Starkville Dispatch Eedition 4-16-19

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Established 1879 | Columbus, Mississippi

Tuesday | April 16, 2019

Altercation during Bin 612 evacuation

leads to criticism, planned changes
Restaurant tried to close on Saturday “get out” and no
one appears to
n VIDEO: See video of Bin 612 alter-
the people working and shoved
out into the storm,” she wrote.
as storms bore down on Starkville make clear where
they are sup-
cation at “I was forced outside when the
tornado was hitting campus and
posed to go. had to find another place to seek
By Alex Holloway building and close. The restau- “Sara Beth,” posted on Twitter
shelter after getting kicked out. A video that has spread rant has taken a shortly before 1 a.m. Sunday
that she was kicked out of the Not OK.”
across Twitter, Facebook beating on social
During Saturday’s severe Ty Thames, chef and owner
and YouTube shows security media ever since, Thames restaurant. She claimed a bar-
weather event that produced guards, hired by Bin 612, yell- both from people who claimed tender stood on the bar and an- of Bin 612, acknowledged to
tornadoes locally, a fight broke ing profanity at the patrons. to have been there and others nounced “a big storm” was com- The Dispatch his staff and the
out between security guards Meanwhile, patrons were either who simply saw the video after- ing and patrons needed to leave. six contracted security guards
and Bin 612 patrons as staff at refusing to leave the building or ward. “I was at Bin 612 (Saturday on duty that night all could have
the Cotton District restaurant milling the streets. In the video, A Mississippi State Universi- night) when the tornado hit and handled the situation better.
and bar attempted to clear the someone is yelling at patrons to ty student, going by the handle everyone inside was yelled at by See Bin 612, 3A

Miller resigns
as Ward 5 Natural hunters
alderman to
take job on
the coast
Board to set special
election to fill vacancy
By Alex Holloway

Ward 5 Alder-
man Patrick Miller
is resigning from
Starkville’s board of
alderman take a job
in Biloxi.
Miller submitted
a letter of resignation
to the city on Mon-
day. His resignation is effective im-
Miller confirmed his resignation
to The Dispatch. He said he’s taking Courtesy photo
a job as director of advancement for Zor, a Belgian Malinois with GTR K9 Search Team, assists law enforcement in solving a cold case in Alabama in
St. Patrick High School in Biloxi. December 2018. Zor is one of several search dogs trained by the Columbus-based nonprofit.
He currently works with Mississip-
pi State University’s Extension Ser-
vice overseeing municipal program-
ming, and part of his work includes
Search dogs aid law enforcement
a role as the director for the Missis-
sippi Institute of Municipal Clerks.
in criminal investigations, weather disasters
He said he’s proud of the work
the city has accomplished in his
By ISABELLE ALTMAN Bob, use to aid in missing persons had been seen in Co- cases and criminal investigations in lumbus, departments
time on the board of aldermen, from
an increased digital footprint to ad- their Memphis, Tennessee-based in Lowndes County
Paulette Weible says her hound nonprofit Search Dog South. The usually work with
justing the utilities rate structure to dog Bella is a “leader.”
help fund a massive infrastructure couple and the organization’s other Kathy Doty, who runs
So much so that when the six-
project. dog handlers are called on to assist GTR K9 Search Team
year-old search dog was looking for
“I’ve been incredibly proud to law enforcement and other govern- in Columbus.
a missing person in Columbus on
serve with Mayor Lynn Spruill and ment organizations in looking for Doty has been Doty
Thursday, she would stop moving
the board of aldermen,” Miller said. individuals, from missing postal training search and
every time the police officer walk-
“We have accomplished more in ing with her got in front of them to workers to suspects on the run. cadaver dogs since 2000. Those in-
two years than some cities I’ve seen stop traffic. Paulette said each dog is called clude Columbus Fire and Rescue’s
in my work across the state do in 20 “She’d look at him like, ‘Do you on 90 to 100 times per year, usually two search dogs, Jett, a Belgian
years.” want my harness on you so you can within a 250-mile radius of Mem- Malinois, and soon-to-be-certified
Mayor Lynn Spruill said Miller put your nose to work?’ until he phis. She added the nonprofit is run Mack, a McNab Shepherd; and her
has been an invaluable alderman. backed off so she could be lead,” totally on donations and that nei- dogs have been called in to assist
“He’s been a wonderful board Weible said laughing. “...She does ther law enforcement nor families in searches for missing people, in-
member and it is our loss,” she that with all the cops. She would just of missing people ever pay the orga- cluding by Columbus Police Depart-
said. “I’m very pleased that it’s a look at them like, ‘I’m not moving nization for the services of the dogs ment for a missing autistic man in
positive move for him, because in until you get out of my way.’” and their handlers. January 2018. The man was found
the scheme of things, if it’s best for Bella, who has been a search dog While Tupelo Police Department safe a few days after being declared
his family and him, then I certainly for five years, is one of nine search had called in the Weibles to help missing.
wish him all the best.” dogs that Weible and her husband, look for a Tupelo missing man who See Search dogs, 6A
With Miller’s resignation, the
board will operate with six mem-
See Miller, 6A

Weather Five Questions Calendar Local Folks Public

1 What athlete started a charity called Today meetings
the Peyback Foundation? Today: Board of
■ 100+ Women Who Care: In Co-
2 What is the original name of the Aldermen, 5:30
Windy City icon now officially known as lumbus and Lowndes County: 100
p.m., City Hall
Willis Tower? women giving $100 means $10,000
April 23: OCH
3 What comedian is known for the awarded to a member-nominated
phrase “Git-r-done!”? and voted on local charity. Too good Regional Medical
Kelsey Perkins 4 In April 1943, Albert Hofmann bicy- to be true? Believe it. #thePOWER- Center Board of
cled home under the influence of what of100. A Membership registration Trustees, 4 p.m.,
Fifth grade, Annunciation
newly discovered drug? and social is 5:30 p.m. April 16 at OCH

78 Low 53
5 What author successfully sued
Courtyard by Marriott in Columbus. May 3: Board of
High in 2009 to halt U.S. publication of
a book based on his most famous Aldermen Work
Mostly sunny
Full forecast on
novel? Friday through Sunday Session, noon,
City Hall
page 2A. Answers, 6B ■ Living Pictures: Fairview Baptist
Church, 127 Airline Road, Colum- May 6: Board of
bus, presents its Easter production, Supervisors, 9
“From Prisoners to Believers,” with a.m., Oktibbeha
Inside choirs, orchestra and drama cast County Courthouse
Classifieds 6B Dear Abby 5B at 6:30 p.m. Free to the public. For Ronica Petty is an RN at May 7: Board of
Comics 5B Obituaries 5A more information, call the church Allegro and enjoys taking care Aldermen, 5:30
Crossword 4B Opinions 4A office, 662-328-2924. of others. p.m., City Hall


2A Tuesday, April 16 2019 The Dispatch •

Say What?
Did you hear? “It was a good first half (of the season), but nobody is going
remember the first half if you don’t have a good second half.”
AP-NORC Poll: Low confidence MSU sophomore first baseman Tanner Allen. The Bulldogs
will play Tuesday against Texas Southern at 6:30 p.m.
in schools to respond to gunman Story, 1B.

Half of Americans “As far as inside the

blame students
school, we’re doing all we
can to keep students safe,”
she said. “It is the outside
Fire out, organ intact but work
being bullied a
ahead for charred Notre Dame
of the school and the peo-
ple who are coming in and
great deal for out that I think are the
weak link,” said Wisdom,
school shootings who sees school violence ‘Notre Dame was
The Associated Press
as a product of violent vid-
eo games, TV shows and destroyed but the soul Prayers, hymns, community shared
Twenty years after the Col-
umbine High School shoot-

the internet’s opportunities
to bully and isolate.
Half of Americans
of France was not’
Archbishop of Paris
in firelight of Notre Dame cathedral
blame students being bul- Michel Aupetit The Associated Press
ing made practicing for
armed intruders as routine lied a great deal for school
as fire drills, many parents shootings. Roughly a third
The Associated Press
PARIS — Some kneeled, some
folded their hands to make silent
‘I think this building
have only tepid confidence say the same of the inter-
in the ability of schools to net and television, music PARIS — Firefighters declared
entreaties. Others sang with their
eyes focused on the sky that had
just symbolizes Paris,
stop a gunman, according and video games.
to a new poll by The Asso- By and large, schools
success Tuesday morning in an
over 12-hour battle to extinguish
gone from blue to yellow and or-
ange, and filled with acrid smoke.
no matter if you’re
themselves are less like-
ciated Press-NORC Center
for Public Affairs Research. ly to be blamed: 59% put
an inferno engulfing Paris’ iconic
Notre Dame cathedral that claimed
In an impromptu act of togeth-
erness and hope, Parisians and vis-
Catholic or not’
And while most Ameri- not much or no blame on its spire and roof, but spared its Parisian doctor
itors to France’s charismatic capital Quentin Salardaine
cans consider schools less schools for the shootings. bell towers. came together to pray for Notre
safe than they were 20 years While roughly 4 in 10 say What remained was a blackened Dame as a fire quickly advanced through the cathedral Monday.
ago, the poll finds a majori- schools have at least some shell of the monument immortal- The blaze that engulfed Notre Dame brought memories and sorrow
ty say schools aren’t at fault responsibility, just 9% attri- ized in Victor Hugo’s 1831 novel to people around the world who had seen or dreamed of seeing the
for shootings. Bullying, bute a great deal of blame. “The Hunchback of Notre Dame,” church known for its sculpted gargoyle guards and place in literary
the availability of guns, the In the years since a building that had survived almost history. But emotions might have run highest in the crowd outside an-
internet and video games two Colorado teenagers 900 years of tumultuous French other Gothic church, not far from where Notre Dame burned.
share more of the blame. gunned down 12 class- history but was devastated amid In front of the Saint-Julien-des-Pauvres church, a couple hundred
Lee Wisdom, a mother mates and a teacher in the renovation works at the start of people knelt in prayer in the middle of a larger group. More voices
of two in Downingtown, Denver suburb of Littleton, Catholic Easter week. joined an unceasing communal hymn sung mostly a cappella, though
Pennsylvania, believes stu- schools across the country Its iconic twin bell towers re- accompanied at one point by two violins.
dents and staff have been have fixated on planning mained visibly intact. Paris officials “The cathedral is more than walls. It’s a symbol of Catholic France,”
trained as much as possible for threats that before had said the world famous 18th century said Paris resident Gaetane Schlienger, 18, who tried to climb a tree
to prepare for an attack, but been unimaginable. organ that boasts 8,000 pipes also near the vigil. “But I have a lot of friends who are not Catholic, and for
worries schools are still vul- Teachers and students appeared to have survived, along them it also has a huge impact.”
nerable to things beyond practice fleeing and hiding with other treasures inside the ca- Schlienger said she comes to Notre Dame nearly every week be-
their control, like a par- during realistic shooter thedral, after a plan to safeguard cause gazing at it “you feel in security, in peace. It’s magnificent.”
ent holding the door for a scenarios inside school heritage was quickly put into ac- The cathedral also called to Quentin Salardaine, 25, a doctor from
stranger or a child sneaking buildings fortified by bolt- tion. Paris, as flames devoured it and colored the sky.
his father’s gun in a back- ed doors, bulletproof glass At dawn, the twin 69-meter tow- “I think this building just symbolizes Paris, no matter if you’re Cath-
pack. and security cameras. ers swarmed with building special- olic or not. I’m not,” Salardaine said. “I’m just here because I couldn’t
ists and architects, looking tiny stay at my place just knowing that this thing is happening and there are
from the ground as they conducted people gathering, singing this religious anthem.”
Office hours: Main line: “The entire fire is out,” declared One of the city’s five senior vic- the global architectural treasure,
n 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon-Fri n 662-328-2424 Paris firefighters’ spokesman Ga- ars, Philippe Marsset, told AP: “If but that news has done nothing to
briel Plus, adding that workers God intervened (in the blaze) it ease the national mourning.
HOW DO I ... Email a letter to the editor? were currently “surveying the was in the courage of the firefight- “Notre Dame has survived the
n movement of structures and extin- ers.” revolutionary history of France,
Report a missing paper? guishing smoldering residues.”
Report a sports score? “Notre Dame was destroyed but and this happened during building
n 662-328-2424 ext. 100 “The task is — now the risk of the soul of France was not,” Michel works,” said influential former Cul-
n Toll-free 877-328-2430 n 662-241-5000
fire has been put aside — about the Aupetit, archbishop of Paris, said ture Minister Jack Lang.
n Operators are on duty until Submit a calendar item? building, how the structure will re- on RMC radio. French President Emmanuel
5 p.m. Mon.-Fri. n Go to sist,” said Junior Interior Minister Officials consider the fire an ac- Macron pledged to rebuild the ca-
Buy an ad? community Laurent Nunez in front of the ca- cident, possibly as a result of the thedral that he called “a part of us”
n 662-328-2424 thedral. restoration work taking place at and appealed for help to do so.
Submit a birth, wedding
Report a news tip? or anniversary announce-
n 662-328-2471 ment?
n n Download forms at www.

Physical address: 516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39701

Area obituaries
COMMERCIAL DISPATCH received no later than 7:30 ments. military honors will
Mailing address: P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703-0511 OBITUARY POLICY a.m. for the Monday through
He was preceded be at noon Thursday
Obituaries with basic informa- Friday editions. Paid notices
Starkville Office: 101 S. Lafayette St. #16, Starkville, MS 39759
tion including visitation and must be finalized by 3 p.m. for in death by his father, at Center Hill Baptist
service times, are provided inclusion the next day Monday Felix Hope Jr. Church with Terry
He is survived by Edwards officiating.
SUBSCRIPTIONS free of charge. Extended
obituaries with a photograph,
through Thursday; and on
Friday by 3 p.m. for Sunday his mother, Edna Burial will follow at the
HOW TO SUBSCRIBE detailed biographical informa- and Monday publication. For Corbell Hope; son, church cemetery. Visi-
tion and other details families more information, call 662- tation will be two hours
By phone................................. 662-328-2424 or 877-328-2430 328-2471.
Allen Hope; daughters,
may wish to include, are prior to services at the
Online.......................................... available for a fee. Obituaries
Heather Henley, Pa-
tricia Hope, Kimberly church. Tisdale-Lann
must be submitted through
funeral homes unless the Terry Hope Hope, Angie Fortner Memorial Funeral
deceased’s body has been COLUMBUS — Ter- and Rita Robertson; Home is in charge of
Daily home delivery + unlimited online access*..........$13.50/mo. ry Hope, 59, died April arrangements.
Sunday only delivery + unlimited online access*...........$8.50/mo.
donated to science. If the brothers, Jeffrey Hope
deceased’s body was donated 14, 2019, at Baptist Me- and Tommy Hope; and Mr. Ratliff was born
Daily home delivery only*.................................................$12/mo. morial Hospital-Golden
to science, the family must
10 grandchildren. Dec. 18, 1923, in Bald-
Online access only*.......................................................$8.95/mo. provide official proof of death. Triangle.
1 month daily home delivery................................................... $12 Memorials may be wyn, to the late Ben-
Please submit all obituaries
Services will be at made to the American jamin Roy Ratliff and
1 month Sunday only home delivery........................................ $7 on the form provided by The
11 a.m. Wednesday Cleo Carmack Ratliff.
Mail Subscription Rates....................................................$20/mo. Commercial Dispatch. Free Cancer Society, 1380
at Lowndes Funeral He was a veteran and
* EZ Pay rate requires automatic processing of credit or debit card. notices must be submitted Livingston Ln., Jack-
to the newspaper no later Home Chapel. Burial was formerly employed
son, MS 39213.
than 3 p.m. the day prior for will follow at Furnace as a wood finisher with
The Commercial Dispatch (USPS 142-320) publication Tuesday through Hill Cemetery in Ver- Warwick Manufactur-
Published daily except Saturday. Entered at the post office at Columbus, Mississippi.
Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, MS
Friday; no later than 4 p.m. non, Alabama. Visita- Roy Ratliff ing. He was a member
POSTMASTER, Send address changes to:
Saturday for the Sunday edi-
tion will be one hour HAMILTON — Roy of Center Hill Baptist
tion; and no later than 7:30
The Commercial Dispatch, P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703 prior to services at the Eugene Ratliff, 95, died Church.
Published by Commercial Dispatch Publishing Company Inc., a.m. for the Monday edition.
516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39703 Incomplete notices must be funeral home. Lown- April 13, 2019, at his In addition to his
des Funeral Home is residence. parents, he was pre-
in charge of arrange- Services with ceded in death by his
brother, John H. Ratliff;
and sisters, Faye Hon-
eycutt and Georgene
He is survived
by his son, Timothy
Wayne Ratliff of South-

Howard Knight
Howard Franklin
Knight, 67, died April
15, 2019, at Baptist Me-
morial Hospital-Golden
Arrangements are
incomplete and will be
announced by Lown-
des Funeral Home.

Mattie Smith
MACON — Mattie
Smith, 87, died April
15, 2019.
Arrangements are
The solunar period indicates incomplete and will be
peak-feeding times for fish and game.

1:22a announced by Lee-
Sykes Funeral Home of
Minor 5:37a 6:15a Macon.
See Obituaries, 5A
Courtesy of Mississippi Department
of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks
Tuesday, April 16, 2019 3A


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Storm debris removal in Columbus nearly complete

City contractor “We really want people to
move whatever it is they have
estimates work to be to the right-of-way,” he said.
“We want to pick it up. We don’t
done before Easter want to leave without having
taken everything to the land-
By AMANDA LIEN fill. But we can’t go on private property.
“People don’t need to call
Cont ractors
into the city,” he added. “We
responsible for
will come and get the debris if
storm debris re-
it’s on the right of way. It might
moval in Colum-
not happen immediately, but we
bus following a
will get to you.”
Feb. 23 tornado
estimate pickup Frederick said Debris Tech,
will be completed an Atlanta-based debris mon-
by this weekend. Frederick itoring firm the city hired to
During a press conference produce documentation for
held by the city, Noah Freder- potential federal reimburse-
ick, a supervisor with Looks ment, is following the crews to
Great Services, the Colum- document the amount of debris
bia-based debris removal com- collected. If the president signs
pany that began work in the an emergency declaration for
city last week, said crews con- the city, that documentation
tinue to make rounds through- will help Columbus receive re-
out the city. imbursement for the cleanup
Amanda Lien/Dispatch Staff
“We feel like we’re com- efforts.
A Looks Great Services crew removes storm debris from a right-of-way on Third Avenue North near 12th
ing to the end here,” he said. City councilmen and May-
Street South. Looks Good have removed over 1 million pounds of debris since work began last week.
“We’ve picked up about a mil- or Robert Smith originally
lion pounds of debris. ... Look- planned to wait until the fed- neither company will bill the tion will be signed. Mississip- publicans representing Missis-
ing at the streets, we feel like eral emergency declaration city until a national declaration pi Emergency Management sippi) did not return requests
we could be finished by this was signed before authorizing is signed. Agency Director of External for comment on the status of
weekend, which would be good, the beginning of cleanup in or- In a statement posted on Affairs Ray Coleman said, in the emergency declaration
it being Easter and all.” der to ensure both companies Facebook, Smith wrote city of- his experience, the wait for a or the extent of their advoca-
The completion time is con- would be reimbursed by Fed- ficials are “very pleased” with signed federal declaration can cy efforts toward getting one
ditional on debris being acces- eral Emergency Management the pace of the cleanup. be as short as a week or as long signed.
sible to Looks Great trucks and Agency. However, concerns “Both companies are doing as three months. If a declaration is signed,
crews, Frederick said. Since about vermin living in piles of excellent work for our citizens,” “At this point, no one really FEMA will reimburse the city
city-contracted companies are debris motivated them to give he added. knows,” he said. “It’s up to the 75 percent of cleanup costs and
not allowed on private property, Debris Tech and Looks Great In an email to The Dispatch, president now.” MEMA will pitch in 12.5 per-
workers can only collect what is a notice to proceed. Those no- FEMA officials said they are U.S. Rep. Trent Kelly and cent. The city will absorb the
left on curbside rights-of-way. tices are not contractual, and unsure if, or when, a declara- Sen. Roger Wicker (both Re- remaining 12.5 percent.

Bin 612
Continued from Page 1A
He maintains, however, needed to be evacuated,” security grew more abra- pepper sprayed and phys- implement an evacuation through an evacuation
the goal was to get the Thames said. “We were sive with the crowd. ically subdued a male plan for similar situa- plan to implement with all
patrons to take shelter in trying to get everyone The situation escalated subject. The person was tions and to ensure that my staff,” Thames said.
a parking garage across out. The parking garage to a point where Starkville given medical aid and re- his staff is better trained “Hopefully in the future,
the street — not to sim- was 50 feet away, and police were called to the leased. to handle severe weather this will be less of an is-
ply turn them out into the everyone I spoke to was scene at about 10:31 p.m. “The Starkville Police situations. sue. We will set up an
storm. telling me that was much to break up the fight. That Department did not initi- “I’m getting a couple escort program an hour
Thames said he mon- safer.” was after a pair of torna- ate an evacuation of Bin of meteorology experts before to get people to the
itored the weather and Bin 612 attempted to does that touched down 612, 612 University Dr., or to come down and go parking garage.”
kept in touch with meteo- close at 9:55 p.m. — about near Starkville had dis- any other business during
rologists throughout Sat- the same time a tornado sipated. However, severe this time,” the statement
urday. As severe weather touched down in the Craig thunderstorms were still says.
approached, his and other Springs area southwest of in the area. Thames said he con-
Cotton District establish- Starkville — and Thames A video SPD released tracts with Average
ments opted to close. said restaurant staff told shows the department’s Joe’s Security to provide
Bin 612 was not a safe patrons to seek appropri- response to the call, as guards for Bin 612. The
shelter, he said, and the ate shelter, including at well as what appear to be Dispatch could not locate
basement has limited the parking garage. patrons walking in the any contact information
space, though it did shel- However, the attempts street. for the firm, including
ter 15 people Saturday. to get patrons out were An officer intervened on its Facebook page, by
“Given the wall-to- not entirely successful, in a physical altercation press time.
wall glass windows, it’s and as the storms grew after arriving, according Thames said he is
not a tornado shelter and closer, tension rose and to SPD’s statement, and working to create and

Around the state

Child care center trip to the Mississippi Police Chief John Neal barricaded himself in the
Gulf Coast. says two women and a house while the wounded
says it’s investigating WLOX-TV reports 13-year-old girl who is deputy was taken by heli-
mistreatment claim 37-year-old Jonathan Mi- one woman’s daughter copter to a Memphis, Ten-
WATER VALLEY — A chael Bailey of New Or- were hospitalized after nessee, hospital, where
north Mississippi child leans on Friday pleaded one woman driving bran- he’s expected to recover.
care center has notified guilty to two counts of dished a gun at another Deputies cut power
parents that a worker at sexual battery of a child vehicle and lost control. to the house during the
the center has been ac- younger than 14. The car flipped but it’s hours-long standoff. Dick-
cused of abusing children. Members of Bailey’s unclear what condition erson says the suspect
WTVA-TV reports that youth group reported that the three are in. Neal says emerged about 10:30 p.m.,
Cotton Candy Kids Learn- Bailey behaved inappro- they’ll be charged.
asked to speak to the sher-
ing Center in Water Valley priately with a 13-year-old He says 37-year-old
iff, then shot himself.
has sent multiple letters church member during a Larry Horton pulled next
to parents since Decem- youth retreat to Seashore to a car and shot at another
ber about an investigation United Methodist Retreat driver.
into a worker. A parent Center in Biloxi. Horton is jailed on gun
accused the worker of Prosecutors say Bailey charges. It’s unclear if he
mistreating her child in told the victim to come to has a lawyer who could
December. his room after others were comment.
The center has said the asleep. Bailey later con- Neal says he wants leg-
worker is still employed, fessed. islation passed revoking
but has another worker Bailey was sentenced some driving privileges for
with her at all times until to 23 years in prison with- road rage convictions.
an investigation is com- out possibility of parole in
plete. The center says Mississippi. He was also Man wounds deputy,
state licensing officials ordered to register as a sex
have been notified. offender. Bailey has also then shoots himself
Parent Merissa Thom- been convicted of crimes dead hours later
as told the television sta- in Louisiana and sen- BYHALIA — A north
tion after a Friday meeting tenced to 10 years there. Mississippi man has killed
that she was dissatisfied himself and wounded a
sheriff’s deputy in a stand-
with the child care cen-
ter’s response and wanted
Police: 3 hospitalized, off.
more answers. The center man arrested in road Marshall County Sher-
didn’t respond to the tele- rage with guns iff Kenny Dickerson tells
vision station’s request for RIDGELAND — Police local news outlets that a
comment. say road rage involving deputy confronted an un-
guns happened twice in named man as part of a
one day in a Mississippi drug investigation Friday
Youth pastor pleads city. evening. Dickerson says
guilty to abusing child Ridgeland police tell the man fled and the dep-
on church trip news outlets that both hap- uty chased him to a house
BILOXI — A Louisiana pened Thursday and three in Byhalia.
youth pastor is pleading people were taken to a hos- The man got out of his
guilty to sexually abusing pital, while one man was vehicle and shot the depu-
a child during a church arrested. ty at least twice. The man
4A Tuesday, April 16, 2019
PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003

BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager

Our View

The perfect
candidate addresses
substantive issues
With roughly four months before Mississippi-
ans go to the polls to elect all state-wide offices,
the latest Millsaps College/Chism Strategies
State of the State Survey provides an interesting
glimpse into what likely voters see as important
issues in the campaign.
Going strictly by the results of the survey, the
“perfect” candidate considers the Legislature’s
$1.1 billion in funding for roads/bridges infra-
structure as inadequate and would have raising
taxes on big corporations or increasing the state’s
fuel tax to properly fund those needed improve-
That candidate would also advocate more
spending on K-12 education, ensuring that
healthcare is more accessible and affordable and
protect struggling rural hospitals, perhaps by
expanding Medicaid.
That candidate would favor reforming the
sales tax on groceries — favoring removing those
taxes altogether or reducing the sales tax below Mississippi Voices
the current 7 percent.
That candidate would enthusiastically support
an increase in the minimum wage, preferably to
$10 per hour. The candidate would also strongly
Lack of Medicaid expansion is holding state back
support restoring voting rights to felons after With state Elections in their communities ently. Associated Press reports,
they have completed their sentences and strongly coming up, one of the are now going bankrupt “After years of fights over budget
believes the state should continue to require chil- hottest issues is expan- and closing. Experts cuts and taxes, Louisiana’s law-
dren to be vaccinated before attending school. sion of Medicaid. have identified the makers have an unfamiliar problem
The candidate would avoid running on any When Congress cause: Failure to ex- this year, deciding where to spend
passed the Affordable pand Medicaid. millions of dollars in new and
culture war issues. Although the candidate is
Care Act nine years The Brookings Insti- increased cash expected to arrive
generally “pro life,” the candidate opposes using
ago, it included the tute, one of the largest in the state treasury.”
taxpayer dollars to defend expected court chal- expansion of Medicaid and oldest think tanks By the way, Louisiana popula-
lenges to the “fetal heartbeat” legislation passed to cover families and in the country, recently tion is up by 126,493 people, seven
by the Legislature in the recently-completed individuals making 138 did a report titled “Do times Mississippi’s growth rate.
session. percent of the poverty States Regret Expand- Meanwhile, back in Mississippi,
Would that be your “perfect” candidate? level. Wyatt Emmerich ing Medicaid?” Their I recently heard the state director
Probably not. Congress agreed to conclusion: No. of Medicaid, Drew Snyder, speak at
Taken as a whole, it is unlikely that any voter pay states for 100 per- The study found that the Stennis Press Forum.
would be in complete agreement with a candidate cent of the expansion. Two-thirds states did not encounter increased Snyder is super smart. He was
who relied on the polling to build a campaign. of the states quickly jumped on the costs. Instead, Medicaid expansion Gov. Phil Bryant’s policy advisor.
Every voter has his or her own “deal-breakers” opportunity. caused the feds to pay for many But when asked if he had studied
or “must-haves” and while, according to the sur- Seventeen states, all conserva- services formerly paid for by the the financial results of other states
vey, roads/bridges infrastructure is the biggest tive, most in the south, declined the states. The study concludes: “The after expanding Medicaid, he drew
issue, only 1 in 4 of those surveyed put it at the expansion after the U.S. Supreme strong balance of objective evi- a blank.
top. A pro-life vote might vote against even the Court ruled that the feds couldn’t dence indicates that actual costs That’s also my problem with
most ardent road/bridge advocate if that candi- force states to expand the program. to states so far from expanding Tate Reeves on this issue. He won’t
date opposed restricting abortion, for example. Mississippi did not expand. Our Medicaid are negligible or minor, even study the issue. He won’t even
conservative leadership cited two and that states across the political give us a reason. He just says, to
The survey can measure support or opposi-
main reasons: First, it was part of spectrum do not regret their deci- paraphrase, “Ain’t doing it.”
tion, but not passion.
Obamacare. Second, they believed sions to expand Medicaid.” Likewise, House Speaker Philip
That said, there doesn’t appear to be any the feds would end up forcing the Meanwhile in Mississippi, the Gunn has little interest in the issue.
single issue in this election likely to galvanize the states to foot more of the bill, which portion of Medicaid that Mississip- Last week at the Stennis Press
voters. would bust the state budget. pi has to pay has skyrocketed from Forum he said, “I am not in favor of
That doesn’t mean there aren’t some issues Both of these arguments were $258 million in 2010 (when Medic- it... I don’t find any appetite within
that resonate with voters, though. Spending more somewhat questionable. First, aid was expanded) to $840 million the state for it. I don’t know if I
on roads/bridges, raising the minimum wage, although the expansion of Medic- in the 2019 budget. have received one phone call from
continuing vaccinations and eliminating or reduc- aid was passed at the same time as So by refusing to expand any constituent of mine asking
ing sales tax on groceries all showed support at Obamacare, it is a separate pro- Medicaid not only has Mississippi me to expand Medicaid and I have
69 percent or higher. gram, one which has a 55- not heard from any of my
Because the survey is weighted toward likely year history. Second, after So billions in public welfare for colleagues saying they have
votes — white, female, Republican, non-college nine years, the feds are still received similar phone calls.
graduates — the results give candidates some paying almost all the cost of rich corporations is just fine but Until the taxpayers rise up
idea of the mind of the electorate. Don’t be sur- the expansion. and say, ‘We want this,’ I
prised if some of these issues begin to emerge in As a result, Mississippi federally-subsidized health care don’t think there’s going to
campaigns. has passed up about $10 bil- be an appetite for it.”
That, in itself, makes the survey valuable. lion in federal money over for the working poor is socialism? To me, this statement
the past decade. is mind boggling. A billion
To date, no candidate we are aware of has
This federal money would have turned down a billion dollars a year dollars in annual federal funding
even mentioned increasing the minimum wage,
given up to 300,000 working, low in federal manna, but our in-state on the line. Three hundred thou-
for example, even though 72 percent of those income Mississippi families health cost has increased by $582 million sand working poor who could
surveyed support the idea. Likewise, when 69 care coverage. a year. finally receive federally subsidized
percent of those surveyed support reducing sales Of the current major candidates We don’t have to look far for medical coverage for their families,
tax on groceries, it’s something candidates may for governor and lieutenant gover- comparisons. Neighboring states and Gunn has not received a single
find hard to ignore. nor, only Tate Reeves is dead set Arkansas and Louisiana have phone call or comment on the mat-
If nothing else, it has the potential to lend against expansion. And boy is he expanded. ter? How can that be?
substance to the campaigns that all too often are dead set. Arkansas Republican Governor According to the latest Millsaps
rhetoric-heavy and policy-light. When asked his reasons for not Asa Hutchinson put it this way: state poll, “making healthcare
That’s the one thing all voters should approve expanding Medicaid, Reeves sim- “We should not punish Arkansans more accessible and affordable” is
of. ply repeated this line three times in by denying health coverage simply the third most important issue to
a row: “I am opposed to Obamacare because we are frustrated with Mississippi voters, after fixing the
expansion in Mississippi.” Washington. I hope that Washing- roads and teacher pay raises.
I believe turning down this mon- ton replaces Obamacare, but, until As for the lieutenant governor, I
ey is hurting our state. I’m conser- then, we would only be punishing get that Reeves doesn’t think Med-
Letter to the editor vative, but if the feds want to pour Arkansans by turning down federal icaid expansion is good politics.
money into our state, so be it. money.” The first rule of politics is to get

Voice of the people Mississippi is a poor state for

two main reasons: We lack a major
urban area and we are still suffer-
Hutchinson and the Arkansas
legislature pioneered a private
option in which the state received
elected by the people.
But turning down a billion dol-
lars a year and denying insurance
In response to Sunday letter ing from the vestiges of slavery, a federal waiver allowing a Medic- to 300,000 working Mississippians
You ask who is “responsible” for the Trump including the devastation of the aid work requirement. (The work seems a high price to pay for the
Presidency? As Charlie Daniels said, “Don’t you Civil War. requirement is nonsensical for the furtherance of an individual’s polit-
go off a-blamin’ God, you know it ain’t His fault”. As a result, our state has tradi- expansion since nobody without a ical career.
So who gets the blame, or the credit, depending tionally been a big beneficiary of job is going to make 138 percent of Meanwhile, the current Re-
on your point of view? Well, I personally give that federal dollars, getting two and the poverty level.) publican leadership falls all over
to: the Democrat Party, Hillary, Bernie Sanders, three dollars back from every So how is Arkansas doing with themselves to hand out billions in
ignorant voters (on both sides of the aisle), sorry dollar we pay in federal taxes. It’s a Medicaid expansion? For one thing, tax breaks to huge corporations
politicking, our sorry education system, (from good deal. Arkansas’ population is up 97,797, with billions in net income, not to
kindergarten through college), die-hard Party-line When the Democrats were in according to the U.S. Census mention the hundreds of millions
voters, and especially immature voters (mostly power, we took every advantage Bureau. That’s five times the rate that went down the drain subsidiz-
those under age twenty-five). of federal largesse. But since the of Mississippi’s growth of 18,412. ing cockamamie start-up compa-
As for the Russian question, there is evidence Republicans took over, we turn up Arkansas tax collections are up nies now bankrupt.
that the Democrat Party was involved with that, our noses at this money, because $200 million this year and the state So billions in public welfare for
too. If I wanted to live under a government that the Republicans don’t like welfare, is doing well enough to give raises rich corporations is just fine but
Russians had a hand in electing, I’d move to Mos- even when it is beneficial to our to state workers. federally-subsidized health care for
cow. With the way the last election cycle went, I state. Louisiana expanded Medicaid the working poor is socialism?
wouldn’t be surprised if Jesse “the Bod”, “the Gov”, This could be one reason our three years ago. More than 470,000 Should be an interesting politi-
the trash-talking ex-nothing could get elected. state quit growing for the first time people signed up, lowering the cal year.
Pray to God that we get some candidates worthy in 50 years. States that haven’t ex- percentage of uninsured to below Wyatt Emmerich is the editor
of being President! Then pray that common sense panded Medicaid have much lower eight percent – an all-time record and publisher of The Northside Sun,
prevails among the voters on both sides. levels of job growth. for the state. a weekly newspaper in Jackson. He
Cameron Triplett In rural areas, hospitals that Has the expansion busted the can be reached by e-mail at wyatt@
Brooksville were once the biggest employers Louisiana state budget? Not appar-
The Dispatch • Tuesday, April 16, 2019 5A

Continued from Page 2A
John McTaggart Ed and Mary Ella will be one hour prior to hour prior to services She is survived by great-great-grandchil-
WEST POINT — Paden Parker. He was services at the funeral at the church. Tis- her children, Philip dren.
John Edwin McTaggart, a graduate of Starkville home. Calvert Funeral dale-Lann Memorial Fu- Lance Cockerham, Pallbearers will be
86, died April 15, 2019, High School and Home is in charge of neral Home is in charge Terry Garner Cock- Wesley Cockerham,
at his residence. attended Mississippi arrangements. of arrangements. erham and Kevin Tracey Cockerham,
Services will be at 10 State University. He was Mrs. Clark was born Mrs. Cockerham was Wayne Cockerham, all Micah Martin, Mat-
a.m. Wednesday at the a member of the Army May 2, 1933, in West born June 23, 1925, to of Hamilton and Lisa thew Martin, Kemmins
Immaculate Conception National Guard and was Point, to the late George the late Woodie Word Cockerham Martin of Cockerham, Grayson
Catholic Church with formerly employed as August and Dora Myers and Lora Lee Garner. Trussville, Alabama; Cockerham and Lynn
Binh Nguyen officiat- an educator with the Barkemeyer. She was She was a graduate of brother, Norris Gar- West.
ing. Burial will follow at Petroleum Engineering a member of West End Hamilton High School ner of Hot Springs, Memorials may be
Department at Missis- Baptist Church in West Arkansas; 14 grandchil- made to Abby Acres,
West Point Memorial and was formerly em-
sippi State University. Point. dren; 16 great-grand- 50771 Old Hwy. 25,
Gardens Cemetery. Vis- ployed with the Colum-
He was a member of In addition to her children; and six Amory, MS 38821.
itation is from 5-7 p.m. bus Air Force Base. She
Meadowview Baptist parents, she was pre-

Pauline Goodwin
Tuesday at the church was a member of Center
Church. ceded in death by her
with a Rosary to fol- Hill Baptist Church.
In addition to his par- first husband, Horace
low. Robinson Funeral In addition to her

ents, he was preceded Duke; infant daughter,
Home is in charge of parents, she was pre-
in death by his broth- Georgene Duke; sisters,
arrangements. ceded in death by her
ers, Jimmy and Jack Janice Barkemeyer
Mr. McTaggart was husband, John Allen
Parker; and sister, Julia and Eloise Snyder; and ABERDEEN — Pauline Goodwin Coleman,
born Aug. 27, 1932, in Cockerham; and son,
Parker Stewart. brothers, Eugene Au- 91, died April 12, 2019, at Hermitage Gardens
Kankakee, Illinois, to John Allen Cockerham
He is survived by gust and Doyle Gerald Assisted Living in Oxford, MS.
the late Frances Yvonne his wife, Audie Jackson Jr.
Barkemeyer. Visitation and the funeral service will be held
Martin and Edwin Parker; sons, Steve She is survived by at Tisdale-Lann Memorial Funeral Home in
Charles McTaggart. He Parker, Gary Blair, Ter- her husband, Doug Aberdeen. Visitation will be Wednesday, April 17,
was a U.S. Navy veter- ry Blair, Anthony Blair Clark of West Point;
an. 2019, from 11:00 A.M. until 12 Noon. The service
and Russell Blair; 17 daughter, Rita Joyce will be at 12 Noon with Bro. Tim Cunningham
In addition to his grandchildren; and 10 Allen of Brandon; step-
parents, he was preced- officiating. Burial will be at Sullivan Cemetery
great-grandchildren. daughter, Doris Duke in Bartahatchie, MS. Tisdale-Lann Memorial
ed in death by his wife, Memorials may be Hamlin of West Point;
Rosalyn McTaggart. Funeral Home in Aberdeen is in charge of the
made to Meadowview six grandchildren; 13 arrangements.
He is survived by Baptist Church Build- great-grandchildren;
his children, Debbie She was born on February 24, 1928, in
ing Fund, 300 Linden and one great-great- Marion County, Alabama, to John William and
Cunningham, Donald Circle, Starkville, MS grandchild.
McTaggart, Barbara Martha Leevina Goodwin. She graduated from
39759 or to Shriners Memorials may Greenwood Springs High School and later
Elliott, Kathy Elliott, Hospital for Children, be made to West End
Susan Lummus, Car- graduated from Vaughn’s Beauty College in
2900 N. Rocky Point Baptist Church, P.O. Aberdeen. For 36 years, she operated Pauline’s
olyn Lummus and Dr., Tampa, FL 33607. Box 388, West Point,
Tommy McTaggart, Beauty Shop in Aberdeen. After closing her shop,
MS 39773 or to the she and her husband moved to Amory, MS. She
all of West Point and
Dale McTaggart of Ft.
Jane Mikell West Point/Clay County Ed Yarborough was a member of New Hope Primitive Baptist
COLUMBUS — Jane Animal Shelter, 5122 Graveside Services: Church in Hatley, MS. She had quite a reputation
Pierce, Florida; broth- Old Tibbee Road, West Wednesday, April 17 • 2 PM
Mikell, 91, died April 14, Friendship Cemetery with family, friends and acquaintances, as she
ers, Jerry McTaggart, Point, MS 39773.
2019, at her residence. Memorial Gunter Peel delighted in sharing her original caramel cake
Wayne McTaggart, Joe Funeral Home
Services will be recipe with everyone. Attending area auctions
McTaggart and Bob 2nd Ave. North Location
McTaggart; sisters,
at 11 a.m. Thursday Georgia Cockerham and participating in her favorite out-door
at Lowndes Funeral HAMILTON — Geor- activity— fishing—were means for her relaxation
Collette Stirling, Lois Home Chapel. Burial gia Mae Garner Cocker- and enjoyment.
Jacobsgaard, Karen will follow at Parkway ham, 93, died April 14, She was preceded in death by her parents; her
Shipley, Linda Laplante Memorial Cemetery in 2019. husband of 73 years, Johnny Jerome Coleman, Sr.;
and Nancy Germany; 28 Ridgeland. Visitation Services will be at 3 four brothers; and four sisters. Survivors include
grandchildren; and 26 will be one hour prior to p.m. Wednesday at Cen-
great-grandchildren. her two sons, Johnny Jerome Coleman, Jr. (Molly)
services at the funeral ter Hill Baptist Church. of Columbus, MS and Dennis Franklin Coleman
Pallbearers will be home. Lowndes Funeral Burial will follow at
John Cunningham, (Penny), also of Columbus; nine grandchildren;
Home is in charge of Center Hill Cemetery. four great-grandchildren; and numerous nieces
Lucas McTaggart, Mat- arrangements. Visitation will be one and nephews.
thew McTaggart, Ran- Mrs. Mikell was born Pallbearers will be grandsons, family members
dle McTaggart, Kaleb Sept. 9, 1927, in Chick- I don’t want flowers at my funeral. I want and friends.
McTaggart, Benjamin
McTaggart, Jeremi-
asaw County, to the late
Robert “Bob” Baxter Animal Shelter Donations! In lieu of flowers, memorials may be given to
Parking Lot Paving Fund of New Hope Primitive
ah Elliott, Jeb Elliott, and Ina Bedford Hern- If you want it done your way, you need to call us. Baptist Church, 60267 Hatley Rd., Amory,
Jack Elliott III, William don. She was a member MS. 38821. Condolences may be sent to www.
Elliott, Daniel Elliott, of Fairview Baptist
Augustine Elliott, Will Church.
Lummus, Alex Lum- Paid Obituary - Tisdale-Lann Memorial Funeral Home
In addition to her
mus and John Thomas parents, she was pre-

Ed Yarborough
McTaggart. ceded in death by her
Memorials may be
When Caring Counts...
husband, Shelby Lamar Lowndes Funeral Home and Crematory
made to the Immaculate Mikell Jr.; and sister,
Conception Church, (662) 328-1808 Edgar (Ed) Powell Yarborough, 65, died of
Dorris Herndon.
26707 E. Main St., West natural causes at his home in Jackson, MS, on

Mac Pace
She is survived by
Point, MS 39773. April 13, 2019.
her daughter, Cindy
He was born on October 24, 1953, in Colum-
Demoville of Columbus;
bus, MS, to parents Sedgie Edgar and Lucile
John Parker two grandchildren; and
Harold Mac Pace, 77, former- Powell Yarborough. He was a graduate of S.D.
STARKVILLE — three great-grandchil-
ly of Columbus, MS, passed Lee High School. Ed earned a B.A. in History and
John Edd Parker, 86, dren.
away on Friday, April 12, 2019, a Bachelors of Business Administration at MSU
died April 14, 2019, at Memorials may be
at South Baldwin Medical Cen- and a M.A. in Political Science at the University
his residence. made to the Last House
ter in Foley, AL. of Alabama. He was a graduate of the MSU Army
Services will be at on the Block, 206 Tus-
Visitation will be Tuesday, ROTC and upon graduation, was commissioned
10 a.m. Wednesday at caloosa Road, Colum-
April 16, 2019, from 6:00 PM as a second Lieutenant in the Army and served
Meadowview Baptist bus, MS 39702.
to 8:00 PM at Lowndes Funer- for two years.
Church with Jason al Home in Columbus, MS. Mr. He qualified as a Certified Public Accountant,
Middleton officiating. Almarita Clark Pace will lie-in-state one hour Certified Internal Auditor, Certified Fraud Ex-
Burial will follow at WEST POINT — prior to his funeral service that aminer and Certified Public Manager. Ed had an
Odd Fellows Cemetery. Almarita Barkemeyer will be held on Wednesday, April 17, 2019, at 1:00 almost 23 year career with the Mississippi Office
Visitation is from 5-7 Clark, 85, died April 13, PM at East End Baptist Church in Columbus, of the State Auditor, including serving as Direc-
p.m. Tuesday at Welch 2019, at Merit Health MS, with Bro. Larry Hill officiating and Bro. By- tor of the County Division, State Auditor’s Office
Funeral Home and one River Oaks Medical ron Benson assisting. Interment will be at Me- for over eleven years. Ed married Beckye Lyons
hour prior to services at Center in Flowood. morial Gardens in Columbus, MS, with Lowndes in 2006, in Jackson, MS.
the church. Welch Fu- Memorial services Funeral Home, Columbus, MS directing. He was preceded in death by his mother; fa-
neral Home is in charge will be at 11 a.m. Satur- Mr. Pace was born March 4, 1942, in Jackson, ther; brother, Patrick Foil Yarborough; and niece
of arrangements. day at Calvert Funeral MS, to the late Harold Lee and Nita Coleen Mc- Lucy Madan.
Mr. Parker was Home Chapel with the Nair Pace. In 1955, his love for the music minis- He is survived by his wife and her three chil-
born Jan. 6, 1933, in Rev. Owen Hitchcock try began at the age of 13. Mr. Pace married the dren, Kathleen Lyons, Tracie Grace Riesgo
Starkville, to the late officiating. Visitation former Linda Baker on June 2, 1963, in Rosedale, (Brandon) and Daniel Lyons; several grandchil-
MS. He served as the Minister of Music and dren; his sister, Peggy Phillips; brother-in-law,
Youth at First Baptist Church in Rosedale, MS Billy Phillips of Columbus; sister-in-law, Mary
from 1964-1971. Mr. Pace served as the pianist, Grace Yarborough; and niece, Mandy Booker;
organist and youth choir director at Gunnison and nephews, Mathew Yarborough and Bo Bor-
Baptist Church from 1972-1977. He moved to the land and their families.
Columbus area in 1978 and served 18 years as Ed was baptized at First Baptist Church in
the Minister of Music and Education at Antioch Columbus. He was a current member of First
Baptist Church. Most recently, Mr. Pace served Presbyterian Church in Jackson. He enjoyed pol-
as the Director of Senior Adult Ministry, Senior itics, history, golf, MSU athletics, classic movies,
Adult Sonshine Singers and organist at East End musicals and good food. He loved his family and
Baptist Church in Columbus, MS for 22 years un- friends and was always organizing ways for them
til November of 2018. While serving in various to get together.
positions at church, he was also a sales associate Family and friends are invited to a graveside
in the men’s department at Belk for over 17 years. service at Friendship Cemetery on Wednesday,
Mr. Pace is survived by his wife of 55 years, April 17 at 2:00 PM.
Linda Baker Pace of Foley, AL; son, David (Char- Honorary pallbearers include Dale Brooks,
ity) Pace, Memphis, TN; daughters, Tara (Mar- Dan Tolar, Jim Younger, Lentz Gatlin, Jimmy
ty) Griffin of Foley, AL and Amy (John) Hanna of Thompson and Bill Hunt. A memorial service in
Salt Lake City, UT; grandchildren, Katie (Devan) Jackson is being planned for a future date.
Oliver, Eden Pace, Palmer Pace, Coleman Pace, Memorials may be made to a favorite charity,
Parker Pace, Ledger Daniel Pace, Lilly Kizziah or, as Ed was so fond of both MSU and lifelong
Pace, Mary Linda Griffin, Micah Griffin, Kylee learning, a donation in his name (be sure to des-
Grace Griffin, Jacob Hanna, Jessica Hanna and ignate the name of Ed Yarborough) can be made
Alexis Hanna. to the Compass Scholarship Fund, MSU Founda-
Pallbearers will be Billy Wade, Travis Berry, tion, PO Box 6149, Mississippi State, MS 39762.
Ernie Smith, Jerry Wright, Terry Bouchard, Jim-
my Hood, Charlie Veazey and Anthony Brewer.
Memorials may be made to the Ministries of
East End Baptist Church, 380 MS-50, Columbus,
MS 39705. Sign the online guest book at
Compliments of
Lowndes Funeral Home 716 Second Avenue North • Columbus, MS
6A Tuesday, April 16, 2019 The Dispatch •

Health tip
n Lower Your Blood Pressure: High blood pressure is the No. 1 cause of strokes. It’s the
reason for more than half of them. A normal blood pressure reading is lower than 120/80. If
yours is regularly above 130/80, you might have high blood pressure, or hypertension. If it’s
not managed well, high blood pressure can make you 4-6 times more likely to have a stroke.

Health tips from Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen

Why did the chicken egg whites (we bad bacteria Plus: Your yolk-induced gut egg whites. You’ll love Dr. Oz’s
love them): balance in your biome distress can hurt your delicious all-day-egg-white om-
cross the road? Research gut biome. intestines themselves. Mice elet at
Why did the chicken cross recently re- When the cho- studies found that elevated pe/all-day-egg-white-omelet. If
the road? To deliver a yolk to vealed that egg lesterol bomb LDL levels lead to the rapid anyone asks you, “Why did the
the other side — and yolks are yolks not only disrupts the expansion of colon tumors. smart and healthy consumer
no joke. We recently report- elevate levels biome, you end Other studies have shown that cross the road?” you’ll know
ed on the JAMA study that of lousy LDL up with body- the high-fat, low-fiber Western the answer.
found eating 300 mg of dietary cholesterol and wide inflamma- diet creates a pro C. difficile Mehmet Oz, M.D. is host of
cholesterol daily from eggs was wreak havoc on tion, which is environment. When it’s not “The Dr. Oz Show,” and Mike
associated with a 17% increase your cardiovas- another cause kept in line by good gut bacte- Roizen, M.D. is Chief Wellness
in your risk of cardiovascular cular system of cardiovas- ria, C. diff is a life-threatening Officer and Chair of Wellness
disease. One egg has around by causing Drs. Oz and Roizen cular disease infection; it affects more than Institute at Cleveland Clinic.
187 mg of cholesterol, all of it accumulation and stroke, as 500,000 Americans every year. To live your healthiest, tune
from the yolk. Well, here’s an- of artery-clogging plaque, well as a contributor to some So ditch yolks, for your into “The Dr. Oz Show” or visit
other big reason to stick with they also can affect the good/ cancers and dementia. heart and your gut; stick with

Search dogs
Continued from Page 1A
“Every single case we When looking for a rule out other scents ters, she said, adding that five years ago — but she For the Weibles, it’s
treat as an active case ... missing person, like by smelling people and earlier this year she took hopes it brings closure to the same way.
with the utmost care, as a Bella was on Thursday, things that would have her dogs to an area of Al- the families. “I like putting people
crime scene,” Doty said. handlers try to locate a been around the miss- abama where severe tor- “I couldn’t imag- back with their families,
particular object — ide- ing individual, he added. nadoes had gone through ine having somebody but when someone is
ally a piece of clothing, That way they know what the area, and there were
Working the dogs while Doty suggested a scents not to follow. lots of missing people.
that’s been missing and
they never know where
murdered and you work
your dog to help find who
In order to be certi-
shoe or rear-view mirror How successful they She typically is called they’re at,” she said. “So did it, that to me is real-
fied, search dogs and
— that has the individ- are depends on many fac- out most often when boat- even though it’s sad, in a ly something, because
their handlers train for
ual’s scent on it. Ideally tors, from the weather to ing season and hunting way they can finally have there’s justice for that
months so they can work the dog can then follow how old the trail is. season begins, she said,
together and so the dogs peace of mind and rejoice person,” Paulette said.
the scent, if not to the It’s a little different for because those and other and give closure to that.” “That’s special too.”
can detect certain smells. individual then at least cadaver dogs, which is outdoor activities cause
“They’re natural hunt- to some kind of evidence what Doty specializes in. accidents and sometimes
ers,” said Bob Weible. showing where the per- Rather than picking up disappearances.
“It’s what a dog’s all son was and where they on the scene of a specific, The search for bod-
about, and we use that may have gone. living person, her dogs ies in particular can be
skill that they have to “We basically teach know the smells of a de- pretty harrowing, Doty
hunt to find a missing them to work until we tell composing body. said — she remembered
person. The fact that them to stop or until they “It can get pretty grue- spending five days in
they’re hunters. We just find the person,” Bob some,” she said. Louisville finding piec-
direct what they hunt for said. She’s usually called es of remains after a
and where they do it.” The dogs can even out after natural disas- tornado went through

Continued from Page 1A
bers for now. Spruill said Planning and Zoning using firearms on certain Ward 2 Alderman San-
the city will consider a Commission for 2015-17, properties in annexed ter- dra Sistrunk said Miller
date for a special election before winning election as ritory. Aldermen approved has been easy to work
to fill Miller’s seat at to- an alderman. He followed the change earlier this with. She said his calm,
day’s board meeting. She former Ward 5 Alderman year as the city continues thoughtful demeanor was
said she hopes the city can Scott Maynard, who opted to consider annexing land a benefit for the board.
set the special election on not to seek another term. to the east. “I think Patrick has
the same date as a referen- Miller also coached travel done a wonderful job,”
dum to increase the city’s basketball for years while Aldermen reaction Sistrunk said. “Especially
2-percent tourism sales in Starkville. Miller’s fellow alder- as a first-time board mem-
tax, which aldermen will During his time on the men spoke well of him af- ber who hit the ground
also consider today. board, Miller led the alder- ter learning of his depar- running. He is very
“I’m hopeful that our men on a number of issues ture from the board. Ward thoughtful and deliberate
special election can coin- that have led to changes in 1 Alderman Ben Carver in what he does. He’s very
cide with our referendum city policy. He introduced said he’s enjoyed working
so we aren’t holding two a change to the city’s park- knowledgeable about gov-
with Miller.
elections,” Spruill said. ing ordinance, which was ernment, and we’re going
“It’s been a pleasant
“But we’ll have to see approved and enacted last experience,” he said. “Any to miss him.”
what those dates would be summer, to set residential time you have younger
and how that would make parking by the number people running for boards
sense for us.” of dwelling units, rather and commissions, it
Miller, who is original- than square feet. brings an energy and a vi-
ly from Ocean Springs, He also encouraged brance to the board. He’s
has lived in Starkville 12 board members to look at young in his career and
years. He served as Ward adjusting the city’s hunt- already has a lot of expe-
5’s commissioner on the ing ordinance to allow for rience.”

Tornadoes hit more than 250 buildings across Mississippi

NWS counted at day. The Mississippi
Emergency Management
providing workspace and
augmenting communica-
least 10 tornadoes Agency set up a mobile
command center there
tions while cell and radio
towers are repaired.
on Saturday
The Associated Press

assessments show Satur-
day’s tornado outbreak
damaged more than 250
homes, businesses and
public buildings across
The National Weath-
er Service has counted
at least 10 tornadoes in
Mississippi on Saturday,
ranging from Escataw-
pa on the Gulf Coast as
far north as Greenwood
Springs in Monroe Coun-
The worst damage is
around Hamilton in Mon-
roe County, where one
man died. Emergency
managers say 130 homes,
14 apartments, two busi-
nesses and three public
buildings are damaged or
destroyed there.
Gov. Phil Bryant vis-
ited Hamilton on Mon-


MSU’s Johnson
Dawgs at
within striking home for
distance in Old
Waverly tourney another
WEST POINT — Garrett Johnson
thought he had drilled the putt. There’s nothing quite
Standing on the 18th green Monday at like home. Just ask the
Old Waverly Golf Club, Johnson, a junior Mississippi State baseball
at Mississippi State, watched as his putt team.
curved toward the hole. The Diamond Dawgs
Johnson made a face as the ball will look to close out their
missed its mark. No matter. He tapped it five-game home stand un-
in, completing two rounds of play in the defeated with a 6:30 p.m.
Old Waverly Collegiate Championship game Tuesday against
just two strokes behind Marcus Byrd of Texas Southern before
Middle Tennessee State. taking on Arkansas in a
Johnson, who tied for fifth place in the three-game series in Fay-
Old Waverly tournament last year and etteville starting Thurs-
began this year on fire with a win in the day.
Desert Mountain Intercollegiate in Ari- MSU comes into the
zona, shot 3-under 69 twice on Monday contest as winners of seven
to finish the day at 6 under par. He is tied of its last eight, including a
with four others for third place and is the 4-0 stretch last week with
highest-placed Bulldog in the field enter- a win over South Alabama
ing Tuesday’s final round. and a three-game sweep
“I played solid all day,” Johnson said. over Alabama during Su-
“I was very comfortable on our own golf per Bulldog Weekend.
course. We play out here a lot. We pre- At 31-6, MSU has tied
pared really well. I was just trying to hit the 1989 squad as the fast-
est team to 30 wins in a
the middle of the green, two-putt every
season in program histo-
hole and the birdies are going to fall in
ry. The Diamond Dawgs
where they are.”
are also the only Division I
Just one shot behind Johnson are
program to enter the 10th
MSU’s Ross Bell and Cameron Clarke,
week of the regular season
both competing as individuals.
with 30 or more wins.
MSU freshman Ford Clegg was tied
“It was a good first half
See OLD WAVERLY, 4B (of the season),” sopho-
more first baseman Tan-
ner Allen said. “But no-
body is going remember
the first half if you don’t
have a good second half.
Offensively, the Dia-
mond Dawgs continue to
Allen has shaken his
midseason slump, having
notched 13 hits in his last
five games.
His three doubles in
Sunday’s win over Ala-
bama were the first time
since he did so June 3,
2018 against Samford in
the NCAA Regionals.
Fellow sophomore Row-
dey Jordan has also been
on a tear of late. Jordan has
hits in eight of his past 10
games and five extra-base
hits over that span.
“Everybody is going to
struggle at some point in
time,” head coach Chris
Lemonis said. “We knew
those guys would come
Jim Lytle/Special to the Dispatch out of it and they sat down
Jim Lytle/Special to the Dispatch Garrett Johnson of Mississippi State hits onto the 18th green at Old Waverly Golf Club during a little bit here and there
MSU freshman golfer Ford Clegg was Monday’s opening round of the Old Waverly Collegiate Championship in West Point. Double rounds
tied for first place at one point Monday. of 3-under 69 left him tied for third place. See BASEBALL, 4B


Caledonia lifter muscles up for title

BY BEN PORTNOY has won the district title four times, fans, Cantrell could reflect. and completed a repeat in the Mis- Entering the season, he’d
sissippi High School Activities As- hoped to break the state squat re-
From the earliest he can remem- sociation Class 4A State Champion- cord at 830 pounds. A healthy diet
ber, Caledonia senior powerlifter ship 308-plus weight class this past of stretching and yoga pushed
Dalton Cantrell has always been Saturday. Cantrell’s flexibility to new heights
bigger and stronger than his coun- “I didn’t know how it was go- as he chased the record.
terparts. ing to go Saturday or anything,” As time came for the state meet
A football player by trade, his Cantrell said. “I had some good there was a realization his maxi-
thick frame and powerful stature competitors coming in and it just mum squat would not quite reach
suited the gridiron. But by the time really felt good.” the mark. But with a year’s worth of
he arrived at Caledonia as a fresh- Perched atop the podium with preparation and a state title already
man, he was approached about an- the runners-up alongside him, in tow, Cantrell had a medal to de-
other opportunity. Cantrell’s mind raced. It was the se- fend.
“I played football for 11 years nior’s last high school competition. In response, the 434-pound
and it just came naturally honestly,” When he would compete next was senior put together a three-lift to-
Cantrell said of powerlifting. “Once unclear. tal of 1,660 pounds between the
I got into high school it just kind of But this wasn’t a time for sulking, bench press, squat and deadlift. His Photo courtesy of Jason Forrester
took off from there.” sadness or fearing the unknown. 750-pound squat was the heaviest of Caledonia’s Dalton Cantrell poses for a photo with his
During his four years on the Rather, standing high above the coach, Jason Forrester, following Cantrell’s state cham-
Caledonia powerlifting team, he other strong men and gathered See CANTRELL, 4B pionship win in powerlifting.
2B Tuesday, April 16, 2019 The Dispatch •

msu roundup boston marathon

Cherono tops two-time Boston

champion to win marathon
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS the third in seven years. A half mara-
thon specialist, Degefa had never seen
BOSTON — Two-time Boston Mar- the Boston course before Monday.
athon champion Lelisa Desisa turned “Last year, I watched all the mara-
onto Boylston Street with a sliver of a thon coverage,” she said. “I kept that
lead, leaning in front of two other run- in my mind.”
ners with the finish line in sight. One year after an icy rain and a
Unfortunately for him, one of them near-gale headwind resulted in the
was the fastest man in the field. slowest winning times in four decades,
Lawrence Cherono needed every race organizers again prepared for the
bit of his speed to outkick Desisa in a foul New England weather. But over-
sprint to the tape on Monday, passing night thunderstorms moved on before
him just steps away from the finish line the runners left Hopkinton; the sun
to win the 123rd Boston Marathon in 2 even made an appearance about half-
hours, 7 minutes 57 seconds. way through.
Desisa, who won in 2015 and 2013, Linden took advantage of last year’s
the year the race was overshadowed storm to splash her way to the first win
Aaron Cornia/MSU Athletics Communications
by a bombing at the finish line, eased for an American woman since 1985.
Winners of Mississippi State women’s basketball awards, from left: Jazzmun
Holmes, Bre’Amber Scott, Xaria Wiggins, Teaira McCowan, Jessika Carter, Anriel up after realizing he was beaten and But with conditions back to normal,
Howard, Jordan Danberry. finished 2 seconds back. Kenneth Kip- so were the results: East Africans from
kemoi was third, another 8 seconds Kenya and Ethiopia dominating the po-

McCowan, Howard among

behind, one of seven Kenyans in the diums. At the 30K mark the lead pack
top 10. was still close to a dozen and included
“It was no man’s race to win,” said three of the last four champions: Desi-

hoops award winners

Cherono, who had won in Seville, sa, 2016 winner Geoffrey Kirui and ‘17
Prague, Honolulu and twice in Am- champ Lemi Berhanu Hayle.
sterdam but never in a major marathon “I was afraid of the guy who won
FROM SPECIAL REPORTS dogs were slotted at No. 10 in this week’s before. “I kept on focusing. And at the two years ago. After he dropped out,
poll. end, I was the winner. I’m so grateful, I decided to win,” said Desisa, who
Teaira McCowan earned three more so happy.” did not finish in either of the last two
Following a weekend in which MSU
awards in her decorated career at the Worknesh Degefa broke away from years. “I tried at the last, I saw (Cher-
turned in three of the nation’s top five
Mississippi State women’s basketball defending champion Des Linden and ono) suddenly, then I couldn’t control
times in the 800 meters, the team has
year-end banquet Monday. the rest of the women’s pack in the the pace.”
now been ranked in the top 10 in four of
McCowan was granted the Miss Of- Framingham flats and ran alone for A field of 30,000 runners followed
the past five outdoor seasons.
fense, Miss Defense and Most Outstand- the last 20 miles to claim the $150,000 the elites, ditching their trash bags
MSU has top-25 spots in the 800-me-
ing Player awards. first prize and a gilded olive wreath and ponchos on the Hopkinton Green
ter (No. 1), 400-meter hurdles (No. from Marathon, Greece. before embarking on the 26.2-mile
She was selected third overall by 3), 3000-meter steeplechase (No. 11),
the Indiana Fever in last week’s WNBA The 28-year-old Ethiopian, who set trek from Hopkinton to Copley Square.
100-meter (No. 14) and 200-meter (No. a national record while finishing sec- It’s the first time the race has been run
Draft. 14).
Graduate transfer Anriel Howard was ond in Dubai less than three months on April 15 since the 2013 attacks; of-
The women’s team was ranked No. 40 ago, won in 2:23:31. Kenya’s Edna ficials held a ceremony at 2:49 p.m. to
named the Newcomer of the Year and re-
in this week’s rankings. Kiplagat was second, reducing a gap of honor those killed and maimed by the
ceived the Miss Hustle Award. Howard
SOFTBALL: The MSU softball team more than two minutes to 42 seconds two pressure cooker bombs that ex-
was also granted the Team Academic
Award. concludes its nonconference schedule at the finish. ploded near the finish line.
Other honorees included seniors Jor- Tuesday at 5 p.m. in Birmingham, Ala- American Jordan Hasay was third Daniel Romanchuk, 20, became the
dan Danberry and Jazzmun Holmes as bama, against UAB. and Linden was fifth. youngest-ever men’s wheelchair cham-
co-Most Improved award winners, fresh- The Bulldogs were swept by Tennes- “Seeing Degefa go out — you know pion in Boston, finishing in 1:21:36 for
man Jessika Carter earned the Rookie see in Knoxville over the weekend. her ability, you know what she’s done the fastest time ever for an Ameri-
Award and sophomore Bre’Amber Scott Sophomore Mia Davidson notched and you wonder how it translates to can. Manuela Schar won the women’s
was given the 6th Player Award. her 21st home run of the season against this course,” Linden said. “But when wheelchair race for the second time,
Freshman Xaria Wiggins was also be- the Volunteers on Saturday. She ranks she starts putting down those super adding it to her titles in in Berlin, Chi-
stowed the Tommy Nusz Most Outstand- No. 7 in Southeastern Conference sin- quick miles, you say ‘All right, this cago, New York and Tokyo.
ing Bulldog Award. gle-season history. is her race to lose.’ She becomes the If she wins in London in two weeks,
TRACK & FIELD: The MSU men’s Tuesday will mark the 22nd meeting outlier and you let her just go and hope she will have swept the World Mara-
track and field team is back in the top- between the two teams. MSU leads the that she might come back.” thon Major series.
10 of the latest U.S. Track & Field and all-time series 15-6 and defeated UAB She didn’t. “I was just really happy that the
Cross Country Coaches Association. 8-0 in the teams’ last matchup March 25, Instead, she became the eighth weather turned out to be actually real-
It was announced Monday the Bull- 2017 in Oklahoma City. Ethiopian woman to win the race and ly nice,” said Schar.
The Dispatch • Tuesday, April 16, 2019 3B

briefly CALENDAR Baseball

3-0; Shoemaker, Toronto, 3-0; 19 tied at 2.
ERA: Glasnow, Tampa Bay, 0.53; Sanchez,
Toronto, 1.69; Shoemaker, Toronto, 1.75; Bie-
Tuesday, April 16: San Jose at Vegas, 10:30
Thursday, April 18: Vegas at San Jose, TBA
National League ber, Cleveland, 1.80; Stroman, Toronto, 1.99; x-Sunday, April 21: San Jose at Vegas, TBA
Golf Prep Baseball
East Division
W L Pct GB
Bauer, Cleveland, 2.05; Snell, Tampa Bay, 2.16;
Morton, Tampa Bay, 2.18; Berrios, Minnesota,
x-Tuesday, April 23: Vegas at San Jose, TBA

Alabama, LSU tied for lead in Shoal Creek Invitational Today’s Games
New York
10 6 .625
9 6 .600 ½
Philadelphia 9 6 .600 ½
— 2.31; Keller, Kansas City, 2.46.
STRIKEOUTS: Cole, Houston, 36; Snell, Tam-
pa Bay, 36; Bauer, Cleveland, 32; Verlander,
SHOAL CREEK, Ala. – The No. 24 Alabama men’s golf team Victory Christian vs. Tuscaloosa Christian, 4 p.m. Boston Marathon
Washington 7 7 .500 2 Houston, 30; Boyd, Detroit, 29; Rodon, Chica-
finished the opening round of play at the Shoal Creek Invitational with a Monday
Starkville High at Murrah, 5 p.m. Miami 4 13 .235 6½ go, 29; Berrios, Minnesota, 28; Morton, Tampa
3-under par 285, the team’s second-lowest round of the spring season. Central Division Bay, 25; Junis, Kansas City, 24; 3 tied at 23. At Boston
As a result, the Crimson Tide was in a tie for first overall when play was Starkville Academy vs. Canton, 6 p.m. W L Pct GB
College Scores Men
Milwaukee 11 6 .647 — 1. Lawrence Cherono, Kenya, 2:07:57.
halted due to darkness just prior to the start of the second round. Thursday’s Games Pittsburgh 8 6 .571 1½ EAST
2. Lelisa Desisa, Ethiopia, 2:07:59.
Bethany (W.Va.) 5, Washington & Jefferson 2
Play was to resume Tuesday morning. The 15-team field will then Victory Christian vs. New Life, 4 p.m. St. Louis 9 7 .563 1½
College of N.J. at Gwynedd Mercy, ppd. 3. Kenneth Kipkemoi, Kenya, 2:08:07.
Chicago 6 9 .400 4 4. Felix Kandie, Kenya, 2:08:52.
flow directly into the event’s third and final round. The tournament’s Starkville Academy vs. Oak Hill, 6 p.m. Cincinnati 5 10 .333 5
MCLA at S. Vermont, ppd.
Mercyhurst 9, Seton Hill 3 5. Geoffrey Kirui, Kenya, 2:08:55.
schedule was forced to change format due to heavy rains in the area West Division Nichols 6, Trinity (Conn.) 4 6. Philemon Rono, Kenya, 2:08:58.
that saturated the course. The Crimson Tide didn’t tee off Monday’s first Hebron Christian vs. Grace Christian, TBA W L Pct GB Post (Conn.) at Dominican (N.Y.), 2, ppd. 7. Scott Fauble, United States, 2:09:10.
San Diego 11 7 .611 — Suffolk at Babson, ppd.
round until 12:45 p.m. Friday’s Games Los Angeles 10 8 .556 1 Thomas (Maine) at Bowdoin, ccd.
8. Jared Ward, United States, 2:09:25.
9. Festus Talam, Kenya, 2:09:25.
Two Alabama golfers are among the top 10 individuals, while four Round 1 MHSAA Playoffs Arizona 7 9 .438 3 UMass-Dartmouth at Tufts, 2, ppd.
Westfield St. at E. Connecticut, ppd. 10. Benson Kipruto, Kenya, 2:09:53.
San Francisco 7 10 .412 3½
rank in the top 16 when play was suspended on Monday night. Leading
the way was freshman Prescott Butler who is in a tie for sixth overall Prep Softball Colorado 5 12 .294 5½
Sunday’s Games
West Virginia St. 11, Virginia-Wise 2
Widener at Ursinus, ppd.
11. Elkanah Kibet, United States, 2:11:51.
12. Hiroto Inoue, Japan, 2:11:53.
with a 2-under 70, his ninth round of par or lower this season. After Today’s Games L.A. Angels at Chicago Cubs, ppd. Worcester St. at Salve Regina, ccd.
13. Augustus Maiyo, United States, 2:12:40.
Philadelphia 3, Miami 1, 14 innings 14. Daniel Mesfun Teklebrhan, Eritrea, 2:13:05.
going 1-over in his first nine holes, Butler responded with an eagle and Victory Christian vs. Tuscaloosa Christian, 4 p.m. Pittsburgh 4, Washington 3 Carson-Newman 11-3, Queens (N.C.) 2-0
Covenant 8, Brevard 2
15. Shadrack Biwott, United States, 2:13:11.
two birdies with just one bogey over his final nine holes, resulting in a Starkville High at Grenada, (DH) 4 p.m. Colorado 4, San Francisco 0 High Point 8, Longwood 7 16. Mohamed Reda El Aaraby, Morocco,
Arizona 8, San Diego 4 2:13:46.
3-under par back nine. MacMurray 10, Greenville 2
New Hope at Caledonia, 6:30 p.m. L.A. Dodgers 7, Milwaukee 1 MIDWEST 17. Yuki Kawauchi, Japan, 2:15:29.
Round one concluded with No. 12 LSU (285) tied atop the leader- St. Louis 9, Cincinnati 5 Clarke 5-8, Peru St. 2-5 18. Hayato Sonoda, Japan, 2:15:58.
board with Alabama, with both teams five strokes ahead of third-place Columbus vs. West Point, 6:30 p.m. Atlanta 7, N.Y. Mets 3 Cornell (Iowa) 10, Mount Mersy 9 19. Dathan Ritzenhein, United States, 2:16:19.
Monday’s Games Edgewood at Concordia (Wis.), 2, ppd.
Charlotte (290). North Florida, ranked 15th in the nation, was in fourth West Lowndes at Aberdeen, 5 p.m. N.Y. Mets 7, Philadelphia 6, 11 innings Lincoln Christian at Eureka, ppd.
20. Brendan Gregg, United States, 2:16:46.
21. Matthew McDonald, United States, 2:16:58.
with a 291, while Jacksonville State (292) rounded out the top five. Thursday’s Games Chicago Cubs 7, Miami 2 Loras 8, Simpson (Iowa) 5
22. Enoch Nadler, United States, 2:17:06.
Milwaukee 10, St. Louis 7 Marian (Wis.) 6-6, Milwaukee Engineering 5-2,
23. Scott Overall, Britain, 2:17:37.
Haupt scores eagle in C-USA Championships Victory Christian vs. New Life, 4 p.m. Colorado 5, San Diego 2
L.A. Dodgers 4, Cincinnati 3
1st game 10 innings
Minnesota 5, Illinois 4 24. Ben Payne, United States, 2:18:01.
FORT MYERS, Fla. -- Southern Miss senior Valentina Haupt’s Starkville High at West Point, 6:30 p.m. Tuesday’s Games Northwestern Ohio 13, Rochester (Mich.) 1 25. Abdi Abdirahman, United States, 2:18:56.
Presentation 11, Dakota St. 7 Women
eagle on No. 15 (par-five, 475-yards) helped her to a 1-under 71 and tie West Lowndes vs. Aberdeen, 5 p.m. Pittsburgh (Musgrove 1-1) at Detroit (Boyd 1-1),
St. Mary’s (Minn.) 2-4, Macalester 0-8
6:40 p.m. 1. Worknesh Degefa, Ethiopia, 2:23:31.
for eighth after the first day at the C-USA Championships. Trine 9, Oliver 0
Friday’s Games N.Y. Mets (Matz 1-0) at Philadelphia (Pivetta Trinity International at Maranatha Baptist, 2,
2. Edna Kiplagat, Kenya, 2:24:13.
It marks the first Southern Miss eagle since Nichada Satasuk on 1-1), 7:05 p.m. ppd. 3. Jordan Hasay, United States, 2:25:20.
Feb. 20, 2018 at the Moon Golf Invitational. Haupt’s previous feat was Playoffs San Francisco (Rodriguez 1-2) at Washington Westminster (Pa.) at Hiram, 2, ccd. 4. Meskerem Assefa, Ethiopia, 2:25:40.
an ace on Oct. 2, 2017 at the Magnolia Collegiate (Old Waverly Country College Baseball (Strasburg 1-0), 7:05 p.m.
Chicago Cubs (Quintana 1-1) at Miami (Lopez
Wis.-La Crosse 9-8, Wis.-Oshkosh 6-1
Wis.-Stevens Point 22, Finlandia 7
5. Desiree Linden, United States, 2:27:00.
6. Caroline Rotich, Kenya, 2:28:27.
Club in West Point). Today’s Games 1-2), 7:10 p.m. Wis.-Whitewater 10, Wis.-Stout 0 7. Mary Ngugi, Kenya, 2:28:33.
Arizona (Ray 0-1) at Atlanta (Fried 2-0), 7:20 SOUTHWEST
The 71 marks her best round in a league championship stage Texas Southern at Mississippi State, 6:30 p.m. p.m. Arlington Baptist 8, Austin 3
8. Biruktayit Eshetu, Ethiopia, 2:29:10.
9. Lindsay Flanagan, United States, 2:30:07.
since a 70 in the opener her freshman year at the same Verandah Memphis at Ole Miss, 6:30 p.m. St. Louis (Flaherty 1-0) at Milwaukee (Woodruff FAR WEST
10. Betsy Saina, Kenya, 2:30:32.
Colorado Christian 4, New Mexico Highlands
Club course. It is also her team-leading, eighth par/below round of the Southern Miss at South Alabama, 6:30 p.m. 1-1), 7:40 p.m.
3, 11 innings 11. Fionnuala McCormack, Ireland, 2:30:38.
Colorado (Gray 0-3) at San Diego (Margevicius
season. Alabama at UAB, 6:30 p.m. 1-1), 9:10 p.m. Oregon 7, Gonzaga 4 12. Sharon Cherop, Kenya, 2:31:41.
Pacific (Ore.) 13-5, Pacific Lutheran 1-15 13. Kate Landau, United States, 2:31:56.
Friend Chompitakdacha collected three birdies on the day, while Thursday’s Games Cincinnati (Mahle 0-0) at L.A. Dodgers (Maeda Point Loma 8-5, Hawaii Pacific 2-4 14. Bridget Belyeu, United States, 2:34:25.
Miranda Holt and Cassidy Evreniadis each had a pair. 2-1), 10:10 p.m. Washington 11, Santa Clara 1 15. Sara Hall, United States, 2:35:34.
There is currently a three-way tie for first (two UTSA, one Old Mississippi State at Arkansas, time TBA Wednesday’s Games UCLA 3, Pepperdine 2 16. Alyson Dixon, Britain, 2:35:43.
N.Y. Mets (Wheeler 1-1) at Philadelphia (Arrieta
Ole Miss at Auburn, 6 p.m.
Dominion) with a 3-under 69, with each of those teams sharing the lead
with a 6-under 282. Charlotte at Southern Miss, 6 p.m.
2-1), 1:05 p.m.
St. Louis (Wacha 0-0) at Milwaukee (Burnes
0-1), 1:40 p.m.
Basketball 17. Becky Wade, United States, 2:36:14.
18. Hilary Dionne, United States, 2:36:21.
19. Sarah Sellers, United States, 2:36:42.
NBA playoffs
Entries open for U.S. Women’s Amateur at Old Waverly College Softball Cincinnati (Gray 0-2) at L.A. Dodgers (Buehler
1-0), 3:10 p.m. All Times EDT
20. Margaret Njuguna, Kenya, 2:38:04.
21. Bria Wetsch, United States, 2:38:10.
Female golfers from around the world can now apply to play in the Today’s Games Pittsburgh (Williams 1-0) at Detroit (Turnbull (Best-of-7; x-if necessary) 22. Kate Pallardy, United States, 2:38:27.
0-2), 6:40 p.m. 23. Sarah Pease, United States, 2:39:08.
119th U.S. Women’s Amateur, set to be held Aug. 5-11 at Old Waverly Mississippi University for Women at Millsaps San Francisco (Samardzija 1-0) at Washington
Eastern Conference
Milwaukee 1, Detroit 0 24. Kimi Reed, United States, 2:40:12.
Golf Club in West Point. Applications are open through June 26 at 4 College (DH), 2 p.m. (Hellickson 1-0), 7:05 p.m. Sunday, April 14: Milwaukee 121, Detroit 86 25. Dawn Grunnagle, United States, 2:40:26.
p.m. The tournament is open to women with a Handicap Index of 5.4 Chicago Cubs (Hamels 2-0) at Miami (Alcan- Wednesday, April 17: Detroit at Milwaukee, 8
Mississippi State at UAB, 5 p.m. tara 1-1), 7:10 p.m. p.m. Handcycle
or below. UT Martin at Ole Miss, 6 p.m. Arizona (Godley 1-1) at Atlanta (Gausman 1-1), Saturday, April 20: Milwaukee at Detroit, 8 p.m. Men
Qualifiers will begin July 1 and run through July 17 at 24 sites Nicholls State at Southern Miss, 6 p.m. 7:20 p.m. Monday, April 22: Milwaukee at Detroit, 8 p.m. 1. Tom Davis, United States, 1:01:22.
x-Wednesday, April 24: Detroit at Milwaukee,
throughout the country.
Wednesday’s Games NL Leaders TBA 2. Alfredo De Los Santos, United States,
BATTING: Bellinger, Los Angeles, .433; Gran- x-Friday, April 26: Milwaukee at Detroit, TBA
Southern Miss at McNeese State, 6 p.m. dal, Milwaukee, .417; McNeil, New York, .404; x-Sunday, April 28: Detroit at Milwaukee, TBA 3. Matthew Chaffee, United States, 1:13:36.

Baseball Thursday’s Games

Rendon, Washington, .400; Peralta, Arizona,
.373; Yelich, Milwaukee, .354; Heyward, Chi-
Orlando 1, Toronto 0
Saturday, April 13: Orlando 104, Toronto 101
Tuesday, April 16: Orlando at Toronto, 8 p.m.
4. Krys Zybowski, United States, 1:13:36.
5. Omar Duran, United States, 1:16:59.
cago, .349; Freeman, Atlanta, .345; Contreras, Women
Southern Miss completes road trip at South Alabama Ole Miss at Mississippi State, 6 p.m. Chicago, .341; Alonso, New York, .339. Friday, April 19: Toronto at Orlando, 7 p.m. 1. Devann Murphy, United States, 2:01:02.
Men’s College Golf
Sunday, April 21: Toronto at Orlando, 7 p.m.
HATTIESBURG – The Southern Miss baseball team completes a RUNS: Bellinger, Los Angeles, 22; Rendon,
x-Tuesday, April 23: Orlando at Toronto, TBA 2. Beth Sanden, United States, 2:09:53.
Washington, 18; Yelich, Milwaukee, 17; De- 3. Adessa Ellis, United States, 2:12:01.
five-game road swing Tuesday, when they travel to Mobile to face South x-Thursday, April 25: Toronto at Orlando, TBA
Alabama in a 6:30 p.m. contest at Eddie Stanky Field. Today’s Games Jong, St. Louis, 15; Pederson, Los Angeles, 15;
Conforto, New York, 14; Freeman, Atlanta, 14;
x-Saturday, April 27: Orlando at Toronto, TBA 4. Corey Petersen, United States, 2:14:11.
Brooklyn 1, Philadelphia 1
The Golden Eagles (21-12) snapped a three-game losing streak Alabama at Shoal Creek Invitational (Birming- McCutchen, Philadelphia, 14; 7 tied at 13. Saturday, April 13: Brooklyn 111, Philadelphia Pushrim Wheelchairs
Sunday when they put together a season-high for both home runs (4) ham, Alabama) RBI: Bellinger, Los Angeles, 23; Yelich, Mil- 102 Men
waukee, 22; Swanson, Atlanta, 18; Alonso, Monday, April 15: Philadelphia 145, Brooklyn 1. Daniel Romanchuk, United States, 1:21:36.
and hits (19) in a 15-7 Conference USA victory over FIU in Miami. MSU, Ole Miss, Southern Miss at Old Waverly New York, 17; Rendon, Washington, 17; 123 2. Masazumi Soejima, Japan, 1:24:30.
The Jaguars, who enter the game with a 15-20 record, look to snap Intercollegiate (West Point) Hoskins, Philadelphia, 16; Franco, Philadel- Thursday, April 18: Philadelphia at Brooklyn, 3. Marcel Hug, Switzerland, 1:26:42.
8 p.m.
Junior College Softball
phia, 14; 5 tied at 13. 4. Aaron Pike, United States, 1:27:09.
a two-game losing streak after dropping the final two contests of a Sun HITS: Bellinger, Los Angeles, 29; Peralta, Saturday, April 20: Philadelphia at Brooklyn,
5. Ernst van Dyk, South Africa, 1:27:23.
Arizona, 25; Yelich, Milwaukee, 23; Rendon, 3 p.m.
Belt series at Louisiana-Lafayette. Wednesday’s Games Tuesday, April 23: Brooklyn at Philadelphia, Women
Washington, 22; Jones, Arizona, 21; McNeil,
Bryant Bowen continues to lead the Golden Eagle attack with a New York, 21; Segura, Philadelphia, 21; 6 tied TBA 1. Manuela Schär, Switzerland, 1:34:19.
17-game hitting streak. It is the longest for the program since Dylan EMCC at Meridian (DH), 3 p.m. at 20.
x-Thursday, April 25: Philadelphia at Brooklyn, 2. Tatyana McFadden, United States, 1:41:35.
TBA 3. Madison De Rozario, Australia, 1:41:36.
Burdeaux enjoyed an 18-game streak during the 2017 campaign. The Jones at Itawamba (DH), 3 p.m. DOUBLES: Peralta, Arizona, 9; Rendon, x-Saturday, April 27: Brooklyn at Philadelphia, 4. Eliza Ault-Connell, Australia, 1:41:46.
Washington, 8; Alonso, New York, 7; Conforto,
Junior College Baseball
junior from Shreveport, La., leads the team in hitting at .411. New York, 7; DeJong, St. Louis, 7; Ahmed, Ar- Boston 1, Indiana 0
5. Susannah Scaroni, United States, 1:42:34.
Pitching probables: RHP Brant Blaylock (0-0, 0.00 ERA) vs. RHP izona, 6; Sandoval, San Francisco, 6; 10 tied Sunday, April 14: Boston 84, Indiana 74
Drake Nightengale (2-2, 5.24). Today’s Games
Coahoma at EMCC (DH), 3 p.m.
at 5.
TRIPLES: Tapia, Colorado, 2; 24 tied at 1.
Wednesday, April 17: Indiana at Boston, 7 p.m.
Friday, April 19: Boston at Indiana, 8:30 p.m.
Auto racing
No. 4 ICC sweeps Northeast in Booneville Northwest at Itawamba (DH), 3 p.m.
HOME RUNS: Bellinger, Los Angeles, 9;
Yelich, Milwaukee, 8; Goldschmidt, St. Louis, 7;
Sunday, April 21: Boston at Indiana, 1 p.m.
x-Wednesday, April 24: Indiana at Boston, TBA
x-Friday, April 26: Boston at Indiana, TBA Monster Energy Cup points leaders
BOONEVILLE – The ICC baseball team moved up to No. 4 in the
NJCAA rankings, and picked up a pair of wins over rival Northeast to College Track and Field Pederson, Los Angeles, 7; Alonso, New York, 6;
Contreras, Chicago, 6; Moustakas, Milwaukee,
6; Ozuna, St. Louis, 6; Rendon, Washington, 6;
x-Sunday, April 28: Indiana at Boston, TBA
Western Conference
Through April 13
1. Kyle Busch, 400
stay in the chase for the MACJC championship. Thursday’s Games 4 tied at 5. Golden State 1, L.A. Clippers 1 2. Joey Logano, 380
STOLEN BASES: Broxton, New York, 4; Saturday, April 13: Golden State 121, L.A. 3. Denny Hamlin, 366
The Indians (26-5-1, 11-3 MACJC) picked up a 9-4 win in the first Mississippi State at Mt. Sac Relays (Torrance, Turner, Washington, 4; Wong, St. Louis, 4; 8
Clippers 104 4. Kevin Harvick, 349
game of the doubleheader after totaling 13 hits in the win. Monday, April 15: L.A. Clippers 135, Golden
California) tied at 3. State 131
5. Brad Keselowski, 313
6. Martin Truex Jr., 311
Austin Powell (Star City, Ark.) went 3-for-4 with a double, a run PITCHING: Doolittle, Washington, 3-0; Gant, Thursday, April 18: Golden State at L.A. Clip-
scored, a RBI, and a sacrifice bunt. LaBryant Siddell (Tupelo) had a
two-run home run and Lane Domino (Fulton) added a solo home run.
on the air St. Louis, 3-0; 18 tied at 2.
ERA: Musgrove, Pittsburgh, 0.00; Castillo,
Cincinnati, 1.46; Davies, Milwaukee, 1.53;
pers, 10:30 p.m.
Sunday, April 21: Golden State at L.A. Clippers,
3:30 p.m.
7. Kurt Busch, 287
8. Clint Bowyer, 280
9. Ryan Blaney, 277
Justin Medlin (Ripley) improved to 4-0 after scattering six hits and
giving up three runs, all earned, while striking out seven in six innings
Today Matz, New York, 1.65; Archer, Pittsburgh, 2.00;
Marquez, Colorado, 2.00; Arrieta, Philadelphia,
Wednesday, April 24: L.A. Clippers at Golden
State, TBA
x-Friday, April 26: Golden State at L.A. Clip-
10. Chase Elliott, 267
11. Aric Almirola, 260
COLLEGE BASEBALL 2.25; Williams, Pittsburgh, 2.46; Lester, Chica-
pers, TBA
12. Daniel Suarez, 235
of work. go, 2.57; Smith, Miami, 2.65. 13. Jimmie Johnson, 234
6 p.m. — Butler at Purdue, FS1 STRIKEOUTS: deGrom, New York, 36; Scher- x-Sunday, April 28: L.A. Clippers at Golden
14. Austin Dillon, 216
State, TBA
6 p.m. — Clemson at Georgia, SEC zer, Washington, 35; Castillo, Cincinnati, 32;
Prep tennis San Antonio 1, Denver 0 15. Ryan Newman, 216
Syndergaard, New York, 29; Greinke, Arizo-
COLLEGE GOLF na, 28; Holland, San Francisco, 27; Marquez,
Saturday, April 13: San Antonio 101, Denver 96 16. Paul Menard, 213
Tuesday, April 16: San Antonio at Denver, 9
6 p.m. — Western Intercollegiate: second round, Colorado, 25; Archer, Pittsburgh, 24; Corbin, 17. Erik Jones, 212
Heritage Academy tops Laurel Christian, 7-2 Santa Cruz, Calif., GOLF Washington, 24; 3 tied at 23.
Thursday, April 18: Denver at San Antonio, 9
18. Ricky Stenhouse Jr., 208
19. Kyle Larson, 204
Heritage Academy won all four girls matches and cruised to a 7-2 COLLEGE SOFTBALL American League p.m.
20. William Byron, 198
Saturday, April 20: Denver at San Antonio,
win over Laurel Christian on Friday at the Magnolia Tennis Club in Co- 5 p.m. — Michigan at Michigan State, Big Ten East Division 5:30 p.m. LAP LEADERS
lumbus. The Patriots will face Canton Academy on Tuesday in Canton. W L Pct GB x-Tuesday, April 23: San Antonio at Denver, Through April 13
Network Tampa Bay 12 4 .750 — TBA 1. Brad Keselowski, 609
Friday’s results: GOLF Baltimore 7 10 .412 5½ x-Thursday, April 25: Denver at San Antonio, 2. Kyle Busch, 599
No. 1 girls singles, HA won by default; No. 2 girls singles, Elizabeth 3 p.m. — World Long Drive Tour Golf: Smash in New York 6 9 .400 5½ TBA 3. Ryan Blaney, 353
Boston 6 11 .353 6½ x-Saturday, April 27: San Antonio at Denver,
Nichols (HA) def Lauren Sullivan, 7-6, 6-0; No. 1 girls doubles, Haley the Sun, final round, Maricopa, Ariz., GOLF Toronto 6 11 .353 6½ TBA
4. Joey Logano, 333
Barker/Gigi Fields (HA) def L Sullivan/C Douglas, 6-2, 6-1; No. 2 girls Central Division Portland 1, Oklahoma City 0 5. Martin Truex Jr., 200
MLB BASEBALL W L Pct GB Sunday, April 14: Portland 104, Oklahoma 6. Kevin Harvick, 163
doubles, Emily Howard/Kendall Kelly (HA) def E Leist/E Chard, 6-0, 5:30 p.m. — Boston at NY Yankees OR Pitts- City 99 7. Kyle Larson, 142
Minnesota 8 5 .615 —
6-1; No. 1 boys singles, Owen Riley lost to Danny Liu, 6-3, 4-6, 1-0; No. burgh at Detroit, MLB Cleveland 9 7 .563 ½ Tuesday, April 16: Oklahoma City at Portland, 8. Chase Elliott, 122
10:30 p.m. 9. Denny Hamlin, 97
2 boys singles, Blake Ward (HA) def Bert Bassi, 6-2, 6-2; No. 1 boys NBA BASKETBALL Detroit 8 7 .533 1
Friday, April 19: Portland at Oklahoma City,
Chicago 6 9 .400 3 10. Aric Almirola, 72
doubles, Carter Smith/Drew Knittig (HA) lost to C Sullivan/J Douglas, 6 p.m. — NBA Playoff: Teams TBD, NBA Kansas City 5 11 .313 4½
9:30 p.m. 11. Jimmie Johnson, 64
Sunday, April 21: Portland at Oklahoma City,
4-6, 6-4, 1-0; No. 2 boys doubles, Johnny Swartz/Rocky Marcel (HA) 7 p.m. — NBA Playoff: Teams TBD, TNT West Division 9:30 p.m. 12. William Byron, 62
def JB Fletcher/M Horne, 6-1, 6-1; mixed doubles, Grayson Jones/ W L Pct GB x-Tuesday, April 23: Oklahoma City at Portland, 13. Matt DiBenedetto, 49
9:30 p.m. — NBA Playoff: Teams TBD, TNT Houston 11 5 .688 ½ TBA 14. Erik Jones, 40
William Laws (HA) def P Parker/R Hupe, 6-1, 6-1 NHL HOCKEY Seattle 13 6 .684 — x-Thursday, April 25: Portland at Oklahoma 15. Clint Bowyer, 27
Texas 8 7 .533 3 City, TBA
6 p.m. — Stanley Cup Playoff: Tampa Bay at 16. Kurt Busch, 24

Oakland 10 9 .526 3 x-Saturday, April 27: Oklahoma City at Port- 17. Ricky Stenhouse Jr., 23
Columbus, East 1st Round, Game 4 , CNBC Los Angeles 8 8 .500 3½ land, TBA 18. William Byron, 21
Houston 1, Utah 0
6:30 p.m. — Stanley Cup Playoff: NY Islanders Sunday’s Games 18. Daniel Suarez, 21
Walk-off win caps series sweep for Alabama at Pittsburgh, East 1st Round, Game 4, NBC
L.A. Angels at Chicago Cubs, ppd.
Boston 4, Baltimore 0
Sunday, April 14: Houston 122, Utah 90
Wednesday, April 17: Utah at Houston, 9:30 20. Austin Dillon, 7
TUSCALOOSA, Ala. – Sophomore Kaylee Tow provided the Sports Network Chicago White Sox 5, N.Y. Yankees 2 p.m. 21. Ty Dillon, 6
Saturday, April 20: Houston at Utah, 10:30 p.m. 21. Jamie McMurray, 6
biggest hit of the night for Alabama on Monday at Rhoads Stadium, 8:30 p.m. — Stanley Cup Playoff: Winnipeg at Tampa Bay 8, Toronto 4
Monday, April 22: Houston at Utah, 10:30 p.m. 23. Daniel Hemric, 5
Minnesota 6, Detroit 4
dropping a walk-off RBI single into left field to give the Crimson Tide a St. Louis, West 1st Round, Game 4 , CNBC Kansas City 9, Cleveland 8
x-Wednesday, April 24: Utah at Houston, TBA RACE SCHEDULE
x-Friday, April 26: Houston at Utah, TBA
4-3 win over Georgia, capping a series sweep. 9:30 p.m. — Stanley Cup Playoff: San Jose at Texas 8, Oakland 7 x-Sunday, April 28: Utah at Houston, TBA
Sunday, Feb. 10 — x-Advance Auto Parts
Houston 3, Seattle 2 Clash (Jimmie Johnson)
Alabama (42-4, 11-4 SEC) built an early 3-0 lead, helped by three Vegas, West 1st Round, Game 4, NBC Sports
costly Georgia (30-14, 5-10 SEC) errors. The Bulldogs tied it up with an Network
Monday’s Games
Baltimore 8, Boston 1 Hockey Thursday, Feb. 14 — x-Duel 1 at Daytona
(Kevin Harvick)
RBI double and two-run home run in the fifth before a three-base error
Toronto 5, Minnesota 3
Texas 12, L.A. Angels 7 NHL playoffs Thursday, Feb. 14 — x Duel 2 at Daytona (Joey
in the bottom of the seventh set up Tow for the walk-off single. It was Chicago White Sox 5, Kansas City 4 All Times EDT
the Tide’s second walk-off win of the season and the series sweep is COLLEGE GOLF Cleveland 6, Seattle 4
FIRST ROUND Sunday, Feb. 17 — Daytona 500 (Denny
(Best-of-7; x-if necessary) Hamlin)
Alabama’s first over the Bulldogs since 2011. 6 p.m. — Western Intercollegiate: final round, Tuesday’s Games EASTERN CONFERENCE Sunday, Feb. 24 — Folds of Honor QuikTrip
In her first game action since March 24, freshman Montana Fouts Santa Cruz, Calif., GOLF Boston (Sale 0-3) at N.Y. Yankees (Paxton 1-2), Columbus 3, Tampa Bay 0 500 (Brad Keselowski)
6:35 p.m. Wednesday, April 10: Columbus 4, Tampa
threw 4.0 shutout innings in the start, fanning seven batters with just one COLLEGE LACROSSE (WOMEN’S) Pittsburgh (Musgrove 1-1) at Detroit (Boyd 1-1), Bay 3
Sunday, March 3 — Pennzoil 400 (Joey Lo-
hit allowed. Junior Sarah Cornell (17-1) ultimately picked up the win in 5 p.m. — Princeton at Penn, ESPNU 6:40 p.m. Friday, April 12: Columbus 5, Tampa Bay 1
Sunday, March 10 — TicketGuardian 500
Baltimore (Bundy 0-1) at Tampa Bay (Glasnow Sunday, April 14: Columbus 3, Tampa Bay 1
relief, her second of the weekend, retiring all seven batters she faced. 7 p.m. — Maryland at Georgetown, FS1 3-0), 7:10 p.m. Tuesday, April 16: Tampa Bay at Columbus, (Kyle Busch)
Next weekend, Alabama hits the road for a three-game series COLLEGE SOFTBALL Toronto (Sanchez 1-1) at Minnesota (Gibson 7 p.m. Sunday, March 17 — Auto Club 400 (Kyle
x-Friday, April 19: Columbus at Tampa Bay, Busch)
against Florida (36-9, 9-6 SEC). Action in Gainesville begins Friday with 4:30 p.m. — Minnesota at Wisconsin, Big Ten 0-0), 7:40 p.m.
TBA Sunday, March 24 — STP 500 (Brad Kesel-
L.A. Angels (Barria 1-0) at Texas (Minor 1-1),
a doubleheader at 4:30 p.m. Network 8:05 p.m. x-Sunday, April 21: Tampa Bay at Columbus, owski)
6 p.m. — Florida at Florida State, ESPN2 Kansas City (Lopez 0-1) at Chicago White Sox TBA Sunday, March 31 — O’Reilly Auto Parts 500
Southern Miss prepares for a pair of mid-week games 6 p.m. — Georgia Tech at Georgia, SEC (Lopez 0-2), 8:10 p.m.
Houston (McHugh 2-1) at Oakland (Estrada
x-Tuesday, April 23: Columbus at Tampa Bay,
TBA (Denny Hamlin)
Sunday, April 7 — Food City 500 (Kyle Busch)
HATTIESBURG – Fresh off of a weekend series sweep against GOLF Toronto 2, Boston 1
0-1), 10:07 p.m. Thursday, April 11: Toronto 4, Boston 1 Saturday, April 13 — Toyota Owners 400
UAB, the Southern Miss softball team (26-16, 11-7 C-USA) is now 6 p.m. — LPGA Tour Golf: LOTTE Championship, Cleveland (Bieber 1-0) at Seattle (Leake 2-0), Saturday, April 13: Boston 4, Toronto 1, (Martin Truex Jr.)
preparing for a pair of midweek matchups. 10:10 p.m. Monday, April 15: Toronto 3, Boston 2
first round, Oahu, Hawaii, GOLF Wednesday’s Games Wednesday, April 17: Boston at Toronto, 7 p.m.
Sunday, April 28 — Geico 500, Talladega, Ala.
Sunday, May 5 — Gander RV 400, Dover, Del.
Southern Miss will host Southland Conference opponent Nicholls MLB BASEBALL Kansas City (Keller 2-1) at Chicago White Sox Friday, April 19: Toronto at Boston, TBA Saturday, May 11 — MENCS race, Kansas
(26-16, 15-13 Southland Conference) on Tuesday at the Southern Miss 3 p.m. — Cincinnati at LA Dodgers (joined in (Giolito 2-1), 2:10 p.m. x-Sunday, April 21: Boston at Toronto, TBA
City, Kan.
Boston (Eovaldi 0-0) at N.Y. Yankees (Happ x-Tuesday, April 23: Toronto at Boston, TBA
Softball Complex in Hattiesburg. First pitch is scheduled for 6 p.m. progress), MLB 0-2), 6:35 p.m. Washington 2, Carolina 1 Saturday, May 18 — x-Monster Energy Open,
Concord, N.C.
5:30 p.m. — Boston at NY Yankees, ESPN Cleveland (Carrasco 1-2) at Seattle (Swanson Thursday, April 11: Washington 4, Carolina 2
Saturday, April 13: Washington 4, Carolina 3, Saturday, May 18 — x-Monster Energy All-
0-0), 6:40 p.m.
9 p.m. — Houston at Oakland, MLB
Pittsburgh (Williams 1-0) at Detroit (Turnbull
0-2), 6:40 p.m.
Monday, April 15: Carolina 5, Washington 0
Thursday, April 18: Washington at Carolina,
Star Race, Concord, N.C.
Sunday, May 26 — Coca-Cola 600, Concord,
Ivy signs with East Central University 6 p.m. — NBA Playoff: Teams TBD, TNT Baltimore (Hess 1-2) at Tampa Bay (TBD),
7:10 p.m.
7 p.m.
Sunday, June 2 — Pocono 400, Long Pond,
Itawamba Community College sophomore defensive lineman 7 p.m. — NBA Playoff: Teams TBD, NBA Toronto (Thornton 0-1) at Minnesota (Odorizzi
Saturday, April 20: Carolina at Washington,
Cortavious Ivy has signed to continue his football career at East Central 8:30 p.m. — NBA Playoff: Teams TBD, TNT 0-2), 7:40 p.m. x-Monday, April 22: Washington at Carolina, Sunday, June 9 — FireKeepers Casino 400,
L.A. Angels (Harvey 0-1) at Texas (Lynn 1-1),
University. NHL HOCKEY 8:05 p.m.
x-Wednesday, April 24: Carolina at Washing-
Brooklyn, Mich.
Sunday, June 23 — Toyota/Save Mart 350,
The Amory native played 15 games in his two years at ICC and 6 p.m. — Stanley Cup Playoff: Teams TBD, NBC Houston (Miley 1-1) at Oakland (Brooks 2-1), ton, TBA Sonoma, Calif.
Sports Network 10:07 p.m. New York Islanders 3, Pittsburgh 0 Sunday, June 30 — Camping World 400,
compiled 24 tackles, seven tackles for loss and one and a half sacks. Wednesday, April 10: N.Y. Islanders 4, Pitts-
In his sophomore season, Ivy had 11 tackles and will join the Tigers, 6 p.m. — Stanley Cup Playoff: Teams TBD, USA AL leaders burgh 3, OT Joliet, Ill.
Saturday, July 6 — Coke Zero Sugar 400,
who play in the NCAA Division II Great American Conference and are 8:30 p.m. — Stanley Cup Playoff: Teams TBD, BATTING: TAnderson, Chicago, .453; Polan-
co, Minnesota, .420; CSantana, Cleveland,
Friday, April 12: N.Y. Islanders 3, Pittsburgh 1
Sunday, April 14: N.Y. Islanders 4, Pittsburgh 1 Daytona Beach, Fla.
located in Ada, Oklahoma. NBC Sports Network .400; Andrus, Texas, .397; LeMahieu, New Tuesday, April 16: N.Y. Islanders at Pittsburgh, Saturday, July 13 — Quaker State 400, Spar-

Thursday York, .396; Trout, Los Angeles, .382; Mead-

ows, Tampa Bay, .357; DSantana, Seattle,
7:30 p.m.
x-Thursday, April 18: Pittsburgh at N.Y. Island-
ers, TBA
ta, Ky.
Sunday, July 21 — Foxwoods Resort Casino


6 p.m. — Florida at LSU, SEC
.354; AGordon, Kansas City, .352; Martinez,
Boston, .344.
RUNS: Haniger, Seattle, 19; Mancini, Balti-
x-Saturday, April 20: N.Y. Islanders at Pitts-
burgh, TBA
301, Loudon, N.H.
Sunday, July 28 — Gander RV 400, Long
Pond, Pa.
Starkville’s Gandy among MACJC All-State selections 7 p.m. — Texas at Oklahoma State, FS1 more, 17; Semien, Oakland, 15; Merrifield,
x-Monday, April 22: Pittsburgh at N.Y. Island-
ers, TBA Sunday, Aug. 4 — Go Bowling at The Glen,
Three members of the Itawamba Community College women’s GOLF Kansas City, 14; Beckham, Seattle, 13; Betts,
Boston, 13; AGordon, Kansas City, 13; Healy,
Nashville 2, Dallas 1
basketball program earned postseason honors on the conference and 2 p.m. — PGA Tour Golf: RBC Heritage, first Seattle, 13; Moncada, Chicago, 13; Villar, Bal- Wednesday, April 10: Dallas 3, Nashville 2
Sunday, Aug. 11 — Consumers Energy 400,
Brooklyn, Mich.
national level. round, Hilton Head Island, S.C., GOLF timore, 13. Saturday, April 13: Nashville 2, Dallas 1, OT Saturday, Aug. 17 — Bass Pro Shops NRA
RBI: DSantana, Seattle, 24; Davis, Oakland, Monday, April 15: Nashville 3, Dallas 2
Shaniyah Buford (Abbeville), Taneshia Miller (Greenville) and 6 p.m. — LPGA Tour Golf: LOTTE Championship, 20; Meadows, Tampa Bay, 17; Haniger, Seattle, Wednesday, April 17: Nashville at Dallas, 8 p.m. Night Race, Bristol, Tenn.
Tabreea Gandy (Starkville) all earned Mississippi Association of Comity second round, Oahu, Hawaii, GOLF 15; Encarnacion, Seattle, 14; Moncada, Chica- Saturday, April 20: Dallas at Nashville, TBA Sunday, Sept. 1 — Bogangles’ Southern 500,
x-Monday, April 22: Nashville at Dallas, TBA Darlington, S.C.
and Junior Colleges (MACJC) All-State honors while Buford also was MLB BASEBALL go, 14; Voit, New York, 14; 6 tied at 13.
x-Wednesday, April 24: Dallas at Nashville, Sunday, Sept. 8 — Big Machine Vodka 400 at
HITS: DSantana, Seattle, 28; Andrus, Texas,
named to the National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA) 12 p.m. — San Francisco at Washington OR 25; Semien, Oakland, 25; TAnderson, Chicago, TBA the Brickyard, Indianapolis
St. Louis 2, Winnipeg 1
All-Region Team and received an All-American honorable mention nod. Toronto at Minnesota (subject to blackout in local 24; Haniger, Seattle, 23; Mancini, Baltimore,
Wednesday, April 10: St. Louis 2, Winnipeg 1
Sunday, Sept. 15 — South Point 400, Las
23; Martinez, Boston, 22; Merrifield, Kansas Vegas
areas), MLB City, 22; 4 tied at 21.
Friday, April 12: St. Louis 4, Winnipeg 3
Saturday, Sept. 21 — Federated Auto Parts
Sunday, April 14: Winnipeg 6, St. Louis 3
7 p.m. — LA Dodgers at Milwaukee OR Baltimore
Tennis at Tampa Bay (7 p.m.), MLB
DOUBLES: Haniger, Seattle, 9; Healy, Seattle,
9; Gurriel, Houston, 7; 9 tied at 6.
TRIPLES: Mondesi, Kansas City, 4; Polanco,
Tuesday, April 16: Winnipeg at St. Louis, 9:30
400, Richmond, Va.
Sunday, Sept. 29 — Bank of American ROVAL
Thursday, April 18: St. Louis at Winnipeg, TBA 400, Concord, N.C.
No. 9 Alabama men to take on Ole Miss 10 p.m. — Seattle at LA Angels OR Cincinnati at Minnesota, 3; Kiermaier, Tampa Bay, 2; Mer- x-Saturday, April 20: Winnipeg at St. Louis, Sunday, Oct. 6 — MENCS race, Dover, Del.
The 20th-ranked Alabama men’s tennis team earned a No. 9 seed San Diego (10 p.m.) (games joined in progress), rifield, Kansas City, 2; Mullins, Baltimore, 2; TBA Sunday, Oct. 13 — 500, Tal-
Smith, Seattle, 2; 19 tied at 1. x-Monday, April 22: St. Louis at Winnipeg, TBA
in the SEC Men’s Tennis Championships and will take on No. 8 seed MLB HOME RUNS: Davis, Oakland, 10; Altuve, Colorado 2, Calgary 1
ladega, Ala.
NBA BASKETBALL Thursday, April 11: Calgary 4, Colorado 0 Sunday, Oct. 20 — Hollywood Casino 400,
Ole Miss in the second round on Thursday in Gainesville, Fla. Houston, 7; Bruce, Seattle, 7; Mancini, Balti-
Saturday, April 13: Colorado 3, Calgary 2, OT Kansas City, Kan.
The Crimson Tide finished the regular season with a 15-9 record 6 p.m. — NBA Playoff: Teams TBD, TNT more, 6; Meadows, Tampa Bay, 6; Sanchez,
Monday, April 15: Colorado 6, Calgary 2 Sunday, Oct. 27 — First Data 500, Martins-
New York, 6; Vogelbach, Seattle, 6; 8 tied at 5.
including a 5-7 mark in SEC play, while the 33rd-ranked Rebels were 8 p.m. — NBA Playoff: Teams TBD, NBA STOLEN BASES: DGordon, Seattle, 7; DeSh- Wednesday, April 17: Calgary at Colorado, 10 ville, Va.
16-11 overall and 5-7 in league competition. This will be the third time 8:30 p.m. — NBA Playoff: Teams TBD, TNT ields, Texas, 6; Smith, Seattle, 6; TAnderson, Friday, April 19: Colorado at Calgary, TBA
Sunday, Nov. 3 — AAA Texas 500, Fort Worth,
this season the two sides have matched up against one another with NHL HOCKEY Chicago, 5; Merrifield, Kansas City, 5; Mondesi,
Kansas City, 5; Pham, Tampa Bay, 5; Ramirez,
x-Sunday, April 21: Calgary at Colorado, TBA Sunday, Nov. 10 — MENCS race, Avondale,
x-Tuesday, April 23: Colorado at Calgary, TBA
Ole Miss winning 4-2 on Feb. 22 at the Blue-Gray National Tennis 6 p.m. — Stanley Cup Playoff: Teams TBD, NBC Cleveland, 5; 3 tied at 4. Vegas 2, San Jose 1 Ariz.
Classic and then again in Tuscaloosa, 4-3, on March 16. Sports Network PITCHING: Gonzales, Seattle, 4-0; BAnder- Wednesday, April 10: San Jose 5, Vegas 2 Sunday, Nov. 17 — Ford EcoBoost 400, Home-
son, Oakland, 3-0; Cashner, Baltimore, 3-1; Friday, April 12: Vegas 5, San Jose 3 stead, Fla.
— From Special Reports German, New York, 3-0; Glasnow, Tampa Bay, Sunday, April 14: Vegas 6, San Jose 3 x-non-points race
4B TUESDAY, APRIL 16, 2019 The Dispatch •

Old Waverly
Continued from Page 1B
for first place at one point in the af- The tournament, which is MSU’s
ternoon, but dropped into a tie for only home date of the spring sea-
16th place when he finished with son, gave the Bulldogs a chance to
a bogey-par-double bogey over his stay at home for a competition the
last three holes. He had been among week before it hits the road for the
a handful of golfers who shot 3-un- SEC Championships in Georgia. On
der 69 in the morning round. Sunday, following a practice round
“He played 33 really good holes,” at Old Waverly, they sat around to-
MSU coach Dusty Smith said. “I gether and watched Tiger Woods
don’t think he made a bogey for the win the Masters.
first 33. Just an unfortunate finish. “I’m just really comfortable
But that’s golf.” around this golf course,” Johnson
As a team, the Bulldogs are in said. “What it takes to win this
sixth place entering Tuesday’s play, event, you’ve got to put the ball in
just two strokes behind Middle Ten- the fairway. That’s what I did really
nessee State in a battle for a top-five well today. If I can do it tomorrow, I
finish. The University of Louisiana
Monroe is running away with the
have a good chance.”
“I felt very comfortable all day,” Sudoku YESTERDAY’S ANSWER
team title, sitting 22 shots under Jim Lytle/Special to the Dispatch
Austin Rose of Mississippi State
Clegg said. “I was kind of sur- Sudoku
Sudoku is a number-
4 9 6 8 1 2 7 3 5
par and 7 shots ahead of fourth- prised. Usually at tournaments, I’m placing puzzle
Sudoku based on
is a number-
hits out of a sand trap at the 18th a 9x9 grid
placing with based
puzzle severalon 5 8 7 3 4 9 1 2 6
ranked Vanderbilt. Their 12-under nervous. Today, I was just calm and

2019 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

hole Monday.
round on Monday afternoon tied a ready to go. agiven
9x9 grid with several
numbers. The object 2 3 1 6 5 7 9 8 4
dog situated in each of the last five given numbers.
is to place The object
the numbers
tournament record. “It’s good to be at home. My par- is
3 6 4 5 7 8 2 1 9
threesomes. 1 to place
to 9 the
in the numbers
empty spaces
Five of the top 15 golfers are ents came. Good support out here, 1sotothat
9 ineach
the empty spaces 8 7 5 2 9 1 4 6 3
row, each
from MSU, but four of them are “I wanted to get everybody in the some of my friends came.” so that each row, each 1 2 9 4 6 3 8 5 7
column and each 3x3 box
competing individually. feeling, ‘We’re in this, we’re always Beau Briggs of Ole Miss is tied column
contains the same3x3
and each box
number 7 4 3 1 8 5 6 9 2
Playing one group ahead of in this,’” Johnson said. “Just a sim- for fourth place, along with John- contains the same number
only once. The difficulty
Clegg, Johnson threw his arm up ple raise of my hand, if that helps son, helping the Rebels to a third- only once. The difficulty 9 5 8 7 2 6 3 4 1
level increases from
into the air with every birdie, strik- Ford, then I’m going to do it on ev- place standing entering play Tues- level increases from
Monday to Sunday. 6 1 2 9 3 4 5 7 8
Monday to Sunday.
ing up team support with one Bull- ery hole.” day. Difficulty Level 4/15

Continued from Page 1B
any competitor regardless of com- Outside the gym, coaches and Monday morning to express his
petition. teachers alike rave about Cantrell’s gratitude to teachers around the
“I could tell that this one meant respect and determination. school for helping to create that mo-
a lot more to him,” Caledonia coach During Saturday’s meet, one of ment and shape Caledonia’s latest
Jason Forrester said. “Winning the the women helping to run the event state champion.
first one was by far a great accom- pulled Forrester aside. “I wanted to make sure that they
plishment and it did mean a lot. The worker wanted to let understood how much I appreciated
But I think this one, for whatever Cantrell’s head coach know how what they did for him, too,” he said.
reason, it seemed a little more emo- nice and polite his athlete had been “Because I got to reap the reward of
tional for him and I think he really throughout the championships. those people telling me about how
enjoyed it more and was really awe- With the exchange still reso- good he was. I just wish they had
some to see him do it again.” nating, Forrester took to his email been there to hear it too.”

Continued from Page 1B

and moved them around

the lineup, but at the end
of the day we can’t be great
without those two guys.”
Senior center fielder
Jake Mangum continues
his march toward history.
Mangum is now eight hits
shy of LSU’s Eddie Fur-
niss’ 352 career hits.
Freshman Brandon
Smith will get his first ca-
reer start on the mound
for Lemonis’ bunch. Smith
is 2-0 with a 4.35 ERA in
16 appearances this sea-
son. His last extended out-
ing came when he pitched
2.1 innings against South
Alabama April 10, giving
up four hits and two runs.
Texas Southern enters ACROSS
the game at 11-25 and 7-8 1 Adored
in the SWAC. The Tigers 6 Prank
were swept by Lipscomb 11 “Carmen,” for one
this past weekend in Nash- 12 Gallows loop
ville. 13 Informal eatery
15 Cunning
Seniors Keanu Van
16 Salon stuff
Kuren, Christian Sanchez 17 Rent out
and junior Tyson Thomp- 18 Ruby or garnet
son will pace the Texas 20 Elephant of
Southern offense as all stories
three players are hitting 23 Spoke wildly
.320 or above. 27 Plow pullers
Senior outfielder Ola- 28 Letter after
jide Oloruntimilehin has 29 Outfit
broken his recent hitting 31 Dallas native
woes, recording multiple 32 Farm structures
hits in six of his past eight 34 Flow out 6 One with a line 30 Messy room
37 Argon or xenon 7 Negating conjunc- 31 Flung
games. tion 33 Short poem
Texas Southern has yet 38 Letter after pi
41 Informal eatery 8 Work hard 34 Breakfast menu
to name a starting pitcher. 9 Land in the sea section
44 Enormous
Dawg notes: Ethan 45 Make blank 10 Irishman, e.g. 35 Londoner, e.g.
Small was named to the 46 Scrutinize 14 Drops on the 36 Boyfriend
Collegiate Baseball News- 47 Stadium tops lawn 38 Wander
paper’s National Weekly 18 Two-faced god 39 Garden aid
DOWN 19 Takes it easy 40 Small bills
Honor Roll on Monday. 20 Marshy area 42 Common con-
This is Small’s third honor 1 High hits
2 Milky stone 21 Lumber tool junction
from the publication this 22 Track act 43 Old hand
3 Extremely
season. He was previously 4 History stretch 24 Annoy
added to the USA Base- 5 Peril 25 Letter after zeta
ball Golden Spikes Award 26 Football’s Marino
Watch List and was named
to the National Weekly
Honor Roll Feb. 25 follow-
ing outings against South-
ern Mississippi and then-
No. 4 Florida.
This past week Small
dominated Alabama. In
six innings of work, the
redshirt junior struck out
15 of the 18 batters he
faced — the most for an
MSU pitcher since Chris
Stratton did so in 2012
against LSU.
Small now boasts a 1.84
ERA along with 94 strike-
outs which rank No. 2 in
the NCAA. His 0.87 WHIP
is good for No. 22 in the
country and No. 4 in the WHATZIT ANSWER
Southeastern Conference.
The Dispatch • Tuesday April 16, 2019 5B

major league baseball

Dodgers take lead in tribute to Jackie Robinson celebration

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS linked arms with their mother his pro aspirations. “That’s the “What a pioneer. What a great School and John Muir High —
as they walked on the field. reason we respect this day.” example of a human being and all attended by Robinson while
LOS ANGELES — Vin Scul- Robinson became the first Robinson, who died at age 53 what he meant to our country, growing up in nearby Pasadena
ly joined the widow of Jackie black player in Major League in 1972, would have turned 100 and in the bigger picture, what — were on hand.
Robinson to honor the player Baseball with the Brooklyn on Jan. 31. he meant for all of us culturally, Robinson’s No. 42 was cut
who broke baseball’s color bar- Dodgers on April 15, 1947. His No. 42 was worn by ev- not only in baseball, but in so- into the center field grass.
rier during Robinson’s centen- Scully began calling the team’s ery major leaguer Monday. The ciety.” The Robinson siblings each
nial birthday celebration Mon- games three years later, and number was retired around the In Minnesota, Toronto Blue tossed out first pitches. David’s
day night. the now-retired Hall of Fame league in 1997. Jays manager Charlie Montoyo was a strike to Roberts, while
Scully greeted 96-year-old announcer was friendly off the “For me, it’s a big opportuni- started his pregame media ses- Sharon’s bounced on its way to
Rachel Robinson with a kiss field with the man he called ty and responsibility that I hold sion at 3:42 p.m. CDT in honor catcher Russell Martin.
after being introduced to the “Jack.” very dear to my heart,” Dodg- of Robinson. Sharon Robinson works as
crowd, with Scully drawing the Only 7.7% of current MLB ers manager Dave Roberts said. “That’s probably one of MLB’s education programming
loudest cheers in a rare public players are black, according to “To put this uniform on today the people in baseball I wish I consultant.
appearance. MLB. and wear that number today, 42, would’ve met,” he said. The Dodgers hosted an in-
He stood behind Rachel with “If not for Jackie Robinson, it’s always special.” At Dodger Stadium, the vitation-only 100th birthday
his hands holding her arms I probably wouldn’t be here Colorado Rockies manag- pregame ceremonies included celebration in the Stadium Club
during the national anthem at today playing baseball in the er Bud Black recalled reading 42 current and former Jackie featuring a sneak preview of
Dodger Stadium. They were United States,” said Cincinna- about Robinson as a youngster. Robinson Foundation scholars. the Jackie Robinson Museum,
joined by Robinson’s daughter, ti Reds outfielder Yasiel Puig, “To this day I still read about Students from Cleveland Ele- set to open in December in New
Sharon, and son, David, who who came from Cuba to chase him,” Black said in San Diego. mentary, Washington Middle York City.

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: is facing. Because choosing only to consider her
My husband your husband is own needs. Her overall health
is more inter- unwilling to go with is manageable, and she’s doing
ested in hanging you for marriage well cognitively. She has not
out with his friends counseling, you been hospitalized in two years.
than caring about would benefit What do I do? — TAKING CARE
our 11-year-old from talking to a IN FLORIDA
daughter who licensed therapist DEAR TAKING CARE:
has Asperger’s on your own. Continue moving forward with
syndrome. She’s When you do, it your plans to relocate to be with
a great kid and may give you a your husband. Tell your mother
smart, but she broader perspec- you are giving her the choice of
ZITS has challenges tive on what your whether to reside with you or
and needs help. It options are. near your sister, but make clear
falls to me to do DEAR ABBY: she must make up her mind be-
everything with and Eight years ago, cause you need to know whether
for her. my mother, then you will have to accommodate
I need him to
Dear Abby age 86, came to her in your new home. Give her
participate more live with me. My a deadline to let you know her
where she’s concerned, but he life has changed substantially in preference, but if she refuses,
loses patience with her and with the last two years, and I need to make sure she understands that
me. He resents having to pay move to another state. My hus- by default she’ll be living near
for therapy and music lessons band already lives there, and I your sister.
for her (she loves music), but he want to be with him. My mother’s DEAR ABBY: My ex and I went
had no hesitation about buying anxieties and fears are what’s to my senior prom. I paid for
himself an expensive sports car holding me back. everything, from the tickets down
— not for us but for him. He’s ac- I have told her she can live to his pocket square. It has been
GARFIELD tually going away for a weekend with us there, or at a brand-new two years since the prom and
with his buddies! assisted living facility that’s one year since we broke up.
I’ve thought about mar- about to open in the town. While packing away my prom
riage counseling, but he isn’t Alternatively, she could move dress, I realized how great it
interested. I feel overwhelmed back to our hometown where my would be to have the bow tie and
and very alone. Please help. — retired sister lives and stay in pocket square for future wearers
LIKE A SINGLE MOM IN SAN an assisted living facility there. as well as for sentimental value.
FRANCISCO Her remaining in this city is not I realize he may have gotten rid
DEAR LIKE A SINGLE MOM: an option because I’m the only of them by now, but would it be
I’ll try. Forgive my sarcasm, but it person she knows here, and it’s wrong to ask for them if he still
appears you married a real “win- eight hours from where I will be. has them? — LOOKING BACK
ner” — selfish and lacking the Conversations with her on AND AHEAD
compassion and maturity to deal this subject are difficult as DEAR LOOKING: Wrong? No.
with the challenges your family she prefers to ignore them, Fruitless? Probably.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (April TAURUS (April 20-May with all that happened. Yet, at
16). Your talents will be sought 20). You are fun to be around, your core you’re still the same
after. There’s a plethora of and people like working with person.
creative situations for you to you. Try other modalities out, LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).
involve yourself in, especially too, though, especially when Should you say “no” to the
in the next three months. it’s your turn to be in charge. things that are clearly outside
That said, it’s not a time to Overusing “fun” could hurt your of your expertise, or should
invest money. Rather, put your ability to lead. you say “yes” and stretch to
energy in and do your research. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). the challenge? What’s the time
September brings the lucrative In order to put your best into commitment? To experience
opportunity; October shows the the things that matter most to something new for an hour will
windfall. Sagittarius and Virgo you, a small sacrifice will be be worth the inconvenience.
adore you. Your lucky numbers made. Probably, this has to do VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
BABY BLUES are: 8, 4, 49, 2 and 10. with giving up a habit, attitude You make people feel comfort-
ARIES (March 21-April or possession. It won’t hurt. In able, and therefore they are
19). The salesman keeps fact, it will free you. more likely to say yes to you.
dropping the price because he CANCER (June 22-July 22). Part of this has to do with con-
knows that once you leave the Returning to the things you did sistency of action and attitude.
showroom, chances are you when you were less experienced The other part is your way of
won’t be back. For clarity, get will bring comfort, perspec- explaining things so people
distance between you and the tive and reassurance. You’ve really understand.
final decision. changed and adapted to deal LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
One way to test a relationship
is to move furniture together,
or execute another task that re-
quires teamwork. If it goes well,
it’s something to celebrate. If
it’s a major pain, there might
BEETLE BAILEY be communication issues to
work out.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov.
21). Your options may seem
frustratingly limited, but in real-
ity there are choices that have
nothing to do with the ones you
are considering. Think broader.
If it weren’t for the things in
front of you, what else would
you choose?
21). It’s a day of working out
minor differences, which you’ll
do like a champ. Then, a good
MALLARD FILLMORE question to ask is, “How can
I support you going forward?”
The answers will surprise you.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.
19). You’re excellent at reading
people, especially when some-
thing is bothering them. Better
yet, you’re not afraid to gently
open up a dialogue. Because of
this, you’ll facilitate connection
and maybe even healing.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). As you make your pitch,
go for the gold. Not all “yes” an-
swers are equal. Some actually
FAMILY CIRCUS mean “no” and others mean
“maybe.” A committed “yes” is
not just an answer; it’s a line of
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
20). Even though you are not
responsible for a situation, you
take full responsibility for your
reaction to it. Note that camer-
as may be involved, as they so
often are these days.

The show is on the other foot

sippi Department of En- erate is a permit that is
vironmental Quality for required by Title V of the The Dispatch •
Hospital Dr Ext.
Columbus, MS, Tuesday, April 16, 2019 6B
the following permitting Federal Clean Air Act
action(s): Modification and the Mississippi Air Lowndes County.
and Renewal of Title V and Water Pollution

Operating Permit Ref. Control Law. The Title V
No. 1680-00005. The permit is a Federally-en- The name, title,
applicant's operations
fall within SIC Code
forceable permit as well
as a State permit.
and address of
the owner of the
2819. A Statement of
Basis has been pre-
Therefore, the U.S. En-
vironmental Protection above named Easy online self-service for
pared that contains a
discussion of the de-
Agency (EPA) will also
be allowed an opportun- business are: your classified ads available
at or call
cision-making that went ity to review the applica-
into the development of tion, proposed permit,
the permit and provides and all comments re- Sandeep Sethi
the permitting authority, ceived during the public
the public, and other comment period prior to
Managing Mem-
government bodies a re- Permit Board action on
cord of the technical is- the application. 28 Eastbrooke
sues surrounding issu- Circle
ance of the permit. The EPA has agreed to treat

Statement of Basis also this draft permit as a Madison, MS
addresses any changes proposed permit and to
to emissions and/or (Deadlinesperform
subjectitsto 45-day re-
MERcHANDISE REAL ESTATE / HEALTH Good: 1 Day.........................$10
discharges resulting view provided by the law
from any modification of and regulations concur- If any person
the facility. wishes to re- Better: 3 Days......................$18
For Placing/Canceling Classifiedrently Line with the public no-
Ads: Good: 6 Days...........................$12 Good: 12 Days........................$25
Sunday Paper Deadline is Thursday
Pulp and Per-3:00no
tice period,
as long as
quest a hearing Best: 6 Days.........................$34
Nouryon public comments are Better: 12 Days........................$18 Best: 24 Days...........................$40
Monday Paper Deadline formance Chemicals
is Friday received within the 30-
12:00 P.M. to object
Best: 30 to Days...........................$30
the 4 lines of text; addtl. lines $1 each.
Inc. operates a sodium day public notice period. 6 lines of text; addtl. lines $1 each.
Tuesday Paper Deadline chlorate is and
Mondayhydrogen12:00 P.M.
If comments are re- issuance of this Includes FREE Garage Sale signs. Rain
Wednesday Paper Deadline peroxide manufacturing
is Tuesday 12:00 ceived,P.M.
EPA’s 45-day re- permit6 alines
re-of text; addtl. lines $1 each. on the day of your sale? Call and we will
facility in Columbus, view period will cease to
Thursday Paper Deadline MS. Thisispermit
action 12:00
be P.M. concur-
quest for a hear- re-run your ad the next week FREE!
Friday Paper Deadline is foristhe
renewal of12:00 P.M.with the public no-
the rently ing must be
existing Title V permit
3 tice period. EPA’s 45- made in writing
be submitted
and a proposed con- business
day days will
review period
prior to
struction first publication
project. The datethe public no-
start once and received by
construction permit is tice period has been the Department
being handled through completed and EPA re-
• All ads must be paid for in advance and are non-refundable after the first insertion.
the renewal Title V per- ceives notification from of All employment and legal notices must be placed via email, phone or in-person. All other ads may be placed online.
Revenue with-
mitting action. The pur- the Mississippi Depart-
• Please read your ad on the first day of publication. We accept responsibility only for in (15) days from


the first incorrect insertion. pose of the air construc- ment of Environmental the first date
tion permit application Quality that comments
• The Publisher assumes no financial responsibility for errors nor for omission of copy.
is to permit the facility have been received and
Liability shall not exceed the cost of that portion of space occupied by such error.
this notice was
to increase the total resolved. Whether EPA’s
• All questions regarding classified ads currently running should be directed to the
site production capabil- 45-day review period is
Ad must fit in 4 lines (approximately 20 characters per line) and will run for 3 days. For items $100 or less ONLY. More than
Classified Department. ity of sodium chlorate by performed concurrently one item may be in same ad, but prices may not total over $100, no relists. No business ads.
upgrading the facility’s with the public com-
• All ads are subject to the approval of this paper. The Commercial Dispatch reserves Requests shall
existing rectifiers. This ment period or after the
the right to reject, revise, classify or cancel any advertising at any time.
is essentially a change public comment period beBargain
sent to: Column ads must be submitted online at or in person. No phone calls or emails.
in electrical compon- has ended, the dead- Chief Counsel,
ents at the facility and line for citizen’s peti-
a physical Legal Division
Legal Notices 0010 0010 change tions to the0010
Legal Notices EPA Admin- Booze Legal Notices 0020 General Services 1360 Good Things To Eat 2150 Medical / Dental 3300 Apts For Rent: Other 7080 Office Spaces For Rent 7300
to any existing emis- istrator will be determ- Department Of
IN THE CHANCERY sion sources. Total site ined as if EPA’s 45-day
production capability is review period is per-
COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI anticipated to increase formed after the public P.O. Box 2282 WASHING. Commercial/ Vine−ripened Historic Downtown COLUMBUS Office,
residential. House, hydroponic tomato. Columbus. 2,000 sqft. Retail, Restaurant
from approximately comment period has Jackson, MS concrete, sidewalks & Located next to LICENSED SOCIAL Hardwood floors Space available. Call
IN THE MATTER OF ANT- 223,410 tons/year to ended. WORKER
AVES R. PETTY, DE- approximate 246,510 39225 mobile washing. Free Noxubee County High Long Term Care throughout. Open floor. 662−328−8655 or 662
CEASED tons/year, an increase The status regarding est. 662−386−8925. School. 662−352− Experience Preferred Very nice. Incl W&D. −574−7879.
of 10.3%. Nouryon EPA’s 45-day review of
CAUSE NO. 2019-0058 plans to continue to use this project and the
PUBLISH: 4/15 Lawn Care / Landscaping
1270, 662−425−9116 $1200/mo. Call 662−
Apply in person at 328−8655.
its existing emission deadline for citizen’s pe- & 4/16/2019 1470 General Help Wanted 3200 505 Jackson St, lease. 1112 Main St.,
KATRINA PORTER, PETI- units, so no new emis- titions can be found at Aberdeen FIRST FULL MONTH
Ste. 5. 3700 sq. ft.
TIONER sion units will be con- the following website Building & Remodeling 1120 TERRA CARE Agricultural Tractor EOE Plenty of private
structed. address: RENT FREE! 1 & 2
LANDSCAPING L.L.C. Operator job opening, to parking. 662−327−
SUMMONS BY PUBLICA- work on Tenn-Tom Wa- Bedroom Apts/
SUGGS CONSTRUCTION Phone: 662−549−1878 9559.
TION The staff of the Permit aa-permitting/missis- terway Project, Colum- Bargain Column 4180 Townhomes. Stove &
CO. Building, roofing, Landscaping, Property
STATE OF MISSISSIPPI Board has developed sippi-proposed-title-v- bus, MS. Must have val- refrigerator. $335− OFFICE SPACE: 2,000
this draft permit based permits remodeling, & home Clean Up, Plant Care, id Class- A CDL, with COUCH, LOVESEAT, 3 $600 Monthly. Credit square feet. 294
TO: Unknown Heirs of on information submit- repair. Licensed & Bush Hogging, Herbicide good driving record and tables, 4 pillows. Dark check & deposit. Chubby Dr. Flexible
Antaves R. Petty, De- ted to the Permit Board Additional details about Bonded. 662−242− Spraying. pass pre-employment brown fabric. Very Coleman Realty, 662−
by the applicant, appro- the application(s), in- leasing terms. Available
ceased 3471, 662−574−8470. drug screen. EOE sturdy. $99 662−329− 329−2323.
priate State and Feder- cluding a copy of the FOR YOUR Spring & Apply in person or Send now. 662−328−8254.
3527. Afternoon calls.
You have been made a al agencies and other draft permit(s), are Summer lawn care Resume’: R & D Main- Houses For Sale: Caledonia
party to a Petition to De- interested parties. The available by writing or HOME REPAIRS & needs, call Robinson tenance Services FISHERMAN’S DREAM
termine Heirs at Law staff of the Permit calling Lorenzo Boddie CONSTRUCTION WORK Lawn Service, 662−435 3600 W. Plymouth Road Furniture 4480 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath, 8450
filed in this Court by Board is soliciting all re- at the above Permit WANTED. Carpentry, −8746. Columbus, MS 39701 furnished apartment on
Katrina Porter, the nat- lative information per- Board address and tele- small concrete jobs, BLACK BEDROOM SET, the Elk River. Boat NEW. 3BR/2BA FOR
ural mother and next taining to the proposed phone number. Addition- electrical, plumbing, JESSE & BEVERLY’S incl full sz sleigh bed, SALE. $150−170K.
activity, including public ally, as a courtesy, for Carpenter/Millwright access. $79 per night.
friend and on behalf of roof repairs, pressure LAWN SERVICE. Opening. Must have ex- dresser w/ mirror, chest Rogersville Al. Call Tracy Email caledoniaimprove
Antaves R. Petty, de- comment, to ensure those with Internet ac- washing and mobile
that the final staff re- cess, a copy of the draft
Mowing, cleanup, perience in general car- & night stand, $600. 931−205−0471.
ceased. home roof coating and landscaping, sodding, & pentry & concrete. Will New full sz mattress,
commendation on the permit(s) may be found Houses For Sale: Other 8500
underpinning. No job tree cutting. 356−6525. work on Tenn-Tom Wa- still in plastic, $250.
You are summoned to draft permit complies on the Mississippi De- terway Project, based in Bissell carpet cleaner,
appear and defend with all State and Feder- partment of Environ- too small. 549−7031.
Moving & Storage 1590 Columbus, MS. Must RIVER HOME, NICE!
against the Petition to al regulations. Public re- mental Quality’s web- have valid, clean
$80. Two sets of black
Determine Heirs at Law view and comment on site at: TOM HATCHER, LLC driver’s license and Toyota Camry floormats, TOWNHOUSES & APARTMENTS
in this action at 9:00 the draft permit and http://opc.deq.state.m MOVING??? I can help $80. Cash Only. 662− Across from water with
Custom Construction, pass pre-employment
a.m. on the 7th day of supporting documenta- .
tion is an important ele- This information is also
pack, organize and/or
drug screen. EOE 242−2884. Leave a 1 BEDROOM access to Tenn−Tom
May, 2019, in the coordinate your move. Apply in person or Send message. Waterway. 4BR/2BA
Courtroom of the Noxu- ment in the staff evalu- available for review at
Remodeling, Repair,
Includes help selling Resume’ to: R & D 2 BEDROOMS with 2 acres & large
Insurance claims.
bee County Chancery ation and resulting re-
commendation to the
the following location(s)
during normal business 662−364−1769.
unwanted items. Weslyn Maintenance Services
Lawn & Garden 4630 3 BEDROOMS screened in room.
Courthouse located at Wood 214−674−9514. 3600 W. Plymouth Road $212,000. Call: 662−
505 S. Jefferson Street Permit Board. The draft hours: Licensed & Bonded. Columbus, MS 39701
LEASE, 245−4273 or 662−889
© The Dispatch

in Macon, Mississippi, permit conditions have Painting & Papering 1620 COMMERCIAL YAZOO
before Judge Rodney been developed to en- Mississippi Department
sure compliance with all of Environmental Quality
OUR COMPANY is seek- with Mulching Blade and DEPOSIT
Faver, and in case of Lots & Acreage 8600
SULLIVAN’S PAINT ing an experienced car-
your failure to appear State and Federal regu- Office of Pollution Con- new tires. Asking $600.
SERVICE penter. The ideal can-
and defend a judgment lations but are subject trol
will be entered against to change based on in- 515 E. Amite St Certified in lead didate will have an eye 662−251−7219. CREDIT CHECK SPRING SPECIAL. 1.95
you for the relief reques- formation received as a Jackson, MS 39201 removal. Offering for detail, be depend- acre lots. Good/bad
able, have good commu- Lost & Found Pets 5160
ted in the Petition.You
are not required to file
result of public particip-
ation. Columbus-Lowndes Pub-
special prices on
interior & exterior nication skills, reliable 662-329-2323 credit. 10% down, as
low as $299/mo. Eaton
an Answer or other lic Library painting, pressure transportation & basic LOST SILVER MINI Land. 662−361−7711.
Pleading, but you may Persons wishing to com- 314 North Seventh washing & sheet rock tools. We specialize in SCHNAUZER. Last seen
do so if you desire. ment upon or object to Street repairs.
home remodels & new on Southside
2411 HWY 45 N LOT FOR Sale in
the proposed determina- Columbus, MS 39701 construction. Call
RAY’S WOOD Free Estimates 662-312-3130 for info. Columbus, could be COLUMBUS, MS Starkville. Will need
ISSUED UNDER MY tions are invited to sub- cleared. 818 N. Jackson
mit comments in writ- Please bring the forego- WORKS Call 435−6528 anywhere. Red collar.
HAND AND THE SEAL St. Lot 5, City Block 97.
ing to Audra Eubanks at ing to the attention of Multiple Home Name Max. REWARD.
OF SAID COURT, this Stump Removal 1790 SWOOPE INSURANCE Commercial Property For 662−465−7611, 662−
the 11th day of April, the Permit Board's ad- persons whom you Repairs, Sheetrock, 662−425−9014.
Agency, Columbus, MS Rent 7100 418−9096 or 662−418
2019. dress shown above, no know will be interested. Flooring, Trim, is seeking to fill a Cus-
later than the end of the −4176.
Painting, Tile, tomer Service Repres- Business Opportunity 6050 COMMERCIAL
LISA YOUNGER NEESE, thirty (30) day public no- PUBLISH: 4/16/2019 Kitchen/Bath, entative Position. We
CLERK tice. All comments re- BUILDINGS For rent Autos For Sale 9150
Decks−Dock Repair, offer Competitive HISTORIC DOWNTOWN
LOWNDES COUNTY ceived by this date will Salary, Health Insur- located near downtown.
Pressure Washing COLUMBUS: 411 Main 2015 CHEVY IMPALA.
CHANCERY COURT be considered in the for- Booze Legal Notices 0020 ance and Retirement 3,000 sq. ft. truck
mulation of final determ- 662−634−1114 St. Office, Retail, Blk, 4dr, 6cyl, 82k mi,
Benefits. Must have Restaurant Space
terminal, 9,500 sq. ft.
showroom clean, local
BY: Shantrell W. inations regarding the
application(s). A public
We, the mem- Property and Casualty
available. Call 423−333
shop & 3,200 sq. ft.
owner, $10,900. See @
Granderson, D.C. License to apply. Please
hearing will be held if bers of Trilogy Carpet & Flooring 1150 forward resume to −1124.
office/shop. Buildings
59 Amanda Dr. in New
the Permit Board finds a Hospitality of can be rented together
Presented by: Hope Park Subdivision
significant degree of or separately. All w/
ROBERT F. STACY, JR. - public interest in the Columbus, LLC ALLSTUMP Apts For Rent: Northside 7010 excellent access & Hwy. off of Yorkville Rd. E.
proposed permit(s). Per- intend to make GTR AREA floral design 82 visibility. 662−327− 662−327−3081.
MS BAR NO. 7764 GRINDING SERVICE sons wishing to re- firm seeks experienced FOX RUN COMPANY
DANIEL COKER HOR- quest a public hearing
application for GET ’ER DONE!
We can grind all floral designer to add to LLC 1 & 2 BR near
Campers & RVs 9300
TON & BELL, P.A. may do so by submit- an on-site liquor your stumps. Hard their team. Weddings, hospital. $595−645/
265 NORTH LAMAR ting that request in writ- retailer permit. corporate events, mo. Military discount TOMBIGBEE RV PARK
to reach places, 30x15. Separate air
BOULEVARD, SUITE R ing to Audra Eubanks or sympathy design offered, pet area, pet Located on Wilkins Wise
blown over roots, experience preferred. conditioner & bathroom.
POST OFFICE BOX 1396 the Chief of the Environ- hillsides, backyards, friendly, and furnished Rd & Waverly Rd. Full
OXFORD, MISSISSIPPI mental Permits Division As provided for Weekend work required. corporate apartments $400/mo. Located in Hookups available.
38655-1396 at the address shown pastures. Free Email resume to Caledonia. Call 662−
TELEPHONE: 662-232- above. The Permit by the Local Op- DAVID’S CARPET & estimates. You find workwithflowers7 available. ON SITE
$300/mo. 662−328−
8655 or 662−574−
8979 Board is limited in the tion Alcoholic UPHOLSTERY it, we’ll grind it! SECURITY.
ON SITE 7879.
FACSIMILE: 662-232- scope of its analysis to
8940 environmental impact.
Beverage Con- CLEANING 662−361−8379
Any comments relative trol Laws, Sec- 1 Room − $40
2 Rooms − $70
General Maintenance
Worker needed. Must HOUR CAMERA AVAILABLE in Historic Five Questions:
PUBLISH: 4/16, 4/23, to zoning or economic tion 67-1-1, et Tree Services 1860 have experience in SURVEILLANCE. Benji Downtown. 404 Main
3+ Rooms − $30 Ea St. 3,000 sq. ft.
& 4/30/2019 and social impacts are maintenance of equip- @ 662−386−4446 Mon
within the jurisdiction of seq., of the Mis-
1 Peyton Man-
Rugs−Must Be Seen A&T TREE SERVICE $1,300/mo. Call 662−
ment & buildings which −Fri, 9am−5pm. Sat/
Public Notice
local zoning and plan- sissippi Code of Car Upholstery Bucket truck & stump requires practical skill & Sun by appt only. 328−8655 or 662−574
ning authorities and Cleaning Available knowledge in such
should be addressed to 1972, Annot-
removal. Free est. −7879.
662−722−1758 Serving Columbus trades as painting, car-
Start Date: April 16,
them. ated. If granted since 1987. Senior pentry, plumbing, ma- Apts For Rent: West 7050 Houses For Rent: Northside
such permit, I or citizen disc. Call Alvin @ sonry & electrical work,
MDEQ Contact: Audra
After receipt of public
comments and thor- We propose to
Childcare 1180 also able to perform
242−0324/241−4447 maintenance on equip- 2 Sears Tower
Eubanks "We’ll go out on a limb ment & machinery. Will
ough consideration of
all comments, the staff
operate as a lim- CHILDCARE SERVICES
for you!" report to work in Colum-
will formulate its recom- ited Liability
Look No Further!!
3 Larry the
Nouryon Pulp and Per- bus, MS. Must have val- ALL BRICK 3BR/2BA
formance Chemicals mendations for permit Company Under
Quality Childcare J&A TREE REMOVAL id driver’s license & Apartments house for rent. Big yard.
Cable Guy
LLC, located at 4374 Services Are Available
issuance and a pro- pass a pre-employment
& Houses
Work from a bucket Carport. W/D hookup.
Nashville Ferry Road posed permit if that is the trade name For The Golden Triangle truck. Insured/bonded. drug screen. EOE. Ap- Nice neighborhood.
East, in Columbus, MS, the recommendation.
(662) 240-8654, has The Title V Permit to Op-
of Hyatt Place Area!! 662.343.8386 or Call Jimmy for free ply at: R & D Mainten-
ance Services, Inc.
1 Bedrooms $780 per month. 70 W
Located at 101 662.813.3672. Serious estimate,
2 Bedroooms Thomas Dr. 3 min from
applied to the Missis- erate is a permit that is Inquiries Only, Please!! 662−386−6286. 3600 West Plymouth Rd
sippi Department of En- required by Title V of the Hospital Dr Ext. CAFB. 504−813−1200.
vironmental Quality for
Columbus, MS 39701 3 Bedrooms
the following permitting and the Mississippi Air Columbus, MS,
Federal Clean Air Act General Services 1360 VICKERS TREE
Furnished &
Lowndes County.
5 J.D. Salinger
action(s): Modification SERVICE, LLC Tree SERVICE TECHNICIAN
and Water Pollution TOWNHOUSES. 2 & 3
trimming and removal. for local pest control
and Renewal of Title V HOME MAKEOVER &
Control Law. The Title V company. Applicant bedroom w/ 2−3 bath
Operating Permit Ref. permit is a Federally-en- ESTATE CLOSEOUT Fully insured.
forceable permit as well The name, title, 1, 2, & 3 Baths
No. 1680-00005. The SERVICES. Generate must be organized, de- townhouses. $600 to
Free estimates.
*Now Accepting Credit pendable, work well with
$695. 662−549−9555.
applicant's operations
fall within SIC Code
as a State permit. and address of cash from the sale of
the public, and have Lease, Deposit Ask for Glenn or text.
Therefore, the U.S. En- unwanted items. I will
2819. A Statement of vironmental Protection
the owner of the help organize & coordi−
& Debit Cards*
Call Curt
good driving record with
& Credit Check Houses For Rent: Caledonia
Basis has been pre- above named valid driver's license.
Agency (EPA) will also
pared that contains a be allowed an opportun- business are:
nate the removal of 662−418−0889 or Drug test required. 7160
discussion of the de- unwanted furniture & 662−549−2902 Apply at 107 Gardner
ity to review the applica- clutter from homes. "A cut above the rest" Blvd. No phone calls.
cision-making that went tion, proposed permit, 2BR/1BA. CALEDONIA
into the development of and all comments re- Creative makeover
the permit and provides ceived during the public Sandeep Sethi solutions from profess− Auctions 4120 area. 1 yr. lease. $650
the permitting authority, comment period prior to Managing Mem- ional interior designer Apts For Rent: Starkville 7070 rent. plus dep. No pets.
No smoking. 662−574−
the public, and other Permit Board action on ber included for free!
government bodies a re- the application. 2BR/2BA. COTTON 0227 or 662−356−
cord of the technical is- 28 Eastbrooke Contact: Weslyn Wood
214−674−9514. District in Starkville. 4958.
sues surrounding issu- EPA has agreed to treat Circle Call 662−617−3356.
ance of the permit. The this draft permit as a Land For Rent / Lease 7190
Statement of Basis also proposed permit and to Madison, MS WORK WANTED:
addresses any changes perform its 45-day re- 39110 Licensed & Bonded− Apts For Rent: Other 7080
to emissions and/or view provided by the law carpentry, painting, & HUNTING LAND. GTA
discharges resulting 1, 2, 3 BEDROOM
and regulations concur- demolition. Landscap−
from any modification of rently with the public no- If any person ing, gutters cleaned,
apartments & area in Mississippi. 662
the facility. tice period, as long as wishes to re- bush hogging, clean−up
townhouses. Call for
more info. 662−328−
no public comments are
Nouryon Pulp and Per- received within the 30-
quest a hearing work, pressure washing,
8254. Mobile Homes for Rent 7250
day public notice period. to object to the
formance Chemicals moving help & furniture
Inc. operates a sodium If comments are re- repair. 662−242−3608. 123 BECK Dr. 14 x 64.
chlorate and hydrogen ceived, EPA’s 45-day re-
issuance of this 2BR/1BA. $450/mo.
peroxide manufacturing view period will cease to permit a re- CASA CARE SERVICES: $450/dep. Includes
facility in Columbus, be performed concur- quest for a hear-
Offers services such as: garbage. No pets. No
MS. This permit action rently with the public no-
is for the renewal of the tice period. EPA’s 45- ing must be residential janitorial, HUD. 662−574−7614.
lighting & decorating,
existing Title V permit made in writing
day review period will
and a proposed con- start once the public no- emergency repairs, 3BR/2BA TRAILER,
struction project. The tice period has been
and received by preventative mainten− New Hope school dist.
the Department
construction permit is completed and EPA re- ance, moving & $500/mo & $500 dep.
being handled through
the renewal Title V per- the Mississippi Depart- of Revenue with-
ceives notification from shipping assistance & No pets, no drugs, no
pressure washing. partying. Call between
mitting action. The pur- ment of Environmental
pose of the air construc- Quality that comments
tion permit application
in (15) days from
the first date
662−549−1878. 10a−7p. 662−386−
4292. NO TEXT
have been received and
is to permit the facility
to increase the total
resolved. Whether EPA’s this
45-day review period is published.
notice was RETAINER WALL,
driveway, foundation,
site production capabil- performed concurrently
ity of sodium chlorate by with the public com-
upgrading the facility’s ment period or after the Requests shall
concrete, masonry
restoration, remodeling,
basement foundation,
RENT A fully equipped
camper w/utilities &
cable from $145/wk −
existing rectifiers. This public comment period be sent to:
is essentially a change has ended, the dead- repairs, small dump $535/month. Columbus
in electrical compon- line for citizen’s peti- Chief Counsel, truck hauling (5−6 yd) & County School
ents at the facility and tions to the EPA Admin- Legal Division load & demolition/lot locations. 662−242− CLASSIFIEDS
is not a physical change istrator will be determ- cleaning. Burr Masonry, 7653 or 601−940−
ined as if EPA’s 45-day Department Of
to any existing emis- 662−242−0259. 1397.
sion sources. Total site

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