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Why We Exist

We exist to serve Indianapolis families that are living without access to food. This includes all 3+
person family units that live in Indianapolis food deserts and/or on the poverty line. We serve
these families because we strongly believe that food should be a right and starvation should not
be an option. Through our work with this community, we are striving to create healthy
relationships with food for all Indianapolis residents.

Why We Care

We believe in the value and power of nutritional food for a family. Food should be a right for all
people and not a constant obstacle or threat to their wellness. We care about the strength and
livelihoods of Indianapolis families that can continue to foster Indianapolis as a whole.

Needs & Wants

In order to make this happen, we will need three full-time staff members, a van, a laptop, a
wireless internet hotspot, partnerships with local urban agriculturalists, Microsoft Excel, and
sustainable packaging items. Separating from the needs, we want to also have a fourth full-time
staff member, free classes on urban agriculture for our service recipients, and a research
program that evaluates how our services improve their wellbeing in all 8 dimensions of wellness.


We will accomplish our goals through proper, strategic implementation that begins with create
those relationships with urban agriculturalists, introducing them to and educating them on the
issue we are addressing. Our program manager will then create a bulk purchasing system with
each agriculturalist. Once we’ve purchased the food, we will package them in reusable,
sustainable packaging that the families being served can return to us for more food in the future.
The packages will be delivered, by van, to each family being served. If more families need to
register with us, we will have a laptop with internet access available for them to enter their
information in our system for future service.

Measure & Evaluate

Until intensive research becomes available for this organization, we will gather our data through
surveying each recipient of Famine 500. Surveys will be sent out on the day before the service
is received, the day after the service is received, and one week after the service is received.
With this data, we will be able to assess all potential needs from the community at various times
throughout the month so as to evaluate the most effective potential timing, implementation, and
service provided.

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