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Text 1

When you are invited to a meal in Thailand, the words of invitation literally mean “come and eat
rice”. Indeed, nearly all Thai dishes are eaten with rice, which grows there very easily as the climate
is warm and there is plenty of rain.

The food is always served in neatly cut up pieces, so there is no need to use knives and forks but,
instead, special forks and spoons are used. The Thais used to eat with their hands and there are still
some people who eat this way. There is a particular way of doing it. First, they wash their right hand
in a bowl of water – they only eat with their right hand. They are careful not to let the food touch
the palm of their hand. Afer the meal, the hand is again carefully washed.

The meal is usually made up of several different dishes, all of which are spicy. They are served in
bowls which everyone shares, though each prson has their own bowl of rice. As Thailand has a long
coastline, it is not surprising that fish and shellfish play an important part in Thai cooking.

1. People of Thailand eat rice most of the time using .............. (M)
A. right hand
B. special knife
C. their palm
D. one bowl
E. double cutters
2. The Thai meal is .............. (M)
A. rice without dishes
B. spicy rice and one dish
C. fish, rice, and water
D. rice and shellfish
E. various dishes and rice
3. The text above is a sort of ................. (M)
A. narrative
B. recount
C. procedure
D. descriptive
E. argumentative
4. We can roughly infer from the passage that the author is a...............(M)
A. fisherman
B. farmer
C. historian
D. butcher
E. customer
Text 2

Throughout Eorupe, and also in other areas of the world such as India, China and parts of America,
forests are being destroyed. According to one prediction, 90% of Germany’s forests will have
vainished by the end of the century. This destruction is caused by air pollution. Power stations and
cars are mainly responsible – they emit gases into the air which, after a series of chemical changes,
turns into toxic acids. These acids fall as “acid rain” raising the level of acidity in the soil, in lakes
and in rivers to dangerous levels, and destroying not only trees but also fish and other wildlife. The
industrialised world is slowly waking up the fact that ugent action is needed to reduce air pollution,
otherwise our environment will be damaged beyond repair.

5. The text is discussing destroyed forest ............ (S)

A. In Germany
B. Outside Europe
C. India and China
D. Europe, Asia, and America
E. Parts of America
6. The forest in germany will soon vanish due to ............ (S)
A. great population
B. air pollution
C. car station
D. acid factory
E. rain in the lakes
7. The suitable title for the text is .................. (S)
A. air pollution
B. industrialised world
C. destroyed forest
D. acid rain
E. our environment

Text 3

There are several ways in which animals and plants may become fossilised. First, it is essential that
the remains are buried, as dead animals and plants are quickl destroyed if they remain exposed to
the air. Plants rot, while scavengers, such as insects and hyenas, eat the flesh and bones of animals.
Finally the few remaining bones soon disintegrate in the hot sun and pouring rain. If buried in
suitable condition, however, animal and plant remain will be preserved. The same chemicals which
change sand and silt into hard rock will also enter the animal and plant remains and make them
hard too. When this happens we say that they have become fossilised. Usually only the bones of an
animal and the toughest part of a plant are preserved.

The soft body parts of an animal or the fine fibres of a leaf may occasionally become fossilised, but
they must be buried quickly for this to happen. This may sometimes occur with river and lake
sediment but is much more likely to happen with volcanic ash.
8. There might not be any fossilisation of plants and animals if................. (SS)
A. A lot of scavengers are available
B. The remains are not covered completely
C. There is no water sediment or volcanic ash
D. There is constant contact with water or heat
E. People take home animals and plants
9. The text says that fossil is from.............. (SS)
A. hard rock
B. insects and hyenas
C. chemical substances
D. plants and animals
E. sand and scavengers
10. The author of the text is telling ............ (SS)
A. how fossil comes into being
B. how sand changes into rock
C. how people save the scavengers
D. how to bury plants with chemicals
E. how river and lakes produce sediment


11. A stranger: Excuse me sir! Where is the neareset bus station? (M)
Policeman: ...........................
A. How do you do?
B. I go by bus too
C. It’s behind the building
D. Three dollars per hour
E. Don’t worry sir
12. Tram conductor: Hi, can I help you? (M)
Passenger : .............
A. Yes I can do
B. Hi, I’ll see you later
C. Yes, I can help you
D. OK, would you go away
E. Hi, can I have two tickets?
13. Professor: What time does the class start? (M)
New student: .................
A. seven thirty
B. two hours
C. I lost my watch
D. my watch says ten
E. twice a week
14. Landlord: Would you like to help me lock the gate? (M)
Tenant: ................................................
A. It’s available for you
B. It’s nice to meet you
C. I’ll call you later
D. My pleasure
E. It’s a good gate
15. Jeneit: ..........................? (M)
Laura: Two blocks from here. It’s very close
A. Where is the drug store
B. Do you live here
C. May I ask you something
D. Have we met before
E. Do you like living here
16. Marcello: How did Tom arrive? (M)
Takaruni: ........................
A. Last night
B. By taxi
C. To see the magician
D. On the phone
E. Yes, it’s a good idea
17.Jane: Excuse me! May I come in? (S)
Lucy: ............................
A. I’ll be back in five minutes
B. Thank yoy for helping
C. Please do
D. Have a nice meal
E. No, it is not my fault
18. Neighbour: Hallo, how is Tina this morning? (S)
Porter : .........................................
A. Very early
B. You are allright
C. She is my sister
D. This morning is cold
E. She is a bit better
19. Customer: ......................? (S)
Receptionist: The bell boy will take you to your room
A. What’s your second name
B. How much is one room per night
C. Is the air port close from here
D. Can I talk with the boss
E. Is my room at the second floor
20. Of the two rector candidates, the one with red rose on his jacket is.............. (SS)
A. the most professional
B. better professional
C. more of profession
D. more professional
E. more professionally
21. Shirlina never invited anybody to come to her birthday party, ................?(SS)
A. does she
B. ever she
C. doesn’t she
D. didn,t she
E. did she
22. Kamal Khan, the young professor, rarely cut his beard, ................?(SS)
A. did he
B. does he
C. didn’t he
D. does’t he
E. did they
23. Claire Shedden could enrolle at SMA Mataram ........... she had bad mark in National
Examination. (SS)
A. because
B. although
C. instead of
D. because of
E. so that
24. They didn’ t come to the tennis club ......... the rain.(SS)
A. because
B. nevertheless
C. therefore
D. although
E. because of
25. John ........ after he noticed his name on the list. (SS)
A. was ook delighted
B. looked delightedly
C. looked delighteful
D. was looking delight
E. looked delighted
26. I would have chosen that department ............... you worked there. (SS)
A. if I knew
B. had I known
C. if I have known
D. should I have known
E. if I would know
27. “Excuse me! ........ the temperature now out side?” (S)
A. How much is
B. How is it
C. What is
D. What likes
E. like what
28. Ricky refused to tell ............. in America.(S)
A. where did he live
B. what city he to live
C. where his address
D. me his addrress
E. me what address he is
29. I suggested that Buhaira ..................... the video cassette soon. (SS)
A. had returned
B. returned
C. return
D. to return
E. be returned
30. Tomorrow is Sunday. You ...... the the book before due date time, or yo will be fined. (S)
A. have to return
B. return
C. have returned
D. to return
E. are returned
31. ............ of the book contains the discussion on bees dances. (SS)
A. The chapter one
B. First chapter
C. Chapter first
D. Chapter the first
E. Chapter one
32. Would you mind .......... the window? It’s cold in here. (S)
A. closing
B. to close
C. for closing
D. close
E. be closing
33. “Thank you ......... the window, Jeny. I was about to do that before you came”. (S)
A. to close
B. for closing
C. for closing
D. for closed
E. cn close
34. Would you like .......... this letter for me?” (M)
A. to send
B. sending
C. send
D. be sending
E. sent
35. “Please .......... me after the work hour. I am busy right now”. (M)
A. you to contact
B. to contact
C. contact
D. be contact
E. your contact
36. Adam is not ready to answer the questions now. Let him .......... the answers with his friends
first! (S)
A. to discuss
B. discuss
C. discusses
D. discussing
E. discussion
37. The test we are doing now ............... the one we did last year. (M)
A. is different with
B. differs from
C. different to
D. is difference to
E. different than
38. What .......... between a cow and a bull? It says so in the newest cross puzzle. (SS)
A. similarly
B. the similarity
C. are the similarities
D. are the similars
E. the same
39. I saw Josef ......... quickly the bridge yesterday. He brought a red bundle.(SS)
A. is crossing
B. cross
C. crossed
D. to cross
E. accross
40. This is the dirty water and the clean ......... is over there. (S)
A. water
B. one
C. one’s
D. other
E. other one
41. Heny didn’t take science last Summer ............. (S)
A. but Bob did
B. and didn’t Bob either
C. and so Bob didn’t
D. but so did Bob
E. and neither Bob did
42. Mader Dascal and Kazell are from Portlandia ............(SS)
A. and Keating too
B. but so not Keating
C. and so is keating
D. and neither Keating is
E. but not is Keating
43. Neither Tom nor Jerry ....... in the room right now. Their landlord doesn’t know this. (SS)
A. to sleep
B. sleeping
C. sleep
D. are sleeping
E. is sleeping
44. Either you ......... can talk to the professor after the break. (SS)
A. and she
B. or her
C. nor she
D. or hers
E. or she
45. He can run .......... a horse after he takes the blue capsule from Bombay. (SS)
A. as quickly as
B. so quickly as
C. as quick as
D. same quickly like
E. as quickly with
46. The students who ............... were asked to clean the room. (S)
A. came late
B. comed later
C. came lately
D. came to late
E. to come late
47. “It is noisy around here. ...................? (SS)
A. Can you speak more loud
B. Do you can speak louder
C. Can you speak loudly
D. Are you able speak louder
E. Can you to speak loudly
48. The final decision on petrol price depends ............ the local government policy. (M)
A. on
B. to
C. in
D. at
E. from
49. Don’t forget to......... your shoes if you are going to swim! (M)
A. take of
B. take away
C. take on
D. take ofF
E. take turn
50. It’s dangerous .......... under the durian tree when it is raining hard. (M)
A. to lie
B. lie
C. to lay
D. laying
E. lain
51. The weather will be warmer after the sun ............ (SS)
A. raises
B. rises
C. arises
D. raising
E. arouse
52. You’ve got a new book , Betty! May I ............... it.? (M)
A. transfer
B. lend
C. loan
D. borrow
E. swap
53. Jenkin is still working hard in side. She is ................. the bed. (SS)
A. organising
B. making
C. producing
D. erasing
E. doing
54. Ni Made Kristin is ......... the dishes now. There was a party last night. (SS)
A. making
B. smashing
C. baking
D. doing
E. ordering
55. It was 5.3 rechter scale. Did you feel the earth ...........? (S)
A. is shaking
B. to shake
C. shake
D. be shaking
E. shoke
56. Was he the Doctor .......... was nervous when talking? (M)
A. who
B. whom
C. whose
D. whoever
E. which
57. On my tour to Bangalore, I was able to visit the village ........... I was born. (M)
A. wherever
B. where
C. in which
D. there was
E. there
58. Which construction is not correct? (SS)
A. I will have my house painted
B. I have cut the long grass
C. I have to see what she has
D. I could have gone but I didn’t
E. I have gone to Paris twice
59. I’d rather you .......... It’s ten o’clock p.m. (SS)
A. go
B. gone
C. went
D. to go
E. going
60. You’d better ....... if you want to get better quickly. (SS)
A. no smoking
B. to not smoking
C. not to smoke
D. to not smoke
E. not smoke
61. I wish I were a draculla, means ........... (SS)
A. I am not a draculla
B. I was a draculla
C. I want to be a draculla
D. I will be a draculla
E. I was not a draculla
1. A 11. C 21. E 31. E 41. A 51. B

2. E 12. E 22. A 32. A 42. C 52. D

3. D 13. A 23. B 33. B 43. E 53. E
4. E 14. D 24. E 34. A 44. E 54. A
5. D 15. A 25. E 35. C 45. A 55. C
6. B 16. B 26. B 36. B 46. A 56. A
7. A 17. C 27. C 37. B 47. C 57. B
8. B 18. E 28. D 38. C 48. A 58. E
9. D 19. E 29. C 39. B 49. D 59. C
10. A 20. D 30. A 40. A 50. A 60. E 61. A

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