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Monatomic ideal gas: partition

Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague

functions and equation of state.

Peter Košovan

Dept. of Physical and Macromolecular Chemistry

Statistical Thermodynamics, MC260P105, Lecture 3, 27.10.2014

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Systems of non-interacting particles
For non-interacting particles a, b, c, d, . . . we can decompose the

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system Hamiltonian to individual contributions:

Ĥ ≈ Ĥ a + Ĥ b + Ĥ c + Ĥ d + . . .
Consequently, the energy is a sum of individual particle energies
E ≈ εa + εb + εc + εd + . . .
• Complex multi-body problem approximated as a superposition of
simpler one- and two-body problems.
• Often encountered in Physics
• Allows for systematic corrections
• e. g. Separation of a single molecule Hamiltonian

Ĥ ≈ Ĥtranslation + Ĥrotation + Ĥvibration + Ĥelectronic + Ĥnuclear + . . .

ε ≈ εtranslation + εrotation + εvibration + εelectronic + εnuclear + . . .

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Systems of non-interacting particles

Suppose we can decompose Hamiltonian to individual contributions.

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Non-interacting distinguishable particles a, b, c, . . . :

a b c
Q(N, V , T ) = e−βEj = e−β(εk +εl +εm +... )
j k ,l,m,...
X X X 
−βεak −βεbl −βεcm
= e e e · · · = qa qb qc . . .
k l m

where k , l, m, . . . are indices of quantum states of particles a, b, c, . . .

Single-particle partition function:
qi (V , T ) =

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Distinguishable vs. indistinguishable particles

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• If all particles are the same but distinguishable, qa = qb = qc = q :

a b c
Q(N, V , T ) = e−β(εk +εl +εm +... ) = qa qb qc · · · = q N (V , T )
k ,l,m,...

• The N-body problem reduces to a one-body problem!

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Distinguishable vs. indistinguishable particles

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• If all particles are the same but distinguishable, qa = qb = qc = q :

a b c
Q(N, V , T ) = e−β(εk +εl +εm +... ) = qa qb qc · · · = q N (V , T )
k ,l,m,...

• The N-body problem reduces to a one-body problem!

• But identical particles are indistinguishable:
Q(N, V , T ) = e−β(εk +εl +εm +... )
k ,l,m,...

• Permutation of k and l yields the same quantum state of the system.

• Correct for double-counting: N! permutations.

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Indistinguishable particles
• For indistinguishable particles:

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q N (V , T )

Q(N, V , T ) = where q(V , T ) = e−βεj

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Indistinguishable particles
• For indistinguishable particles:

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q N (V , T )

Q(N, V , T ) = where q(V , T ) = e−βεj

• We silently ignored multiply occupied states: εi = εj :

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Indistinguishable particles
• For indistinguishable particles:

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q N (V , T )

Q(N, V , T ) = where q(V , T ) = e−βεj

• We silently ignored multiply occupied states: εi = εj :

• Bosons: ψ symmetric with respect to permutation
⇒ any number of particles can occupy a given quantum state.

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Indistinguishable particles
• For indistinguishable particles:

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q N (V , T )

Q(N, V , T ) = where q(V , T ) = e−βεj

• We silently ignored multiply occupied states: εi = εj :

• Bosons: ψ symmetric with respect to permutation
⇒ any number of particles can occupy a given quantum state.
• Fermions: ψ antisymmetric with respect to perumtation
⇒ two particles cannot occupy the same quantum state.

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Indistinguishable particles
• For indistinguishable particles:

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q N (V , T )

Q(N, V , T ) = where q(V , T ) = e−βεj

• We silently ignored multiply occupied states: εi = εj :

• Bosons: ψ symmetric with respect to permutation
⇒ any number of particles can occupy a given quantum state.
• Fermions: ψ antisymmetric with respect to perumtation
⇒ two particles cannot occupy the same quantum state.

• We will see that except for low temperatures or high densities the
number of states N  N.
• Then multiply occupied states are rare and the equation above is an
excellent approximation
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Some useful results from quantum mechanics (QM)
Time-independent Schrödinger equation: 7

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Ĥψ = Eψ 5

Particle in a well of length a: 3
h2 ∂ 2 1
Ĥ = − 0
2m ∂x 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
h2 n2
εn = n = 1, 2, . . . Number of states with εnx ,ny ,nz < ε:
1 4πR 3
Particle in a 3d box of length a: Φ(ε) =
8 3
π 8ma2 ε 3/2
εnx ,ny ,nz = (n2 + ny2 + nz2 )
8ma2 x ... =
6 h2
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Degeneracy of translational energy levels
Density of energy levels from previous slide:

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π 8ma2 ε 3/2

Φ(ε) =
6 h2

Number of levels between ε and (ε + ∆ε):

π 8ma2 3/2 1/2

ω(ε, ∆ε) = Φ(ε + ∆ε) − Φ(ε) = ε ∆ε + O (∆ε)
4 h2

Let’s plug in some numbers:

ε = 3kB T /2, T = 300 K, m = 10−22 g, a = 10 cm, ∆ε/ε = 0.01:

ω(ε, ∆ε) ≈ O(1028 )

Degeneracy of translational energy levels far exceeds number of

particles at sufficiently low density and high temperature.
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Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein statistics

• Sometimes we have to explicitly account for

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multiple occupancy of quantum states

• At low T and high density

• Partition function in terms of molecular *Constrained sum:
energy levels (occupation numbers nk ): X
N= nk
X X∗ P k
Q(N, V , T ) = e−βEj = e−β i εi ni
j {nk } Ej = εk nk
• Evaluation of the restricted sum is awkward.
• Convenient solution: grandcanonical ensemble (GCE).

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Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein statistics
Formulation in GCE: Absolute activity:

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X λ = eβµ
Ξ(µ, V , T ) = eβµN Q(N, V , T )

µ = kB T ln λ
Rearrangements (* is the restricted sum from the previous slide):
∞ X∗ ∞ X P
X P X ∗ P
Ξ(µ, V , T ) = λN e−β i εi ni = λ i ni e−β i εi ni
N=0 {nk } N=0 {nk }
X∞ X ∗ Y nk
= λe−βεk
N=0 {nk } k

Crucial step (now each nk ranges over all possible values):

n1max max
X nX
2 Y n k
Ξ(µ, V , T ) = ··· λe−βεk
n1 =0 n2 =0 k
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Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein statistics
We continue rearranging
n1max n2max

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X X Y nk

Ξ(µ, V , T ) = ···
n1 =0 n2 =0 k
n1max  n1 nX
= λe λe−βε2
n1 =0 n2 =0
nkmax  nk
= λe−βεk
k nk =0

Last equation is a general result. Special cases:

Fermions, nkmax = 1: Bosons, nkmax = ∞:
∞  nk
ΞFD = 1 + λe−βεk ΞBE = λe−βεk
k k nk =0
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Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein statistics
Use j=0 x
j = (1 − x)−1 for x < 1 to rewrite BE formula

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∞  nk Y −1

ΞBE = λe−βεk = 1 − λe−βεk for λe−βεk < 1
k nk =0 k

and cast both FD and BE formula in the same form

Y ±1
Ξ FD = 1 ± λe−βεk for λe−βεk < 1

• These are the only exact distributions in statmech.

• Low T and high density: FD or BE statistics apply, q(N, V , T ) has no
meaning (symmetry requirements of the wave function)
• High T and low density: both degenerate to Boltzmann statistics
• Nobel prize in Physics 2001: experiment Bose-Einstein condensate.
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Thermodynamic quantities from FD and BE statistics
Number of particles: Number of particles
in state k :

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X ∂ ln Ξ
N=N= n k = kB T

∂µ λe−βεk
k V ,T nk =
  X λe−βεk 1 ± λe−βεk
∂ ln Ξ
=λ =
∂λ V ,T 1 ± λe−βεk

Energy E and average energy per particle, ε:

X X λεk e−βεk
E = Nε = n k εk =
1 ± λe−βεk
k k

pV = kB T ln Ξ = ±kB T ln 1 ± λe−βεk

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The limiting case of Boltzmann

For λ  1 (equivalent βµ  0):

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nk =
1 ± λe−βεk
we can write approximate relations
nk = λe−βεk , N = nk = λ e−βεk
k k

and using q(N, V , T ) = k

nk e−βεk e−βεk
= P −βε =
N ke
k q(N, V , T )

i. e. both FD and BE reduce to Boltzmann statistics.

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The limiting case of Boltzmann
Similarly, for small λ we obtain:

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εj e−βεj
X λεk e−βεk X E j
E= → λεj e−βεj , ε= P → P

1 ± λe k nk e−βεj
k j k j

Using ln(1 + x) ≈ x for small x:

 X  X
pV = kB T ln Ξ → ±kB T ±λ e−βεj = λkB T e−βεj = λkB Tq

j j

so that
βpV = ln Ξ = λq

∞ ∞
X (λq)N X qN
Ξ = eλq = = λN Q(N, V , T ), where Q(N, V , T ) =
N! N!
N=0 N=0

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Ideal monatomic gas
At high temperature and low
pressure (Boltmzmann limit):

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q N (V , T )
Q(N, V , T ) =
Further decomposition of q:

q(V , T ) = qtr qel qnucl

Nuclear partition function:

qnucl = ωn1 + . . .

Except for rare cases just a


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Ideal monatomic gas
At high temperature and low Electronic partition function:
pressure (Boltmzmann limit):

Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague

qelec = ωe1 + ωe2 e−β∆ε1,2 + . . .

q N (V , T )
Q(N, V , T ) =
• Zero energy at electronic
Further decomposition of q:
ground state
q(V , T ) = qtr qel qnucl • Can be degenerate

Nuclear partition function: • Higher excited states typically

several eV
qnucl = ωn1 + . . . • At 300 K 1eV ≈ 40 kB T

Except for rare cases just a • First two or three terms

constant. usually suffice

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Quantitative view of electronic levels

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Table from McQuarrie, Statistical Mechanics, University Science Books (2000)

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Quantitative view of electronic levels
Fraction of electrons in second excited state:

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ωe2 e−β∆ε1,2

f2 =
ωe1 + ωe2 e−β∆ε1,2 + . . .

Table from McQuarrie, Statistical Mechanics, University Science Books (2000)

Higher electronic states need to be considered at higher temperatures.

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Translational partition function
Translational energy levels:

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εnx ,ny ,nz = (n2 + ny2 + nz2 ), nx , ny , nz = 1, 2, . . .
8ma2 x

qtr = e−βεnx ,ny ,nz
nx ,ny ,nz =1
∞ ∞  ∞
−βh2 nx2 −βh2 nx2 X −βh2 nx2
X   X  
= exp exp exp
8ma2 8ma2 8ma2
nx =1 nx =1 nx =1
∞ !3 Z ∞  !3
−βh2 n2 −βh2 n2
= exp ≈ exp dn
8ma2 n=0 8ma2
Alternative approach
∞ ∞
π 8ma2 3/2 ∞ 1/2 −βε
X Z   Z
−βε −βε
qtr = ω(ε)e ≈ ω(ε)e dε = ε e dε
n=0 4 h2 n=0
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Translational partition function
We evaluate

2πmkB T 3/2

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−βh2 n2
qtr = exp dn = V

n=0 8ma2 h2

and introduce thermal de Broglie wavelength Λ


Λ= such that qtr = 3
2πmkB T Λ

Translational energy and momentum per particle:

2 ∂ ln qtr 3 h
εtr = kB T = kB T , |~p| = (3mkB T )1/2 , Λ≈
∂T 2 |~p|

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Translational partition function
We evaluate

2πmkB T 3/2

Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague

−βh2 n2
qtr = exp dn = V

n=0 8ma2 h2

and introduce thermal de Broglie wavelength Λ


Λ= such that qtr = 3
2πmkB T Λ

Translational energy and momentum per particle:

2 ∂ ln qtr 3 h
εtr = kB T = kB T , |~p| = (3mkB T )1/2 , Λ≈
∂T 2 |~p|
Boltzmann applies at Λ3  V , i. e. when quantum effects diminish.

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Summary – single-particle partitition function

q(V , T ) = qtr qel qnu

Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague

2πmkB T V
qtr = V =
h2 λ3

qel = ωe1 + ωe2 e−β∆ε12 + . . .

qnu = ωn1 + . . .

• The above holds for particles without inernal structure

(monatomic ideal gas)
• Vibrational and rotational terms arise for composite particles
(next lecture)
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Thermodynamic functions of an ideal monatomic gas

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A(N, V , T ) = −kB T ln Q = kB T ln N! − NkB T ln q(V , T )

" #
2πmkB T 3/2 Ve

− NkB T ln ωe,1 + ωe,2 e−β∆ε1,2

= −NkB T ln 2
h N

2 ∂ ln Q 3 Nωe,2 ∆ε1,2
E = kB T = NkB T +
∂T N,V 2 qel

In both above cases, the first term is dominant.

∂ ln Q NkB T
p = kB T =
∂V N,T V

Equation of state (EOS) of an ideal gas.

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Thermodynamic functions of an ideal monatomic gas
∂ ln Q

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S = kB T + kB ln Q

∂T N,V
" #
2πmkB T 3/2 Ve5/2

= NkB + NkB ln
2 h2 N
ωe,1 + ωe,2 e−β∆ε1,2


+ NkB ln ωe,1 + ωe,2 e + NkB

Sackur-Tetrode equation:
" #
2πmkB T 3/2 Ve5/2

S = NkB + NkB ln + Sel
2 h2 N

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Quantitative view of entropy
Sackur-Tetrode equation:
" #
2πmkB T 2/2 Ve5/2

Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague

S = NkB + NkB ln + Sel

2 h2 N

Table from McQuarrie, Statistical Mechanics, University Science Books (2000)

Higher electronic states have to be considered at higher temperatures.

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Thermodynamic functions of an ideal monatomic gas
Chemical potential:

Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague

∂ ln Q q
µ = −kB T = −kB T ln

∂N T ,V N
" #
2πmkB T 3/2 V

= −kB T ln − kB T ln qel qnu
h2 N
" #
2πmkB T 3/2 kB T

= −kB T ln 2
− kB T ln qel qnu + kB T ln
h p p
= µ0 (T ) + kB T ln
" 3/2 #
2πmkB T kB T
µ0 (T ) = −kB T ln − kB T ln qel qnu
h2 p

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• Separation of different contributions to Ĥ, E, Q and q

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• Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein statistics

• Boltzmann as high-temperature and low-density limit

• Thermal wavelength
• EOS of an ideal gas from first principles (Boltzmann limit)

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• Separation of different contributions to Ĥ, E, Q and q

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• Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein statistics

• Boltzmann as high-temperature and low-density limit

• Thermal wavelength
• EOS of an ideal gas from first principles (Boltzmann limit)

What comes next

• Polyatomic gas molecules – vibration and rotation
• Condensed matter – dense gases and liquids (classical limit)
• Distinguishable particles – crystals, magnets

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