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Anong gusto mo, mahalin o magmahal?

Last week tinuruan tayong magmahal at hindi lang ang mahalin.

Hanggang ngayon marami parin ang gustong mahalin.

Anyone who loves God must also love their brother and sister” (1 John 4:21).

Followers of Christ are identified by their love for each other.

In John 13:34 Jesus taught, “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved
you, so you must love one another.” Then He added, “By this everyone will know that you are
my disciples, if you love one another” (verse 35).

What does it mean to love one another?"

The “one another” in these verses is a reference to fellow believers.

There are many groups in the world, and they identify themselves in any number of ways: by
skin color, by uniform, school, sports attire, sa language, by shared interest, etc.

But the church is unique.

For the first and only time in history, Jesus created a group whose identifying factor is love.

Skin color doesn’t matter.

Native language doesn’t matter.
Hindi sa pananamit…
Hindi sa Building…but in LOVE.

Ang isang pagkakakilanlan mo

ngayon bilang Cristiano ay ang pagiging kabilang sa sambahayan ng Diyos.

Mga Taga-Efeso 2:19

Samakatuwid, hindi na kayo dayuhan o taga-ibang bansa, kundi kababayan na ng mga hinirang ng Diyos
at kabilang sa kanyang sambahayan.

Natural family
Spiritual Family

God wants us to live connected

with Him and connected with
one another.

You are connected

Connected to God and
Connected to His Family.
Gospel Community


Ang buhay nagiging mabuti kung ito ay naibabahagi sa iba.

Let us do life together.

Why you need a community?

*[[Gen 2:18]]* Then the Lord God said, ‘The man should not be alone. I will make a helper for him.’

1. It is not good for you to be alone.

God created you with a need., and that need is the other people.
We are created to love and to be loved.

Adam has a right relationship with God, but not enough…

The word life is in plural form…

No Christian is an island.

Social Interaction.
Babies. talk

When you are born, you are born to share your life with others.

2. Jesus commands me to be in community.

Jhn. 13:34

How can you do that if you are alone?

Spend time together.

Jesus share His life.
Jesus believes on them
Taught them.

*[[Gal 6:2]] ASV* Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.

 As a pastor I need to bring you to cell group so I could take care of you by producing cell leaders.
 To handle the growth of the church.
 The only place that we can become a disciple.
 Cell us the breathing ground for future leaders.

3. Everyone will know that you are my Disciples.

For evangelism purposes.

We cannot share the Gospel without love.

*[[1Pe 1:22]]* You have made yourselves really good and clean because you have obeyed God’s true
message. As a result, now you can really love other Christians, who are like brothers and sisters to you.
So, continue to love each other very much. Love each other as much as you can.

With the same purpose…

Nagsasama-sama to advance the Kingdom of God.
Ginagawa natin parepareho ang purpose ni Lord.

4. For your protection

*[[Mat 16:18]] ISV* I tell you that you are Peter, and it is on this rock that I will build my
congregation, and the powers of hell will not conquer it.

John 10:10…

*[[1Pe 4:8]] * Continue to love each other very much. This is more important than anything else. If you
love people, then you will always want to be kind to them. You will always be ready to forgive (choose to
forget) any wrong things that they have done.

Pag nag-away Bati kaagad…

Community life brings longer life.

We need to do life together.

5. Being in the community makes me better.

*[[Pro 27:17]]* People learn from each other, as an iron tool makes iron sharp.

*[[Ecc 4:9]]* Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor. *[[Ecc 4:10]] If
they stumble, the first will lift up his friend—but woe to anyone who is alone when he falls and there is
no one to help him get up.

*[[Phi 2:4]]* Do not think only about the things that are important to you yourself. But each of you
should think also about the things that are important to other people.

Mas mabuti at mas maganda na tayo ang nag-iisip kung ano ang ating maitutulong.

1. It is not good for you to be alone.

2. Jesus commands me to be in community.
3. Everyone will know that you are my Disciples.
4. For your protection
5. Being in the community makes me better.


 We need to do life together.
Let us invite prodigal sons

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