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Chandler Henninger

Audrey Roy
EMS 480

Geometric Transformations

Mathematics Learning Objectives

● Students will be able to describe transformations of shapes that take place on an xy-plane.
● Students will be able to recite definitions of angles, lines, and shapes based on specified
points and other geometric properties.
● Students will be able to design shapes and construct rotations, reflections, and
translations of those shapes in a geometric software.
● Students will be able to identify points of a polygon after a transformation is made. s

Language Objectives

● Students will be able to discuss the similarities and differences of shape transformations.
● Students will be able to form conjectures of inputs and outputs based on precise
mathematical definitions.
● Students will be able to prove shape rotations and reflections that carry onto itself.
● Students will be able to conceptualize shape behavior on an xy-plane based on definitions
and transformations.
● Students will be able to compare and contrast

Essential Questions

How do behaviors of shapes affect their status in the xy-plane?

Why is a translation a transformation?
How are rotations of polygons compared to reflections over a point?

Common Core State Mathematics Standards

● Know the precise definitions of angle, circle, perpendicular lines, parallel lines, and line
segment, based on the undefined notions of point, line, distance along a line, and distance
around a circular arc.
● Represent transformations in the plane using, e.g., transparencies and geometry software;
describe transformations as functions that take points in the plane as inputs and give other
points as outputs. Compare transformations that preserve distance and angle to those that
do not (e.g., translation versus horizontal stretch).

● Laptop with internet access to view slides

● Projector or Smartboard
● Padlet (​​)
● Plickers cards (​​)
● Geogebra
● Geogebra interactive worksheet.
Geometric Transformations
Sketchpad/Geogebra Worksheet

Welcome to Geogebra! In this activity you will be making transformations on different kinds of
shapes. Below, you will be going over an interactive activity that will take you through some
transformations of different shapes and figures. To begin this activity, you will need to access
Geogebra on your laptop. After you open the website, you will need to make sure the xy-plane is
opened and feel free to familiarize yourself with the interface for a moment.

1. Go to Geogebra and create Polygon ABC
2. Place point A at (-9,3)
3. Place point B at (-8,5)
4. Place point C at (-7,3)

1. Reflect Polygon ABC about the point (-5, 1)

a. What are the coordinates of point A’ ?

b. What are the coordinates of point B’ ?

c. What are the coordinates of point C’ ?

2. Rotate Polygon ABC about point (-4,2) with a 65 degree angle

d. What are the coordinates of point A’ ?

e. What are the coordinates of point B’ ?

f. What are the coordinates of point C’ ?

g. Provide a definition for angle and describe the angles in Polygon ABC.

3. Translate Polygon ABC with point D starting at (-2,1) and dragging the cursor to (2,-1)
h. What are the coordinates of point A’ ?

i. What are the coordinates of point B’ ?

j. What are the coordinates of point C’ ?

4. Make some conjectures about the transformations and write a proof statement about how we
know a shape is congruent.

5. Which transformation was your favorite and why?

(The answers for this question are open ended but should include a transformation)

Notes to the Reader

It is possible that students have never worked with sketchpad or geogebra before, so they may
have trouble getting started or could take a bit longer to perform some of the tasks on the
software. The introduction to sketchpad at the beginning of class should help students get
engaged and work at a better pace in case of the scenario that they have no experience.

Plan For Instruction

50 minutes in total for this lesson.

Time What is the teacher doing? What are students doing?

10 min Re-Introduce Transformations ● Students will come into the

The teacher will tell students to grab a classroom and sit down.
laptop off the laptop cart. The students ● Students will grab a laptop from
should individually have enough laptops, the laptop cart.
but if there is not enough to go around, ● Students will go to the link
they should get into groups of two or
three depending on the amount of 9rrg8
remaining laptops. After students have ● Students will post on the link
the laptops, the teacher will instruct things they know to be true about
them to go to the link shape transformations​ and post what ● After posting their response,
they know about shape transformations. students will review their peer’s
The teacher will project the padlet at the responses on the board
front of the class and will instruct the ● Students will listen to the teacher
students to post their ideas. As students review the posts and give them
are posting their ideas, the teacher will feedback
observe answers. When students are ● Questions students might ask:
done and they are reviewing peer
responses, the teacher will give positive ● What is the difference between a
reinforcement by saying "that is right", reflection and a translation?
and when students are wrong the teacher ○ A reflection is when a
will ask "why did you think that" and shape is mirrored and its
then give further explanation of what is reflection is a reversal of
right. This will help students form itself equidistant from the
definitions, and be introduced to the line of reflection. A
formailites of proof and conjectures. At translation is the same
the end of this section the teacher will shape at a fixed distance
ensure that students are given the correct from its original.
definitions. ● What happens if a shape is
rotated 360 degrees?
○ The shape has made it
back to its original
position and the
coordinates are the same.
● What is the difference between
reflecting over a line and rotating
180 degrees?
○ Reflecting over a line
changes the shape by
producing its mirror.
Rotating 180 degrees
changes the orientation
and the polygon
maintains its original

5 mins How to Use Geogebra ● Students will watch the

After students respond, the teacher will powerpoint that the teacher
present the powerpoint on how to use presents
Geogebra to make shape ● Students will view the videos on
transformations. The teacher will then the powerpoint and gain a better
open the following link to view the understanding of how to
presentation. translate, rotate, and reflect object on Geogebra
After the powerpoint is projected on the ● Students will listen to the teacher
screen, the teacher will go over it with review and explain the
students. Within the powerpoint the powerpoint
teacher has embedded links to ● Can I use the line segment tool to
screencasts. So, the teacher will click on make my shape?
the links and have the students watch ○ It is more efficient to use
each one. While the students are the polygon tool so your
watching them, the teacher will briefly shape stay a figure easier.
describe the contents in the video. If ● How do I reflect my shape?
there are any questions, the teacher will ○ You can reflect your
answer them. shape by either creating a
mirror line or by
reflecting the shape over
a point.
● How do I rotate about a point?
○ Select the rotate button on
the side of the screen,
then select the object you
want to be rotated, and
select the point you want
to be rotated.

25 mins Geogebra Worksheet ● Students will be handed a

● The teacher will pass out the worksheet and instructed to
following worksheet to each follow the directions and answer
student. the questions ● Students will then proceed to
?usp=sharing answer then proceed to pull up
● The teacher will instruct students Geogebra on their laptops.
to read and follow the directions ● Students will answer the
on the worksheet by saying “The questions on the worksheet while
following worksheet will allow gaining a better understanding of
you to explore Geogebra and shape transformations
become familiar with shape ● Students will create Polygon
transformations. Please follow ABC by placing points at
the directions on this worksheet specific coordinates
and answer the questions. If you
have any questions, raise your
hand and I will come help you.”
● Teacher will walk around and
assist the students as they need
● Teacher will observe the students
working and take note of their
understanding of the material.
● While the teacher is walking ● Students will rotate Polygon
around helping students, they ABC around the point (5,-1). The
will notice common questions students will then identify the
and mistakes being made by coordinates of the polygon after
students throughout the activity. the transformation.
● The teacher will take note of
these mistakes and announce to
the whole class how these
mistakes could be avoided.
● Teacher will ask students if there
are any more questions.
● After answering any questions
that the students may have, the ● Students will reflect Polygon
teacher will allow the students to ABC about a specified point that
continue to work. is asked on the worksheet.
Students will then have to answer
questions about the coordinates
after the transformation.

● Students will translate Polygon
ABC from its original
coordinates to new coordinates.
Students will then identify
individual coordinates of the
points in the polygon.

Example of a student worksheet:

Possible Student Questions

● Do I have to use the coordinates

on here?
○ Yes, we want to work as
a class with the same
● I lost my object and can’t find
the negative plane, how do I find
○ You can use the “move”
tool to drag the plane
around until you find
what you are looking for.
● What is a conjecture?
○ A conjecture is a
conclusion based on
incomplete information.
● How do I translate, reflect,
○ Go to the powerpoint I
made and watch the
videos. These videos
provide instruction on
how to carry out these
actions on Geogebra.
10 min Plickers Activity The students will take out their Plickers
● Teacher will ask the students to codes that are on sheets of paper in their
take out their Plicker Codes. binders. After they take them out, I will
● “I will post the plicker questions display the questions on the board. To
on the board. Please hold up your answer the questions, the students will
Plicker based on the answer orient their pieces of paper the direction
choice you choose. I will then of A B C or D. The students' answers
scan your plicker to check for will then be scanned by the teacher and
accuracy. Do not worry, this will results will be given after they are
not be a grade but it will help me scanned. (Since we do not have class
assess where you are with the plicker codes, we cannot show examples
material.” of student responses. To get a sample
● Teacher will present the Plicker would require
questions on the SmartBoard
● Teacher will read each question
out loud.
● Teacher will scan the room with
phone to check for accuracy.
● Teacher will then be able to
assess the students and gain a
better understanding of where
teach student is with the material.

Possible Student Questions

● What is the difference between
perpendicular lines and parallel
○ Perpendicular lines are
lines that intersect at 90
degrees and parallel lines
are lines that do not
intersect and have the
same slope?

● How do rays and angles relate?

○ An angle is going to be
the space, usually
measured in degrees, that
is between two rays that
are connected by a vertex.

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