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Republic of the Philippines Document Code: SDO-NV4-

Department of Education 158531-___

Region III – Central Luzon
Schools Division of Bulacan Revision: 00
District of Marilao South
Lambakin, Marilao, Bulacan 2017
Title: DAILY LESSON PLAN Name of Office: Northville IV

Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan
Second Quarter

OBJECTIVES: Write a number as a product of its prime factors (M4NS-IIb-67)

Find the common factors and the greatest common factor (GCF) of two numbers using the listing method.

Value Focus: Helpfulness

A. Content Standards :
 The learners demonstrate understanding of factors and multiples in a given number as
a product of its prime factors.
B. Performance Standards:
 The learners are able to apply knowledge about factors and multiples in mathematical
problems and real- life situations.
C. Learning Competences:
 Write a number as a product of its prime factors (M4NS-IIb-67)
 Find the common factors and the greatest common factor (GCF) of two numbers
using the listing method.( M4NS-IIc-68.1)


Finding the Common Factors and the Greatest Common Factor (GCF)


A. References: Teacher’s Guide pages 118-122
Learner’s Materials pages 89-92
B. Materials: picture, Number Cards for the “Naming the Baby” activity

C. Values Integration: Helpfulness

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Drill:

Have a drill on basic multiplication facts using the game “Naming the Babies”

2. Review:
Conduct a review on identifying prime and composite numbers. Provide examples and exercises.
Provide examples and exercises for this.
3. 1. Motivation:
Show a picture of a boy helping his father in a bakeshop. Ask the pupils to tell something about
the picture. Elicit the value of helpfulness.
Ask: How do you show helpfulness at home? In school? Is it good to be helpful? Why?

2. Presentation:
Arnel helps his father in their bakeshop. They bake 48 cupcakes and 60 cookies. They plan to
pack them separately in a small boxes. What is the biggest number of cupcakes and cookies that
can be placed in boxes if these are of the same number?

3. Discussion:
 How are we going to solve for the answer? (To answer this problem, we find the Greatest
Common Factor (GCF) of 48 and 60.)

(The teacher shows the listing method being done)

 Give more exercises

4. Group Activity:
Pair square / 4 members in each group.

Ex. Find the common factors and the GCF of 15 and 20?

5. Generalization:
What do you mean by Greatest Common Factors (GCF)? What method did you use to find the
GCF of two or more numbers?

6. Application:
Solve the problem by using the listing method. How did you get your answer? What method
did you use?

Sandy’s vegetable store had 24 customers in the morning and 16 customers in the
afternoon. What was the largest number of customers who went so that every hour had the same
number of customers?

7. Evaluation:
Find the GCF of each pair of numbers using the listing method.
1. 10 and 15
2. 18 and 21
3. 12 and 24
4. 8 and 20
5. 14 and 28
Answer Get Moving Exercise B. LM p. 90

Prepared by:
Teacher III
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education Document Code: SDO-NV4-
Region III – Central Luzon 158531-___
Schools Division of Bulacan
District of Marilao South Revision: 00
SCHOOL Effectivity Date: 11-16- 2017
Lambakin, Marilao, Bulacan
Title: DAILY LESSON PLAN Name of Office: Northville IV

Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan
Fourth Quarter

March 8, 2019

Content Standards
 Demonstrates understanding of the concept of time, perimeter, area, and volume

Performance Satandards:
 Applies the concept of time, area and volume to mathematical problems and real-life

Learning Competences/Objectives
 Derive the formula for the volume of rectangular prisms. M4ME-IVe-63
 Find the Volume the volume of a rectangular prism using cubic centimetres.

Finding the Area of a Rectangular Prism
1. Teacher‘s Guide pages 304-307
2. Learner’s Material pages 233-236
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from Learning Resources (LR) Portal
5. VALUES INTEGRATION: Accuracy and Orderliness

Other Resources Ppt, flashcards, charts,cutouts

A. Reviewing previous lesson
Have a drill on multiplication facts using window cards or flash cards.

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson ( ENGAGE)

Show a transparent plastic container filled with balls. Ask pupils to guess the number of balls
inside the container. Let one pupil count the balls to find the answer. Ask them how they make a good
guess of the total number of balls.

C. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesso (EXPLORE)

Present this situation to the class. Ask the pupils to read it.
Mother has a rectangular box. It has a length of 10 cm, a width of 4 cm, and a height of 3cm. -
-What is its volume
-What does mother have?
-What is the length? Width? Height?
-What is asked in the problem?

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1 (EXPLAIN)

Explain how to derive the formula for the volume of a rectangular prism. Then, ask them to
find the volume of the prism.
-How did you find the volume?
-What did you do with the measurement of the length, width, and height?
-What is the formula in finding the volume of a rectangular prism?

E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2 (ELABORATE)

Group Activity
Use the formula to find the volume of each prism.
I and II 8 cm

5 cm
2 cm
10 dm
III and IV 25 dm

60 dm

F. Developing Mastery
Find the volume using the appropriate formula

30cm 7cm
100cm 50cm
G. Finding practical/ applications of concepts and skills in daily living

A box is 20 cm long, 10 cm wide and 5 cm tall. What is the volume of a stack of 4 boxes?
Let the pupils answer the problem.
H. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson
How do you find the volume of a rectangular prism?
I. Evaluating7Learning

Find the volume. 3cm.

1. 1 cm
1 cm 4. 7cm.
5 cm
2. 5 cm 5cm 2cm.
6cm 2cm
4. 5. 5.
4cm 6cm.
12cm 4cm

J.Additional Activities for Application or Remediation

Given the following dimensions, draw a spatial figure and find the volume.
1. Length=12cm
Height=20 cm.

A. No. of learners who earned 80% on this formative assessment__________
B. No. learners who require additional activities for remediation___________

Prepared by:
Teacher III

Principal IV
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education Document Code: SDO-NV4-
Region III – Central Luzon 158531-___
Schools Division of Bulacan
District of Marilao South Revision: 00
SCHOOL Effectivity Date: 11-16- 2017
Lambakin, Marilao, Bulacan
Title: DAILY LESSON PLAN Name of Office: Northville IV

Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan
Third Quarter

Objectives: Describe the attributes of triangles and quadrilaterals using concrete objects or models. Relate
triangles to quadrilaterals.

Value Focus: Creativity

Prerequisite Concepts and Skills:

 Identifying the different kinds of angles
 Identifying the different kinds of lines

Materials: flashcards and drawings of different kinds of lines and their definitions, geoboard or graphing

References: K to 12 Grade 4 Curriculum Guide, LM Math Grade 4 pages 159-160.

Instructional Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Drill
Group the pupils into 6 teams. Provide each group with the definition of the different kinds
of lines. Then, flash the cards with drawings of different kinds of lines one at a time and ask
the pupils to post the meaning of the word on the board.
2. Review: What Am I?
Call a pupil to pick a cue card and answer it.
a. I am the common endpoint of an angle?
b. I am an angle whose measure is 900 .
c. I am an angle whose measure is less than 900
d. I am an angle whose measure is more than 90 but less than 1800
3. Motivation
Let the pupils look around the classroom or even around the garden.
Ask: What shapes can you see? Elicit from them the idea that everything around us has
shape. Lead them to the discussion that man’s creativity enables him to create useful objects
of different shapes and can even shape the things created by God.

B. Development Activities
1. Presentation
Present this situation.
To Math class of Mr. Raposas drew two kinds of polygons.
Two girls showed their drawings. Dioleta drew a 3-sided polygon.

Ask: What is a polygon? (A polygon is a closed figure made up of several line segments that are
joined together.
The line segments are called sides and do not cross each other. There are exactly two sides
that meet at point.) What do you call a 3-sided polygon? What about a 4-sided polygon?

2. Performing the Activities

Group the pupils into pairs. Distribute a geoboard/graphing paper to every group. Tell them to
form a triangle or a quadrilateral out of the grid. Encourage them to make their drawing big so that
everybody in class can see it. After each group has finished, let them tell something about their
output. Have their output posted
on the board.

1. Processing of the Activities

Say: “Taking a look at the different triangles and quadrilaterals on the board, do all have equal
sides and angles? What about the quadrilateral? Lead them to the discussion that triangles are
classified according to sides and angles. Let them also know that quadrilaterals have their
classifications. Relate that if you divide a quadrilateral diagonally you will form 2 triangles. Ask
the pupils to prove it using their output. They can continue to divide the pieces under Explore and
Discover on page 159 of LM Math Grade 4. Then, ask the pupils to answer the activities on Get
Moving on page 159 and Keep Moving on page 160 of LM Math Grade 4.

2. Summarizing the Lesson

Ask these questions to lead pupils give the following generalizations: What is a triangle? What
are quadrilaterals?

A triangle is a plane figure with 3 sides and 3 angles.

A Quadrilateral is a plane figure with 4 sides and 4 angles.

3. Applying to New and other Situations

Let the pupils do the activity in Apply Your Skills. LM Math Grade 4
C. Assessment
Draw a triangle if the object mentioned represents a triangle.
Draw a quadrilateral if it is not. (Have the pupils imagine the shape of the objects mentioned.)
1. Abe is reading a book.
2. Ian is using a tripod in doing his experiment.
3. Amado is opening the door.
4. Gani is standing near the traffic sign that says “ Choildren’s Crossing”
5. Rafaelis writing on the chalkboard.
D. Home Activity
Tell whether each figure is a triangle or a quadrilateral.

1. 2. 3. 4.
Do what each item asks you to do.
1. Give at least 2 objects that have the shape of a triangle.
2. Give at least 3 objects that have the shape of a quadrilateral.

Prepared by:
Teacher III

Principal IV
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education Document Code: SDO-NV4-
Region III – Central Luzon 158531-___
Schools Division of Bulacan
District of Marilao South Revision: 00
SCHOOL Effectivity Date: 11-16- 2017
Lambakin, Marilao, Bulacan
Title: DAILY LESSON PLAN Name of Office: Northville IV

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