Characteristics of Computer

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Characteristics of Computer:-

(1) Speed: -

A computer is very fast device. It can perform large amount of work in a few seconds. Where
human being worked a particular work for whole day, computer does the same in very short
time. Today, computers can perform 100 million computations in one second. The speed of
computers are measured in terms of microseconds, Nano seconds and even inPico seconds.
Where 1 second=10-6 micro second =10-9 nano second =10-12Pico second

(2) Accuracy :–

The computer is 100% accurate and capable to perform arithmetical calculation and logic
operations with the same accuracy. It can never make mistakes. All mistakes are done by users.
The cause of errors may be due to inaccurate feeding data or due to wrong setting of the
programmer. The accuracy of a computer is Illustrated well by the term GIGO; i.e. Garbage In
Garbage Out, which means if faulty instruction are provided for processing the data, obviously
wrong answer will be given.

(3) Diligence :–

A computer can operate twenty four hours continuously without taking any rest. It has no
feelings or no emotions, if you work continuously for 3 hours, you feel lack of concentrate but a
computer is free from these and you will get the result you want with the same speed and same

(4) Versatility :–

Versatility is one of the most wonderful features about the computer. One moment, it is
preparing the results of a particular examination, the next moment it is busy in preparing
electricity bills, and in between it may be helping an office secretary to trace an important letter
is seconds. It can do multiple works at a same time. It also used in data processing jobs, weather
fore casting, ticket reservation purpose, multimedia designing, animations, accountancy etc.

(5) High Memory :–

computer has made more memory or storage capacity than human beings. It can store millions of
data and instructions, which can be retrieved and recalled even after a number of years. This is
not possible in case of human brain.

(6) Automation :–

Computers are automatic in operation. It means once the data and instructions are fed to a
computer, human interventions are not required. The computers manipulate the data according to
the instructions and continue doing so till the last instruction is executed.

Superiority of Manufacture :–

Computer hardware is manufactured with the best materials by the most sophisticated
processor. It has superiority of manufacture as compared to other machines.

(8) Reduce the Paper Work :–

(9) Solve Complete Problems :–

Computer solved those problems which are not solved by human being computer solved the
computer solved the problems in seconds.

Characteristics of Computer
Computer is the powerful machine. It can perform large number of tasks. The main capacities of
computer are work length, speed accuracy, diligence, versatility memory and automation and lots
of more tasks.
The time take to perform any task by computer is called speed of computer as you know
computer can work very fast. It takes only few seconds for calculations that we take hours to
complete. The speed of computer is measured in MIPS (Millions Inch per Seconds)

Units of Time Meaning in Seconds Part of Second In the Power of 10

Milliseconds In Thousands 1/1000 10-3

Microseconds In Millions 1/1000000 10-6

Nanoseconds In Thousands Million 1/1000000000 10-9

Picoseconds In Million Millionths 1/1000000000000 10-12

Computer is the accurate machine. It can perform large number of takes without errors but if we
feed wrong data to the computer it returns the same wrong output or wrong information. If the
computer hardware parts are able to work and given input is correct the computer can give 100%
accurate result. The process to giving correct result and wrong result is called GIGO (Garbage In
garbage Out).

The capacity of performing repetitive task without getting tired is called diligence capacity of
computer. A computer is free from tiredness, lack of concentration, fatigue, etc. It can work for
hours without creating any error.

The capacity of performing more than one work is called versatility of computer. It means the
capacity to perform completely different type of work. You may use your computer to prepare
payroll slips, office work, mathematical calculation, word processing etc.
Computer has mass storage section where we can store large volume of data for future work.
Such data are easily accessible when needed. Magnetic disk, magnetic tape and optical disk are
used as the mass storage devices. The storage capacity is measured in terms of KB, MB, GB, TB,
PB, EB etc...

Unit Equivalent

0 or 1 Binary Bit

4 bits 1 Nibble

8 bits (2 nibble) 1 Byte

1024 Bytes 1 Kilo Bytes

1024 Kilo Bytes 1 Mega Bytes

1024 Mega Bytes 1 Giga Byte

1024 Giga Byte 1 Tera Byte

1024 Tera Byte 1 Peta Byte

1024 Peta Byte 1 Exa Byte

1024 Exa Byte 1 Yotta Byte

Once we give the appropriate instruction, a computer can perform the operations automatically.
computer can do addition, subtraction, division and multiplication etc. Computer can
automatically compare values also. It also does copying value from one memory location to
other locations.

Power of Remembering
Computer has the power of storing any amount of information or data. Any information can be
stored and recalled as long as you require it, for any numbers of years. It depends entirely upon
you how much data you want to store in a computer and when to lose or retrieve these data.

Word Length
A digital computer operates on binary digits-0 and 1. It manipulate data only in terms of 0 and 1.
A binary digit is called a bit. The number of bits that computer can process at a time in parallel is
called its word length. Word lengths computer are varies such as 8, 16, 32, 64 bits. It is the
measurement of the computing power of computer.

Computer can process large volume of data in great speed. There are different types of operation
during processing such as input / output operation logic operation comparison operation text
manipulation operation.

They can communicate

Computers have the ability to communicate, but of course there needs some sort of connection
(either Wired or Wireless connection). Two computers can be connected to send & receive data.
Special softwares are used for text and video chat. Friends & family can connect over the
internet and share files, photos & videos online.
We can do multitasking

Multitasking is also a computer characteristic. Computers can perform several tasks at a time.
For example you can listen to songs, download movies, and prepare word documents all at the
same time.


COMPUTER : Computer is an electronic machine which

processes raw data to give meaningful informations.
It accepts information(in the form of digitalized data) and manipulates it for some result based
on a program.

Characteristics Of Computer
1. SPEED : Computer is very fast calculating device. It can execute basic operations like
substraction,addition,multiplication and division at a few microseconds. It can move and copy
data at a speed in the order of billion instruction per second.

2. ACCURACY : Computer always gives accurate results. The accuracy of Computer does not
go down when they are used continuously for hours together.
It always gives accurate results.
3. STORAGE CAPACITY : Computer have a very large storage capacity. A large volume of
information can be stored in the memory of computer and information can be retrieved correctly
when desired.

4. VERSATILITY : The working of computer with different types of data is known as

versatillity. That means computer can perform different types of job efficiently. Computer can
works with differents type of data and information such as visuals,text,graphics & vidio etc. So,
versatility is a most important characteristic of computer.

5. DILLIGENCE : A Computer can work for long hours with the same accuracy and speed
because it is free from problems of boredom or lack of concentration.

6. NO THOUGHTS : Computers have no thoughts because they are machine and they are
devoid of emotions. They have no feelings. Since, computers have no thoughts and feelings so
they can't make judgement based on thoughts and feelings.

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