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Contents 1

Unit 1 Test A2

Unit 1 Test B4

Unit 1 Test C (for dyslexic students) 6

Unit 2 Test A8

Unit 2 Test B10

Unit 2 Test C (for dyslexic students) 12

Unit 3 Test A14

Unit 3 Test B16

Unit 3 Test C (for dyslexic students) 18

Unit 4 Test A20

Unit 4 Test B22

Unit 4 Test C (for dyslexic students) 24

Unit 5 Test A26

Unit 5 Test B28

Unit 5 Test C (for dyslexic students) 30

Unit 6 Test A32

Unit 6 Test B34

Unit 6 Test C (for dyslexic students) 36

Unit 7 Test A38

Unit 7 Test B40

Unit 7 Test C (for dyslexic students) 42

Unit 8 Test A44

Unit 8 Test B46

Unit 8 Test C (for dyslexic students) 48

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1 Unit 1 Test A

Vocabulary 5 Przeczytaj zdania. Wpisz

odpowiednie krótkie formy
1 Uzupełnij nazwy krajów
czasownika be lub przymiotniki
i narodowości. Wpisz brakujące
Hi, my name’s Tom. I1 eleven. My
T u r k e y – Turkish
brother Ben 2 eleven, too. We 3
1 Hungary – H
2 France – F
We’re football fans – 4 favourite team is
3 A r – Austrian
Chelsea. They 5
4 T N – Dutch
5 Italy – I /5

2 Uzupełnij zdania. Wpisz nazwy 6 Przeczytaj tekst. Zaznacz
krajów lub narodowości. odpowiednio T (prawda) lub F (fałsz).
I’m Polish . I’m from Poland.
My name’s Evie. I’m ten years old. I’m
1 I’m from Portugal. I’m .
from Dublin in Ireland. My dad is from
2 He’s Spanish. He’s from .
Ireland, but my mum is French.
3 She’s from Greece. She’s .
Dublin is the capital city of Ireland. It’s a
4 We’re British. We’re from
beautiful city. My dad’s a singer.
My best friends are Hope and Katie.
5 They’re German. They’re from
They’re ten years old, too. We’re students
at Greenfields School, in London. We’re
/5 in Year 5. Our teacher is Mr Eaton. He’s
very nice – he’s Katie’s dad, too!
Grammar My favourite singer is Beyoncé. She’s
3 Uzupełnij zdania. Wpisz American. My favourite song is Crazy in
odpowiednie formy czasownika be. Love.
Joe is ten years old.
T  F
1 I French.
Evie is from England.   ✗
2 We in class 6.
1 Evie’s mum is from France.   
3 It an apple.
2 Katie, Evie and Hope are ten
4 They from Hungary.
years old.  
5 She a teacher.
3 Evie, Hope and Katie are in Year 6.   
/5 4 Mr Eaton is Evie’s dad.  
5 Evie’s favourite singer is from
4 Przeczytaj zdania i zakreśl the USA.   
poprawne formy.
He’s / His my friend.
1 He’s my brother. He’s / His name’s Ted.
2 They’re / Their my brothers.
3 We’re Irish. Your / Our country is Ireland.
4 This is my dog. It’s / Its name is Spot.
5 Your / You’re birthday is in June.


2 Team Up 1 Unit 1 Test A PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press

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Unit 1 Test A 1
Communication Extra
7 Ponumeruj zdania tak, aby
10 Wpisz brakujące w dialogach
utworzyły dialog.
Good morning, Mr Smith. How are you? 
A Where is France?
I’m fine.
B It’s in E urope .
Good morning, Mrs Bennett. 1 A Where is Japan?
Thanks. Goodbye. See you on Monday.
B It’s in 1A .
I’m very well, thank you. And you?
A Where’s 2C ?
Goodbye, Mr Smith. Have a nice weekend.
B It’s in North America.
A Hello, I’m David. 3W to our
Listening school.
8 1 Posłuchaj nagrania i uzupełnij B Thank you.
A 4W o !
Name Alfie Sabina B Ow!
Age ten A I’m 5r sorry!
animal 11 Uzupełnij dialog podanymi
favourite bad Hello Really 
Writing I’m fantastic
9 Przeczytaj informacje o Annie.
Linda Hi!
Name Anna Ola Hello Linda!
Nationality Hungarian Linda How are you?
Age eleven Ola 1
fine. And you?
Favourite animal My cat – Tiggy Linda Not 2 , thanks.
Ola Who’s your 3
Favourite actor Amy Adams
Linda Zac Efron! My favourite films are the
Wpisz wyrazy, których brakuje High School Musical films.
w e-mailu od Anny do jej nowego Ola 4
korespondencyjnego przyjaciela. Linda Yes. They’re 5

I’ m your new penfriend. My / 55
I’m from 2
, and I’m 3
years old.
My favourite 4 my cat. My
favourite 5 Amy Adams.
Write soon!

/ 45

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1 Unit 1 Test B

Vocabulary 5 Przeczytaj zdania. Wpisz

odpowiednie krótkie formy
1 Uzupełnij nazwy krajów
czasownika be lub przymiotniki
i narodowości. Wpisz brakujące
Hi, my name’s Evie. I1 eleven. My
T u r k e y – Turkish
friend Katie 2 eleven, too. We 3 in
1 Portugal – P
Year 6.
2 Spain – S
We’re film fans – 4 favourite actor is
3 T N – Dutch
Robert Pattinson. He 5
4 U – Ukrainian
5 G – German /5

/5 Reading
2 Uzupełnij zdania. Wpisz nazwy 6 Przeczytaj tekst. Zaznacz
krajów lub narodowości. odpowiednio T (prawda) lub F (fałsz).
I’m Polish . I’m from Poland.
My name’s Tom. I’m ten years old. I’m
1 I’m from Hungary. I’m .
from Dublin in Ireland. My mum is from
2 He’s French. He’s from .
Ireland, but my dad is Dutch.
3 She’s Austrian. She’s from .
Dublin is the capital city of Ireland. It’s a
4 We’re from the Netherlands. We’re
beautiful city.
My best friends are David and James.
5 They’re Italian. They’re from
They’re ten years old, too. We’re students
at Whitfields School, in Manchester. We’re
/5 in Year 5. Our teacher is Mrs Woods.
She’s very nice – she’s David’s mum!
Grammar My favourite singers are Bruno Mars
3 Uzupełnij zdania. Wpisz and Katy Perry. They’re American. My
odpowiednie formy czasownika be. favourite song is Just the way you are by
Joe is ten years old. Bruno Mars.
1 He a teacher.
T  F
2 It a cat.
Tom is ten years old. ✗ 
3 I American.
1 Tom’s dad is from Germany.  
4 We in Year 5.
2 David and James are Tom’s best
5 They from Spain.
/5 3 Tom, David and James are in
Year 6.  
4 Przeczytaj zdania i zakreśl 4 Mrs Woods is James’ mum.  
poprawne formy. 5 Tom’s favourite singers are from
He’s / His my friend. the USA.  
1 We’re Japanese. Your / Our country is
2 She’s my sister. She’s / Her name is
3 Your / You’re birthday is in April.
4 This is my cat. It’s / Its black and white.
5 They’re / Their my sisters.


4 Team Up 1 Unit 1 Test B PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press

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Unit 1 Test B 1
Communication Extra
7 Ponumeruj zdania tak, aby 10 Uzupełnij dialog podanymi
utworzyły dialog.
Goodbye, Mr Taylor. Have a nice weekend.
Good morning, Mr Taylor. How are you? Not  Hello Really fine your 
Good morning, Mrs Jones. 1 American
Thanks. Goodbye. See you on Monday.
I’m fine. Iva Hi Jana!
I’m very well, thank you. And you? Jana Hello Iva!
Iva How are you?
/5 Jana 1
bad. And you?
Iva I’m 2
Jana Iva, who’s 3 favourite
8 1 Posłuchaj nagrania i uzupełnij actor?
tabelkę. Iva Zac Efron! My favourite films are the
High School Musical films.
Age Nationality Favourite
Jana 4 ? My favourite actor is
Tom Cruise. He’s 5 .
Alfie ten Iva He’s great!
11 Wpisz brakujące w dialogach
Writing wyrazy.
9 Przeczytaj informacje o Marku. A Where is Germany?
B It’s in E urope .
Name Marc A Where is India?
Age ten B It’s in 1A .
Nationality Brazilian A Where’s Brazil?
Favourite actor Leonardo DiCaprio B It’s in 2S A .
Favourite animal My dog – Spot
A 3W o !
Wpisz wyrazy, których brakuje B Ow!
w e-mailu od Marka do jego nowego A I’m 4r sorry!
korespondencyjnego przyjaciela.
A Hello, I’m David. 5W to our
Hello! school.
I’m your new penfriend. My 1 B Thank you.
I2 years old and I’m from
/ 55
My favourite 4 Leonardo
My favourite 5 my dog.
Write soon!

/ 45

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1 UNIT 1 Test C

1 Przeczytaj pary wyrazów. Zakreśl nazwy narodowości.
Russia / Russian
1 Spanish / Spain
2 Italy / Italian
3 Dutch / The Netherlands
4 Greece / Greek
5 Hungarian / Hungary


2 Wybierz i zakreśl poprawną formę czasownika be.
Joe ten years old.
a am b is c are
1 I French.
a ’m b ’s c ’re
2 We in class 6.
a ’m b ’s c ’re
3 It my new bag.
a ’m b ’s c ’re
4 You from Hungary.
a ’m b ’s c ’re
5 She a teacher.
a ’m b ’s c ’re

3 Przeczytaj zdania i zakreśl poprawne formy.
He’s / His my friend.
1 She’s my sister. She’s / Her name’s Anna.
2 They’re / Their my brothers.
3 We’re German. Your / Our country is Germany.
4 This is my dog. It’s / Its name is Spot.
5 Your / You’re birthday is in April.


6 Team Up 1 Unit 1 Test C PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press

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UNIT 1 Test C

4 Przeczytaj tekst. Zaznacz odpowiednio T (prawda) lub F (fałsz).

My name’s Evie. I’m ten years old. I’m from Dublin in

Ireland. My dad is from Ireland, but my mum is French.
Dublin is the capital city of Ireland. It’s a beautiful city.
My best friends are Hope and Katie. They’re ten years old,
too. We’re students at Greenfields School. We’re in Year 5.
Our teacher is Mr Eaton. He’s really nice – he’s Katie’s dad!
My favourite singer is Beyoncé. She’s American. My favourite
song is Crazy in Love.

Evie is eleven years old. ✗
1 Evie’s mum is from France.
2 Hope and Katie are Evie’s best friends.
3 Evie, Hope and Katie are in Year 6.
4 Mr Eaton is Evie’s dad.
5 Evie’s favourite singer is Irish.
/ 20

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1 Unit 2 Test A

Vocabulary 5 Dopasuj pytania do odpowiedzi.

Wpisz odpowiednio litery.
1 Dopasuj przymiotniki
o przeciwstawnych znaczeniach. Is this your pen? b
Wpisz odpowiednio litery. 1 Where are your DVDs?
2 How old is your cat?
old d a clean
3 What are these?
1 dirty b short
4 When’s your mum’s birthday?
2 pretty c hot
5 Who’s that?
3 tall d young
4 cold e quiet a It’s my dad.
5 noisy f ugly b Yes, it is.
c It’s nine.
d It’s in March.
2 Wpisz nazwy zawodów. e On the desk.
f They’re my DVDs.


1 2 Reading
secretary 6 Przeczytaj tekst. Zakreśl właściwe

My name’s Alan Tylor. I’m ten years old

3 4 5
and I’m from Chicago in the USA.
Chicago is a big, noisy city!
My sister is twelve years old. Her name’s
Sue. She’s pretty.
Grammar Sue and I are American, but my mum
and dad aren’t. My dad is Scottish, he’s
3 Uzupełnij zdania, wpisując from Edinburgh. He’s the music teacher
przeczenia z czasownikiem be.
at our school. In his free time, he’s a
It isn’t the afternoon. saxophone player in a jazz band. My
1 She my sister. mum is Irish. She isn’t a teacher. She’s a
2 These my books. police officer. She isn’t very tall, but she’s
3 I from Portugal. fast!
4 You a famous actor.
5 We Turkish. Alan is from Chicago / Edinburgh.
/5 1 Alan is ten / twelve.
2 Sue is / isn’t pretty.
4 Ułóż pytania. Zapisz je. 3 Alan’s dad is American / Scottish.
your mum / tall? 4 Alan’s mum is a teacher / police officer.
Is your mum tall? 5 Alan’s mum is tall / fast.
1 they / from Japan? /5

2 you / in Year 6?

3 he / noisy?

4 you and your friend / ten?

5 London / the capital city of Australia?

8 Team Up 1 Unit 2 Test A PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press

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Unit 2 Test A 1
Communication Her surname is Silver.
Her surname isn’t Silver, it’s Black.
7 Do podanych odpowiedzi dopisz 1 Sylvia is twenty.
What’s your surname? 2 She’s Spanish.
It’s Johnson, J-O-H-N-S-O-N.
1 ? 3 She’s a music teacher.
It’s Rachel.
2 ? 4 Her favourite singer is Taylor Swift.
It’s 10 Green Street, London.
3 ? 5 Her favourite film is Ice Age.
I’m 12.
4 ?
5 ? / 45
It’s 02 100 406070.

/5 Extra
10 Dopasuj zwroty 1–5 do właściwych
Listening reakcji a–f. Wpisz odpowiednio litery.
8 2 Posłuchaj nagrania. Zakreśl Where’s Edinburgh? e
poprawne odpowiedzi. 1 Is this phone cheap?
What is her surname? 2 Are those English books expensive?
a Brown b Gold 3 See you!
1 Where is Natalie from? 4 What’s that on the wall? 
a Canada b the UK 5 Is the dog clean?
2 Where is Natalie a student?
a Yes, goodbye!
a at a music school b at a drama school
b No, they’re cheap!
3 When is Natalie at the restaurant?
c It’s a poster!
a in the mornings b in the evenings
d No, it’s dirty.
4 Where is the restaurant?
e It’s in Scotland.
a near Hyde Park b in Covent Garden
f No, it’s expensive.
5 What is Natalie’s favourite place in
London? /5
a Hyde Park b Covent Garden
11 Popraw błędy w podkreślonych
/5 fragmentach zdań.
Sarah aren’t my sister.
Sarah isn’t my sister.
9 Przeczytaj informacje o Sylvii 1 They isn’t from Turkey.
i popraw zdania.
2 It isn’t pretty. It’s noisy.
Surname Black

Age twenty-one
3 These is my book.
Nationality Scottish

Job secretary 4 Where’s your mum’s birthday?
Favourite singer Lady Gaga
Favourite film The Hobbit 5 What are that?


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1 Unit 2 Test B

Vocabulary 5 Dopasuj pytania do odpowiedzi.

Wpisz odpowiednio litery.
1 Dopasuj przymiotniki
o przeciwstawnych znaczeniach. Are those your pens over there? e
Wpisz odpowiednio litery. 1 Where are your books? 
2 When’s your birthday? 
clean f a old
3 What are these? 
1 short b pretty
4 Who’s that? 
2 hot c noisy
5 How old is your friend? 
3 young d cold
4 quiet e tall a On the desk.
5 ugly f dirty b They’re my books.
c He’s eleven.
d It’s my sister.
2 Wpisz nazwy zawodów. e No, they aren’t.
f It’s in January.


1 2 Reading
secretary 6 Przeczytaj tekst. Zakreśl właściwe

My name’s Alex Turner. I’m ten years

3 4 5
old and I’m from Wells in the United
Kingdom. Wells is a small, quiet city!
My sister is thirteen years old. Her
name’s Suzie. She’s pretty.
Grammar Suzie and I are English, but my mum and
dad aren’t. My mum is American. She’s
3 Uzupełnij zdania, wpisując a firefighter. She isn’t tall, but she’s fast.
przeczenia z czasownikiem be.
My dad is Scottish, he’s from Edinburgh.
It isn’t the afternoon. He isn’t a firefighter. He’s the music
1 We Russian. teacher at our school. He’s a saxophone
2 I from Turkey. player in a jazz band in his free time.
3 He my brother.
4 These my pens. Alex is from England / the USA.
5 You a famous actor. 1 Alex is ten / thirteen.
/5 2 Wells isn’t a quiet / big city.
3 Alex’s mum and dad are / aren’t English.
4 Ułóż pytania. Zapisz je. 4 Alex’s mum is fast / tall.
your mum / tall? 5 Alex’s dad is a firefighter / teacher.
Is your mum tall? /5
1 Paris / the capital city of Germany?

2 she / quiet?

3 you / in Year 5?

4 they / from Italy?

5 you and your friend / eleven?


10 Team Up 1 Unit 2 Test B PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press

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Unit 2 Test B 1
Communication His surname is Silver.
His surname isn’t Silver, it’s O’Toole.
7 Do podanych odpowiedzi dopisz 1 He’s Japanese.
What’s your first name? 2 Carl is nineteen.
It’s Justin.
1 ? 3 He’s a chef.
2 ? 4 His favourite film is Ice Age.
It’s Smith, S-M-I-T-H.
3 ? 5 His favourite singer is Taylor Swift.
It’s 10 Bath Road, Edinburgh.
4 ?
It’s 02 100 406070.
5 ? / 45
I’m eleven.

/5 Extra
10 Popraw błędy w podkreślonych
Listening fragmentach zdań.
8 2 Posłuchaj nagrania. Zakreśl Sarah aren’t my sister.
poprawne odpowiedzi. Sarah isn’t my sister.
What is her surname? 1 What is these?
a Natalie b Gold
1 Where is Natalie from? 2 Where’s your birthday?
a England b Canada
2 Where is Natalie a student? 3 It isn’t pretty! It’s quiet.
a at a drama school b at a music school
3 When is Natalie at the restaurant? 4 That are my friends.
a in the evenings b in the mornings
4 Where is the restaurant? 5 They isn’t from the Netherlands.
a near Hyde Park b in Covent Garden
5 What is Natalie’s favourite place in
a Hyde Park b Covent Garden 11 Dopasuj zwroty 1–5 do właściwych
/5 reakcji a–f. Wpisz odpowiednio
Writing Is your name Jo Brown? e
9 Przeczytaj informacje o Carlu 1 Is this bike expensive?
i popraw zdania. 2 Is your German book new?
3 What’s that on the noticeboard?
Surname O’Toole 4 Goodbye!
Nationality Irish 5 Is John sad?
Age twenty-
a It’s a poster.
Job bus driver b No, it’s old.
Favourite film Gravity c See you!
Favourite singer Bruno Mars d No, he’s happy.
e No, It’s Jan Stevens.
f No, it’s cheap.


/ 55
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1 UNIT 2 Test C

1 Zakreśl przymiotniki o przeciwnych znaczeniach.
a clean b young
1 dirty
a quiet b clean
2 pretty
a ugly b dirty
3 tall
a short b slow
4 cold
a young b hot
5 noisy
a quiet b small


2 Zakreśl poprawną formę przeczenia z czasownikiem be.
It aren’t / isn’t the afternoon.
1 She ’m not / isn’t my teacher.
2 These aren’t / isn’t my books.
3 I ’m not / aren’t from Portugal.
4 You isn’t / aren’t a famous actor.
5 We aren’t / ’m not noisy.

3 Przeczytaj pytania. Zakreśl poprawne odpowiedzi.
Are those your pens?
a No, they aren’t. b Yes, it is.
1 Where are your DVDs?
a They are in a box. b It’s on the desk.
2 Who’s that?
a It’s my bag. b It’s my dad.
3 What are these?
a They’re my DVDs. b She’s a teacher.
4 What’s that?
a These are new. b It’s my new bag.
5 Is this your pen?
a No, it isn’t. b Yes, they are.


12 Team Up 1 Unit 2 Test C PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press

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UNIT 2 Test C

4 Przeczytaj tekst. Zakreśl poprawne odpowiedzi.

My name’s Andy Webb. I’m ten years old and I’m from
Chicago in the USA. Chicago is a big, noisy city!
My sister is thirteen years old. Her name’s Suzie. She’s
Suzie and I are American, but my mum and dad aren’t. My
dad is Scottish, he’s from Edinburgh. He’s the music teacher
at our school. He plays the saxophone in a jazz band. My
mum is Irish. She isn’t a teacher, she’s a police officer. She
isn’t very tall, but she’s fast!

Where’s Alex from?

a London b Chicago
1 Is Chicago a quiet city?
a No, it isn’t. b Yes, it is.
2 How old is Suzie?
a fourteen b thirteen
3 Are Alex’s mum and dad American?
a No, they aren’t. b Yes, they are.
4 Who is a teacher?
a Alex’s mum b Alex’s dad
5 Is Alex’s mum small and slow?
a No, she’s small and fast. b No, she’s tall and fast.

/ 20

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1 Unit 3 Test A

Vocabulary 4 Spójrz na informacje zawarte

w tabelce. Napisz o Marku i Belli.
1 Przyjrzyj się drzewu genealogicznemu
Wykorzystaj zwroty has got / hasn’t
Jona. Uzupełnij zdania.

Mark Bella
Ron Val ✗

Jane Dan Clare Peter

Mark hasn’t got a dog .
1 Mark .
2 Mark .
3 Bella .
Tina Me (Jon) Emma Joe
4 Bella .
Joe is my brother .
5 Bella .
1 Ron and Val are my .
2 Dan is my . /5
3 Jane is my .
4 Clare and Peter are my .
5 Ponownie przyjrzyj się tabelce.
Przeczytaj pytania. Napisz krótkie
5 Tina is my .
odpowiedzi o Marku i Belli.
Has Mark got a dog?
2 Dopasuj podpisy do obrazków. No, he hasn’t.
Wpisz odpowiednio litery. 1 Has Bella got a rabbit?

2 Has Mark got a cat?

a b c 3 Has Bella got a horse?

4 Has Mark got a snake?
d e f 5 Has Bella got a hamster?

parrot c 3 spider
1 budgie 4 horse /5
2 snake 5 lizard
6 Przeczytaj tekst i zakreśl
Grammar odpowiednie wyrazy.

3 Wpisz apostrof (’) we właściwych Tim is eleven years old. He’s from Leeds.
miejscach. Tim’s family has got lots of pets.
This is Emmas cat. Emma’s His mum has got two cats. Their names
1 My friends names are Helen and Lisa. are Tiger and Lucky.
Twitch is Tim’s rabbit. It’s grey and white.
2 Those are Jacobs pencils. It’s very quiet and pretty. Tim’s sister,
3 My brothers name is Piotr. Julia, has got a hamster. It lives in a cage.
4 The childrens books are on the desk. Tim’s grandma has got a budgie. Its
name is Poppy. It lives in a cage, too. It’s

got blue and yellow feathers. Poppy is

5 My parents car is red.
very noisy!

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Unit 3 Test A 1
Tim / Julia is eleven. Jon’s parents are Clare and Peter.
1 Tiger and Lucky are Tim’s grandma’s / Jane hasn’t got two children.
mum’s cats. 1
2 Twitch is a rabbit / hamster. 2
3 Poppy / Twitch is grey and white. 3
4 Julia’s hamster / budgie lives in a cage. 4
5 Poppy is a noisy / pretty budgie. 5
/5 /5

Communication / 45

7 Spójrz na zegary. Uzupełnij zapis

10 Uzupełnij dialog. Wpisz słowa
2.30 6.45 z ramki. Dwa wyrazy pozostaną
It’s half 1 It’s
duck our feathers hasn’t pet cage 
past two . .
friendly goat

9.10 4.35 A Look! This is a photo of my cousin’s new

pet .
2 It’s 3 It’s B What is it?
. . A It’s a 1 .
B Oh yes. It’s cool. It’s very 2 .
1.15 5.50 A It’s got blue and green 3 .
B Has it got a 4 ?
4 It’s 5 It’s A No, it 5 .
. . /5

/5 11 Przyjrzyj się poniższym zdaniom.

Od jakich wyrazów pochodzi skrót
’s? Od has, is, a może jest to forma
8 3 Posłuchaj nagrania. Zaznacz dopełniacza?
odpowiednio T (prawda) lub F
She’s got a pet lizard.
a has b is c possessive s
T  F 1 It’s half past five.
Anna has got a music magazine. ✗  a has b is c possessive s
1 Rosie’s favourite song is Ours.    2 Aunt Alice is my mum’s sister.
2 Taylor has got a pet dog.    a has b is c possessive s
3 Her pet is grey and white.    3 He’s Ukrainian.
4 Taylor has got a big family.    a has b is c possessive s
5 Taylor has got a sister.    4 Sally’s hamster is brown and grey.
/5 a has b is c possessive s
5 Ben’s got a new bike.
Writing a has b is c possessive s

9 Ponownie przyjrzyj się drzewu /5

genealogicznemu Jona w zad. 1.
Dopisz trzy zdania oznajmujące / 55
i dwa przeczące o jego rodzinie.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Team Up 1 Unit 3 Test A 15

Team Up Tests 1.indd 15 04/08/2014 11:16

1 Unit 3 Test B

Vocabulary 4 Spójrz na informacje zawarte

w tabelce. Napisz o Marku i Belli.
1 Przyjrzyj się drzewu genealogicznemu
Wykorzystaj zwroty has got / hasn’t
Kate. Uzupełnij zdania.

Mark Bella
Adam Jane ✗

Lucy Luke Anna John

Mark hasn’t got a horse .
1 Mark .
2 Mark .
3 Bella .
Me (Kate) Emma Dan Joe
4 Bella .
Jane is my grandma .
5 Bella .
1 Luke and Lucy are my .
2 Anna is my . /5
3 Dan is my .
4 Adam and Jane are my .
5 Ponownie przyjrzyj się tabelce.
Przeczytaj pytania. Napisz krótkie
5 Emma is my .
odpowiedzi o Marku i Belli.
Has Mark got a spider?
2 Dopasuj podpisy do obrazków. No, he hasn’t.
Wpisz odpowiednio litery. 1 Has Bella got a snake?

2 Has Mark got a hamster?

a b c 3 Has Bella got a rabbit?

4 Has Mark got a horse?
d e f 5 Has Bella got a dog?

parrot d 3 snake
1 horse 4 spider /5
2 lizard 5 budgie
6 Przeczytaj tekst i zakreśl
Grammar odpowiednie wyrazy.

3 Wpisz apostrof (’) we właściwych Ben is eleven years old. His family has
miejscach. got lots of pets. His grandma has got
This is Emmas cat. Emma’s two cats called Tiger and Lucky. Ben’s
1 Those are Peters books. grandad has got a budgie. Its name is
2 My parents car is blue. Billy. It lives in a cage. It’s got blue and
3 My sisters name is Jane. yellow feathers. Billy is very noisy! Ben’s
4 My friends names are Sam and Seb. sister, Caroline, has got a rabbit. Twitch is
Ben’s hamster. It’s brown and white. It’s
5 The childrens pens are on the desk. very quiet and pretty. It lives in a cage,


too. Twitch isn’t very noisy.


16 Team Up 1 Unit 3 Test B PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press

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Unit 3 Test B 1
Ben / Caroline is eleven. Kate’s parents are Julia and Luke.
1 Tiger and Lucky are Ben’s grandma’s / Julia has got three children.
mum’s cats. 1
2 Billy is a noisy / pretty budgie. 2
3 Twitch is a rabbit / hamster. 3
4 Twitch / Billy is brown and white. 4
5 The rabbit / budgie lives in a cage. 5
/5 /5

Communication / 45

7 Spójrz na zegary. Uzupełnij zapis

10 Przyjrzyj się poniższym zdaniom.
2.30 6.10 Od jakich wyrazów pochodzi skrót
’s? Od has, is, a może jest to forma
It’s half 1 It’s
past two . . She’s got a pet lizard.
a has b is c possessive s
9.15 4.25 1 Uncle Dan is my dad’s brother.
a has b is c possessive s
2 Sally’s got a new bike.
2 It’s 3 It’s
a has b is c possessive s
. .
3 It’s half past two.
a has b is c possessive s
1.50 5.45
4 Pawal’s hamster is brown and grey.
a has b is c possessive s
4 It’s 5 It’s
5 He’s Australian.
. .
a has b is c possessive s
Listening 11 Uzupełnij dialog. Wpisz słowa
8 3 Posłuchaj nagrania. Zaznacz z ramki. Dwa wyrazy pozostaną
odpowiednio T (prawda) lub F niewykorzystane.
spider our legs hasn’t pet cage
T  F
clean sheep
Anna has got a sports magazine.   ✗
1 Anna’s favourite song is Ours.    A Look! This is a photo of my brother’s new
2 Taylor has got a pet cat.    pet .
3 Her pet is brown and white.   B What is it?
4 Taylor has got a big family.   A It’s a 1 .
5 Taylor has got a brother.   B Oh yes. It’s cool.
/5 A It’s got eight 2 . It’s very 3
Writing B Has it got a 4
9 Ponownie przyjrzyj się drzewu A No, it 5 .
genealogicznemu Kate w zad. 1. /5
Dopisz trzy zdania oznajmujące
/ 55

i dwa przeczące o jej rodzinie.

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1 UNIT 3 Test C

1 Przyjrzyj się drzewu genealogicznemu Jona. Zakreśl właściwe

Ron Val

Jane Dan Clare Peter

Tina Me (Jon) Emma Joe

Tina is my sister / cousin.

1 Ron and Val are my grandparents / parents.
2 Dan is my aunt / uncle.
3 Tina is my cousin / sister.
4 Clare and Peter are my parents / cousins.
5 Emma is my cousin / sister.


Mark Bella
2 Spójrz na ilustracje w tabelce.
Uzupełnij zdania. Zakreśl
właściwe zwroty.
Mark a dog.
a has got b hasn’t got
1 Bella a horse.
a has got b hasn’t got
2 Mark a lizard.
a has got b hasn’t got
3 Bella a budgie.
a has got b hasn’t got
4 Has Mark got a spider?
a Yes, he has. b No, he hasn’t.
5 Has Bella got a parrot?
a Yes, she has. b No, she hasn’t.


18 Team Up 1 Unit 3 Test C PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press

Team Up Tests 1.indd 18 04/08/2014 11:16

UNIT 3 Test C

3 Przeczytaj zdania i zakreśl poprawne formy.

This is Emma’s / Emmas cat.
1 My friend’s / friends’ names are Helen and Lisa.
2 Those are Jacobs’ / Jacob’s pencils.
3 My brother’s / brothers’ name is Piotr.
4 The children’s / childrens’ books are on the desk.
5 My parent’s / parents’ car is red.


4 Przeczytaj tekst. Zaznacz odpowiednio T (prawda) lub F (fałsz).

Tim is eleven years old. He’s from Leeds. Tim’s family has
got lots of pets.
His mum has got two cats. Their names are Tiger and Lucky.
Twitch is Tim’s rabbit. It’s grey and white. It’s very quiet.
Tim’s sister, Kate, has got a hamster. It lives in a cage.
Tim’s grandma has got a budgie. Its name is Billy. It lives in
a cage, too.
It’s got blue and yellow feathers. Billy is very noisy!

Tim is eleven. ✗
1 Tiger and Lucky are Tim’s cats.
2 Tim’s mum has got a rabbit.
3 Twitch is grey and white.
4 Kate’s hamster lives in a cage.
5 Billy is a green budgie.
/ 20

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Team Up Tests 1.indd 19 04/08/2014 11:16

1 Unit 4 Test A

Vocabulary 4 Napisz zdania o znaczeniu

przeciwnym do zdań w zad. 3.
1 Spójrz na plan zajęć Natalie i Alice.
Wpisz nazwy przedmiotów szkolnych. He hasn’t got a pet spider.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday 2
a.m. 3
p.m. /5

5 Dokończ krótkie odpowiedzi.

Has Nina got a dog? Yes, she has .
It’s RE
on Monday morning. 1 Has your mobile phone got a camera?
1 It’s on Tuesday morning. Yes, .
2 It’s on Monday afternoon. 2 Have you got any pets?
3 It’s on Tuesday afternoon. Yes, .
4 It’s on Wednesday 3 Have the boys got pencils?
morning. Yes, .
5 It’s on Wednesday afternoon. 4 Have your mum and dad got a blue car?
/5 No, .
5 Has Harry’s sister got an MP3 player?
2 Podpisz obrazki wyrazami No, .
z ramki. Dwa wyrazy pozostaną
diary torch poster bracelet 
games console  comics watch frisbee 6 Przeczytaj tekst. Zaznacz
odpowiednio T (prawda) lub F (fałsz).

Hi, I’m Becky. I’m ten years old and I’m
from Cardiff in Wales. I’m a student in
1 2 St John’s Primary School. I’m good at
comics English, Art and Science, but I’m bad

at P.E. My favourite subject is Art. My

favourite possession is my bracelet. It’s
3 4 5 I’ve got one brother. His name’s Kyle.
He’s twelve years old. His favourite

subject is P.E. He’s good at football! He’s
/5 got lots of football cards. His favourite
possession is his Ronaldinho poster.
Grammar My favourite animals are horses, but I
3 Zakreśl właściwą formę czasownika haven’t got a horse. My brother and I
have got. have got a pet rabbit. Its name is Fluff.
He’ve got /’s got a pet spider.
1 You’s got / ’ve got a small family.
2 My teacher hasn’t got / haven’t got a
3 I haven’t got / hasn’t got a mobile.
4 My friends have got / has got bikes.

5 We’s got / ’ve got a new teacher.

20 Team Up 1 Unit 4 Test A PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press

Team Up Tests 1.indd 20 04/08/2014 11:16

Unit 4 Test A 1
T  F Writing
Becky is at school in England.   ✗
1 Becky’s good at Science.  
9 Przeczytaj informacje o Tomie.
Uzupełnij zdania.
2 Her favourite possession is a
purple diary.   Name Tom
3 Becky’s brother has got lots of Age twelve
football cards.    Family one brother
4 Kyle’s favourite possession is a Favourite subject D.T.
Ronaldinho poster.   
Favourite possession his bike
5 Becky and Kyle have got a horse.
Pet a dog
Its name is Fluff.   
Tom is twelve years old.
1 one brother.
Communication 2 a sister.
3 D.T.
7 Ułóż dialog. Ponumeruj zdania. 4 his bike.
What’s your favourite possession, Mike? 5 a dog.
It’s my MP3 player. It’s fantastic.
/5 / 45
What’s your favourite possession, Mia? 1
Yes, it is. Have you got an MP3 player?
It’s my skateboard. It’s great!  7 Extra
No, I haven’t. I’ve got an old radio. 10 Uzupełnij dialog wyrazami
Is it new? i wyrażeniami z ramki. Dwa z nich
/5 nie pasują.

Listening box old Is that true club necklace 

See you later  that  roller skates
8 4 Posłuchaj nagrania. Zakreśl
właściwe wyrazy. A Hi, Dorota. What’s that ?
Laura has got a new a . B It’s my new 1 . This is its
a skateboard b camera 2
. It’s very expensive.
c mobile phone A 3 ?
1 Alex’s camera is . B No, not really. Look, it’s half past three.
a new b big c old I’ve got Art 4 now.
2 Laura hasn’t got a . A And I’ve got football. 5
a camera b mobile phone
c skateboard
11 Popraw błędy.
3 Alex has got a pet .
a lizard b dog c snake I got a blue torch.
4 Laura is good at . I’ve got a blue torch.
a Art b Maths c I.C.T. 1 We hasn’t got Maths on Monday.
5 Alex hasn’t got homework.
a I.C.T. b German c Art 2 Amy’s good on Science.

/5 3 My parents has got three children.

4 Have got you a pet?

5 R.E. and P.E. is my favourite subjects.


/ 55
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Team Up Tests 1.indd 21 04/08/2014 11:16

1 Unit 4 Test B

Vocabulary 4 Napisz zdania o znaczeniu

przeciwnym do zdań w zad. 3.
1 Spójrz na plan zajęć Natalie i Alice.
Wpisz nazwy przedmiotów szkolnych. He hasn’t got a pet spider.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday 2
morning 3

5 Dokończ krótkie odpowiedzi.

It’s PE on Monday morning. Has Nina got a dog? Yes, she has .
1 It’s on Tuesday morning. 1 Have your mum and dad got a red car?
2 It’s on Monday afternoon. Yes, .
3 It’s on Tuesday afternoon. 2 Has Dan’s dad got an MP3 player?
4 It’s on Wednesday morning. Yes, .
5 It’s on Wednesday afternoon. 3 Have the children got pencils?
No, .
4 Has your mobile phone got a camera?
2 Podpisz obrazki wyrazami No, .
z ramki. Dwa wyrazy pozostaną 5 Have you got any pets?
niewykorzystane. No, .

poster torch diary bracelet watch
games console  comics  frisbee Reading
6 Przeczytaj tekst. Zaznacz
odpowiednio T (prawda) lub F (fałsz).

1 2 Hi, I’m Becky. I’m ten years old and I’m

from Cardiff in Wales. I’m a student in
St Paul’s Primary School. I’m good at

History, Geography and Music, but I’m
bad at D.T. My favourite subject is Music.
3 4 5 My favourite possession is my frisbee. It’s

I’ve got one brother. His name’s Karl.
/5 He’s twelve years old. His favourite

subject is P.E. He’s very good at
Grammar football! He’s got lots of football cards.
3 Zakreśl właściwą formę czasownika His favourite possession is his Ronaldo
have got. poster.
He’ve got / ’s got a pet spider. My favourite animals are snakes, but I
1 My friends have got / has got mobiles. haven’t got a snake. Karl and I have got
2 We’s got / ’ve got a new teacher. a pet hamster. Its name is Tigger.
3 I haven’t got / hasn’t got a bike.
4 You’s got / ’ve got a sister.
5 My grandad hasn’t got / haven’t got a



22 Team Up 1 Unit 4 Test B PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press

Team Up Tests 1.indd 22 04/08/2014 11:16

Unit 4 Test B 1
T  F Writing
Becky is at school in Wales. ✗ 
1 Becky’s good at D.T.  
9 Przeczytaj informacje o Kasi.
Następnie uzupełnij zdania.
2 Her favourite possession is an
orange frisbee.   Name Kasia
3 Becky’s brother has got lots of Age eleven
football comics.   Family one brother
4 Kyle’s favourite possession is his
Favourite subject History
Ronaldinho poster.   
Favourite possession her MP3 player
5 Kyle and Becky have got a
Pet a cat
hamster. Its name is Tigger.   
Kasia is eleven years old.
1 one brother.
Communication 2 a sister.
3 History.
7 Ułóż dialog. Ponumeruj zdania. 4 her MP3 player.
It’s my digital camera. It’s fantastic. 5 a cat.
What’s your favourite possession, Mia? 1
/5 / 45
It’s my bike. It’s fantastic! 7
No, I haven’t. I’ve got an old camera.
Is it new? Extra
What’s your favourite possession, Mike? 10 Popraw błędy.
Yes, it is. Have you got a digital camera?
I got a blue torch.
/5 I’ve got a blue torch.
1 I hasn’t got Geography on Tuesday.
8 4 Posłuchaj nagrania. Zakreśl 2 History and Maths is his favourite subjects.
właściwe wyrazy.
3 My parents has got new bikes.
Laura has got a new a .

a skateboard b camera
4 Have got she a pet?
c mobile phone

1 Alex’s camera is _____.
5 Ben’s good on Science.
a old b big c new

2 Laura hasn’t got a _____.
a mobile phone b skateboard c camera /5
3 Alex has got a pet _____.
11 Uzupełnij dialog wyrazami
a snake b dog c lizard
i wyrażeniami z ramki. Dwa z nich
4 Laura is good at _____.
nie pasują.
a I.C.T. b German c Maths
5 Alex hasn’t got _____ homework. roller skates  club  Is that true 
a Maths b I.C.T. c German see you later  that box necklace old
A Hi, Nina. What’s that ?
B It’s my new 1 . This is its
. It’s very expensive.
A 3 ?
B No, not really. Look. It’s twenty past three.

I’ve got Spanish 4 now.

A 5

/ 55

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Team Up 1 Unit 4 Test B 23

Team Up Tests 1.indd 23 04/08/2014 11:16

1 UNIT 4 Test C

1 Wstaw brakujące litery w nazwach przedmiotów. Wykorzystaj
wyrazy z ramki. Dwa wyrazy pozostaną niewykorzystane.

History Maths Science Music Geography 
P.E. R.E D.T.

1 2

G e o gra p hy Sc n e

3 4 5

H t y M s

2 Zakreśl właściwą formę czasownika have got.
She’ve got / ’s got a pet spider.
1 We’s got / ’ve got a new teacher.
2 I haven’t got / hasn’t got a camera.
3 My friends have got / has got bikes.
4 You’s got / ’ve got a small family.
5 My teacher hasn’t got / haven’t got a diary.

3 Uzupełnij pytania i krótkie odpowiedzi. Wstaw have, haven’t,
has lub hasn’t.
Has Nina got a dog? Yes, she has.
1 Have your mum and dad got a blue car? No, they .
2 Has Tina got a diary? Yes, she .
3 you got any pets? Yes, I have.
4 Have the children got pencils? Yes, they .
5 Has Dan’s mum got an MP3 player? No, she .


24 Team Up 1 Unit 4 Test C PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press

Team Up Tests 1.indd 24 04/08/2014 11:16

UNIT 4 Test C

4 Przeczytaj tekst. Zaznacz odpowiednio T (prawda) lub F (fałsz).

Hi, I’m Helena. I’m ten years old and I’m from Cardiff in
Wales. I’m a student in St Anna’s Primary School. I’m good
at Maths and Science. I’m bad at R.E. My favourite subject is
Science. My favourite possession is my necklace.
I’ve got one brother. His name’s Adam. His favourite subject
is P.E.. He’s good at football! He’s got lots of football cards.
His favourite possession is his Ronaldinho poster.
My favourite animals are horses, but I haven’t got a horse.
Adam and I have got a pet rabbit. Its name is Timmy.

Helena is at school in England. ✗
1 Helena’s good at Science and Maths.
2 Her favourite possession is a necklace.
3 Helena has got lots of football cards.
4 Adam’s favourite possession is a poster.
5 Helena and Adam have got a horse.
Its name is Timmy.
/ 20

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Team Up Tests 1.indd 25 04/08/2014 11:16

1 Unit 5 Test A

Vocabulary 4 Uzupełnij zdania, wstawiając a,

some lub any.
1 Dokończ nazwy ubrań.
There is a chest of drawers near the

1 There are comics on the
1 2 bookshelves.
2 There aren’t books on the
glove s t s

3 There are posters on the
3 4 5 4 There isn’t desk in the
s s j
5 There aren’t curtains in front
/5 of the windows.

2 Podpisz elementy na obrazku /5

wyrazami z ramki.
5 Uzupełnij pytania. Wpisz Are there
bed rug wardrobe curtains lub Is there.
lamp  chest of drawers Are there any history books in your
1 a radio on the desk?
3 2 any pencils in your pencil
3 a poster on your bedroom
4 any boxes on the
4 bookshelves?
4 5 a spider under the bed?

bed Reading
6 Przeczytaj tekst. Zakreśl odpowiednie

/5 Hi, my name’s Paul. I come from

Birmingham in England. There are lots
Grammar of markets in Birmingham but the Rag
Market is my favourite. It’s got new stalls
3 Spójrz na ilustrację w zad. 2. Zakreśl
but the market is old. My dad’s got a
właściwe zwroty.
stall there. He’s got lots of fantastic old
The bag is on / under the desk. accessories! There are also stalls with
1 The trousers are on / under the bed. old clothes, new clothes, and books. It’s
2 The chair in behind /near the desk. open four days a week and there are
3 The bed is between / opposite the 350 stalls. Lots of people go to the Rag
wardrobe. Market on Saturdays so it is quite noisy.
4 The rug is in front of / between the bed There are some cafés in the market with
and the wardrobe. great food. It’s a great place to visit.
5 The shoes are behind / in the door.


26 Team Up 1 Unit 5 Test A PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press

Team Up Tests 1.indd 26 04/08/2014 11:16

Unit 5 Test A 1
There are lots of markets / is one Writing
market in Birmingham.
1 The Rag Market is a new / an old market 9 Napisz pięć zdań o swoim pokoju -
in Birmingham. trzy zdania oznajmujące i dwa
2 Paul’s dad’s stall has got clothes / przeczenia.
accessories. There isn’t a TV in my bedroom.
3 The market is open four / five days a 1
week. 2
4 It’s noisy / quiet on Saturdays. 3
5 There aren’t any / are lots of food stalls. 4
/ 45
7 Ułóż pytania z podanych wyrazów.
your / What’s / like / room / ? Extra
What’s your room like?
1 bedroom / TV / a / Is / in / your / there / ?
10 Podpisz obrazki.

2 colour / What / walls / the / are / ?

3 your / colour / What / is / duvet / ?

1 2
4 any / Are / posters / there / walls / the /
on / ? scarf

5 favourite / What’s / thing / your / in /
bedroom / your / ?

3 4 5

Listening /5
8 5 Posłuchaj nagrania. Zaznacz
11 Uzupełnij dialog wyrazami z ramki.
odpowiednio T (prawda) lub F (fałsz).
T  F hoodie accessories audition 
Magda hasn’t got a big bed.   ✗ wardrobe fair scarf belts
1 The chest of drawers is near
the bed.   A I’ve got an extra drama lesson for the
2 There’s a red rug.   audition .
3 The walls are white.   B That isn’t 1 !
4 Magda hasn’t got any books.   A Have you got any 2 ?
5 Her favourite thing is her bed.   B Yes, I’ve got some bracelets and a
/5 A You’ve got lots of cool 4 in
your 5 . I like that blue one.


/ 55

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Team Up 1 Unit 5 Test A 27

Team Up Tests 1.indd 27 04/08/2014 11:16

1 Unit 5 Test B

Vocabulary 4 Uzupełnij zdania, wstawiając a,

some lub any.
1 Dokończ nazwy ubrań.
There’s a chest of drawers near the

1 There isn’t desk in the
1 2 bedroom.
2 There aren’t comics on the
glove s j s

3 There are books on the desk.
4 There are curtains in front of
3 4 5 the windows.
5 There aren’t posters on the
s t s
2 Podpisz elementy na obrazku
wyrazami z ramki.
5 Uzupełnij pytania. Wpisz Are there
lub Is there.
bed wardrobe curtains lamp  Are there any history books in your
chest of drawers  rug bedroom?
1 a snake under the bed?
2 a torch on the desk?
1 3 any crayons in your pencil
4 any books on the
5 a poster on your bedroom
4 wall?
4 /5

5 Reading
6 Przeczytaj tekst. Zakreśl odpowiednie

Hi, my name’s Alison. I come from

Birmingham in England. There are lots
of markets in Birmingham but the Rag
Grammar Market is my favourite. It’s got new stalls
but the market is old. My mum’s got
3 Spójrz na ilustrację w zad. 2. Zakreśl a stall. She’s got lots of fantastic new
właściwe wyrazy.
clothes! There are also stalls with old
The bag is under / in the desk. clothes, music and accessories. There are
1 The shoes are behind / opposite the lots of food stalls in the market if you get
door. hungry. It’s open four days a week and
2 The rug is between/ in front of the bed there are 350 stalls. Lots of people go
and the wardrobe. to the Rag Market on Saturdays so it is
3 The trousers are under/ on the bed. quite noisy. There are some cafés in the
4 The chair is near / behind the desk. market with great food. It’s a great place


5 The door is on / opposite the bed. to visit.


28 Team Up 1 Unit 5 Test B PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press

Team Up Tests 1.indd 28 04/08/2014 11:16

Unit 5 Test B 1
There are lots of markets / is one Writing
market in Birmingham.
1 The Rag Market is an old / a new market
9 Napisz pięć zdań o swoim pokoju -
in Birmingham.
trzy zdania oznajmujące i dwa
2 Alison’s mum’s stall has got new
accessories / clothes. There isn’t a TV in my bedroom.
3 There aren’t any / are lots of food stalls. 1
4 The market is open five / four days a 2
week. 3
5 It’s noisy / quiet on Saturdays. 4
Communication / 45
7 Ułóż pytania z podanych wyrazów.
your / What’s / like / room / ? Extra
What’s your room like?
10 Uzupełnij dialog wyrazami z ramki.
1 your / colour / What / is / duvet / ?
accessories belts fair audition 
2 colour / What / walls / the / are / ? wardrobe scarf  hoodie

3 any / Are / posters / there / walls / the / A I’ve got an extra drama lesson for the
on / ? audition .
B That isn’t 1 !
4 favourite / What’s / thing / your / in / A You’ve got lots of cool 2 in
bedroom / your / ? your 3
. I like that blue one.
A Have you got any 4 ?
B Yes, I’ve got some bracelets and a
5 bedroom / TV / a / Is / in / your / there / ? 5

11 Podpisz obrazki.
8 5 Posłuchaj nagrania. Zaznacz
odpowiednio T (prawda) lub F (fałsz).

T  F
Magda hasn’t got a big bed.   ✗ 1 2
1 The chest of drawers is opposite
her bed.  
2 There’s a yellow rug.   
3 The walls are pink.   

4 She hasn’t got any posters.   
5 Her favourite thing is her duvet.   

/5 3 4 5



/ 55

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1 UNIT 5 Test C

1 Dopasuj obiekty wskazane na obrazku do podanych słów.



rug f
1 chest of drawers
2 lamp
3 curtains
4 bed
5 wardrobe


2 Spójrz na ilustrację w zad. 1. Zakreśl właściwe wyrazy.
The bag is the desk.
a on b under
1 The shoes are the door.
a behind b in front of
2 The rug is the bed and the wardrobe.
a between b under
3 The chair is the chest of drawers.
a near b on
4 The trousers are the bed.
a in b on
5 The bed is the wardrobe.
a opposite  b behind


30 Team Up 1 Unit 5 Test C PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press

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UNIT 5 Test C

3 Ponownie przyjrzyj się ilustracji w zad. 1. Zakreśl właściwe wyrazy.

There are some / any curtains behind the bed.
1 There’s / There are a radio on the bookshelves.
2 There are / aren’t any books on the bookshelves.
3 Are there some / any posters on the walls? Yes, there are.
4 There aren’t / isn’t a desk in the bedroom.
5 Is there / Are there a carpet in front of the bed? Yes, there is.


4 Przeczytaj tekst. Zakreśl odpowiednie wyrazy.

Hi, my name’s Rav. I come from Birmingham in England.

There are lots of markets in Birmingham, but the Rag Market
is my favourite.
It’s an old market. My dad’s got a stall there. He’s got lots of
great clothes on his stall. Some are old clothes and some are
new. There are also stalls with music and books.
The market is open four days a week and there are 350
stalls. Lots of people come to the Rag Market on Saturdays.
There are lots of cafés with great food in the market. It’s a
great place to visit.

The Rag Market is in / near Birmingham.

1 The Rag Market is a new / an old market in Birmingham.
2 Rav’s dad has got a clothes / music stall.
3 It’s open four / five days a week.
4 There are 350 shops / stalls.
5 There aren’t any / are lots of cafés.

/ 20

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1 Unit 6 Test A

Vocabulary 5 Przepisz zdania, wstawiając

przysłówki częstotliwości z ramki
1 Uzupełnij zwroty pasującymi
zgodnie ze wskazówkami.
never always sometimes rarely 
to school  up  my homework  a shower
often usually
breakfast home

breakfast Sarah watches TV in the evening. (50%)
Sarah sometimes watches TV in the evening.
1 do
1 We are late for school. (0%)
2 go

3 get
2 He goes to bed at nine o’clock. (5%)
4 have

5 go
/5 3 We listen to music in the car. (100%)

2 Uzupełnij czasowniki. 4 Our English lessons are in the morning.
r e ad a book (90%)
1 l n to music
2 g up 5 I play chess with my dad on Sunday.
3 b my teeth (80%)
4 g dressed
5 w my hair /5
6 Przeczytaj tekst. Zaznacz
3 Uzupełnij tekst czasownikami z ramki. odpowiednio T (prawda) lub F (fałsz).
Wpisz je w odpowiedniej formie.
Jay Simmons is fourteen. She’s a school
watch  wake go have get do girl but she’s also an actor on a TV show
called Jay’s Day. She says, ‘I live in
I wake up at seven o’clock. My sister London with my family. My sister Dana
wakes up at half past seven. I have is in the show, too. Jay’s Day is a funny
a shower and I 1 dressed. programme about my life.’
My sister 2 breakfast and she In the week, Jay and Dana get up at
listens to the radio. We 3 to seven o’clock. After breakfast, they go to
school at eight o’clock. We finish school at their teacher’s house. They have school
half past three. I 4 TV and my lessons from eight to one. Then, they
sister 5 her homework. go to the TV studio by car. Jay says, ‘I
/5 start work at two o’clock and we finish at
seven o’clock. It’s a long day, but I love
4 Uzupełnij zdania. Wstaw at, in lub on. it!’ At the weekends, Jay never gets up
I have my guitar lessons on Mondays. before ten! Her family often has pizza for
1 David does his homework the lunch on Saturdays. Jay says, ‘I love my
afternoon. job, but I love the weekends, too!’
2 We often go shopping weekends.
3 The lesson starts two o’clock.
4 My cat goes out night!
5 Dan never studies Sundays.


32 Team Up 1 Unit 6 Test A PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press

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Unit 6 Test A 1
T  F Writing
Jay Simmons is thirteen.   ✗
1 Jay and Dana are actors on a TV
9 Dokończ zdania. Napisz, co robisz
w te dni tygodnia. Użyj czasowników
z ramki.
2 They go to work by car.   
3 They start lessons at eight o’clock.  
get up  ride go have watch do
4 Jay always gets up at ten to nine
on Sunday.   
5 Jay goes to the TV studio at the On Mondays, I usually ride my bike to school.
weekend.   1 On Tuesdays, I always

2 On Wednesdays, I often

3 On Thursdays, I rarely
7 Uzupełnij dialog.
A What’s your favourite TV programme ? 4 On Fridays, I sometimes
B My favourite TV programme is The
X-Factor. It’s great! 5 At the weekend, my family and I usually
A 1 is it on?
B 2
on Saturdays and
A 3 is it on? / 45
B It’s on ITV.
A 4 is it on? Extra
B 5 at half past seven.
10 Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi
/5 czasownikami.
I have a drink at four o’clock.
Listening 1 He ready for school after
8 6 Posłuchaj nagrania i uzupełnij he has breakfast.
zdania. 2 You a snack at break time.
Nick is from Newcastle . 3 I my hair in the morning.
1 He’s a . 4 We sometimes to town on
2 He starts work at o’clock in Saturday.
the evening. 5 I a bath before I go to bed.
3 He finishes work at eight o’clock in the /5
4 After he wakes up, he has . 11 Popraw błędy w zdaniach.
5 He his job. Harry play football on Saturdays.
Harry plays football on Saturdays.
1 I always wash my teeth in the morning.

2 He goes to bed on nine o’clock.

3 I never am late for school.

4 Paulina always studys at night.

5 My mum goes rarely to the theatre.



/ 55
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1 Unit 6 Test B

Vocabulary 5 Przepisz zdania, wstawiając

przysłówki częstotliwości z ramki
1 Uzupełnij zwroty pasującymi
zgodnie ze wskazówkami.
never always sometimes rarely 
a shower  up  to school  my homework
often usually
breakfast home

breakfast Sarah watches TV in the evening. (50%)
Sarah sometimes watches TV in the evening.
1 go
1 We are late for school. (5%)
2 go

3 do
2 She goes to bed at nine o’clock. (100%)
4 get

5 have
/5 3 We listen to music after school. (80%)

2 Uzupełnij czasowniki. 4 Our Maths lessons are in the afternoon.
r e ad a book (0%)
1 b my teeth
2 g dressed 5 I play tennis with my dad on Saturday.
3 l n to music (90%)
4 w my hair
5 g up /5
Grammar 6 Przeczytaj tekst. Zaznacz
3 Uzupełnij tekst czasownikami z ramki. odpowiednio T (prawda) lub F (fałsz).
Wpisz je w odpowiedniej formie.
Fay Harper is twelve. She’s a school girl
finish  wake listen have get watch but she’s also an actor on a TV show
called Fay’s Day. She says, ‘I live in
I wake up at seven o’clock. I have London with my family. My sister Cara
a shower and I 1 dressed. My is in the show too. Fay’s Day is a funny
brother wakes up at seven o’clock. He programme about my life.’
breakfast and he In the week, Fay and Cara get up at
to the radio. We go to school seven o’clock. After breakfast, their
at eight thirty. We 4 school at teacher comes to their house. They have
half past three. I do my homework and my school lessons at home from eight to
brother 5 TV. twelve and then they go to the TV studio
/5 by car. Fay says, ‘I start work at half
past twelve and we finish at six. It’s a
4 Uzupełnij zdania. Wstaw at, in lub on. long day, but I love it!’ At the weekends
I have my guitar lessons on Mondays. Fay never gets up before ten! Her family
1 Hannah never studies Sundays. often has pizza for lunch. Fay says, ‘I love
2 weekends, we often go to the park. my job, but I love the weekends, too!’
3 My cat goes out night!
4 Felix does his homework the
5 The lesson starts two o’clock.


34 Team Up 1 Unit 6 Test B PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press

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Unit 6 Test B 1
T  F Writing
Fay Harper is twelve. ✗ 
1 Fay and Cara are actors in a
9 Dokończ zdania. Napisz, co robisz
w te dni tygodnia. Użyj czasowników
2 They get up at seven o’clock on
z ramki.
do  ride go wake up listen have
3 They go to school by car.   
4 Fay gets up at nine on Mondays.  
5 Fay goes to the TV studio Monday On Mondays, I usually ride my bike to school.
to Friday.   1 On Tuesdays, I sometimes

2 On Wednesdays, I always
3 On Thursdays, I often
7 Uzupełnij dialog.
A What’s your favourite TV programme ? 4 On Fridays, I rarely
B My favourite TV programme is The Voice.
It’s great! 5 At the weekend, my family and I usually
A 1 is it on?
B It’s on BBC One.
/5 / 45
A 2 is it on?
B 3
at eight o’clock.
A Oh, and 4 is it on?
B 5
on Saturdays and 10 Popraw błędy w zdaniach.
Sundays. Harry play football on Saturdays.
/5 Harry plays football on Saturdays.
1 She goes to school on eight o’clock.
8 6 Posłuchaj nagrania i uzupełnij 2 I always wash my teeth in the morning.
3 Jan always studys in the morning.
Nick is from Newcastle .

1 He’s a .
4 We never am late for school.
2 He starts work at ten o’clock in the

5 My sister goes often shopping.
3 He finishes work at o’clock

in the morning.
4 After he wakes up, he has . /5
5 He his job.
11 Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi
/5 czasownikami.
I have a drink when I get home.
1 Janice her hair in the
2 I a snack at break time.
3 He a bath before bed time.
4 We ready for school after
we have breakfast.
5 They sometimes to town.


/ 55

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1 UNIT 6 Test C

1 Zakreśl poprawne odpowiedzi.
a go b do c have
1 to school
a go b get c have
2 my homework
a have b do c get
3 dressed
a get b have c go
4 a shower
a do b get c have
5 home
a do b go c have


2 Zakreśl właściwe formy.
I always wake up / wake up always at seven o’clock.
1 My sister brushes / brush her hair after breakfast.
2 I gets / get dressed at seven fifteen.
3 My brother has / have breakfast at eight o’clock.
4 He sometimes listens / listens sometimes to the radio.
5 We finishes / finish school at half past three.

3 Uzupełnij zdania. Wstaw at, in lub on.
I usually have my guitar lessons on Mondays.
1 Dan never studies Sundays.
2 David does his homework the afternoon.
3 weekends, we often go shopping.
4 The German lesson starts two o’clock.
5 My cat goes out night!


36 Team Up 1 Unit 6 Test C PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press

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UNIT 6 Test C

4 Przeczytaj tekst. Zaznacz odpowiednio T (prawda) lub F (fałsz).

Fay Harper is twelve. She’s an actor on a TV show called

Fay’s Day. She says, ‘I live in London with my family. My
sister Cara is in the show too.’
In the week, Fay and Cara get up at seven o’clock. After
breakfast, their teacher comes to their house. They have
school lessons at home from eight to twelve. Then they go
to the TV studio by car. Fay says, ‘I start work at half past
twelve and we finish at six. It’s a long day, but I love it!’ At
the weekends Fay never gets up before ten! Her family often
has pizza for lunch on Saturdays. Fay says, ‘I love my job,
but I love the weekends, too!’

Fay Harper is thirteen. ✗
1 Fay and Cara are actors on a TV programme.
2 They get up at eight o’clock on Mondays.
3 They finish school at half past twelve.
4 Fay always gets up at ten o’clock on Sunday.
5 Fay has pizza for lunch on Sundays.
/ 20

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1 Unit 7 Test A

Vocabulary Grammar
1 Uzupełnij tabelkę. Wpisz 4 Spójrz na ilustrację. Zakreśl wyrazy,
odpowiednie czasowniki. których brakuje w tekście.
read comics
skateboarding ✓
1 a bike
singing ✓ ✓ ✓
2 text messages play football ✗
3 the Internet speak French ✗ ✗
4 cards, chess, the guitar,
computer games
5 bowling, shopping, Julia can skateboard 1 well. She can
skateboarding, to the
very well, but she 3
play football
cinema very well. She 4 speak French 5 !

/5 a can’t b can c do
1 a quite b very c not
2 Dopasuj ilustracje do zdań. Wpisz 2 a dance b act c sing
odpowiednio litery. 3 a can’t b can c isn’t
4 a can b can’t c hasn’t
5 a at all b quite well c well

a b c

5 Utwórz pytania z czasownikiem can.

you / play the piano ?
Can you play the piano?
d e f
1 Daniel / swim?
It’s interesting. b 3 It’s difficult.
1 He’s fantastic. 4 She’s serious. 2 Kevin and Joe / dance?
2 It’s boring. 5 He’s funny.
3 your grandma / play cards?

3 Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami 4 you / speak German?

w trybie rozkazującym, zgodnie
z podanymi wskazówkami. 5 Diana and Mary / play basketball?

play write send open be listen /5

Don’t be late. ✗ Reading

1 your books. ✓ 6 Wpisz w zdania odpowiednie imiona.
2 football in the classroom! ✗
3 to your teacher. ✓ Hi, I’m Ella. I’ve got one sister, Mary. I’m
4 text messages in the eleven and she’s fifteen. I’m funny, but
lesson. ✗ Mary is serious! She can play the piano
5 your name on the exam. ✓ very well, but she can’t sing. Her singing
is terrible! I can sing, but I can’t play a
musical instrument. Mary and I have got
skateboards. Mary can skateboard quite
well and I can swim. Mary can’t run fast,

but I can. We’ve got a brother, Freddy.

He’s two years old. He can walk and he can
sing, but he can’t skateboard or run fast.

38 Team Up 1 Unit 7 Test A PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press

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Unit 7 Test A 1
Mary is serious. Jack often plays tennis after school.
1 can sing. 1 .
2 can play the piano. 2 .
3 can skateboard. 3 .
4 can swim. 4 .
5 can’t run fast. 5 .

/5 /5
/ 45
7 Ponumeruj zdania tak, aby utworzyły Extra
It’s a nice day. Why don’t we play tennis? 2
10 Popraw błędy w zdaniach.
OK. What shall we do? Do you like When’s lunch. I’m tired.
skateboarding? I’m hungry.
I’m really bored. 1 1 Hurry on!
No, I can’t and I don’t like it.
Great! Let’s go! 2 Can I have a drink, I’m fed up?
I love skateboarding!
I can’t play tennis. Can you play 3 Sorry, I’m 10 minutes early.
4 She cans play computer games very well.

Listening 5 Not talk in class!

8 7 Posłuchaj nagrania. Dopasuj
połówki zdań. Wpisz odpowiednio /5
11 Uzupełnij dialog wyrazami
Lee can play d i wyrażeniami z ramki. Dwa z nich
1 The Tigers podano dodatkowo.
2 Sophie isn’t
3 Sophie can play instruments can’t very well Sit
4 Superman don’t talk  can  Come piano
5 The Beano is
Teacher Come in, class.
a is Lee’s band. d the guitar very 1
down and
b the piano. well. 2
c is Lee’s favourite e funny. Pete I love music class.  Can you play
superhero. f in a band. any 3 Sophie?
/5 Teacher Peter, 4
in class,
please. Now, who’s our piano
Writing player today? Sophie, can you play
9 Przeczytaj informacje o Jacku. the piano?
Napisz pięć zdań. Sophie Yes, I can. I can play
Weekdays Abilities
Teacher Great! Please start. Everyone else
play tennis after 1 play tennis + +
can sing.
school / often 3 play football -
2 play football after 5 can speak English
school / never + / 55

4 do his English
homework after
dinner / always

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1 Unit 7 Test B

Vocabulary 4 Spójrz na ilustrację. Zakreśl wyrazy,

których brakuje w tekście.
1 Uzupełnij tabelkę. Wpisz
odpowiednie czasowniki.
skateboarding ✗
read comics
play football ✓
1 bowling, shopping, speak French ✓ ✓ ✓
skateboarding, to the singing ✗ ✗
2 cards, chess, the guitar,
computer games Julia can’t
skateboard 1 well. She
3 a bike 2
play football well and she can speak
4 text messages French 3 well. She 4 sing 5 !

5 the Internet a can’t b can c do

1 a quite b very c not
2 a can’t b is c can
3 a very b not c quite
2 Dopasuj ilustracje do zdań. Wpisz
4 a can b can’t c hasn’t
odpowiednio litery.
5 a at all b quite c very


a b c 5 Utwórz pytania z czasownikiem can.

you / play the piano?
Can you play the piano?
1 your grandma / play computer games?
d e f
2 you / speak Spanish?
It’s interesting. e 3 He’s fantastic.

1 He’s funny. 4 It’s boring.
3 Diana and Maria / play basketball?
2 It’s difficult. 5 She’s serious.

/5 4 Liam / swim ?

Grammar 5 Mark and Joe / dance?
3 Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami
w trybie rozkazującym, zgodnie
z podanymi wskazówkami.
play write send open be listen
6 Wpisz w zdania odpowiednie imiona.
Don’t be late. ✗
Hi, I’m Alex. I’ve got one brother, Ben.
1 your name on the exam. ✓
I’m eleven and he’s fifteen. I’m funny,
2 text messages in the
but Ben is serious! He can play the piano
lesson. ✗
very well, but he can’t sing. His singing
3 tennis in the classroom! ✗
is terrible! I can sing, but I can’t play a
4 your books. ✓
musical instrument. Ben and I have got
5 to your teacher. ✓
skateboards. Ben can skateboard quite
/5 well. I can skateboard very well too, and
I can swim. Ben can’t run fast, but I can.
We’ve got a sister, Hannah. She’s two
years old. She can walk and she can sing,

but she can’t skateboard or run fast.

40 Team Up 1 Unit 7 Test B PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press

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Unit 7 Test B 1
Ben is serious. Clare often plays football after school .
1 can sing. 1 .
2 can play the piano. 2 .
3 can’t skateboard. 3 .
4 can swim. 4 .
5 can run fast. 5 .

/5 /5
/ 45
7 Ponumeruj zdania tak, aby utworzyły Extra
I can’t play tennis. Can you play
10 Uzupełnij dialog wyrazami
i wyrażeniami z ramki. Dwa z nich
podano dodatkowo.
Great! Let’s go!
OK. What shall we do? Do you like
very well can Sit instruments
don’t talk  Come let’s piano
I’m really bored. 1
No, I can’t and I don’t like it. Teacher Come in, class.
I love skateboarding!  1
down and
It’s a nice day. Why don’t we play tennis? 2 2
play music!
/5 Paul I love music class. Can you play
any instruments, Sue?
Listening Teacher Paul, 3 in class,
please. Now, who’s our
8 7 Posłuchaj nagrania. Dopasuj
player today? Sue,
połówki zdań. Wpisz odpowiednio
can you play?
Sue Yes, I 5 . I can play
Lee can play e very well.
1 Lee’s band’s name is Teacher Great! Please start. Everyone else
2 Sophie isn’t can sing.
3 Sophie can play
4 Superman
5 The Beano is 11 Popraw błędy w zdaniach.
a is Lee’s favourite d funny. When’s lunch. I’m tired.
superhero. e the guitar very I’m hungry.
b in a band. well. 1 He cans play the guitar very well.
c The Tigers. f the piano.
/5 2 Can I have an apple, I’m fed up?

Writing 3 Not talk in class!

9 Przeczytaj informacje o Clare.
4 Hurry on!
Napisz pięć zdań.

Weekdays Abilities 5 Sorry, I’m twenty-minutes early.
play football after 1 play football + +
school / often 3 play tennis -
2 play tennis after 5 can speak French
school / never + / 55

4 do her homework
in the evenings /

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1 UNIT 7 Test C

1 Dopasuj czasowniki 1–5 do rzeczowników a–f. Wpisz odpowiednio
read e a computer games
1 send b a bike
2 go c text messages
3 play d the Internet
4 surf e comics
5 ride f skateboarding


2 Spójrz na ilustrację. Zakreśl wyrazy, których brakuje w tekście.

skateboarding ✓
singing ✓

play football
speak French ✗ ✗

Julia can skateboard 1


She can 2
well, but she 3
play football very well.

She 4
speak French 5

a do b can
1 a not b quite
2 a sing b play
3 a can’t b not
4 a isn’t b can’t
5 a at all b very


42 Team Up 1 Unit 7 Test C PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press

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UNIT 7 Test C

3 Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami z ramki.

play write send open be listen

Don’t be late.
1 your books.
2 Don’t tennis in the classroom!
3 to your teacher.
4 Don’t text messages in the lesson.
5 your name on the exam.


4 Przeczytaj tekst i zakreśl odpowiednie imiona.

Hi, I’m Ella. I’ve got one sister, Mary. I’m eleven and she’s
fifteen. She’s serious and I am funny! Mary can play the
piano very well, but she can’t sing. I can sing, but I can’t
play a musical instrument. We’ve got skateboards. Mary can
skateboard quite well. I can skateboard very well and I can
swim. Mary can’t run fast, but I can. We’ve got a brother,
Freddy. He’s two years old. He can walk and he can sing, but
he can’t skateboard or run fast.

Ella / Mary is serious.

1 Ella / Mary can sing.
2 Ella / Mary can play the piano.
3 Ella and Mary / Mary and Freddy can skateboard.
4 Ella / Mary can swim.
5 Ella and Freddy / Mary and Freddy can’t run fast.

/ 20

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1 Unit 8 Test A

Vocabulary 4 Ułóż pytania. Zapisz je.

1 Dopasuj podpisy do obrazków. you / watch TV / in the morning?
Wpisz odpowiednio litery. Do you watch TV in the morning?
1 she / get up / seven o’clock?

2 Where / he / have lunch?

a b c
3 What / you / study on Tuesdays?

4 How often / they / go to the cinema?

d e f
5 When / your mum / start work?
do gymnastics d 3 do athletics
1 do karate 4 go skiing
2 go swimming 5 play tennis /5

/5 5 Przeczytaj zdania i zakreśl właściwe

2 Uzupełnij nazwy przyrządów
i odzieży sportowej. Polly and Mark aren’t friends. She doesn’t
like him / he.

1 Me / I watch TV with my mum every
1 2 2 My cousins are cool. I like playing games
with they / them.
goggles r s
3 We like Mr Green. He teaches us / her

4 Anna’s cat is cute. Anna plays with it / she
3 4 5 after school.
5 Do you know her/ she?
t b n
6 Przeczytaj tekst. Zaznacz
3 Przekształć podane zdania odpowiednio T (prawda) lub F (fałsz).
w zdania przeczące.
I have dinner at half past six. Sabine Wulf is twelve years old. She lives
I don’t have dinner at half past six. with her family in Germany. In winter,
1 My dad likes skateboarding. Sabine goes skiing every day. She’s very
good at skiing. Her dream is to win a gold
2 We do athletics on Thursdays. medal for Germany at a Winter Olympics.
Sabine says, ‘It’s difficult sometimes.
3 She does karate twice a week. I always have lots of homework and
I haven’t got a lot of free time.’ Her
4 Eva and David play basketball every day. friends don’t like skiing. When she’s got
free time, Sabine and her friends go to
5 You go cycling three times a week. the cinema and listen to music. Their
favourite band is One Direction.


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Unit 8 Test A 1
T  F 1 2
Sabine is German. ✗  play every day / morning / evening
1 Sabine practises skiing every day.   not watch once / twice a day / week /
2 She loves One Direction.   not go month
3 She wants to be in the Winter listen three times a day / week /
Olympics.   have month
4 Sabine’s friends go skiing.    not do never
5 She sometimes goes to the cinema.  
I listen to music every day.
1 I
2 I
3 I
7 Dopasuj pytania do odpowiedzi. 4 I
Wpisz odpowiednio litery. 5 I
Do you like basketball? d /5
1 Do you like Emma Watson?
2 What do you think of Toby Maguire? / 45
3 Do you like musicals?
4 What do you think of exams? Extra
5 Do you like History?
10 Wpisz w luki brakujące słowa.
a I don’t like them at all! W każdą lukę należy wpisać jedno
b I quite like it, but I prefer Science. słowo.
c No, I don’t. The songs are usually boring. My sister Anna and I are very
d Yes, it’s great! different. I love mountain 1
e Yes, I do. I think she’s a great actor. but Anna doesn’t 2 it. She likes
f I quite like him. 3
climbing. I 4
/5 baseball on Saturday, but Anna plays golf. I
don’t 5 golf, it’s boring!
Listening /5
8 8 Posłuchaj nagrania i napisz
krótkie odpowiedzi na pytania. 11 Popraw błędy w zdaniach.
Does Helen live in Scotland? Does she play the guitar? No, she don’t.
No, she doesn’t. Does she play the guitar? No, she doesn’t.
1 Does she like Wednesdays? 1 My friend and I doesn’t like Maths.

2 What day is Helen’s Geography lesson? 2 What time your brother go to bed?

3 How many times a week does Helen run? 3 I brush my teeth two a day.

4 Does she do athletics on Sundays? 4 She goes badminton once a week.

5 Do Helen and her friends like films? 5 I need my swimsuit and racket when I go

9 Napisz o sobie samym/samej.
Zastosuj w zdaniach czasowniki / 55

i przysłówki częstotliwości z tabelki.

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1 Unit 8 Test B

Vocabulary 4 Ułóż pytania. Zapisz je.

1 Dopasuj podpisy do obrazków. you / watch TV / in the morning?
Wpisz odpowiednio litery. Do you watch TV in the morning?
1 Where / she / have dinner?

2 How often / they / go to the cinema?

a b c
3 When / your dad / start work?

/5 4 he / have breakfast / eight o’clock?

d e f
5 What / you / study on Wednesdays?
do gymnastics b 3 play tennis
1 do athletics 4 go swimming
2 go skiing 5 do karate /5

/5 5 Przeczytaj zdania i zakreśl właściwe

2 Uzupełnij nazwy przyrządów
i odzieży sportowej. Polly and Mark aren’t friends. She doesn’t
like him / he.

1 Do you know him / he?
2 We like Mr Jones. He teaches us / him
1 2 Music.
3 Pete’s cat is cute. Pete plays with it / he
goggles n b
after school.

4 Me / I watch TV with my grandad every
3 4 5 5 My friends are cool. I like playing games
with they / them.
s r t
6 Przeczytaj tekst. Zaznacz
3 Przekształć podane zdania odpowiednio T (prawda) lub F (fałsz).
w zdania przeczące.
I have dinner at half past six. Barbara Wulf is twelve years old. She
I don’t have dinner at half past six. lives with her family in Austria. In winter,
1 Ella and Dan play baseball every Sunday. Barbara goes skiing every day. She’s very
good at skiing. Her dream is to win a gold
2 My dad likes skiing. medal for Germany at a Winter Olympics.
Barbara says, ‘It’s difficult sometimes.
3 You go swimming twice a week. I always have lots of homework and
I haven’t got a lot of free time.’ Her
4 We sing in Music on Tuesdays. friends don’t like skiing. When she’s got
free time, Barbara and her friends go
5 He does karate every week. to the cinema and listen to music. Their
favourite band is One Direction.


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Unit 8 Test B 1
T  F 1 2
Barbara is German.   ✗ have never
1 Barbara goes skiing every week in watch every day / morning / afternoon
the winter.    not do once / twice a day / week /
2 She hates skiing.    read month
3 She wants to ski at the Summer not play three times a day / week /
Olympics   go month
4 Barbara’s friends go skiing.  
5 She sometimes listens to music.   I watch television every day.
1 I
2 I
3 I
4 I
7 Dopasuj pytania do odpowiedzi. 5 I
Wpisz odpowiednio litery.
Do you like football? b
1 What do you think of exams? / 45
2 Do you like Julia Roberts?
3 What do you think of Brad Pitt? Extra
4 Do you like Science?
10 Popraw błędy w zdaniach.
5 Do you like musicals?
Does she play the guitar? No, she don’t.
a I quite like him. Does she play the guitar? No, she doesn’t.
b Yes, it’s great! 1 I brush my teeth two a day.
c Yes, I do. I love the songs.
d I quite like it, but I prefer Maths. 2 I need my swimsuit and bat when I go
e Yes, I do. I think she’s a great actor. swimming.
f I don’t like them at all!

3 My friend and I doesn’t like Science.
4 She goes gymnastics once a week.
8 8 Posłuchaj nagrania i napisz
krótkie odpowiedzi na pytania.
5 What time your sister go to bed?
Does Helen live in England?
Yes, she does.
1 What day is Helen’s I.C.T lesson? /5

2 Does she like Tuesdays?

11 Wpisz w luki brakujące słowa.
W każdą lukę należy wpisać jedno
3 How many times a week does Helen run?
My brother Carl and I are very
4 Does she do athletics on Sundays? different. Carl likes rock 1
I2 like it, it’s scary! I like
5 Do Helen and her friends like films? mountain 3 , but Carl doesn’t
it. I 5 baseball
/5 on Saturday, but Carl plays golf.

9 Napisz o sobie samym/samej. / 55

Zastosuj w zdaniach czasowniki

i przysłówki częstotliwości z tabelki.

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1 UNIT 8 Test C

1 Dopasuj podpisy do obrazków. Wpisz odpowiednio litery.

a b c

d e f

do gymnastics d 3 do karate
1 do athletics 4 go skiing
2 go swimming 5 play tennis


2 Zakreśl właściwe wyrazy lub wyrażenia.
I tennis on Saturdays.
a don’t play b doesn’t play
1 She lunch at school.
a doesn’t has b doesn’t have
2 They to the cinema every week.
a don’t go b doesn’t go
3 ‘ do you live?’ ‘I live in Spain.’
a When b Where
4 How often does your mum do karate? She does it a week.
a two b twice
5 Peter have a pet? Yes, he does.
a Does b What

3 Przeczytaj zdania i zakreśl właściwe zaimki.

Polly and Mark aren’t friends. She doesn’t like him / he.
1 Me / I watch TV with my mum every evening.
2 My cousins are cool. I like playing games with they / them.
3 We like Mr Green. He teaches us / her Geography.
4 Anna’s cat is cute. She plays with it / me after school.
5 Do you know they / them?

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UNIT 8 Test C

4 Przeczytaj tekst. Zaznacz odpowiednio T (prawda) lub F (fałsz).

Sarah Jones is eleven years old. She lives with her family in
the USA. In the winter, Sarah goes skiing every day. She’s
very good at skiing. Her dream is to win a gold medal for
the USA at the Winter Olympics. Sarah says, ‘I want to be
the best.’ Her friends don’t like skiing. Sarah and her friends
go to the cinema and listen to music in the evenings. Their
favourite singer is Adele.

Sarah is German. ✗
1 Sarah goes skiing every Saturday.
2 She can’t ski at all.
3 She wants to ski for the USA.
4 Sarah’s friends don’t like skiing.
5 Sarah likes music.
/ 20

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