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Definite integral applications: to calculating volume, mass,

and length

In this chapter, we consider applications of the definite integral to calculating

geometric quantities such as volumes of geometric solids, masses, centers of
mass of different objects and lengths of curves.
Our strategies are closely related to those we saw in Chapter 4 within the
context of computing areas. We first imagine an approximation using a finite
number of pieces to represent a desired result. Then, a limiting process of
refinement leads to the desired result. The definite integral, developed in
Chapters 2 and 3 applies directly. This means that we need not re-derive the
link between Riemann Sums and the definite integral, we can use these as we
did in Chapter 4.
We also consider how to dissect certain three dimensional solids into a set
of simpler parts whose volumes are easy to compute - using familiar formulae
for the volumes of disks and cylindrical shells and carefully constructing
a summation to represent the desired volume. The volume of the entire
object is then obtained by summing up volumes of a stack of disks or a set of
embedded shells, and considering the limit as the thickness of the dissection
cuts gets thinner.

5.1 Mass distributions in one dimension

Section 5.1 Learning goals

1. State the formula for the mass of an object given a density function.

2. Compute mass densities of one dimensional objects.

We start our discussion with a number of examples of mass distributed

along a single dimension. First, we consider a discrete collection of masses
and then generalize to a continuous density. This allows us to recapitulate the
link between finite sums and definite integrals that we developed in earlier
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A discrete distribution
In Figure 5.1 we see a number of beads distributed along a thin wire. We
label each bead with an index, i = 1 . . . n (in this case there are five beads so
that n = 5). Each bead has a certain position (that we think of as the value of
xi ) and a mass that we call mi . We refer to this arrangement as a discrete mass
distribution: both the masses of the beads, and their positions are of interest
to us. We can describe some properties of this distribution.

Example 5.1 (Total mass of beads on a wire) Consider five beads x1 , . . . , x5

distributed along a thin wire with masses m1 , . . . , m5 as depicted in Figure 5.1.
What is the total weight of the five beads?

Figure 5.1: A discrete distribution of masses

m1 m2 m3 m4 m5 along a (one dimensional) wire.

x1 x2 x3 x4 x5

Mastered Material Check

Solution. The total mass of the beads M is just the sum of the individual 1. If all of the beads in Figures 5.1
masses, so that have uniform density and are sized
n as depicted, which has the most
M= ∑ mk . (5.1) mass?
k =1

A continuous distribution: mass density and total mass

We now consider a continuous mass distribution where the mass per unit
length (“density”) changes gradually from one point to another. For example,
the bar in Figure 5.2 has a density that varies along its length.
The portion at the left is made of lighter material, or has a lower density
than the portions further to the right. We denote that density by ρ (x) and this
carries units of mass per unit length. (The density of the material along the
length of the bar is shown in the graph.)

Example 5.2 How can we determine the mass of the bar depicted in Fig-
ure 5.2?

Solution. Suppose the bar has length L and let x (0 ≤ x ≤ L) denote the
position along that bar. Let us imagine dividing up the bar into N small pieces
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Figure 5.2: (a) A continuous mass distribu-

tion along a one dimensional bar, discussed
mass distribution in Example 5.3. The density of the bar
(mass per unit length), ρ (x) is shown on the
graph. (b) The discretized approximation
of this same distribution. Here we have
subdivided the bar into n smaller pieces,
each of length Δx. The mass of each piece
ρ(x) is approximately mk = ρ (xk )Δx where
xk = kΔx. The total mass of the bar (“sum of
(a) all the pieces”) is represented by an integral
(5.2) as we let the size, Δx, of the pieces
become infinitesimal.


(b) m1 m 2 ··· mN

x1 x2 ··· xN

of length Δx as shown in Figure 5.2. The coordinates of the endpoints of

those pieces are then

x0 = 0, ..., xk = kΔx, ..., xN = L

and the corresponding masses of each of the pieces are approximately

mk = ρ (xk )Δx.
Mastered Material Check
The total mass is then a sum of masses of all the pieces, and, as we have 2. In Figure 5.2(a), where is the bar
seen in an earlier chapter, this sum approaches the integral most dense?
 L 3. What are the units of ρ (xi )? Δx?
M= ρ (x)dx (5.2) Verify that mk has sensible units.
0 4. Verify that "the mass of each piece
as we make the size of the pieces smaller.  is approximately mk = ρ (xk )Δx
where xk = kΔx."
We can also define a cumulative function for the mass distribution as
M (x) = ρ (s)ds. (5.3)

Then M (x) is the total mass in the part of the interval between the left end
(assumed at 0) and the position x (0 ≤ x ≤ L).
108 I N T E G R A L C A L C U L U S W I T H A P P L I C AT I O N S F O R L I F E S C I E N C E S

Actin density inside a cell

Other courses
Biologists often describe the density of protein, receptors, or other molecules Protein structure and function is
in cells. One example is shown in Figure 5.3. Here we show a keratocyte, explored in MBB 201: Biochemistry of
the Cell.
which is a cell from the scale of a fish.

actin cortex
c Figure 5.3: A cell (keratocyte) shown
in (a) has a dense distribution of actin
in a band called the actin cortex. In (b)
we show a schematic sketch of the actin
cortex (shaded). In (c) that band of actin
1 is scaled and straightened out so that it
−1 occupies a length corresponding to the
interval −1 ≤ x ≤ 1. We are interested in
b actin cortex d ρ =1−x 2 the distribution of actin filaments across
that band. That distribution is shown in (d).
Note that actin is densest in the middle of
the band. (a) Credit to Alex Mogilner.
−1 0 1

A band of actin filaments (protein responsible for structure and motion

of the cell) are found at the edge of the cell in a band called the actin cortex.
It has been found experimentally that the density of actin is greatest in the Note that 1μm (read “ 1 micro-meter”
middle of the band, i.e. the position corresponding to the midpoint of the or “micron”) is 10−6 meters, and is
appropriate for measuring lengths of
edge of the cell shown in Figure 5.3a. small objects such as cells.
According to Alex Mogilner1 , the density of actin across the cortex in 1
Alex Mogilner is a professor of mathemat-
filaments per edge μm is well approximated by a distribution of the form ics who specializes in cell biology and the
actin cytoskeleton

ρ ( x ) = α ( 1 − x2 ) , −1 ≤ x ≤ 1,

where x is the fraction of distance from midpoint to the end of the band (Fig-
ure 5.3c and d). Here ρ (x) is an actin filament density in units of filaments Mastered Material Check
per μm. That is, ρ is the number of actin fibers per unit length. 5. Consider Figure 5.3; where is the
actin least dense?
We can find the total number of actin filaments, N in the band by integra-
6. Verify that
tion, i.e.
(1 − x2 )dx = ,
−1 3
 1  1
N= α (1 − x2 ) dx = α (1 − x2 ) dx. 7. Given that
−1 −1
(1 − x2 )dx = ,
−1 3

The integral above has already been computed in Section 3.4 in the Example How many actin filaments N are
there in the band?
3.3 as Integral 2 and was found to be 4/3.
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5.2 Mass distribution, density and the center of mass

Section 5.2 Learning goals

1. State the formula for the centre of mass of a one dimensional object.

2. Explain the differences between center of mass, average mass density and
the point where an object can be split into two pieces of equal mass.

3. Calculate the centre of mass of a given one dimensional object given a

mass density.

It is useful to describe several other properties of mass distributions. We

first define the “center of mass", x̄ which is akin to an average x coordinate.

Center of mass of a discrete distribution

The center of mass x̄ of a mass distribution is given by:
1 N
M i∑
x̄ = xi mi . (5.4)

Mastered Material Check

This can also be written in the form 8. Consider Eqn. 5.2; describe in
words what each of x̄, M, xi , m and n
∑Ni=1 xi mi are indicating in this equation.
x̄ = .
∑Ni=1 mi

Center of mass of a continuous distribution

We can generalize the concept of the center of mass for a continuous mass
density. Our approach of subdividing the interval 0 ≤ x ≤ L and computing a
Riemann sum leads to
1 N
M i∑
x̄ = xi ρ (xi )Δx.
As Δx → dx, this becomes an integral. Based on this, it makes sense to define
the center of mass of the continuous mass distribution as follows:
x̄ = xρ (x)dx .
M 0

We can also write this in the form

xρ (x)dx
x̄ = 0L .
0 ρ (x)dx

Example 5.3 (Center of mass vs. average mass density) Here we distin-
guish between two (potentially confusing) quantities in the context of an
110 I N T E G R A L C A L C U L U S W I T H A P P L I C AT I O N S F O R L I F E S C I E N C E S

A long thin bar of length L is made of material whose density varies along
the length of the bar. Let x be distance from one end of the bar. Suppose that
mass distribution
the mass density is given by

ρ (x) = ax, 0 ≤ x ≤ L. ρ(x)

This type of mass density is shown in the top panel in Figure 5.2 (reproduced
in Figure 5.4).
(a) Find the total mass of the bar.
(b) Find the average mass density along the bar. Figure 5.4: A continuous mass distribution
along a one dimensional bar, discussed in
(c) Find the center of mass of the bar. Example 5.3. The density of the bar (mass
(d) Where along the length of the bar should you cut to get two pieces of equal per unit length), ρ (x) is shown on the graph.

(a) From our previous discussion, the total mass of the bar is Mastered Material Check
 L L
ax2  aL2 9. On Figure 5.4, depict an estimation
M= ax dx =  = . of the solution to Example 5.3(d).
0 2 0 2

(b) The average mass density along the bar is computed just as one would
compute the average value of a function: integrate the function over an
interval and divide by the length of the interval. An example of this type
appeared in Section 4.3. Thus
1 L 1 aL2 aL
ρ̄ = ρ (x) dx = = .
L 0 L 2 2
What does this mean? Well, a bar having a uniform density ρ̄ = aL/2
would have the same total mass as the bar in this example. (This is the
physical interpretation of average mass density.)

(c) The center of mass of the bar is

L  L L
xρ (x) dx 1 a x3  2a L3 2
x̄ = 0
= ax2 dx =  = 2 = L.
M M 0 M 3 0 aL 3 3
Observe that the center of mass is an “average x coordinate”, which is not
the same as the average mass density.

(d) We can use the cumulative function defined in Eqn. (5.3) to figure out
where half of the mass is concentrated. Suppose we cut the bar at some
position x = s. Then the mass of this part of the bar is
M1 = ρ (x) dx = ,
0 2
We ask for what values of s is it true that M1 is exactly half the total mass?
Using the result of part (a), we find that for this to be true, we must have
M as2 1 aL2
M1 = , ⇒ = .
2 2 2 2
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Solving for s leads to

1 2
s= √ L= L.
2 2

Thus, cutting the bar at a distance ( 2/2)L from x = 0 results in two equal

Note: the position that subdivides the mass into two equal pieces is
analogous to the idea of a median.

Physical interpretation of the center of mass

The center of mass has a physical interpretation: it is the point at which the
mass would “balance”. In the Appendix B.3 we discuss this in detail.

Extending mass density to further applications

The concept of mass density can be extended to related problems.
Up to now, we have seen examples of mass distributed in one dimension:
beads on a wire, actin density along the edge of a cell, or a bar of varying
density. For the continuous distributions, we determined the total mass by
integration. Underlying the integral was the idea that the interval could be
“dissected” into small parts (of width Δx), and a sum of pieces transformed
into an integral. In the next examples, we consider similar ideas, but in-
stead of dissecting the region into 1-dimensional intervals, we have more
interesting geometries.

Example 5.4 (Glucose density gradient) A cylindrical test-tube of radius r,

and height h, contains a solution of glucose which has been prepared so that
the concentration of glucose is greatest at the bottom and decreases gradu-
ally towards the top of the tube; this is called a density gradient. Suppose that
the concentration c as a function of the depth x is c(x) = 0.1 + 0.5x grams per
centimeter cubed with x = 0 at the top of the tube and x = h at the bottom. Units
Grams per centimeter cubed is also
In Figure 5.5 we show a schematic version of what this gradient might look
written g/cm3 .
like. (In reality, the transition between high and low concentration would be
smoother than shown in this figure.)
If we neglect the rounded lower portion of the tube and assume it is a
simple cylinder, how much glucose is in the tube? What are your units?

Solution. We assume a simple cylindrical tube and consider imaginary

“slices” of this tube along its vertical axis, here labeled as the “x” axis. Sup-
pose that the thickness of a slice is Δx. Then the volume of each of these
(disk shaped) slices is πr2 Δx. The amount of glucose in the slice is approxi-
mately equal to the concentration c(x) multiplied by the volume of the slice,
i.e. the small slice contains an amount πr2 Δxc(x) of glucose. In order to sum
up the total amount over all slices, we use a definite integral. As before, we
112 I N T E G R A L C A L C U L U S W I T H A P P L I C AT I O N S F O R L I F E S C I E N C E S

x=0 Figure 5.5: A test-tube of radius r contain-

ing a gradient of glucose. A disk-shaped
slice of the tube with small thickness Δx has
approximately constant density.


imagine Δx → dx becoming “infinitesimal” as the number of slices increases.

The integral we want is
G = πr2 c(x) dx.
By neglecting the complication of the rounded bottom portion of the test-tube,
the integration over its length (which is actually summation of disks shown in
Figure 5.5) is a one-dimensional problem.
In this case the total amount of glucose in the tube is
 h   h  
0.5x2  2
G = πr 2
(0.1 + 0.5x)dx = πr 2
0.1x +  = πr2 0.1h + 0.5h g.
0 2  2

 Mastered Material Check

In the next example, we consider a circular geometry, but the concept of 10. Suppose that the height of the
dissecting and summing is the same. Our task is to determine how to set up test-tube is h = 10 cm and its radius
is r = 1 cm. Use Example 5.4 to find
the problem in terms of an integral, and, again, we must imagine which type the total mass of glucose in the test
of subdivision would lead to the summation (integration) needed to compute tube.
total amount.
Other courses
Interactions between bacteria are
Example 5.5 (Circular colony of bacteria) A circular colony of bacteria
studied in BISC 430: Microbe-Plant
has radius of 1 cm. At distance r from the center of the colony, the density of Interactions.
the bacteria, in units of one million cells per square centimeter, is observed to
be b(r ) = 1 − r2 , where r is distance from the center in cm, so that 0 ≤ r ≤ 1.
What is the total number of bacteria in the colony?

Solution. Figure 5.6 shows a rough sketch of a flat surface with a colony
of bacteria growing on it. We assume that this distribution is radially sym-
metric. The density as a function of distance from the center is given by
b(r ), as shown in Figure 5.6. Note that the function describing density, b(r )
is smooth, but to accentuate the strategy of dissecting the region, we have
shown a top-down view of a ring of nearly constant density on the right in
Figure 5.6. We see that this ring occupies the region between two circles, e.g.
between a circle of radius r and a slightly bigger circle of radius r + Δr. The
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b(r) = 1 − r2 Δr

Top-down view
Side view (one ring)

Figure 5.6: A colony of bacteria with

circular symmetry. A ring of small thickness
area of that “ring’would then be the area of the larger circle minus that of the Δr has roughly constant density. The
superimposed curve on the left is the
smaller circle, namely bacterial density b(r ) as a function of the
radius r.
Aring = π (r + Δr )2 −πr2 = π (r2 + 2rΔr + (Δr )2 ) −πr2 = π (2rΔr + (Δr )2 ).
Mastered Material Check
However, if we make the thickness of that ring really small (Δr → 0), then the 11. Describe what is happening in both
quadratic term is very, very small so that panels of Figure 5.6.
12. What does ‘radially symmetric’
Aring ≈ 2πrΔr. means?

Consider all the bacteria that are found inside a “ring” of radius r and
thickness Δr (see Figure 5.6.) The total number within such a ring is the
product of the density, b(r ) and the area of the ring, i.e.

b(r ) · (2πrΔr ) = 2πr (1 − r2 )Δr.

To get the total number in the colony we sum up over all the rings from r = 0
to r = 1 and let the thickness, Δr → dr become very small. But, as with other
examples, this is equivalent to calculating a definite integral, namely:

 1  1  1
Btotal = (1 − r )(2πr ) dr = 2π (1 − r2 )rdr = 2π (r − r3 )dr.
0 0 0

We calculate the result as follows:

 2  1 1
r r4  r4  π π
Btotal = 2π − = (πr − π ) = π − = .
2 4 0 2 0 2 2

Thus the total number of bacteria in the entire colony is π/2 million which is
approximately 1.57 million cells. 
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5.3 Volumes of solids of revolution

Section 5.3 Learning goals

1. Define a solid of revolution.

2. Describe how a solid of revolution can be decomposed into cylindrical

discs or shells.

3. Given a curve and a direction of rotations, sketch the resulting solud of

revolution with a disk inside.

We now turn to the problem of calculating volumes of 3D solids. Here

we restrict attention to symmetric objects, denoted solids of revolution,
objects whose outer surface is generated by revolving some curve around
a coordinate axis. In Figure 5.7 we show one such curve, and the surface it
forms when it is revolved about the y axis.

Figure 5.7: A solid of revolution is formed

y y by revolving a region in the xy-plane about
the y-axis.

x x

Volumes of cylinders and shells

Before starting calculations, let us recall the volumes of some of the geomet-
ric shapes to be used as elementary pieces.

1. The volume of a cylinder of height h having circular base of radius r, is

Vcylinder = πr2 h.

2. The volume of a circular disk of thickness τ, and radius r (shown on the

left in Figure 5.8 ), is a special case of the above,

Vdisk = πr2 τ.

3. The volume of a cylindrical shell of height h, with circular radius r and

small thickness τ (shown on the right in Figure 5.8) is

Vshell = 2πrhτ.
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Figure 5.8: The volumes of these simple 3D

r shapes are given by simple formulae. We
use them as basic elements in computing
r more complicated volumes. Here we present
τ examples based on disks. In Appendix B.4
we give an example based on shells.



(This approximation holds for τ << r.)

Computing the Volumes

Consider the curve in Figure 5.9 and the surface it forms when it is revolved
about the y-axis. In the same figure, we also show how a set of approximating
rectangular strips associated with the planar region lead to a set of stacked
disks that approximate the volume of the solid.

y y y

x x x

Figure 5.9: We illustrate how a region

is approximated by rectangles of some
The total volume of the disks is not the same as the volume of the object given width, and how these form a set of
but if we make the thickness of these disks very small, the approximation of approximating disks for the 3D solid of
the true volume is good. In the limit, as the thickness of the disks becomes in- revolution.

finitesimal, we arrive at the true volume of the solid of revolution. The reader
should recognize a familiar theme. We used the same concept in computing
areas using Riemann sums based on rectangular strips in Chapter 2.
Figure 5.10 similarly shows a volume of revolution obtained by revolving
the graph of the continuous function y = f (x) about the x-axis. We note that
if this surface is cut into slices, the radius of the cross-sections depend on
the position of the cut. Let us imagine a stack of N disks approximating this
116 I N T E G R A L C A L C U L U S W I T H A P P L I C AT I O N S F O R L I F E S C I E N C E S

volume. One such disk has been pulled out and labeled for our inspection.
We note that its radius (in the y direction) is given by the height of the graph
of the function, so that r = f (x). The thickness of the disk (in the x direction)
is Δx. The volume of this single disk is then v = π [ f (x)]2 Δx. Assuming this
disk is based at the kth coordinate point in the stack, i.e. at xk , means that its
volume is
vk = π [ f (xk )]2 Δx.
Summing up the volumes of all such disks in the stack leads to the total
volume of disks
Vdisks = ∑ π [ f (xk )]2 Δx.
k =1

y = f (x) Figure 5.10: Here the solid of revolution
is formed by revolving the curve y = f (x)
about the y-axis. A typical disk used to
approximate the volume is shown. The
radius of the disk (parallel to the y-axis) is
r = y = f (x). The thickness of the disk
• • x (parallel to the x-axis) is Δx. The volume of
a b
this disk is hence v = π [ f (x)]2 Δx

r = f (x)
disk radius:

disk thickness: Δx

When we increase the number of disks, making each one thinner so that
Δx → 0, we arrive at a definite integral,
V= π [ f (x)]2 dx.

In most of the examples discussed in this chapter, the key step is to make
careful observation of the way that the radius of a given disk depends on the
function that generates the surface. (By this we mean the function that spec-
ifies the curve that forms the surface of revolution.) We also pay attention to
the dimension that forms the disk thickness, Δx.
Some of our examples involve surfaces revolved about the x-axis, and
others are revolved about the y-axis. In setting up these examples, a diagram
is highly recommended.

Example 5.6 (Volume of a sphere) We can think of a sphere of radius R as

a solid whose outer surface is formed by rotating a semi-circle about its long
axis. Use this observation to determine the volume of a sphere of radius R.
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Solution. A function that describe a semi-circle (i.e. the top half of the circle,
y2 + x2 = R2 ) is 
Mastered Material Check
y = f ( x ) = R2 − x 2 .
13. Give the function that describes a
In Figure 5.11, we show the sphere dissected into a set of disks, each of width semi-circle of radius 3.

y Figure 5.11: When the semicircle (on the

left) is rotated about the x-axis, it generates
a sphere. On the right, we show one disk
f (xk ) generated by the revolution of the shaded



The disks are lined up along the x-axis with coordinates xk , where −R ≤
xk ≤ R. These are just integer multiples of the slice thickness Δx = 2R/N, so
for example,

x0 = −R, x1 = −R + Δx, ..., xk = −R + kΔx .

The radius of the disk depends on its position.

Note: that the radius is oriented along the y-axis, so sometimes we may write
this as rk = yk = f (xk ).
Indeed, the radius of a disk through the x axis at a point xk is specified by
the function rk = f (xk ). The volume of the k’th disk is

Vk = πrk2 Δx.

By the above remarks, using the fact that the function f (x) determines the
radius, we have
Vk = π [ f (xk )]2 Δx,

Vk = π R2 − xk2 Δx = π (R2 − xk2 )Δx.

The total volume of all the disks is

V= ∑ Vk = ∑ π [ f (xk )]2 Δx = π ∑ (R2 − xk2 )Δx.
k =1 k =1 k =1

As Δx → 0, this sum becomes a definite integral, and represents the true

volume. The semi-circle extends from x = −R to x = R. Thus
 R  R
Vsphere = π [ f (xk )]2 dx = π (R2 − x2 ) dx.
−R −R
118 I N T E G R A L C A L C U L U S W I T H A P P L I C AT I O N S F O R L I F E S C I E N C E S

We compute this integral using the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus,

x3  Mastered Material Check
Vsphere = π R x −
. (5.5)
3  −R
14. Verify that Eqn. 5.5 gives the same
result as Eqn. 5.6 without using
Observe that this is twice the volume obtained for the interval 0 ≤ x ≤ R, symmetry properties.

x3  3
Vsphere = 2π R x − 2  = 2π R3 − R .
3  3

We often can use such symmetry properties to simplify computations. After

simplification, we arrive at the familiar formula

Vsphere = πR3 . (5.6)

Example 5.7 (Volume of a paraboloid) Consider the curve

y = f ( x ) = 1 − x2 .

If we rotate this curve about the y-axis, we get a paraboloid, as shown in

Figure 5.12. Determine the volume of this paraboloid by dissecting into disks
stacked along the y-axis.

Figure 5.12: The curve that generates the

y y = f (x) = 1 − x 2 shape of a paraboloid (left) and the resulting
solid of revolution: the paraboloid (right).

0 x −1 0 1

Solution. The object has the y-axis as its axis of symmetry. Hence disks are
stacked up along the y-axis to approximate this volume. This means that the
width of each disk is Δy. This accounts for the dy in the integral below. The
volume of each disk is
Vdisk = πr2 Δy,

where the radius, r is now in the direction parallel to the x-axis. Thus we
must express radius as
r = x = f −1 (y),

i.e, we invert the relationship to obtain x as a function of y. From y = 1 − x2

we have x2 = 1 − y so x = 1 − y (0 ≤ x ≤ 1). The radius of a disk at height y
D E F I N I T E I N T E G R A L A P P L I C AT I O N S : T O C A L C U L AT I N G VO L U M E , M A S S , A N D L E N G T H 119

is therefore r = x = 1 − y. The shape extends from a smallest value of y = 0
up to y = 1. Thus the volume is
 1  1 
V =π [ f (y)] dy = π
[ 1 − y]2 dy.
0 0

It is helpful to note that once we have identified the thickness of the disks
(Δy), we are guided to write an integral in terms of the variable y, i.e. to
reformulate the equation describing the curve. We compute
 1   1  
y2  1 π
V =π (1 − y) dy = π y −  = π 1− = .
0 2 0 2 2

The above example was set up using disks. However, there are other
options. In Appendix B.4 we show yet another method, comprised of cylin-
drical shells to compute the volume of a cone. In some cases, one method is
preferable to another, but here either method works equally well.

Example 5.8 Find the volume of the surface formed by rotating the curve

y = f (x) = x, 0≤x≤1

(a) about the x-axis;

(b) about the y-axis.

Mastered Material Check
Solution. 15. Sketch the resulting solids of
revolution in Example 5.8.
(a) If we rotate this curve about the x-axis, we obtain a bowl shape; dissecting
this surface leads to disks stacked along the x-axis, with thickness Δx → dx,
with radii in the y direction, i.e. r = y = f (x), and with x in the range
0 ≤ x ≤ 1. The volume is thus
 1  1  1 1
√ x2  π
V =π [ f (x)]2 dx = π [ x]2 dx = π x dx = π  = .
0 0 0 2 0 2

(b) When the curve is rotated about the y-axis, it forms a surface with a sharp
point at the origin. The disks are stacked along the y-axis, with thickness
Δy → dy, and radii in the x direction. We must rewrite the function in the
x = g(y) = y2 .

We now use the interval along the y-axis, i.e. 0 ≤ y ≤ 1. The volume is then
 1  1  1 1
y5  π
V =π [ f (y)] dy = π
[y ] dy = π
2 2
y dy = π  = .
0 0 0 5 0 5

120 I N T E G R A L C A L C U L U S W I T H A P P L I C AT I O N S F O R L I F E S C I E N C E S

5.4 Length of a curve: arc length

Section 5.4 Learning goals

1. Determine the distance between two points in two dimensions.

2. Illustrate dissection of a curve that approximates its length.

3. State the formula for computing the arc length of a given function.

4. Compute the arc length of a given function between two bounds.

5. Use a spreadsheet to get a good approximation of arc length.

The strategy of dissecting a given “shape” can be used to calculate more

than just areas and volumes. Consider the problem of trying to find the length
of the curve shown in the left panel of Figure 5.13. Can dissection help?

Figure 5.13: Given the graph of a function,

y y y = f (x) (at left), we draw secant lines
connecting points on its graph at values of x
that are multiples of Δx (right).

y = f (x) y = f (x)

x x

Analytic geometry provides a simple way to compute the length of a

straight line segment, based on the distance formula. Recall: given points
P1 = (x1 , y1 ) and P2 = (x2 , y2 ), the length of the line joining those points is

d = (x2 − x1 )2 + (y2 − y1 )2 .

Things are more complicated for “curves” that are not straight lines, but of- Mastered Material Check
ten these are the curves we are interested in. In this section we describe how 16. Demonstrate how the formula for
to calculate the length of such curves using the definite integral “technology”. the length of a line joining two
points is just an application of the
In Figure 5.13, we see the general idea of subdividing a curve into many Pythagorean theorem.
small “arcs”. Before we look in detail at this construction, we consider
a simple example, shown in Figure 5.14. In the triangle shown, by the
Pythagorean theorem we have the length of the sloped side related as follows
to the side lengths Δx, Δy:

Δ2 = Δx2 + Δy2 , Δl Δy

 Δy 2 Δy
Δ = Δx2 + Δy2 = 1 + 2 · Δx = 1 + · Δx. Δx
Δx Δx

Figure 5.14: The basic idea of arc length is

to add up lengths Δl of small line segments
that approximate the curve.
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We now consider a curve given by some function

y = f (x), a < x < b,

as shown in the left panel of Figure 5.13. We can approximate this curve with
a set of line segments, as shown in the right panel of Figure 5.13.
To obtain these, we have selected some step size Δx along the x-axis, and
placed points on the curve at each of these x values. We connect the points
with straight line segments, and determine the lengths of those segments.
(The total length of the segments is only an approximation of the length of
the curve, but as the subdivision gets finer and finer, we arrive at the true total
length of the curve.)
We show one such segment enlarged in the circular inset in Figure 5.15.
Its slope shown at right, is given by Δy/Δx. According to our remarks above,

y Figure 5.15: A small part of the graph is

shown, and then enlarged, to illustrate the
relationship between the arc length and the
length of the secant line segment.

y = f (x)

the length of this segment is given by

Δ = 1 + Δx.

As the step size is made smaller and smaller Δx → dx, Δy → dy and

Δ → 1 + dx.

We recognize the ratio inside the square root as the derivative, dy/dx. If our
curve is given by a function y = f (x) then we can rewrite this as

d = 1 + ( f  (x))2 dx.

Thus, the length of the entire curve is obtained from summing (i.e. adding up)
these small pieces, i.e.
L= 1 + ( f  (x))2 dx. (5.7)
122 I N T E G R A L C A L C U L U S W I T H A P P L I C AT I O N S F O R L I F E S C I E N C E S

Example 5.9 Find the length of a line whose slope is (−2) given that the
line extends from x = 1 to x = 5.

Solution. To begin, we apply the method of Equation (5.7): we are given that
the slope f  (x) is (-2). The integral in question is
 5  5  5√
L= 1 + ( f  (x))2 dx = 1 + (−2)2 dx = 5 dx.
1 1 1

We get

√ 5 √ 5 √ √
L= 5 dx = 5x = 5[5 − 1] = 4 5.
1 1
 Mastered Material Check
17. Verify the solution to Example 5.9
Example 5.10 Find an integral that represents the length of the curve that using the equation of a line and the
forms the graph of the function distance formula.

y = f ( x ) = x3 , 1 ≤ x ≤ 2.

Solution. We find that

= f  (x) = 3x2 .
Thus, the integral is
 2  2
L= 1 + (3x2 )2 dx = 1 + 9x4 dx.
1 1

For now, we stop. We do not attempt to find the actual length, as we must
first develop techniques for finding the anti-derivative for functions such as

1 + 9x4 . 
Using the spreadsheet to calculate arclength. Most integrals for arc length
contain square roots and other functions that are not easy to integrate, simply
because their antiderivatives are difficult to determine. However, now that we
know the idea behind determining the length of a curve, we can approximate
the length of a curve “numerically”. The spreadsheet is a simple tool for
doing the necessary summations.
As an example, we show here how to calculate the length of the curve

y = f (x) = 1 − x2 for 0 ≤ x ≤ 1

using a simple numerical procedure implemented on a spreadsheet.

Let us choose a step size of Δx = 0.1 along the x-axis, for the interval
0 ≤ x ≤ 1. We calculate

1. the function,
2. the slopes of the little segments (change in y divided by change in x), and
from this,
3. compute the length of each segment

Δ = 1 + (Δy/Δx)2 Δx.
D E F I N I T E I N T E G R A L A P P L I C AT I O N S : T O C A L C U L AT I N G VO L U M E , M A S S , A N D L E N G T H 123

Then we compute the accumulated length along the curve from left to right,
L which is just a sum of such values. Table 5.1 shows steps in the calculation
of the ratio Δy/Δx, the value of Δ, the cumulative sum, and, finally the total
length L. The final value of L = 1.4782 represents the total length of the curve
over the entire interval 0 ≤ x ≤ 1.

x y = f (x ) Δyy /Δxx Δ L = ∑ Δ Table 5.1: For the function y = f (x) = 1 − x2 ,
and 0 ≤ x ≤ 1, we show how to calculate an
0.0 1.0000 0.0 0.0000 0.0000 approximation to the arc-length using the
0.1 0.9900 -0.1 0.1005 0.1005 spreadsheet.
0.2 0.9600 -0.3 0.1044 0.2049
0.3 0.9100 -0.5 0.1118 0.3167
0.4 0.8400 -0.7 0.1221 0.4388
0.5 0.7500 -0.9 0.1345 0.5733
0.6 0.6400 -1.1 0.1487 0.7220
0.7 0.5100 -1.3 0.1640 0.8860
0.8 0.3600 -1.5 0.1803 1.0663
0.9 0.1900 -1.7 0.1972 1.2635
1.0 0.0000 -1.9 0.2147 1.4782

Mastered Material Check

In the left panel of Figure 5.16 we show the actual curve y = 1 − x2 , with 18. Describe in words what each
points placed on it at each multiple of Δx. In the right panel of Figure 5.16, column in Table 5.1 represents.

we show (in brown) how the lengths of the little straight-line segments 19. Consider Figure 5.16. What is the
approximate length of the
connecting these points changes across the interval. Note that the segments curve y = 1 − x2 from x = 0
on the left along the original curve are nearly flat, so their length is very close to x = 0.5? From 0 to 1?
to Δx. The segments on the right part of the curve are much more sloped,
and their lengths are thus bigger. We also show (in green) how the total

Figure 5.16: The spreadsheet can be

1.5 1.5 used to compute approximate values of
cumulative length integrals, and hence to calculate arclength.
Shown here is the graph of the function
y = f (x) = 1 − x2 y = f (x) = 1 − x2 y = f (x) = 1−x2 for 0 ≤ x ≤ 1, together with
1 1 the length increment and the cumulative
arclength along that curve.

0.5 0.5
length increment

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

accumulated length L depends on the position x across the interval. This

function represents the total arc-length of the curve y = 1 − x2 , from x = 0 up
to a given x value. At x = 1 this function returns the value L, as it has added up
the full length of the curve for 0 ≤ x ≤ 1.
124 I N T E G R A L C A L C U L U S W I T H A P P L I C AT I O N S F O R L I F E S C I E N C E S

How the alligator gets its smile

The American alligator, Alligator mississippiensis has a set of teeth best
viewed at some distance. The regular arrangement of these teeth, i.e. their
spacing along the jaw is important in giving the reptile its famous bite. Here
we study how that pattern of teeth is formed as the alligator develops from its
embryonic stage to that of an adult.
As is the case in humans, the teeth on an alligator do not form or sprout
simultaneously. In the development of the baby alligator, there is a sequence Figure 5.17: Young Alligator missisippien-
of initiation of teeth, one after the other, at well-defined positions along the sis.

Paul Kulesa, a former student of James D Murray, set out to understand
the pattern of development of these teeth, based on data in the literature about
what happens at distinct stages of embryonic growth. His research considered
several questions, including

• what determines the positions and timing of initiation of individual teeth,

and what mechanisms lead to this pattern of initiation?

One theory proposed by Kulesa and those who worked with him was that
chemical signals that diffuse along the jaw at an early stage of development
give rise to instructions that are interpreted by jaw cells: where the signal is at
a high level, a tooth starts to initiate. This section is based on work in (?), (?) Figure 5.18: An enlargement of the teeth of
and (?). an alligator.
We do not address the details of the mechanism of development here, but Alligator teeth 4
we do find a simple application of arc length in the developmental sequence 11 1
of teething. Shown in Figure 5.17 is a smiling baby alligator. 5
A close up of its smile (at an earlier stage of development) reveals the 8
4 12
shape of the jaw, together with the sites at which teeth are becoming evident. 6

One of these sites, called primordia, is shown enlarged in Figure 5.18. 2 9 3

10 7
Paul Kulesa found that the shape of the alligator’s jaw can be modelled
remarkably well by a parabola. A proper choice of coordinate system, and
−6 −4 −2 2 4 6
some experimentation leads to the equation of the best fit parabola
Figure 5.19: Parabola of best fit for mod-
y = f (x) = −ax2 + b elling an alligator’s jaw.
where a = 0.256, and b = 7.28 (in units not specified). We show this curve in arc length L(x) along jaw
Figure 5.19. 8
jaw, y = f (x)
Also shown in this curve is a set of points at which teeth are found, la- 6
belled by order of appearance. In Figure 5.20 we see the same curve, but we
have here superimposed the function L(x) given by the arc length along the 4

curve from the front of the jaw (i.e. the top of the parabola), i.e. 2
L(x) = 1 + [ f  (s)]2 ds. 1 2 3 4 5

This curve measures distance along the jaw, from front to back. The Figure 5.20: Arc length along the curve of
distances of the teeth from one another, or along the curve of the jaw can be the alligator’s jaw.
D E F I N I T E I N T E G R A L A P P L I C AT I O N S : T O C A L C U L AT I N G VO L U M E , M A S S , A N D L E N G T H 125

determined using this curve if we know the x coordinates of their positions.

Table 5.2 gives the original data, courtesy of Dr. Kulesa, showing the order
of the teeth, their (x, y) coordinates, and the value of L(x) obtained from
the arclength formula. We see from this table that the teeth do not appear
randomly, nor do they fill in the jaw in one sweep. Rather, they appear in
several stages.
In Figure 5.21, we show the pattern of appearance: Plotting the distance
along the jaw of successive teeth reveals that the teeth appear in waves of 10
Distance along jaw 13
nearly equally-spaced sites. (By equally spaced, we refer to distance along 7
3 10
the parabolic jaw.) The first wave (teeth 1, 2, 3) are followed by a second 9
wave (4, 5, 6, 7), and so on. Each wave forms a linear pattern of distance 6
from the front, and each successive wave fills in the gaps in a similar, equally 4 2
spaced pattern. 5
The true situation is a bit more complicated: the jaw grows as the teeth 1
appear as shown in Figure 5.22. This has not been taken into account in our teeth in order of appearance 11
2 4 6 8 10 12
simple treatment here, where we illustrate only the essential idea of arc length
application. Figure 5.21: Distance of successive teeth
along the jaw.

Figure 5.22: Growth of alligator jaw


In this chapter:

1. We introduced the idea of a spatially distributed mass density ρ (x) in

Section 5.1. Here the definite integral represents
ρ (x) dx = Total mass in the interval a ≤ x ≤ b.

2. We defined the center of mass of a (discrete) distribution of N masses by

1 N
M i∑
X̄ = x i mi . (5.8)
126 I N T E G R A L C A L C U L U S W I T H A P P L I C AT I O N S F O R L I F E S C I E N C E S

Tooth number position distance along jaw Table 5.2: Data for the appearance of teeth,
in the order in which they appear as the
x y L (x) alligator develops. We can use arc-length
1 1.95 6.35 2.1486 computations to determine the distances
2 3.45 4.40 4.7000 between successive teeth.

3 4.54 2.05 7.1189

4 1.35 6.95 1.4000
5 2.60 5.50 3.2052
6 3.80 3.40 5.4884
7 5.00 1.00 8.4241
8 3.15 4.80 4.1500
9 4.25 2.20 6.3923
10 4.60 1.65 7.3705
11 0.60 7.15 0.6072
12 3.45 4.05 4.6572
13 5.30 0.45 9.2644

We developed the analogue of this for a continuous mass distribution

(distributed in the interval 0 ≤ x ≤ L). We defined the center of mass of a
continuous distribution by the definite integral
x̄ = xρ (x)dx . (5.9)
M 0

Importantly, the quantities mi in the sum (5.8) carry units of mass, whereas
the analogous quantities in (5.9) are ρ (x)dx. [Recall that ρ (x) is a mass
per unit length in the case of mass distributed along a bar or straight line.]
3. We defined a cumulative function. In the discrete case, this was defined as
In the continuous case, it is
M (x) = ρ (s)ds.

4. The mean is an average x coordinate, whereas the median is the x coordi-

nate that splits the distribution into two equal masses (Geometrically, the
median subdivides the graph of the distribution into two regions of equal
areas). The mean and median are the same only in symmetric distributions.
They differ for any distribution that is asymmetric. The mean (but not the
median) is influenced more strongly by distant portions of the distribution.
5. In the later parts of this chapter, we showed how to compute volumes of
various objects that have radial symmetry (“solids of revolution”). We
showed that if the surface is generated by rotating the graph of a function
y = f (x) about the x-axis (for a ≤ x ≤ b), then its volume can be described
by an integral of the form
V= π [ f (x)]2 dx.

We used this idea to show that the volume of a sphere of radius R is

Vsphere = (4/3)πR3 .
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Quick Concept Checks

1. Suppose a wire has 6 beads on it of masses 0.2 kg, 1.2 kg, 42 g, 0.8 kg, 5.6kg and 0.3kg. Describe the total mass of
the wire M using summation notation.

2. Suppose the beads described above were positions at 1 cm, 5 cm, 6 cm, 8 cm, 10.5 cm and 12 cm along the wire.
Where is the wire’s center of mass?

3. Consider an object whose outer edge is generated by revolving the function y = sin(x) from 0 ≤ x ≤ 2π about the x-
axis. Sketch the resulting solid of revolution.

4. What is the total length of the function described by the following graph?
3 y

−1 1 2 3


5.1. Beads on a wire. Five beads are distributed along a thin 1 dimen-
sional wire. Their masses and positions are: m1 = 5, x1 = 0; m2 =
2, x2 = 3; m3 = 1, x3 = 4; m4 = 2, x4 = 5; m5 = 10, x5 = 6.
(a) Find the total mass M of this discrete mass distribution.
(b) Find the center of mass x̄ of this discrete mass distribution.
5.2. Density of a bar. Suppose that the function ρ (x) represents the
density of a bar for a ≤ x ≤ b. Explain the distinction between:
(a) the average density of the bar, ρ̄
(b) the mass of the bar, M, and
(c) the center of mass (or centroid) of the bar, x̄.
5.3. Density of a bar. The mass density of a bar is given by

ρ (x) = 1 − x 0 ≤ x ≤ 1.

(a) Sketch the density of the bar and the function

M (x) = p(s) ds.

Find the total mass of the bar.

(b) Find the average mass density ρ̄ along the bar.
128 I N T E G R A L C A L C U L U S W I T H A P P L I C AT I O N S F O R L I F E S C I E N C E S

(c) Find the center of mass x̄ of the bar.

(d) Where along the length of the bar should you cut to get two pieces
of equal mass?
(e) What fraction of the mass of the bar is found between x = 0 and
x = 0.5 ?
5.4. Density of a bar. The mass density of a bar is given by

ρ (x) = ax2 , 0 ≤ x ≤ L.

(a) Find the total mass M of the bar.

(b) Find the average mass density ρ̄ along the bar.
(c) Find the center of mass x̄ of the bar.
(d) Where along the length of the bar should you cut to get two pieces
of equal mass?
5.5. Density of a beam. The density of a beam is given by the function
ρ (x) = xm/n where 0 ≤ x ≤ 1.
(a) Find the center of mass x̄.
(b) Explain what happens to the center of mass if m is very large (for
n = 1).
(c) What happens to the center of mass if n is very large (for m = 1)?
5.6. Density of cars along a highway. At rush hour, the density of cars
along a highway is given by
C (x) = 100x 1 − , 0 ≤ x ≤ L,
where x is distance in kilometers.

(a) What is the largest value of L for which this density makes sense?
(b) Where along the highway is the congestion greatest? What is the
car density at that location?
(c) What is the total number of cars along the road?

5.7. Protein band density. The density of a band of protein along a one-
dimensional strip of gel in an electrophoresis experiment is given by
p(x) = 2(x − 1)(2 − x) for 1 ≤ x ≤ 2, where x is the distance along the
strip in cm and p(x) is the protein density (i.e. protein mass per cm) at
distance x.
(a) Graph the density p as a function of x.
(b) Find the total mass of the protein in the band for 1 ≤ x ≤ 2. (hint:
simplify the function first)
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5.8. Air density. The air density h meters above the earth’s surface is

p(h) = Ae−ah kg/m3 .

Find the mass of a cylindrical column of air of radius r = 2 meters and

height H = 25000 meters. Let A = 1.28 (kg/m3 ), a = 0.000124 per
meter (hint: set the integral up as a Riemann sum).
5.9. Glucose concentration. A test-tube contains a solution of glucose
which has been prepared so that the concentration of glucose is great-
est at the bottom and decreases gradually towards the top of the fluid.
(This is called a density gradient). Suppose that the concentration c as
a function of the depth x is c(x) = x/10 (in units of g/cm3 ). The radius
of the tube is 2 cm and the height of the glucose-containing solution is
10 cm. Determine the total amount of glucose in the tube (in g).
5.10. Pollen grain density. To investigate changes in the Earth’s weather,
scientists examine the distribution of pollen grains in a 1 dimensional
drilled “core sample”, i.e. a sample of the Earth’s crust that contains
archaeological deposits of soil from many thousands of years. Assume
that the core sample is a cylinder of unit cross-sectional area and
length L. Suppose that pollen grain density p(x) at a point x in this
sample is in a core sample of length L is given by
p(x) = A sin(ax), 0≤x≤L=
where p(x) are the number of particles per unit volume at a distance x
from one end of the sample.
(a) Where is the pollen grain most concentrated along this one dimen-
sional sample?
(b) Find the average density of pollen grains along the length of the
(c) Find the center of mass of the pollen grain distribution.
Note: you can use the fact that the density is distributed symmetri-
cally to avoid having to integrate.
5.11. Population density. The population density of inhabitants living
along the banks of the river Nile at a distance x km from its mouth is
found to be n(x) = 1000e−kx . Twenty km from the river mouth, the
population density is half as large as it is at the mouth of the river.
Find the total population of people living along the Nile. (hint: con-
sider the Nile being “very long”, i.e. let x → ∞ be the “length” for the
purpose of the integration).
5.12. Volume of a cone. Find the volume of a cone whose height h is equal
to its base radius r, by using the disc method. We place the cone on its
side, as shown in the Figure 5.23, and let x represent position along its
130 I N T E G R A L C A L C U L U S W I T H A P P L I C AT I O N S F O R L I F E S C I E N C E S

(a) Using the diagram shown below (Figure 5.23), explain what kind of y
generating curve
a curve in the x − y-plane we would use to generate the surface of
the cone as a surface of revolution.
(b) Using the proportions given in the Exercise, specify the exact x
function y = f (x) that we need to describe this “curve”.
(c) Now find the volume enclosed by this surface of revolution for
0 ≤ x ≤ 1. h
(d) Show that, in this particular case, we would have gotten the same
geometric object, and also the same enclosed volume, if we had Figure 5.23: For Exercise 5.12; finding the
volume of a cone using the disc method.
rotated the “curve” about the y-axis.
5.13. Volume of a cone. Find the volume of the cone generated by revolv-
ing the curve y = f (x) = 1 − x (for 0 ≤ x ≤ 1) about the y-axis. Use the
disk method, with disks stacked up along the y axis.
5.14. Volume of a bowl. Find the volume of the “bowl” obtained by
rotating the curve y = 4x2 about the y-axis for 0 ≤ x ≤ 1.
5.15. Kepler’s wine barrel. On his wedding day, Kepler wanted to calcu-
late the amount of wine contained inside a wine barrel whose shape
is shown below in Figure 5.24. Use the disk method to compute this
volume. You may assume that the function that generates the shape
of the barrel (as a surface of revolution) is y = f (x) = R − px2 , for
−1 ≤ x ≤ 1 where R is the radius of the widest part of the barrel. (R
and p are both positive constants.)
5.16. Volume of a paraboloid. Consider the curve

y = f ( x ) = 1 − x2 , 0 ≤ x ≤1

rotated about the y-axis. Recall that this forms a shape called a Figure 5.24: For Exercise 5.15; Kepler’s
wine barrel.
paraboloid. Use the cylindrical shell method to calculate the volume of
this shape.
Note: this technique is optional. See Appendix C for an example of
the shell method.
5.17. Volumes of solids of revolution. Find the volume of the solid ob-
tained by rotating the region bounded by the given curves f (x) and
g(x) about the specified line.

(a) f (x) = x − 1, g(x) = 0, from x = 2 to x = 5, about the x-axis.

(b) f (x) = x, g(x) = x/2, about the y-axis.
(c) f (x) = 1/x, g(x) = x3 , from x = 1/10 to x = 1, about the x-axis.
5.18. Volume of a region. Let R denote the region contained between
y = sin(x) and y = cos(x) for 0 ≤ x ≤ π/2. Write down the expression
for the volume obtained by rotating R about
(a) the x-axis.
D E F I N I T E I N T E G R A L A P P L I C AT I O N S : T O C A L C U L AT I N G VO L U M E , M A S S , A N D L E N G T H 131

(b) the line y = −1.

Do not integrate.
5.19. Sediment in a lake. Suppose a lake has a depth of 40 meters at
its deepest point and is bowl-shaped, with the surface of the bowl
generated by rotating the curve z = x2 /10 around the z-axis. Here
z is the height in meters above the lowest point of the bowl. The
distribution of sediment in the lake is stratified by height along the
water column. In other words, the density of sediment (in mass per
unit volume) is a function of the form s(z) = C (40 − z), where z is
again vertical height in meters from the point at the bottom of the lake.
Find the total mass of sediment in the lake (your answer should have
the constant C in it.). The volume of the lake is the volume above the
curve z = x2 /10 and below z = 40.
5.20. Volume of a pyramid. In this Exercise you are asked to find the
volume of a height h pyramid with a square base of width w. Let the
variable z stand for distance down the axis of the pyramid with z = 0
at the top, and consider “slicing” the pyramid along this axis (into
horizontal slices). This produces square “slices” (having area A(z) and
some width Δz).
Calculate the volume of the pyramid as an integral by determining
how A(z) depends on z and integrating this function.
5.21. Arc lengths as integrals. Set up the integral that represents the
length of the following curves (do not attempt to calculate the integral
in any of these cases):
(a) y = f (x) = sin(x), 0 ≤ x ≤ 2π.

(b) y = f (x) = x, 0 ≤ x ≤ 1.
(c) y = f (x) = xn , −1 ≤ x ≤ 1.
5.22. Length of line. Compute the length of the line y = 2x + 1 for −1 ≤
x ≤ 1 using the arc-length formula. Check your work by using the
simple distance formula (or Pythagorean theorem).
5.23. Spreadsheet assignment. You are told that the derivative of a
certain function is
f  (x) = 1 − 2 sin2 (x/3)
and that f (0) = 0. Use a spreadsheet to create one plot that contains all
of the following graphs:
(a) The graph of the function y = f (x) (whose derivative is given to
you). This should be plotted over the interval from 0 to 9.

(b) The graph of the “element of arc-length” dl = 1 + ( f  (x))2 dx
showing how this varies across the same interval.
(c) The graph of the cumulative length of the curve L(x). Briefly
indicate what you did to find the function in part (a).
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Note: you might consider how the spreadsheet would help you
calculate the values of the desired function, y = f (x), rather than
trying to find an expression for it.
5.24. Work of spring. A spring has a natural length of 16 cm. When it is
stretched x cm beyond that, Hooke’s Law states that the spring pulls
back with a restoring force F = kx dyne, where the constant k is called
the spring constant, and represents the stiffness of the spring. For the
given spring, 8 dyne of force are required to hold it stretched by 2 cm.
How much work (dyne-cm) is done in stretching this spring from its
natural length to a length 24 cm?
Note: use integration to set this up.
5.25. Work of pump. Calculate the work done in pumping water out of a
parabolic container up to the height h = 10 units.
Assume that the container is a surface of revolution generated by
rotating the curve y = x2 about the y axis, that the height of the water in
the container is 10 units, that the density of water is 1 g/cm3 and that
the force due to gravity is F = mg where m is mass and g = 9.8 m/s2 .

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