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Prepared by: Mahmoud Mohamed

ID: 141761

The aim of this experiment is to determine the order and the rate constant of the reaction that occurs
between sodium hydroxide and ethyl acetate in a batch reactor and also determining the rate
constant of the reaction. Sample from the reactor is extracted every 5 minutes and titrated with
HCl in order to get the concentration of the unreacted sodium hydroxide. A graph is plotted
between time and concentration and showed that the reaction is second order with a rate constant
of 2.008 M-1min-1.

Abstract ........................................................................................................................................... 2

1 introduction ............................................................................................................................. 5

1.1 reaction kinetics................................................................................................................ 5

1.1.1 Reaction rate ............................................................................................................. 5

1.2 Types of rate laws ............................................................................................................ 5

1.2.1 Integrated rate law..................................................................................................... 6

1.3 Batch reactor .................................................................................................................... 6

1.3.1 Pressure control ......................................................................................................... 7

1.3.2 Temperature control .................................................................................................. 7

1.3.3 Examples of usage .................................................................................................... 7

1.3.4 Advantages vs disadvantages .................................................................................... 8

2 Procedures ............................................................................................................................... 9

3 Results ................................................................................................................................... 10

4 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................ 14

5 Bibliography ......................................................................................................................... 15

Table 1 Volume-Moles of titration ............................................................................................... 10
Table 2 moles of unreacted NaOH................................................................................................ 10
Table 3 conc. of NaOH vs time .................................................................................................... 11
Table 4 First order trail data.......................................................................................................... 12
Table 5 second order trail data ...................................................................................................... 13

Equation 1 Rate Equation ............................................................................................................... 5

Equation 2 integrated rate equation ................................................................................................ 6

Figure 1 water-jacket ...................................................................................................................... 7

Figure 2 Batch Reactor ................................................................................................................... 7
Figure 3 conc. vs time graph ......................................................................................................... 11
Figure 4 first order graph .............................................................................................................. 12
Figure 5 second order graph ......................................................................................................... 13



Reaction kinetics or the chemical kinetics is considered to be an important branch of science that
must be taken into consideration in the process design especially when designing the main unit of
the process which is the reactor. For example, the industry of ammonia from nitrogen and hydrogen
cannot be simply achieved by mixing nitrogen and hydrogen at the standard conditions and expect
the reaction to occur. As a result, the reaction kinetics provides the enough knowledge of
stoichiometry and thermodynamics of the reactions. Furthermore, using these information the steps
of the reaction or the reaction mechanism will be easily known. Besides, the reactions kinetics also
shows the optimum conditions for a reaction to get the highest conversion possible. (Zumdahl &
Zumdahl , 2012)

1.1.1 Reaction rate

Reaction rate is defined as the “change in the concentration of a reactant per unit time” (Zumdahl
& Zumdahl , 2012). Or in other words, reaction rate could be defined as the rate of formation of
the products.

If a reaction is as following:


𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑐𝑛𝑒𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑜𝑓 𝐴 𝑎𝑡 𝑡1 −𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑜𝑓 𝐴 𝑎𝑡 𝑡2 𝛥{ 𝐴 }
Rate = =
𝑡2 −𝑡1 ∆𝑡

Equation 1 Rate Equation

(Laidler, 2013)


Rate laws could be divided into two main types which are either differential rate law or integrated
rate law. The difference is noticed in the dependent variable that each law depends on. The
differential rate law depends on the concentration, however, the integrated rate law depends on the

time of which the concentration changes. According to the given data or which data will be easier
to collect. (Zumdahl & Zumdahl , 2012)

1.2.1 Integrated rate law

⸪ The reaction is as following:

aX→ products

⸫ Rate law will be

∆ {𝐴}
= K [X]n

Equation 2 integrated rate equation


K is the rate constant

n is the order of the reaction, n could equal zero, 1 ,and 2.

X is the concentration of the reactant


A batch reactor is considered to be one of the basic and simplest type of reactors used in the
industry. The concept of the batch reactor depends on feeding the reactants and leaving them to
react for some time then products are extracted also in the reactor. Since that there is no mass
transfer throughout the reactor, therefore, the reactor is considered as a closed system running
under unsteady-state conditions. Moreover, a typical batch reactor contains ports that is used to
feed reactants, and another port for extracting the products. Also the reactor may contain a stirrer
or a heat exchanger. In some reactors, the volume may be not constant as common, thus, pressure
control is highly recommended in order to maintain a varying volume process through constant
pressure. ( Froment , Bischoff, & De Wilde, 2011)

1.3.1 Pressure control
Some reactions and processes should run under high pressure conditions in order to get the highest
conversion possible. Therefore, an autoclave is made into the batch reactor which enables the
reactor to run at high pressure and temperature. Control system is recommended for safe operation
of the reactor by adding a set of sensors and valves that control the conditions of the process. (
Froment , Bischoff, & De Wilde, 2011)

1.3.2 Temperature control

Temperature control is an important aspect which should
be taken into consideration when designing a batch reactor
in which each reaction has an optimum temperature which
the rate is highest, and also the conversion. Figure 1 shows
a reactor surrounded by a water jacket that operates to
maintain constant temperature by heat transfer between the
contents of the reactor and the fluid inside the water jacket.
The water jacket design depends on the size of the vessel,
as the larger the reactor or the vessel, the more the
injections of the heat transfer fluid across the vessel in order
to ensure an efficient distribution of the fluid around the
reactor. ( Froment , Bischoff, & De Wilde, 2011) Figure 1 (Chemical Engineering ,
n.d.) jacket

1.3.3 Examples of usage

A batch reactor is chosen when limited production is desired and
mainly when the reactants are in liquid state. Furthermore, a batch
reactor could be also used to test the reaction before a mass
production. Some industries demand very high quality product as the
pharmaceuticals, so a batch reactor would the ideal equipment.
Moreover, a batch reactor could be also used to produce various
products at the same time. (Batch , n.d.)

Figure 2 Batch Reactor

1.3.4 Advantages vs disadvantages

Advantages Disadvantages
 High residence time, thus, high  Not efficient for mass production.
 Ability to make various products at  High costs per unit product.
the same time.
 Perfect for limited production scale.  Long-time of cleaning leads to no
production periods.
 Easy in cleaning.
 Water jacket enables the system to
control temperature by heating or

(Batch , n.d.)

1. Batch of l litre is prepared of 0.5 litres of sodium hydroxide and 0.5 litres of ethyl acetate.
2. Start timing after mixing and heating the reactants.
3. After 5 minutes take a sample of 10ml using a pipette.
4. In a beaker prepare 15 ml of 0.1M HCl, and then add 3 drops of phenolphethlein indicator.
5. Add the 10 ml sample to the beaker containing HCl then start titration of 0.1M NaOH-HCl
till the colour of the solution in the beaker turns faint pink.
6. Record the volume of NaOH consumed.
7. Repeat steps 4-6 every 5 minutes for five times.

Concentration of unreacted sodium hydroxide calculations:

1. Calculate the moles of HCl.

M*V= 0.1×0.015 1.5× 10−3 moles

2. Calculate the moles of sodium hydroxide from burette.

M*Vi M= 0.1Molar
Volume /L Moles
0.0118 1.18× 10−3
0.0124 1.24× 10−3
0.0130 1.3× 10−3
0.0133 1.33× 10−3
0.0136 1.36× 10−3
Table 1 Volume-Moles of titration

3. Calculate moles of sodium hydroxide in 10ml sample.

⸪ the ratio between NaOH and HCl is 1:1
⸫ moles of NaOH = moles of HCl
Then mole of HCl 1.5× 10−3 = moles of NaOH in the sample + moles of NaOH used
from the burette.
= 1.5× 10−3 – moles of NaOH used from the burette = moles of NaOH in the sample.

1.5× 𝟏𝟎−𝟑 – 1.18× 𝟏𝟎−𝟑 = 3.2× 𝟏𝟎−𝟒

1.5× 𝟏𝟎−𝟑 – 1.24× 𝟏𝟎−𝟑 = 2.6× 10−4
1.5× 𝟏𝟎−𝟑 – 1.3× 𝟏𝟎−𝟑 = 2× 10−4
1.5× 𝟏𝟎−𝟑 – 1.33× 𝟏𝟎−𝟑 = 1.7× 10−4
1.5× 𝟏𝟎−𝟑 – 1.36× 𝟏𝟎−𝟑 = 1.4× 10−4
Table 2 moles of unreacted NaOH

4. Concentration of unreacted NaOH = moles of unreacted NaOH / volume of sample

Concentration of sodium hydroxide / Time /min

0.05 0
0.032 5
0.026 10
0.02 15
0.017 20
0.014 25
Table 3 conc. of NaOH vs time

Concentration vs time graph

CA vs Time






0 5 10 15 20 25
Time (t)

Figure 3 conc. vs time graph

First order reaction graph trial.

𝐶 Time (t) / min

ln(𝐶 𝑖 ) CA0= 0.1M

-0.45 5
-0.65 10
-0.92 15
-1.08 20
-1.27 25
Table 4 First order trail data

ln(𝐶𝑖/𝐶𝐴0 ) vs Time y = -0.0414x - 0.253

R² = 0.9934
0 5 10 15 20 25 30

ln(𝐶𝑖/𝐶𝐴0 )






Figure 4 first order graph

Second order reaction trail

1/CAi Time / min

10 0
31.25 5
38.46154 10
50 15
58.82353 20
Table 5 second order trail data

1/CAi vs Time y = 2.008x + 19.894

R² = 0.9959








0 5 10 15 20 25

Figure 5 second order graph

The reaction is second order one as the value R2 for the second order trail was more than the first
order trail which means that the points fit more the second order plot.

The rate constant equals to 2.008 M-1min-1

To sum up the experiment, it was required to determine the order and the rate of the reaction which
arrases between sodium hydroxide and ethyl acetate. Concentration of sodium hydroxide in the
reactor was analysed every 5 minutes for 25 minutes to determine how concentration changes with
time. Using back titration methodology, the concentration of sodium hydroxide was determined,
and when plotting concentration vs time, a decreasing trend was observed showing the expected
trend and the logical one as the sodium hydroxide is being used up as reaction proceeds with time.
A graphical representation of how the concentration of sodium hydroxide changes with time was
carried out for two trails. By substitution in both rate equations of first and second order, a plot
was made then to determine either the reaction is first or second order. By comparing the values
of R2 which shows how the points fit with the trend-line, value of R2 of the second order graph
was more than the first order one which means that the reaction is second order. The rate constant
was then know after determining the equation of the second order curve in which the rate constant
is the slope of this curve.

Froment , G. F., Bischoff, K. B., & De Wilde, J. (2011). Chemical Reactor Analysis And Design.
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Batch . (n.d.). Retrieved from Visual Enclopedia of Chemical Engineering:

Chemical Engineering . (n.d.). Retrieved from Access Intelligence, LLC.

Laidler, K. J. (2013, May 16). Chemical kinetics. Retrieved from Encyclopædia Britannica:

Zumdahl, S. S., & Zumdahl , S. S. (2012). Chemistry An Atoms First Approach . Brooks/Cole.


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