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Utopian Final Project Grade Rubric Name/PD_______________________

(100 pts.)

The following rubric will be used to assess your

final project. Be sure that you have covered each
section effectively.

10 8 6 4
Student uses Student uses 1 Student uses 1 The student uses
other material material that prop which no props OR the
(board, handouts, shows makes the props chosen
transparencies, considerable presentation detract from the
etc.) that show work/creativity better. presentation.
considerable and which makes
work/creativity the presentation
and which make better.
the presentation
Bold ideas Project idea is Student meets Student work
represented in a solid and well requirements for does not follow
creative way. developed. project. Student the project
Ingenuity/ Student Student reveals work exhibits no instructions.
Thoughtfulness illustrates a some level of personal Finished product
meaningful personal connection with suggests minimal
connection to his relationship to the ideas. student effort and
or her work. the project. interest.
Student Student uses Student uses Student uses
manipulates ideas theoretical and some background irrelevant
& theories from ideological information from material from the
literature adeptly. information from the literature but literature or none
literature to guide does not connect at all.
project the ideology to
development. the project idea.
Student can Student can Student can Student appears
accurately accurately accurately to have
answer all answer most answer about insufficient
Knowledge questions related questions related 75% of questions knowledge about
Gained to facts in the to facts in the related to facts in the facts in the
visual and visual and the visual and visual and
processes used to processes used to processes used to processes used to
create the visual. create the visual. create the visual. create the visual.
The students The students The students Central idea is
have selected a have selected and have selected an unclear or
central idea that developed and idea but has unsupported,
is elaborated with idea but have not either not some details are
Content appropriate sufficiently developed it or inappropriate or
supporting details elaborated with not supported it off topic.
in a well- supporting details with appropriate
organized details.
It is obvious that One or two Entire project Members of the
all members of members did not was done by one group did not
Group the group had an help out at all, or or two people. work together, or
Effort equal, and active their contribution only one member
role. is not evident. did the entire
Each member of All members of Some group Only one member
the group the group help members do not of the group
presents. Each present. Some help present, or presents, or group
member is members are not presentation is makes a total
enthusiastic well prepared, or sloppy and not joke of the
about their work, are distracting. taken seriously. presentation.
speaks clearly,
and makes eye
contact with the
The project is The project is The presentation The project is
well-presented, well presented is decent but poorly presented
Presentation/ original, and however it lacks lacks effort. and displays little
Neatness enjoyable to look originality. or no effort.
at. Displays
effort put into it.
All graphics are All graphics are All graphics Graphics do not
related to the related to the related to the relate to the topic.
Graphics –
topic and make it topic and most topic.
easier to make it easier to
understand. understand.
Several of the One or two of the The graphics are No graphics
graphics used on graphics used on made by the made by the
the visual reflect the poster reflect student, but are student are
Graphics – a exceptional student creativity based on the included.
Originality degree of student in their creation designs or ideas
creativity in their and/or display. of others.
creation and/or

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