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Why Relational Databases are not

the Cure-All. Strength and

Relational Databases seem to be the universal hammer in the toolbox of every
developer. There is the notion that you can solve every problem with it – you just have
to smash hard enough. However, if you use relational databases out of habit, you can
easily run into troubles when it comes to schema evolution, scalability, performance or
certain domains. This post discusses the strength and weaknesses of relational
databases and points out alternatives.

Impedance Mismatch
The application layer of an application is typically written in an object-oriented
language. However, the object-oriented and the relational data model doesn’t fit well
together. In the object-oriented world you have objects that are connected via
references. They build an object hierarchy or graph. Contrarily, the relational model
saves data in two-dimensional tables with rows for each entry and columns for the
entry’s properties. If you want to store your object graph in a relational database, you
have to slice and flatten your object graph until it fits into multiple normalized tables.
This is complex and unnatural (following the OO notion). Moreover, if you want to
recover the objects you have to join several tables, which can lead to complex
queries and performance issues. Consider the following example:
Comparing the object-oriented and the relational data model. These two worlds doesn’t
fit together naturally.

The Customer Karl has references to two BankAccount objects and to two Address
objects. In the schema, there are three tables for each class (Customers, Addresses,
BankAccounts) and each table is filled with the corresponding data. Furthermore the
entries for the addresses and the bank accounts have a foreign key pointing to the
entry in the Customer table. It is remarkable that the direction of the relationship in the
relational model is the reverse of the original one. That is why I call the relation
model unnatural for the object-oriented developer. Moreover, the data distribution over
several tables gets even more complicated when there are intermediate tables
necessary (for n:m relationships).
Unsuitable Data Model for Certain

Some domain models can’t be mapped well (or efficiently) to the relational model

Your domain model is a highly cross-linked graph? Using a relational database

to traverse the graph will easily become a nightmare because of the huge amount of
necessary joins. Using a graph-based database (like Neo4j) would be much more
The same is valid for deeply nested domain models (hierarchies) that would require a
lot of tables and joins. Document-oriented databases (like MongoDB or CouchDB) are
the best choice for these domains.
Sometimes the entities of your domain can vary in a wide range. Let’s say, you have
the entity User with some base properties (name, E-Mail, state, address). However, a
Customer can have a huge variety of additional optional properties (isCompany,
company legal form, sales tax ID, isPartner, partner shop, isKeyAccount, discount etc).
How would your relational schema look like? A huge table with all possible columns
(setting the unsuitable properties for an entity to null)? What if you want to add new
properties (see Schema Evolution)? Mapping the object-oriented concept of
inheritance to the relational model is hard (see Impedence Mismatch). The problem is
the fixed and restrictive schema. If your domain is highly variable, consider using a
document-oriented database. These databases are schema-less and don’t restrict the
structure of the inserted data.
As you can see, pressing all domain models into a relational database can get very
uncomfortable, unnatural, slow or sometimes well-nigh impossible. If the database
already supports the desired domain model no mapping is necessary, the domain
modelling is not restricted by the persistence model and the development will be easier
and more direct.

Difficult Schema Evolution due to

Inflexible Data Model

Changing a schema can be tough.

When using relational databases you have to define the structure (tables, columns,
column types, foreign key relationships, non-null constraints) of your data model up
front. This fixed and strict structure provides safety, but is hard to change afterwards.
For instance, it is laborious to add or remove a column in the production database,
when there are already a lot of entries. Migration scripts are necessary. Besides, it is
a mental obstacle. You do all you can do to implement a feature without changing the
schema, because it’s so painful. This hinders the constant improvement of a schema
and leads to misuse of the schema.
In addition, introducing Continuous Delivery is harder. Every change in the application
can lead to schema changes. Hence, existing data has to be migrated.
Weak Distributed Availability due to Poor
Horizontal Scalability

Relational Databases and Scaling Options

Do relational databases scale well? Well, they can scale vertically (using a better CPU
or adding more RAM). But vertical scaling is limited by physics and the budget.
However, horizontal scaling (connect multiple machines to a cluster) doesn’t work well
with relational databases. This is because of the strict consistency requirements. The
mechanisms for enforcing consistency (e.g. locks and blocking approaches used
for ACID transactions) are slowing down the performance if the database is
distributed. For instance, each lock or primary key generation requires network
communication and is affected by the network latency. This leads to long running
transactions and an increased response time of the system.
All in all, the strict consistency constraints are doing well for ensuring consistency, but
decrease the high-availability of the system in distributed scenarios. If high-availability
is more important than strict consistency and eventual consistency is good enough for
you, than relational database are not the best choice. For instance, for a customer of
a web shop, it’s totally OK, if a recently added article is visible only some minutes after
it has been created by the staff (it takes some time to spread the new data across all
nodes). Short response times are more important.
Performance Hit
If your schema is normalized you have to use multiple joins to collect together the data
you need. Joins are expensive. That’s why it makes sense to denormalize the
schema in order to decrease the number of necessary joins and in turn improve the
performance. However, this leads to redundancy and the danger of inconsistency,
which must be handled at the application layer.
Besides, the mechanisms for ensuring consistency (locks used by transactions;
rollback capability) and the constraint checks (column types, uniqueness, referential
integrity) are an overhead you pay with every statement you send to the database.

An Alternative: The Document-

oriented Database MongoDB
Document-oriented databases can solve some of the issues of relational databases.
Document databases store data in objects

 that can be deeply nested and

 can consist of arbitrary fields.

A common representation of the objects is JSON. MongoDB is a very popular

document database and we will take a closer look at it in the following section. The
following example shows a possible JSON representation of our customer object in

A document database stores data in nested objects, which perfectly match for the object-oriented
Schema Flexibility. You can pass an arbitrary JSON to the database. It will happily
accept everything you submit. There are no schema restrictions like defined columns
per entity or type checks. Customer object Karl can contain totally different fields than
customer Paul. This flexibility enables an easy schema evolution, because there is
no schema. Added or removing a field to existing entities is no problem. Schema
flexibility is also useful when the entities of your domain are varying in a wide range or
the structure of the data model is not known in advance or changes frequently. But
“_with great power comes great responsibility_“. Document
databases exchange safety for flexibility. A simple typo in a query (e.g. querying
“name” instead of “sName”) wouldn’t cause an error. The database will happily
process the query and return an empty result set and you will never know that you did
something wrong. However, using a Object-Document-Mapper (like MongoJack)
can solve this problem, because the developer doesn’t need to construct queries via
string concatenation anymore.
Using a schema-free database can also help introducing Continuous Delivery. Data
with old and new structure can exist in parallel in the database. Consequently, no
schema update and data migration is necessary, when a new version of the application
is deployed. However, your application has to handle the case that there are different
structures for same data in the database. You may still want to migrate your data to
the new structure, but you are not forced by a schema.
Easy access to nested data. MongoDB is a good match, if your data is nested.
MongoDB provides a query capability that enables you to easily access nested
properties. However, your data doesn’t need to be apparently nested-able to store
them in MonogoDB. In cases you use joins in the relational database, you can often
replace them with nesting. This is a more natural and object-oriented way of modelling
anyway. Indeed document databases map very well to the object-oriented model.
Ideally, all of your object’s data should be stored in a single document. So there are
no joins necessary to recover the object from the document. Hence the object-
document-mapping is very straightforward, fast and there is nearly no mismatch.
Typically a document should contain all data you need for normal use. You
cannot join documents in MongoDB. That’s why denormalized data and
plain reference IDs are the norm. This implies that you have to think about the way
you plan to use your data in advance (e.g. avoiding the need for joins and storing all
necessary data in one document). Otherwise you can easily find yourself in an
inconvenient situation, where you cannot comfortably retrieve the data you need due
to the document’s structure. This is a huge difference to the query flexibility of relational
databases where you nearly always get the data you want (as long as your data is
normalized). But the lack of joins, the denormalization and the coherent structure is
intended because they enable high performance and easy replicating of data across
several servers. This is therefore important for MongoDB’s scalability. In fact, the
strength of MongoDB lies in the easy access to BIG data.
If MongoDB is scaled properly and the necessary data is stored within a single
document, we can get rid of intermediate caching (like ehcache; hibernate’s second
level cache) and attach our application directly to the database. This significantly
reduces the complexity, possible errors and invalid states (just consider the topics
cache invalidation and distributed cache). Besides, there is no mismatch anymore. So
we don’t need a (sometimes complex, hard-to-debug and error-prone) ORM/Hibernate
stack as an abstraction layer anymore.
Strength of Relational Databases
It would be unfair stating only the weaknesses of relational databases while hiding
their strengths. Indeed relational databases have several advantages and are in
many cases a very good choice. They can easily handle gigabytes of data. But the
crucial question is: What are acceptable response times for your application? For
instance a web shop requires much shorter response times than a backend system.

 Query flexibility. As long as your schema is normalized, you don’t have to know up
front how you will query your data. You can always gather together the data you want
using joins, views, filter and indexes.
 Consistency via ACID transactions. The relational database ensures that your commits
are always atomic, consistent, isolated and durable. If an error occurrs, the whole
transaction can be rolled back, restoring a consistent state. This is critical in some
domains (e.g. banking). But note, that some NoSQL databases also provide
transactions or at least some ACID properties (Couchbase, Neo4j, HBase). Besides
transactions can also be coded into the application layer. If we think about transactions
from a business point of view they have to be implemented in the application layer
anyway, because they span more than just the act of saving data. However, keep in
mind that long-running transactions are more likely to fail and can easily become a
 Safety due to defined schema and strict constraint checks (e.g. column types,
uniqueness constraints, referential integrity). Your data has a fixed structure you can
rely on. You cannot accidentally misspell a column name, submit a string instead of an
integer or enter a non-existing foreign key. The relational database will refuse the
query and tell you. This is very comfortable. However, data validation and constraint
checking can also (and often must) be done in the application or user interface layer.
Validating data only in the database is often too late. Usually the user’s input has to
be checked at a upstream layer anyway. Moreover, complex business validation
cannot be done by the database. Hence, it is questionable if a redundant check done
by the database is really necessary (extra maintenance effort and performance hit).
 Maturity. 45+ years of industry experience leading to mature databases, tools, driver,
programming libraries, ORM. Knowledge of RDBMS is a basic skill every software
developer has.
 Huge toolkit (trigger, stored procedures, advanced indexes, views) available.

Final Recommendations
It is likely that your database will be the bottleneck of your application. Hence,
you have to choose your database wisely. But when it comes to choosing a suitable
database, there is no right or wrong. There is only an appropriate
or inappropriate depending on the requirements. All good is never together. Here are
some trade-offs (relational vs document-oriented database):

 Schema safety vs schema flexibility

 Query flexibility vs scalability (performance)
 Transactional consistency vs availability (performance)
To wrap up, here are some final recommendations. Use document-oriented databases

 … the final data model is not known in advance.

 … the requirements for the data model are changing frequently or are unclear at
project startup. You can just start with a first approach and improve it during the project.
 … it is likely that you need to easily change the data after is has been rolled out in
 … you want to use Continuous Delivery.
 … you need to handle big data and therefore want to scale horizontally.
 … when high-availability is an important requirement.
 … when your domain requires a lot of nesting.

On the other side, relational databases are a good choice when…

 … you don’t know up front how you will later query your data and you need flexibility
 … transactional consistency is important for your domain. But coding (business)
transactions into the application layer is also possible and sometimes necessary.
 … the data of your domain is pretty regular (i.e. a constant set of properties per entity).
In this case it makes sense to enforce this regularity by a defined schema.
 … you need safety and error-detection when using the database (defined columns,
types, uniqueness, referential integrity). But keep in mind, that data validation can also
(and often must) be done in the application layer.
 … your data is not highly interrelated (i.e. only a few references between the entities
spanning a graph).

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