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Three (3) Drama on LIFE

Drama: 1 – Life
Karen: Sitting at the table by the front door. Waiting for Kyle to come home to talk to her about
yesterday's argument.

Kyle, fumbling threw her keys to open the door, and suddenly the door opens and its Karen.

Kyle looks at Karen with a surprised look not saying it but looking as if to say, what are you
doing here?

Karen: HI Kyle, I just wanted to talk to you about yesterday.

Karen: The argument stayed on my mind all night long, I could not sleep, so I decided to just tell
you, how I feel, and hopefully you will respect my feelings just because they are mind.

Kyle: Looking at Karen in wonderment,

Kyle: OK, while sitting down.

Karen: I want you to listen,

Kyle: looking confused, yes I guess.

Karen: yesterday,It was hard on me mentally but last night. I was up, all night thinking about the
conversation, if you could call it that.

Karen, while looking at Kyle in the eyes said: I decided that I would not take your perception of
me and make it my perception of me. I heard your criticism but I choose to let it fly by, I choose
not to raise my hands in the Juster to capture your perception of me simply because I know. who
I am now.

Kyle :attempting to get up Karen, grabs Kyle's hand gently and says: I choose to sit in a non
judge mental, calm, and considerate state and say to myself, I am a loving, kind person, and so
are you.

Karen continues: I stand on the soles of my feet in pride, although I know the roads those soles
walked through, ran though, been through. I have doubts and shame that I have hidden, only to
go back to unveil them in the healing process of loving me for who I am.

Kyle: Sitting back down

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Karen says: I know now the road to know thy self is to face, thy self in all its hurt, pains, laughs
and Joys, all those experiences where lessons, lessons to be lived and learned from in order to
become that butterfly ,that beautiful butterfly that has been in its cocoon for so long.

Kyle: starting to cry and says, me to Karen me to.

Karen eyes watering up says: even when I'm in my darkest hour, even when it seems as though it
can't get any worse.

I stand here as evidence that keeping your eye on the prize pays off.

I will always remember, the closer I get to my detination , the harder the old ways and people
will try to pull me back into the term oil,

The term oil of life messes, they will try hard to reclaim my life, my thinking, my presence and
my soul.

That is when I keep myself on track by saying look, learn and keep going sister, don't look back
but please remember, the lessons that.

brought you to this day of renewal, those lesson's hold the glue of knowledge, that will if used
properly, secure the bond of life love and.

the pursuit of happiness, for all the days of your life. With a few more trails and tabulations, to
keep you on track. Please don't mis-

Understand me, I'll have trails and tribulations, but my perception of them will be to look, learn
and move on instead of whorling and.

Feeling sorry for myself. I will be mindful of remembering. Dissatisfaction is good because it
sparks growth.

Karen: getting up in a Juster to hug Kyle then she wakes, up from her dream.


By: Zina Fuller

Created on: October 28, 2009 Last Updated: April 15, 2011

English Drama/RNK Page 2

Drama: 2 – Life

CASSIDY: One of the people who tell others when they have died and help them to move on.
She’s been working at this job for a very long time and is starting to train her replacement. Soon
she will retire.

BILLIE: A fifteen year old girl who plays the keyboard in her band ‘The Last Meal’. She has big
plans for her future.

MORGAN: A sixteen year old boy who is the drummer in his band ‘The Last Meal’.

DELILAH: A fifteen year old girl who plays the guitar in her band ‘The Last Meal’.

PETER: One of the people who tell others when they have died and help them to move on but he
is more laid back and humorous. It’s his first day on the job. JOEY RIVERA

SETTING: A large empty room, neither bright nor dark. A desk SR with two chairs behind it,
where PETER sits SL and CASSIDY sits SR. There is a door, location doesn’t matter. There are
some papers on the desk that PETER is looking through.


PETER: The next appointment is due to arrive within the next five minutes.

CASSIDY: Already?

PETER: Yeah, we’re way booked today.

CASSIDY: Hmm. Well, are you prepared?

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PETER: I’m always prepared, Cassidy.

CASSIDY: Not last time you weren’t. Remember?

PETER: Oh, um. Well yes, I am prepared.

CASSIDY: Good, because I hear them coming.

Brief pause and then DELILAH, BILLIE, and MORGAN enter SL.

CASSIDY: Are you Delilah, Billie, and Morgan?

BILLIE: Yes, that is us!

MORGAN: But, if you wouldn’t mind, we prefer to be called ‘The Last Meal.’

PETER: Is that a biblical reference?

DELILAH: Well, yes. But it’s mainly our band name.

CASSIDY: Your band name?

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MORGAN: Yes, our band name. We are ‘The Last Meal’, now could you please show us to the
dressing rooms? We have to change and warm up before the concert.

PETER: Ah, um, yes! But first we have a few questions.

DELILAH: Can this not wait until afterward?

PETER: I’m afraid not, Miss.

DELILAH: It’s Delilah.

PETER: Sorry, Delilah, this will only take a few minutes. Okay. So, is this your whole band?

BILILE: Yep. I’m Billie, I do the keyboard, Morgan here does drums, Delilah plays the guitar,
and Sophia is our singer.

MORGAN: Where’s Sophia?

DELILAH: We can’t perform without Sophia!

PETER: What do you remember before coming here?

MORGAN: Before coming in this room?

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BILLIE: We were in the car, driving here with our instruments.

DELILAH: Sophia was driving, I sat beside her, and the boys were in the back. We drove all the
way from Seattle to get here so we’re a little tired.

CASSIDY: Being tired is normal, don’t worry about it.

PETER: So, Sophia’s not here, and where are your instruments?

BILLIE: I guess we left them in the car… that’s strange.

PETER: What’s strange?

BILLIE: Well, I can’t seem to remember parking and walking in here.

MORGAN: Me either.

DELILAH: I can’t remember even making it to Portland.

CASSIDY: Because you didn’t make it to Portland.

BILLIE: What are you talking about?

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MORGAN: What’s that on your arm, Delilah? You’ve got a nasty looking bruise.

DELILAH looks down at her arm to find a big bruise.

BILLIE: Morgan, your face…. you’re bleeding.

MORGAN touches his face to find blood.

DELILAH: You too, Billie. You’re bleeding too.

PETER: You, all of you, didn’t make it to Portland tonight because you were in a car crash. You
won’t be performing tonight, either.

BILLIE: What do you mean?

CASSIDY: You are dead. All three of you. Sophia is still in critical condition, but likely she will
not make it either.


MORGAN: We’re dead?


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BILLIE: This is a joke, right? Right?

DELILAH: I don’t think this is a joke Billie. I think… I think we really are dead.

MORGAN: If we are dead, then, then what do we do now? Is this the part where we finally find
out what Death means, when we figure out if there’s a God or if this is all a messed up game?

CASSIDY: This is the time where you have to let go.

BILLIE: Let go? What if I don’t want to let go? I’m only fifteen years old!

PETER: You have to let go Billie. It’s part of moving on.

DELILAH: How do we let go?

CASSIDY: You just have to accept that you are dead, and then walk through that door over there
(points at door).

MORGAN: What happens if we don’t go through that door?

PETER: Then you’ll never find peace.

DELILAH: Let’s go. All three of us, together.

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BILLIE: I’m scared.

MORGAN: It’ll be okay.

BILLIE: How do you know?

MORGAN: I don’t, but I have a feeling it will all work out.

BILLIE: I trust you. (pause) Okay, I think I’m ready.

DELILAH: (To Cassidy & Peter) You will watch over Sophia, won’t you?

PETER: Yes, we will. Good luck.

CASSIDY: And goodbye.

BILLIE, MORGAN, and DELILAH all hold hands and exit through the door. PETER and
CASSIDY sit back down.

CASSIDY: Good job, Peter.

PETER: Thanks, Cassidy. That went well, didn’t it?

CASSIDY: Yes it did, very well for your first day of work. At this rate I’ll be able to retire soon.

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PETER: And leave me to do this alone?

CASSIDY: It is the way things are supposed to be. I have worked many long years and it takes
its toll on you. Some people cry, some laugh, some get angry. Some won’t believe you. It’s hard
to tell people that they are dead. You will see how it is.

PETER: I guess I will, won’t I?

CASSIDY: But don’t worry, before you know it you will be done. Then you can finally walk
through that door, and I will be on the other side waiting. It helps if you remember you are not


by Elizabeth Elia

Created on: July 24, 2012 Last Updated: July 25, 2012

English Drama/RNK Page 10

Drama: 3 - Life

Oh No! Why do I have to keep waking up?

Oh well, come on Edi, might as well get up eh.

Now what day is it, Monday, no it's Tuesday, got to be Tuesday, of course it is, best day of the
week, visiting day.

Brrr! Bathrooms cold, I'm not going to be long in here, I wonder what shall I wear, what do you
think Bill?

Yes, my brown trousers and the lovely yellow blouse you bought me last year, before they took
you away and made us live separately, if only I could walk better, I could visit you more often.

Better get my hankie too, oh Bill, I miss you so much.

Come on now Edi, less sniveling or you'll be too late to visit.

Right, breakfast, weetabix, no, cornflakes, no, weetabix and toast and marmalade like we used to
and I'll pack some sandwiches and we'll have a picnic lunch.

Well Bill, I'm on my way, got me buss pass, yes, take me raincoat, might be cold later, looks a
bit cloudy, even though the sun's shinning at the moment.

Whoops nearly forgot the sandwiches wouldn't be much of a picnic without them now would it?

Now Edi, mind the wobbly paving stone, time the council fixed that.

Queue's big today, don't know any of them though, anyway no-ones gonna want to talk to a silly
old fool like you Edi, now are they?

Wish they had a seat here, they've got one down at the school bus stop, why can't they put one
here. Paints all peeling of the shelter, a nice deep blue be better than this dull green, brighten it
up a bit wouldn't it Bill?

That's better sit down at last, keep watching now Edi or you'll miss the stop, I remember when
they had conductors to help us on and off but not anymore, don't care about us old folks now do
they Bill, all they care about is money, now where did I put my purse?

Next stop please!

Steps seem to get steeper every time, but at least it stops by Annie's, I can get you some flowers
Bill, I know what you want, yes I know.

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Hi Annie, usual please, bunch of freesias and a yellow silk rose, it's our anniversary today.

Shop looks pretty today Bill, wish you could come with me and see it, but you can't walk now
can you?

If only you could smell all these flowers, I don't know what they all are but they smell terrific,
especially the roses, I know what roses are.

Oh dear, have to stop a minute, there's a seat in front of the caf, I'll stop there a while, get my
breath back.

Mmm what a whiff that coffee's got. I'll stop and have a cup, help me get my strength back.

Here we are at last, aren't the lawns looking great, must have had the gardener in to cut them.

Oh there's Mrs. Cable, with all her family round her, it's such a beautiful day, perhaps they'll
have a picnic too.

I doubt it though, they never seem to stop long.

Hi Daisy, wow, you've had a lovely bouquet from someone, mind if I have a look, ooh all the
different colours, wish I knew what they were all called they're really beautiful, lucky you.

Oh dear, there's David, over by the little drinking fountain, no-one ever seems to visit him, he's
awfully untidy, he could do with a good wash too by the looks of him.

Suppose it's none of my business, that's what you'd say, wouldn't you Bill, mind your own Edi,
mind your own.

Look at her, always here every week when I come to see Bill, sweet little angel isn't she, hiding
behind her book, read a lot I guess.

Oh Bill it's so good to see you, here you are see, I brought you your flowers and our special
yellow rose, Oh I miss you.

Stop crying Edi, it doesn't do any good, one day we'll be together forever.

Oh Bill I love you so much,I brought a picnic, it's such a lovely day, look I've got egg and cress,
your favourites and chocolate fairy cakes with buttons on the top.

Annie's flower shop was really nice, it smelt of all sorts of lovely flowers, I guess you'd probably
say it smelt like a perfume parlor, wouldn't you.

What have you been up to this week Bill, have you missed me, do you get on with everyone
here, I know David's a bit scruffy, but he is getting very old and maybe there's no-one to visit
him, it's quite sad really isn't it Bill.

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Don't you worry though, I'll always come and visit you, well as long as I'm still here of course.

I better get you some water for those flowers, I'll lay your rose down here look, so you can see it

Yes, I've got mine, it's on my hankie look, one yellow rose just like the one I carried on our
wedding day, you and me Bill, always in each others hearts eh.

I'm going to sit just here look, right next to you.

I'll lay the picnic out, enjoy the sandwiches.

I had to put chocolate buttons on the cakes this time, can't seem to manage the smarties we used
to have, bit hard on my teeth these days.

I'll just sit quiet with you, for a while, just me and you.

Oh dear, goodness me what's the time, I must have nodded off.

Why does visiting day go so quick, better get a move on, or I'll miss the bus back.

Oh dear there it is, quick now Edi, come on.

All that puffing and panting to catch it, must have been a funny sight for everyone.

Our little gate is squeaking again, the white's all peeling off too, but you can still just see the
little yellow rose you painted on it, oh Bill I wish you were here with me.

Where's my hankie, why do I always do this.

Home sweet home, you used to say, only it's not so sweet without you, Bill.

It's time for bed already, why do I always end up crying.

One day it will be my turn too, I'll be too old and tired to take care of myself. Oh Bill I hope it's
not long now.

Cos when I wake up dead, I won't have to visit you in the cemetery anymore, cause we'll be
together again, just like the old days, you and me Bill, together forever.

I love you Bill.


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By: Christine Bennett Created on: June 18, 2007

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