KW 21st Century

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KW 21st Century

Adults just don’t get it. Times change, people change, culture changes. It’s time for adults to
look at youth in a different way.

Technology has changed the way we live. Almost everyone has access to the wireless internet.
With most people, they just carry it around in their pocket. All devices with internet have access
to Google search. Google helps makes everyday life easier, it’s like you don’t even have to
think or remember anything because you can just ask google or Siri for answers. It can help you
with cooking recipes, local business hours, finding phone numbers etc. It would have sucked to
live without wifi. When you were young you wouldn’t have had all the things we have now like
google or Siri, you couldn’t just go on the internet and search whatever you need. When you
were in school, it would have been different because now all we use is technology we use for
our work,research,projects etc. When you were younger, you could not use a GPS, and
nowadays we can just put our place in the gps and it will take us there. Tech changes

Adults need to know how socializing has changed in the 21 century. We don’t need to be in the
same room with our friends to talk to them, because technology and social media make it a lot
easier to keep in touch and updated It is even easy to meet new people online and have long
distance relationships,friendships,new conversations. You can stay connected with family
member if they don’t live near you or you don’t see them often. It would have been weird to not
just text your friends if you want to hangout out.

Today, we don’t have to go out of our house to buy the things we need or want. You can almost
buy everything online with click of a button, It’s all delivered right to your door. You don’t even
need cash because you can just use a credit card. People like to shop online not just because
it’s easy, but also because they can quickly find the best price without having to go from store to
store. Online shopping is very convenient and can help you get the most for your money.

So, the next time you catch yourself judging youth, remember this article. It will help you

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