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Sameen Arif

Session 13

The text addresses the merits and conditions of jihad which is one’s struggle to protect Islam or
against one’s evil proclivity. Jihad can be carried out either to expand Islam or for its defense.
How does Islam being a religion of peace and modesty justify fighting for the sake of its
expansion? Isn’t slaying of unbelievers an act of cruelty? Shouldn’t Islam propagate peace by
letting the conquered people follow their religion? In case of letting the enemies practice their
religion, jizya (poll tax) was imposed. Is this practice still carried out? If not then what is its
present day equivalent? Moreover, Muslims today exploit this concept for extremist activities
against unbelievers and fellow Muslims. There is also a lack of clarity on spiritual jihad (against
one’s evil intentions). While a person who dies fighting for the cause of Islam is termed a martyr
and deserves a high status, why a person who dies from a stomach disease termed a martyr?

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