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The Crucible  

Act Three Vocabulary in Context 

Directions:​ Please review the definitions of the words below.   
1. Using this list, locate the word in Act Three of ​The Crucible P
​ DF.  
2. Write the sentence from the story and explain the context clues that are in the sentence that 
help you determine the meaning of the word.   
3. Then, write a sentence of your own using the vocabulary word to demonstrate understanding.   
Make sure ALL three requirements are completed to your full potential! Must be very neat.   
Students will be able to determine the meaning of a word using context clues.  
Students will be able to explain the use of context clues in a sentence.  
Students will be able to review the meaning of the vocabulary word and use it in a sentence.  
Act Three Vocabulary  
vestry:​ a room in a church where meetings or classes are held 
remorseless: ​without compassion; relentless 
wrath:​ fury often marked by a desire for vengeance 
contentious:​ causing or likely to cause disagreement and disputes between people 
with differing views 
deposition​: witness’s testimony 
befuddled:​ confused or perplexed 
immaculate:​ clean and free from blemishes; showing faultless perfection 
qualm​: a misgiving, doubt, or bad feeling 
callously​: in away that shows no concern if other people are hurt or upset 
apparition:​ an unexpected sight; a ghost 
contemplation​: long and attentive consideration or observation of something 
afflicted:​ distressed 
dumbfounded:​ temporarily speechless with astonishment 
slovenly:​ not concerned about conventional standards of personal hygiene 
and tidiness 
transfixed:​ made immobile from shock 
befouled: ​dirty or impure 
quail:​ to show fear or apprehension 
denounce:​ to express harsh criticism or condemnation of something or 
somebody, usually in public 
Example: Inert  
Definition: ​inert:​ motionless; non-reactive  
Sentence using text:​ His daughter, Betty Parris, aged ten, is lying on the bed, ​inert ​(Miller 6).  
Using context clues: ​She was laying in bed so it can be inferred that is sick, tired, and still.   
Your own sentence: ​ On rainy days, I can be found lying in the bed, inert.  
#1. Vestry  
Definition: a ​ room in a church where meetings or classes are held 
Sentence using text: The vestry room of the Salem meeting house, now serving as the anteroom of the 
General Court. (Miller 83) 
Using context clues: The vestry room is a meeting room in a building. 
Your own sentence: Every Saturday, the leaders of the church discuss religious activities. 
#2. Remorseless 
Definition: w ​ ithout compassion; relentless 
Sentence using text: He is in his sixties, a bitter, remorseless Salem judge. (Miller 85) 
Using Context clues: When Judge Hathorne enters, it can be inferred that he is aggressive or he does not 
Your own sentence: After crashing the car, the driver was remorseless toward the accident.  
#3. Wrath 
Definition: f​ ury often marked by a desire for vengeance 
Sentence using text: He comes down to Giles, who awaits his wrath. (Miller 85) 
Using Context clues: Since Danforth doesn’t like to be questioned, he seems to seek revenge on Giles for 
Your own sentence: Since the police did not arrest the criminal, they had to feel the wrath of the public. 
#4. Contentious 
Definition: ​causing or likely to cause disagreement and disputes between people 
with differing views 
Sentence using text: Giles Corey, sir, and a more contentious (Miller 85) 
Using context clues: Parris seems to disagree with Giles Corey and his stance in the court. 
Your own sentence: The neighbors had seemed to be contentious with each other ever since 
they moved in.  
#5. Deposition 
Definition: ​witness’s testimony 
Sentence using text: She has signed a deposition (Miller 88) 
Using context clues: Since they are in court it could be thought of as some form of testimony, 
especially since it says that she signed it.  
Your own sentence: The attorneys took depositions from the witnesses.  
#6. Befuddled 
Definition: ​confused or perplexed 
Sentence using text: This is a sharp time, now, a pre-cise time - we live no longer in the dusky 
afternoon when evil mixed itself with good and befuddled the world. (Miller 94) 
Using context clues: When he says, mixed with evil and good, it can be confusing not only the 
reader but the world as well.  
Your own sentence: Even with the help of others, he was still befuddled by the lesson.  
#7. Immaculate 
Definition: clean and free from blemishes; showing faultless perfection 
Sentence using text:I dare not take a life without there be a proof so immaculate no slightest 
qualm of conscience may doubt it. (Miller 99) 
Using context clues: When it says no slightest qualm of conscience may doubt it, it can be 
inferred that it is clean or without fault. 
Your own sentence: Before having friends over, Jerry cleans his house until it looks immaculate. 
#8. Qualm 
Definition: a misgiving, doubt, or bad feeling 
Sentence using text: I dare not take a life without there be a proof so immaculate no slightest 
qualm of conscience may doubt it. (Miller 99) 
Using context clues: Based on the sentence, it can be inferred that it is doubt, as immaculate 
refers to the word as with doubt. 
Your own sentence: They have no qualm about calling the police over the noisy neighbors. 
#9 Apparition 
Definition:an unexpected sight; a ghost 
Sentence using text: In which she swears that she never saw familiar spirits, apparitions, nor 
any manifest of the Devil. (Miller 102) 
Using context clues: It says spirits or manifest of the Devil, so the word must be a ghost or 
unexpected vision. 
Your own sentence: She woke up and claimed she saw an apparition of her late husband. 
#10 Contemplation 
Definition: long and attentive consideration or observation of something 
Sentence using text: He charges contemplation of murder. (Miller 104) 
Using context clues: Based on the sentence it can be inferred that it is evidence of murder. 
Your own sentence: After winning the lottery, the man began having contemplations of his future 
#11 Afflicted 
Definition: distressed 
Sentence using text: Mary, were never threatened or afflicted by any manifest of the Devil or the Devil’s 
agents. (Miller 106) 
Using context clues: It is inferred to be troubled, as before that it talks of murder and stress.  
Your own sentence: She was afflicted after being bit by a snake. 
#12 Dumbfounded 
Definition: temporarily speechless with astonishment 
Sentence using text: Danforth, dumfounded: You charge - ? (Miller 110) 
Context Clues: Danforth was shocked after hearing what Proctor had said. 
Your own sentence: They were dumbfounded after hearing they were accepted into the college of their 
#13 Slovenly 
Definition: not concerned about conventional standards of personal hygiene 
and tidiness 
Sentence using text: Were she slovenly? Lazy? What disturbance did she cause?  
Context Clues: It can be inferred that he is referencing her cleaning abilities in a negative manner.  
Your own sentence: The homeless man on the street appeared slovenly. 
#14 Transfixed 
Definition: made immobile from shock 
Sentence with text: She is transfixed - with all the girls, she is whimpering open-mouthed, agape at the 
ceiling (Miller 114) 
Context Clues: She stands there shocked at what the girls had been doing. 
Your own sentence: The child was transfixed throughout the animated movie. 
#15 Befouled 
Definition: dirty or impure 
Sentence with text:Will you confess yourself befouled with Hell, or do you keep that black allegiance 
yet? (Miller 119) 
Context Clues: The black allegiance refers to impure acts involved with the Devil. 
Your own sentence: After committing the crime, the man’s name was befouled. 
#16 Quail 
Definition: to show fear or apprehension 
Sentence with word: For them that quail to bring men out of ignorance, as I have quailed, and as you quail 
now when you know in all your black hearts that this be fraud - God damns our kind especially, and we 
will burn, we will burn together! (Miller 120) 
Context Clues: It can be inferred that it refers to fear when it says, fear as I have feared. 
Your own sentence: The child quailed after failing his math test. 
#17 Denounce 
Definition: to express harsh criticism or condemnation of something or 
somebody, usually in public 
Sentence with word: I denounce these proceedings, I quit this court! (Miller 120) 
Context Clues: When in the court, Parris is frustrated and lets out his harsh feelings toward the ruling. 
Your own sentence: The government told the group to denounce its use of violence. 

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