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Laird 1

Alivia Laird

Mrs. Cramer

Comp Pd. 4

6 March 2019

College Application Essay

“Keep challenging to think better, do better, and be better.” -Robin S. Sharmin

When I am prompted to think about someone who has had the largest influence on my

educational career, one person immediately comes to mind, Mr. Wes Lohrman. When I first met

Mr. Lohrman, I was in 6th grade and he was a reading and language arts director at my school.

One of my classes that year was putting a particular amount of stress on me and whenever I

needed someone to talk to, he was always there. He taught me countless things that year. He

showed me how important it is to have someone to talk to when I encounter stressful times.

Throughout the years, Mr. Lohrman’s job position has changed multiple times. He went

from reading and language arts director, to English teacher, to the Gifted Program Director. The

Gifted program is an arrangement my school district created for students who learned at a faster

pace and higher level. So, being a member of this program, naturally I was excited when he told

me he was taking the director position. From the start of his time in this position, Mr. Lohrman

was especially serious about making me the best student I could possibly be. Throughout the

scheduling process each year, he has helped me pick classes that would challenge me, not only

with critical thinking, but also time management. He made certain that as I moved into my junior

and senior year, I was beginning to prepare myself with not only AP, but College in the

Classroom courses as well.

Laird 2

Along with presenting me with challenges, Mr. Lohrman has also guided me through the

stressful process of choosing an area of study and college options. When I first started thinking

about what career path I wanted to follow, I was completely confused and indecisive. I came up

with a new, completely random, idea every week. Throughout the entirety of this process, Mr.

Lohrman was always there to listen to whatever crazy idea I had come up with that week and

give me his opinions, and if I was serious about it, even do some research. When I finally made

my decision, he helped me work through all the details, like what level I would take my

education to and what schools were best suited for my interests.

Throughout all these events, Mr. Lohrman taught me numerous important lessons that I

will carry with me for the rest of my life, but the one that is most significant to me is, no one can

challenge me harder than myself. No matter where I am in life or what obstacle I'm facing, I

always need to set goals for myself that not only challenge me, but also lead me in the best

possible direction. I will forever be thankful for Mr. Lohrman’s guidance and care.

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