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A conceptual model of integrated STEM education in K-12

Conference Paper · December 2017

DOI: 10.1109/TALE.2017.8252350


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2 authors, including:

Gary Wong
The University of Hong Kong


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A Conceptual Model of Integrated STEM Education
in K-12
Gary K. W. Wong John H. M. Huen
Faculty of Education STEM Academy Hong Kong
The University of Hong Kong Hong Kong
Pokfulam, Hong Kong

Abstract— Unlike traditional education experiences in which II. LITERATURE REVIEW

students' focus on individual subject areas separate from other
subject areas, STEM education emphasizes on combining Although the US government has concerned the STEM
different subject areas in a way that integrates them together, Education since the 1940s, few teachers know how to implement
connecting different disciplines together, and relating them to each STEM education in the curriculums, and STEM education was
other practically and coherently. STEM education has become a focus on different disciplines separately [1]-[3]. And in recent
such a global trend that an increasing amount of countries have decades, as more researchers have provided a more
realized that humanity's future will be built on our capacity for comprehensive explanation of STEM. According to Merrill,
innovation, invention, and creative problem-solving. To STEM education is "a standards-based, meta-discipline residing
implement STEM education in schools, many countries have tried at the school level where all teachers, especially science,
a variety of different strategies. The situation is no different in technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) teachers,
Hong Kong. There is a distinct lack of a coherent understanding teach an integrated approach to teaching and learning, where
of STEM education and on how to implement STEM courses discipline-specific content is not divided[4]", and the teaching &
inside of the curriculums. This paper will establish and propose a learning of STEM education should be focused on the real-life
framework to provide concrete references and examples to schools situation, students work collaboratively [5] to solve an authentic
in Hong Kong for integrating STEM courses into their
problem, so as to strengthen the connection between the
curriculums. This article will also discuss a variety of suggestions
knowledge on textbook and the solution of problem we are
related to STEM education; including the development and
training of educational professionals will be considered.
facing in the 21st century (agricultural problem, environmental
problem, energy crisis etc. ).
Keywords— Integrated STEM education, conceptual For Australia, when Australian Education Ministers signed
framework, professional development training, K-12 education up to the Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for
I. INTRODUCTION Young Australians in 2008, they emphasized that “schooling
should support the development of skills in cross- disciplinary,
STEM Education has been a buzzword for a while now, it's critical and creative thinking, problem solving and digital
catching attention for toy makers, technology camps, tutoring technologies, which are essential in all 21st century occupations
centers and now in many countries it's being given attention by [6]”. And the United Kingdom policy has frequently mentioned
many curriculum developers. The United States of America was the importance of linking the discipline of technology and
the first to dip their feet and have now taken serious action and engineering to the already-existed mathematics and science
have plans to include STEM Education into their traditional courses. [7]-[10]
curriculum. The United Kingdom has also taken great measures
to ensure their students have as much exposure to STEM from The U.S. has increased funding, and more attention has been
as early as primary schools, while countries in Europe have their paid to STEM education. In 2003, the United States Department
version of STEM like Germany where they have MINT of Education released 100 million dollars for Mathematics and
(Mathematik, Informatik, Naturwissenschaft und Technik). The Science Partnerships (MSP) [11], which pays particular
International community has recognized the importance of attention to teachers' training of mathematics and science classes
giving our children the 21st Century skills like collaboration, to enable them to meet the need of teaching STEM-related
critical thinking, communication and problem-solving. STEM courses in classrooms. Initially introduced in 2007 by President
Education is the way to achieve this and therefore it is time for Bush and reauthorized by President Obama in 2010, the America
Hong Kong to discuss how STEM education could be COMPETES Act [12] provides the funding for teachers' training
implemented in our K-12 curriculum. In this paper, we provide for STEM courses at schools and asks for the cooperation of
our literature review, a new conceptual framework based on the different organizations like National Science Foundation (NSF)
Hong Kong curriculum, some examples to illustrate the model, and NASA, etc. In the United Kingdom, a project based on
and our expectation on professional development training of our school curriculum with the intention of exploring the methods
in-service teachers. Finally, we will discuss the challenges and of supporting engineering and Design & Technology (D&T) at
future work. schools. The project seeks for D&T teachers' opinions
concerning their pedagogical understanding of STEM [10]. The
result of the project indicates that "teacher's perception of STEM model for advancing STEM education in the next four
STEM, their knowledge, and understanding of that knowledge, years. The framework is constructed based on the standards of
is intrinsically linked to the effectiveness of STEM delivery their the four disciplines that the United States have published [22],
classroom practice," hence suggests that to address STEM, the [23], aiming at scaling STEM education at schools. In Australia,
STEM-related teachers should have sufficient teaching supply. per their National STEM School Education Strategy published
in 2015, they indicate the school's' partnership with university
In 2007, The Johns Hopkins and Morgan State Universities and industry, by "sharing best practice and identifying areas to
[13] collaborated to implement professional development help boost teacher confidence and capacity in the primary and
activities for secondary science and mathematics teachers from secondary years, for example in STEM subject content, data
all the school systems in Maryland, they use the problem-based analysis, and programming. [6]"
learning as an approach to the vocational development of STEM
teachers. The focus of their training is to prepare teachers with III. CONCEPTUAL MODEL
the knowledge of solving authentic problems which might exist
in STEM courses and create specific and interdisciplinary It must be stated that we are not suggesting that Hong Kong
STEM courses for secondary school curriculum. Their work overhauls its current education system and replace it with a
encourages and supports teachers to work together and integrate different curriculum. The reason for looking outside of Hong
STEM courses in a cross-cutting way. The teachers' training is Kong for examples of and research on STEM Education is due
the key pathway to integrate STEM education at schools [14]- to the simple fact that STEM development in Hong Kong and
[16]. research on STEM Education in Hong Kong is in its infancy.
After looking at various research and examples from across the
Situated learning is a theory that suggests learning is world and building upon the understanding of the advantages
“naturally tied to authentic activity, context, and culture [17]" and disadvantages, problems and solutions, and strategies for
Many agree with the idea that teaching and learning of STEM integrating STEM into the curriculum, and then taking into
courses should be integrated into situated learning, and when consideration the unique environment of Hong Kong such as
"learning is grounded with a situated context, learning is geography, land limitations, social values, norms, and
authentic and relevant [18]”. expectations, as well as the current education system and
curriculum; we have developed a conceptual framework for the
In the research project organized by English and
integration of STEM education in K-12 education.
Mousoulides in 2015 [19], the mathematic courses designed
based on engineering situation were implemented among 48 Our conceptual model for STEM education in Hong Kong is
students from a K-6 urban school, which started with an based on the concept of integrating knowledge from various
introductory session where students understand the real-life curricula to solve real-world problems. The objective here is not
problem that they need to solve, and then they solve the problem to rewrite entire subject curriculums to satisfy the need of
based on their prior knowledge collaboratively with group developing students to be critical thinkers and problem solvers,
mates. The problem was to rebuild the damaged bridge, during but rather, to help students recognize and identify the various
the learning process, students used the mathematical knowledge ways that subject content taught by differing curricula work
they've acquired including calculating and measuring, etc. to together to form our world. The first step in this process is for
figure out the solution. The project indicates that both teachers students to continue learning their required subject material in
and students should make connections among different their respective courses for students to build a strong base of
disciplines in STEM education. both knowledge and skills. It is in the midst of this learning that
the opportunity to further students' learning by providing
Kennedy and Odell note that the “current state of STEM
students with a real-world challenge, or presenting them with a
education has evolved into a meta-discipline, an integrated effort
situated learning context, could occur. Through these
that removes the traditional barriers between these subjects, and
opportunities, students will be required to connect and combine
instead focuses on innovation and the applied process of
the different knowledge and skills that they have been learning
designing solution to complex contextual problems using
from varying courses to solve the problem. These opportunities
current tools and technologies [20]". The STEM course of high
could vary in scope, size, and frequency, depending on the
quality could be the integration of at least two subjects of
content knowledge and skills that were learned. They could
mathematics, science, technology or engineering, and the
range from simple, single lesson activities, to large STEM
knowledge involved should be applied to solve real-life
projects lasting over a few weeks or even a whole month.
problems [21]. For the implementation method of STEM
education, Kelly and Knowles demonstrate a framework which The goal of STEM projects is to provide a platform for
connects situated learning, scientific inquiry, engineering students to draw upon the knowledge and skills that they have
design, technological literacy, and mathematical thinking in the learned and to tie them together into a coherent link where they
pulley system [18]. In the project, Teachers and Researchers can visibly see how one curriculum affects another or to solve a
Advancing Integrated Lessons in STEM (TRAILS), the problem requiring them to utilize knowledge and skills from
framework was assessed in the STEM courses which were various curricula. In a city where students are highly educated,
implemented in the real-life situation, 45 teachers and 2000 high such as the case of Hong Kong, the need lies not in how to teach
school students involved in the project and the study tests and the content material, but rather, how students can make efficient
proves the effectiveness of framework. use of that material in solving problems. Thus, by integrating
STEM education into Hong Kong's curriculum in the form of
And for the vision of integration of STEM education in the
STEM projects, students will be provided with an appropriate
future, the United States has demonstrated the framework of
platform for making use of, and combining, the knowledge and
skills that they have learned from varying curricula.

Fig. 2. Illustration of how knowledge blocks contributing to STEM project

Our conceptual model begins with a scientific inquiry as

Fig. 1. Conceptual model for lesson plan and development students develop their knowledge and skills base. At this phase,
there is no need for any STEM specific additions. The
The conceptual model of the STEM process itself is drawn
subsequent step once sufficient knowledge is acquired will
primarily from two existing frameworks: scientific inquiry, and
switch to the engineering design model as students are presented
engineering design. The reason for this is due to the educational
with an excellently formulated scenario or real-world problem
benefits that each framework provides. Scientific inquiry is an
to provide them with an adequate problem to challenge them. As
excellent framework for engaging students in observing the
more knowledge and skills are acquired over the years, more
world around them and encouraging an inquisitive mind. This
challenging and complex STEM activities could be presented to
leads to a greater interest and incentive amongst students to
them. There are a countless number of excellent STEM activities
study and learn. Another critical aspect embedded in scientific
that are readily available and finding the correct one may be
inquiry that is necessary for STEM education is the development
difficult. Therefore, it is less about finding the best STEM
of knowledge and skills; the ability to solve problems through
activity to fill a specific theme and more about knowing when to
logical thinking in a systematic manner; and problem-solving
introduce the best STEM activity.
through advanced thought processes such as deductive
reasoning. Hong Kong's current education system is more than Continuing with the engineering design model, students
sufficient in providing students with the necessary knowledge should then draw upon the knowledge that they have previously
required for multiple STEM activities and by continuing with learned and exercise their creativity in brainstorming ideas and
the current system, students will be able to form a strong base of solutions. Once students finish their plans, they should construct
knowledge to build curricula connections upon. STEM activities their models and begin testing and experimenting. During
or projects should only be introduced once the students have testing and experimentation, the scientific inquiry model will be
acquired the necessary knowledge. This preparation could take merged with the engineering design model to record and analyze
place over the course of a term at a single grade level, or over results. Students will round out their learning through reflection
the course of two or more years since much of the knowledge and share their findings with their peers. The cycle will then
and skills learned in schools build upon each other, much like a complete itself and begin anew as students' thoughts and sharing
tree that is branching out. should result in questions and wonderings and lead into a desire
to develop their knowledge and skill base further. In this manner,
For example, in Math, addition, and subtraction might not be
the vital role of STEM Education in Hong Kong's school system
needed to understand multiplication or division. However, in
would not be to teach content but primarily to assist students in
conjunction with units of measurement, they are necessary for
connecting content knowledge from different fields of study
doing simple calculations of measures. In this manner, addition
together practically and coherently.
and subtraction, along with units of measurement, lay the
foundation of knowledge and skills that enable students to learn IV. EXAMPLES
about solving simple measurement equations. In turn, the Here we provide two examples to illustrate our conceptual
knowledge of simple calculations of measures would allow model and explain how it helps with the design.
students to find out how to measure speed and distance. This can
then be combined with Science topics such as air resistance, A. Engineering design with Gear Racer
friction, force, mass, and power, and Technology topics such as Materials: Gear Racer, Tape, Sturdy Table and a Slope is
characteristics of materials, technological developments, and the optional.
development of skills in using various tools, to create a situated
learning opportunity where students need to design and build an Knowledge:
energy efficient model car. (Math P6, Unit 6M3)
(Math S2 Topic 4 Ratio and Rate)
(Science S1-3, Topic: Motion)
(Science S1-3, Topic: energy conversion) B. Egg Drop
(Science S1-3, Topic: friction and air resistance) Material used: Newspaper, plastic sheets, construction
paper, card paper, printing paper, tape, glue, string, bubble wrap.
(Physics S4-6, Topic: law of conservation momentum)
(Physics S4-6, Topic: force and motion)
While STEM lessons can be taught using natural classroom
resources and easy to find items, the learning process can be The Material World (P4-P6)
enhanced using tools manufactured specifically to provide a list Scientific Investigation (P4-P6)
of learning outcomes. One of these tools is the Gear Racer
created by VEX Robotics. It's a construction kit to build a car- Math:
inspired robot which teaches students about the basic physics Numbers - Operations (P1-P3)
concepts revolving around driving a vehicle. By itself the tool is
merely a small activity with some entertainment for the kids Measures - Length, Distance and Weight (P1-P3)
building it. However, it can be used along with our proposed Shape & Space - Circles and symmetry (P4-P6)
framework to deliver an effective STEM Lesson. Measures - Area, Volume and Speed (P4-P6)
First, we begin with a problem which highlights the theme Technology:
of the lesson. This issue should be a real life scenario to help the
Technology & Society (P1-P3)
students truly visualize the situation. The problem is real life
like, however, the solution needs to be presented as a simulation Technology Materials and Structures (P4-P6)
of the real problem. Therefore, we ask the students to imagine
that their car is stuck in the mud and that they need to use their Project Management (P4-P6)
car engineering skills to help them get out and go home in time Engineering:
for dinner. We present them with some constraints; we don't
have any other force or help to get out of the hole, just the car Technology - Materials and Structures (P4-P6)
itself. Having set up the problem and the limitations, we Technology - Project Management (P4-P6)
encourage a brainstorming session amongst groups of 3. This
part is necessary as it is when all the knowledge they have One of the hardest aspects of proposing significant changes
acquired over the years should come spilling out, mixing in with to a pre-existing system is that it's hard for many who are already
what other students believe is relevant while always directing involved in the system to change their perception to envision the
their understanding of science and mathematics to solve this proposed changes. On the other hand, many pre-existing systems
real-world engineering problem. that already exist are too broad and too important to a country or
city's well-being and ability to function properly that it is
After the brainstorm session, the groups share their insights impossible to train up a recruit quick enough to fully implement
with other groups. This helps with the class grow together and said changes. Thus, the only realistically possible method is to
benefit with everyone’s innovative ideas. The key concepts continually train existing workers to be fully equipped to
involved in this activity are speed, torque, elasticity, friction, and implement the proposed changes while training up a new
gear ratio. These will be the knowledge they should've come up workforce who would be at the forefront of realizing and
with during their discussion, and now with the teacher refresh on implementing the changes.
what the concepts are and how are they applicable to the
problem. This then leads us to a planned building session using Hong Kong is no exception to this rule, and as such, it is
the tool kit, with check point in between where the teacher important to not only consider how to train future educators but
explains those key concepts using what they have built. This also to prepare current teachers on what STEM is and especially
means that the kids are not just left to build silently but on how it could be implemented inside of a regular Hong Kong
completely understand the process and the ‘why' as they classroom. The easiest and best method to introduce changes is
complete the construction. to provide examples of how this might look like if it was
employed inside of the classroom.
The Gear Racer comes with two different gear ratios which
the student can manually switch between them and see the result. Before we begin, we must take into consideration the many
As they are simulating the car stuck in a mud scenario, we only challenges and difficulties Hong Kong teachers must face in
duct tape the rear of the vehicle robot to the ground mimicking implementing STEM into their lessons. One of the biggest
the resistance (Mud) which the car would need to overcome. hindrances for teachers in Hong Kong is the lack of space and
This simulates the problem. The student can then experiment accessibility. Many interesting STEM projects have been done
with different gear ratios to see which one helps them escape and including submarines, small airplanes, and robots.
experience the theory in action. This would lead to more Unfortunately, most of these are unfeasible in Hong Kong due
questions, variables and scenarios they might want to test the simply to the fact that these projects require large amounts of
concepts on and hence leading us to a problem with which they space that many in schools in Hong Kong just does not have.
would need to brainstorm, plan, create, test and then question Even smaller and less complex constructs such as human-sized
again. catapults will be difficult to find space for storage.
Another hindrance to conducting these projects is the price Throughout the whole process, there will be plenty of
tag that comes with the materials required for such complicated opportunities for students, as young as Primary Four, to learn or
constructions. Hong Kong's policy of twelve free years of reinforce a broad range of knowledge and skills such as shapes,
education for all makes it difficult for local schools to justify area, speed, length, weight, properties of materials, structures,
spending on STEM projects. And although private schools and and measuring. More advanced students such as Secondary
organizations such as ESF have much larger budgets since their Three could learn or experiment with concepts such as gravity,
students pay tuition, the competitiveness in the education sector air resistance, aerodynamics, and force.
in Hong Kong leaves minimal extra resources for spending on
projects. Most importantly, students will be able to see the
connections between the different fields of study visibly and
That is not all. One must also take into consideration the practically as they utilize their scientific knowledge to analyze
society and reality of the students in Hong Kong and adapt the and brainstorm a solution; their technological knowledge in
STEM project to be relatable to the students. Although they are designing a plan; and mathematical skills as they make accurate
cool, very few students would find submarines and airplanes calculations. And after everything has been completed, the
very relatable to their regular lives. Other factors in deciding an students will have more questions about their observations
appropriate STEM project would be the knowledge and skills which could lead directly into new topics or concepts.
that the students have acquired up to that point in time and the
skills and expertise that could be taught with the STEM project. V. DEVELOPMENT OF PROFESSIONAL TRAINING
Teachers' understanding of STEM education, together with
Having taken into consideration all of the factors mentioned their ability to implement STEM-related learning activities are
above, one appropriate STEM project for Hong Kong students essential to the integration of STEM courses in their classes.
could be the Egg Drop. In this project, students are given limited Hence to increase teachers' awareness of implementing STEM
resources and must develop a method to protect a raw egg from education at schools, a series of the teachers' training are
being dropped from a large height, preferably of at least one suggested to be conducted among educators:
floor. Some conventional solutions are parachutes and protective
padding. However, students should be encouraged to explore • In the beginning, several talks focusing on the concept
different and innovative designs and to be creative on how to and learning models of STEM education should be
implement them. organized, and some real-world examples to build up
why STEM education is important should also be
The Egg Drop is an excellent STEM activity for Hong Kong
presented to the audiences, to increase their awareness of
students and schools because it takes advantage of Hong Kong's
importing STEM into their courses. Besides, several
verticality while keeping the requirement for area space as
surveys should also be given to school teachers to help
minimal as possible. Another benefit of this activity is the ease
researchers gain a closer understanding of teachers' need
in which the materials required can be gathered as well as the
and the challenge of the integration.
overall inexpensiveness of the entire activity.
By going through processes such as scientific inquiry and • Several completed STEM lesson plan and learning
engineering design, students will be required to sort through activities should be provided to school teachers for case
their accumulated knowledge to brainstorm ideas on how to studies. During the case studies, teachers sit in groups
protect the egg based on concepts that they have previously and discuss the cases with instructors, to gain the
learned. Knowledge learned in Science lessons will be understanding of how the cases are related to STEM
particularly useful at this stage as they analyze the problems they model.
might face in accomplishing this challenge. As the students • Based on previous two steps, teachers are going to work
move on to the planning and design phases, they will be required in groups and try to design a STEM lesson with activities
to employ skills and formulas learned in Maths lessons to based on what they’ve known.
accurately design and ultimately construct their contraptions.
Some skills that they will be needed to use would be addition, • Begin with showcases of each cluster, and each one is
subtraction, multiplication, as well as physical skills such as asked to comment and reflect how the teaching can be
measuring and cutting. Throughout the process, they will enhanced. Then, discuss and present cases on how
practice their communication and teamwork skills as they work assessment could be done in STEM by sharing different
together cooperatively and learn how to settle disagreements examples around the world.
maturely. • Some suggestions should be given from scholars on how
The highlight of the project comes when the students will be the school-based curriculum could be designed based on
able to observe the results of all of their hard work when they the real situation of schools. After that, another survey
test out their designs. Students will typically be most excited should be conducted to understand teachers’ perception
about this step in the process. They will be able to observe and of STEM education.
analyze their test results as well as see other groups' designs and In Hong Kong, the authors together with other fellows from
discuss why they chose the method that they did and why their STEM Academy have set up a training course for the in-service
design did or did not work as well as ways to further improve teachers in Hong Kong to be prepared for designing their school-
their designs. based STEM curriculum, with the expectation of increasing
teachers' awareness and abilities to implement STEM education to implement STEM courses in curriculums based on their
in courses. situation.
VI. DISCUSSIONS And this paper calls for further case studies to test the
After reviewing the literature, STEM education is being effectiveness of the framework in practical use. Several STEM
given increasing attention in the recent years. An increasing courses are suggested to be designed and implemented in the
number of countries have come to realize that STEM education school curriculum in this context to provide concrete examples
would improve their country's competence in meeting the needs for teachers' reference and further studies. And this paper
of the workforce in STEM-related fields; by equipping their uncovers the pedagogies involved in the STEM courses or
students with the 21st-century skills like critical thinking, logical students' level of motivation during STEM activities. The related
thinking and problem solving [5]-[7]. Therefore, should we and researchers are suggested to be conducted in the following
more importantly can we have STEM education in Hong Kong? studies.
Its importance is quite well showcased in the research done by VII. CHALLENGES AND FUTURE WORKS
many experts [24]-[26] therefore it should be implemented
however the process will not happen without its challenges. This This paper demonstrates a framework for the STEM
paper has focused much on how to tackle the implementation implementation agenda, which could fit the schools ranging
and provide a conceptual model of what an integrated STEM from K-12 in Hong Kong. However, a fuzzy understanding of
education across K-12 might look like, but it also calls for teachers' perception of STEM education will cause the challenge
further studies to test the effectiveness of the framework in of implementing the conceptual model of the framework at
practical use. It is important that schools/teachers start to take schools. Hence, further research should be conducted to collect
the initiative to explore ways to enrich their student’s data from teachers' perspectives toward STEM education,
educational experience through integrated STEM education. including their understanding and attitude toward STEM, and
The paper has provided well-established examples of lessons the STEM-related knowledge they've acquired: for instance, the
that teachers can directly pick up and get inspired. The examples key strategy of implementing STEM activities, as well as how
are shown to be of two kinds, one where simple resources can to design the courses, etc.
be used and another where specialized commercial products are Teachers' understanding, as well as their attitude toward
utilized to boost the learning potential in the classroom. Both STEM education, is essential to the implementation of STEM in
examples follow the framework and display that the important school curriculums. And increasing teachers' awareness of
part of STEM education is not the tools but the framework that importing STEM-related activities in their courses is also one of
is used to teach. the challenges considering the current situation. Hence, the
To scale STEM education in Hong Kong, teachers should be practical examples of STEM course design which had been
equipped with skills to integrate STEM courses in their assessed in daily courses should be provided for teachers'
courses[11]. There it is recommended that teacher goes through discussion and observation. However, there still lack such kind
professional training to gain a better understanding of STEM as of examples and researches which prove the effective STEM
well as the strategies of course designing. This requires a series implementation in Hong Kong. So this paper calls for further
of examples of STEM courses designs which have been tested analyses and case studies to provide some examples which fit
through practical use and are suitable for schools ranging from Hong Kong's curriculum situation.
kindergarten to secondary grades. This calls for there to be a VIII. CONCLUSIONS
platform where all teachers can come to and share their
In this paper, the author demonstrates a conceptual model to
experiences, lesson ideas, challenges and success stories. This
enhance the connection between the knowledge that students
will encourage more schools to pickup up STEM education and
learn in school and solving real life problems. Instead of
know that it is possible and that it is worth their time to invest in
rewriting the whole courses to meet the need of students'
implementing it into their curriculum. The platform will have to
increasing level of thinking, this paper suggests implementing
be supported by experts and academics from each of the
STEM-related activities into the existing education curriculum.
respective fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and
The framework indicates that STEM learning activities can be
Mathematics who are passionate about including STEM
applied at a single grade level, and they can also be conducted
education in Hong Kong classrooms. The platform will then be
among different grades and let students build up their knowledge
fully equipped to support schools and teachers who wish to make
base through situated learning. For the STEM course itself, an
their first step into bringing STEM Education to their students.
integration of scientific inquiry together with engineering design
By reviewing the literatures, STEM education has been paid has been demonstrated to help the readers gain a coherent
increasingly attention in recent years, since an increasing understanding of some detailed suggestions for STEM
number of countries have gained the awareness that STEM implementation. Students acquire the basic knowledge from
education would improve the country's’ competence facing the scientific inquiry and increase their level of thinking through the
future challenge by equipping students with 21st century skills process of engineering design.
like critical thinking, logical thinking, problem-solving skills,
To effectively implement STEM education in school
etc., and at the same time meeting the needs of workforce in
curriculum, teachers' professional development is
STEM-related fields. To promote STEM education in Hong
recommended. This paper indicates that the program of teaching
Kong, this paper proposes a framework which can guide schools
staff' training should include:
1) Scholar talks that focus on the concept and conceptual [9] Cavanagh, S., & Trotter, A. (2008). Where’s the ‘T’ in STEM?
Technology counts, STEM: The push to improve sciecne, technology,
model of STEM; engineering and maths. In education week, 27th March 2008.
2) Several practical examples which were designed based
on the framework for teachers’ case study; =where?is?the?T?and?E?in?STEM. Accessed 2nd Jan 2015.
3) Teachers’ hands-on activities of STEM course design; [10] Bell, D. (2016). The reality of STEM education, design and technology
teachers’ perceptions: a phenomenographic study. International Journal
4) Teachers’ communication based on their designs; of Technology and Design Education, 26(1), 61-79.
5) Experts’ professional suggestion. [11] Merrill, C., & Daugherty, J. (2010). STEM education and leadership: A
mathematics and science partnership approach.
Finally, some of the ideas of STEM integration have been [12] Congress of the United States of America 2010, America COMPETES
mentioned to call for further discussion: more STEM courses Act, viewed 20 March 2013, cgi-
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for practical use; and more data should be collected for detailed [13] Asghar, A., Ellington, R., Rice, E., Johnson, F., & Prime, G. M. (2012).
Supporting STEM education in secondary science contexts.
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perception of STEM education, students' performance, and their [14] Savery, John R. "Overview of problem-based learning: Definitions and
achievement of learning objectives; the establishment of the distinctions." Essential readings in problem-based learning: Exploring
platform where schools, teachers, scholars and other and extending the legacy of Howard S. Barrows (2015): 5-15.
organizations can communicate and share their experiences with [15] Freeman, Donald. "Teacher training, development, and decision making:
each other; and more survey should be conducted in order to gain A model of teaching and related strategies for language teacher
a better understanding of schools and teachers' own needs about education." Tesol Quarterly 23.1 (1989): 27-45.
STEM learning activities in regard of various curriculums in [16] Monk, David H. "Subject area preparation of secondary mathematics and
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