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Ethiopian TVET System

Model Curriculum

Ethiopian TVET-System

Model Curriculum

Midwifery level III

Based on
Occupational Standard (OS)

Version: 2 February 2019

(TVET Program Midwifery level III) Page No.
Copyright Info/Author: FTVET Agency
Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum


The reformed TVET-System is an outcome-based system. It utilizes the needs of the

labor market and occupational requirements from the world of work as the
benchmark and standard for TVET delivery. The requirements from the world of work
are analyzed and documented – taking into account international benchmarking – as
occupational standards (OS).

In the reformed TVET-System, curricula and curriculum development play an

important role with regard to quality driven TVET-Delivery. Curricula help to facilitate
the learning process in a way, that trainees acquire the set of occupational
competences (skills, knowledge and attitude) required at the working place and
defined in the occupational standards (OS). Responsibility for Curriculum
Development will be given to the Regional TVET-Authorities and TVET-Providers.

This curriculum has been developed by a group of experts from different Regional
TVET-Authorities based on the occupational standard for midwifery level III program
. It has the character of a model curriculum and is an example on how to transform
the occupational requirements as defined in the respective occupational standard
into an adequate curriculum.

The curriculum development process has been actively supported and facilitated by
the Ministry of Health and TVET Agency in line with one of its mandates to provide
technical support to the regions.

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

TVET-Program Design

1.1. TVET-Program Title: Midwifery Level III

1.2. TVET-Program Description

The Program is designed to develop the necessary knowledge, skills and attitude of
the learners to the standard required by the occupation. The contents of this
program are in line with the occupational standard. Learners who successfully
completed the Program will be qualified to work as a midwifery level III with
competencies elaborated in the respective OS. Graduates of the program will have
the required qualification to work in the Health Sector in the field of Midwifery.

The prime objective of this training program is to equip the learners with the
identified competences specified in the OS. Graduates are therefore expected to
Provide Compassionate, Respectful and Caring Service, Apply Computer and Mobile
Health Technology, Apply Infection Prevention Techniques and Workplace OHS,
Perform Community Mobilization and Provide Health Education
Provide Basic First aid and Emergency Care, Provide Adolescent, Youth and
Reproductive Health, Promote and Provide Family Planning Service, Promote and
Provide Immunization and Manage Cold Chain, Manage Nutritional Problems in
Mothers and Children, Provide Common Medical and Surgical Care in Maternal
Health, Monitor Implementation of Work Plan/Activities, Apply Quality Control, Lead
Workplace Communication, Lead Small Teams, Improve Business Practice, Prevent
and Eliminate MUDA in accordance with the performance criteria described in the

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

1.3. TVET-Program Learning Outcomes

The expected outputs of this program are the acquisition and implementation of the
following units of competence
HLT MDW3 01 1218 Provide Compassionate, Respectful and Caring Service
HLT MDW3 02 1218 Apply Computer and Mobile Health Technology
HLT MDW3 04 1218 Perform Community Mobilization and Provide Health Education
HLT MDW3 03 1218 Apply Infection Prevention Techniques and Workplace OHS
HLT MDW3 05 1218 Provide Basic First aid and Emergency Care
HLT MDW3 06 1218 Provide Adolescent, Youth and Reproductive Health
HLT MDW3 07 1218 Promote and Provide Family Planning Service
HLT MDW3 08 1218 Promote and Provide Immunization and Manage Cold Chain
HLT MDW3 09 1218 Manage Nutritional Problems in Mothers and Children
HLT MDW3 10 1218 Provide Common Medical and Surgical Care in Maternal Health
HLT MDW3 11 1218 Monitor Implementation of Work Plan/Activities
HLT MDW3 12 1218 Apply Quality Control
HLT MDW3 13 1218 Lead Workplace Communication
HLT MDW3 14 1218 Lead Small Teams
HLT MDW3 15 1218 Improve Business Practice
HLT MDW3 16 1218 Prevent and Eliminate MUDA

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

1.4. Duration of the TVET-Program

The Program will have duration of 1632 hours including the on-the-job practice or
cooperative training time.

1.5. Qualification Level and Certification

Based on the descriptors elaborated on the Ethiopian National TVET Qualification

Framework (NTQF) the qualification of this specific TVET Program is “Level III”.

The learner will not be awarded any certificate before completion of all the modules
in the health sector training.

Target Groups

Any citizen without disability who meets the entry requirements under items 1.7
and capable of participating in the learning activities is entitled to take part in the

1.7 Entry Requirements

The prospective participants of this program are required to possess the

requirements or directive of the Federal TVET Agency.

1.8 Mode of Delivery

This TVET-Program is characterized as a formal Program on middle level technical

skills. The mode of delivery is co-operative training. The TVET-institution and
identified companies have forged an agreement to co-operate with regard to
implementation of this program. The time spent by the trainees in the industry will
give them enough exposure to the actual world of work and enable them to get
hands-on experience.

The co-operative approach will be supported with school-based lecture-discussion,

simulation and actual practice. These modalities will be utilized before the trainees
are exposed to the industry environment
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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

1.1. TVET-Program Structure

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

Unit of Competence Module Code & Title Learning Outcomes
(In Hours)
HLT MDW3 01 Provide HLT MDW3 M 01 Providing  Apply professionalism and
1218 Compassionate, 0219 Compassionate, ethical practice principles
Respectful and Respectful and  Apply humanistic care to
Caring Service Caring Service clients

 Demonstrate effective health

care communication
 Provide respectful care for

 Perform with legal and

ethical framework through
responsibility and
HLT MDW3 02 Apply Computer HLT MDW3 M02 Applying
 Apply the existing knowledge
1218 and Mobile 0219 Computer and
and techniques to the
Health Mobile Health
technology transfer 80
Technology Technology
 Apply functions of
technology to assist in
solving the organizational

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Model Curriculum

 Evaluate new or upgraded

technology performance

HLT MDW3 04 Perform Performing  Plan and Undertake

1218 Community HLT MDW3 M03 Community advocacy on identified
Mobilization and 0219 health issues
Mobilization and
Provide Health  Conduct health education
Provide Health 60
and promotion during
pregnancy, Intrapartum and
postpartum period
 Introduce health policy and
HLT MDW3 03 Apply Infection HLT MDW3 M04 Applying  Apply infection prevention
1218 Prevention 0219 Infection techniques
Techniques and Prevention  Establish and maintain
Workplace OHS Techniques and participative arrangements
Workplace OHS
 Assess and control risks and
HLT MDW3 05 Provide Basic HLT MDW3 M05 Providing Basic  Introduce general human
1218 First aid and 0219 First aid and anatomy and physiology 274
Emergency Care Emergency Care  Apply pharmacology in the
field of midwifery practice

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

 Provide First Aid

 Perform patient/client
 Apply basic patient/client
HLT MDW3 06 Provide HLT MDW3 M06 Providing  Plan adolescent and youth
1218 Adolescent, 0219 Adolescent, RH services
Youth and Youth and  Promote adolescent and
Reproductive Reproductive youth RH services
Health Health  Provide RH service package
 Register and document RH
HLT MDW3 07 Promote and HLT MDW3 M07 Promoting and  Identify and describe family
1218 Provide Family 0219 Providing planning concept
Planning Family Planning  Describe family planning
Service Service methods
 Provide short acting
contraceptive method and
manage side effects
 Provide contraceptive
method and manage side
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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

 Provide family planning

HLT MDW3 08 Promote and HLT MDW3 M08 Promoting and  Plan EPI activities
1218 Provide 0219 Provide  Promote EPI activities
Immunization Immunization  Conduct immunization for 168
and Manage and Manage children
Cold Chain Cold Chain  Conduct immunization for
 Manage cold chain
 Monitor immunization
HLT MDW3 09 Manage HLT MDW3 M09 Managing  Plan and undertake
1218 Nutritional 0219 Nutritional assessment for nutrition
Problems in Problems in related health issues
Mothers and Mothers and  Provide basic nutrition
Children Children information/ education to the
 Manage clients with
nutritional problems
HLT MDW3 10 Provide HLT MDW3 M10 Providing  Identify and manage
1218 Common 0219 Common common medical disorders
Medical and Medical and  Identify and manage surgical
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Model Curriculum

Surgical Care in Surgical Care in problems 182

Maternal Health Maternal Health  Identify and manage
common communicable
HLT MDW3 11 Monitor HLT MDW3 M11 Monitoring  Monitor and improve
1218 Implementation 0219 Implementation workplace operations
of Work of Work  Plan and organize workflow
Plan/Activities Plan/Activities  Maintain workplace records
 Solve problems and make
HLT MDW3 12 Apply Quality HLT MDW3 M12 Applying Quality  Implement quality standards
1218 Control 0219 Control  Assess quality of service
 Record information
 Study causes of quality
 Complete documentation
HLT MDW3 13 Lead Workplace HLT MDW3 M13 Leading  Communicate information
1218 Communication 0219 Workplace about workplace processes
Communication  Lead workplace discussion
 Identify and communicate
issues arising in the
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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum


HLT MDW3 14 Lead Small HLT MDW3 M14 Leading Small  Provide team leadership
1218 Teams 0219 Teams  Foster individual and
organizational growth
 Monitor and evaluate
workplace learning
 Develop team commitment
and cooperation
 Facilitate accomplishment of
organizational goals
HLT MDW3 15 Improve HLT MDW3 M15 Improving  Diagnose the business
1218 Business 0219 Business  Benchmark the business
Practice Practice  Develop plans to improve 40
business performance
 Develop marketing plans
 Develop business growth
 Implement and monitor plans

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Model Curriculum

HLT MDW3 16 Prevent and HLT MDW3 M16 Preventing and  Prepare for work
1218 Eliminate 0219 Eliminate MUDA  Identify MUDA
MUDA  Eliminate wastes/MUDA 20
 Prevent occurrence of

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

*The time duration (Hours) indicated for the module should include all activities in
and out of the TVET institution.

1.10 Institutional Assessment

Two types of evaluation will be used in determining the extent to which learning
outcomes are achieved. The specific learning outcomes are stated in the modules.
In assessing them, verifiable and observable indicators and standards shall be used.

The formative assessment is incorporated in the learning modules and form part of
the learning process. Formative evaluation provides the trainee with feedback
regarding success or failure in attaining learning outcomes. It identifies the specific
learning errors that need to be corrected, and provides reinforcement for successful
performance as well. For the teacher, formative evaluation provides information for
making instruction and remedial work more effective.

Summative Evaluation the other form of evaluation is given when all the modules in
the program have been accomplished. It determines the extent to which
competence have been achieved. And, the result of this assessment decision shall
be expressed in the term ‘competent or not yet competent’.

Techniques or tools for obtaining information about trainees’ achievement include

oral or written test, demonstration and on-site observation.

1.11 TVET Teachers Profile

The teachers conducting this particular TVET Program are B Level and above and
have satisfactory practical experiences or equivalent qualifications.

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

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MODULE TITLE: Providing Compassionate, Respectful and Caring Service
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module aims to provide the trainees with the
knowledge, skills and right attitudes required to effectively perform professional
duties and responsibilities with compassionate, respectful and caring manner by
applying basic principles of professional, ethical and legal aspects of the
At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
LO1. Apply professionalism and ethical practice principles
LO2. Apply humanistic care to clients
LO3. Demonstrate effective health care communication
LO4. Provide respectful care for clients
LO5. Perform with legal and ethical framework through responsibility and

LO1. Apply professionalism and ethical practice principles

1.1. Definition of terms

1.2. Ethical principles and issues of the profession

1.3. Professional code of conduct

1.4. Recognizing and demonstrating professional values

1.5. Maintaining and evaluating ethical principles

1.6. Applicable standards of the profession

1.7. Maintaining professional practice

LO2. Apply humanistic care to clients

2.1. Understanding and implementing patients concern
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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

2.2. Patients and clients feelings and emotions

2.3. Communicating patients innate needs

LO3. Demonstrate effective health care communication

3.1. Establishing positive, respectful and collaborative working relationship

3.2. Recognizing, anticipating and expressing compassion for the patient

3.3. Gathering and eliciting proper information for diagnosis and management

3.4. Usage of appropriate non-verbal communication

3.5. Listening and responding to patient concern in respectful manner

3.6. Informing, educating and counseling clients

3.7. Establishment of effective interaction with work mates

3.8. Providing therapeutic instructions compassionately

3.9 Usage and implementation of Non-violent communication techniques

 Lecture-discussion
 Demonstration
 Group discussion
 Exercise
 Individual assignment
 Role play
 Video show
 Interview
 Written test
 Demonstration/Observation

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

LO.1. Apply professionalism and ethical practice principles

 Ethical principles and issues of the profession are identified and executed

 Professional code of conducts are identifies and executed

 Professional values are recognized and demonstrated

 Adherence to ethical principles of the profession is maintained and evaluated

 Professional practice are maintained according to applicable standards

LO.2. Apply humanistic care to clients

 Patients concern are understood and implemented

 Patient and clients feelings and emotions are considered

 Patients innate needs are addressed and communicated

LO.3. Demonstrate effective health care communication

 Positive, respectful and collaborative working relationship (rapport) is


 Compassion concern for the patient should be recognized, anticipated and


 Proper information is gathered and effectively elicited in order to facilitate

accurate diagnosis and management

 Appropriate non-verbal communication is used

 Patient concern is actively listened and responded to in respectful manner

 Clients are effectively informed, educated and counseled

 Effective interaction with other people working within the health system is

 Therapeutic instructions are provided compassionately

 Non-violent communication techniques are used and implemented

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

LO.4. Provide respectful care for clients

 Health care practitioners are listened to and patient and family perspectives
and choices honored

 Patient and family knowledge, values, beliefs and cultural backgrounds are
incorporated into the planning and delivery of care

 Complete and unbiased information are communicated and shared with

patients and families by the practitioner in in an affirming and useful manner

 Patients and families are made to receive timely, complete, and accurate
information in order to effectively participate in care and decision-making.

 Patients and families are encouraged and supported in participating in care

and decision-making at the level of their choice

 Patients, families, health care practitioners, and hospital leaders have been
collaborated in policy and program development, implementation, and
evaluation; in health care facility design; and professional education and the
delivery of care.

Patient’s rights to access care, transfer and continuity of care are respected.

LO.5. Perform with legal and ethical framework through responsibility and

 Legislation and common laws relevant to work role are understood

 Policies and procedures are respected and practiced

 Confidentiality of individual’s record is ensured.

 Disclosure of patient’s information to another person is prevented without

patient’s consent.

 Ethical issues and ethical dilemma in the workplace is recognized

 Patients who are not able to communicate in case of emergency or other

conditions are handled.

 Patient-specific data are released to only authorized users.

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Model Curriculum

 Ethical standards related to patient privacy rights are publicized.

 Assessments are conducted and solutions on privacy issues/problems


 Training programs for health care providers and other staff on privacy and
confidentiality of patient information are conducted

Unethical conduct is recognized and reported

Annex: Resource Requirements

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

HLT MDW3 01 1218 Provide Compassionate, Respectful and Caring Service

Item Description/
Category/Item Quantity Ratio
No. Specifications
(Item: Learner)
A. Learning Materials
To be prepared by
1. TTLM 25 1:1
the trainer

2. Textbooks
3. Reference Books
CRC health workers training FMOH, June, 2017
3.1. 5 1:5
participant manual
Learning Facilities &
1. Lecture Room 5*5m 1 1:40
2. Library, e-library Standard 1 30-40
3 Demonstration room Standard 1 1:40
C. Consumable Materials
1. Paper A4 10rim 1:5
2. Pencil HB 5 1:5
3. Pen Ball point 5 1:5
4 Marker 5 pack 1:8
5 Chock 10 box 1:4
D. Tools and Equipment’s
Electrical birth
1. Model, doll simulator 2 1:13
Electrical CPR doll
2. LCD 1 1:25
3 Lap top Cori 5 1 1:25
4 White 1MX2M 1 1:25
5 Black board 1.5*2M 1 1:25

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MODULE TITLE: Applying Computer and Mobile Health Technology

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module amis to knowledge, skills and attitude in

using new or upgraded technology. The rationale behind this unit emphasizes the
importance of constantly reviewing work processes, skills and techniques in order
to ensure that the quality of the entire business process is maintained at the highest
level possible through the appropriate application of new technology. Through this
technology the learner will be engaged in ongoing review and research to improve
aspects of organization’s activities
At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
LO1. Apply the existing knowledge and techniques to the technology transfer
LO2. Apply functions of technology to assist in solving the organizational problems
LO3. Evaluate new or upgraded technology performance
LO1. Apply the existing knowledge and techniques to the technology transfer
1.1. Introduction to computer science
1.2. Application of knowledge and techniques
1.3. Computer operating systems
1.4. Opening and manipulating internet browsers
1.5. Mobile technology skills
1.6. M-health techniques

LO2. Apply functions of technology to assist in solving the organizational

2.1. Solving organizational problems using Mobile and tablets
2.2. Functions of computer and mobile technology

LO3. Evaluate new or upgraded technology performance a offered

3.1. Identifying OHS standards
3.2. Evaluating performance using Mobiles and tablets
3.3. Introduction to HIS/DHIS2
3.4. Types of HIS/DHIS2
3.5. Building blocks of HIS/DHIS2
3.6. Principles and components of HMIS/DHIS2

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

 Lecture-discussion
 Demonstration
 Group discussion
 Exercise
 Individual assignment
 Role play
 Video show

 Interview
 Written test
 Demonstration/Observation

LO.1 Apply the existing knowledge and techniques to the technology transfer

 The existing knowledge and techniques to technology are applied

 Computer operating systems are utilized.
 Internet browsers are opened and manipulated to search for, send and
receive information
 Mobile technology skills are acquired and used to enhance learning and
provision of standard health care
 M-health techniques are used to enhance efficient utilization of resources
and avoid duplication of efforts
LO.2 Apply functions of technology to assist in solving the organizational

 Mobile/Smart phones and tablets are used for solving organizational

 The functions of technology are applied to assist in solving the health and
related data collection, organization, analysis and interpretation

LO.3 Evaluate new or upgraded technology performance

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Model Curriculum

 Mobiles/Smart phones, tablets are evaluated for the performance, usability

and against the OHS standards
 HIS/DHIS2, types of HIS, building blocks of HIS are Introduced
 Principles and components of HMIS are identified and offered

Annex: Resource Requirements

HLT MDW3 M 02 0219 Applying Computer and Mobile Health Technology

Item Description/
Category/Item Quantity Ratio
No. Specifications
(Item: Learner)
A. Learning Materials
Prepared by
1. TTLM 25 1:1
2. Textbooks 25 1:1
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Model Curriculum

Reference Books HIS/DHIS FMOH,

3. 5 1:5
Manual 2016
3.1 Mobile health technologies 5 1:5
4. Journals/Publication/Magazines
Learning Facilities &
1. Lecture Room 5*5m 1 1:25
2. Library standard 1 1:25
3. E-library standard 1 1:25
C. Consumable Materials
1. Paper A4 5rim 1:6
2. Pencil HB 5 1:6
3. Pen Ball point 5 1:6
4 Parker 5 packet 1:6
D. Tools and Equipment
1. Computer/ desktop 13 1:2
2. Whit board 1 1:25
3. Tablet mobile 5 1:5

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MODULE TITLE: Performing Community Mobilization and Providing Health Education
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module aims to provide the knowledge, skills and the
right attitude required to undertake health education, advocacy and community
mobilization on identified health issues.
At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
LO1. Plan and undertake advocacy on identified health issues.
LO2. Conduct health education and promotion during pregnancy, Intra-partum
and postpartum period

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Model Curriculum

LO3. Introduce health policy and management


LO1. Plan and Undertake advocacy on identified health issues.

1.1. Introduction to advocacy on identified health issues

1.1.1. Definition of terms

1.1.2. Concepts and principles of advocacy

1.1.3. Types and approaches of communication

1.2. Consultation with community, woreda health office and HDAs

1.2.1. IEC-SBCC
1.2.2. Dissemination of IEC-SBCC
1.3. Organizing and providing advocacy services
1.3.1. Partnering with stakeholders
1.3.2. Community involvement on maternal, neonatal and child health

1.4. Feedback from expert consultation and advocacy

1.4.1. Identifying health problems for planning

1.4.2. Provision of health education
1.4.3. Community mobilization

LO2. Conduct health education and promotion during pregnancy, Intra-partum

and postpartum period

2.1 . Community health facilities and available resources

1.2.1. Assessment of gaps

1.2.2. Identification of target group

1.2.3. Preparing and providing health education

2.2 . Methods and approaches of health education
2.3 . Evaluation of behavioral change through health education
2.4. Strategies for internal and external dissemination of information
2.5 . Work related network and relationship
2.6 . Pre-consumption counseling and testing
LO3. Introduce health policy and management

3.1. Definitions of terms

3.2. Principles and concepts of management,

3.3. Leadership and governance

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3.3. Basic concept of primary health care unit

3.4. Basic concepts of determinants of health

3.5. Health related data collection, compilation and reporting

 Lecture-discussion
 Demonstration
 Group discussion
 Exercise
 Individual assignment
 Role play
 Video show
 Interview
 Written test
 Demonstration/Observation with oral questioning
Methods of Assessment
Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated work place
setting through:
 Interview/Written Test

 Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning

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Model Curriculum


LO1 Plan and Undertake advocacy on identified health issues

 Advocacy plan is prepared to address an identified health issue

 Community, Woreda health office representatives are consulted to determine current health
needs and priorities.

 Influential community representatives, and HDAs are identified and consulted to disseminate
IEC-BCC activities

 Continuous advocacy services are organized and provided in partnership with stakeholders to
get community willingness and involvement are undertaken on Maternal, Neonatal and child

 Feedback from expert consultation and advocacy is used as a basis for planning and
provision of community health education and community mobilization to resolve the identified
health problems

LO2 Conduct health education and promotion during pregnancy, Intra-partum and
postpartum period

 Assessment and gap identification activities are performed

 Community, Health facilities and all available resources are organized

 Target group identification is done

 Health education plan is prepared

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Model Curriculum

 Methods and approaches of health education are designed

 Health education service is provided

 Monitoring of service utilization and evaluation of behavioral change is noted

 Clients are supported to take self-care approach in line with individual needs for changing
unhealthy behavior

 Strategies for internal and external dissemination of information are developed, promoted,
implemented and reviewed as required

 Work related network and relationship are maintained as necessary.

 Different approaches are used to meet communication needs of clients and community

 Pre-consumption counseling and testing are promoted

LO3. Introduce health policy and management

 Definitions, principles and concepts of management, leadership and governance theories of

change are provided

 Basic concept of primary health care unit are provided

 Basic concepts of determinants of health are provided

 Health related data collection, compilation and reporting are addressed

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

Annex: Resource Requirements

HLT MDR3 M03 0219 Performing Community Mobilization and Providing Health Education

Item ed Ratio
Category/Item Description/ Specifications Quantity
No. (Item:
A. Learning Materials
1. TTLM To be prepared by trainer 25 1:1
2. Reference Books
Health Education for Getnet Mitike, January 2003 1:5
2.1 Health Science 5
Health service Challi Jira, Amsalu Feleke, Getnet Mitike, 1:5
management for January 2003
2.2 5
Health science
National Hygiene and FMOH,2016
Environmental Health 1:5
3.1 5
National health policy FMOH,1993 1:5
3.2 5
of Ethiopia
HEP implementation FMOH,2005 1:5
3.3 5
National Hygiene and FMOH,2017
3.4 Environmental Health 5 1:5

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Learning Facilities &

1. Lecture Room 5*5m 1 1:25
2. Library Standard 1
1. Paper A4 5rim 1:5
2. Pencil HB 5 1:5
3. Pen Ball point 5 1:5
4. Marker Standard 5 Pack 1:5
5. Flipchart Standard 5 Pad 1:5
6. Whiteboard marker Standard 1Pcs 1:25
D. Tools and Equipment
1. Computer Standard 1pcs 1:25
2. Printer Standard 1Pcs 1:25
3. Photocopy machine Standard 1 1:25
4. LCD projector Standard ! 1:25
6. Tape Recorder Standard 1 1:25
Whiteboard/black Magnetic whiteboard with mobile stand
7. 1 1:25
board Wall thickness of iron stand is 1.2mm
8. Camera 1 1:25

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MODULE TITLE: Applying Infection Prevention Techniques and Workplace OHS
This module aims to provide the knowledge, skills and attitude required to
establish and maintain infection prevention techniques and OHS management
system to ensure the workplace is safe and without risks to the health of
employees, clients and/or visitors
At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
LO1. Apply infection prevention techniques
LO2. Establish and maintain participative arrangements
LO3. Assess and control risks and hazards


LO1. Apply infection prevention techniques

1.1. Definition of terms

1.2. Components of disease transmission
1.3. Infection prevention
1.3.1. Hand washing
1.3.2. Personal protective barriers
1.3.3. Handling of sharp items
1.3.4. Instruments and materials processing
1.3. Universal and standard precaution
1.4. Waste disposal management

LO2. Establish and maintain participative arrangements

2.1. Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)
2.1.1. OHS legislation
2.1.2. OHS regulations
2.1.3. OHS industry standards
2.1.4. Designated personnel for OHS
2.2. Establishing and maintaining participative processes
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2.3. Sharing information

2.4. Establishing and monitoring OHS records

LO3. Assess and control risks and hazards

3.1. Organizational procedures for hazards

3.2. Workplace hazards
3.3. Risk control measures

Annex: Resource Requirements

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HLT MDW3 04 0219 Applying Infection Prevention Techniques and Workplace


Item Description/ Quantit
Category/Item Ratio
No. Specifications y
(Item: Learner)
A. Learning Materials
To be prepared
1. TTLM by the trainer 25 1:1

2. Textbooks
3. Reference Books
3. Infection prevention and patient FMOH, April
5 1:5
1 safety training manual 2012
4 Journals/Publication/Magazines
Learning Facilities &
4. Lecture Room 5*5m 1 1:30-40
Library, e-library Standard 1 1:30-40
C Consumable Materials
2. Paper A4 10mm
3. Pencil HB 5 1:5
4 Pen Ball point 5 1:5
5 Soap Body soap 10pcs 1:3
6 Bleach 3L 1:6
7 Omo 3pk 1:6
8 Towel 6 1:3
9 Glove 1:2
10 Utility glove 2pairs 1:13
11 PPE compl 1:13
12 Safety box 5 1:7
5cc/10cc 10
13 Syringe 1:2each
D Tools and equipment 1:5
1 Plastic bucket 20Litt 3 1:25
2 LCD 1 1:25
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MODULE TITLE: Providing Basic First aid and Emergency Care
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module aims to provide the trainees with the
knowledge, skills and right attitudes required to effectively provide basic and
emergency care for patient or client.
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At the end of the module the learner will be able to:

LO1. Introduce general human anatomy and physiology
LO2. Apply pharmacology in the field of midwifery practice
LO3. Provide First Aid
LO4. Perform patient/client assessment
LO5. Apply basic patient/client care
LO1. Introduce general human anatomy and physiology

1.1. Introduction to human anatomy

1.2. Anatomy and physiology of integumentary system

1.3. Anatomy and physiology of musculoskeletal system

1.4. Anatomy and physiology of respiratory system

1.5. Anatomy and physiology of digestive system

1.6. Anatomy and physiology of cardiovascular system

1.7. Anatomy and physiology of genitourinary system

1.8. Anatomy and physiology of endocrine system

1.9. Anatomy and physiology of nervous system

1.10. Anatomy and Physiology of head, eye, ear, nose and trout (HEENT)

1.11. Anatomy and physiology of the reproductive system

LO2. Apply pharmacology in the field of midwifery practice

2.1. Basic pharmacology
2.1.1. Drug calculations
2.1.2. Route of administration
2.1.3. Side effects
2.1.4. Mechanism of action
2.1.5. Toxicity
2.2. Monitoring drug before, during and after administration
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LO3. Provide First Aid

3.1. Introduction to first aid and accident prevention

3.2. Physical hazards to self and casualty’s health and safety
3.3. Principles First Aid
3.4. Monitoring and responding to causality’s condition
3.5. Managing accidental injuries and referrals

LO4. Perform patient/client assessment

4.1. History taking
4.2. Physical Examination
4.2.1. Principles of physical examination
4.2.2. Vital signs
4.3. Documentation of patient/client data

LO5. Apply basic patient/client care

5.1. Basic procedures
5.1.1. Bed making
5.1.2. Catheterization
5.1.3. Insertion and removal of NG-tube
5.1.4. Enema
5.1.5. Specimen/sample collection
5.1.6. Medication administration
5.1.7. Body mechanics and patient transport
5.1.8. Cold compression.
5.2. Basic patient care
5.2.1. Oral care
5.2.2. Care for pressure area
5.2.3. Bed bath
5.2.4. Back care
5.2.5. Wound care
5.2.6. Perineal care

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5.2.7. Car for fingernails and toe nails

5.2.8. Car for hair
5.3. Advanced patient care
5.3.1. Colostomy
5.3.2. Tracheostomy
5.3.3. Lumbar puncture
5.3.4. Postural drainage
5.3.5. Thoracentesis
5.3.6. Paracentesis
5.4. Patient care tools and equipment
 Lecture-discussion
 Demonstration
 Group discussion
 Exercise
 Individual assignment
 Role play
 Video show
 Interview
 Written test
 Demonstration/Observation with oral questioning

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LO.1. Introduce general human anatomy and physiology

 Introduction to anatomy is made

 Anatomy and physiology of integumentary system are described

 Anatomy and physiology of musculoskeletal system are explained

 Anatomy and physiology of respiratory system are described

 Anatomy and physiology of digestive system are described

 Anatomy and physiology of cardiovascular system are described

 Anatomy and physiology of genitourinary system are described

 Anatomy and physiology of endocrine system are described

 Anatomy and physiology of nervous system are described

 Anatomy and Physiology of head, eye, ear, nose and trout (HEENT) are

 Anatomy and physiology of the reproductive system are described

LO.2. Apply pharmacology in the field of midwifery practice

 Basic pharmacological knowledge is explained

 Basic pharmacology is applied

 Knowledge about drug calculations, correct route of administration, side

effects, mechanism of action, toxicity is given

 Drug before, during and after administration is checked/maintained

LO.3. Provide First Aid

 Introduction to first aid and accident prevention are given

 Physical hazards to self and casualty’s health and safety are identified and

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 Casualty’s condition is monitored and responded to in accordance with the

effective First Aid principles

 Accidental injuries are managed and transferred safely

LO.4. Perform patient/client assessment

 Patient/client history is taken

 Principles of Physical Examination are described

 Complete Patient/client physical examination is performed

 Vital sign is measured

 complete patient data is documented

LO.5. Apply basic patient/client care

 Patient/client care procedure is provided for Bed making, catheterization,

NG-tube insertion, vital sign taking, specimen collection, medication
administration, body mechanics and patient transport and cold/cold

 Basic patient care are provided for oral care, pressure area care, bed bath,
back care, wound care, perineal care, caring for fingernails and toe nails and
hair washing.

 Advanced patient cares are identified in colostomy care, tracheostomy care,

lumbar puncture, postural drainage, thoracentesis and paracentesis.

 Basic first aid and patient care tools and equipment are identified

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Annex: Resource Requirements

HLT MDW3 M 05 0219 Providing Basic First aid and Emergency Care
Item Description/
Category/Item Quantity Ratio
No. Specifications
(Item: Learner)
A. Learning Materials
To be
1. TTLM prepared by 25 1:1
the trainer
2. Textbooks
3. Reference Books
First aid and accident 2006
3.1. 5 1:5
prevention- carter center
Standard first aid and 1998, 2nd
3.2. 5 1:5
personal safety edition
Human anatomy and 11th edition
3.3. 5 1:5
Learning Facilities &
1. Lecture Room 5*5m 1 1:25
2. Library, e-library Standard 1 1:25
3 Demonstration room Standard 1 1:25
C. Consumable Materials
1. Paper A4 10 rim 1:5
2. Pencil HB 5 1:5
3. Pen Ball point 5 1:5
4 Marker 10 pack 1:3
5 Chock 13 box 1:2
6 Glove 5 each 1:5
osable box
Different CC
7 Needles and syringe 5 each 1:5
8 Catheter Different size 25 each 1:1
9 NG- tube Different size 25 each 1:1
D. Tools and Equipment’s
1. Model, doll 2 1:13
1.1. CPR doll Electrical 2 1:13
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1.2. Pelvic model Standard 2 1:13

1.3. Human Skelton Standard 2 1:13
1.4. Anatomic model Standard 2 1:13
1.5. Anatomic charts Colored 5 1:5
1.6. First aid kits Standard 5 1:5
1.7. Bed Standard 2 1:13
1.8. Linen Standard 4 1:13
1.9. Towel Standard 2 1:13
1.10. Pillow Standard 2 1:13
1.11. Blanket Standard 2 1:13
1.12. Stretcher Standard 2 1:13
1.13. Wincher Standard 2 1:13
2. LCD Standard 1 1:25
3 Lap top Standard 1 1:25
4 Printer Standard 1 1:25
5 Photocopy machine Standard 1 1:25
6 White/ black board 1MX2M 1 1:25

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MODULE TITLE : Providing Adolescent, Youth and Reproductive Health
This module aims to provide the knowledge, skills and attitude required to plan,
promote and provide adolescent and youth friendly reproductive health service
At the end of the module the learner will be able to:

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LO1. Plan adolescent and youth RH services

LO2. Promote adolescent and youth RH services

LO3. Provide RH service package

LO4. Register and document RH records

LO1. Plan adolescent and youth RH services
1.4. Introduction to adolescent and youth RH services
1.1.1. Concept of AYRH
1.1.2. History and development of AYRH
1.1.3. History of AYRH in Ethiopia
1.1.4. Components of AYRH
1.2. Identifying eligible and target group of AYRH
1.3. Resource mapping for AYRH
1.4. Developing and implementing action plan

LO2. Promote AYRH services

2.1. Consulting community representatives

2.2. Promotion of AYRH services
2.2.1. Health Education
2.2.2. Using Inter-sectoral approach
2.3. Self-care approach in AYRH problems

LO3. Provide AYRH service package

3.1. AYRH Service seeking behavior

3.1.1 Venerability, risk taking behaviors and life skills

3.1.2 Unwanted pregnancy and abortion

3.1.3 Gender based violent

3.1.4 Substance use

3.1.5 Adolescent and youth friendly reproductive services

3.1.6 Harmful traditional practice

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3.1.7 Advice and treatment of AYRH problems

3.2. Diagnosis and management of sexually transmitted infections

3.2.1. Low risk conditions

3.2.2. High risk conditions

3.3. Managing AYRH services

LO4. Register and document AYRH records

4.1. HMIS standards of FMOH

4.1.1. Registration book of nutritional events

4.1.2. Continuous data collection on RH events

4.2. Revising Plan on AYRH services

 Lecture-discussion
 Demonstration
 Group discussion
 Exercise
 Individual assignment
 Role play
 Video show
 Interview
 Written test
 Demonstration/Observation with oral questioning

LO.1 Plan adolescent and youth RH services

 History, concepts, definitions, components of RH are covered

 Eligible and target groups for RH are identified

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 Resource mapping is conducted using the standard format of FMOH

 Action plan is developed based on priority health need

LO.2 .Promote adolescent and youth RH services

 Influential community representatives and volunteers are identified and consulted

 RH service promotion and education are organized and promoted in partnership with the
community and relevant organizations on the basis of inter-sectoral approach

 RH service promotion and education are provided and sustained to meet community and
organizational requirements on the basis of duty and responsibilities of all stakeholders
 RH problem are supported to take self-care approach in line with individual needs for
changing unhealthy behavior on the basis of healthy promotion and strategic behavioral
change approach of FMOH

LO.3 Provide RH service package

 Client’s RH symptom of RH problem, service seeking behavior, and compliance on advice

and treatment are advised based on the national adolescent and youth RH guideline

 Diagnose and manage sexual transmitted infections

 Low risk conditions are managed according to the guidelines

 High risk conditions are referred to the next higher health facility according to the standard
 Follow up is undertaken according to the SRH guideline

LO4: Register and document RH records

 Registration book for nutritional events registration is prepared according to HMIS

standards of FMOH

 RH events data are collected continuously, sustained and updated timely on the basis of
HMIS guideline of FMOH

 RH services are reported and communicated to the higher level and relevant body on the
basis of HMIS procedure of the FMOH
 Plan is revised on adolescent and youth RH health services for the catchments for a

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specific period of time

Annex: Resource Requirements

HLT MDW3 M06 0219 Providing Adolescent, Youth and Reproductive Health

Item Description/ Quantit
Category/Item Ratio
No. Specifications y
(Item: Learner)
A. Learning Materials
To be prepared
1. TTLM by the trainer 25 1:1

2. Textbooks

3. Reference Books
National reproductive health FMOH 2015
3.1 5 1:5
strategy-PHE Ethiopia

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Feleke Worku
(MD) Lecturer
Samuel and
Lecture note on reproductive Gebresilassie
3.2 5 1:5
health (MD), carter
center and
FMOH, 2008
Learning Facilities &
4. Lecture Room 5*5m 1 1:30-40
Library, e-library Standard 1 1:30-40
C Consumable Materials
2. Paper A4 10mm
3. Pencil HB 5 1:5
4 Pen Ball point 5 1:5
5 STI flow chart Standard 1 1:25
STI syndromic management Standard
6 1 1:25
D Tools and Equipment 1:5
1 LCD 1 1:25
2 Lap top Standard 1 1:25
3 Printer Standard 1 1:25
4. Photocopy machine Standard 1 1:25
5. White/ black board 1MX2M 1 1:25

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MODULE TITLE: Promoting and Providing Family Planning Service
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This learning module describes the knowledge, skills
and attitude required for promoting and providing Family Planning Services.
LO1 - Identify and describe family planning concept
LO2 - Describe family planning methods
LO3 - Provide short acting contraceptive method and manage side effects
LO4 - Provide contraceptive method and manage side effects
LO5 - Provide family planning counseling
LO1 Identify and describe family planning concept
1.1. Introduction to family planning
1.2. Concept of Family Planning
1.3. History of family planning
1.4. Indicators of family planning coverage

LO2 - Describe family planning methods

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2.1 . Types of contraceptives

2.1.1 Natural
2.1.2 Artificial
2.1.3 Permanent
2.1.4 Emergency
2.2 . Family planning methods
2.3 . Identification of WHO medical eligibility criterion

LO3- Provide short acting contraceptive method and manage side effects

3.1. Short acting contraceptive methods

3.4. Managing side-effects of short acting contraceptives
3.5. Managing complications of short acting contraceptives
3.6. Family planning service linked with other RH services
3.7. Postpartum and Post-Abortion Family Planning
3.8. Infertility

LO4. - Provide long acting contraceptive method and manage side effects

4.1. Long acting contraceptive methods

4.2. Managing side-effects of long acting contraceptives

4.3. Managing complications of long acting contraceptive

4.4. Addressing needs of adolescents and youth.

LO5 - Provide family planning counseling

5.1. Describing "REDI" frame work

5.2. Counseling the client in "REDI" frame work

5.3. Contraception practice Information for the client

5.4. Demonstrating basic counseling skills

 Lecture –discussion
 Demonstration
 Group discussion
 Exercise
 Individual assignment
 Video show

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Competence may be assessed through:
 Interview/Written Test
 Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of ASSESSMENT :
 Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated work
place setting.

LO1 Identify and describe family planning concept

 History of family planning is identified

 Contraceptive options are identified

 Indicators of family planning coverage are interpreted

LO2 - Describe family planning methods

 Types of contraceptives are identified
 Advantage, disadvantage and effectiveness of each family planning
method are described
 Mechanisms of actions of contraceptives are discussed
 Eligibility criterion are identified as per WHO eligibility criteria

LO3 – Provide short acting contraceptive method and manage side effects

 Short acting contraceptive method is provided

 Side-effects of hormonal method of contraceptives are managed

 Complications of hormonal method of contraceptive methods are identified

and managed

 Family planning service is linked with other RH services

LO4 - Provide long acting contraceptive method and manage side effects

 Long acting contraceptive method is provided

 Side-effects of long acting contraceptives are managed

 Complications of long acting contraceptive methods are managed

 Skills are demonstrated in addressing special needs of adolescents and


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 Long acting family planning service is linked with other RH services

LO5. - Provide family planning counseling

 The client is counseled in "REDI" frame work based on MOH family planning
guide line

 Complete information is provided for the client about each method of

contraception practice

 Basic counseling skills are demonstrated

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Annex: Resource Requirements

HLT MDW3 M07 0219 - Promoting and Managing Comprehensive Family

Planning Service
Item Description/ d Ratio
Category/Item Quantity
No. Specifications (Item:
A. Learning Materials
 To be
1. TTLM prepared by 25 1:1
the trainer
 Relevant Text
2. Textbooks 25 1:1
3. Reference Books
National protocol  FMOH 2010
3.1 5 1:5
management of obstetrics
3.2 BEmONC  WHO 2010 5 1:5
William’s obstetrics and  th
24 Edition
3.3 5 1:5
gynecology, text book 2014
 Health Indicators/latest 2016
4.1 5 1:5

4.2  EDHS, 2016 5 1:5

Learning Facilities &
1. Lecture Room 5*5m 1 1:25
Standard (colleges
2. Library 1 1:25
3. Demonstration room Standard 1 1:5
C. Consumable Materials
1. Paper A4 5 rim 1:5
2. Pen As
3 Pencil and rubber
4 Flip chart required
12 per
6 Art line marker
7 Printer ink Available one 4
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8 White board marker 6 per pack 10

10 Medical supplies
D. Tools and Equipment
1. Computer Lap top 1 1:25
LCD Projector
2. LCD projector 1 1:25
3. Printer HP Laser Jet 1 1:25
4 Photocopy machine Canon 1 1:25
5 Scanner Smart 1 1:25
6 Back up Smart 1 1:25
7 White board 110X80mm 1 1:25
8 Medical equipment
9 SC-kit kit 2 1;13
10 Sliding board standard 2 1;13
11 Weighing Scale Normal/suspended 2 each 1;13

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MODULE TITLE: - Promoting and Providing Immunization and Managing Cold
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This learning module describes the knowledge, skills
and attitude required in planning, promoting and conducting immunization for
women and children as well as maintaining cold chain.
LO1. Plan EPI activities
LO2. Promote EPI activities

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LO3. Conduct immunization for children

LO4. Conduct immunization for mothers
LO5. Manage cold chain

LO6. Monitor immunization practice


LO1 Plan EPI activities

1.1. Introduction to immunization
1.2. Types and categories of immunization
1.3. Strategies of EPI
1.4. Resource mapping
1.5. Calculation of EPI eligible
1.6. Planning EPI on available data

LO2 - Promote EPI activities

2.1. Consultation of Influential community leaders and HEWs

2.2. Organizing and sustaining EPI promotion and education

LO3. Conduct immunization for children

3.1. Developing schedule and communicating with stakeholders

3.2. Preparing the required EPI logistics/Materials

3.3. Conducting Immunization

3.4. Informing caregivers on adverse effects

3.5. Missed opportunities

3.6. Tracing defaulters

3.7. Vaccine supply and shock management

LO4- Conduct immunization for mothers

4.1. Developing schedule

4.2. Preparing EPI logistics

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4.3. Conducting Immunization

4.4. Informing mother on adverse effects

LO5. - Manage cold chain

5.1. Vaccines safety

5.2. Cold chain management

5.3. Maintaining cold chain minor operational defects

LO6 - Monitor immunization practice

6.1. Documentation of immunization activities

6.2. Collecting data on immunization activities

6.3. Timely updating data on immunization activities

6.4. Monitoring immunization practice at catchment areas

6.5. Periodically revising plan of immunization schedule

6.6. Screening of mothers and children


 Lecture –discussion
 Demonstration
 Group discussion
 Exercise
 Individual assignment
 Video show
Competence may be assessed through:
 Interview/Written Test
 Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning

Context of ASSESSMENT :
 Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated work
place setting.

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LO1 Plan EPI activities

 Definition, types and categories of immunization are explained

 Strategies of EPI are described

 Resource mapping is conducted using the standard format of FMOH.

 EPI eligible is identified and calculated from the catchment area.

 Data for planning including defaulters are collected, compiled, and


 A plan of action is developed to reach the eligible

LO2 - Promote EPI activities

 Influential community representatives and Health extension workers are
identified and consulted
 EPI health promotion and education are organized, and provided in
partnership with the community and relevant organizations.
 EPI health promotion and education activities are sustained on the basis of
stakeholders’ participation and involvement.

LO3 – Conduct immunization for children

 The required EPI logistics/Materials required are prepared to conduct

immunization based on national EPI protocol

 Program schedule is communicated with relevant health workers and

institutions including the concerned government agencies to ensure
implementation of the planned immunization activities

 Immunization is conducted at health facility and/or outreach including

household level on the basis of the national EPI procedure

 Mothers will be informed on adverse effects of different vaccines based on

the national EPI guideline of FMOH

 Vaccines are given during follow up visits to complete the required

immunization according to national EPI schedule

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Model Curriculum

 Defaulters are traced according to the standard EPI protocol of FMOH

LO4 – Conduct immunization for mothers

 The required EPI logistics/Materials required are prepared to conduct
immunization based on national EPI protocol
 Program schedule is communicated with relevant health workers and
institutions including the concerned government agencies to ensure
implementation of the planned immunization activities
 Immunization is conducted at health facility and/or outreach including
household level on the basis of the national EPI procedure
 Mother will be informed on adverse effects of different vaccines based on
the national EPI guideline
 Vaccines are given during follow up visits to complete the required
immunization according to national EPI schedule
 Defaulters are traced according to the standard EPI protocol

LO5 – Manage cold chain

 Refrigerator is placed appropriately according to standard procedure
 Vaccines are stored according to the required procedure
 Temperature of the refrigerator is monitored regularly according to EPI
 Cold chain minor operational defects are maintained

LO6 - Monitor immunization practice

 Registration book is prepared for immunization activities according to

HMIS/DHIS2 standards
 Data on immunization activities are continuously collected on the basis of
HMIS guideline
 Data on immunization activities are updated timely according to HMIS
 Immunization activities are reported and communicated to the higher level
and relevant body on the basis of HMIS procedure
 Immunization practice at catchment is monitored regularly
 Plan is revised based on immunization schedule for the catchments for a
specific period of time

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

Annex: Resource Requirements

HLT MDW3 M08 0719 Promoting and Provide Immunization and Managing
Item Description/ d Ratio
Category/Item Quantity
No. Specifications (Item:
A. Learning Materials
 To be
1. TTLM prepared by 25 1:1
the trainer
 Relevant Text
2. Textbooks 25 1:1
 National
health policy &
3. Reference Books Guidelines 10 1:5
 HES Training
 Health
Journals/ Indicators/late
4. 10 1:5
Publication/Magazines st
 EDHS, 2016
Learning Facilities &
1. Lecture Room 5*5m 1 1:25
2. Library Standard (colleges 1 1:25

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3. Demonstration room Standard 1 1:5
C. Consumable Materials
1. Paper A4 5 rim 1:5
2. Pen As
3 Pencil and rubber
4 Flip chart required
12 per
6 Art line marker
7 Printer ink Available one 4
8 White board marker 6 per pack 10
10 Medical supplies
D. Tools and Equipment
1. Computer Lap top 1 1:25
LCD Projector
2. LCD projector 1 1:25
3. Printer HP Laser Jet 1 1:25
4 Photocopy machine Canon 1 1:25
5 Scanner Smart 1 1:25
6 Back up Smart 1 1:25
7 White board 110X80mm 1 1:25
8 Medical equipment
9 SC-kit kit 2 1;13
10 Sliding board standard 2 1;13
11 Weighing Scale Normal/suspended 2 each 1;13

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Model Curriculum


MODULE TITLE: Managing Nutritional Problems in Mothers and Children
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This learning module describes the knowledge, skills
and attitude required to assess, screen, identify, plan and manage nutritional
LO1 - Plan and undertake assessment for nutrition related health issues
LO2 - Provide basic nutrition information/ education to the clients.
LO3 - Manage clients with nutritional problems

LO1 - Plan and undertake assessment for nutrition related health issues

1.1.Overview of food, diet and nutrition

1.2. Nutrients and their sources

1.3.Nutritional assessment and screening

1.4.Nutrition related problems

1.5.Resource mapping

1.6.Calculation of target group with nutritional problems

1.5.1 Number of eligible from the catchment areas

1.5.2 Implementation of standard statistical method

1.7.Developing interventional plan

LO2 - Provide basic nutrition information/ education to the clients.

2.1. Obtaining client education from assessment data

2.2. Basic educational materials and products

2.3. Nutrition information system

2.4. Consultation with the community on nutrition

2.3.1 Purpose of nutrition education

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2.3.2 Importance of appropriate cultural practices

2.3.3 Convenience of time for participation
2.3.4 Supporting meal and food choices

2.5. Plan and report nutritional interventions

2.6. Monitoring clients according to nutrition care plan

2.7. Identifying client deviations from the nutrition care Plan

LO3 - Manage clients with nutritional problems

3.1. Advice clients with nutritional problems

3.1.1 Nutritional assessment

3.1.2 Common nutritional problems
3.1.3 Importance of seeking early treatment
3.1.4 Compliance to treatment

3.2. Essential Nutrition Action (ENA)

3.3. Managing Low risk conditions

3.4. Referring High risk conditions

3.5. Managing emergency nutrition problems

3.6. Practical preparation and education of balanced diet

3.7. Demonstration of therapeutic feeding

3.8. Adolescent and young child feeding

 Lecture –discussion
 Demonstration
 Group discussion
 Exercise
 Individual assignment
 Video show


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Competence may be assessed through:

 Interview/Written Test
 Observation/Demonstration with Oral Questioning

Context of ASSESSMENT :
 Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated work
Assessment Criteria:
LO1: Plan and undertake assessment for nutrition related health issues
 Nutritional assessment and screening are conducted according to
national nutritional assessment protocol of the FMOH
 Nutrition related problems are identified
 Resource mapping is conducted using the standard format of FMOH
 Nutrition eligible community members are identified
 Number of expected target group for nutritional problem is
calculated from the catchments using standard statistical method
 Appropriate interventional plan is developed.

LO2: Provide basic nutrition information/ education to the clients.

 Client education requirements are obtained from community assessment
or collected data.
 Basic educational materials and products are gathered according to the
directions of the nutrition guideline.
 The community is consulted about the appropriateness of cultural
practices of nutrition and convenience of time for participation.
 The purpose of the information/education is confirmed based on the
nutrition national guideline
 Practical nutritional education is provided to support meal and food
choices consistent with nutrition care plan.
 The report of plan implementation is provided to Woreda health office.
 Clients are monitored according to nutrition care plan, using appropriate
monitoring/reporting formats.
 Client deviations are identified from the nutrition care Plan and
appropriate course of action is carried out

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LO3: Manage clients with nutritional problems

 Advice on nutritional problem for clients, such as symptom of nutritional
problems, the importance of early treatment seeking and compliance of
treatment based on national nutritional guideline of FMOH.
 Essential Nutrition Action (ENA) is undertaken.
 Low risk conditions are managed according to the nutrition protocol
 High risk conditions are referred to the next higher health facility
 Emergency conditions of nutrition are managed according to the
standard nutritional guideline
 Practical preparation and education of balanced diet and therapeutic
feeding is demonstrated at health facility, household, school

Annex: Resource Requirements

HLT MDW3 MO9 0219 - Manage Nutritional Problems in Mothers and Children
Item Description/ d Ratio
Category/Item Quantity
No. Specifications (Item:
A. Learning Materials
 To be
1. TTLM prepared by 25 1:1
the trainer
 Training
2. Textbooks 25 1:1
 Relevant text
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Model Curriculum

3. Reference Books
 National health policy &  FMOH 2016
3.1 Guidelines 5 1:5

 HES training modules on  FMOH 2016

3.2 5 1:5
 Health
4.  EDHS, 2016 10 1:5
 Fact sheets
 Standard
Learning Facilities &
1. Lecture Room 5*5m 1 1:25
Standard (colleges
2. Library 1
3. Demonstration room Standard 1 1:5
C. Consumable Materials
1. Paper A4 5rim 1:5
2. Pen As
3 Pencil and rubber
4 Graph paper required
5 Bucher paper SinArtline 10 1:5
12 per
6 Art line marker
7 Printer ink HP Laser Jet 4
8 White board marker 6 per pack 15
9 Plaster Rol3
10 Medical supplies
D. Tools and Equipment
1. Computer Lap top 1 1:25
LCD Projector
2. LCD projector 1 1:25
3. Printer HP Laser Jet 1 1:25
4 Photocopy machine Canon 1 1:25
5 Scanner Smart 1 1:25
6 Back up Smart 1 1:25

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7 White board 110X80mm 1 1:25

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MODULE TITLE: Providing Common Medical and Surgical Care in Maternal
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module amis to describes the knowledge, skills
and attitude required to diagnosis and management of common medical and
surgical care in midwifery practice.
At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
LO1. Identify and manage common medical disorders
LO2. Identify and manage surgical problems
LO3. Identify and manage common communicable diseases
LO1. Identify and manage common medical disorders Introduction for
computer science
1.8. HEENT disorders
1.9. Common respiratory disorders
1.10. Cardiovascular system disorders
1.11. Digestive system disorders
1.12. Genitourinary system disorders
1.13. Endocrine system disorders
1.14. Integumentary system disorders
1.15. Nervous system disorders
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1.16. Reproductive system disorders

1.17. Musculoskeletal system disorders
1.18. Maternal health problem

LO2. Identify and manage surgical problems

2.1. Acute abdomen
2.2. Hemorrhoid and supportive management
2.3. Hernias
2.4. Burn including Shock management
2.5. Wound Car
2.6. Managing operation room (OR) theater
2.7. Operative care Pre- operative care Intra- operative care Post - operative care
2.8. Identifying imbalance
2.8.1 Acid-base imbalance
2.8.2 fluid and electrolyte imbalance

LO3. Identify and manage common communicable diseases

3.1. Bacterial diseases
3.2. Viral infections
3.3. Fungal infections
3.4. Protozoal infections
3.5. Parasitic infestations

 Lecture-discussion
 Demonstration
 Group discussion
 Exercise
 Individual assignment
 Role play

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 Video show
 Interview
 Written test
 Demonstration/Observation with oral questioning

LO.1 Identify and manage common medical disorders

 HEENT disorders are identified and managed

 Common respiratory disorders are identified and managed

 Cardiovascular system disorders are identified and managed

 Digestive system disorders are identified and managed

 Genitourinary system disorders are identified and managed

 Endocrine system disorders are identified and managed

 Integumentary system disorders are identified and managed

 Nervous system disorders are identified and managed

 Reproductive system disorders are identified and managed

 Musculoskeletal system disorder are identified and managed

LO.2 Identify and manage surgical problems

 Acute abdomen is identified, consulted, referred

 Hemorrhoid identified and supportive management is provided and managed

 Hernias are identified and referred

 Burn cases are identified and managed

 Operation room theater techniques are described

 Pre, intra and post-operative care are provided

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 Acid-base, fluid and electrolyte imbalance are identified and managed

 Wound care are described and managed

LO.3 Identify and manage common communicable diseases

 Common bacterial diseases are diagnosed and managed

 Common viral infections are diagnosed and managed

 Common fungal infections are diagnosed and managed

 Common protozoal infections are identified and managed

 Common parasitic infestations are diagnosed and managed

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Annex: Resource Requirements

HLT MDW3 M 10 0219 Providing Common Medical and Surgical Care in Maternal

Description/ Recommended
m Quanti
Category/Item Specification Ratio
No ty
s (Item: Learner)
A. Learning Materials
Prepared by
1. TTLM 25 1:1
2. Textbooks 25 1:1
Reference Books HIS/DHIS
3. 5 1:5
Medical-Surgical Nursing, 2 14th Edition
3.1 5 1:5
Learning Facilities &
1. Lecture Room 5*5m 1 1:25
2. Library Standard 1 1:25
3. E-library Standard 1 1:25
C. Consumable Materials
1. Paper A4 5rim 1:5
2. Pencil HB 5 1:5
3. Pen Ball point 5 1:5
4 Parker 5 pack 1:5
D. Tools and equipment
1. Computer/ desktop Standard 1 1:25
2. Whit board Standard 1 1:25
4. Printer Machine Standard 1 1:25
5. Photo Copy Machine Standard 1 1:25
6. Doll CPR doll 2 1:13
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Model Curriculum

7. LCD Standard 1 1:25

LEARNING MODULE- 11 Logo of TVET Provider

MODULE TITLE:Monitoring Implementation of Work Plan/Activities
This Module aims to provide the trainees with the knowledge, skills and attitude required to
oversee and monitor the quality of work operations within an enterprise may be carried out by
team leaders or supervisors.

At the end of the module the learner will be able to:

LO 1 Monitor and improve workplace operations
LO 2 Plan and organise workflow
LO 3Maintain workplace records
LO 4 Solve problems and make decisions

LO 1Monitor and improve workplace operations

1.1 Monitoring efficiency and service levels on an ongoing basis
1.2 Supporting operations of overall enterprise goals and quality assurance initiatives
1.3 Identifying and adjusting quality problems and issues promptly
1.4 Changing procedures and systems in consultation with colleagues
1.5 Consulting colleagues about ways of improving efficiency and service levels

LO 2 Plan and organise workflow

2.1 Assessing current workload of colleagues accurately
2.2 Scheduling work in manner of enhancing efficiency and customer service quality
2.3 Delegating work to appropriate people with principle of delegation
2.4 Assessing workflow against agreed objectives and timelines
2.5 Assisting colleagues in prioritization of workload
2.6 Providing input of appropriate management regarding staffing needs

LO 3 Maintain workplace records

3.1 Completing and submitting workplace records within required timeframes
3.2 Delegating and monitoring appropriate completion of records prior to submission

LO 4 Solve problems and make decisions

4.1 Identifying and considering workplace problems from
4.1.1 Operational perspective
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4.1.2 Customer service perspective

4.2 Initiating short term actions of resolving immediate problem
4.3 Analyzing problems long term impact
4.4 Assessing potential solutions of consultation with relevant colleagues
4.5 Encouraging participation of team members solving of raised problem
4.6 Taking follow up action of monitoring effectiveness of solutions in the workplace

 Lecture-discussion
 Demonstration
 Group discussion
 Exercise
 Individual assignment
 Role play
 Video show
 Interview
 Written test
 Demonstration/Observation with oral questioning


LO 1 Monitor and improve workplace operations

 Efficiency and service levels are monitored on an ongoing basis.
 Operations in the workplace support overall enterprise goals and quality
assurance initiatives.
 Quality problems and issues are promptly identified and adjustments are made
 Procedures and systems are changed in consultation with colleagues to
improve efficiency and effectiveness.
 Colleagues are consulted about ways to improve efficiency and service levels.

LO 2 Plan and organise workflow

 Current workload of colleagues is accurately assessed.
 Work is scheduled in a manner which enhances efficiency and customer

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Model Curriculum

service quality.
 Work is delegated to appropriate people in accordance with principles of
 Workflow is assessed against agreed objectives and timelines and colleagues
are assisted in prioritization of workload.
 Input is provided to appropriate management regarding staffing needs.

LO 3 Maintain workplace records

 Workplace records are accurately completed and submitted within required
 Where appropriate completion of records is delegated and monitored prior to

LO 4 Solve problems and make decisions

 Workplace problems are promptly identified and considered from an
operational and customer service perspective.
 Short term action is initiated to resolve the immediate problem where
 Problems are analyzed for any long term impact and potential solutions are
assessed and actioned in consultation with relevant colleagues.
 Where problem is raised by a team member, they are encouraged to
participate in solving the problem.
 Follow up action is taken to monitor the effectiveness of solutions in the

Annex: Resources requirement

HLT MDW3 M 11 0219 Monitoring Implementation of Work Plan/Activities

Item Description/ Recommended Ratio
Category/Item Quantity
No. Specifications (Item: Learner)

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

A Learning Materials
1 TTLM Prepared by Trainer 25 1:25
2 Textbooks By College 5 1:5
3. Reference Books By College 5 1:5
Journals/Publication/Magazine By College
4 5 1:5
B Learning Facilities & Infrastructure
1 Lecture Room Standard 1 1:25
2 Library Standard 1 1:25
3 Computer lab Standard 1 1:25
C Consumable Materials
1 Paper A4 5rim 1:5
length:7 inches, lead
5 Pencil 25 1:1
color: black
6 Flip Chart 23”32” 5 1:5
D Tools and Equipment
Core i3,500 GB
1 Computer HARD DISK,2 GB 12 1:2

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MODULE TITLE: Applying Quality Control
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module covers the knowledge, attitudes and skills required
in applying quality control in the workplace.
At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
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LO1. Implement quality standards.

LO2. Assess quality of service delivered.
LO3. Record information.
LO4. Study causes of quality deviations.
LO5. Complete documentation.
LO1. Implement quality standards.
1.1. Acquiring and confirming agreed quality standard and procedures.
1.2. Introducing standard procedures.
1.3. Providing quality standard and procedures documents.
1.4. Revising / updating standard procedures.
LO2. Assess quality of service delivered.
2.1. Quality standards and specifications
2.2. Checking quality services delivered.
2.3. Evaluating service delivered using quality parameters.
2.4. Identifying causes of any faults.
2.5. Taking corrective actions.
LO3. Record information.
3.1. Recording basic information on the quality performance.
3.2. Maintaining records of work quality.
LO4. Study causes of quality deviations.
4.1. Investigating and reporting causes of deviations from final outputs or services.
4.2. Recommending suitable preventive action.
4.3. Identifying causes of deviation from specific quality standards
LO5. Complete documentation.
5.1. Recording information on quality and other indicators of service performance.
Recording all service processes and outcomes.
 Lecture-discussion
 Demonstration
 Group discussion
 Exercise
 Individual assignment

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 Role play
 Interview
 Written test
 Demonstration/Observation with oral questioning

LO1. Implement quality standards.
 Agreed quality standard and procedures are acquired and confirmed.
 Standard procedures are introduced to organizational staff/personnel.
 Quality standard and procedures documents are provided to employees in
accordance with the organization policy.
 Standard procedures are revised / updated when necessary.
LO2. Assess quality of service delivered.
 Services delivered are quality checked against organization quality standards and
 Service delivered are evaluated using the appropriate evaluation quality parameters
and in accordance with organization standards.
 Causes of any identified faults are identified and corrective actions taken in
accordance with organization policies and procedures.
LO3. Record information.
 Basic information on the quality performance is recorded in accordance with
organization procedures.
 Records of work quality are maintained according to the requirements of the
LO4. Study causes of quality deviations.
 Causes of deviations from final outputs or services are investigated and reported in
accordance with organization procedures.
 Suitable preventive action is recommended based on organization quality standards
and identified causes of deviation from specified quality standards of final service or
LO5. Complete documentation.
 Information on quality and other indicators of service performance is recorded.

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 All service processes and outcomes are recorded

Annex: Resources requirement

HLT MDW3 M 12 0219 Apply Quality Control

Item Description/ Quantit
Category/Item Ratio
No. Specifications y
(Item: Learner)
A. Learning Materials
Prepared by
1. TTLM 25 1:1
2. Textbooks
3. Reference Books

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Learning Facilities &

1. Lecture Room 5*5m 1 1:25
2. Library
3. (etc.)
C. Consumable Materials
1. paper A4 5rim 1:5
2. Marker
D. Tools and equipment
2. Printer machine
3 Coy machine
4 Black/white board

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MODULE TITLE: Leading Workplace Communication
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module covers the knowledge, attitudes and skills
to lead in the dissemination and discussion of information and issues in the
At the end of this module the trainees will be able to
LO 1. Communicate information about workplace processes
LO 2. Lead workplace discussion
LO 3. Identify and communicate issues arising in the workplace

LO1 Communicate information about workplace processes
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1.1. Selecting appropriate communication method

1.2. Communicating multiple operations.
1.3. Using questions
1.4. Identifying correct sources of information
1.5. Selecting and organizing information correctly
1.6. Requiring verbal and written report
1.7. Mmaintaining communication skills.
LO2 Lead workplace discussion
2.1 Seeking response to workplace issues
2.2 providing workplace response issues
2.3 Making Constructive contributions to workplace
2.4 Communicating Goals/objectives and action plans
LO 3 Identify and communicate issues arising in the workplace
3.1 Identifying issues and problem.
3.2 Organizing information regarding problems and issues
3.3 Initiating dialogue
3.4 Raising communication problems and issues
 Lecture-discussion
 Demonstration
 Group discussion
 Exercise
 Individual assignment
 Role play
 Interview
 Written test
 Demonstration/Observation with oral questioning
LO 1 Communicate information about workplace processes
 Appropriate communication method is selected
 Multiple operations involving several topics areas are communicated
 Questions are used to gain extra information
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 Correct sources of information are identified

 Information is selected and organized correctly
 Verbal and written reporting is undertaken when required
 Communication skills are maintained in all situations
LO 2 Lead workplace discussion
 Response to workplace issues are sought
 Response to workplace issues are provided immediately
 Constructive contributions is made to workplace discussions on such
issues as production, quality and safety
 Goals/objectives and action plan undertaken in the workplace are
LO 3 Identify and communicate issues arising in the workplace
 Issues and problems are identified as they arise
 Information regarding problems and issues are organized coherently to
ensure clear and effective communication
 Dialogue is initiated with appropriate staff/personnel
 Communication problems and issues are raised as they arise

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Annex: Resource Requirements

HLT MDW3 M13 0219 Leading Workplace Communication

Item Description/
Category/Item Quantity d Ratio
No. Specifications
(Item: Trainee)
A. Learning Materials
1. TTLM Preparing by trainer 5 1:5
2. Reference Book 5 1:5
3. 5 1:5
B. Learning Facilities and Infrastructure
1. Lecture Room Standard 1 1:25
2. Workshop Standard 1 1:25
Visual training media
(LCD, laptops,
3. Each 1 1:25
blackboard, whiteboard,
flip chart)

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MODULE TITLE: Leading Small Teams
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module covers the skills, knowledge and attitudes required
to determine individual and team development needs and facilitate the development of the
work group.
At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
LO1. Provide team leadership
LO2. Foster individual and organizational growth
LO3. Monitor and evaluate workplace learning
LO4. Develop team commitment and cooperation
LO5. Facilitate accomplishment of organizational goals
LO1. Provide team leadership
1.1. Organizational requirements
1.2. Identifying and implementing learning and development needs
1.3. Developing and implementing learning plan
1.4. Encouraging Individuals to self-evaluate performance.
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1.5. Identifying areas for improvement

1.6. Collecting feedback on performance of team members
LO2. Foster individual and organizational growth
2.1. Identifying learning and development program goals and objectives.
2.2. Making learning delivery methods.
2.3. Workplace learning opportunities and coaching/ mentoring.
2.4. Identifying and approving resources and timelines.
LO3. Monitor and evaluate workplace learning
3.1. Using feedback from individuals or teams.
3.2. Assessing and recording outcomes and performance of individuals/teams
3.3. Negotiating modifications to learning plans.
3.4. Maintaining records and reports of competence
LO4. Develop team commitment and cooperation.
4.1. Using open communication processes.
4.2. Reaching decisions.
4.3. Developing mutual concern and camaraderie in the team
LO5. Facilitate accomplishment of organizational goals
5.1. Making team members actively participatory.
5.2. Developing individual and joint responsibility.
5.3. Sustaining collaborative efforts.
 Lecture-discussion
 Demonstration
 Group discussion
 Exercise
 Individual assignment
 Role play
 Interview
 Written test
 Demonstration/Observation with oral questioning
LO1. Provide team leadership

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 Learning and development needs are systematically identified and implemented in

line with organizational requirements.

 Learning plan is collaboratively developed and implemented to meet individual and

group training and developmental needs.

 Individuals are encouraged to self-evaluate performance and areas identified for


 Feedback on performance of team members is collected from relevant sources and

compared with established team learning process.
LO2. Foster individual and organizational growth.

 Learning and development program goals and objectives are identified to match the
specific knowledge and skills requirements of competence standards.

 Learning delivery methods are made appropriate to the learning goals, the learning
style of participants and availability of equipment and resources.

 Workplace learning opportunities and coaching/ mentoring assistance are provided

to facilitate individual and team achievement of competencies.

 Resources and timelines required for learning activities are identified and approved
in accordance with organizational requirements.
LO3. Monitor and evaluate workplace learning.

 Feedback from individuals or teams is used to identify and implement improvements

in future learning arrangements.

 Outcomes and performance of individuals/teams are assessed and recorded to

determine the effectiveness of development programs and the extent of additional

 Modifications to learning plans are negotiated to improve the efficiency and

effectiveness of learning.
 Records and reports of competence are maintained within organizational
LO4. Develop team commitment and cooperation

 Open communication processes are used by team to obtain and share information.

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

 Decisions are reached by the team in accordance with its agreed roles and

 Mutual concern and camaraderie are developed in the team.

LO5. Facilitate accomplishment of organizational goals.

 Team members are made actively participatory in team activities and communication

 Individual and joint responsibility has been developed teams members for their
 Collaborative efforts are sustained to attain organizational goals.

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

Annex: Resource Requirements

HLT MDW3 M14 0219 Leading Small Teams

Item Description/
Category/Item Quantity d Ratio
No. Specifications
(Item: Trainee)
A. Learning Materials
1. TTLM Preparing by trainer 5 1:5
2. Reference Book 5 1:5
3. 5 1:5
B. Learning Facilities and Infrastructure
1. Lecture Room Standard 1 1:25
2. Workshop Standard 1 1:25
Visual training media
(LCD, laptops,
3. Each 1 1:25
blackboard, whiteboard,
flip chart)

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Model Curriculum

Logo of TVET
MODULE TITLE: Improving Business Practice
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required in promoting, improving and growing business operations.
At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
LO1. Diagnose the business
LO2. Benchmark the business
LO3. Develop plans to improve business performance
LO4. Develop marketing plans
LO5. Develop business growth plans
LO6. Implement and monitor plans
LO1. Diagnose the business.
1.1. Identifying Sources data
1.2. Determining and acquiring data for diagnosis.
1.3. Conducting Value chain analysis.
1.4. Undertaking SWOT analysis of the data.
1.5. Determining Competitive advantage of the business.

LO2. Benchmark the business.

2.1. Sources of relevant benchmarking data.
2.2. Selecting Key indicators for benchmarking.
2.3. Comparing key indicators of own practice with benchmark indicators.

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Model Curriculum

2.4. Identifying areas of improvements.

LO3. Develop plans to improve business performance.

3.1. Developing a consolidated list of required improvements.
3.2. Determining Cost-benefit analysis.
3.3. Determining work flow changes.
3.4. Ranking proposed improvements.
3.5. Developing and agreeing an action plan.
3.6. Checking Organizational structures.

LO4. Develop marketing plans.

4.1. Reviewing vision statement.
4.2. Developing/ reviewing objectives.
4.3. Identifying/refining target markets
4.4. Obtaining market research data.
4.5. Obtaining competitor analysis.
4.6. Developing/ reviewing market position.
4.7. Developing practice brand.
4.8. Identifying benefits of products or services.
4.9. Selecting and developing Promotion tools

LO5. Develop business growth plans.

5.1. Planning to increase yield per existing client
5.2. Planning to add new clients
5.3. Ranking proposed plans.
5.4. Developing and agreeing an action plan.
5.5. Reviewing business work practices.

LO6. Implement and monitor plans.

6.1. Relevant stakeholders
6.2. Developing implementation plan.
6.3. Agreeing success indicators.
6.4. Monitoring implementation.
6.5. Adjusting implementation
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Model Curriculum

 Lecture-discussion
 Demonstration
 Group discussion
 Exercise
 Individual assignment
 Role play
 Interview
 Written test
 Demonstration/Observation with oral questioning
LO1. Diagnose the business.

 Sources data is identified; data required for diagnosis is determined and acquired
based on the business diagnosis toolkit.
 Value chain analysis is conducted.
 SWOT analysis of the data is undertaken.
 Competitive advantage of the business is determined from the data.
LO2. Benchmark the business.
 Product or service to be benchmarked is identified and selected.
 Sources of relevant benchmarking data are identified.
 Key indicators are selected for benchmarking in consultation with key
 Key indicators of own practice are compared with benchmark indicators.
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Model Curriculum

 Areas of improvements are identified.

LO3. Develop plans to improve business performance.
 A consolidated list of required improvements is developed.
 Cost-benefit analysis is determined for required improvements.
 Work flow changes resulting from proposed improvements are determined.
 Proposed improvements are ranked according to agreed criteria.
 An action plan is developed and agreed to implement the top ranked
 Organizational structures are checked to ensure they are suitable.
LO4. Develop marketing plans
 The practice vision statement is reviewed.
 Practice objectives are developed/ reviewed.
 Market research is conducted and result is obtained.
 Target markets are identified/ refined.
 Market position is developed/ reviewed.
 Practice brand is developed.
 Benefits of products or services are identified.
 Promotion tools are selected and developed.
LO5 Develop business growth plans.
 Plans are developed to increase profitability
 Proposed plans are ranked according to agreed criteria.
 An action plan is developed and agreed to implement the top ranked plans.
 Business work practices are reviewed to ensure they support growth plans.
LO6. Implement and monitor plans.
 Implementation plan is developed in consultation with all relevant stakeholders.
 Success indicators of the plan are agreed.
 Implementation is monitored against agreed indicators.
 Implementation is adjusted as required.

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

Annex: Resource Requirements

HLT MDW3 M15 0219: Improving Business Practice

Item Description/
Category/Item Quantity d Ratio
No. Specifications
(Item: Trainee)
A. Learning Materials
1. TTLM Preparing by trainer 5 1:5
2. Reference Book 5 1:5
3. 5 1:5
B. Learning Facilities and Infrastructure
1. Lecture Room Standard 1 1:25
2. Workshop Standard 1 1:25
Visual training media
(LCD, laptops,
3. Each 1 1:25
blackboard, whiteboard,
flip chart)

Version: 2 February 2019

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

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MODULE TITLE: Preventing and Eliminating MUDA
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module of competence covers the knowledge, skills and
attitude required by a worker to prevent and eliminate MUDA/wastes in his/her their
workplace. It covers responsibility for the day-to-day operation of the work and ensures
Kaizen elements are continuously improved and institutionalized.
At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
LO1. Prepare for work.
LO2. Identify MUDA.
LO3. Eliminate wastes/MUDA.
LO4. Prevent occurrence of wastes/MUDA.
LO1. Prepare for work.
1.1 Using work instructions.
1.2 Reading and interpreting Job specification
1.3 Observing OHS requirements
1.4 Selecting appropriate material
1.5 Safety equipment and tools
LO2. Identify MUDA.
2.1 Preparing and implementing Plan of MUDA.
2.2 Causes and effects of MUDA.
2.3 Tools and techniques to draw &analyze current situation.
2.4 Identifying and measuring waste/Muda.
2.5 Relevant procedures of identifying &measuring MUDA.

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Model Curriculum

2.6 Reporting Identified and measured wastes

LO3. Eliminate wastes/MUDA.

3.1 Preparing and implementing elimination plan of MUDA
3.2 Necessary attitude to eliminate MUDA
3.3 The ten basic principles to eliminate MUDA
3.4 Tools and techniques to eliminate wastes/Muda.
3.5 Reducing and eliminating Wastes/MUDA.
3.6 Reporting Improvements.

LO4. Prevent occurrence of wastes/MUDA.

4.1 Preparing and implementing prevention plan of MUDA.
4.2 Discussing and preparing standards for
4.2.1 Machines
4.2.2 Operations
4.2.3 Defining normal and abnormal conditions.
4.2.4 Clerical procedures and procurement.
4.3 Visual and auditory control methods.
4.4 Using 5W and 1H sheet for waste-free workplace
4.5 Doing completion of required operation.
4.6 Updating of standard procedures and practices.
4.7 Ensuring capability of the work team
 Lecture-discussion
 Demonstration
 Group discussion
 Exercise
 Individual assignment
 Role play
 Interview
 Written test
 Demonstration/Observation with oral questioning

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

LO1.Prepare for work.
 Work instructions are used to determine job requirements, including method,
material and equipment.
 Job specifications are read and interpreted following working manual.
 OHS requirements, including dust and fume collection, breathing apparatus and
eye and ear personal protection needs are observed throughout the work.
 Appropriate material is selected for work.
 Safety equipment and tools are identified and checked for safe and effective
LO2. Identify MUDA.
 Plan of MUDA identification is prepared and implemented.
 Causes and effects of MUDA are discussed.
 Tools and techniques are used to draw and analyze current situation of the work
 Wastes/MUDA are identified and measured based on relevant procedures.
 Identified and measured wastes are reported to relevant personnel.
Lo3. Eliminate wastes/MUDA.
 Plan of MUDA elimination is prepared and implemented.
 Necessary attitude and the ten basic principles for improvement are adopted to
eliminate waste/MUDA.
 Tools and techniques are used to eliminate wastes/MUDA based on the procedures
and OHS.
 Wastes/MUDA are reduced and eliminated in accordance with OHS and
organizational requirements.
 Improvements gained by elimination of waste/MUDA are reported to relevant
LO4. Prevent occurrence of wastes/MUDA.
 Plan of MUDA prevention is prepared and implemented.
 Standards required for machines, operations, defining normal and abnormal
conditions, clerical procedures and procurement are discussed and prepared.
(TVET Program Midwifery level III) Version: 2 February 2019 Page No.
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 Occurrences of wastes/MUDA are prevented by using visual and auditory control
 Waste-free workplace is created using 5W and 1Hsheet.
 The completion of required operation is done in accordance with standard
procedures and practices.
 The
Ethiopian TVET updating
Model Curriculum
of standard procedures and practices is facilitated.
 The capability of the work team that aligns with the requirements of the procedure
Annex: Resource Requirements

HLT MDW3 M16 0219: Preventing and Eliminating MUDA

Item Description/
Category/Item Quantity d Ratio
No. Specifications
(Item: Trainee)
A. Learning Materials
1. TTLM Preparing by trainer 5 1:5
2. Reference Book 5 1:5
3. 5 1:5
B. Learning Facilities and Infrastructure
1. Lecture Room Standard 1 1:25
2. Workshop Standard 1 1:25
Visual training media
(LCD, laptops,
3. Each 1 1:25
blackboard, whiteboard,
flip chart)


Version: 2 February 2019

(TVET Program Midwifery level III) Page No.
Copyright Info/Author: FTVET Agency
Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

The Ministry of Education wishes to extend thanks and appreciation to the many
representatives of business, industry, academe and government agencies who
donated their time and expertise to the development of this Model Curriculum for the
TVET Program Midwifery Level III.

The teachers (who developed the curriculum)

1. Ato Assefa Bulcha – Jhpiego Ethiopia

2. Belayneh Lemma – Amref Health Africa
3. Yisahak Mulugeta- Semera Health Science College
4. Kahsu Godifey – Araya Kahsu Health Science College

We would like also to express our appreciation to the following Staff and Officers of
Ministry of Education and Engineering Capacity Building Program (ecbp) who
facilitated the development of this curriculum –

This model curriculum was developed on the 15 February 2019 at Adama Hospital
Medical College in-service training center.

Version: 2 February 2019

(TVET Program Midwifery level III) Page No.
Copyright Info/Author: FTVET Agency

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