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Eliminating Your ConFUSION

Morgan Ezell, Pablo Pinedo, Hannah Taylor

Imagine a world in which the primary energy resource is nearly unlimited and environmentally
neutral; a world where nuclear fusion is the main energy source. Currently implemented
alternatives are fossil fuels and renewables, each of which have their own problems. While it poses
its own issues, fusion presents the best long-term solution to the global energy crisis. Therefore,
nuclear energy from fusion represents a “game-changing goal in improving life on the planet”
because it represents boundless energy, with possibilities for relieving tensions and providing
accessible fuel resources.

Figure 1 shows the various connections between the creation of nuclear fusion energy and its
many contexts. Details are presented demonstrating specific effects that development of fusion
could have. Many such effects can be viewed contextually as positive or negative, but the overall
potential benefits of solving nuclear fusion energy far outweigh the negatives, rightfully
categorizing it as an Engineering Grand Challenge.

Visualized in Figure 2, fusion, which powers the sun, is the
process of fusing light atoms, like hydrogen, at extremely high
pressures and temperatures [2]. On Earth, the hydrogen isotopes
deuterium and tritium are used for this process, and while both are
relatively uncommon in nature, deuterium can be easily extracted
from water molecules and tritium can be created through simple
nuclear reactions with lithium. Both water and lithium are
abundant in nature, meaning supply for fusion reactions would not
become an issue for millions of years [3]. As mentioned by Hanna
Devlin, a science correspondent reporting on the issue, “[u]nlike
with fossil fuels, or nuclear fuel like uranium used in fission
reactions, there will never be a shortage of hydrogen [4].” To get to ‘limitless energy’ however,
researchers must learn more about how to create net-positive energy1 [5]. In 2013, “the amount of
energy released through a fusion reaction exceeded the amount of energy being absorbed by the
fuel” at the National Ignition Facility in the United States, the first instance of net-positive energy1
[6]. This has since been repeated a few times, although researchers are looking to accomplish it at
larger scales. Once net-positive energy is reliably achieved, the promises of limitless energy from
fusion will be within reach.
With increased viability, the benefits of fusion will additionally extend into economic,
political, and environmental fields, as can be seen in Figure 1. Given the abundance of the fuel
needed for fusion, obtaining and transporting the initial resources could be done with ease. This,
along with the enormous amount of energy produced by individual reactors, would significantly
lower energy costs for both businesses and
individuals [7]. As seen in Figure 3, the
success of fusion would also mean the creation
of work; many people would be needed to
research, design, construct, and maintain
fusion reactors and the facilities around them.
With regards to global politics, many recent
conflicts have risen from energy scarcity.
Over the last few decades, global unrest has
risen from the demands of corporations and
nations for cheap fossil fuels. Global
implementation of fusion would significantly
diminish the scarcity of energy, allowing
many of these conflicts to essentially dissipate
[9]. However, the greatest benefits of fusion come from how it affects the environment [10]. The
major by-product from fusion is helium, a non-toxic gas that has nearly no effects on the
environment, with zero carbon emission being one of the several attractive features demonstrated

Net-positive energy occurs when the amount of energy output by a process is more than the amount input.

in Figure 4. As fusion overcomes fossil fuels
in being a cheaper, safer, and more abundant
fuel source, efforts to combat climate change
can progress in the movement improve the
Earth’s environment [4][7].
Thus far, strides in implementing nuclear
fusion as the future’s main energy source have
been largely impeded by misconceptions and
non-significant concerns. Due to extensive
news coverage of nuclear meltdowns in recent
history, public perception has been that
nuclear energy is far too risky to be a viable
large-scale energy solution. However, unlike nuclear fission, nuclear fusion mishaps cannot result
in large disasters. This is because errors in the functioning of fusion simply result in the plasma
cooling and the reaction stopping [10]. Related
concerns involve the waste produced from fusion
energy and appropriate disposal; however,
radioactive waste from fusion is short-lived and
low activity, allowing recycling possibilities in a
mere century after initial use [10]. Access to the
water and lithium resources required for fusion is
also not an issue [11]. Since deuterium is an
isotope of water, molecules not extracted for use
can be recycled, minimizing the total water being
utilized. While lithium is in more limited supply,
earthly storages exist to sustain nuclear fusion
energy for hundreds of years to come as shown in
Figure 5. Another misconception involves the potential for nuclear energy to be converted for
weapons purposes. While public safety from this political standpoint is a legitimate concern, the
possibility of nuclear weapons stands
regardless of whether this resource is used to
address the energy crisis. In the past, countries
that have acquired access to nuclear weapons
have done so prior to gaining nuclear energy,
disproving that nuclear energy uses are
connected to these developments, further
illustrated in Figure 6 [20]. Furthermore,
projects such as ITER and the accompanying
security measures have proven that such
concerns are being acknowledged and

prevented proactively. Finally comes the issue of financial
price. While reactors are currently very expensive and timely
to make, with increased implementation and funding these
costs will decrease over time, as has been seen with other
energy-related technologies in society such as those shown in
Figure 7. While financial barriers seem high, pursuing fusion
as an energy source will reap societal and environmental
benefits that will far surpass any monetary cost that nuclear
fusion can present, making it the optimal energy source of the
The ethical theory best aligning with the use of fusion
energy is that of utilitarianism. The usefulness of the energy
gained far outweighs its minimal risks. Virtually everyone can
benefit from an increase in availability and accessibility of
energy. Individuals who gain the least from this venture are
made up of only those who profit from or work in the
production of other energy forms. While this number is not
insignificant, the benefits clearly outweigh the drawbacks.
However, the theories of Tragedy of the Commons, deontology, and land ethics also apply.
With current energy usage surrounding fossil fuels, humans are depleting the Earth’s resources
beyond renewal. Though supplies are quickly dwindling, the individual reward of fossil fuel
extraction and usage still far outweighs the shared loss of the decreasing reserves that the world
population is facing. This leads to the Tragedy of the Commons phenomenon, an issue that would
be avoided with nuclear fusion as an energy source due to its essentially infinite supply. Removal
of the shared loss would prevent the tragedy. Deontology is also applicable as everyone can utilize
nuclear fusion energy with few drawbacks. The theory states that a practice is only ethical if
everyone can participate in it, and since nuclear fusion can be expanded to provide for the world’s
population, this solution is therefore acceptable by this theory. The environmentally friendly nature
of nuclear fusion makes it compliant with the theory of land ethics. If the world’s energy source
became fusion power, fewer fossil fuels would be needed, fuels that destroy the planet. By
switching to a more environmentally friendly energy source, the health of the land is better
preserved and with this a new appreciation and respect for the Earth may develop to keep it that
In looking at the reasoning of the NAE in choosing nuclear fusion as an EGC, the decision is
presented as a naturally progressing argument. In appealing to the reader’s personal knowledge
and experiences, they draw on common scientific knowledge, including Einstein’s famous
equation, to present the technical basis for fusion reactions. They explain the process further in
relatively simple terms so that even those without technical knowledge can understand it. They
also address the abundance of raw materials and reference ITER as a leading example of solving
the technical and safety problems in the field all in order to provide the audience with information

of what is currently being addressed in the field of fusion energy. This shows an ethical emphasis
on safety, ensuring that a safe implementation is a main goal of fusion energy and is being kept at
the forefront of development as opposed to being enforced as an afterthought. Finally, to further
address misgivings the reader may have, they address the misconceptions of fusion nuclear
meltdowns and reassure that there is no chance of runaway nuclear reactions.
While the NAE makes a strong argument for the classification of nuclear fusion as an EGC,
they fail to address the possibility of non-technical solutions, a concern since the energy crisis is
not solely a technical problem. The crisis is not just caused by dwindling fuel resources but also
by overuse/irresponsible use of energy. The issues of a growing population, increased energy usage
in developed countries, and developing countries demanding more energy with greater technology
cannot be ignored. However, the sources of these issues are multifaceted, implicating social,
cultural, political, and economic contexts, making related solutions far more complicated than the
technical solution being proposed. Since these contributors would take far more focus and
dedication to improve, nuclear fusion as an EGC still provides the best solution to the energy crisis
at this current time.
The need for a new main source of energy that
can supply the world’s electricity needs in the face
of growing population and urbanization is
irrefutable. Traditional fossil fuels induce climate
change and wreak havoc on vital ecosystems.
Renewable energy sources, while promising, lack
the scale and power needed to meet the growing
demand for energy worldwide, as displayed in
Figure 8. Only nuclear fusion, with its clean energy
production, virtually limitless availability, and
infinite sustainability can meet the needs of the 21st
century and beyond. With this potential, nuclear
energy stands as an ultimate Engineering Grand
Challenge as it will bring positive transformation to
human life with its groundbreaking possibilities.


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