mr. Rosier followed her, she leaped inside the
room again and closed the door behind her.

Although Mr. Rosier forcefully opens the door, as time passed by, it became quiet. He might’ve been
tired now so he stopped. Andra jumped at the bed and slept again.

The following night, Andra went downstairs and noticed a note on the table.

Sorry for last night, werewolf problems -Evan

PS: u can call me with this number on the phone right beside this note; 09051234567
Andra picked up the phone and dialed the number on it. After three rings, a low, manly voice
answered the line.

“Hey, it’s me again; Evan. I’m really sorry for last night; you see, it’s kinda scary but I’m a--”

“Werewolf,” Andra finished.

“I really didn’t mean what I did last night--”

“I know,” she replied. “I mean my ‘mother’, the caretaker of the orphanage used to tell me stories
about mythical creatures like werewolves, so yeah, I know a bit about them.”

“So… are you leaving? I’ll understand if you would--”

“Nope, I’m not,” she answered. “I mean don’t be so flattered or what. I just wanted to live in a
different environment, that’s why I’ll stay.”

“That hurt my pride a bit,” he chuckled nervously. “Blimey, we haven’t introduced ourselves—I
mean yourself yet.”

So Andra introduced herself and they talked for hours.

They have been like that every day and they want to meet again. The full moon is just a few weeks
time so Mr. Rosier will be going home anytime soon. Preparing for his arrival, Andra made
Wolfsbane potions for him and sends it to him everyday through Natasha. It would help him be less
aggressive when he turns into a wolf; more like having normal dog behavior.

As Mr. Rosier arrives at about past midnight, he turned into a wolf again and luckily, the potion
worked. Andra decided to take him for a walk outside the forest near the mansion since it’s
nighttime. As Mr. Rosier doesn’t care about what’s happening—at least that’s what Andra thought,
she hunted and killed several animals to drink their blood.

After that, they spent the night in silence. Both of them lied down on the grass as they looked at the
night sky full of twinkling stars and the moon that lights the whole forest. Andra started blabbering
about herself, telling her darkest secrets including the fact that she was indeed a vampire. She
thought that Mr. Rosier won’t remember nor understand her for he was a wolf at the moment but
she’s mistaken because he could understand everything she said clearly. It’s just that he couldn’t

Time is running so fast and by looking at the sky, the sun is about to rise in just a few minutes. As
Andra felt sleepy, she nagged Mr. Rosier to go back home. As they stood up, an arrow went straight
at Mr. Rosier’s back. He fell onto the ground again, blood trickling on the grass, as Andra painfully
watched him.

Andra saw a bunch of hunters behind the trees. She felt so angry at them for hurting Mr. Rosier so
she fled and chased them. When she finally reached all of them, she killed them one by one and
drank their blood.
She returned to the place where she left Mr. Rosier. He was almost back in his human form. She ran
to him and held his hand. Mr. Rosier faced her and caressed her face.

“All… I… want… is… to… see… you… in… the light,” he said, with difficulty in speaking.

And as if on cue, the sunlight struck Andra. The extraordinarily beautiful face of Andra, he thought,
as he saw her face. He blinked his eyes and as he opens them, Andra was gone. He felt a huge pang
on his heart. And he doesn’t think that it’s because of the arrow stuck in his chest.

He took a deep breath and held the arrow. A tear left his eye as he pushed the arrow deeper into his
chest until he felt it on his heart.
By: Christian Leimar Espinola, Mcrobinz Manlapig, Amare De Guzman

"Your father is a criminal, does that makes you a criminal too?" I always hear that every time I walk
on streets and especially in school. My father is sent in jail for almost a year now, I'am living alone
and taking care of myself. I didn't know that he is the so called "The Thief of The Town" because I
don't even know what is he doing everytime he is not around, he always say " I'll be home in 6 in the
evening, You prepare my food and my clothes, ANYTHING!!!" commanding aggressively. People
around the town saying "He robbed a bank", "He stole the old woman's purse", "Stealing everything
bla bla bla". Everyone thinks my father is "The Evil" who has a mission to steal anything here in
Earth. Every night I cry and I always say "WHY DO I HAVE A CRIMINAL FATHER!!!"

Then one day an old lady named Polly invited me to have a tea in her house and talk about stuff,
especially about my father. The lady told a lot of stories about my father. She said that my father is
married to someone, but because of financial problems the broke up and she left me to my father,
That's why my father became crazy because he doesn't know what to do and how to raise me by
himself, He tried any job he could do but because he is not that educated he lacks of intelligence. He
doesn't know what job to enter so that's why he tried an illegal thing "stealing". I cried and cried and
realized that he is not doing that for his craziness and evilness but he is doing it for me. I visited my
father in jail and hugged him and said "Thank You". I also thank Ms. Polly for believing ang
understanding my condition, because without her I will not see the true color of my father. Now
everytime they say harsh words about me and my father, I don't mind them anymore. There is just
one thing, I love my father no matter what he is.

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