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vietnam standards tcvn 6259-10 : 2003

rules for the classification and

construction of sea-going steel ships

Part 10 stability

chapter 1 General

1.1 Application

1.1.1 The requirements of present Part apply to decked ships sailing in displacement condition. As to
hydrogliders, air-cushion crafts and hydrofoils, sailing ships navigating under sails and floating docks, the
requirements of this Part apply to them as for as it is reasonable and practicable.

1.1.2 The requirements of this Part applies to ships in service as for as it is reasonable and practicable, but it is,
however, compulsory for ships, which undergo reconstruction, major repair, alteration or modification if their
stability is impaired as a result.
Stability of ships under 20 m in length after reconstruction, major repair, alteration or modification is to
comply either with the requirements of this Part or with the requirements applied to such ships before
reconstruction. Major repair, alteration or modification.

1.1.3 The requirements of this Part of the Rules do not extend to the light-ship condition, except for the
provisions given in 2.3.1.

1.2 Definitions and explanations

Definitions and explanations concerning the general terminology of the Rules are given in TCVN 6259 -1:
2003 Part 1A "General Regulation for the Supervision and Classification " .

1.2.1 In this Part of the Rules the following definitions have been adopted:
1 Moulded depth is the vertical distance measured amidships from the top of plate keel or from the point where
the inner surface of shell plating abuts upon the bar keel to the top of the beam of the uppermost continuous
deck, i.e. of the deck below which the volume of the ship's hull is taken into account in stability calculations.
In ships having a rounded gunwale, the moulded depth is measured to the point of intersection of moulded
lines of the uppermost continuous deck and side, the lines extending so as if the gunwale were of angular
design. If the uppermost continuous deck is stepped and the raised part of the deck extends over the point at
which the moulded depth is to be determined, the moulded depth shall be measured to a line of reference
extending from the lower part of the deck along a line parallel with the raised part.
2 Liquid cargoes are all liquids on board, including tanker cargo, the ship's liquid stores, ballast water, water in
the antirolling tanks and in the swimming pool, etc
3 Homogeneous cargo is cargo having constant stowage rate.
4 grains are wheat, maize, oats, rye, barley, rice, pulses, seeds and proceseed form therof, whose behaviour is
similar to that of grain in natural state.
5 Bulk cargo is grain and non-grain cargo constituted by separate particles and loaded without packaging.
6 Length of ship is to be taken as 96 per cent of the total length on the summer load waterline or as the length
from the fare side of the stem to the axis of the rudder stock on that waterline, if that were greater.
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7 A vessel of dredging fleet is a vessel intended for extraction or transportation of spoil.

8 Stores are fuel, fresh water, provision, oil, expendable supplies, etc.
9 A dredger is a ship extracting spoil by any appliances and having no hoppers for its transportation.
10 A container ship is a ship designed and specially equiped for the carriage of cargoes in containers internaional
11 Weather criterion is a ratio of the capsizing moment to the heeling moment due to wind pressure.
12 A timber carrier is a ship designed to carry deck timber cargo.
13 Superstructure is a decked structure on the uppermost continuous deck, extending from side to side of the ship
or with the side plating not being inboard of the shell plating more than 4 per cent of the greatest breadth of
the ship measured amidships to the outside of frames. A raised quarterdeck is regarded as a superstructure.
14 Openings considered to be open are openings in the upper deck or hull sides, as well as in decks, sides and
bulkheads of superstructures and deckhouses whose closures do not comply with the requirements of Part 2
"Hull construction and Equipment of ships" as to their strength, weather-tightness and efficiency. Small
openings, such as discharges of ship's systems and pipes, which actually have no effect on stability in
dynamical heeling of a ship, are not considered to be open.
15 Passage is navigation of a ship outside the prescribed area of navigation.
16 Arm of windage area is the height of resultant application centre of wind pressure force above the watrline
17 Windage area is the projected lateral area of the above-water portion of the ship (except for floating crane) on
the centre line plan e with the ship in the upright position.
18 Deckhouse is a decked structure on the upper deck or superstructure deck with its side plating, on one side at
least, being inboard of the shell plating by more than 4 per cent of the greatest breadth of the ship measured
amidships to the outside of frames and having doors, windows and other similar openings in external
19 Light ship is a fully ready ship less deadweight. Water ballast is included in the deadweight.
20 A pontoon is a non-self-propelled vessel unmarmed and designed to carry only deck cargo and having no
hatchways in the deck, except small manholes closed with gasketed covers.
21 A hopper dredger is a ship extracting spoil by any appliances and having a hopper for its transportation.
22 Angle of flooding is the angle of heel at which the ship's interior spaces are flooded by water through openings
considered to be open or opening which may be opened as required by operation conditions of the ship in
working position.
23 A hopper barge is a ship intended for the transportation of spoil.
24 Breadth of ship is the maximum breadth measured on the summer load line from outside of frame to outside
of frame in a ship with metal shell and to the outer surface of the hull in a ship with the shell of any other

1.2.2 For the purpose of the present Part of the Rules the following explanations have been adopted:
1 Amplitude of roll is an assumed rated amplitude of roll.
2 Hydrostatic curves are curves of the ship's lines plan particulars.
3 Wind pressure is an assumed rated pressure of wind.
4 Diagram of limiting moments is a diagram of limiting statical moments, on the abscissa of which ship's
displacement, deadweight or draught is plotted and on the ordinate, limiting values of the vertical statical
moments of masses meeting the complex of various requirements of this Part of the Rules for ship's stability.
5 Universal diagram is a diagram of ship's stability with a non-uniform scale of abscissae proPartional to the
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heeling angle sines, a set of curves for arms of the form stability for various displacements and a scale of
metacentric heights (or of heights of the ship's centre of gravity) along the axis of ordinates for constructing
straight half-lines determining the weight stability.
Various symbols used in this Part of the Rules are given in the Apendix C.
6 Inclining test instructions are instructions for determination of the ship's displacement and position of the
centre of gravity from the inclining test.
7 Instructions for free surfaces are instructions for taking into account the effect of free surfaces of liquid
cargoes on ship's stability. In formation is information for the master (stability booklet).
8 Information is an information on ship's stability.
9 Amidships is at the middle of the ship's length.
10 Heeling moment due to wind pressure is an assumed rated moment callsed by wind pressure.
11 Capsizing moment is an assumed rated minimum heeling moment dynamically applied.
12 Correction for free surfaces is a correction allowing for a decrease in the ship's stability due to the effect of
free surfaces of liquid cargoes.
13 A device measuring angle is mean (except plumb lines) of a design approved by VR, use to measure angles of
ship's incliation during the inclining test.
14 A special facility is a system permanently installed in the ship for rapid estimation of her initial stability (e.g.
heeling tanks with angle-of-inclination indicators) and approved by VR for measurement of angles of
inclination during the inclining test.
15 Anti-rolling systems are special devices of actively and passively type, which are fitted on the ships to anti-
Anti-rolling tanks by the way use free surface are passively water tanks, including the water tanks with spacial
construction to decrease ampltude of roll due to effect of stability moment, which is created by movement of
water from one side to other (except U -Tanks).
16 Documents of the tanks provided for ships are data and methods specified in documents of anti-rolling tanks
having free surface to make balance between self-sway of ship and self-sway of water in the tanks.
17 Amidships is at the middle of the ship’s length.

1.3 Scope of Supervision

1.3.1 General provisions pertaining to the procedure of classification, construction supervision and
Classification surveys, as well as the requirements for the technical documentation submitted to VR for
consideration and approval are contained in Part 1 .

1.3.2 For every ship meeting the requirements of this Part of the Rules, VR shall carry out the following:
1 Prior to the commencement of ship's construction:
- consideration and approval of technical documentation relating to ship's stability;
2 During ship's construction and trials: supervision of the inclining test:
- Consideration and approval of the Information on Stability and Inclining Test Record;
3 During special surveys for the purpose of class renewal and after repair or modernization; inspections to check
for changes in the light-ship condition in order to conclude whether the Information on Stability is still

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1.4 General technical requirement

1.4.1 All calculations shall be made by the methods generally accepted in naval architecture. When using a
computer, the methods of computation and programme shall be approved by VR.

1.4.2 Calculation of form stability

1 Arms of form stability shall be calculated for the waterline parallel to the design waterline.
For ships operating with permanent considerable initial trim, arms of form stability shall be calculated with
due regard for this trim upon agreement with VR. If the shape and structure of a ship are such that
the righting moment is considerably affected by the trim accompanying the inclinations, then the arms of
form stability should be calculated with due regard for this trim.
2 When calculating the arms of form stability, full account may be taken of those tiers of superstructure which:
(1) Meet the requirements of Part 2 for the first tier of superstructure (counting from the freeboard deck); side
scuttles as concerns the efficiency of their closures shall be in compliance with requirements of Part 7;
(2) Have an access for the crew from the above deck to the working spaces inside these superstructures, as
well as to the machinery space by other means during the whole period w hen the openings in the
superstructure bulkheads are closed.
If a mid-ship bridge or poop complies with the requirements of Part 2, but the doors in their bulkheads provide
the only exits to the deck, and the upper edge of the sills of the superstructure doors in a fully loaded ship
immerses at a heeling angle less than 60o, the effective height of superstructures shall be assumed to be half
their actual height and the superstructure doors assumed to be closed. If the upper edge of the doorsills of a
full y loaded ship immerses at a heeling angle equal to or over 60o, its effective height above the freeboard
deck is taken to be its actual height.
3 W hen calculating the arms of form stability, account may also be taken of those tiers of deckhouse which:
(1) Meet the requirements of Part 2 for the first tier of deckhouse (counting from the freeboard deck); side
scuttles as concerns the efficiency of their closures shall be in compliance with requirements of Part 7;
(2) Have an additional exit to the deck above.
With the afaresaid conditions satisfied, account is taken of full height of the deckhouses. If they meet the
requirements of Part 2, but there is no additional exit to the deck above, such deckhouses shall not be
taken into account in calculations of the arms of form stability, however, any deck openings inside such
deckhouses are assumed as closed, irrespective of whether they are fitted with closures or not. The
deckhouses, whose closures do not comply with the requirements set forth in Part 7 shall not be
considered in calculations of the arms of form stability. Any deck openings inside them are regarded as
closed only if their coamings and means of closing comply with the requirements of Part 2.
4 In ships with hatch covers meeting the requirements of Part 2 and Part 7, the volumes of hatches located on
the freeboard deck may be taken into account.
5 The interpolation curves of the arms of form stability shall have a small-scaled scheme of superstructures and
deckhouses with regard to. The point shall be indicated in relation to which the arms of form stability are

1.4.3 Arrangement of compartments

A drawing of watertight compartments of the ship design documentation shall contain data necessary to
calculate the positions of the centres of gravity for individual tanks filled with liquid cargoes and values of
corrections for the effect of free surfaces of liquid cargoes on stability.

1.4.4 Deck plan

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1 Deck plans of the ship design documentation shall include all data necessary to determine the centres of
gravity of deck cargoes.

2 The deck plans for passenger ships shall indicate the deck area on which passengers can walk freely and
maximum permissible crowding of passengers on free areas of the deck, with passengers moving to one side
of the ship (see 3.1.2 and 3.1.3).

1.4.5 Arrangement of doors, companionways and side scuttles, angle of flooding

1 The arrangement plan of doors and companionways shall include all doors and companionways to an exposed
deck as well as Ports and hatches in the shell plating with appropriate references to their design.
2 The arrangement plan of side scuttles shall incorporate all side scuttles located below the uppermost
continuous deck, as well as the side scuttles in the superstructures and deckhouses taken into account when
calculating the arms of form stability.
3 A curve of angles of flooding for the lowest opening in the ship's side, deck or superstructure, assumed to be
open, shall be appended to the calculations of arms of form stability for each ship.

1.4.6 Calculation of windage area of a ship (except for a floating crane)

1 The windage area shall include the projections of all continuous surfaces of the ship's hull, superstructures and
deckhouses on the centre line plane, as well as projections of masts, ventilators, boats, deck machinery, all
tents that might be stretched in stormy weather as also the projections of side surfaces of deck cargoes,
including timber cargo, if the ship design makes the carriage of it possible.
For ships having allxiliary sails, the projected lateral areas of rolled up sails shall be taken into account
separately according to the ship's profile plan and included in the total projected lateral area of the continuous
It is recommended that projected lateral areas of discontinued surfaces of rails, spars (except for masts) and
rigging of ships having no sails and those of various small objects be taken into account by increasing the total
projected lateral area of continuous surfaces calculated for draught dmin by 5 per cent and the statical moment
of this area by 10 per cent with respect to the base plane.
The projected lateral areas of discontinued surfaces of ships subjected to icing is taken into account by
increasing the projected lateral area and its statical moment of continuous surfaces calculated for draught dmin
under icing conditions by 10 and 20 per cent or 7.5 and 15 per cent, respectively, depending upon the rates of
icing stated in 2.4. In ton his case, the value of the projected lateral area of discontinued surfaces and the
position of its centre of gravity with respect to the base plan e are assumed to be constant for all loading
For container ships the projected lateral area shall be taken into account as a continuous surface having no
regard to the clearances between containers.
2 The application of the said approximate methods for taking into account the projected lateral areas of
discontinued surfaces and small objects is not obligatory. These components of windage area can be
determined in a more precise way, if deemed necessary by the designer. For this purpose when calculating the
projected lateral area of discontinued surfaces, such as spars and rigging of ships having no sails, rails, crane
trusses of lattice type, etc., the overall areas taken into consideration, shall be multiplied by filling factors
whose values are taken as follows:

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No icing Icing
- For rails covered with meshed wire 0.60 1.20
- For rails without meshed wire 0.60 1.20
- For rails crane trusses of lattice type 0.60 1.20
For spars, tackle and shrouds of ships with no sails, values of the filling factors shall be adopted in compliance
with Table 10/1.1 depending upon the ratio z0/bo .
where : zo is the height of the point of shrouds fastening to the mast over the bulwark; bo is the distance
between the shrouds at bulwark.
The projections of the hull above the waterline, deckhouses and superstructures shall be taken into account
with a flow coefficient 1.0. The projections of circular section structures located separately on the deck
(funnels, ventilators, masts) shall be assumed to have a flow coefficient of 0.6.

Table 10/1.1 Filling factors

Zo/bo 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
No icing 0.14 0.18 0.23 0.27 0.31 0.35 0.40 0.44 0.48 0.52 0.57 0.61
Icing 0.27 0.34 0.44 0.51 0.59 0.66 0.76 0.84 0.91 1.00 1.00 1.00
When calculating in detail, the projected lateral areas of small objects, discontinued surfaces, spars, rigging,
rails, shrouds, tackle, etc., shall be taken to have a flow coefficient of 1.0. If the projections of individual
components or the windage area overlap one another fully or in Part, the areas of only one of the overlapping
projections shall be included in the computation.
If the overlapping projections have different flow coefficients, those with higher coefficients shall be taken for
the computation.
3 The arm of windage area Z
The arm of windage area Z is a distance, in metres, between the centre of the windage area and the actual
waterline plan e for an upright ship in smooth water. The position of the centre of windage area is determined
by a method generally applied for determining the coordinates of the centre of gravity for a plane figure.
4 The widnage area and its statical moment shall be calculated for the ship's draught dmin. These components for
other draughts are determined by calculation. The use of linear interpolation is permissible if the second point
is assumed at the draught corresponding to the summer load line.

1.4.7 Computation of the liquid cargo effect

1 Tanks for each kind of liquid, including those for water ballast, which depending on the service conditions
may simultaneously have free surfaces are to be taken in tono account when determining the free surfaces
effect of liquids on ship's stability at large angles of heeling. To allow for the free surface effect, one design
combination of single tanks or their combinations for each kind of liquid cargo shall be drawn up. Considering
the number of tank combinations for the individual kinds of liquid cargo or single tanks, likely to occur under
service conditions, only those developing the greatest total heeling moment ∆M30 due to liquid overflow at the
ship's heel of 30o and for a floating crane ∆M15 at the crane's heel of 15o shall be selected. In all cases, except
for those expressly provided in 3.2.2 and 3.4.2 the correction for free surfaces shall be calculated for a tank
filled by 50 per cent of its capacity.
The methods for estimating corrections are presented in VR's instructions on estimating liquid cargo free
surface effect on ship's stability. It is permissible to choose the tanks to be taken into account in compliance
with the Instructions on loading and consuming of liquid cargoes.
2 The tanks complying with the following condition are not included in the computation:

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l30vtbtγ Cb < 0,01 ∆min

Where l30 = non-dimensional factor determined from Table 1.4.7-2.

Table 10/1.2 Factor l30

bt/at l30 bt/at l30

20 0.111 1.0 0.049
10 0.113 0.5 0.024
5 0.114 0.2 0.010
2 0.094 0.1 0.005

For floating cranes the tanks meeting the following condition are not included in the computation:

∆M15 = 0.0216vtbtγ Cb (bt/at ) ≤ 0.02 ∆min

Total correction ∆M15 for tanks not included in the calculation shall not exceed 0.05 ∆min. Otherwise,
appropriate corrections shall be taken into account in the computation.
Various symbol used in this Part are given in the table in end page .
3 Selection of tanks included in the design combination to allow for the free surface effect on initial stability
shall be carried out in compliance with the directions of 1.4.7-1, with the difference that, proceeding from
initial stability, the tanks shall be selected from the maximum value of ∆mh equal to the product of the own
moment of inertia of free surface for a ship in the upright position by the density of the liquid cargo.
4 The tanks complying with the following condition are not included in the computation:

∆Mh = 0.0834vtbtγ Cb (bt/at ) ≤ 0.01 ∆min

Usual residues of liquids in emptied tanks are not taken into account in the computation.

For floating cranes the tanks with ∆mh being less than 0.1 ∆min are not included in the computation. In this
case, the total correction ∆mh for tanks not allowed for in the computation shall not exceed 0.25 ∆min.
Otherwise, appropriate corrections shall be taken into account in the computation.

1.4.8 Loading conditions

1 Stability shall be checked in all loading conditions specified in Chapters 3 and 4 for various types of ships.
2 For the types of ships which are not covered by special provisions of Chapter 3, the loading conditions to be
examined shall be as follows :
(1) Ship in fully loaded condition with full stores;
(2) Ship in fully loaded condition with 10 per cent of stores;
(3) Ship without cargo, with full stores;
(4) Ship without cargo, with 10 per cent of stores.
3 If the loading conditions anticipated in normal service of a ship as regards stability are less favourable than
those listed in -2 or specified in Chapter 3, stability shall also be checked for these conditions.
4 If there is solid ballast on board, its mass shall be included in the light-ship condition.
5 In all cases of loading, which might occur in the ship's service, except those expressly provided in Chapter 3,
the weight of ballast water may be included in the deadweight of the ship, where necessary.

1.4.9 Curves of stability

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1 Stability curves calculated with due allowance for the corrections of free surfaces shall be platted for all
loading conditions under consideration.
2 If there are openings considered to be open in the ship's sides, upper deck or superstructures through which
water can penetrate inside the hull, the stability curves are considered effective up to the angle of floading. At
the inclinations of the ship exceeding the angle of flooding. the ship may be regarded to have entirely lost her
stability and the curves of stability at this angle are cutting short.
3 If the spread of water coming to a superstructure through openings considered to be open is limited only by
this superstructure or a part thereof, such superstructure or its part shall be considered as non-existent at the
angles of heel exceeding the angle of flooding. In this case, the statical stability curve becomes stepped and
that of dynamical stability broken.

1.4.10 Design data relating to stability checking and summary tables

1 For ships under investigation, all design data relating to stability checking (calculations of loading, initial
stability, curves of stability, windage area, amplitudes of roll, heeling due to crowding of passengers on one
side. heeling when turning as also that due to icing, etc.) shall be submitted to VR for consideration.
2 For all design loading conditions, summary tables presenting the results of calculations of displacement,
position of the centre of gravity, initial stability and trim, as well as summary tables of results of stability
checking for the compliance with the requirements of the present Part shall be drawn up.

1.4.11 Universal diagram and diagram of limiting moments of a ship (except for a floating crane)
1 For ships at the design stage , a universal diagram enabling to determine characteristics of the curve of statical
stability for any values of displacement and metacentric height (or height of the ship's centre of gravity) shall
be submitted.
2 A diagram of limiting moments (or metacentric heights , or height of centres of gravity) enbling to estimate
the extent of compliance with all the requirements of this Part shall be submitted.

1.4.12 Requirements for information on stability

1 To provide adequate stability of ships in service, the information on Stability approved by VR. When
compiling the Information, it is recommended to be guided by the directions given in Appendix 1.
2 Where on-board computers or alltomatic measuring systems are used to control trim and stability, they are to
be approved by VR (together with software and stability control procedure to be applied in service).
Availability of VR approved computer or alltomatic measuring system on board to control the ship stability
and trim shall not be considered a ground for deleting any section of the Information. The procedure of using
these computers is to be specified in the Information on Stability where it is to be mentioned that the accuracy
of these computers and systems prior to their use is to be checked by ship crew in compliance with the manual
appended thereto.
3 The information shall be compiled with regard to the ship's inclining test data, except for the cases in 1.5.7.
For the group of the ships specified in 1.5.2-1, the information shall be prepared on the basis of the inclining
test data of the first ship of the group. The information compiled for the first ship of any group may be
extended to ships of another group, provided that based on the inclining test results for the first ship of this
group the lightship displacement changes by not more than 2 per cent, the height of the cent re of gravity
increases by not more than the value obtained as per 1.5.2-2 and the requirements of this Part are not violated.
In this case, the information guidance on displacement and centre of gravity coordinates for the light condition
of the ship as obtained on the basis of the inclining test results for the first ship of the group concerned.
For ships for which inclining test may be omitted in compliance with 1.5 design light-ship displacement shall

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be specified, and the centre of gravity height of the light ship is calculated according to 1.5.2-2(3) or 1.5.7. It
shall be simultaneously stated in the information that the ship has not been inclined and the centre of
gravity height of the light ship has been calculated in accordance with 1.5.2-2(3) or 1.5.7.

1.5 Inclining test

1.5.1 To be inclined are:

1 Series-built ships as per 1.5.2;
2 Every newly built ship of non-series construction;
3 Every ship after reconstruction;
4 Ships after major repair, alteration or modification as per 1.5.3;
5 Ships after installation of permanent solid ballast as per 1.5.4;
6 Ships whose stability is unknown or gives rise to doubts;
7 Passenger ships in service at intervals not exceeding five years if stipulated by 1.5.5.

1.5.2 Out of the series of ships under construction at each shipyard the following ships are to be inclined:
1 The first ship, then every fifth ship of the series (i.e. sixth, eleventh, etc.).
Depending on the seasonal conditions during the delivery of the ship and subject to special agreement
with VR, the inclining test of the next ship of the series may be permitted instead of the ship to be
delivered. Beginning from the twelfth ship of the series, VR may require the inclining of the
smaller number of ships if it is demonstrated to the satisfaction of VR that in the process of
constructing the ships of the series stability of their mass and centre of gravity position is ensured within
the limits stated in 1.5.2-2;
2 A series-built ship if structural alterations therein compared with the first ship of the series, as shown by the
calculation, result in:
(1) The changes in the light-ship displacement by more than 2 per cent; or
(2) The increase of the light-ship centre of gravity height exceeding simultaneously 4 cm and the lesser value
determined by the formulae:

δzg = 0.1 ( ∆1/∆o) lmax

δzg = 0.05 ( ∆1/∆o) h

∆o : Light-ship displacement, in ton;
∆1 : Ship's displacement under the most unfavourable loading condition as regards the value of h or lmax, in
lmax : Maximum arm of statical stability curve under the most unfavourable design loading condition as
regards its value;
h : corrected metacentric height under the most unfavourable design loading condition as regards its
(3) Violation of the requirements of this Part of the Rules for design loading conditions with :
Zg = 1.2Zg2 - 0.2Zg1
where :
Zg1 (Zg2) is design lightship centre of gravity height prior to (after) structural changes;
Zg is an assumed light-ship centre of gravity height.
Such ship shall be considered the first ship of a new series as regards stability, and the inclining test procedure
of the subsequent ships shall comply with the requirements of 1.5.2-1.

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1.5.3 After major repair, alteration and modification to be inclined are ships, in which structural changes, as
shown by calculation, result in:
1 Change of load (total mass of loads removed or added) by more than 6 per cent of the light-ship,
displacement, or

2 Change in the light-ship displacement by more than 2 per cent, or

3 Increase in the light-ship centre of gravity height by more than the value obtained as per 1.5.2-2, or
4 Violation of the requirements of this Part for design loading conditions as specified in 1.5.2-2(3).
Irrespective of the calculations submitted, VR may require in compliance with 1.5.1-6 the inclining test of the
ship to be performed, proceeding from the technical condition of the ship.

1.5.4 After installation of the permanent solid ballast each ship is to be inclined.
The inclining test of the ship may be dispensed with if VR is satisfied that when installing the ballast, efficient
control is effected to ensure the design values of mass and centre of gravity position, or these values can be
properly confirmed by calculation.

1.5.5 Experimental determination of the light-ship weight shall be effected periodically for finding wether
according to the 1.5.1-7 and 1.5.1-8, the iclining test is required to Passenger ships.
Experimental determination of the light-ship weight is to be carried out at intervals not more than five years.
If a change in the light-ship displacement by more than 2% or in longitudinal graviry-centre position by more
than 1% of the ship’s length as compared to the approved information on stability is found out as a result of
the experimental detremination of the light-ship weight then the ship is to be inclined.
1.5.6 Where the inclining test results for the ship built show that the light-ship centre of gravity height exceeds
design value to the extent that involves the violation of the requirements of the present Part, calculations with
explanation of the reasons of such differences are to be attached to the inclining test records.
Based on the investigation analysis of the documents submitted, or in case such documents are not available,
VR may require the repeated inclining test again . In this case, both inclining test records are to be submitted
to VR for consideration.

1.5.7 At the discretion of the owner, a newly built ship may be exempted by VR from the inclining test provided
an increase of a light-ship centre of gravity height by 20 per cent as against the design value will not result in
the violation of the requirements of this Part.

1.5.8 Ship's loading during the inclining test shall be as for as practicable close to the light-ship displacement.
The mass of missing loads shall be not more than 2 per cent of the light-ship displacement, and the mass of
surplus loads less inclining ballast and ballast according to 1.5.9 , 4 per cent.

1.5.9 The metacentric height of the ship in the process of the inclining test shall be at least 0.20 m. For this
purpose necessary ballast may be taken. When water ballast is taken, the tanks shall be carefully sealed.

1.5.10 To determine angles of inclination during the inclining test not less than three plumb lines at least 3 m
long or at least two devices approved by VR shall be provided, or a special facility approved by VR for use in
the inclining test shall be employed.
For ships under 30 m in length only two plumb lines at least 2 m long may be used.

1.5.11 In well performed inclining test the value of the metacentric height obtained may be used in calculations
with no deduction for probable error of the test.
The inclining test is considered to be satisfactory performed, provided:

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1 for each measurement the following condition is fulfilled:

⎢ hi - hk ⎢≤ 2
∑ (h i− hk ) 2
n −1

hi : Metacentric height obtained by individual measurement;
hk = Σ hi/n : Metacentric height obtained in inclining the ship;
n : Number of measurements.
Measurements not meeting the above condition are excluded when treating the results with appropriate
change of the total number n and repeated calculation of the metacentric height hk;
2 probable error of the test tαn
∑ ( hi − hk ) fulfils the condition :
n( n − 1)
∑ ( hi − hk ) ≤ 0.02 (1 + hk) if hk ≤ 2 m ;
n( n − 1)
∑ ( hi − hk ) ≤ 0.04 hk if hk > 2 m.
n( n − 1)
Factor tαn is taken from Table 10/1. 3 .

Table 10/1. 3 Factor t αn

n 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
tα n 6.9 6.0 5.4 5.0 4.8 4.6 4.5 4.3 4.2 4.1 4.0

3 where h and lmax are calculated for the most unfavourable design loading conditions as regards their values ,
then following condition is fulfilled:

∑ ( hi − hk ) ∆0
tαn ≤ 0.05 h or 0.1lmax
n( n − 1) ∆1
Whichever is less, but not less than 4 cm .
No more than one measurement is excluded from the calculation (greater number of measurements may be
excluded only in well-grounded cases on agreement with VR).

1.5.12 Where the requirements of 1.5.11 are not fulfilled, the value of the metacentric height less the
probable error of the test obtained as per 1.5.11-2 may be taken for calculations upon agreement with

1.5.13 The inclining test of the ship shall be performed in compliance with VR's Instructions on inclining test.
Other methods of inclining the ships may be permitted provided it will be demonstrated that the accuracy of
the inclining test results meets the requirements of this Chapter.

1.6 Departures from the rules

tcvn 6259 -10: 2003, Chapter 1

1.6.1 If doubts arise with regard to stability of any ship when the requirements of this Part of the Rules are
complied with or the requirements set forth in this Part of the Rules are considered to be too severe, VR may
permit, on own initiative or a well-grounded statement of design and service bodies, appropriate departures
from the requirements of this Part for the ship concerned.

1.6.2 When a ship navigating in a particular area does not comply with the requirements of this Part , VR may,
in each particular case, either restrict the ship's area of navigation or place other limitations depending upon
the ship's stability characteristics, service conditions and purpose the ship is intended for.

1.7 Condition of Sufficient Stability

1.7.1 Under the most unfavourable loading conditions with regard to stability, the ship's stability, except for
floating cranes, pontoons and floating docks shall comply with the following requirements:
1 The ship shall withstand, without capsizing, simultaneously the effect of dynamically applied wind pressure
and rolling the parameters of which are determined in compliance with the directions given in Chapter 2;
2 Numerical values of the parameters of the statical stability curve for the ship on still water and the values of
the corrected initial metacentric height shall not be below those specified in Chapter 2;
3 the effect of consequences of probable icing upon stability shall be taken into account in compliance with
Chapter 2;
4 stability of a ship shall comply with additional requirements of Chapter 3.

1.7.2 The stability of floating cranes, pontoons and floating docks shall comply with the requirements of
Chapter 4.

1.7.3 For ships to which the requirements of Part 9 "Subdivision" are applicable, the intact stability shall be
sufficient to meet there requirements in damaged condition.

1.7.4 To ships of unrestricted service (passenger ships, cargo ships, container ships, timber carriers, fishing
vessels and special purpose ships) alternative requirements contained in Chapter 5 may be applied instead of
requirements of 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4.7.

1.8 Passage of ship

1.8.1 When passing from one Part to another, the ship's stability shall meet the requirements imposed upon
ships navigating in a region through which the passage is expected to be undertaken.

1.8.2 For ships whose stability carmot be raised up to that required by 1.8.1, VR may permit the passage of the
ship provided the ships stability complies with weather restrictions.

tcvn 6259-10 : 2003, Chapter 2

Chapter 2 General Requirements for Stability

2.1 Weather Criterion

2.1.1 The requirements for stability set forth in this Part are differentiated depending upon the ship's area of
navigation. Definitions of restricted areas of navigation are given in TCVN 6259 -1: 2003 Part 1A " General
regulations for the supervision" .
1 Stability of ships of unrestricted service and of restricted areas of navigation I, II and III shall be considered
sufficient as to weather criterion K, if the dynamically applied heeling moment Mv due to wind pressure in the
most unfavourable loading condition as to stability equals or is below the capsizing moment Mc. that is:
Mv ≤ Mc or K = ≥ 1.00

For ships specially intended for operation in heavy seas (for example, weather observation ships) the value of
weather criterion K is subject to special consideration by VR in each particular case; it is recommended that
this value should not be less than 1.5.
2 At the discretion of VR, the ships whose stability with respect to the weather criterion does not comply with
the requirements for the ships of restricted area of navigation II, may be allowed to operate as ships of
restricted area of navigation III with additional restrictions, taking into account the peculiarities of the area
and the nature of service.

2.1.2 Calculation of the heeling moment due to wind pressure

1 The heeling moment Mv, in kN.m, is assumed to be equal to the product of wind pressure Pv by windage area
A and by the distance Z between the centre of windage area and the actual waterline plane:
Mv = 0,001 pv AvZ
The value of the heeling moment is assumed to be constant during the whole period of the ship's inclination.
2 The values of wind pressure pv, in Pa, shall be taken from Table 10/2.1 depending upon the ship's area of
navigation and arm of windage area.

Table 10/2.1 Wind presure pv, (Pa)

Area of Z, (m)
navigation 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 ≥ 7.0
Unresticted - 706 785 863 922 971 1010 1049 1079 1108 1138 1167 1196 1216
Restricted I 0.567 of the wind pressure value adopted for unrestricted service
0.421 of the wind pressure value adopted for unrestricted service .
0.275 of the wind pressure value adopted for unrestricted service .

2.1.3 Calculation of the amplitude of roll

1 The amplitude of roll, in deg., of aroundbilged ship having no bilge keels and bar keels is calculated using the
θ1r = X1X2Y
X1, X2 : Non-dimensional factors;
Y: Factor, in deg.
tcvn 6259-10 :2003, Chapter 2

The values of factor y shall be taken from Table 10/2.2 depending on the ship's area of navigation and the
ratio ho B .

The values of factor X1 shall be taken from Table 10/2.3 depending upon the ratio B /d.
The values of factor X 2 shall be taken from Table 10/2.4 depending upon ship's block coefficient CB.

Table 10 / 2.2 Factor Y

ho B
Area ≤0,04 0,05 0,06 0,07 0,08 0,09 0,10 0,11 0,12 ≥0,13
of navigation
24,0 25,0 27,0 29,0 30,7 32,0 33,4 34,4 35,3 36,0
Restricted I, II 16,0 17,0 19,7 22,8 25,4 27,6 29,2 30,5 31,4 32,0
Restricted III 14,6 16,8 18,0 21,0 24,0 26,0 28,0 29,0 30,0 31,0

2 If a ship is provided with bilge keels, or a bar keel or both, the amplitude of roll, in deg., shall be calculated
using the formula :
θ2r = Kθ1r
where : values of factor K shall be taken from Table 10/2.5 depending upon the ratio Ak l(LB) ;
where Ak is a total overall area of bilge keels, or an area of the lateral projection of the bar keel, or a sum of
these areas, in m2.
Table 10/2.3 Factor X1

B/d ≤2.4 2,5 2,6 2,7 2,8 2,9 3,0 3,1 3,2 3,3 3,4 ≥3,5

X1 1,00 0,98 0,96 0,95 0,93 0,91 0,90 0,88 0,86 0,84 0,82 0,80

Table 10/2.4 Factor X2

CB ≤0,45 0,50 0,55 0,60 0,65 ≥0,70

X2 0,75 0,82 0,89 0,95 0,97 1,00

Table 10/2.5 Factor K

(%) 0,0 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 3,5 ≥4,0
K 1,00 0,98 0,95 0,88 0,79 0,74 0,72 0,70

Bilge keels are not to be taken into consideration where ships having ice category marks IAS, IA and IB in
their class notation are concerned.
3 The amplitude of roll for a ship having sharp bilges shall be assumed to bc equal to 70 per cent of that
calculated from formula in 2.1.3-l.
4 For ships having anti-rolling devices with free surface, the rolling angle θr1, in deg. determined from 2.1.3-1 to
2.1.3-3 may be reducted a value, which is determined following formula, but in no case, it does not less than
10 M tα
∆θ r = 2
k cb LB h0 θ1r

tcvn 6259-10 : 2003, Chapter 2

5 The amplitude of antitipping due to effect of anti-rolling devices, may be determined by any method approved
by VR or by method is given in each specify information of VR. Mtα shall be determined with rolling
frequency of tank by 7,78 h / B.
6 The rolling amplitude of ships having anti-rolling system other than bilge keels or tanks having free surface,
which calculated by 2.1.3-1, may be no regard to effect of anti-rolling system.

2.1.4 Determination of the capsizing moment.

The capsizing moment may be determined by any method approved by VR.
The recommended procedurc of the capsizing moment determination is given in Appendix 2 "Determination
of capsizing moment ".

2.2 Curve of statical stability

2.2.1 The maximum arm of the curve of statical stability lmax shall not be less than 0,25 m for ships with L ≤ 80
m and not less than 0,20 m for ships with L≥ 105 m at the heeling angle θm ≥30o. For intermediate values of L,
the value lmax shall be determined by linear interpolation. The limit of positive statical stability (the angle of
vanishing stability) shall be at least 60o. If the curve of statical stability has two maxima due to the inf1uence
of superstructures or deckhouses, the first maximum from the upright position shall occur at the angle of heel
not less than 25o.

2.2.2 Ships with ratio B/D > 2 are allowed to navigate having the angle of vanishing stability and the angle
corresponding to the maximum arm of the curve less than those required by 2.2.1 by the following values :
1 Angle of vanishing stability, by a value ∆θv determined from the formula :
∆θv =40o (B / D -2 ) ( K - 1)
Where B/D > 2.5 and K> 1,5, the ratio B /D = 2,5 and K = 1,5 should be adopted. The value of ∆θv is to
be rounded off to the nearest integer;
2 Angle corresponding to the maximum arm of the curve, by a value equal to half the decrease in the angle of
vanishing stability.

2.2.3 A ship shall comply with the aforesaid requirements when the correction for free surfaces is taken into
account in curves of statical stability in accordance with the provisions of 1.4.7.

2.2.4 For ships having the limit of statical stability failing to comply with the requirements of this Chapter
because of the curve cut short at the angle of flooding, navigation may be permitted as for ships of restricted
service depending upon the value of wind pressure endured when checking stability for compliance with the
weather criterion. It is necessary, however that the conventional angle of vanishing stability determined on the
assumption of weathertight closures of the openings through which flooding occurs shall be not less than that
required by this Chapter .

2.3 Initial Metacentric height (ho)

2.3.1 The corrected initial metacentric height for all ships in alloading conditions, except for the ships having L
< 20 m, timber carries, fishing vessels with loading condition as specified in 3.5.4 and container ships in
loading conditions with containers, shall not be less than 0,15 m.
For all ships, the initial metacentric height in the light-ship condition may be determined taking trim into
consideration. In addition, in each case, this value of height is subject to special consideration of VR.

tcvn 6259-10 :2003, Chapter 2

2.3.2 Initial stability of well-deck ships shall be checked for the case of water penetration into the well. Amount
of water in the well and its free surface shall correspond to the water level up to the lower edge of the freeing
Parts for a ship in upright position allowing for the deck camber. Should a ship have two or mare wells,
stability shall be checked for the case of flooding of the largest one.

2.4 Allowance for icing

2.4.1 For ships intended for winter navigation Within winter seasonal zones set up by Part 11 - "Load Line",
stability with due regard for icing, as specified in this Chapter, shall be checked in addition to the main
loading conditions. In the calculation, account should be taken of increase in displacement, height of the
centre of gravity and windage area due to icing.
The stability calculation under icing shall be carried out for the worst loading condition as to stability. When
checking stability under icing, the mass of the ice is considered as an overload and is not included in the ship's

2.4.2 When determining the heeling and capsizing moments for ships navigating in winter seasonal zones to the
north of latitude 66o30' N and to the south of latitude 66o00' S, the assumed rates of icing shall be as specified
in 2.4.3 and 2.4.4.

2.4.3 The mass of ice per square metre of the total area of horizontal projection of exposed weather decks shall
be assumed to be 30 kg. The total horizontal projection of decks shall include horizontal projections of all
exposed decks and gangways, irrespective of the availability of awnings. The vertical moment due to this
loading is determined for heights of the centre of gravity of the corresponding areas of decks and gangways.
The deck machinery, arrangements, hatch covers, etc. are included in the projection of decks and not taken
into account separately.

2.4.4 The mass of ice per square metre of the windage area shall be assumed to be 15 kg. In this case, the
windage area and the height of the centre of gravity shall be determined for a draught dmin as specified in 1.4.6,
but without the allowance for icing .

2.4.5 In other areas of the winter seasonal zone, the rates of icing for winter time shall be assumed to be equal to
half those specified in 2.4.3 and 2.4.4, except for the areas where, on agreement with VR, icing need not be
taken into account.

2.4.6 The mass of ice and vertical moment computed in compliance with 2.4.3 to 2.4.5 cover all loading
conditions when drawing up the information.

2.4.7 For the statical stability curves plotted with the allowance for icing, the angle of vanishing stability shall
be not less than 55o and the maximum arm of statical stability for ships of restricted service shall be at least
0.2 m at an angle of heeling not less than 25o.
For ships with ratio B/D > 2, an additional reduction of the angle of vanishing stability θv is permissible by
the values equal to half those determined from formula in 2.2.2-l.

tcvn 6259 -10: 2003, Chapter 3

Chapter 3 Additional Requirements for Stability

3.1 Passenger ships

3.1.1 Stability of passenger ships shall be checked for the following loading conditions:
1 Ship in the fully loaded condition, with full stores and full number of class and unberthed passengers and their
baggages. A possibility of liquid ballasting shall be agreed with VR;
2 Ship in the fully loaded condition, with the full number of class and unberthed passengers and their effects,
but with 10 per cent of stores;
3 Ship without cargo, but with the full number of class and unberthed passengers and their effects and with full
4 Ship in the same loading condition as in -3, but with 10 per cent of stores;
5 Ship without cargo and passengers, but with full stores;
6 Ship in the same loading condition as in -5, but with 10 per cent of stores;
7 Ship in the same loading condition as in -2, but with 50 per cent of stores.
When checking stability for the compliance with the weather criterion, class passengers shall be assumed to be
in their accommodation and unberthed passengers on their decks. The stowage of cargo in holds, tween decks
and on decks is assumed as for normal service conditions of the ship. Stability with an allowance for icing
shall be checked with no passengers on exposed decks.

3.1.2 Initial stability of passenger ships shall be such that in the eventual case of crowding of passengers to one
side on the upper deck accessible for passengers, as near to the bulwark as possible, the angle of statical heel
is not more than the angle at which the freeboard deck immerses or the angle at which the bilge comes out of
water, or one half of the angle of flooding, whichever is less, in any case, the angle of heel shall not exceed

3.1.3 The angle of heel due to the combined effect of heeling moments Mh1 (as a result of crowding of
passengers to one side on the promenade decks) and Mh2 (on steady turning) shall not exceed the angle at
which the freeboard deck immerses, or the angle at which the bilge comes out of water, or three-fourths of the
angle of flooding, whichever is less, but in any case the angle of heel shall not exceed 12o.

3.1.4 The heeling moment, in kN.m, due to turning shall be determined using the formula:
0,24 ∆v 0,8 ⎛ d⎞
M h2 = ⎜Z g − ⎟
L ⎝ 2⎠

3.1.5 When calculating ship's stability on turning and for heeling callsed by crowding of passengers to one side,
no account shall be taken of wind and rolling effects.

3.1.6 When determining admissible distribution of passengers crowding to one side on their promenade decks,
it is to be assumed that the ship's normal operating conditions are duly observed with an allowance for the
position of the equipment and arrangements and the regulations concerning the access of passengers to a
particular deck area.

3.1.7 When determining the area where crowding of passengers may be permitted, the passages between
benches shall be included in the computation with factor 0.5. The area of narrow external passages between
the deckhouse and the bulwark or railing up to 0.7 m wide shall be included with factor 0.5.

3.1.8 For the purpose of determination of the angle of heel callsed by crowding of passengers to one side, the

tcvn 6259 -10: 2003, Chapter 3

mass of each passenger shall be assumed to be 75 kg. The assumed density of distribution of passengers is 6
persons per square metre of the free area of the deck. The height of the centre of gravity for standing
passengers shall be assumed equal to 1.1 m above the deck level and that for sitting passengers 0.3 m above
the seats.

3.1.9 All computations of the statical angle of heel caused by passengers crowding to one side and by turning
shall be carried out taking no account of icing, but with a correction for free surfaces of liquid cargoes as
specified in 1.4.7.

3.2 Dry cargo ships

3.2.1 Stability of cargo ships shall be checked for the following loading conditions:
1 Ship having a draught to the summer load line with homogeneous cargo filling cargo holds, tween decks,
coaming spaces and trunks of cargo hatches, with full stores, but without liquid ballast.
Where, owing to the peculiarities of the ship's service, the full-load draught is less than that to the prescribed
load line, the stability calculations shall be carried out for t his smaller draught;
2 Ship in the same condition as in -l, but with 10 per cent of stores and, where necessary, with liquid ballast;
3 Ship without cargo, but with full stores;
4 Ship in the same condition as in -3, but with 10 per cent of stores.

3.2.2 Where cargo hands of a ship in the loading conditions as in 3.2.1-3 and -4 are used to additionally take
liquid ballast, ship's stability with liquid ballast in these holds shall be checked. The effect of free surfaces in
ship's stare tanks is taken into account in compliance with the provisions of 1.4.7 and that in holds with liquid
ballast in accordance with their actual filling.

3.2.3 Where ships are normally engaged in carrying deck cargoes, their stability shall be checked for the
following additional conditions:
1 Ship having a draught to the summer load line (see 3.2.1-1) with holds and tween decks filled by
homogeneous cargo, with deck cargo, full stores and liquid ballast, if necessary;
2 Ship in the same loading condition as in -1, but with 10 per cent of stores.

3.2.4 The corrected initial metacentric height of Ro-Ro ships in the loaded condition, with icing disregarded,
shall not be less than 0.2 m.

3.3 Timber carriers

3.3.1 Stability of timber carriers shall be checked for the following loading conditions:
1 Ship carrying timber cargo with a prescribed stowage rate (if stowage rate of timber cargo is not specified, the
calculation of stability shall be made assuming µ = 2.32 m3/t) in holds and on deck and having a draught to
the timber summer load line (taking account of 3.2.1-1), with full stores;
2 Ship in the same loading condition as in -l, but with 10 per cent of stores;
3 Ship with timber cargo, having the greatest stowage rate specified, in holds and on deck, with full stores;
4 Ship in the same loading condition as in -3, but with 10 per cent of stores;
5 Ship without cargo, but with full stores;
6 Ship in the same loading condition as in -5, but with 10 per cent of stores.

tcvn 6259 -10: 2003, Chapter 3

3.3.2 The stowage of timber cargo in timber carriers shall comply with the requirements of Part 11 - "Load
Lines" as well as with the provisions of the information on stability or special instructions.

3.3.3 When calculating the arms of form stability for timber carrier, the volume of timber cargo on deck may be
included in the calculation with full breadth and height and permeability of 0.25.

3.3.4 Information on stability shall include data to enable the master to estimate the ship's stability when
carrying timber cargo on deck the permeability of which differs substantially from 0.25. Where the
approximate permeability is not known, at least three values shall be adopted, namely: 0.25, 0.4 and 0.6.
in loading condition with timber cargo on deck,the area under the righting lever cure should not be less than
0.08 m.rad. up to 40o angle of heel or up to flooding angle, whichever is less.

3.3.5 The corrected initial metacentric height of timber carriers in loading conditions stated in 3.3.1-1 shall be
not less than 0.1 m, for loading conditions stated in 3.3.1-2, 3.3.1-4 shall be not less than 0.05 m and in 3.3.1-
5, 3.3.1-6 - not less than 0.15 m.

3.3.6 When the effect of icing is calculated, the upper surface of deck timber cargo shall be considered as if it
were the deck, and its side surfaces above the bulwark - as if they were Part of the designed windage area. The
icing rate for these surfaces should be three times that specified in 2.4.

3.3.7 For timber carriers intended to operate in areas in which the icing is not required to be taken into account
as well as for those navigating in summer within winter seasonal zones, the stability calculation shall be made
for the most unfavourable loading conditions out of those indicated in to with regard to
possible addition in mass of the deck cargo due to absorption of water. Where no appropriate data on the
extent of water absorption by different kinds of wood are available, it is recommended that the addition in
mass of the deck cargo be assumed equal to 10 per cent. This addition is considered as an overload and is not
included in the ship's deadweight.

3.3.8 If timber carriers are used for the carriage of other kinds of cargo, their stability shall be checked
according to the provisions of 3.2. In such a case, computation of the arms of form stability and the windage
area shall be carried out taking no account of deck timber cargo.

3.3.9 The requirements of this Chapter apply to other types of ships when they are used for the carriage of deck
timber cargo.
The requirements of 3.3.2 (concerning the need for compliance with the requirements of Part 11- Load Lines
and of 3.3.3 do not apply to the ships for wich the buoyancy of timer deck cargo is not included in the
calculation of stability.

3.3.10 Double bot tom tanks where fitted within the midship half-length of the ship shall have adequate
watertight longitudinal subdivision.

3.4 Tankers

3.4.1 Stability of tankers carrying liquid cargoes shall be checked for the following loading conditions:
1 Ship having draught up to summer load line (with regard to 3.2.1-1), fully loaded and with full stores;

2 Ship fully loaded, but with 10 per cent of stores;

3 Ship without cargo, but with full stores;

4 Ship in the same loading condition as in .3, but with 10 per cent of stores.

3.4.2 For refuelling tankers, stability shall be checked for additional loading condition: a ship with 75 per cent

tcvn 6259 -10: 2003, Chapter 3

of liquid cargoes and free surfaces in tanks for each kind of cargo, and 50 per cent of stores without liquid
ballast. Account of the free surface effect in ship's stores tanks shall be taken as specified in 1.4.7 and in cargo
tanks according to the extent of their actual filling.
3.4.3 The requirements of 3.4.2 apply to oil recovery ships as well.
3.4.4 Stability of tankers having cargo tank or ballast tank breadths more than 60 % of the ship’s breadth shall
comply with the follwing additional requirementss during the intermediate stages thereof .
1 When the cargo loading/ unloading operations are performed in port the corrected initial metacentric height is
not to be less than 0,15 m and the positive intact stability is not to be less than 20o .
2 When the cargo loading/ unloading operations are performed at sea and on roadstead all requirements of this
Part shall be met.
3 When determining correction for the effect of free surfaces of liquids an allowance shall be simultaneously
made for maximum free surface effects in all cargo, ballast and consumable tanks .
4 If the requirements of 3.4.4-1 and 3.4.4-2 are not met, due to application of the requirements of 3.4.4-3,
instructions covering the operational resstrictions to satisfy the said requirements may be included in to the
Information on Stability upon agreement with the Register.
5 Instructions referred to in -4 shall be formulated with consideration for the following :
(1) They shall be in a language understood by the crew member in charge of loading/ unloading operations
and shall be translated into English ;
(2) They shall be not require more complicatted mathematical calculations than those provided in the other
sections of the Information on Stability ;
(3) They shall be indicate the list of cargo and ballast tanks which may simultaneously have free surfaces at
any stage of loading/ unloading operations ;
(4) They shall include typical versions of loading/ unloading operations to satisfy the stability requirements
under any load condition specified in the Information on Stability. The versions shall contain lists of cargo
and ballast tanks which may simultaneously have free surfaces during various stage of loading/ unloading
operations ;
(5) They shaal provide instructions necessary for independent pre-planning loading/ unloading operations,
including :
(a) Height of the ship’s centre of gravity in graphical and/ or tabular form which enables control of
compliance with the requirements of 3.4.4-1, 3.43.4-2 ;
(b) The method of expeditious of effect produced on the stability by the number of tanks which
simultaneously have free surfaces at any stage of loading/ unloading operations ;
(c) Description of means available on board for control and monitoring loading/ unloading operations from
the viewpoint of the effects on stability ;
(d) The method used to monitor loading/ unloading operations and to give early warning of possible impeding
the stability criteria ;
(e) Description of means available to suspend loading/ unloading operations if the stability criteria are under
the threat of being impeded ;
(f) Information on the possibility and procedure of using shipboard computer and various automated systems
to monitor loading/ unloading operations (including systems of monitoring tank filling, shipboard computer
software by which calculations of trim and stability are performed etc) ;
6 Shall be provided for corrctive actions to be taken in case of unexpected technical difficulties which can
emerge in the couese of loading/ unloading operations and in case of emergency .
7 Provisions of the instructions formulated in accordance with 3.4.4-5 shall be specified in the Information on

tcvn 6259 -10: 2003, Chapter 3

Stability and also in the computer software available on board, by which trim and stability calculations are
performed. A copy of the instructions shall be kept at the loading/ unloading control station .
3.4.5 The following requirements are applied to tankers of 5.000 gross tonnage and more :
1 Each oil tankers is to comply with requirements set forth in 3.4.5-1(1) , 3.4.5-1(2) (considering instructions in
3.4.5-1(3)) for any operation draught under the worst possible loading and ballasting conditions (in
accordance with good operations with liquids. Under all conditions it is considered that there is a free surface
of liquid in ballast tanks.
(1) At port : the adjusted initial metacentric height is to be not less than 0,15 m .
(2) At sea :
(a) Adjusted initial metacentric height is to be not less than 0,15 m ;
(b) The diagram of the static stability is to comply with the requirements of 5.2.1-1 and 5.2.1-2.
(3) While calculating stability, each tank is considred to be fully loaded up to the level, at which the sum of
the cargo volume moment in relation to the main plain and the inertia moment of free surface at the heel of 0
reach their maximum. The density of cargo carryingcapacity at which the rise of the transverse metacentre
over the main plain reaches its minimum at 100 % of stores and ballast (equal to 1 % of all ballast tanks). in
calculations is to be accepted the maximum value of inertia moment of the liquid free surface of the stability
diagrams may be corrected based on the liquid shift moments .
2 Implementation of the requirements in 3.4.5-1 is to be ensured by design measures. For the combination
carries additional simple operation instructions may be allewed. This instructions are to :
(1) Be approved by Register ;
(2) Contain the list of cargo and ballast tanks which may have free surfaces during any operations with liquids
and in the range of possible densities of cargo, still the above mentioned criteria are met ;
(3) Be easily understandable for the officer responsible for operations with liquids ;
(4) Provide possibility of planning the sequence of operations with cargo and ballast ;
(5) Enable to compare real stability figures with the required criteria presented in graphics and tables ;
(6) Do not require comprehensive mathematical calculations from the officer responsible for operations with
liquids ;
(7) Contain instructions in respect of corrective actions to be fulfilled by the officer responsible for operations
with liquids in case of accidents ;
(8) Be highlighted in Information on Stability and hang out in the cargo operations contrl station and put into
the ship software performing stability calculations .
3 The requirements in 3.4.5 -1 , 3.4.5-2 are applied to ships :
(1) The contract for construction was concluded on 1 February 1999 or later, or
(2) In default of contract for construction which keels were laid or they are at similar stage of construction on
1 August 1999 or later, or
(3) Construction has ben completed by 1 February 2002, or which has undergon substantial conversion .
(4) In respect of wich the contract was concluded after 1 February 1999 or later, or
(5) In default of contract, the work on substantial conversion began after 1 August 1999, or which were
completed after 1 February 2002 .

tcvn 6259 -10: 2003, Chapter 3

3.5 Special purpose ships

3.5.1 The stability of whale factory ships, fish factory ships and other ships used for processing the living
resources of the sea and not engaged in catching the same is to be checked for the following loading
1 Ship with special personnel, full stores, and full cargo of tare and salt on board;

2 Ship with special personnel, 10 per cent of stores, and full cargo of its production on board;
3 Ship in the same loading condition as in .2, but with 20 per cent of production and 80 per cent of cargo of tare
and salt on board;
4 Ship in the same loading condition as in .2, but with 25 per cent of stores and the cargo being processed on

3.5.2 The stability of research, expeditionary, hydrographic, training and similar ships is to be checked for the
loading conditions below:
1 Ship with special personnel and full stores on board;

2 Ship in the same loading condition as in -1, but with 50 per cent of stores on board;
3 Ship in the same loading condition as in -1, but with 10 per cent of stores on board;

4 Ship in the same loading conditions as in -1, but with full cargo on board if the carriage of the latter is

3.5.3 The stability of special purpose ships is to be in accordance with 3.1.2 to 3.1.5, 3.1.7 to 3.1.9. From the
point of view of the above requirements special personnel is to be regarded as passengers.

3.5.4 For special purpose ships that are similar to supply vessels, on agreement with VR, the requirements for
the statical stability curve may be reduced, as stated in 3.11-5.

3.6 Tugs

3.6.1 General
1 Stability of tugs shall be checked for the following loading conditions:
(1) Ship with full stores;
(2) Ship with 10 per cent of stores and for tugs provided with cargo holds, additionally;
(3) Ship with full cargo in holds and full stores;
(4) Ship with full cargo in holds and 10 per cent of stores.
2 In addition to compliance with the requirements of Chapter 2, the tugs shall have sufficient dynamic stability
to withstand the heeling effect of an assumed transverse jerk of the tow line under the same loading
conditions, that is the angle of dynamic heeling θd1 due to assumed jerk of the tow line shall not exceed the
limits given below.

3.6.2 Tugs for inner and outer road

1 The angle of dynamic heel for tugs shall not be greater than the angle of flooding or capsizing, whichever is
less. To meet this requirement, the following condition is to be satisfied:

l dl
K1 = ≥ 1,00
l dn
tcvn 6259 -10: 2003, Chapter 3

ldl: arm of dynamical stability defined as an ordinate of the dynamic stability curve for a tug at the angle of
heel equal to the angle of flooding (see 3.6.2-3) or capsizing θangle, whichever is less, in m;
ldn: dynamic heeling arm characterizing the assumed jerk effect of the tow line, in m.

2 The dynamic heeling arm ldh, in m, shall be determined from the formula:
⎡ d⎤ b
ldn = l’v ⎢1 + 2 ⎥
⎣ B ⎦ (1 + c )(1 + c 2 + b) 2

l’v = - the height of the velocity hydraulic pressure head, in m.
The values of l'v, vr are obtained from Table 10/3.1 depending on the power N. of the ship's main engines;
C = 4,55

a and e are computed from the formulae:

⎛ d ⎞ 2 Zg
0,2 + 0,3⎜ 2 ⎟ +
⎝ B⎠ B
1+ 2

Ζg B
e = 0,145 + 0,2 + 0,06
B 2d

Table 10/3.1 Height of velocity hydralllic pressure head lv

and velocity tow line transverse jerk vr

Nc[KW] Vr, m/s l v, m Nc[KW] Vr, m/s l v, m

0 - 150 1.30 0.0862 900 1.70 0.147
300 1.33 0.0903 1050 1.88 0.180
450 1.37 0.0960 1200 2.08 0.220
600 1.43 0.1040 1350 2.29 0.268
750 1.55 0.1220 1500 2.50 0.319

3 When checking stability of tugs for the tow line jerk effect, the angle of flooding shall be determined
assuming that all doors leading to engine and boiler casings and to the upper deck superstructures, as well as
the doors of all companionways to the spares below the upper deck, irrespective of their design, are open.
4 When checking stability of tugs for the tow line jerk effect, no account shall be taken of icing and free
surfaces of liquid cargoes.
5 If special appliances are available for shifting the tow hook downwards or abaft, with the tow line
athwartships, the assumption of XH and ZH differing from values given above is subject to special
consideration by VR in each particular case.

tcvn 6259 -10: 2003, Chapter 3

3.6.3 Tugs for ocean towage

1 The angle of heel for tugs due to the tow line jerk under rolling shall not exceed the angle corresponding to
the maximum of the statical stability curve or the angle of flooding, whichever is less. (The requirements of
3.6.2-3 are not applicable to tugs for ocean towage). To satisfy this condition the following requirement is to
be met:

l d max
k2 = − ∆K ≥ 1,00
l dn
ldmax: ordinate of the dynamical stability curve at an angle of heel corresponding to the maximum of the
statical stability curve or the angle of flooding, whichever is less, in m;
ldn: dynamic heeling arm determined in compliance with 3.6.2-2, with lv assumed to be 0.20 m;
∆k: component of K2 used to allow for the effect of rolling on resultant angle of heel and determined from the
⎡ 1 + c 2 1 ⎛ z g ⎞⎤ h0
∆K = 0,03θ 2 r ⎢ − ⎜ a − ⎟⎥
⎢⎣ b e⎝ B ⎠⎥⎦ d
1+ 2
θ2r: obtained in compliance with 2.1.3, in deg.;
c, b. a, e: computed in accordance with 3.6.2-2.
2 When checking stability of tugs:
(1) 3.6.2-5 is valid;
(2) For curves of statical stability with two maxima or an extended horizontal region, the value of the angle at
the first maximum or that corresponding to the middle of the horizontal region should be taken as the
angle of maximum specified in 3.6.3-1;
(3) Stability for the tow line jerk effect is to be checked taking no account of the free surfaces of liquid
3 When checking stability of tugs for compliance with the requirements of Chapter 2 and this Chapter, the icing
rates are assumed to be:
(1) For tugs specially designed for salvage operations, twice as:much those given in 2.4;
(2) For other tugs, in accordance with 2.4.
4 Where a tug for ocean towage may be used for inner and outer road operations as well, compliance of such a
tug with 3.6.2 is subject to special consideration by VR.

3.7 Vessels of dredging fleet

3.7.1 Working conditions

"Working conditions" means operation of a vessel according to its purpose within the prescribed operation
1 Coastal zone up to 20 miles from the coast;
2 Zone including the prescribed area of navigation of a vessel.

3.7.2 Loading conditions

Depending on the type of a vessel of dredging fleet and its dredging gear the following conditions of loading
are to be considered.
1 For vessels of dredging fleet of all types during voyages:
tcvn 6259 -10: 2003, Chapter 3

(1) vessel with full stores, without spoil, dredging gear being secured for sea;
(2) vessel in the same loading condition as in -1, but with 10 per cent of stores.
2 In operating conditions for hopper dredgers and hopper barges:
(1) vessel with full stores, with spoil in the hopper, dredging gear being secured for sea;
(2) vessel in the same loading condition as in -1, but with 10 per cent of stores.
For hopper dredgers equipped with grab cranes additional loading conditions, such as with grab cranes
operating from one side and crane boom being in the athwartship plane, with spoil in the grab, with maximum
loading moment and also with the highest position of the boom with due regard to initial heel are to be
considered. These conditions are to be considered for a vessel with 10 per cent of stores and full stores, both
with spoil and without it.
(1) The mass of spoil in the grab is taken to be 1.6 Vt where V is the volume of the grab, in m3.
(2) The quantity of spoil in the hopper and the position of the centre of gravity is to be determined assuming that the
hopper is filled with homogeneous spoil up to the level of the upper discharge holes or the upper coaming edge,
if the discharge holes are not provided, with the vessel having a draught up to the load line mark permitted when
3 In operating conditions for dredgers equipped with bucket ladder:
(1) Vessel with full stores, with spoil in buckets, ladders being secured for sea;
(2) Vessel in the same loading condition as in -1, but with 10 per cent of stores.
(1) Spoil is taken into the buckets of the upper pan of the ladder (from upper to lower drum).
(2) The mass of spoil in each bucket is taken to be 2V(ton) where V is the full volume of the bucket in m3.
4 In operating conditions for dredgers, other than those equipped with bucket ladder:
(1) Vessel with full stores, with dredging gear in the highest position possible in normal operation;
(2) Vessel in the same loading condition as in -1, but with 10 per cent of stores.
For dredgers equipped with grab cranes the additional loading conditions are to be considered in
compliance with 3.7.2-2.
(1) Spoil pipeline within the vessel is assumed to be filled with spoil having density equal to 1.3 t/m3.
(2) The mass of spoil in the grab (bucket) is assumed to be 1.6 V(ton) where V is the volume of the grab (bucket), in

3.7.3 Form stability calculation and inclining test

1 When determining the arms of form stability for vessels of dredging fleet, the manholes of air spaces may be
considered closed irrespective of the coaming height if they are fitted with conforming to 7.9 of Part 7-B
"Material and Equipment".
2 Vessels (Hopper barges, dredgers etc.) in which the watertight integrity of their hoppers carmot be achieved
due to the structural peculiarities may be inclined with water in the hoppers which communicates easily with
sea water.

3.7.4 Checking of stability in working conditions and during voyages

1 Stability of vessels of dredging fleet during voyages is to be calculated having regard to the area of navigation
prescribed to the vessel concerned. To be stated both in the specification and in the information on stability
are the conditions of voyages, if any (ballast water available, extent to which the dredging gear is dismantled,
the position of the ladder, the possibility of spoil transportation in the hopper beyond the limits of 20 miles
coastal zone, etc.). The dredgers equipped with a ladder may undertake voyages in the unrestricted area of
navigation only with the bucket chain dismantled.
2 When calculating stability of vessels of dredging fleet under working conditions, the following is assumed:
tcvn 6259 -10: 2003, Chapter 3

(1) In zone 1: wind pressure is to be taken: for vessels of unrestricted service as for ships of restricted area of
navigation I; for vessels of restricted area of navigation I as for this area, but reduced by 25 per cent, for
other areas of navigation, as for restricted area of navigation II; amplitude of roll, as for restricted areas of
(2) In zone 2: wind pressure and amplitude of roll are to be taken in accordance with area of navigation
prescribed for the vessel concerned.
3 The amplitude of roll of vessels of dredging fleet having no cutout in the hull, bilge keels, bar keel is
determined by formula (2.1.3-1) and Tables 10/2.2, 10/2.4 and 10/3.2.
For restricted areas of navigation I and II the amplitude of roll obtained from formula (2.1.3-1) is to be
multiplied by the factor X 3 whose values are given in Table 10/3.3. The bilge keels or bar keel is to be taken
into account in compliance with 2.1.3-2.
For vessels with sharp bilges the provisions of 2.1.3-3 shall be taken into consideration.
For hopper dredgers and hopper barges having bot tom recesses for flaps factor XI is determined from the ratio
Bid multiplied by coefficient (V + VB)/V.
where: V is the volume displacement of the vessel with no regard to recess, in m3;
VB is the volume of bot tom recess, in m3.
4 Stability of dredgers and hopper dredgers equipped with grab cranes when additional loading conditions (see
3.8.2-2) are considered is to meet the requirements of 4.1.
5 Stability of hopper dredgers and hopper barges whose construction of bottom flaps and their drive does not
prevent the possibility of spoil discharge from one side shall be checked with due regard to such discharge
only for compliance with weather criterion as specified in 3.8.4-6 and 3.8.4-7 for the most unfavourable
loading condition out of (l ) and (2) of 3.8.2-2, if:
(1) Spoil in the hopper, having density less than 1.3 t/m3 with static heeling angle θBct, and amplitude of roll
(2) Spoil in the hopper, having density equal to, or more than 1.3 t/m3 with regard to dynamic character of
discharge, with amplitude of roll equal to the sum of 10o and the maximum amplitude of vessel's rolling
θ3r with respect to statical inclination just after the spoil discharge. The value of O3r, in deg., is computed
from the formula:
θ3r =0.2θBC1

Table 10/3.2 Factor X1

Type of vessel
2.50 2.75 3.00 3.25 3.50 3.75 4.00 4.25 4.50 4.75 5.00 5.25 5.50
Dredger 1.08 1.06 1.04 1.02 1.00 0.99 0.98 0.96 0.94 0.91 0.90 0.90 0.90
1.12 1.09 1.06 1.03 1.01 0.98 0.96 0.94 0.92 0.90 0.88 0.85 0.83
and Hopper barge

Table 10/3.3 Factor X2

h0 ≤ ≥
B 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.10 0.11 0.12 0.13 0.14 0.15 0.16 0.17 0.18 0.19 0.20
X2 1.27 1.23 1.16 1.08 1.05 1.04 1.03 1.02 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.03 1.05 1.07 1.10 1.13

The recommended procedure for determination of capsizing moment is given in of Appendix 2.

6 The value of horizontal shifting of the vessel's centre of gravity Yg, in m, w hen discharging half the spoil
from one side out of fully loaded hopper, is computed from the formula:
yg = Py/( 2∆)

tcvn 6259 -10: 2003, Chapter 3

P = Total mass of spoil in the hopper, in t;

y = Distance from the centre of gravity of spoil discharged from one side to the centre line, in m;
∆ = ∆max - p /2;
∆max: Vessel's displacement prior to spoils discharge, in ton.
7 The vessel's curves of statical and dynamical stability, in m, are calculated from the formulae:
l1 = l - yg cosθ
ld1 = ld - yg sinθ

l and ld: Arms of statical and dynamical stability, in m.
8 When spoil is discharged by long chute or conveyor methods, stability of a dredger shall be checked for the
case of statical action of the moment due to the mass forces of the long chute or the conveyor (in the
athwartship plane) filled with spoil (with no regard to the waves and wind effects). In this case, the vessel's
stability is considered to be adequate, if maximum statical heel is not more than the angle of flooding or the
angle at which the freeboard becomes equal to 300 mm, whichever is less.

3.7.5 Effect of liquid cargoes

When calculating the effect of liquid cargoes as specified in 1.4.7 for hopper dredgers and hopper barges, it
shall be assumed that:
1 For a vessel with spoil having density over 1.3 t/m3, the spoil is regarded as solid non-overflowing cargo,
the arms of statical and dynamical stability are determined for the constant displacement and position of the
spoil centre of gravity in the hopper;
2 For a vessel with spoil having density equal to, or less than 1.3 t/m3 the spoil is regarded as liquid cargo the
arms of statical and dynamical stability are determined at the variable displacement and position of the spoil
centre of gravity, taking account of the spoil flowing overboard and reduction of the vessel's draught. No such
calculation is carried out if the vessel is provided with a longitudinal bulkhead in the hopper, the spoil in the
latter case being regarded as solid cargo;
3 For a vessel without spoil, the hopper is in communication with seawater, that is flaps or valves are open. The
arms of statical and dynamical stability are determined for the constant displacement (as for a damaged

3.7.6 Effect of dredging gear icing

1 When estimating the effect of icing of vessels of dredging fleet, the horizontal projection of dredging gear is
added to the area of horizontal projection of decks (the centre line projection being included in the windage
2 The vertical moment due to this additional ice load is determined by the centre of gravity elevation of the
projection of the dredging gear in its working or secured for sea position to the centre line.

3.7.7 Curve of statical stability

1 The curve of statical stability of hopper dredgers and hopper barges during voyages and under working
conditions is to meet the requirements of 2.2.
2 The curve of statical stability of dredgers equipped with bucket ladder for all loading conditions specified in
3.8.2, as well as when taking account of icing, shall comply with the following requirements:
(1) The angle of vanishing stability θv shall be not less than 50o;
(2) The maximum arm of the curve at angle θm of not less than 25o is to be:
when vessels are operating in zone 1, not less than 0.25 m; during voyages, passages and when operating
in zone 2, not less than 0.4 m.

tcvn 6259 -10: 2003, Chapter 3

3 For bucket dredgers having B/D >2.50, angles θv and θm may be reduced as compared to those required in
3.8.7-2 by the following values:
(1) for the angle of vanishing stability, by the value ∆θv determined from the following formula or Table
10/3.4, depending on the BID ratio and the weather criterion K:
∆θv = 250 (B/D - 2.5)(k-1)

Assumptions: B/D = 3.0 where B/D > 3.0 and K= 1.5 where K> 1.5. The value of ∆θv is rounded off to the
nearest integer;
(2) For the angle corresponding to the maximum arm of the curve, by a value equal to half the reduction value
of the angle of vanishing stability;
(3) For dredgers of unrestricted service the reduction of angles θm and θv is not permitted.

Table 10/3.4 Value ∆θv (Deg.)

B/D 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 ≥1.5

≤2.5 0 0 0 0 0 0
2.6 0 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25
2.7 0 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50
2.8 0 0.75 1.50 2.25 3.00 3.75
2.9 0 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00
≥3.0 0 1.25 2.50 3.75 5.00 6.25

3.8 Ships under 20 m in length

3.8.1 When determining the arms of form stability, it is possible to take into consideration deckhouses of the
first tier only, which conform to 1.4.2-3(1) and from which there is either an additional exit to the deck above
or exits to both the sides.

3.8.2 Stability as to weather criterion is not to be checked. However, for the operation of the ships, restrictions
on the distance to the Part of refuge and the sea state should be introduced.
For small ships, restrictions on the area and conditions of navigation shall be set down and included in the
Information on stability.
1 for ships of less than 15 m in length and passenger ships of less than 20 m in length restricted area of
navigation III may be prescribed.
For ship 15 m to 20 m in length, other than passenger ships, an area of navigation not higher than II may be
2 Non-passenger ships of less than 15 m in length may proceed to sea and be en route at sea state not more than
4, ship 15 m to 20 m in length - not more than 5.
3 Passenger ships of less than 20 m in length may proceed to sea and be en route at sea state not more than 3.
4 Having regard to stability and seaworthiness of ships and depending on the reliable provision of the area of
navigation concerned with forecasts, as well as on the operating experience for ships of similar type and the
same or approximately the same dimensions, available for this area of navigation. VR may change the
restrictions on the area of navigation and permissible sea state specified in 3.8.2-1 to 3.8.2-3.
5 When determining maximum permissible sea state for small craft carried on depot ships (for example, small
fishing boats carried on mother ships), in addition to the provisions of 3.8.2-2 and 3.8.2-3, maximum sea state
at which the craft can be safely lifted on board the depot ship shall be taken into account.
6 at the discretion of VR, additional restriction shall be introduced in zones of special sea conditions. Referred
to such zones are:
tcvn 6259 -10: 2003, Chapter 3

Zones of surf-breaking waves;

Zones of local abrupt increase in wave height and steepness (bars in estuaries, tossing, etc.).
Zones of special sea conditions are set on the basis of the data of local hydrometeorological and hydrographic

3.8.3 For ships having B/D > 2 the permissible reduction of the angle of vanishing stability is to be determined
from formula in 2.2.2-1 for the constant K= 1.5.

3.8.4 Cutting the static stability curve short at the angle of flooding permitted by 2.2.4 is prohibited at heeling
angles less than 40o.

3.8.5 The static stability curve of a fishing vessel, when on fishing grounds, under the loading conditions
stated in 3.5.4 may not conform to the requirements of 2.2.1 for the maximum arm and the requirements of
2.2.4, for the conventional angle of vanishing stability. Under those loading conditions, the maximum arm of
the statical stability curve is not to be less than 0.2 m.

3.8.6 Under all loading conditions, the corrected initial metacentric height is not to be less than 0.5 m, except for
the light ship condition (see 2.3.1) and the fishing vessels when under loading conditions stated in 3.5.4 for
which it is not to be less than 0.35 m.

3.8.7 The initial stability of fishing vessels hauling in the nets and catch with cargo booms is to be sufficient
(under loading conditions stated in 3.5.4 as well) to ensure that the static heel angle of the ship when handling
the nets and operating the cargo boom at its maximum outreach would not exceed 10o or the angle at which
the deck is immersed,whichever is less.

3.8.8 Operation of the ships under conditions of eventual icing is not, in general, to be permitted. But where due
to the mode of operation and purpose the possibility of sailing into regions where icing might occur carmot be
completely rulled out for a ship, the values of initial metacentric height and other parameters of statical
stability curves drawn taking icing into consideration are not to be less than those stated in 2.2, 3.8.3, 3.8.4
and 3.8.6.

3.8.9 Information on Stability is to include indications of the permissible speed and angle of rudder shifting in
turning. The permissible values of initial turning speed and angle of rudder shifting are to be determined by
tests during acceptance trials of the leading ship assuming that the list of the ship in steady turning shall not
1 For non-passenger ships, the angle at which the freeboard deck is immersed or l2o, whichever is less;
2 For passenger ships, taking account additionally of the effect of the simulated heeling moment due to
passengers crowding to one side (to be determined in accordance with 3.1.2), the angle at which the freeboard
deck is immersed or 15o, whichever is less. VR may apply the provisions of 3.8.9-2 to the stability of non-
passenger ships (for instance, when persons not belonging to the ship's crew are on board). The requirements
of 3.1.3 and 3.1.4 are not applicable to ships of less than 20 m in length.

3.8.10 The initial stability of passenger ships is to be checked for conformity with 3.1.2. The angle of heel due to
passengers crowding to one side is not to be greater than the angle corresponding to 0.1 m freeboard before
the deck is immersed or 12o, whichever is less.
If necessary, VR may apply the requirements of 3.1.2 to the stability of non-passenger ships (for instance,
when persons are on board whom are not members of the regular crew). In this case, the heel is determined on
the assumption that all person s crowd to one side who are not engaged in handling the ship.

3.8.11 In the Information on Stability it should be specified that when the ship is under way in following seas,
with the wave length equal to, or exceeding the length of the ship, its speed Vs, in knots, is not to be greater

tcvn 6259 -10: 2003, Chapter 3

than obtained from the formula:

vs = 1,4 L

Where: L: length of the ship, in m.

3.8.12 Application of the requirements of 3.7 to the stability of tugs under 20 m in length is subject to special
consideration by VR in each case.

3.9 Container ships

3.9.1 In calculating stability of container ships, the vertical centre of gravity position of each container shall be
taken equal to half the height of the container of the type concerned.

3.9.2 Stability of container ships shall be checked for the following loading conditions:
1 Ship with maximum number of containers (each loaded container having the mass equal to one and the same
Part of the maximum gross mass for each type of containers) with full stores and, where necessary, with liquid
ballast at the draught up to the summer load line;
2 Ship in the same loading condition as in -1, but with 10 per cent of stores;
3 Ship with maximum number of containers, each loaded container having the mass equal to 0.6 of the
maximum gross mass for each type of containers, with full stores and, where necessary, with liquid ballast;
4 Ship in the same loading condition as in -3, but with 10 per cent of stores;
5 Ship with containers, each loaded container having the mass equal to the maximum gross mass for each type
of containers, with full stores and, where necessary, with liquid ballast at the draught up to the summer load
6 Ship in the same loading condition as in .5, but with 10 per cent of stores;
7 Ship with maximum number of empty containers, but with full stores and with liquid ballast;
8 Ship in the same loading condition as in. -7, but with 10 per cent of stores;
9 Ship with no cargo, but with full stores;
10 Ship in the same loading condition as in -9, but with 10 per cent of stores.
When determining the arrangement of containers on board under the loading conditions mentioned above, the
allowable loads upon the hull structures should be considered.

3.9.3 If other loading conditions different from those listed in 3.10.2 are provided in the technical assignment,
stability calculations are also to be made for such conditions with full stores and 10 per cent of stores, and
with ballast water, where necessary.

3.9.4 Stability of container ships for any loading condition with containers shall be such that a heeling angle on
steady turning or under the effect of continuous beam wind as determined from the stability curve does not
exceed half the angle at which the freeboard deck immerses; in any case, the heeling angle shall not exceed
Where the deck cargo of containers is located on cargo hatch covers only, on agreement with VR, the angle at
which the hatch coaming edge or a container is immersed, whichever angle is less, may be adopted instead of
the angle at which the upper deck edge is immersed (provided the containers protrude beyond the coaming in

3.9.5 The heeling moment on steady turning is determined, in kN.m, from the formula:

tcvn 6259 -10: 2003, Chapter 3
0,037∆v S ⎛ d⎞
M= ⎜z g − ⎟
L ⎝ 2⎠
vs: Ship's speed before entering into manoeuvre, in knots.

3.9.6 The heeling moment due to wind pressure shall be calculated by formula in 2.1.2-1 in which pv is taken
equal to 0.6 of the values given in Table 10/2.1 for ships of unrestricted service.

3.9.7 All calculations of statical heeling angle under the effect of beam wind or turning shall be made with no
regard for icing, but having regard for the free surface effect of liquid cargoes as required by 1.4.7.

3.9.8 The corrected initial metacentric height of container ships under loading conditions with containers on
board and icing disregarded is not to be less than 0.15 m.

3.9.9 Container ships shall be equipped with tanks or other specific facilities approved by VR, which permit to
check the initial stability of the ship, bearing in mind VR approved requirements for the in-service inclining

3.9.10 The requirements of this Part is applicable to ships of other types appropriated for the carriage of cargoes in
containers on deck.
Where, acting in line with 3.9.2-1 and 3.9.2-5, it is not possible to load the ship to the summer load line mark
the ship may be considered for the relevant loading conditions at the maximum draft possible.

3.10 Supply vessels

3.10.1 The present Chapter applies to supply vessel from 24 m to 100 m in length. If the length of the supply
vessel is over 100 m, the requirements for its stability are to be specially considered by VR.

3.10.2 The stability of supply vessels is to be checked considering the trim that accompanies the inclination.

3.10.3 In addition to the loading conditions listed in 1.4.8-2, the stability of supply vessels is to be checked for
the following loading conditions:
1 Ship with full stores and full deck cargo having the greatest volume per weight unit, prescribed by the
technical assignment in the most unfavourable case of distribution of the rest of the cargo (when pipes are
carried as deck cargo - taking the water entering the pipes into consideration);
2 Ship in the same loading condition as under -1, but with 10 per cent of stores.

3.10.4 The volume of water Va lingering in the pipes carried on deck is to be determined by following formula
proceeding from the total volume of the pipe pile Vat and the ratio of the freeboard amidships f to the ship's
length L. The volume of a pipe pile is to be regarded as the sum of the inner volumes of the pipes and spaces
between them.

Va = 0.3 vat if≤ 0.015
⎛ 40 f ⎞ f
Va = ⎜ 05 − ⎟ v at if 0.015 ≤ ≤ 0.03
⎝ 3 L⎠ L
Va = 0.1vat if ≥ 0.03

Reducing of the design value for the volume of water in the pipes, where they are plugged or where the pipe
pile is higher than 0.4 of the draught, should be determined on agreement with VR.

tcvn 6259 -10: 2003, Chapter 3

3.10.5 In the case of supply vessels having BID > 2, the angle corresponding to the maximum arm of the curve of
statical stability may be reduced to 25o and the angle of vanishing stability may be reduced to 50o; the
maximum arm lmax, in m, and the weather criterion K values are not to be less than the greatest values
determined from the following formulae:
lmax ≥ 0.25 + 0.005 (600 - θv)
or lmax ≥ 0.25 + 0.01 (300 - θm);
k ≥ 1 + 0,1 (300 - θm)
or k ≥ 1 + 0.05 (600 - θv)
3.10.6 When the effect of icing is computed, the upper surface of the deck cargo is to be considered as the deck,
and its lateral area projection above the bulwark- as a Part of the design windage area. The icing allowance is
to be assumed in accordance with 2.4.

3.10.7 For supply vessels operating in areas where icing is possible, the ice and water in the pipes should be
considered simultaneously when making stability calculations for the carriage of pipes on deck. The icing of
pipes carried on deck should be determined as follows: the mass of ice inside the pipe pile is determined from
the formula:

Ml = ∑
mli ni (KG)

Mli - Mass of ice per one pipe, obtained from Table 10/3.5;
ni = quantity of pipes of the i-th diameter;
K: Number of standard pipe sizes with regard to diameter.

Table 10/3.5 Mass of ice per one pipe

Pipe diameter, m 0.05 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60

Ice mass per one pipe,
0.20 2.10 26.70 125 376 899 1831

Note: For pipes of intermediate diameters, the mass of ice is determined by interpolation.

When calculating the mass of ice on the outer surfaces of a pipe pile, the area of the upper and the side
surfaces should be determined taking the curvature of the pipe surface in the pile into consideration. The rate
of icing is adopted in accordance with 2.4.

3.10.8 Supply vessels, which may be engaged in towing operations as well, are to comply with 3.7. Besides,
arrangements for quick releasing of the towline are to be provided on board. The requirements for tow hooks
are to be found in Part 7-B "Equipment" and for the towing winch design - in Chapter 16 of Part 3

3.10.9 Supply vessels which may be engaged in operation of lifting the anchors of mobile offshore drilling units
as well are to comply with the requirements of 4.1.7-1(1) and 4.1.7-1(4) .
The heeling moment due to wind pressure Mv and the roll amplitude of the supply vessel are to be determined
in accordance with procedures agreed with VR.

tcvn 6259 -10: 2003, Chapter 4

Chapter 4 Requirements for the Stability of

Floating Cranes, Pontoons, Docks

4.1 Floating cranes

4.1.1 Working conditions

The operation of a floating crane (cargo handling operations and carriage of cargoes on deck) is permitted
within restricted areas of navigation II and III.

4.1.2 Loading conditions

1 Stability of a floating crane in a working condition (no regard for icing) shall be checked for the following
loading conditions:
(1) With full load on its hook at the maximum loading moment:
- With full load and full stores;
- With full load and 10 per cent of stores;
- Without load and with full stores;
- Without load and with 10 per cent. of stores;
(2) Without load on the hook at the highest position of the boom:
- With full load and full stores;
- With full load and 10 per cent of stores;
- Without load and with full stores;
- Without load and with 10 per cent of stores;
(3) In case of load drop:
- The boom position of the slewing crane is assumed to be in the plane perpendicular to the centre line;
- For non-slewing cranes intended for boom operation in the longitudinal plane possibility of
unsymmetrical loading on the hooks, if it is permitted by the design of crane, is to be taken into
- The design centre of gravity position of the load on hook is assumed to be at the point of its
suspension to the boom.
- For the case of load drop, stability is to be checked for the most unfavourable loading condition as
regards stability with a load on hook taking account of possible unsymmetrical distribution of cargo
on deck.
2 During the voyage, the stability of a floating crane shall be checked with due regard for icing with the boom
secured for sea under the following loading conditions:
(1) With full load and full stores;
(2) With full load and l0o per cent of stores;
(3) Without load and with full stores;
(4) Without load and with 10o per cent of stores.
3 In non-working condition, the stability of a floating crane shall be checked with regard to icing for the most
unfavourable loading condition as regards stability stipulated in 4.1.2-l.(2).

4.1.3 Calculation of form stability

Calculations of the arms of form stability shall be made taking the initial trim into consideration.

4.1.4 Calculation of windage area

1 The designed windage area component:
(1) For continuous-walled structures, deck machinery, arrangements, etc. - a projected area restricted by the
outline of a structure, item of machinery, arrangement., etc.;
(2) Ffor a lattice type structure - a projected area limited by the crane outline with apertures between girders

tcvn 6259 -10: 2003, Chapter 4

(3) For structure comprising several beams of equal height, located, one after another (Fig. 10/4.1) is:
The fore beam projected area if the beam spacing is less than the fore beam height;
Total area of the fore beam plus 50 per cent of areas of subsequent beams, if the beam spacing is equal to,
or greater than, the beam height, but less than the double height of the beam;
Total projected area of all beams if the beam spacing is equal to, or greater than, the beam double height.
If the beams are not equal in height, parts of subsequent beams not overlapped by those lying before them
shall be fully taken into account
Av A’v A’’v A’’’v

a a a h

a < h Avi = Av = A'v = A"v = A'"v

h ≤ a < 2h Avi = Av + 0,5 (A’v + A”v + A”’v)
a ≥ 2h Avi = Av + A’v + A”v + A”’v

Fig. 10/4.1 Calculation of windage area of beams

2 The design arm of windage area Z v, in m, shall be obtained from the formula:

∑k n A z
i i vi i
Zv =
∑k n Ai i vi
Zi: Height of the geometrical centres of areas.4vi, within a given zone above the waterline.
The values of Zv are permitted to be determined with due regard for trim.
3 The aerodynamic flow coefficient kj for components of the crane windage area shall be assumed in accordance
with Table 10/4.1.
4 The values of zone coefficient nj with regard to the change of the wind velocity head depending on the height
of zone windage area centre of gravity position above the waterline shall be taken according to Table 10/4.2.

Table 10/4.1 Aerodynamic flow coefficient ki

Widage area compnents ki

- Trusses and continuous beams 1.4
- Above-water part of the hull, box structures with smooth outside surfaces, rectangular 1.2
cabins, deck machinery and miscellaneous items on the deck, balance weights
- Tubular structures (depending on the product of calculated wind velocity head q, in Pa,
by the square of the tube diameter dt, in m):
at qd2t ≤ 10 H 1.2
at qd2t ≥ 15 H 0.7
- Cargo ropes:
at dk ≤ 20 mm 1.2
at dk > 20 mm 1.0
- Cargo (if no data are available for substantiated change of flow coefficient) 1.2

1. For intermediate values of qd2t the values of Ki shall be obtained by linear interpolation;

tcvn 6259 -10: 2003, Chapter 4
2. The values of Ki for structural elements not specified in the table are subject to special consideration by VR
in each case.

Table 10/4.2 Zone coefficient ni

Height above the

waterline (zone < 10 10÷20 20÷30 30÷40 40÷50 50÷60 60÷70 70÷80 80÷90 90÷100
limit), m
ni 1.00 1.25 1.40 1.55 1.69 1.75 1.84 1.94 2.02 2.10

Table 10/4.3 Windage area of cargo on hook KAvi

Mass of
10 20 32 40 50 63 80 100 125 140 160 180
cargo, ton
kAvi, m2 12 19 24 26 30 34 38 43 48 54 58 60
Mass of
200 225 250 280 320 400 500 630 710 800 900 1000
cargo, ton
kAvi, m2 64 67 72 75 85 96 108 127 135 142 150 157

Notes: intermediate of KAvi shall be determied by linear interpolation.

5 For each condition of the floating crane (working, non-working, voyage, passage) it is recommened that the
windage area of non-continuous surfaces (railling, mast, small wires etc.) be taken into account by increasing
the maximum total windage area of continuous surfaces by 2 per cent (with regard to coefficient Ki and ni) and
the statical moment of this area, by 5 per cent.
In icing conditions these increase values shall be taken 4 and 10 per cent or 3 and 7.5 per cent, respectively,
depending on the icing rates.
In so doing, the values of non-continuous surfaces windage areas and of statical moments of these areas are
assumed constant for all loading conditions of the appropriate crane position.
6 The design windage area of the cargo on hook is determied by its actual outline with due regard for its
aerodynamic coefficient and maximum lifting height, i.e. similary to 4.1.4-1, taking account of 4.1.4-3 and
The centre of application of the wind pressure to the load to be lifted shall be assumed at the point of load
suspension to the hook.
With no actual data available, the desing windage area of cargo on the hook is adopted in accordance with
Table 10/4.3.

4.1.5 Calculation of roll amplitude

1 The ampltude of roll, in deg., of a floating crane is to be determined from the formula:
θr = X1,2 X3 Y + ∆θr
X1,2 and X3: Dimentionless factors;
Y - Factor, in deg.;
∆θr - Correction, taking into account the floating crane centre of gravity above the waterline, in deg.
B h3%
The values of factor X1,2 shall be taken from Table 10/4.4 depending on ratios of and .
Cb d C b Bd
Wave height with 3 per cent probability of exceeding level h 3% is to be assumed in accordance with sea state
condition under which the operation of a crane is allowed (working condition) or it is to be taken depending
on the area of navigation as given in Table 10/4.9 (voyage, passage).
The values of factor X3 shall be taken from Table 10/4.5;

tcvn 6259 -10: 2003, Chapter 4

The values of factor Y shall be taken from Table 10/4.6, depending on characteristic F;
The value of F is obtained from the formula:
F=n 4 C b Bd
Where: n - Factor equal to:
0,414 for a floating crane with the boom parallel to the centre line;
0,331 for a floating crane with the boom perpendicular to the centre line.
Corrction ∆θr, in deg. is determined from the formula:
h3% ⎡ zg − d ⎛ B ⎞⎤
∆θ r = 68 F⎢ − 0,41⎜ − 2,1⎟⎥
C b Bd ⎢⎣ C b Bd ⎜ C Bd ⎟⎥
⎝ b ⎠⎦

Table 10/4.4 Factor X1,2

B/(Cb d) 9.0 9.5 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 13 14

h3% 1.48 1.38 1.29 1.23 1.17 1.13 1.09 1.03 0.99
≥ 0.5
X1.2 Cb Bd
h3% 1.98 1.83 1.68 1.54 1.42 1.31 1.22 1.08 0.97
≤ 0.25
Cb Bd

Note: when 0.25 < h3% ≤ 0.5 the value of X 1,2 shall be obtained by linear interpolation.
Cb Bd
Table 10/4.5 Factor X3

h3% / Cb.B.d

F 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20

0.12 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.10 0.20 0.35 0.57 0.81 1.00 1.15 1.21
0.13 0.01 0.03 0.04 0.08 0.15 0.28 0.45 0.67 0.86 1.00 1.12 1.16
0.14 0.02 0.03 0.05 0.11 0.20 0.36 0.55 0.74 0.89 1.00 1.09 1.14
0.15 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.14 0.27 0.47 0.66 0.80 0.92 1.00 1.07 1.11
0.16 0.03 0.05 0.09 0.19 0.34 0.56 0.74 0.85 0.94 1.00 1.05 1.09
0.17 0.04 0.07 0.12 0.25 0.45 0.66 0.79 0.88 0.95 1.00 1.04 1.08
0.18 0.05 0.09 0.16 0.33 0.55 0.72 0.83 0.90 0.96 1.00 1.03 1.06
0.19 0.06 0.11 0.20 0.43 0.63 0.77 0.86 0.92 0.97 1.00 1.03 1.06
0.20 0.07 0.13 0.25 0.51 0.70 0.81 0.88 0.93 0.98 1.00 1.02 1.05
0.21 0.08 0.16 0.30 0.59 0.75 0.84 0.90 0.94 0.98 1.00 1.02 1.04
0.22 0.09 0.18 0.35 0.64 0.79 0.86 0.91 0.95 0.98 1.00 1.02 1.04
0.23 0.10 0.22 0.40 0.69 0.81 0.88 0.92 0.95 0.98 1.00 1.02 1.04
0.24 0.11 0.25 0.44 0.73 0.83 0.89 0.93 0.95 0.98 1.00 1.02 1.03
0.25 0.13 0.28 0.48 0.76 0.84 0.90 0.93 0.95 0.98 1.00 1.02 1.03

Table 10/4.6 Factor Y

F 0.14 0.15 0.16 0.17 0.18 0.19 0.20 0.21 0.22 0.23 0.24
34.2 32.4 30.1 27.3 24.8 22.6 20.4 18.7 17.0 15.5 14.3

tcvn 6259 -10: 2003, Chapter 4

2 Where the rolling amplitude of a floating crane during the voyage θr obtained in compliance with 4.1.5-1
exceeds the angle of deck immersion θd or the angle at which the middle of midship frame bilge comes out of
water θb, the design roll amplitude, in deg., shall be determined from the following formulae:
(1) If θd < θr ≤ θb : θ’r = (θd + 5θr)/6
(2) If θb < θr ≤ θd: θ’r = (θb + 5θr)/6
(3) If θr > θb v¡ θr > θd: θ’r = (θb + θd + 4θr)/6
3 The roll amplitude may be determined from the model test data .

4.1.6 Allowance for icing

The mass of ice per square metre of the area located 10 m above the waterline is to be taken equal to half the
values specified in 2.4.3 to 2.4.5.
In this case, the windage area and the height of the centre of the windage shall be determined as follows:
1 For loading condition with minimum draught, in compliance with loading conditions to be checked as
required in 4.1.2-2;
2 For loading condition selected for stability checking, in compliance with 4.1.2-3.

4.1.7 Stability of a floating cranes in working condition. Stability of a floating crane is considered adequate provided that:

(1) The angle of heel due to the combined effect of the initial heeling moment (due to the load on its hook or a
balance weight in case there is no load on the hook, etc.), statical effect of wind and roll does not exceed
the angle at which the reliable operation of the crane is ensured (see 4.1.7-2) or the angle, at which the
deck immerses or the middle of midship frame bilge comes out of water, whichever is less. In any case,
this angle should not exceed 8o for floating cranes intended for operation in seaway and 6o for floating
cranes not designed for such operation. In this case, the vertical distance of the openings determining the
angle of flooding in the working condition from the actual waterline shall be not less than 600 mm.
For floating cranes which operate reliably at the large angles of heel, the allowable angle of heel is subject
to special consideration by VR in each case;
(2) Maximum arm of statical stability curve is not less than 1.0 m with the angle of heel not less than 14o
and the limit of positive statical stability (vanishing stability) is not less than 25o;
(3) Capsizing moment Mc determined with regard to the combined effect of load drop and roll is at least twice
the heeling moment due to wind pressure Mv;.
(4) Angle of dynamic heel due to the combined effect of load drop, wind and roll is at least 1o less than the
angle of flooding in working condition.
2 The angle of heel at which the reliable operation of the crane is ensured shall correspond to the delivery
specifications of the crane.
3 The angle of heel, in deg., due to the combined effect of the initial heeling moment, statical wind effect and
rolling shall be calculated from the formula:
θd2 = θo + θs + θr
Where: θo and θs, are obtained from the formula:
θo = 570.3 Yg/h
θo = 570.3 Mv / (hg∆)

Angle θr, is calculated in accordance with 4.1.5-1.

For floating cranes not working in seaway the angle θr, is assumed to be equal to zero. The angles θo, θs, and
θr are taken as coincident in direction.
4 Heeling moment Mv, in kN.m, is calculated for the case of zero heel of the floating cranes by the formula:

Mv = 0.15 (zv + f1 Cb Bd ) Σki ni Avi

tcvn 6259 -10: 2003, Chapter 4

5 The value of factor fl is to be taken from Table 10/4.7 depending on the ratio and the angle θo.
Cb Bd
6 In well-grounded cases, if agreed with VR, additional weather restrictions are permitted for separate cargo
handling operations. To this effect, when checking stability in compliance with 4.1.7-1, the rated
wind velocity head and wave height shall be taken from Table 10/4.8 with regard to the prescribed

Table 10/4.7 Factor f1

θ0 (½æ)
B 0 2 4 6 8 10
C b Bd
2.0 0.43 0.44 0.42 0.36 0.27 0.18
2.2 0.64 0.67 0.62 0.47 0.33 0.22
2.4 0.88 0.96 0.82 0.58 0.39 0.26
2.6 1.18 1.28 1.02 0.69 0.46 0.31
2.8 1.53 1.68 1.22 0.80 0.52 0.35
3.0 1.95 2.06 1.43 0.91 0.58 0.39
3.2 2.43 2.48 1.64 1.02 0.64 0.43
3.4 2.99 2.89 1.87 1.13 0.71 0.48
3.6 3.62 3.30 2.09 1.24 0.77 0.52
3.8 4.32 3.71 2.33 1.35 0.83 0.56
Intermediate values of f1 shall be obtained by linear interpolation.

Table 10/4.8 Wind velocity head q and wave heiht h3%

Prescibed wind force q, KPa Prescibed sea state h3%, m

1 0.01 ⎯ ⎯
2 0.02 1 0.25
3 0.03 2 0.75
4 0.05 3 1.25
5 0.09 4 2.00

7 The angle of heel of a floating crane prior to load drop θd2 shall be assumed as equal to the sum of angles
due to load on the hook and unsymmetrical distribution of cargo on deck θo and the amplitude of roll θr
minus the angle of heel θs due to wind effect. The recommended method of determination of the capsizing
moment and angle of dynamical heel is given in 1.3.1 of Appendix 2 - " Determination of capsizing momet ".
8 The heeling moment Mv may be determined when the crane is anchored or moored, if specially agreed with
9 Where the crane is tested by a load exceeding the rated one, the stability of the floating crane shall be checked
for the particular loading condition and it is to be demonstrated, to the satisfaction of VR, that the floating
crane's safety against capsizing is ensured.

4.1.8 Stability of a floating crane during voyage

1 Stability of a floating crane is considered adequate in case:
(1) The maximum arm of the statical stability curve is not less than 1.5 m at the angle of heel at least 15o and
the limit of the positive statical stability (angle of vanishing stability) is not less than 45o;
(2) Capsizing moment Mc determined with regard for rolling is not less than the heeling moment Mv.
2 Heeling moment Mv, in kN.m, is to be calculated from the formula:

tcvn 6259 -10: 2003, Chapter 4

⎛ f ⎞
Mv = 0,6q ⎜ Z v + 1 C b Bd ⎟ ∑ K i ni Avi
⎝ 2 ⎠
q: Wind velocity head, in kPa.

The recommended method of determination of capsizing moment Mc is given in 1.3.2 of Appendix 2.

3 The values of factor f1 shall be obtained in compliance with 4.1.7-5 with θo = 0.
4 Wind velocity head q and rated wave height h3% are to be taken from Table 10/4.9.
In case the floating crane is designed for operation in some particular geographical area. The value q and h3%
may be taken for this area upon agreement with VR.

4.1.9 Stability of a floating crane in non-working condition

1 Stability of floating crane in non-working condition is considered adequate if for loading condition in
compliance with 4.1.2-3, the maximum righting moment determined taking no account of rolling is at least 1.5
times greater than the heeling moment due to statical wind effect.
2 The heeling moment shall be found from formula in 4.l.8-2 with q= 1.30 kPa. The recommended method of
maximum righting moment determination is given in 1.3.3 of Appendix 2 -" Determination of capsizing
moment ".

4.1.10 Stability of a floating crane during passage

1 Where a floating crane is to undertake a passage through sea regions lying beyond the prescribed area of
navigation, a plan of such passage shall be prepared which is subject to special consideration by VR in each
2 Stability of a floating crane is to be checked with due regard for icing, for loading conditions stated in 4.1.2-2
taking into account the preparation arrangements specified in the passage plan (including possible complete or
partial dismantling of a crane) and is considered to be adequate if the requirements of 4.1.8 for conditions of
passage areas are met.
The rated wind velocity head q and wave height h3% shall be taken from Table 10/4.9.

Table 10/4.9 Wind velocity head q and wave height h3%

Area of navigation through which q, kPa h3%, m

passage is made
Restricted I 1.00 5.83
Restricted II 0.80 4.83
Restricted III 0.60 3.00

4.2 Pontoons

4.2.1 This Chapter applies to pontoons with the ratio B/D≥ 3 and the block coefficient CB ≥ 0..9.

4.2.2 Loading conditions

1 Stability of a pontoon shall be checked for the following loading conditions:
(1) With full load:
(2) Without load;
(3) With full load and icing.

tcvn 6259 -10: 2003, Chapter 4

2 When carrying timber cargo, the stability calculation should be made with regard to possible addition in mass
of timber cargo due to water absorption as under than 3.3.8.
3 When carrying pipes, the stability calculation should be made with regard to trapped water in the pipes as
under 3.11.4.

4.2.3 Calculation of form stability

When calculating the arms of form stability for a pontoon carrying timber cargo, the volume of timber cargo
may be included in the calculation with full breadth and height and permeability of 0.25.

4.2.4 Allowance for icing

1 Rates of icing shall be adopted as under 2.4;
2 When carrying timber cargo, rates of icing shall be adapted as under 3.3.7;
3 When carrying pipes, icing is determined as under 3.l1. 7.

4.2.5 Stability of a pontoon

1 Stability of a pontoon shall be considered sufficient:
(1) If the area under the curve of statical stability up to the angle of heel θm is not less than 0,08 m.rad;
(2) If the static angle of heel due to wind heeling moment determined according to 4.2.5-2 does not exceed
half the angle of immersion of the deck;
(3) If the range of stability is not less than:
20o for L ≤ 100 m;
15o for L ≥ 150 m.
For intermediate values of L, the range of stability is determined by linear interpolation.
2 The heeling moment is calculated by the formula:

Mv =.pv Z Av
pv: wind pressure equal to 0.54 kPa;
Z= Z − (Zn: Distance from the centre of the windage area to the base plane);
n 2
Av - windage area as under 1.4.6.

4.3 Floating docks

43.1 Stability of floating docks shall be checked for the following loading conditions:
1 Floating dock when supporting a ship;
2 Floating dock during submersion and emersion.

43.2 Calculation of liquid cargo effect is to be made in conformity with 1.4.7. The correction factor for the
effect of free surfaces of liquid ballast shall be calculated at tank filling levels corresponding to the actual ones
under loading condition in question.

4.3.3 Stability of a floating dock when supporting a ship

1 Stability shall be checked of fully emersed dock with a supported ship under conditions of maximum lifting
capacity and moment of sail of the dock - ship system without icing .
2 Stability is considered to be adequate provided:
(1) Angle of heel with dynamically applied heeling moment due to wind pressure according to 4.3.3-5 or
tcvn 6259 -10: 2003, Chapter 4

4.3.3-6 does not excxeed the permissible heeling angle for dock cranes in non-operating condition or 4o,
whichever is less;
(2) Angle of heel with dynamically applied heeling moment due to wind pressure according to 4.3.4-4 does
not exceed the angle at which safe operation of cranes is ensured;
(3) Angle of trim with statically applied trimming moment due to crane weight with maximum load for the
most unfavourable service case of their arrangement does not exceed the angle at which efficient operation
of cranes is ensured or the angle of pontoon deck immersion, whichever is less.

3 The angle of heel of a floating dock, in deg., if it does not exceed the angle of immersion of the pontoon deck,
is to be determined from the formula:
θ = 0.115 pv Avz /(Wh)

4 An angle of heel of floating dock, if it exceeds the angle of immersion of the pontoon deck, is determined
from statical or dynamical stability curve when the dock is affected by the heeling moment, in kN.m, obtained
from the formula:
Mv = 0,001 pv Av z

5 Specific wind pressure is assumed to be 1700 Pa.

6 With geographical service area of the floating dock prescribed, the specific wind pressure may be taken for
this particular area. With several geographical service areas of the floating dock prescribed, maximum specific
wind pressure for these areas is to be taken.
7 With geographical service area of the floating dock prescribed, the specific wind pressure may be takend for
this particular area .
8 With several geographical service areas of the floating dock prescribed, maximum specific wind pressure for
these areas is to be taken .
9 The angle of trim, in deg., of the floating dock is to be obtained from the formula:
Ψ = 57.3 MΨ/WH

4.3.4 Stability of a floating dock during submersion of emersion

1 Stability of a floating dock is to be checked in the process of submersion or emersion for the most
unfavourable case, as regards stability, of the supported ship displacement, moment of sail of the dock - ship
system and dock ballasting with the cranes not in operation, without icing .
2 Stability is considered to be adequate if the angle of heel with dynamically applied heeling moment due to
wind pressure does not exceed the permissible heeling angle for dock cranes in non-operating condition or 4o,
which ever is less.
3 The angle of heel of the floating dock is to be determined in conformity with 4.3.3-3 and 4.3.3-4.
4 Specific wind pressure is assumed to be 400 Pa.
5 The arm Z of windage area is to be determined according to 1.4.6-3. On agreement with VR, in each particular
case the arm of windage area Z may be assumed as the elevation of the windage area centre of the dock - ship
system above the supporting point of the floating dock in the system of its restraint.
6 These requirements apply to floating docks having sufficiently reliable system of restraint..

tcvn 6259 -10:2003, Chapter 5

Chapter 5 Alternative requirements for the

stability of ships of unrestricted service
(The requirements of this Chapter are based on the IMO code of
intact stability for all types of ships covered by IMO instrument)

5.1 General

5.1.1 Requirements of this Chapter are alternative to 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4.7 and cover ships of unrestricted service,
including: passenger ships, cargo ships, container ships, timber carriers, fishing vessels and special purpose
ships (except for ship types close to supply vessels).

5.1.2 The requirements of this Chapter cover loading conditions mentioned under 1.4.8 and in Part 3 .
5.2 Statical stability curve

5.2.1 The static stability curve must satisfy the requirements below.
1 The area under the righting lever curve should not be less than 0.055 metre-radians up to 30o angle of heel
and not less than 0.090 metre-radians up to 40o angle of heel. Additionally, the area under the righting lever
curve between the angles of heel of 30o and 40o should not be less than 0.030 metre-radians (see Fig. 10/5.1);
2 The maximum righting arm should be at least 0.20 m at an angle of heel not less than 30o. Where reasonable,
this angle may be reduced, but to be not less than 25o ;
3 The angle of vanishing stability must not be less than 60o. However, it may be reduced to 50o provided that the
maximum righting arm increases above 0.20 m by 0.01 m with the reduction by each 1o.

5.2.2 The angle of downflooding at which the static stability curve is cut short must not be less than the value
given under 5.2.1-.3.


A1 A2 GZmax

00 300 40
θv θo

Fig. 10/5.1 Static stability curve

tcvn 6259 -10: 2003, Chapter 5

5.2.3 For cargo ships carrying timber deck cargoes, the requirements of 5.2.1-1 and 5.2.1-2 concerning the static
stability curve should be substituted by the following:
1 The area under the righting lever curve should not be less than 0.08 metre-radians up to 40o angle of heel;
2 The maximum value of the righting lever should be at least 0.25 m.

5.2.4 The ship is to comply with the above requirements with due regard for the correction for free surface
effects in accordance with 1.4.7.

5.3 Initial Metacentric height

5.3.1 Except for timber carriers and fishing vessels, the corrected initial metacentric height should not be less
than 0,15 m under any loading conditions.

5.3.3 For timber carries, the corrected metacentric height must not be less than indicated under 3.3.5.

5.4 Weather criterion

5.4.1 The stability of a ship is considered sufficient by weather criterion when it can withstand the combined
effects of beam wind and rolling with reference to the figure as follows:
1 The ship is subjected to a steady wind pressure acting perpendicular to its centreline which results in a steady
wind-heeling lever Iwl (see Fig. 10/5.2);

a lW1 lW2

500 θc θ


Fig. 10/5.2 Checking stability after weather creiterion

2 From the resultant angle of equilibrium θo, the ship is assumed to roll owing to wave action to an angle of roll
θ r to windward;
3 the ship is then subjected to a gust wind pressure which results in a gust wind heeling lever lw2;
4 areas a and b are compared that are shaded in Fig. 10/51.
The area b is limited by the righting lever curve, a straight line corresponding to the gust wind heeling lever
lw2 and an angle of heel of 50o or the angle of heel θc corresponding to the second intercept between the
straight line lw2 and the righting lever curve, whichever is less.
The area a is limited by the righting lever curve, straight line lw2 and the angle of heel corresponding to the
angle of roll θr.
The stability of a ship is considered sufficient from the point of view of weather criterion if the area b is equal
tcvn 6259 -10:2003, Chapter 5

to or greater than the area a.

5.4.2 The permissible angle of heel under action of steady wind θo should be limited to a certain angle to the
satisfaction of VR. As a guide, 0.8 of the angle of deck edge immersion or 15o, whichever is less, is suggested.

5.4.3 The heeling lever lw1, in m, is adopted constant for all angles of heel and is determined from the formula

p v AZ v
l w1 =
1000 g∆
Pv = 504 Pa - wind pressure;
A = projected lateral area, in m2, determined in accordance with 14.6;
Zv = vertical distance from the centre of A to the centre of the underwater lateral area or approximately to a
point at one half the draught;
∆ = Displacement , in ton;
G = 9.81 m/s2.
The heeling lever lw2 = l.5 lwl.

5.4.4 The amplitude of roll, in deg., for roundbilged ships is determined from the formula:
θ 1r = 109.q. X 1 . X 2 r.S

XI and X2 - factor; as shown in Tables 10/ 2.3 and 10/ 2.4;
r = 0.73 + 0.6.
(Zg − d )
s - factor as shown in Table 10/ 5.2 in relation to the rolling period T (sec.): T = 2CB h
C = 0,373 + 0,023 − 0,043
d 100

Table 10/5.1 Factor S

T (giµy) ≤6 7 8 12 14 16 18 ≥ 20
S 0.10 0.098 0.093 0.065 0.053 0.044 0.038 0.035

5.4.5 The angle of roll for ships with anti-rolling devices should be determined without taking into account the
operation of these devices.

5.4.6 The angle of roll θ2r for a ship having bilge keels is determined in accordance with 2.1.3-2.

5.4.7 The angle of roll for a ship having sharp bilges should be adopted equal to 70 per cent of that determined
from formula in 5.4.4.

tcvn 6259-10:2003, Appendix A

Appendix A Instructions on drawing up information on stability

1 General
1.1 The present Instructions contain general provisions as to the contents of the Information. The scope of the
Information may vary depending on the type, purpose, and stability reserve and service area of the ship. In
every case , it should be selected most carefully and agreed with the VR.
1.2 Each ship is to be provided with the Information in order to assist the master and the control authorities in
maintaining adequate stability of the ship during service in compliance with the requirements of the present
Rules as well as to ensure stability under circumstances mare severe than those specified in the Rules.
Formal observance of the provisions contained in the Information does not relieve the master of the
responsibility for the stability of the ship.
1.3 In the Information, the sequence of the material shall be as per 1.4.11-1 (Chappter 1) .
1.4 The general requirements for the Information are as follows :
1 The document shall be preceded by a table of contens. The pages shall bear numbers;
2 The Information shall contain references to documents on the basis of which it was drawn up (see Part 1
“General Regulations”);
3 The unit system shall be uniform throughout the document, and it shall be the same as the unit system
adopted for Information on Damage Trim and Stability.
4 The coordinate system for determining mass moments, volumes, buoyancy, draughts shall be uniform
throughout the Information, and it shall be the same as the coordinate system adopted for Information on
damage Trim and Stability.
5 The Information shall iclude clarification of symbols used therein.
6 T.he Information and the attached drawings and plans shall be translated in English.
1.5 The particulars of ship shall be as follows :
1 Ship’s name, builder’s name, yer built ;
2 Port of registry and registered number ;
3 Type of ship ;
4 Purpose ;
5 Ship’s class ;
6 Service area and restrictions imposed (sea state, distance to port of refuge, seasons, geogrphical service areas,
For hpper dredges and floating cranes, restrictions for both operating and voyage conditions shall be stated ;
7 Main dimensions (length, breadth, depth; where the bulkhead deck does not coincide with the upper deck,
the depth up to the bulkhead deck shall be stated) ;
8 Draughts up to summer loadline and summer timer loadline with displacement and deadweight
corresponding to this loadline ;
9 Speed in service ;
10 Availability of anti-rolling devices and their type, dimentions of bilge keels, if any;

tcvn 6259-10:2003, Appendix A

11 Inclining test data on which the Information is based (displacement and centre of gravity coordinates for
lightship condition, name and serial number of the ship undergoing the inclining test, place and date of the
inclining test, reference to the Register Inspectoate or another body having approved the iclining test report).
Where, in the case of a ship having excessive stability, calculation data for the lightship condition in
accordance with 1.5.7 have been adopted, this should be mentioned ;
12 A sketch showing the quatity and location of solid ballast on board, if any ;

13 Ship inertia coefficient C in the formula for obtaining the roll period τ = CB / ho o to be calculated on the
basis of the roll period, if determined, during the inclining test ;
14 Other data deemed necessary by the designer (for instance, carrying capacity of the ship designed trim, stores
endurance ) .
1.6 Documents shall include the stability characteristics of the ship and precse restrictions formulated on the
basis of the Rules and taking the feactures of the ship into consideration, namely :
1 List of stability criteria to be complied with in the case of the ship in question ;
2 Indicatin of criterion limiting the ship stability, damage stability criteria included, whre these appear to be
limiting with regard to intact stability ;
3 General remark to the effect the stability criteria of the Rules do not take eventual cargo shifting into
consideration and to prevent such shifting one should be guided by owner’s documents regulating the
securing and stowage of cargo ;;
4 Specific limitations of ship loading formulated on the basis of the Rules ;
5 Detailed instructions on cosuming liquid cagoes and ship ballsting en route with indication of conditions
proceeding from which the consuming procedure is to be applied (stability, trim and damage stability
requirements) ;
6 Indiction of openings whichs are to be closed when at sea to prevent the flooding of spaces in hull,
superstructures and deckhouses which are to be taken into consideration for stability calculation purposes, as
well as indication of doors fitted in watertight bulkheads isn passenger ships which are permited to be left
open and shall be ready for imiediate closure at all times. Where necessary, a diagram of the openings
should be attached ;
7 Restrictions for the application of anti-rolling devices and directions for the use of anti-heeling tanks and
tanks for controlling initial stability ;
8 Intructions for the case of damage to bilge keels ;
9 Measures to ensure stability when, during a voyage or passage, the ship enters a region where the navigating
conditions are more severe than those specified when assigning the area of navigation on the ship provided
such measures are necessary ;
10 Directions for preserving ship stability when water is used for fire ectinguishing ;
11 Restrictions and instructions aimed at ensureing an intact stability sufficient to satisfy the damage trim and
stability requirements of the Register where these are compulsory for the ship in question ;
12 Directions for limiting forward and aft draughts with explanations of the resons for such limitations ;
13 Other relevant instructions depending on the peculiarities of the ship and the stability requirements of the
Register .
1.7 Recommendations to the master for maintaining sufficient stability, include information deemed useful by
the designer.

tcvn 6259-10:2003, Appendix A

Recommendations to the master may include, for instance, recommendations for choosing the direction of
ship movement with regard to the seaway, for controlling the ship stability in service , for minimum draught
forward, manoeuvring directions (for instance, permissible speed with regard to heel on the turn for ship
carrying containers on deck), recommendations for icing controll, directions for correct application of anti-
rollng devices; scale of forward and aft druaght variations as a result of taking cargo on board, direction for
operating of heavy derricks (if installed on board a transport vessel), for using, in the case of timber carriers,
limiting curves corresponding to different permeabilities of timber deck cargo. This section shall include
explanations for using the materials contained therein.
The contents of this section shall be clearly marked off within the Information.
1.8 Information on typical loading conditions shall include the following :
1 Plan of tanks containing stores and ballst, spaces intended for crew and passengers, machinery space ;
2 Tables showing the distribution of stores and ballast among tanks in typical loading conditions with
indication of the mass and centre of grvity coordinates of the tanks as well as of relevant moments. The
number and denomination of the tanks shall be the same as those to be found in the general arrangement
drawing. In the tables, tanks should be indicated for which corrections for free surface effect of liquids were
made that were considered in typical loading conditions ;
3 Mass and centre of gravity position, adopted for calculation purposes, of mass groups, such as passengers
with their luggage and crew with their luggage, mass end centre of gravity position of cargo items
(machinery, vehicles, containers etc.);
4 Typical loading conditions for all the cargoes mentioned in the specification, loadiing conditions required by
the Rules, marginal conditions of ship operation in accordance with its purpose to be encountered in practice
and conditions of commencement of ballsting during the voyage for the purpose of maintaining stability .
As a rule, the stability calculation for typical loading conditions is to be made for mean draught with initial
trim disregarded .
Typical loading conditions shall be presented on special forms. In one and the same form, two or more
loading conditions may be entered which may differ in the quantity of stores or ballast, but would
characterize the variations of loading during the voyage.
5 A summary table of typical loading conditions including :
(1) Denomination of the loading condition ;
(2) Displacement ;
(3) Trim parameters of ship ;
(4) Vertical centre of gravity, longitudinal centre of graviry and, where necessary, transverse centre of
gravity of the ship ;
(5) Free surface corrction value to the initial metacentric height ;
(6) Initial metacentric height with regard for the centre of gravity correction ;
(7) Vertical mass moments or the height of the centre of gravity of the ship with regard for the free surface
effect where one of the parameters is used for the estimation of the ship stability proceeding from
permissible values determined on basis of the Rules ;
(8) Permissible values of initial metacentric height or of the vertical mass moment of the ship, or
permissible height of the centre of gravity of the ship ;
(9) Standardized parameters and stability criteria (weather criterion, static stability curve parameters, angle
of heel due to passengers crowding to one side or angle of heel in turn etc.) and their permissible values

tcvn 6259-10:2003, Appendix A

(10) Angle of flooding through opening considered to be open in accordance with the present Part of the
Rules .
1.9 Data listed for independent estimation of the ship stability by the master should enable the latter to
determine, with sufficient accuracy and without undue loss of time, wether the ship stability is in
conformity with the Rules.
1.10 The material under A/1.9 should be supplemented by materials to enable a more precise estimation of the
ship stability when a criterion or a number of criteria is complied with without any reserve being ensured.
1.11 Directions for determining the ship stability in service should enable the master to determine the actual
ship stability with adquate accuracy and minimal time expenditure. This section of the Information is to be
contain the followng :
(1) Conditions and procedure for marking the in-service inclining test using the facilities available on
board ;
(2) Data to assess the precision of measurements during the in-service inclining test and to estimate the
quality of the test as a whole ;
(3) Directions and materials to control initial metacentric height by measuring the roll period ;
(4) Explanations for the master concernig the assessment of the ship stability by means of the above
These materials should be clearly grouped in a separate section of the Information.
1.12 When non-grain bulk cargo is carried, Information on stability shall contain typical loading conditions for
such cargoes.The typical loading conditions shall be specified without regard either for possible shifting of
cargo or for its properties being guided by the stowage rate of the cargo only.
Such typical loading conditions shall be provided with a note to the effect that when no-grain bulk cargo is
carried one should be guided by the Rules for the carriage of grain.
1.13 For floating cranes, the Information shall contain data on their stability as regards the rated criteria for
various boom radii and various loads on the hook (by mass and windage area) including loading conditions
in wich the stability becomes unsatsfactory by any criterion .
For floating cranes whose stability in case of load drop is limited by the angle of floading in the working
condition, the Information shall contain requirements for reliable battening down of openings which are
not to be permanently open during cargo-handling operations .
Because of the variety of their loading conditions, data on the stability of floating cranes shall be presented
in a simple and obvious from (for instance, in tables and diagrams characterizing the loading and stability
of the floating cranes in each of the loading conditions) .
In the case of floating cranes with luffing booms. the following rule shall be applied : in order to reduce the
influence of extrnal forces upon the floating crane the boom shall be lowered to the lowest position
(secured for sea) on completion of cargo-handling operations .
In the case of floating cranes with slewing cranes and a cargo platform on deck it is not recommended to
perform cargo-handling operation when under way (e.g. carriage of loads hanging on the hook semi-
submerged or raised above the water : small ships, metal structures, etc.). Where this is performed by
floating cranes of any type, restrictions on the area of navigation and weather shall be specified for such a
voyage in each case and arrangements shall be made for reliable securing to the floating crane hull to
prevent the boom, hanger and the hanging load from swinging. The possibility of a voyage with a load on
the hook shall be cofirmed by calculation and approved be the Register in each case .
1.14 The Information of a tug shall include instructions to the master as to possible cases of the ship operation
in areas, where water flow velocities above 1,3 m/s are observed.

tcvn 6259 -10: 2003, Appendix B

Appendix B Determination of capsizing moment

2.1 Determination of the capsizing moment for transport

2.1.1 The capsizing moment Mc taking into account the effect of rolling can be determined using either a curve
of dynamical or of statical stability. When determining the capsizing moment, the following two cases may
take place:
1 A ship has normal curves of dynamical and statical stability, or the curve of statical stability is stepped and
that of dynamical stability broken. In this case, the capsizing moment is determined as follows:
(1) When the curve of dynamical stability is used, auxiliary point A is to be found on it first. For this purpose
the amplitude of roll is plotted along the abscissa to the right of the origin of the coordinates and its related
point A' is fixed on the curve of dynamical stability (Fig. 2.1). Then a straight line parallel to the axis of
abscissae is drawn through point A' and segment.4' A equal to the double amplitude of roll is laid off along
it to the left of the point A'(A'A=2θr).

ld, m


A A’ B

θr θr

1rad (5703)

Fig. 2.1 Determination of capsizing 'moment using the curve of dynamical stability

Point A located symmetrically to point A' is referred to below as the initial one. From the initial point A
tangent AC to the curve of dynamical stability is drawn and segment AB equal to one radian (57o3) is laid
off from A on the straight line parallel to the axis of abscissae. From point B perpendicular BE is erected
up to its intersection with tangent AC at point E. Segment BE is equal to the capsizing moment, if the
curve of dynamical stability is plotted to scale of work, and to the arm of the capsizing moment, if the
curve of dynamical stability is plotted to scale of arms. In the latter case, to determine the capsizing
moment Mc, the value of the segment BE , in metres, shall be multiplied by corresponding displacement
W, in kN
Mc = W BE (kN.m)

(2) When the curve of statical stability is used, the capsizing moment can be determined assuming the work
of the capsizing and righting moments to be equal and taking into account the effect of rolling. For tills
purpose, the curve of statical stability is continued into the region of negative abscissae for a length equal
to the amplitude of roll θr (Fig. 2.1), and such a straight line MK parallel to the axis of abscissae is chosen
with which cross-hatched areas S1 and S2 are equal. Ordinate OM will correspond to the capsizing
moment, if moments are plotted along the axis of ordinates, or to the arm of the capsizing moment, if arms
of stability are plotted along this axis. In the latter case, to determine the capsizing moment Mc, ordinate
OM, in metres, shall be multiplied by the ship's displacement W, in kN

tcvn 6259 -10: 2003, Appendix B

Mc = ∆ OM (kN.m)

θr S2

0 θ

Fig. 2.2 Determination of capsizing moment using the curve of statical stability

2 The curves of statical and dynamical stability are cut short at the angle of flooding, the capsizing moment is
then determined by one of the methods given below.
(1) When the curve of dynamical stability is used, the capsizing moment is determined as follows. Making use
of the method specified in 2.1.1-1, position of the initial point A is found (Fig. 2.3).

ld, m


A A’ B

θr θr

1rad (5703)

Fig. 2.3 Determination of capsizing moment from the curve of

dynamicalstabilitytaking account or the angle of flooding

A tangent to the curve of dynamical stability is drawn from the initial point A, which is possible only when the
angle of heel corresponding to the point of tangency is less than the angle of flooding. The capsizing moment
or its arm, is determined by using the tangent and same method as in 2.1.1-1(1).
If it is impossible to draw the tangent, a straight line passing through the top final point F of the curve of
dynamical stability, corresponding to the angle of flooding, is drawn from the initial point A. A straight line
parallel to the axis of abscissae is also drawn from the same initial point A and segment AB equal to 1 radian
(57o3) is laid off on this straight line. From point B perpendicular BE is erected up to its intersection with the
inclined straight line AF at point E. Segment BE is equal to the capsizing moment sought, if work is plotted
along the axis of ordinates on the curve of dynamical stability or is equal to the arm of the capsizing moment,
if arms of dynamical stability are plotted along the axis of ordinates. In the latter case, the capsizing moment
is determined from formula in 2.1.1-1(1).

tcvn 6259 -10: 2003, Appendix B

(2) When curve of statical stability is used, the capsizing moment for the angle of flooding θr is determined as
The curve of statical stability is continued into the region of negative abscissae to a length equal to the
amplitude of roll (Fig. 2.4) and such a straight line MK parallel to the axis of abscissae is chosen with
which cross hatched areas S1 and S2 are equal. Ordinate OM will correspond to capsizing moment Mc
sought or its arm depending upon the method used for constructing the curve. In the latter case, the
capsizing moment is determined from formula in 2.1.1-1(2).

0 θ


Fig. 2.5 Determiation of capsizing moment from the curve

of statical stability taking into account the angle flooding

2.2 Determination of capsizing moment for hopper dredgers and hopper barges

2.2.1 To determine the capsizing moment, a curve of dynamical stability of the ship after spoil discharge is
plotted in compliance with forn1ula in 3.8.4-7(2) of chapter 3 of this Part, continued partially into the region
of negative angles of heeling. From point A corresponding to the minimum on the curve (heeling angle θBCl) a
segment equal to the amplitude of roll θr is laid off to the left along the axis of abscissae (Fig. 2.5).


θBC1 θ
1rad (5703)

Fig. 2.5 Determination of capsizing moment for hopper dredgers and hopper barges

The amplitude of roll θr in this case is assumed to be 10o with regard only to statical character of spoil
discharge (with density of spoil in the hopper under 1.3 t/m3) and equal to 10o plus θ3r (the greatest amplitude
of ship's rolling in relation to statically inclined position immediately after spoil discharging) with regard to
dynamic character of spoil discharge. The corresponding point C is fixed on the curve and tangent CE is
drawn from this point to the right part of the curve. From point C segment CN equal to 1 radian (57o3) is laid
off parallel to the axis of abscissae and a perpendicular is erected from the point N up to its intersection with

tcvn 6259 -10: 2003, Appendix B

the tangent at point H. Segment NH equals the arm of the capsizing moment Mc, which is determined from
the formula:

Mc = W NH (kN.m)

If the angle of flooding θf proves to be less than the angle of heel corresponding to the point E of the curve
(see Fig. 2.6) the secant CF shall be drawn from the point C to the right part of the curve as shown in Fig.


C F1 N
θBC1 θ
1rad (5703)

Fig. 2. 6 Determination of capsizing moment for hopper dredgers

and hopper barges taking into account the angle of flooding

In this case, the arm of the capsizing moment will be determined by segment NK. If point E (corresponding to
the angle of flooding) is below point F1 (where the curve intersects straight line CN) the stability of the ship is
regarded to be unsatisfactory.
If no curve of dynamical stability is available, the minimum capsizing moment is determined from the curve
of statical stability (see Fig. 2.2) as in 2.1.1-1(2) , taking into account initial statical heel.

2.3 Determination of capsizing moment for a floating crane

2.3.1 Determination of capsizing moment and the angle of dynamical heel in working condition in case of load
drop.To determine the capsizing moment and the angle of dynamical heel after load drop, the curve of
dynamical stability (to arm scale) is to be constructed for the loading condition under consideration, but
without load on hook.
In case the floating crane centre of gravity after the load drop does not coincide with the centre line, the curve
is to be constructed with regard to angle of heel θ'o due to unsymmetrical loading (including also
unsymmetrical arrangement of cargo on deck).
A portion of the curve is to be constructed in the negative angle area. To be plotted to the left from the origin
of the coordinates is the initial angle of heel θ'd2 of the floating crane with a load on the hook, equal to the
sum of the amplitude of roll θr in the working condition and the angle of statical heel θo when the load is
lifted minus the angle of statical heel θs due to wind pressure (Fig. 2.7).

tcvn 6259 -10: 2003, Appendix B

L dλ
E1 H
θ0’ θ
θ'd2 θd3
1 rad (5703)

Fig. 2.7 Determination of the capsizing moment and the angle

of dynamical heel at the inclination after load drop

The appropriate point C is fixed on the curve. The curve of the reduced arms is plotted to the right from the
origin of the coordinates above the curve of statical stability, whose ordinates, in m, are calculated from the
ldλ = ld + ∆lλ
∆lλ = correction taking into account damping forces to be obtained in compliance with 2.3.4 of the present
The secant CE1 is drawn from the point C so that the point of its intersection El with the reduced arm curve ldλ
lies on the same vertical line with point E, in which the straight line of ld parallel to the secant touches the
curve CE1. From point C segment CN equal to 1 radian (57,3o) is laid off parallel to the axis of abscissae.
From point N the perpendicular is erected up to its intersection with the secant CE1 at point H. Segment NH is
equal to the arm of the capsizing moment, with due regard for damping to be obtained from the formula:
Mcλ = W NH (kN.m)

From point N segment NK is laid off equal to the arm of the heeling moment, in m, to be determined
from the formula:

NK =
Mv = heeling moment due to wind pressure.
Points C and K are connected by the straight line, whose point of intersection with the curve of reduced arms
ldλ determines the angle of dynamical heel θd3 ( heeling angle when load drop)
Stability may be checked taking no account of damping. In. this case, the curve of reduced arms is not
constructed, but the tangent is drawn from point C to the curve of dynamical stability. The angle of dynamical
heel θd3 is determined by the point of intersection of straight line CK with the curve.

2.3.2 Determination of capsizing moment with crane secured for sea.

The capsizing moment Mc of the floating crane under the effect of rolling and steady wind may be determined
both by the curve of dynamical stability and the curve of statical stability, having a portion of which are
constructed for negative angles.

tcvn 6259 -10: 2003, Appendix B

1 When using the curve of dynamical stability the positions of initial point A and point A1 (Fig.2.8) are so
selected that tangent AC is parallel to the tangent A1K and the difference of angles of heel corresponding to
points A1 and A is equal to the amplitude of roll.


A A1
O θS θ
1 rad (5703)

Fig. 2.8 Determination of capsizing moment of a floating crane

secured for sea from the curve of dynamical stability

Angle θs obtained therefrom corresponds to the angle of statical heel due to limiting wind pressure, and
segment BE is equal to the capsizing moment if the curve of dynamical stability is plotted to scale of
moments,and to the arm of the capsizing moment, if the curve of dynamical stability is plotted to scale of
arms. In the latter case, the capsizing moment, is determined from the formula:
MC = W BE (kN.m)
2 When the curve of statical stability is used, the capsizing moment can be determined assuming the work of the
capsizing moment and that of the righting moment to be equal and taking account of the effect of rolling and
statical heel due to limiting wind pressure (Fig. 2.9).
For this purpose, the curve of statical stability is continued in the region of negative angles for such a portion
that straight line MK parallel to the axis of abscissae cuts off the cross-hatched areas S1 and S2 equal to each
other and the difference of angles corresponding to points A1 and A is equal to the amplitude of roll.



S1 A1

θS θ


Fig. 2.9 Determination of the capsizing moment of a floating crane

secured for sea from the curve of statical stability

Ordinate OM will correspond or to the arm of the capsizing moment, depending on the way chose value
corrspond to ordinate of curves.

tcvn 6259 -10: 2003, Appendix B

3 If the curves of statical stability is cut short at the angle of flooding, the capsizing moment shall be determined
similarly to that stated in 2.1.1-2 with regard to statical heel and the amplitudes of roll as specified in 2.3.2-1
and 2.3.2-2.

2.3.3 Determination of maximum righting moment in non-working condition.

The maximum righting moment is determined from the curve of statical stability (Fig. 2.10) for non-working
loading condition with due regard for the free surface effect as well as the initial angle of heel due to the boom
turn in the plane of the frame for floating cranes with slewing cranes.


O A B θ

Fig. 2.10 Determination of maximum righting moment in non-working condition

Segment CB is equal to the maximum righting moment if the curve is plotted to scale of moments, and to the
arm of the maximum righting moment lmax if the curve is plotted to scare of arms. In the latter case, the
maximum righting moment, is to be obtained from the formula:

Mmax = W lmax (kN.m)

2.3.4 Correction ∆lλ

Correction ∆lλ , in m, taking account of damping forces is to be calculated from the formula:
⎛ θp ⎞
∆lλ = lλ Cb Bd ⎜ ⎟ F5
⎝ 57,3⎠
B = breadth of the ship, in m;
d = moulded draught of the ship, in m;
CB = block coefficient of the ship;
θp = double swing value counting from the angle equal to the initial heel at the moment of load drop, in
lλ = factor found from the formula:
⎛ Zg − d ⎞ Zg − d
l λ = Fo ⎜⎜ F1 + F2 ⎟⎟ + F3 + F4
⎝ C b Bd ⎠ C b Bd

Zg = centre of gravity height above the base line, in m;

Fo is taken from Fig. 2.11 depending on characteristic F and ratio B / Cb Bd ;
F is found from formula in 4.1.5-1;
FI, F2, F3, F4 are taken from Table 2.1 depending on the ratio B / Cb Bd ;
F5 = factor obtained from Table 2.2 depending on the ratio (θd+ θ'd2) /θp;
θd = angle of deck immersion.

tcvn 6259 -10: 2003, Appendix B

3,7 3,6


0,15 3,3 B
Cb Bd
0,05 2,9

0,10 0,15 0,20 0,25 F

Fig. 2.11 Determination F

Table 2.1 Factors F1 , F2 , F3 , F4

C b Bd 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7

F1 1.987 2.087 2.144 2.157 2.138 2.097 2.043 1.982 1.921 1.816
F2 -3.435 -3.313 -3.097 -2.823 -2.525 -2.230 -1.955 -1.711 -1.497 -1.312
F3 0.0725 0.0856 0.1007 0.1150 0.1273 0.1357 0.1417 0.1454 0.1474 0.1475
F4 -0.021 -0.028 -0.037 -0.047 -0.057 -0.067 -0.076 -0.084 -0.091 -0.097

Table 2.1 Factors F5

(θd + θd2 ) / θv ≥ 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2
F5 1.000 1.053 1.138 1.253 1.374 1.500 1.626 1.747 1.862

tcvn 6259-10 : 2003, Table of symbols

Table of symbols for the values adopted in part 10 "Stability"

Part 10 IMO Value

W ∇ Displacement
Wmin ⎯ Displacement corresponding to the minimum loading condition of the
ship specified by the rules Full-load displacement
Wmax ⎯ Full-load displacement
Wo ⎯ Light-ship displacement
Wl ⎯ Ship's displacement in the most unfavourable loaading condition as
regards values of h and lmax
γ ⎯ Density

Av Av Windage area

Ak ⎯ Area of keels

Avi ⎯ Windage area component of a floating crane

acal ⎯ Calculated value of acceleration ( in fractions of g )

B B Breadth of the ship

bo ⎯ Shroud spacing

Cb Cb Block coefficient of the ship

cT, bT v¡ aT ⎯ Tank overal length , breadth and heiht ( by base planes )

c, b ⎯ Relative "dynamic" abscissa and ordinate of tow hook suspension point

D D Depth , moulded

d d Draught of the ship , molded

dmin ⎯ Draught , moulded , for minimum practicable ship's loading condition

d ⎯ Draught amidships

g g Acceleration due to gravity

h GM Corrected metacentric height ( with correction for free surfaces )

h0 GM0 Initial metacentric height ( not correction for free surfaces )

h3% ⎯ Calculated wave height with 3 % probability of exceeding level

K ⎯ Weather criterion

K1 ⎯ Safety factor with respect to tow line jerk for general service and ship-
handing tugs

K2 ⎯ Safety factor with respect to tow line jerk for sea-going tugs

tcvn 6259-10 :2003, Table of symbols

Table of symbols for the values adopted in part 10 "Stability" (continued)

Part 10 IMO Value

∆K ⎯ Component of K2 allowing for effect of rolling on resultant angle of


k ⎯ Factor allowing for effect of bilge keels

ki ⎯ Aerodynamic flow coefficient for crane structures

L L Length of the ship

l GZ Arm of sstatical stability corrected for free surfaces

lmax GZmax Maximum arm of sstatical stability corrected for free surfaces

ld l Arm of dynamical stability corrected for free surfaces

l’d ⎯ Ditto , but not corrected for free surfaces

l1, ld1 ⎯ Arms of statical and dynamical stability with permament heeling
moment due to load , as corrected for free surfaces

l’d1 ⎯ Ditto , but not corrected for free surfaces

lF ⎯ Arm of form stability with respect to the centre of buoyancy

lM ⎯ Arm of form stability with respect to metacentre

lp ⎯ Arm of form stability with respect to any point

lK ⎯ Arm of form stability with respect to moulded base line

lc ⎯ Capsizing level corrected for free surfaces of liquids

lv ⎯ Heeling lever

ldop ⎯ Arm of dynamical stability defined as ordinate of curve of dynamical

stability for tug at the angle of heel equal to flooding or capsizing angle
, whichever is less

ldn ⎯ Dynamic heeling lever characterizing assumed jerk of tow line

ldmax, ldf ⎯ Ordinate of curve of dynamical stability at the angle of heel equal to
angle of the maximum of statical stability curve or angle of flooding ,
whichever is less

l30 ⎯ Non-dimensional coefficient for determination of free surface

correction at heel of 30o
θ θ Heeling angle
θf θf Flooding angle
θv θv Angle of vanishing stability
θd ⎯ Angle of deck immersion

tcvn 6259-10 : 2003, Table of symbols

Table of symbols for the values adopted in part 10 "Stability" (continued)

Part 10 IMO value

θb ⎯ Angle of cooming out of water of bilge middle
θm θm Angle of heel corresponding to the maximum of the statical stability
θl ⎯ Capsizing angle
θd1 ⎯ Angle of dynamical heel of tug due to assumed jerk of tow line
θ’l ⎯ Angle of tug capsizing defened as abscissa of the tangency point of
dynamical stability curve and tangent to it passing through origin of the
θBC1 ⎯ Statical heel after spoil dischage
θ1r θr Amplitude of roll for ship with keels
θ2r θr Amplitude of roll for round-bilged ship
θ3r θr Maximum amplitude of dredger rolling with respect to statical
inclination immedately after spoil is dischaged from one side
θr ⎯ Amplitude of roll of a floating crane
θ’r ⎯ Amplitude of roll of a floating crane with regard to bilge coming out of
water deck immersion
∆θr ⎯ Correction having regard to the effect of the crane centre of gravity
elevation above waterline
θ0 ⎯ Initial stability heel of a floating crane due to load hook and
unsymmetrical stowage of cargo on deck
θs ⎯ Angle of heel of a floating crane due to statical wind effect
θd2 ⎯ Angle of heel of a floating crane due to combined effect of initial
heeling moment , statical wind effect and rolling
θ’d2 ⎯ Calculated angle of heel of a floating crane prior to load drop equal to
the sum of angles θo and θr minus θs

Mc Mc Capsizing moment

Mv Mv Heeling moment due to wind pressure

Mh1 Mh Heeling moment due to passenger crowding

Mh2 Mh Heeling moment due to turning

∆m30 Mh Heeling moment due to liquid overflow at ship's heel of 30o

∆mh ⎯ Correction of stability coefficient for liquid cargo effect

Ne ⎯ Shaft power

ni ⎯ Zone coefficient taking into account changes in wind velocity head

depending on the height of windage area centre of gravity of a floating

tcvn 6259-10 :2003, Table of symbols

Table of symbols for the values adopted in part 10 "Stability" (continued)

Part 10 IMO Value

P P Mass of spoil in the hopper

pv pv Rated wind pressure

qvt ⎯ Rated wind velocity head

vR ⎯ Velocity of tow line transverse jerk

v0,8 ⎯ Initial turning speed assumed to be 80 % of full speed

vs ⎯ Speed of straightline movement of a ship

xH ⎯ Longitudinal distance between tow hook suspension point and ship's

centre of gravity as measured over horizontal

X1, X2,, X3 , X1,2 ⎯ Factor for determination of amplitude of roll

y ⎯ Ship's centre of gravity ordinate from centre line

yg ⎯ Side shifting of ship's centre of gravity from centre line

Y ⎯ Factor for determination of amplitude of roll

Z ⎯ Arm of windage area

Zg KG Centre of gravity elevation above moulded base plane

ZH ⎯ Elevation of tow hook suspension point above moulded base plane

Z0 ⎯ Elevation of shroud mounting point

Zi ⎯ Height of geometrical centres of areas Avi within a given zone above the
actual waterline of a floating crane

Zv ⎯ Arm of windage area of a floating crane


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