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When I first started this class, I felt like I was just playing the game to get my degree. I didn’t

feel like I needed this class, as I feel I am a very proficient writer. The way the instructor has this

class set up completely changed my mindset. I was given so much freedom in my writing, and I

really had to use my brain to do this. I learned a lot about myself, my writing, and things I can

do to improve my technical writing styles. I really appreciated all of the interaction between

students, it’s really nice getting different points of view throughout the class. I feel like I’m the

proudest of project two, which is included on this page. For me, visual documents have always

been the most difficult for me. I find myself getting frustrated with computer programs and

formatting, and I feel like I include far too many words for my visual document to look pleasing.

I had to do a few rough drafts, and I got some very constructive feedback from not only

Professor Malouf, but also from classmates. I spent a lot of time and effort to make this project

great, and I feel like I did a great job. I’m more comfortable now with doing visual documents

after this class which I feel will come in handy throughout my career. After becoming a nurse, I

would love to teach other nurses, and being able to create an effective visual document will

help me to reach my goals. This has been my first time being proud of a visual document

throughout my entire career. This class really surprised me, and it turned into my favorite class

of the semester. I feel like this specific class will be extremely helpful during the rest of my time

in school. I wish I had taken it sooner, what I learned in this class applies to things I’ve done in

previous classes, and even things I’m doing currently in my other two classes. Being clear and

concise has never been an issue to me, but sometimes I struggle to identify my audience and
tailor my work to my audience. I feel like this class gave me some very clear outlines on how to

improve that aspect of my writing, and I’m very happy to have this knowledge. I feel like this

alone will help me throughout school as well as my career. Being a nurse, communication is a

huge deal. Written communication is used often, especially for a home care nurse, which is

what I would love to do with my career. I feel very confident that I can professionally and

clearly represent myself through written documents now. My work on the signature

assignment really helped me open my mind to new ideas, and more clear ways to express

myself. I’ve always had an interest in women’s health and I loved being able to capture that in a

visual document that I may even use to teach other women. I feel like completing this

assignment illustrated my ability to adapt, take constructive criticism, and push past my mental

blocks. I went into the project not expecting much because I don’t feel like I’m good at this

subject, but I allowed myself to accept change and strive to push myself to do better than what

I felt I could do. I’m really happy I took this class and I’m honestly a little bit sad that the

semester is ending! I look forward to applying some of the concepts that I learned into my last

two semesters here at Salt Lake Community College.

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