5 Things Men Need To Combat Stress

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5 things men need to combat stress

With high power jobs, demanding relationships and manic traffic, it is proven that high blood pressure,
cholesterol, and anxiety attacks are common phenomenon amongst men in their 30s. Adding to this,
bad eating habits, a lack of support and frustrated ambitions cause even the best man to succumb to
health issues.
To combat this men need a different way of easing their life a little bit.
The 5 things men need to combat stress are:
1. Daily Exercise:​ Yes, you've heard it before. You even had that gym membership that you went to
four times in the entire year, you hired a personal trainer and you even tried yoga with your wife but
the daily exercise is something you just can't do. It is boring and with all that work, you feel you need
to finish off through the day; you would rather sleep an extra hour than exercise. But what if exercising
was fun? List 5 things you love to do and would do every day. Then go ahead and try one for each of
the week of the month. Join tennis classes for a week so you will not get bored with it. Play on your
Nintendo Wii but make sure it's not a sitting car game but rather a high-powered basketball lone that
makes you jump, and run on the spot. Do it for a week. Change the 5 things you want to do every
month until you get to a point where you don't need to change it. You will automatically wake up and
do it for 45 minutes 6 times a week. Yes You get Sunday off.
2. Healthy Eating:​ Yes, your wife/girlfriend has noticed that paunch on you and you don't really care.
She does not know the pressures of the workplace and what it means to do what you need to do at your
position. Therefore she should let you be if you indulge a little and feel you "deserve" to `at least' eat
what you want and when you want, Green leafy vegetables seem to be a curse even thought eating
copious amounts of it will give you back your health. Food should be about flavour and fun. Here is
what you need to do. Write down the 3 meals you must have this week. It can be a drinking session
with the guys that allows you to have snacks with your drinks (it cannot be dinner post as well). There
can also be a client lunch that you need to go to and can have tandoori chicken until there are no more
chickens left. Alternatively, it can be a friends' birthday party where there will be cake that you need
because you have a sugar craving. You need to plan it. It takes only 2 minutes of your time. For the rest
of the meals, you need to watch what you eat. Drink a glass or orange juice a day instead of the fatty
cold coffee if you are meeting people in coffee shops. Have a breakfast of oatmeal or whole grain
sandwich or egg whites every morning. Avoid red meat and sugar unless you have planned it for a
meal. Be vigilant about what you eat. You deserve to live long. Not just eat well.
3. Read:​ Switch off the TV and read a fiction novel that you have been putting off for so long. Tell the
wife/ girlfriend to leave you for a few hours over the weekend and instead of spending it on watching
reruns and films that can be avoided, read a book. Do not read something that is meant for your job or
for a course you are taking or a magazine that finishes in 20 minutes. Read a book that you picked up
or was presented to you as a good read. Absorbing your mind in something that is more than a home or
office gives your mind something more to think about. It helps to lower your heart rate and increases
the progesterone level that makes you a calmer man.
4. Sing:​ There are two ways of benefiting from singing. One you can call all your friends over for a
karaoke night where you get to enjoy other people's company. Secondly, singing is proved to ease
stress. It does not matter if you sing badly. If you don't want to sing in front of friends, sing for the
kids, sing for the pets, sing to woo your beloved, sing in you shower every morning. You get the idea.
Sing your favourite songs or the new ones you have heard on the radio. Sing 5 in a row. And laugh at
yourself when you don't remember the lyrics or go off key. Because you can be happy, your profession
is not as a Singer!
5. Sex:​ Either with or without a partner. An orgasm releases beta-endorphins, which are like a shot of
relief in a syringe. Moreover, it is loads of fun! Needs no further explanation. Have fun.

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