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CS-23 BOOK 1

Appendix D
Wheel Spin-up Loads

023.1 Wheel spin-up toads factor for the specified rate of descent and forward
velocity. For exceptionally large wheels, a wheel
(a) The following method for determining wheel peripheral velocity equal to the ground speed may not
spin-up loads for landing conditions is based on have been attainedat the time of maximumvertical
NACA T.N. 863. However. the drag component gear load. However. as stated above. the drag spin-
used for design may not bc less than the drag load up load need not exceed of the maximumvertical
prescribed in CS 23.479 (b). loads.
1 vu-vc (c) Dynamic spring-back of the landing gear and
adjacent structure at the instant just after the wheels
where- come up to speed may result in dynamic forward
acting loads of considerable magnitude. This effect
•a maximum rearward horizontal force acting
must be determined, in the level landing condition,
on the wheel (in pounds);
by assuming that the wheel spin-up loads calculated
re effective rolling radius of wheel under by the methods of this appendix are reversed.
impact based on recommended operating Dynamic spring-back is likely to become critical for
tyre pressure (which may be assumed to be landing gear units having wheels of large mass or
equal to the rolling radius under a static high landing speeds.
load ofnjWe) in feet;
(Amdt No: 23/21
rotation mass moment of inertia of rolling
assembly (in slug feet2);
VH linear velocity of aeroplane parallel to
ground at instant of contact (assumed to be
I •2 VSO, in feet per second);
= peripheral speed of tyre, if pre-rotationis
used (in feet per second) (there must be a
positive means of pre-rotation before pre-
rotation may be considered);
n = effective coefficient of friction (0•80 may
be used);
F V rnax = maximum vertical force on wheel
(pounds —njWe, where We and nj) are
defined in CS 23.725;

tz = time interval between ground contact and

attainment of maximum vertical force on
wheel (seconds). However, if the value of
FH max,from the above equation exceeds
FVmax,the latter value must be used
for FH max.

(b) This equation assumes a linear variation of

load factor with time until the peak load is reached
and under this assumption, the equation determines
the drag force at the time that the wheel peripheral
velocity at radius re equals the aeroplane velocity.
Most shock absorbers do not exactly follow a linear
variation of load factor with time. Therefore, rational
or conservative allowances must be made to
compensate for these variations. On most landing
gears, the time for wheel spin-up will be less than the
time required to develop maximum vertical load

Amendment 3

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