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Week 3 Hand in Assignment

A) Use the three-point technique to estimate task duration, and the earliest start-earliest finish-latest
start-latest finish procedure to identify the critical path, the project completion time, and the slack
for each task.

Task O M P E ES EF LS LF Slack
A 4 7 10 7 0 6 0 7 0
B 2 10 24 11 7 18 8 19 1
C 8 12 16 12 7 19 7 19 0
D 4 9 14 9 7 16 16 25 9
E 1 2 3 2 18 20 27 29 9
F 6 8 22 10 19 29 19 29 0
G 2 3 4 3 19 22 26 29 7
H 2 2 2 2 29 31 29 31 0
I 6 6 6 6 16 22 25 31 9
J 4 7 16 8 31 39 31 39 0

Critical Path

Tasks: A – C – F – H – J

B) What happens to the expected project completion time if:

i) Tasks D and E are each delayed by 9 weeks?

R: The duration of the project remains the same, but tasks D, E and I become

ii) Task B is delayed by 3 weeks?

R: Project will delay two weeks (41 instead of 39)

iii) All tasks are delayed each by one week?

R: Project will take 44 days instead of 39

iv) The time to complete Task C is reduced by 25% of its expected completion time?
R: Project will be finished a week early (38 instead of 39)

C) Discuss the possible risks involved in this project, assuming that it represents a typical building
construction project, and identify a few risk mitigating activities that would minimise the likelihood
of delaying the project completion time.
The project network once is analyzed is important to review the resource availability, especially for
those tasks on the critical path, that way the project manager will study the possible calendar conflict
taking into consideration the technical constraints (unique requirements)

A better control on those tasks on the critical path

A better resource assignment on critical path tasks

Keep an eye on task B, the lag for that task is nearly critical, so, it requires special attention because that
task delayed by two weeks will delay the project of course but will convert the critical tasks to “super
critical” tasks with a lag below 0.

Try to finish earlier Task C. By completing task C under the duration estimation will give some slack to
the remaining critical tasks, it’s it possible taking in consideration that task C has an optimistic duration
of 8 weeks, so, focusing on this task may reduce the pressure on the critical path. The same principle
applies to task A, any of those two task with a early finish will become a big pressure relieve.

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