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Bb‡mckb cvVK‡`i Rb¨ cov‡kvbv mnRxKi‡Yi j‡ÿ¨

Elizabethan Period The Romantic Period

(1558-1603) (1798-1832)
cÖ_g K_v Bs‡iwR mvwn‡Z¨i hyMwefv‡M Age Romantic
GwjRv‡e_vb hyM me‡_‡K †ewk English Literature G Romantic
¸iZ¡c~Y©| G ZvB hy‡Mi weL¨vZ hyM Ly‡eB ¸iæZ¡c~Y© GKwU hyM| wewmGm
†jLK I Kwe‡`i g‡b ivLvi †KŠkj cixÿvq cÖwZevi B cÖkœ Av‡m| ZvB GB
wbRi Rb¨ ˆZwi K‡iwQ fvj jvM‡j hy‡Mi †jLK‡`i bvg I mvwnZ¨Kg© g‡b
co‡Z cv‡ib| hv wewmGm mn R‡ei ivLvi cÖ‡qvRb| ‡KŠk‡j g‡b ivwL bvg
cixÿv¸‡jv‡Z Kv‡R jvM‡Z cv‡i| ¸wj-
‡KŠkjwU g‡b ivLyb Zvn‡j cixÿvq ‡KŠkj - WOW (IqvI) Shelley2 (‡kwj Uz )
Avm‡jB 1 bv¤^vi †c‡ZI cv‡ib| GB BCS w`‡Z J.K (wR.‡K) Rv‡b LAMP
hy‡Mi †jLK‡`i g‡b ivL‡j Ab¨hy‡Mi (j¨v¤ú) jvwM‡q-----
‡jLK‡`i ‡ei KivI hv‡e| Gevi wgwj‡q wbB
‡KŠkjt- Shakespeare SSC & LLB WOW William Wordsworth
cvk Kivi Av‡MB P.K (wc‡K- WO→
Avwgi Lv‡bi) gywf †`Lvi Green W→ William Hazlitt
Signal †cj MUN (gyb) †K Shelley2→ P.B Shelley, Mrs. Shelley
mv‡_ wb‡q| BCS B→ Lord Byron , W. Blake
Gevi wgwj‡q wbB... C→ Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Shakespeare ⇒ William Shakespeare S→ Sir Walter Scott
SSC J.K → John Keats
S= Edmund Spenser LAMP
S= Sir Philip Sidney L→ Charles Lamb
C= Christopher Marlow Jane Austen
LLB⇒ M→ Charles Robert Maturi
L= Thomas Lyly Alexander Pushkin
L= Thomas Lodge
wet`ª ‡hme †jLK‡`i fvj K‡i co‡ZB n‡e
B= Francis Bacon
⇒ William Wordsworth (VVI),
P.K P.B Shelley, Lord Byron, W.
P= George Peele Blake, Samuel Taylor Coleridge
K= Thomas Kyd 38th , John Keats ,Jane Austen|&
Green⇒ Robert Green 41Zg Gi Rb¨ Ly‡eB ¸iæZ¡c~Y© †ivgvbw›U
Signal hyM n‡Z G KqRb|
MUN⇒ Supplementary Information
M= Thomas More ♥ Wordsworth-Nature poet, The Prelude
U= Nicholas Udall
♥ P.B.S-Prometheus Unbound (play)
N= Thomas Norton
♥ Byron-Known as Rebel poet, Don Juan
♣ Shakespeare - A Taming of the Srew
♥ Coleridge- Rime of the Ancient Mariner
♣ Spenser-Faerie Queen (Epic)
♥ Blake-Poet&painter, Song of Innocence
♣ Marlow- The Jew of Malta, Dr Faustus
, He known-Father of English Tragedy ♥ Keats-poet of beauty,Isabella, Hyperion

♥ Austen-Female novelist, Pride &
♣ Kyd-Spanish Tragedy (play) 38th Prejudice, Sense Sensibility (Novel)
♣ Bacon-Father of Eng Essay/Prose
Bb‡mckb cvVK‡`i Rb¨ cov‡kvbv mnRxKi‡Yi j‡ÿ¨
The Victorian Age wet`ª → GB hy‡Mi G Uz †RW Z_¨ co‡Z n‡e †h
(1832-1901) mKj †jLK‡`i Zviv n‡jb ⇒
Charles Dickens,
♦♦♦ Avgiv B‡Zvg‡a¨ Bs‡iwR mvwn‡Z¨i eo Lord Alfred Tennyson,
I ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 2wU hyM (‡ivgvw›UK + Robert Browning,
GwjRv‡e_vb hyM) c‡o †d‡jwQ †KŠkj George Eliot,
Avq‡Ëi gva¨‡g| ejv n‡qwQj †h H 2Uv Thomas Hardy,
hy‡Mi †jLK‡`i Rvb‡j evwK ¸iæZ¡c~Y© Charles Robert Darwin
hyMUv ev wf‡±vwiqvb †jLK‡`i g‡b Avi evwK †jLK‡`i ïay 2/3 Uv
ivLv mnR n‡e| ZeyI AvR Avgiv ¸iæZ¡c~Y© Z_¨ Rvb‡jB n‡e|
wf‡±vwiqvb hy‡Mi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© †jLK‡`i
g‡b ivLvi †KŠkj m¤ú‡K© Rvb‡ev| ‡gvt nv‡Qb Avjx
cÖ‡Póvq ⇔
†KŠkj→ Vi Bro (‡eªv) BD TEAM G
Supplementary Information about Victorian
(wµ‡KU) Newman G‡m‡Q ZvB kyay
Win (Rq) n‡e Har (nvi) n‡e period
bv.... Ω Charles Dickens-Victorian Novelist,
Great Expectation, A tale of two
Gevi wgwj‡q wbB..... Cities (Paris + London) , D
Vi ⇒ Victorian Age Copperfield, Oliver Twist (Novel)
Ω Tennyson- Tithonus , Ulysses (Poem)
Bro ⇒ Robert Browning, Elizabeth Ω Charles Darwin- He known as Father
Barrett Browning, Charlotte of Evolutionary, The origin of Species
Bronte, Emily Bronte Ω Leo Tolstoy-Wear and Peace (Novel)
Ω Thomas Hardy- The Poor Man and
BD ⇒ Lady (First), A Pair of Blue Eyes,
B= Samuel Butler The Return of the Native, Under the
D= Charles Dickens, Dostoevsky Greenwood Tree (Novel).
Quotation- “The greater the sinner,
TEAM⇒ Lord Tennyson, The greater the Saint.”
Makepeace Thackeray,
T⇒ Leo Tolstoy,
Mark Twin
E⇒ George Eliot
A⇒ Mathew Arnold, Edgar Allan Robert Browning-
→ The patriot,
M⇒ Karl Marx , Stuart Mill
My Last Duchess are
Newman⇒ Cardinal Newman
Win ⇒ Charles Robert Darwin
→ “Ignorance is not
Har ⇒ Thomas Hardy
Innocence but Sin.”
Bb‡mckb cvVK‡`i Rb¨ cov‡kvbv mnRxKi‡Yi j‡ÿ¨
Charles Dickens
(7 feb 1812-9 June 1870) Elizabethan Age
⇔ wf‡±vwiqvb hy‡Mi †jLK‡`i g‡a¨ Ab¨Zg Christopher Marlowe
†kªô J‡cvb¨vwmK n‡jb Charles (1564-1593)
Dickens| Zvi mvwnZ¨ Kg©¸‡jv Aek¨B Bs‡iwR mvwn‡Z¨ wµ‡÷vdvi gv‡jv© GKRb weL¨vZ †jLK,
g‡b ivLvi †Póv Ki‡Z n‡e Avgv‡`i.... myZivs Zvi mvwnZ¨Kg© g‡b ivLv fvj n‡e&| †KŠk‡j †R‡b
‡KŠkj- Paper G ïay ABCD cªZ¨vkv Kiv KwVb ivwL Zvi mvwnZ¨Kg©-
Gevi wgwj‡q wbB.......
Paper⇒ The Pickwick Paper ‡KŠkj- PARIS 64.93 FM jvB‡b Doctor
Edward g„Zz¨i Lei ej‡jv- Gevi
ABCD⇒ wgwj‡q wbB....
A⇒ The Adventures of Oliver Twist.
PARIS⇒ The Massacre at PARIS
The Bleak House, Sketches By Boz 64.93⇒ He was born in 1564, died in
B⇒ 1593
A tale of two Cities, A Christmas FM F⇒ Doctor Faustus.
Carol, The old Curiosity Shop, A M⇒ Marlowe, The Jew of Malta
Child Hymn . jvB‡b ⇒ Tamburlaine The Great
D⇒ Dickens Little Dorrit, David Edword⇒ Edward-II
Copperfield g„Zz¨i ⇒ You never can Die
cªZ¨vkv Great Expectation ej‡jv⇒ You never can Tell
KwVb ⇒ Hard Times

♣ He is known as the Father of

wet`ª- Avgvi †bvU covi Rb¨ K‡iwQ| ‡kqvi Kijvg Kv‡iv
English Tragedy in English
DcKvi n‡ZI cv‡i ZvB| Avcbviv Avcbv‡`i gZ K‡i co–
b|Ab¨vb¨ †jLK‡`i mvwnZ¨Kg© g‡b ivLvi †KŠkj- literature.

♣He is also known as the

Elizabethan Age
Pioneer of Blank Verse in
English literature.
Edmund Spenser (1)
Edmund Spenser ♣ Doctor Faustus is famous
‡KŠkj- ‡¯ú‡b Amor (Avgi) Queen ‡K play of Christopher Marlowe.
†`L‡Z wM‡q Time,Calendar G
‡Lqvj bv _vKvq cixÿvq Phel (†dj) ♣ “Money can’t buy love, but it
Kij| Gevi wgwj‡q wbB- improves your bargaining
‡¯ú‡b⇒ Edmund Spenser
Amor⇒ Amoretti
Queen = The Faerie Queen
Time ⇒ The Ruins of Time
Calendar⇒ The Shapherd’s Calendar
Phel ⇒ Astrophel
Bb‡mckb cvVK‡`i Rb¨ cov‡kvbv mnRxKi‡Yi j‡ÿ¨
The Augustan Period Modern Age
(1700-1745) George Bernard Shaw (1)
William Congreve (1) (1856-1950)
‡KŠkj- William Congreve Gi mvwnZ¨Kg© George Bernard Shaw Ly‡eB ¸iæZ¡c~Y© †jLK
g‡b ivLvi †KŠkj- BBC World ‡Z
wcDwiUvb hy‡Mi | Zvi mvwnZ¨Kg© ¸‡jv g‡b ivLv Avek¨K|
Double B Av‡Q L bq| Gevi wgwj‡q
†bB- ZvB †KŠk‡j Rvbvi †Póv Kwi|
BBC = ‡KŠkj- House G MA (gv) ev”Pv‡K
B⇒ The old Bachelor Barbar ABCD cov‡jI On
Time G fvj ej‡Z Dilemma
B⇒ The Mouring Bridge c‡o hvq| Gevi wgwj‡q wbB.....
House ⇒ Heartbreak House ,Widowers
C⇒ William Congreve House
The way of the World MA ⇒ Man and Superman, Arms and
The Man, Man of Destiny,
Double⇒ The Double Dealer
Getting Marriage,
L⇒ Love for Love
Barbar ⇒ Major Barbara
Jonathan Swift (2) A⇒ The Apple Cart
‡KŠkj- †KŠkj- BJP †bZv Tu (ZzB) e‡j B⇒ Beauty’s Duty
Gulli w`j..... Candida, Caeser and
BJP B⇒ The Battle of The Book (Satire) Cleopatra,
J⇒ Jonathan Swift Press Cutting
P⇒ A Modest Proposal
Tu⇒ A Tale Tub (Essay) D⇒ The Devil Disciple
Gulli⇒ Gulliver’s Travels (Novel) On ⇒ Pygmalion
fvj ⇒ Too true to be Good
Restoration period ej‡Z ⇒ You Never Can Tell
(1660-1700) Dilemma⇒ The Doctor’s Dilemma
John Milton (1608-1674)

‡KŠkj- Milton SLIP (w¯øc) ‡L‡q c‡o ♦ He is known as Father of Modern

†Mj| wgwj‡q wbB- English Literature.
Milton⇒ John Milton ♦ “Beware of false knowledge; its
SLIP S= Samson Agonistes more dangerous than ignorance.”
L= Lycidas (Elegy Type)
P= Paradise Lost , Paradise ♦ ‘Candida is a famous play of G. B
Regained (Epic) Shaw
Extra ♦ He is known as Epic Poet
Information ♦He also known as Master of
Blank Verse
Bb‡mckb cvVK‡`i Rb¨ cov‡kvbv mnRxKi‡Yi j‡ÿ¨
Modern Age

O’ Henry (2)
William Sidney Porter
O’ Henry Gi ‡QvU Mí ¸wj g‡b ivLvi †KŠkj....
QqUvi mgq I (O) PviRb ivRvi mv‡_
kn‡ii cwðg †iv‡Wi w`‡K †Mj Gift
nv‡Z...Gevi wgwj‡q wbB|
QqUvi⇒ Sixes and Sevens
I⇒ O’ Henry
PviRb ⇒ The Four Million
ivRvi ⇒ Cabbages and King
kn‡ii ⇒ The Voice of City
cwðg ⇒ Heart of The West
†iv‡Wi ⇒ Roads of destiny
Gift ⇒ The Gift of the Magi
nv‡Z ⇒ Hearts and Hands

Bb‡mckb cvewj‡Kk‡Ýi eBmg~n

Bb‡mckb WvB‡R÷
Bb‡mckb mycvi g‡Wj †U÷ GÛ mvwcø‡g›Uvwi
Bb‡mckb wi‡m›U
Bb‡mckb cøvm
Better Sound Through Research

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