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C++ Practical File

Session Topic
1. Write a program to show the concept of “accessing structure members” and
“arrays of structure”.
2. Write a program to design a menu based Calculator to implement the
1) Addition
2) Subtraction
3) Multiplication
4) Division
5) Modulus
3. Write a program for menu based options to implement the following:
1) Average of Numbers of Floating Array
2) Find largest number in an array
3) Sort the array in ascending order
4) Transpose of a 2D Matrix
5) Addition of 2D Matrices
6) Multiplication of 2D Matrices
4. Write a program for menu based options to do the Conversions of
numbers :
1) Binary to Decimal
2) Decimal to Binary
3) Octal to decimal
4) Octal to Binary
5) Decimal to Octal
6) Binary to Octal
5. Write a program to store and display information of ten students
along with five subjects marks. Calculate the percentage and Grade
for the students.
6. Write a program to add two distances (in inch-feet system) using classes.
7. Write a program to calculate difference between two time
8. Write a program to implement the use of Static members
9. Write a program to implement the use of Static member Functions
10. Write a program to implement the use of Friend Function for a non-member
11. Write a program to implement the use of Inline Friend Functions
12. Write a program to implement the use of Friend Class
13. Write a program to implement the use of Passing by Value
14. Write a program to implement the use of Passing by Address
15. Write a program to implement the use of Passing by Reference
16. Write a program to implement the use of Default Constructor
17. Write a program to implement the use of Parameterized Constructor
18. Write a program to implement the use of Copy Constructor
19. Write a program to implement the use of Destructor
20. Write a program to implement the use of Single Inheritance
21. Write a program to implement the use of Multiple Inheritance
22. Write a program to implement the use of Hierarchical Inheritance
23. Write a program to implement the use of Multilevel Inheritance
24. Write a program to implement the use of Different Visibility Modes
a.)Publicly Derived
b.)Privately Derived
c.)Protected Derived
25. Write a program to implement the use of Function Overloading
26. Write a program to implement the use of Unary Operator Overloading
through Member Function
27. Write a program to implement the use of Binary Operator Overloading
through Member Function
28. Using Manipulator perform the Following :-
(A.)Display the Five Items along with their Quantity and Price and
Total Amount as formatted part.
(B.)Display the Octal, Decimal and Hexadecimal base of an integer Number.
29. Write a program to Print Student Info and Result using Single Inheritance.
30. Write a program to Print Employee Info using Multiple Inheritances.
31. WAP to demonstrate Hierarchal inheritance to get Square and Cube of a
32. Write a program to Print Employee Info with department and
Provident Fund Info using Hierarchal Inheritance.
33. Write a program to implement the use of Constructor Overloading.
34. Write a program to Create a file ‘student.txt’ and store the Student Info into it
and Reads the entered data.
35. Write a program to implement the use of get () and put () functions with files.
36. Write a program to implement the use of read () and write () functions for
writing in Binary files.
37. Write a program to implement the use of seekg (), seekp (), tellg () and tellp ().
38. Write a program to implement the use of Pointers to Objects.
39. Write a program to implement the use of Dynamic Binding using Virtual
40. Write a program to implement the use of Pure Virtual Functions.
41. Write a program to implement the use of Nesting of Classes.
42. Write a program to implement the use of getline () functions.

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