Phonics Observation 28.9.10

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The East Northamptonshire Initial Teacher Training College: Graduate Teacher Training Programme

Lesson Observation Proforma

School Higahm Ferrers Infant Lesson time 12.50- 1.15pm

Date 28.9.10 Year group Reception
Observer: name Karen Draper Number of student numbers 15
role Mentor/ cls teacher M 8 F 7
Trainee teacher Glenn Billingham Student ability
Subject Literacy Other adults in the room TA
Focus of observation Phonics (an informal observation
as it is early in the term.)

Time Commentary Evidence to support commentary re learning styles,

resources, differentiation, AfL and assessment
(This could also include points to consider re moving the
trainee forward)

Glenn used the planning that we (whole team & Glenn) had done together
in PPA. At this early stage we have a very rough idea where the children
are at with their phonics & are teaching them as one group, differentiating
through questioning. He observed me teaching the session this morning &
the 2 sessions yesterday.

Starter • Good voice control

Glenn did the register. • Evidence of clear procedures being in place

While 2 children took it to the office, Glenn went on to do a counting activity
where he counted forwards & backwards to/from 10 using a counting stick,
vertically & horizontally.
Main activity • You introduced the phonics succinctly and clearly

• You used children to demonstrate ‘stand up if your

Glenn introduced the sound a and the associated action (jolly
name begins with..’
phonics). He involved the children well & asked them for
their ideas of words that start with a, and gave them • You introduced a & the action & gave everyone the
chance to rehearse it with you.
opportunities to demonstrate their learning. He then went on
to do some oral segmenting with the children & extended the • The children became excited about aliens & did an
impromptu rendition of the alien rap they have
more able.
written- you handled it very well & used your voice in
a variety of ways to get them focused again :O)

• You got the children up and moving about as part of

your lesson!

• Your link into robot talking (oral segmenting) was

brilliant- very nearly giving the children the ’bigger
picture’ with your intro.

• You extended the more able by using words with a

in the middle, and continued to extend those that
needed it (you used AFL!!)

• You remained very calm when the stereo decided

Plenary not to work properly for you.

The children were given the chance to reflect on what they • You were brave enough to sing with the children
whilst being observed!
had learnt and the session ended with the song about the
sound ‘a’. • You handled J very well (calm, kind, respectful &
didn’t draw any further attention to A) when he
pointed out that A didn’t know the song very well.

• Your questioning of the children was good and once

again you gave the more able the chance to
demonstrate how you had taken their learning on in
such a short session.
Points for consideration:  How do you ensure everyone is taking part?
(You did!! After I wrote that down, you engaged
A very well.)
This was an informal observation, but I hope these points for
consideration are helpful (discussed at end of day with  What do you want your TA to do?
 How will you let your TA know what you want
them to do?

 You extended the more able really well, what

will you do to make sure those not achieving/
underachieving made progress in the lesson?

Learning objectives

Learning outcomes (What have the students achieved in this lesson?)

Outstanding Good Satisfactory Inadequate

Progress All pupils making considerably Most pupils make good progress Most pupils’ progress is at least Many pupils make little or no
better progress than expected. and achieve well. satisfactory. progress.
Achievement Achievement is very high in Almost all students achieve well Students are generally achieving Most pupils are achieving below
relation to their capability – good in relation to baseline data. in line with expectations shown expectations shown in baseline
added value. in baseline data. data.
Lesson observation continuation sheet available
The East Northamptonshire Initial Teacher Training College: Graduate Teacher
Training Programme

Please refer to the full Standards and ‘OfSTED Characteristic of trainees’ when completing the documentation.

Standards Comment
Please circle Standards achieved
Please tick Standards working towards (This section must be completed)
Subject Knowledge, SK (Professional knowledge)
Q11 Knows the assessment requirements of
subject/curriculum 
Q12 Knows a range of approaches to assessment

Q13 Knows how to use local and national data to
teach/monitor students’ progress 
Q14 Possesses a secure knowledge/understanding
of subject 
Q15 Knows/understands relevant statutory/non
statutory frameworks 
Subject Pedagogy, SP (Professional skills)
Q10 Understands and uses teaching, learning,
management and behaviour strategies 
Q17 Knows how to use skills in teaching literacy,
numeracy and ICT to support their teaching 
Q22 Plans for progression across age and ability
ranges 
Q23 Plans opportunities for pupils to develop
literacy, numeracy and ICT 
Q24 Plans homework to sustain progress/
consolidate learning 
Q25 Teaches lessons and sequences across
age/ability range 
Q25(a) Use a range of teaching strategies and
resources 
Q25(b) Build on prior knowledge, enable learners to
apply new knowledge and meet learning 
Q25(c) Adapt their language to suit learners, introduce
new ideas and use explanations, questions, 
discussions and plenaries effectively
Q25(d) Manage learning and modify their teaching

Q26(a) Makes effective use of assessment, monitoring
and recording strategies 
Q26(b) Assesses learning needs to set challenging
learning objectives 
Q27 Offers timely, accurate, constructive feedback
on learners’ progress and development 
Q28 Encourages pupils to reflect on their learning
and identify emerging learning needs 
Q29 Evaluates impact of teaching on pupils’ learning

Q30 Establishes purposeful, safe learning
environment 
Q31 Establishes framework for classroom discipline

Q32 Works effectively as a team member

Q33 Collaborates effectively with colleagues to
support learning 
The East Northamptonshire Initial Teacher Training College: Graduate Teacher
Training Programme

Standards Comment
Please circle Standards achieved
Please tick Standards working towards (This section must be completed)
Attitudes, AT (Professional attributes)
Q1 Demonstrates appropriate expectations and
Q2 Demonstrates positive values, attitudes and
Q3 Adopts workplace policies and practices

Q4 Communicates effectively with children and

other professionals
Q5 Recognises and respects others’ contribution to
raising achievement
Q6 Committed to collaboration/co-operative
Q7 Reflects on and improves practice

Q8 Constructively critical, creative and innovative

Q9 Acts on advice and feedback, open to guidance

Pupils’ Development, PD (Knowledge and skills)

Q18 Understands how pupils’ learning is affected by
key factors 
Q19 Makes effective personalised provision for all
pupils/SEN/EAL/G&T 
Q20 Recognises roles/responsibilities of other
professionals 
Q21 Fully aware of legal requirements, national
policies and ECM issues that affect progress 
Q16 Passed professional skills tests (literacy,
numeracy, ICT) not relevant for this observation

OfSTED grading Progress being made at the time of the observation

(please tick) (please tick)
Outstanding Trainee making excellent progress
Good  Trainee making good progress 
Satisfactory Trainee working towards some aspects
Inadequate* Trainee experiencing serious difficulties*
* Copy of observation sent to the ITT Co-ordinator for discussion and action

The lesson evaluation and reflection proforma should be given to the trainee at the end of
the observation for completion prior to feedback.
Feedback should be given within 48 hours.

Observer Date 28.9.10
The East Northamptonshire Initial Teacher Training College: Graduate Teacher
Training Programme
K. Draper
The East Northamptonshire Initial Teacher Training College: Graduate Teacher Training Programme
Lesson observation continuation sheet
Time Commentary Evidence to support commentary re learning styles,
resources, differentiation, AfL and assessment
(This could also include points to consider re moving the
trainee forward)

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