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1. Critically analyse the distribution and sales strategy of Nikon in India

a. Nikon India Pvt Ltd was introduced in India as a wholly grained subsidiary by Nikon
Corporations, Tokyo in 2007.
b. By the end of 2009, India increased its sales by 50% which created more
employment in the sales sector of the company.
c. Nikon aimed to make its sales double by 2010 by reaching to 1,200 retailers as its
distributers increased by 28 which led in market competition as there were many
competitors for Nikon like Samsung, sony,canon,Kodak & Olympus
d. Nikon also aimed to target the smaller audience by moving from national
distribution network to region specific distribution to make it accessible to its
customers through shop in shop stores.
e. The Shop focused more on the visuals of the shop and visuals of the camera to
attract the customers by introducing a feature called as COOLPIX. They focussed
more on the professional photographers and armatures.
f. Nikon also set its photography schools which encouraged youth to take interest in
g. Nikon made famous celebrities like Priyanka Chopra and Ashton kuctcher as their
brand Ambassadors to increase its consumer by making it a brand.
h. Publicity done through social and print media like TV, radio & newspapers.
i. Nikon also hired Technical & sales workforce and trained them so that they can
understand the product well and are able to satisfy its customers.

2. What are the Pros and cons of the sales strategy discussed in this case?
a. Nikon analysed its audience and targeted them accordingly by branding the product
& making well known celebrities Chopra and Ashton kuctcher as their brand
Ambassadors to attract & increase its consumers by focussing more on the visuals.
b. Nikon created its awareness through social, print media like TV, radio and
Newspapers and also by running workshops which attracted the youth audience
c. As Nikon became one known popular brand, it created more employment in sales
and technical department where hiring and training was provided by the company
to build strong customer relationships.
a. Nikon focussed mainly on the camera visuals but not on the features in terms of
changing technology as how the product will hold the same value 5 years down the
line when new technologies in other cameras with different & new features will get
b. Nikon did not focus much on the durability of the product
c. Nikon only aimed at building customer relationships for sales but not on long and
lasting customer relationship as post sales facilities which includes damage, repair
issues were less as compared to stores selling cameras.
d. Nikon did not educate and reached Tier2 & Tier3 cities effectively.
e. Nikon did not captured customers feedback well and focused on making sales

3. If you were hired as a Marketing consultant in an organization what would have been
your recommendations?

As a marketing consultant, I would do the following

a. Track Sales and feedback of the customers.

b. Track the number of sales according to the area and launch the product depending
upon area to build strong long term customer relationships by making them
understand the product value and durability.
c. Determine the target audience to create a need for the product with the customer.
d. Reach to Tier 2 & Tier 3 cities and educate them about the product through social,
print media such as pamphlets, newspapers, magazines, hoardings, bill boards, local
TV channels & local radio channels.
e. Run Promotional events and workshops in schools, malls & famous market places to
attract customers , educate customers and providing them in shop trial services so
that they can get aware and pay interest in the product before purchasing . This
helps in developing the customer’s trust in you and builds long term customer
f. Tie up with online platforms & local Retailers for promotion and discount to attract
the customers with cost effective and lucrative deals (like cash back, discount on
different modes of payment, buy 1 get 1 free offers)
g. Conducting more number of TV advertisements especially in between sports match.
h. The education and awareness provided to the customers about the camera will not
only stay limited to the visuals but also on its technical functions so that the
customers can use the product with much ease.
i. Focus more on making post sales services more effective and accessible to
customers especially in small cities in case of damage or repairs.

Detailed distribution and Sales plan to open a retail shop in a small town in UP

 Understand the demography of the area. Distinguish the city to see which city is more
sellable through surveys and advertisements in newspapers, pamphlets & magazines & local
radio channels.
 Determine the LIG, MIG and HIG groups to target the suitable audience.
 Analysing the colleges for running workshops on photography for students and encourage
them to take up photography as a part time hobby or career and popular market places to
for running promotional events for attracting the local photographers and different age
group of audience.
 Focus on the main festival of the city to run discounts during the time to attract more
 Using social media facebook, intsagram and twitter to reach youth with attractive
photography displays especially of the city’s most visited place so that youth gets inspired
and attractive to buy the camera.
 The retail shop would look beautiful and attractive and would also consist of camera
accessories such as camera cases, tripods and different lenses.
 The shop would also allow its customers to try and test the camera and will be given best
offers, discounts & warrantee. The sales and technical workforce would be hired and trained
in such a way that sales persons will be responsible for presenting and making the customer
understand the product which helps in building trust and sale whereas technical persons are
able to handle the technicality of the product so that the customer feels comfortable and
easy to reach out in case of any issues while using the camera independently.
 Set up for number of repair shops which are accessible to customer for damage.
 Identifying the potential customers by maintaining the records of the customers who visit
the shop, customers who reach us through advertisements and customers who participate in
Nikons promotional events and workshops.
 Converting the potential customers into prospects and reach them through calls,
promotional sms & emails especially during discounts & promotions.
 Combining the Nikon retail shop with other retailers such as clothing, cosmetics etc and
provide vouchers to customers.

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