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Review on Thermodynamics

Prof. José A. Velásquez

Objective: To refresh learned things

Thermodynamics is…
a branch of physics and an engineering science.
To gain a fundamental To study systems and how they
understanding of the physical interact with their surroundings.
and chemical behavior of matter Engineers extend the subject of
and uses the principles of thermodynamics to the study of
thermodynamics to relate the systems through which matter
properties of matter. flows.

The microscopic approach The macroscopic approach is

(statistical thermodynamics) is concerned with the gross or
concerned directly with the overall behavior of the system and
structure of matter and is no model of the structure of matter
instrumental in developing at the molecular, atomic, and
thermodynamic data. subatomic levels is directly used.
Prof. José A. Velásquez
The vocabulary of Thermodynamics
(basic concepts)

 System, surroundings, boundary (or control surface);

 Closed system (or control mass), isolated system, open system
(or control volume);
 Property, state, process, steady state, thermodynamic cycle;
 Extensive and intensive properties;
 Phase and pure substance;
 Thermodynamic equilibrium;
 Quasi-equilibrium (or quasi-static) process;
 Specific volume, pressure, temperature.

Prof. José A. Velásquez

The studied things…
The Law of surface (real).

of Mass

simple-compressible subs.
Constitutive relations for

of Energy

Model for
Second Law
of Thermody-
namics Model for
The Law of The Law of liquids.
Conserv. of Linear Conserv. of Angular Model for
Momentum Momentum ideal gases.
Prof. José A. Velásquez
The first law of Thermodynamics
 Energy can be stored within systems in various forms;
 Energy also can be converted from one form to another;
 Energy can be transferred between systems;
 The total amount of energy is conserved in all conversions and transfers.

Internal energy is made up of:

Macroscopic forms of • Translational K.E. of the molecules;
energy: • K.E. due to rotation of the molecules;
• Kinetic energy; • K.E. of vibrational motions within molecules;
• Gravitational potential energy; • Energy stored in chemical bonds between
• Internal energy. atoms that make up molecules;
• Energy associated with electron orbital states
of atoms, nuclear spin, and binding forces in
the nucleus.
Prof. José A. Velásquez
Energy transfer by work

• Thermodynamic definition of work: Work is done by a system

on its surroundings if the sole effect on everything external to
the system could have been the raising of a weight.

Prof. José A. Velásquez

Examples of work interactions

• Extension of a solid bar;

• Stretching of a film;
• Power transmitted by a shaft;
• Electric power;
• Work due to polarization or magnetization.

Prof. José A. Velásquez

Energy transfer by heat

• Any energy interaction between the system and its surroundings

that cannot be categorized as work is called an energy transfer
by heat.

• On the basis of experiment, beginning with the work of Joule in

the early part of the nineteenth century, we know that energy
transfers by heat are induced only as a result of a temperature
difference between the system and its surroundings and occur
only in the direction of decreasing temperature.
Energy balance for closed systems

Differential form: Time rate form:

Energy balance for open systems
Energy balance for open systems in
terms of enthalpy

Taking into account that may be several locations on the boundary through which
mass enters or exits:
Conservative and non-conservative

Observation time: 3 hours Observation time: 6 months

12 cars 145 individuals

15 cars
137 individuals
Aspects of the property entropy

• Entropy is a non-conservative quantity;

• Like occurs with other properties, entropy change can be
determined without knowledge of the details of the process;
• Entropy is transferred accompanying heat transfer;
• Entropy can be produced (or generated) but not destroyed;
• Entropy is produced when irreversibilities occur within the
system during a given process;
• The more irreversible the process is the greater the entropy
Irreversible and reversible processes
A process is called
Lubricant oil irreversible if the system
and all parts of its
surroundings cannot be
exactly restored to their
respective initial states
after the process has



Irreversible processes normally include one or more of the following

 Heat transfer through a finite temperature difference;
 Unrestrained expansion of a gas or liquid to a lower pressure;
 Spontaneous chemical reaction;
 Spontaneous mixing of matter at different compositions or states;
 Friction, sliding friction as well as friction in the flow of fluids;
 Electric current flow through a resistance;
 Magnetization or polarization with hysteresis;
 Inelastic deformation.

Although the foregoing list is not exhaustive, it does suggest that all actual
processes are irreversible.
Equations of entropy balance

For a closed system:

For an open system:

Helpful tips for problem solving

• Known: State briefly what is known. Read the problem carefully and think about it.
• Find: State concisely what is to be determined.
• Schematic and Given Data: Draw a sketch of the system to be considered. Decide whether a
closed system or control volume is appropriate for the analysis, and then carefully identify the
boundary. Label the diagram with relevant information from the problem statement. Record all
property values you are given or anticipate may be required for subsequent calculations. Sketch
appropriate property diagrams, locating key state points and indicating, if possible, the
processes executed by the system.
• Assumptions: List all simplifying assumptions and idealization. Sometimes this information also
can be noted on the sketches of the previous step.
• Analysis: Using your assumptions and idealizations, reduce the appropriate governing
equations and relationships to forms that will produce the desired results. It is advisable to work
with equations as long as possible before substituting numerical data. When the equations are
reduced to final forms, consider them to determine what additional data may be required.
Identify the tables, charts, or property equations that provide the required values. Additional
property diagram sketches may be helpful at this point to clarify states and processes. When all
equations and data are in hand, substitute numerical values into the equations. Carefully check
that a consistent and appropriate set of units is being employed. Then perform the needed
calculations. Finally, consider whether the magnitudes of the numerical values are reasonable
and the algebraic signs associated with the numerical values are correct.
Example 1

Two well-insulated rigid tanks of equal volume are connected

through a valve. One of the tanks is initially evacuated and the
second contains 3 moles of an unspecified ideal gas at unknown
pressure and temperature. The valve is opened allowing the gas to
fill the entire volume and reach equilibrium. Calculate the entropy
produced in this process (in J/K).

Resp.: 17,29 J/K

Example 2

A flywheel with a moment of inertia of 6.75 kg m2 rotates at 3000

RPM. As the flywheel is braked to rest, its rotational kinetic energy
is converted entirely to internal energy of the brake lining. The
brake lining has a mass of 2.25 kg and can be regarded as an
incompressible solid with a specific heat c = 4.187 kJ/kg K. There
is no significant heat transfer with the surroundings. (a) Determine
the final temperature of the brake lining, in C, if its initial
temperature is 25ºC. (b) Determine the maximum possible
rotational speed, in RPM, that could be attained by the flywheel
using energy stored in the brake lining after the flywheel has been
braked to rest. Let ambient temperature be 25ºC.

Resp.: T2 = 60.43ºC; n_2 = 704,2 RPM

Example 3

• This figure provides steady-state operating data for a well-

insulated device with air entering at one location and exiting at
another with a mass flow rate of 10 kg/s. Assuming ideal gas
behavior and negligible potential energy effects, determine the
direction of flow and the power, in kW.

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