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School: Arco-Íris

Student: ________________________________________________
Teacher: Oedil Neta Class: _________ Date: ______/______/________
“Sem limite para crescer” 1º Unidade

ATIVIDADE 7º ANO Present Continuous

1) Complete with the to be (is, am, are)

a) The girl__________ drinking milk. b) The boy ___________ playing the piano.
c) The dog ___________jumping. d) Mary and Paulo ____________ dancing.
e) Bob and Tom _____________ playing soccer. f) The student ______________ studying English.
g) My mother ______________ watching TV.

2) Answer the question below. Use short answers.

a) Are you talking to your friend? - No, _______________________________________

b) Is your teacher singing? - No, _______________________________________
c) Are you studying English? - Yes, ______________________________________
d) Are you eating lunch now? - No,_______________________________________
e) Is you friend looking at you? - Yes,______________________________________

3) Change the sentences into the negative form.

a. My friend Richard is living in London now._________________________________________________________

b. The students are opening the English books._______________________________________________________
c. Sam is speaking French._______________________________________________________________________
d. The boys are playing soccer.____________________________________________________________________

4) Look at Mariana’s diary for this week and answer the question.
Example: What’s Mariana doing on Friday?
She’s washing her hair.
a. What’s Mariana doing on Sunday? Monday: meet friends
___________________________________ Tuesday: visit
b. What’s Mariana doing on Wednesday? grandmother
Wednesday: have lunch
with Mario.
c. What’s Mariana doing on Saturday?
Friday: wash hair
Saturday: go to the
d. What’s Mariana doing on Monday?
movies with Ann
Sunday: Have dinner
with Maria

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