Icebreaker M M

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Icebreaker: M&M Tell It All

Description: Everyone comes up to the front of the room and

gets two m&m’s. Each color m&m represents a
different question that the students will have to

Objectives: This activity allows participants to learn a fun fact

or something they didn’t previously know about
others in the organization. It allows us to get a bit of
insight into others we work with that we otherwise
would not have.

Suggestions: This activity can be done in under 15 minutes, and

it will work best in groups in which the members do
not all know each other very well. The questions
will allow participants to learn things about their
peers and coworkers that they otherwise would
likely not know.

Materials/Supplies/Preparation: Trainers will need two bags of M&M’s, as well as a

list of pre-selected questions that correspond to each
candy color

Time required: This activity will take no longer than 10-12

Directions: 1. Kyle will introduce the activity: “Hello everyone,
today we are going to have an M&M Tell it all as
our icebreaker. If everyone could come up to the
front of the room and get two M&M’s and bring
them back to their desk we can get started.”
2. Trainers will reveal the purpose of the M&M’s:
“Each M&M color corresponds to a specific
question. Take a look at the diagram on the screen
to find out which questions you will be answering
for us.”
3. Crystal will begin to facilitate the Q&A: “We are
going to move around the room. Each of you are to
reveal what M&M colors you have, and answer the
two corresponding questions with as much
information as you feel comfortable with.”

Debrief Alexa and Morgan will ask the class what their
favorite part of the activity was, and what they
thought did and did not work well. They will then
discuss the following to debrief the activity:
1. We chose this activity in order for our training
participants to get the opportunity to find out things
about one another they otherwise would not know
2. This activity gives participants the flexibility to
disclose as little or as much as they feel comfortable
with, making it able to be used in a setting where
individuals know each other well, as well as settings
where participants are complete strangers.
Trainers: Alexa Ellis, Kyle Purcell, Crystal Inman, Morgan Britt

Source for Icebreaker idea:

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