My Portfolio Marianaalfaro 3 1

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Be the teacher who when given the “hard

class” says, “These aren’t hard kids, these

are my kids”.
My name is Mariana Alfaro and I will be
teaching Math 4th through 8th. My portfolio will
reflect some of the ideas I plan to implement in
my future classroom. These ideas will help me
with every aspect of classroom management.
The portfolio will contain ideas for the first day of
class, class safety, classroom procedures,
discipline system, student motivation, and
classroom engagement. I will use this portfolio
as a reference and continue to add in more
ideas throughout my teaching career.
My philosophy of education is that every student is unique and
learns differently and as a teacher, I must help them grow in many
aspects. As a teacher, I must provide a safe environment where
my students can grow mentally, emotionally, socially, and
academically. My classroom should be a place where students
can share their ideas and be challenged to reach their full
potential. I will help my students embrace their differences and
share their experiences so that we all learn from each other. I
believe that as a teacher, I shall create a positive atmosphere that
teaches students to work together and be kind to one another. I
will incorporate many hands-on activities, projects, individual work,
and cooperative learning activities to help my students grow in
every facet. Like Thomas Gordon, I agree that problem ownership
should be taught to students. I also believe that the closeness of
the relationship between parent or teacher with a student can
change a student behavior (Glasser).
First Day of

For the first day of school, I will welcome students at the

door. The students will be able to sit where they like unless
behavioral issues were to occur. On the first day, I will go
over classroom procedures, rules, and get to know my
students. The students will learn where assignments should
be turned in and the process of entering and exiting the
classroom. For the first few weeks, I will reinforce classroom
procedures to establish behavior. According to Skinner
constant reinforcement is necessary to establish behavior
in the classroom. This affects my decision of having
reinforcement in the classroom. The following activities will
be done on the first day of school:
Name Tent:
Students will be given a
name tent when entering the
classroom. They are to write
their name and fold the
paper to make a tent and
place it on their desk. This will
help me address students by
their name and not by her or duct/Back-to-School-Name-Tent-Rainbow-
him. Pop-Theme-3335869

Students will work
collaboratively to create
a class contract. Students
will sign the contract
once done. The purpose
of the social contract is
for behavior
Figure me out
I will place some
math problems
(according to grade
level) on poster.
Student will solve the
problems as a class.
The purpose of the
poster is for students
to get to know me.

Scavenger hunt:
Students will walk
around the
classroom and fill out
the scavenger hunt.
The purpose of the
scavenger hunt is for
students to get to
know each other.

I want my classroom to look organized so that my students

know where to find things. I want to have a designated
area where students can find materials. I also want to
arrange desks depending on the lesson for the day. I want
my students to have a sense of community (Shriver). I want
my classroom to look colorful and comfy so that students
feel comfortable and are motivated to learn. I will have
labeled baskets so that students know where to turn in
This is how I would
arrange the desks
in my classroom. I
would arrange the
desk facing me so that I make sure
3147723790300/ students are on task
at all times.

Materials will be
organized in drawers,
cups, and baskets.
Students will be able to
find material easily and
this will help have a
more productive
Policies: As a classroom, we will create classroom
contract. Social contracts are an effective way to
take charge of the classroom while giving students a
voice in the classroom (Curwin and Mendler). The
policies will include the students’ responsibilities in the
classroom and expectation for behavior. I will send a
letter home to let parent know what is expected of
their child in the classroom.
Procedures: I will begin class by giving students a
warm-up. The students will have 5 minutes to complete
the warm-up. I will end the classroom by giving
students five minutes to complete an exit-ticket. I plan
to use eye contact to address interruptions and
continue with the lesson. For specific instructions or
procedures I will give an oral and written explanation
to students. I will also demonstrate the procedures so
students have a clear understanding. To distribute
work and supplies I will assign students’ roles (helpers).
Social contract:
Students will create
a social contract
to outline
classroom policies.
The contract will
be displayed in the

Classroom Policies
Letter to parent:
Parents will be informed
about the classroom
policies so that both
students and parents
understand expectations
in the classroom. This
letter is important to
keep clear
communication with
parents and students.
Students will pick
up a warm-up
from the front
table and
complete the
warm-up the first
10 minutes of class.
The purpose is to
check students
understanding of
a previous topic.

Classroom Helpers:
Students will have the
opportunity to help out
in the classroom every six
weeks. This will help
students learn
responsibilities and use
time wisely.

Steps to address
I will first address misbehavior by making eye contact or
approaching the student while teaching (Fred Jones). I will
also remind the students of the appropriate behavior. This
will let the student know that the behavior must stop. I will
ignore sarcastic comments and profanity and continue with
the lesson (Ginnot). I will address classroom interruptions
such as throwing objects in the classroom. I will also address
any bullying actions. For consequences, I will use eye
contact, warning, detention, letter to parents, parent
conference and office referral if necessary. I will involve
parents when a misbehavior continues to occur after 3
warnings are given and detentions is given. I will send a
letter home informing the parents of the misbehavior. If
misbehavior continues I will assign a parent teacher
conference. The students must learn problem-ownership in
the classroom and correct the behavior (Gordon).
Behavior notice to
Students will take home
a misbehavior letter. The
letter will notify the
parents of the
misbehavior and they
must sign the paper. The
purpose is for the parent
to be involved with the
student’s choices.

Think Sheet (detention

Students will fill out the
think sheet to reflect on
their behavior. The
purpose of this is for the
students to take problem
ownership and change
the behavior. vitive-Behavior-Support/ss/Think-
Parent teacher
The student and their
parent will be present
during the meeting to
discuss the misbehavior.
As a team we will create
goals to address the


Conduct Reminder:
Students will be
reminded of the correct
behavior they must
display in the classroom.
They will be reminded of
the consequences if
their behavior continues.
The goal is to motivate
the student to change
their behavior before
any consequences are

To motivate students, I will use words of encouragement

throughout the day. I will motivate those who are not doing
well by showing how them what they are capable of doing. I
will incorporate a growth charts (Carl Dweck) for those who
could do better and those who don’t want to do anything. I
will create a positive relationship by showing interest in their
personal hobbies and creating activities that are related to
them. I will have inclusion in the classroom to motivate gifted
students to interact with others and stretch out of their comfort
zone. For students who see no value in school, I will show them
other students’ previous achievements. I will also show them
motivational videos and quotes so they are reminded that
they can achieve any goal.
Motivational Quotes:
I will use motivational quotes
to remind students that they
can accomplish many goals.
The quotes will be displayed
all over the classroom and will
be brought up throughout the
school year.

Wall of Champions:
When students do well on
an assignment they will
be able to post their
name on the wall of
champions. This will
create some friendly
competition while helping
students improve their

To engage students, I plan to create many hand-on

activities and play videos. I plan on having name sticks
to call on students during a lesson. I will also include
technology games in the classroom to engage
students. I will make the classroom exciting by having a
positive attitude and allowing students to share their
ideas in the classroom. I consider myself to be an
influential element of the class and I must set a positive
climate (Ginotts). To build a relationship with the
students, I will share appropriate personal experiences
and show interest in their hobbies and extracurricular
Name Sticks:
The sticks will include
students’ names and will
be placed in a cup. I will
use the name sticks
during the lesson to ask
students questions. The
purpose of the name
sticks is for students to be
engaged during the
lesson and ready to answer questions.

Kahoot (technology
in the classroom):
I will use Kahoot to
incorporate technology
in the classroom. The
purpose of Kahoot is for
students to learn and be
engaged to complete a
quick assessment.

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