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University School of Social Sciences

School Core
B.Ed II Year – III Sem
Theory Course Offered by: School: USE Dept: Education
1 Course Code TEG216
2 Course Title Understanding Disciplines and School Subjects
3 Credits 4-0-0 (4)
Contact Hours
4 4-0-0 (4)
To enable the prospective teachers to -
1. Understand the basic concepts associated with academic disciplines
2. Comprehend the meaning of interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary learning
5 3. Understand different approaches in interdisciplinary learning
4. Appreciate the different academic disciplines and their place in the school curriculum
5. Appreciate the role of academic disciplines in facing global challenges
6. Apply the understanding of academic disciplines in curriculum transaction
On successful completion of this course, students will be able to
1. Define the meaning of Academic Disciplines.
2. Describe the characteristics of Academic Disciplines.
3. Explain the emergence of academic disciplines.
4. Comprehend the relationship between academic disciplines and subjects
5. Classify various Academic Disciplines.
6. Differentiate Interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary teaching and learning.
6 7. Critically analyse approaches for interdisciplinary learning.
8. Examine place of Humanities and Social Sciences in present school curriculum
9. Discuss issues and challenges in teaching Humanities and Social sciences
10. Describe place of Science and Mathematics in present school curriculum.
11. Examine issues and challenges in teaching the discipline of Science and Mathematics
12. Evaluate role of Humanities and Social Sciences with respect to the global issues.
13. Analyse role of Science and Mathematics with respect to sustainable Development and
Outline Syllabus: 48 Hours
7.01 Unit A Basics of Academic Disciplines
7.02 Unit A Topic 1 Meaning and characteristics of academic disciplines
7.03 Unit A Topic 2 Emergence of academic disciplines
7.04 Unit A Topic 3 Relationship between Academic Disciplines and subjects
7.05 Unit B Teaching across Disciplines
7.06 Unit B Topic 1 Classification of Academic Disciplines
7.07 Unit B Topic 2 Interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary teaching and learning
7.08 Unit B Topic 3 Strategies/ approaches for interdisciplinary learning
7.09 Unit C Humanities and Social Sciences in the Curriculum
7.10 Unit C Topic 1 Place of Humanities and Social Sciences in present school curriculum
7.11 Unit C Topic 2 Issues and challenges in teaching Humanities and Social sciences
7.12 Unit D Natural Sciences and Mathematics in the Curriculum
7.13 Unit D Topic 1 Place of the Disciplines Science and Mathematics in present school curriculum
7.14 Unit D Topic 2 Issues and challenges in teaching the discipline of Science and Mathematics
7.15 Unit E Role of Academic Disciplines
Role of Humanities and Social Sciences with respect to the global issues: Promoting peace and
7.16 Unit E Topic 1
Respecting Diversity
7.17 Unit E Topic 2 Role of Science and Mathematics with respect to Sustainable Development and Health
8 Course Evaluation: 100 Marks
8.11 Attendance
8.12 Homework
8.13 Quiz
8.2 MTT
8.3 ETE:
9 References
1. Marsh. C.J (2009). Education key concepts for understanding curriculum. Routledge
Supplementary 2. N.C.E.R.T. (1988). Guidelines and syllabi for secondary stage. New Delhi: N.C.E.R.T.
Reference(s) 3. Narendra Vaidya. Science Teaching for School in 21st Century. Deep & Deep Publication.
Pvt. Ltd.
4. UNESCO (1969-70). New Trends in integrated Science Teaching.
10 Chalk Board/ PPT/ Role Play/ Group Discussion.
11. Mapping of Outcomes vs. Topics Course Name Understanding Disciplines and School Subjects Course Code:
OUTCOME NO  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Unit A X X X X
Unit A Topic 1 X X
Unit A Topic 2 X
Unit A Topic 3 X
Unit B X X X
Unit B Topic 1 X
Unit B Topic 2 X
Unit B Topic 3 X
Unit C X X
Unit C Topic 1 X
Unit C Topic 2 X
Unit D X X
Unit D Topic 1 X
Unit D Topic 2 X
Unit E X X
Unit E Topic 1 X
Unit E Topic 2 X

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