On The Gamma Function Approximation by Burnside: Cristinel Mortici

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Applied Mathematics E-Notes, 11(2011), 274–277 c ISSN 1607-2510

Available free at mirror sites of http://www.math.nthu.edu.tw/ amen/

On The Gamma Function Approximation By

Cristinel Morticiy
Received 12 February 2011

The aim of this paper is to improve the Burnside formula for approximation
the gamma function.

1 Introduction
The Euler gamma function de…ned for x > 0 by
Z 1
(x) = tx 1 e t dt

extends the factorial function and it is of great interest in many branches of science.
Undoubtedly, one of the most used formula for approximation the big factorials is the
p n n+ 12
(n + 1) 2 e := n (1)
now known as Stirling formula. Although in probabilities or statistical physics this
formula is satisfactory, in pure mathematics more accurate formulas are necessary.
Recently Mortici [4] introduced the approximation
r n+ 12
2 n+1
(n + 1) ; (2)
e e
being slightly less accurate than Burnside formula [1]
1 n+ 12
p n+ 2
(n + 1) 2 := : (3)
Inspired by the Lanczos integral approximations [3] and by a double series representa-
tion of Hsu [2], Mortici [4] uni…ed the relations (1)-(2) in the following general approx-
imations family
p n+ 21
p n+p
(n + 1) 2 ee (0 p 1) : (4)
Mathematics Subject Classi…cations: 30E15, 41A60, 41A25.
y Valahia
University of Târgovişte, Department of Mathematics, Bd. Unirii 18, 130082 Târgovişte,

C. Mortici 275

p p
As the privileged values ! = 3 3 =6; = 3 + 3 =6 provide the best results,
there are proven in [4] the following sharp inequalities

p x+ 21 p x+ 12
! x+! ! x+!
2 ee < (x + 1) 2 ee
e e

p + 12 p + 12
x+ x+
2 ee (x + 1) < 2 ee ;
e e
where = 1:072042464::: and = 0:988503589::: .
Other recent results about the gamma function and related functions are stated in

2 The Results
In this paper we continue the direction opened by the family (4) and in particular by
the Burnside approximation (3) by replacing the constant 1=2 by a quantity depending
on n; which tends to 1=2; as n ! 1:
More precisely, we propose the following under-approximation

1 1 n+ 12
p n+ 2 24n
(n + 1) 2 := n;

and upper-approximation

1 1 1 n+ 21
p n+ 2 24n + 48n2
(n + 1) 2 := n:

The superiority of our new formulas over the Stirling and Burnside formulas are proved
in the following table.

n n! n n n! n! n n n!
10 30104 14421 730 25
25 5:161 5 1022 2:536 4 1022 5:100 1 1020 7:054 1018
50 5:064 7 1061 2:510 4 1061 2:517 2 1059 1:730 5 1057
100 7:773 9 10154 3:870 0 10154 1:937 7 10152 6:640 5 10149
500 2:033 4 101130 1:015 8 101130 1:016 1 101127 6:947 5 101123
1000 3:353 1 102563 1:675 8 102563 8:380 2 102559 2:864 1 102556

We prove the following.

THEOREM 1. For every positive integer n; we have

1 1 n+ 12 1 1 1 n+ 21
p n+ 2 24n
p n+ 2 24n + 48n2
2 < (n + 1) < 2 :
e e
276 On the Gamma Function Approximation by Burnside

PROOF. Let us de…ne the sequences

1 1 p
1 n+ 2 24n
an = ln (n + 1) n+ ln ln 2
2 e

1 1 1 p
1 n+ 2 24n + 48n2
bn = ln (n + 1) n+ ln ln 2
2 e
which converge to zero. In order to prove that an > 0 and bn < 0; we show that an
is strictly decreasing and bn is strictly increasing. In this sense, if designate f (n) =
an+1 an and g (n) = bn+1 bn ; it su¢ ces to show that f (x) < 0 and g (x) > 0; where
3 1
x+ 1 1
3 2 24(x+1) 1 x+ 2 24x
f (x) = ln (x + 1) x+ ln + x+ ln
2 e 2 e

3 1 1 !
3 x+ 2 24(x+1) + 48(x+1)2
g (x) = ln (x + 1) x+ ln
2 e

1 1 1
1 x+ 2 24x + 48x2
+ x+ ln :
2 e

We have f 00 (x) < 0 and g 00 (x) > 0; for every x 2 [1; 1); since

P (x)
f 00 (x) = 2 2 2
2x2 (x + 1) (12x + 24x2 1) (60x + 24x2 + 35)


Q (x)
g 00 (x) = 2 2 2;
x2 (x + 1) (24x2 2x + 48x3 + 1) (190x + 168x2 + 48x3 + 71)

P (x) = 23 975x + 279 460x2 + 1166 400x3 + 2468 928x4

+2764 800x5 + 1541 376x6 + 331 776x7 + 1225 (x 1)


Q (x) = 6816x + 281 169x2 + 3569 048x3 + 17 562 852x4 + 46 653 696x5 + 74 884 576x6

+75 056 640x7 + 45 988 608x8 + 15 704 064x9 + 2267 136x10 + 5041:

Finally, f is strictly concave, g is strictly convex, with f (1) = g (1) = 0; so f < 0

and g > 0 and the theorem is proved.
C. Mortici 277

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