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Jinky D. Abrigonda Dr.

MBA-1 03/17/2018


The current school system can be described as outdated
since the techniques used in teaching students can hardly move
along with the quick-changing world. Let me cite the six problems
mentioned in the video.
The first problem is the industrial age values. Industrial
age values that remain in the education system do not teach the
students to develop creativity, the ability to communicate ideas
and to cooperate with others. Instead, the current education
system teach the students to follow instructions and be rewarded
for doing what they were told.
The second problem cited was the lack of autonomy or
control. Students are not able to control their time when they
are in school. They have no choice but to take the subjects
whether they like it or not. One important thing that children
are missing to realize is that even at a young age, they are in
charge of their lives.
Next problem is inauthentic learning. Inauthentic learning
means that knowledge of children from memorization is measured
only by how much is retained in their memory through tests.
Moreover, the theories memorized by children can be useless in
the future.
Fourth problem is the absence of room for passion. The
children in school may know what they want to do but cannot do
it because of the lack of support system in school. No one can
recognize one’s passion in a school if the only goal of the
current school system is to teach you what they are bound to
teach you. At this point, the school must allocate some time to
give the students the opportunity to really know what they want
to and give them time to develop it. This, I think is already
applied in some school. One time, I heard from a Gr. 5 student
that they were given free time to do what they want. Some of
them just play, some prefer to read, or do what they prefer.
Also, in Junior High School, there are classes aside from the
General Education subjects wherein they are encouraged to attend
a particular class for cooking, I.T., and etc.
Fifth is the differences in how students learn. There are
times when a student can catch-up with the lessons faster than
others. There are also some students who need more time to
internalize their lessons. These differences cannot be addressed
by the school itself but this can be helped if the system do not
judge a child’s learning potential on the spot. Just give enough
time before evaluating and judging a child’s capability to

Jinky D. Abrigonda Dr. Solano
MBA-1 03/17/2018

Sixth and last is the lecturing techniques. This can be

aided through the use of the current technology. However, only
few schools can afford to provide this technique of teaching due
to lack of resources.
With all those problems mentioned, we can conclude that it
is really necessary to revise the school system. However,
personally, this school system may be applicable to basic
education, from kinder to earlier elementary level because this
will help develop the discipline of the child. Then for higher
grades, from the later years of elementary, then high school and
above, the school system should apply changes that will provide
the children or students chances to really know what they want
to do with their lives and which will also assist them in
developing the necessary skills in pursuing their passion. This
will also lower the possibility that the students shift to other
courses during college because they have already realized what
they really want to pursue in their lives even at an early age.
All those said, we can also conclude that not everything
can be learned from school. That is why the family support system
is definitely necessary in the success of a child. Parents should
know that grades in school subjects do not define their
children’s whole-being. They should be able to see through their
child and support them in pursuing their passion and learn or
acquire the necessary skills to succeed in their chosen course.
Most importantly, we can never blame the school and parents
alone because it is still the students who decide for themselves.
As a grown-up person who has the chance to decide for myself, I
can say that developing every skill necessary to face the reality
does not only rely on the learnings from school and home, but
also from the opportunities and challenges that you meet, and
the choices that you make. You need to learn from every
opportunity and challenges that life is throwing you. You should
not just stick to theories or facts found in books, you need to
think beyond those things and outside the box.

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