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Digital Unit Plan Template

Unit Title: Season of Novice Olympics Name: Yannely Luna

Content Area: Physical Education Grade Level: 8
CA Content Standard(s)/Common Core Standard(s):
Standard 2.1: Describe and demonstrate how movement skills learned in one physical activity can be transferred and used to help learn
another physical activity.
Standard 3.5 Diagram, explain, and justify offensive and defensive strategies in modified and team sports, games, and activities.
Standard 4.5: Explain the effects of nutrition and participation in physical activity on weight control, self- concept, and physical

Big Ideas/Unit Goals:

Importance of physical activity
Variation of physical activity
Evaluating the evolution of sport culture
Essential Question
1. Why do sports implement rules and what type of strategies are best suited for sport events?
2. How is life affected by maintaining a healthy diet and exercising in the future?
3. Why is there an increase of inactivity yet there are available resources compared to ancient times?

Unit Summary:
Physical activity dates back to the early man- Homo sapiens. They used their physical quality to hunt, protect, and survive. Through
iconography, archaeological and written sources physical activity have evolved for multiple purposes. It was not until the Greeks who
founded the first Olympics in 776 B.C. where running, jumping, throwing, and even fighting was exposed in a competition arena.
Physical movement was an important aspect during the ancient eras. In the following decades modern sports has evolved with rules,
referees, and criterions along with a huge fanbase.
This unit will cover physical culture and sports. Students will evaluate physical movement of the Greek sport and compare it to modern
sports. Students will be modifying a Greek sport, rules and setups, including 5 health-related components of fitness.

Assessment Plan:
Entry-Level: Formative: Summative:
Survey for student’s prior Ancient Greek Web Exercise introduction of the physical Individual Essay comparing and contrasting
sport knowledge and fitness. activities from the ancient Greeks the ancient Olympics games with a modern
Concept Map brainstorming on modifying a Olympics with proper citation
sport/game related to the ancient Greeks Group Presentation Demonstrating the
Research Notes individual typed notes of modified sport to the entire class
the Ancient Olympics evidence (rituals,
music, athletes) and explaining one modern
sport basic components
Discussions informing peers of their
understandings and elaborating ideas
leading to final projects

Lesson 1 (Teacher Lecture)

Student Learning Acceptable Evidence Lesson Activities:
Objective: (Assessments): Students will pay attention and listen during the teacher lecture while writing notes
Students will fill in on the provided worksheet chronological. It begins with the 5 components of fitness
Students will be able to
worksheet following and its definition. Students will use critical think inking skills to provide an example
demonstrate motor
the presentation. They and a way to enhance its performance. Then distinguish the amount of time for
skills and movement
will provide critical vigorous and moderate activity. They will have to infer and explain the illustration of
patterns by comparing
thinking and write their a Greek image. As an all-male event in the past, students will write down thoughts
physical activities from
own thoughts. Students about women’s participation in the event and hypothetically respond their absence.
ancient Greeks and
will then have the Then the five events of the ancient Olympics will be introduced and its key features
applying movement
opportunity to share however students will have to think of rules to modify to spark the beginning of the
concepts, principle, and
during the lecture. project. The lecture provides a video demonstrating an ancient event and students
will imply its techniques characteristics. The final section is to explain modern sport
movement techniques/patter/skill similar to the Greeks.
Lesson 2 (Exercise/ iPad Lesson)
Student Learning Acceptable Evidence: Lesson Activities:
Objective Web Exercise Students will use laptops provided from the computer lab to complete the worksheet
Worksheet by navigating websites listed. The beginning is a quick questionnaire of their own
physical activity and food intake. As they read articles and fill in the boxes, they will
Using the websites have to list examples of their own. They will understand the health benefits of
Students will evaluate
provided, students will physical activity. They will be able to distinguish between the five health and skill
the importance of
gather information related components by providing definition and an example for each. Also, its
assessing and maintain
about the physical importance. The last section are activities of the components which they will
a level of physical
fitness aspects. participate and write down their own data.
fitness to improve
health and

Lesson 3 (Graphic Organizer)

Student Learning Acceptable Evidence: Lesson Activities:
Objective: Students in groups of 3 Students will be paired into groups where their will brainstorm a modified sport
or 4 will create a relating from an ancient event. They will have to input both perspective of the
Students will utilize concept map using an ancient and modern Olympics, such as a ritual. The modified sport/game will have to
psychological and online website called be a team sport. Before they can start brainstorming, each individual will have to do
sociological concepts, to brainstorm their own research of both events which are the research notes. Hence, they will have
principles, and their modified game a basic knowledge of a modern sport of their choosing. They must relate to an
strategies applying to with key inputs such as ancient event and can add one more if they want to. They will have to explain its
physical activity. rules, offensive, and health component benefit of the skills or techniques incorporate on the activity. A
defensive strategies. hard copy will be turned in with the original submitted online.
They will have to
follow the rubric
Unit Resources:
Digital Unit Plan Site:
Entry Level Survey:

Web Exercise

Concept Map:

Guided Notes:

Group Presentations:

Useful Websites:

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