Instructions: Each Question Is Followed by Four Alternative Answers, A, B, C and D. Circle The Correct Answer

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NAME:___________________________ FORM 2: _______________


Time: 1 hour 20 minutes

Section A (20 marks)

Instructions: Each question is followed by four alternative answers, A, B, C and D. Circle the correct answer.

1 Which of the following is not a 8 Which of the following activities

science-related career? will not harm the ecosystem?
A Engineer A Coal mining
B Architect B Use of pesticides
C Lawyer C Dam construction
D Lecturer D Conservation of a mangrove
2 What is the role of the owls that reared
in oil palm plantations? 9 Which of the following mammals lays
A To help in pollination eggs?
B To prevent oil palm disease A Bats C Platypus
C To provide organic fertiliser B Whale D Porcupine
D To control the population of pests
10 Which of the following is the effect
3 What is the term used to describe the wide of global warming?
variety of organisms on Earth? A Causing floods
A Diversity C Universe B Always feel cold
B Biodiversity D Flora and fauna C Freezing of ice in both poles
D Reduces oxygen content in the air
4 Which of the following groups of
animals can be classified as 11 The information below shows
vertebrates? the levels of cellular organisation
A Eel, lizard and turtle
B Horse, starfish and crab Cell→Tissue→Organ→Z→Organism
C Spider, snake and kingfisher
D Seahorse, porcupine and bee What is the example of Z?
A Brain C Bronchioles
5 Which of the following is not a step in B Heart D Digestive system
scientific investigation?
A Writing a report 12 The table below shows the S.I units of
B Making a smart guess the three physical quantities.
C Forming a hypothesis
D Manipulating the result Physical quantity S.I units
P Metre
6 Which of the following foods help to Time Q
stimulate peristalsis? Temperature R
A Milk C Seafood
B Spinach D Soy bean Which of the following is correct?

7 All living organisms are made up P Q R

of basic units. What is the basic A Length Second Kelvin
units for living organisms? B Length Second Celcius
A Cells C Tissues C Length Minutes Kelvin
B Organs D Systems D Length Minutes Celcius

13 Which of the following is a physical factor 18 The diagram below shows the classification of
involved in homeostasis? plants.
A The osmosis pressure
B The level of sugar in the blood
C The change in the body temperature
D The change of the water content in the

14 The diagram below shows a girl shivering.

Which of the following can be represented by

J and K?
A Conifer Fern
B Sugar cane Moss
C Spirogyra Paddy
Which of the following will not increase the D Fern Seaweed
body temperature of the girl?
A Wearing a sweater 19 The diagram below shows an interaction in an
B Sitting under a moving fan ecosystem.
C Switching off the air conditioner
D Increasing the temperature of the air

15 The diagram below shows the result of food

tests carried out on a food sample.

Test Observation
Benedict’s test No change
Millon’s test A red precipitate is Which of the following matches has same
formed interaction as shown in the diagram above?
Iodine test A dark blue is formed A Sea anemone and hermit crab
B Remora fish and shark
Which classes of food are found in the C Earthworm and chicken
food sample? D Lice and human
A Starch and protein
B Starch and glucose 20 The diagram below shows an experiment carried
C Protein and glucose out to study the action of enzyme on starch.
D Fat and protein

16 The calorific value of a fried fish is 50kJ/g.

What is the calorific value in 1kg of fish?
A 50 kJ C 5000 kJ
B 500 kJ D 50000 kJ

17 Which of the following can regulate

water in the plant?
A Diffusion C Transpiration
B Respiration D Photosynthesis
Why does the temperature of the distilled water
need to be maintained at 37oC?
A To follow body temperature
B To follow surrounding temperature
C To make sure starch is completely converted
D Optimum temperature for the action of

Section B (20 marks)
Instructions: Answer all the questions

1 Write True or False for the statements below about the importance of using the S.I unit in daily life.

(a) Improve scientific and technological research

(b) Makes comparative analysis of data more precise

(c) Avoid problems associated with unit conversions in different unit system

(d) Conversion of data and information of the physical quantity becomes difficult because
the measurement was carried out in different countries.

[4 marks]

2 (a) The diagrams below show two types of human cell. Name each type of the cell in the box below.





[2 marks]

(b) Tick (√)for the organs that make up the respiratory system.

(i) Diaphragm

(ii) Lungs

(iii) Heart

[2 marks]

3 (a) Fill in the blanks with the correct answers chosen from the box below.
Stem Roots Leaves Fruits

Transpiration is a process in which plants release water into the surrounding through the
________________________ and ________________________.
[2 marks]

(b) Match each diagram of the stoma below with the correct surrounding conditions.

Stoma Surrounding condition


Hot day

Cold and humid day


[2 marks]

4 Match the parts of the digestive system below to their correct functions.

Part of the digestive system Function

(a) Mouth
Sends food to the stomach

(b) Oesophagus
Digestion of fat, protein and

(c) Duodenum
Food is broken down into
smaller parts

(d) Small intestine

Completes digestion and absorb

the digested food
[4 marks]

5 Tick (√) the correct characteristics of the coconut tree and durian tree.

Characteristics Coconut tree Durian tree

(a) (i) Tap root
(ii) Fibrous root
(b) (i) Network leaf veins
(ii) Parallel leaf veins
(c) (i) Usually woody stem
(ii) Usually non-woody stem
(d) (i) One cotyledon
(ii) Two cotyledons

[4 marks]

Section C (60 marks)

Answer all the questions

1 (a) The table below shows the densities of four types of liquids. The four liquids are poured into a measuring
cylinder as shown in the diagram below.

Density (g/cm3)
Type of liquid
Oil 0.75

Distilled water

In the above diagram,

(i) Label the positions of the liquids. [4 marks]

(ii) If an ice cube with the density of 0.9g/cm3 is put into the measuring cylinder, draw the positions of
the object.
[1 mark]

(b) The diagram below shows an experiment carried out by a student.

(i) What is the method used in the above experiment?
________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]
(ii) Given that the density of the stone is 2g/cm3, what is the mass of the stone? [2 marks]

(iii) State one error that might be found when carrying out the experiment above and give one precaution
to avoid the error.

Error: ________________________________________________ [1 mark]

______________________________________________________ [1 mark]


2 (a) Match the following statements with the correct terms.

Terms Definition

Living organisms which eat other

Consumers organisms

Living organisms that produces their

Decomposers own food.

Organisms that break down dead

organisms into simpler substances

[2 marks]

(b) The diagram below shows a food web.

(i) Based on the food web, construct two food chains.

[1 mark]

[1 mark]
(ii) Predict what will happen if the population of eagle increases.
[3 marks]
(c) Kamal and his father found a type of plant X, that grows on plant Y as shown in the
diagram. The branch of plant Y which overgrown with X is smaller compared to other
branches. While X grows well on the infected branch. What will happen to plant Y if X
keeps growing on its branches? Explain your answer.

__________________________________________________________________________ [3 marks]


3 (a) Underline the effect of deficiency for the type of classes of food given.

Type of vitamin The effects of deficiency

(i) Vitamin A Sterility/night blindness/Beri-beri
(ii) Fibre Scurvy/ Blood clot/ Constipation
(iii) Protein Ricket/ Kwashiorkor/ Goiter
[3 marks]

(b) Misha has fever. Her mother prepared a rice porridge to her for her lunch as shown in the diagram below.

(i) State the main class of food in the menu.

[1 mark]

(ii) State the function of the food class stated in 3b(i).
[1 mark]

(iii) Misha falls down and break his leg during playing badminton with her friend. Instead
of taking medical treatment, the doctor advises her to take certain type of food for a
speedy recovery. In your opinion, which menu is suitable to be taken by her? Justify
your answer.
Menu P Menu Q
2 boiled eggs 2 scrambled eggs
1 banana 2 slices of honey dew
1 cup of tea 1 glass of low fat milk
1 plate of fried noodles 1 bowl of cereal

[3 marks]

(iv) The table below shows the calorific values of types of food for breakfast. Amir took
20g bread, 10g boiled egg, 100g milk and 100g watermelon. Based on the calorific of
the foods in the table below, calculate the total calorific value or quantity of energy
taken by him.
Type of food The calorific value (kJ/g)
Bread 10.12
Boiled egg 6.59
Milk 2.68
Watermelon 1.53

[2 marks]


4 (a) Complete the following table with the characteristics that differentiate between the process of cell

respiration and photosynthesis.

Characteristic Cell respiration Photosynthesis


Definition A process of living things breaking down food The process where green plants
to release _____________ make their own ________________

Gas produced _______________________ ________________________

test for the gas Tested with ___________________ Tested with glowing wooden splinter
Light energy
Oxygen + → Carbon+ water+energy Water+Carbon--------------→Oxygen+
Word equation dioxide dioxide glucose

[7 marks]

(b) Explain the role of the gas produced by cell respiration and the effect if the content of the gas in the air is
too high.
[3 marks]

5 (a) Fill in the blanks to complete the definition of food digestion.

Food digestion is the process of breaking down food that is _______________ and large into molecules
that are small, simple and soluble so that they can be ____________ by the cells of the body.

[2 marks]

(b) The diagram below shows the food test. Match the type of food test to its observation.

(i) Iodine test

A brick-red precipitate

(ii) Millon’s test

Solution turns blue black

Fat emulsion is formed

(iii) Benedict’s test

A red precipitate formed

(iv) Test for fat

[4 marks]

(c) You are given a food sample in powder form. How do you determine the food class of the food sample?

[4 marks]

6 The diagram below shows a few types of animals.

(a) State one similarity of these animals.
_________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]
(b) Based on the above diagram, classify these animals according to their common characteristics.
Group of vertebrates Name of the animals

[4 marks]

(c) State the characteristics of the dolphin.

(i) _____________________________________________________________________
[2 marks]
(ii) _____________________________________________________________________
(d) The bat has wings to allow it to fly but it is not in the group of birds. Explain the reasons.

[1 mark]
(e) Compare and contrast a bat and a chicken.
[2 marks]



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