Rushes Program

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20m Rushes
3x a week

1. Do 3 sets of 20m rushes – (to the 20m line & back to the start = 1 set)
Go fast as you can!

Start 10m 20m

Step on the line and place your hands on or behind the line, lie down on
your stomach and lift your hands, then get up and run ahead.

2. Do 3 sets of one minute chest to floor

You don’t have to do a “push up” & you can lower & lift from your knees

3. Do 3 sets of 10 reps each back extensions (use a ball/BOSU or lift 2

inches off the ground- maintaining neutral spine) and push ups

Tovah Fenske - 4 Wing Fitness Coordinator
780-840-8000 ext 8194

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