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AIAA Short Course

Stability and Transition: Theory, Modeling, Experiments and Applications

Part III. Transition Modeling and Applications

H. A. Hassan
North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695-7910
Tel: (919) 515-5241
Fax: (919) 515-7968

3-4 June, 2006 ~

San Francisco, California
Presentation Outline

I. Motivation

II. Correlation Based Modeling

1. Algebraic Models

2. Differential Models

III. Linear Stability Theory Based Modeling

1. Basic Concepts

2. Calculation of Non-turbulent Eddy Viscosity

(i) Natural Transition

(ii) High-Disturbance Environment

3. Criteria for Determining Transition Onset

4. Implementation in Existing Navier-Stokes Codes

5. Applications

6. Concluding Remarks

7. Future Work
I. Motivation

1. Methods based on eN method require, for two-dimensional flows,

(i) Pre-calculation of mean flow at a large number of streamwise locations along the body of

(ii) At each streamwise station, a local linear stability analysis is performed. The unsteady
disturbances are decomposed into separate normal modes of different frequencies. The
stability equations are solved for the spatial alTIplification rate of each unstable frequency.
(iii) An amplification ratio for each frequency is then calculated by integrating the spatial
amplification rate in the stream wise direction on the body

In(~JAO = n(x, ro)= - Xofac(~; ro)d~, (1)

- (iv) The N factor is given by

N = max n(x; ro) (2)

Transition occurs when a disturbance with amplitude AO at the neutral stability point xo
has grown to an amplitude At given by the relation

At N
-=e (3)

AO is related to the external disturbance environment through some receptivity process.

As a consequence, the value of N, which determines transition onset, must be correlated to

available experimental data.
Things are much more complicated when dealing with 3-D flows. In particular, transition
onset is not associated with a single value of N.

2. Methods based on the non-linear Parabolic Stability Equations (PSE) are more accurate but
require initial conditions that are provided by linear stability theory, but do not require
empirical inputs to determine the onset of transition.

3. Both of the above methods cannot be dynamically coupled to a Navier-Stokes solver in an

efficient way.
4. At best, methods based on eN and PSE can provide onset but not extent of transition. Estimate

pf the extent of transition is critical for the design of high speed vehicles.

5. Empirical correlations for transition onset have limited applicability and do not reflect

mechanisms responsible for transition.

6. Stability theory provides us with the mechanisms responsible for natural transition. The

challenge is to integrate the physics of transition into a model that makes it possible to

integrate transition prediction sealnlessly into existing Navier-Stokes codes, and to extend the

approach to transition resulting from a high disturbance environment typical of hypersonic test

facilities or turbomachinery.
II. Correlation Based Modeling

1. Algebraic Models

The challenge of predicting onset of transition can be seen froln Fig. 1. The figure was
compiled by Owen I. It shows the transition Reynolds number in wind tunnels, ballistic ranges and
free flight as a function of Mach number. It reflects the importance of the environment on
available measurements and highlights the complexity of predicting transition onset.
There are a number of algebraic correlations available in the literature which try to predict

onset of transition in the form of relations involving Ref or Rex ,f as a function of one or more

of the following:
1. Mach number

2. freestream turbulence

3. surface roughness

4. pressure gradient

5. shape factor, H = 8 * /8
A collection of these correlations are available in white2 and Cebeci3• Most of them have
limited applicability and do not take into consideration the transition mechanislTI.
An example of such correlations is one developed by van Driest and BlumlTIer4. They
suggested that transition occurs when the max vorticity Reynolds number reaches a critical
value that is correlated with the freestream turbulent intensity Tu


For a flat plate, they derived the correlation

1/2 -1 + ~1 + 132,500 TL~

(Rex t )
= --------
39.2 T; (5)

where Tu is taken as a fraction and not a percent. The correlation was arrived at by using the

date of Schubauer and Skramstad5•

2. "Differential Models
There are a number of correlation based differential models. Earlier work is that of Steelant
and Dick6,7 and Suzen and Huang8,9. One of the more recent lTIodels is developed by Menter, et
al.lO• It consists of two transport equations: one for the intermittency, and another for the
transition momentum thickness Reynolds number. According to the authors of Ref. 10, the
proposed transport equations do not attempt to model the physics of transition.
Using the results ofBlasiues boundary layer, it is shown in Ref. 10, that at transition

ReS = 2.193

Abov~ equation relates ReS' which is a non-local quantity, to a local quantity. This definition is

used throughout Ref. 10.

The intermittency y is the average time the flow is turbulent at a given location. Thus, y is a
stochastic quantity and should be derived from a stochastic differential equation. However, it is
treated as a conserved quantity in Ref. 10 and is governed by
-Eyl +Py2 -Ey2 +-a
l (7)

when Pyl and Eyl are transition sources and Py2 and ,Ey2 are destruction/laminarization sources.

These terms depend on two proprietary correlations: one that specifies the length of the
transitional region, and the other gives ReSc in terms of ReSt' which is governed by the second

differential equation.
The transport equation for ReSt can be written as



PSt = COt P U (ReSt - ReSt )(1.0 - FSt ) (9)

ReSt = f(Tu' dP / dx) is obtained from an empirical correlation, FSt =0 in the freestream and 1 in
the boundary layer. This allows Reet to diffuse in from the freestream.
"The above equations are coupled to the SST production and dissipation terms in the k
equation, and the blending function that blends the k-ro and k-E in the SST turbulent model.

In addition to using proprietary correlations, it is not clear how the various terms were arrived

at or how the model constants were calibrated. The value ofy is set equal to I in the freestreanl.

It is not clear why the flow should be turbulent in the freestream and not in the boundary layer. If
turbulence is diffused from the freestream, then there is no need for production or dissipation
terms. Finally transition criterion based on a vorticity Reynolds number may not be appropriate
for flows with curved shocks.

In spite of the above, the local nature of the approach makes it suited for implementation in
parallel codes when unstructured grids are employed.

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