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Name: Grade: FIFTH

Class guide: ENGLISH EVALUATION Period: First period

Teacher: Bryan Contreras Date: 3 APRIL 2019

Goal 1:
 Identifica la estructura de una pregunta sencilla con what, who, y where

Goal 2:
 Reconoce el vocabulario y estructuras en inglés relacionadas con las actividades cotidianas y

Goal 3:
 Reconoce y escribe la hora en inglés.

1. Join with a line as appropriate.

2. Write the time as appropriate

MISTER: Bryan Contreras. Evaluation inglish First period
3. Write the meaning of each sentence.
A. P: __________ do you play tennis?
¿Cuál es tu nombre? R: I play tennis in the park.
¿Cuál es tu comida favorita? A. When
¿Cómo se llama tu mascota? B. Who(m)
¿Qué vas a hacer hoy? C. Where

4. Choose the best word to complete each B. P: __________ is your favorite

question singer?
P: __________ did you go last night? R: My favorite singer is Madonna.
R: I went to a bar last night. A. Who
A. Who(m) B.Where
B. Where C. When
C. When

5. Unite as appropriate

6. Complete the following crossword.

MISTER: Bryan Contreras. Evaluation inglish First period
MISTER: Bryan Contreras. Evaluation inglish First period

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