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Escola Básica e Secundária de Maceira

ANO LECTIVO 2010/2011


Written Test

Mark: _________________________
Teacher: ______________________
Name ______________________________________ No. _____ Class _____ Date

Enc. Edu.


Global Response gives you the names and addresses of corporate and government officials who are
killing the earth. Your letters to these officials can persuade them to stop the destruction!
Global Response letter-writing campaigns are effective and everyone can participate. Your letters
will help local communities worldwide win victories for the environment and for the rights of
indigenous peoples.

Victories for the environment!

2002 COSTA RICA: When the Costarican government granted concessions along the Caribbean
coast to US oil companies, coastal communities organized to protect their coral reefs, beaches and
marine life from industrial contamination. A Global Response letter-writing campaign helped them
persuade the Ministry of Environment to reject the oil companies’ Environmental Impact Studies,
calling oil development “environmentally unviable.”

“Our deepest gratitude to Global Response for all the vital support at key moments with your
letters and expressions of international solidarity. Your support from around the world does make a
difference for those of us who are on the front lines, challenging multinational companies and
corrupt government policies. Because of’ you, we don’t feel alone, and we have the strength to
Enrique Joseph, Action de Lucha Anti-Petrolera (ADELA), Costa Rica

2000 INDIA: The people of the Narmada River Valley are determined to stop the construction of
the Maheshwar Dam. The dam would displace millions of people in the Narmada Valley and
destroy the ecology of a sacred river. Narmada people pledge to remain in their villages as the
reservoir waters engulf them. In December 1999, Global Response launched a letter campaign to
stop German financing for construction of the Maheshwar Dam. In August 2000, the German
government released a very critical study of the Maheshwar Dam, and withdrew financing.

“This is a major victory for the people of the valley and for friends and supporters like you ... We
do not know you personally, nor do you know us, but we are brothers and sisters in the struggle for
justice and the affirmation of life that transcends all geographical and national or cultural
barriers. The joy at our victory is yours, too. We thank you for your support.”

Chittaroopa Palit, Mangat Verma, Urmila Patidar, Alok Agarwal Narmad Bachao Andolan (Save
the Narmada River Movement)
A. Fill in the table with information from the text:






B. Focus on the statements of the people involved in these actions and complete the
sentences with ideas from the text.

1. Enrique is thankful to Global Response _______________________________________


2. He believes Global Response letters make a difference because ____________________


3. Members of the “Save the Narmada River” Movement feel their success ____________


4. They consider all those involved in the campaign _________________________________


C. Answer the questions.

1. What is Global Response? ____________________________________________________


2. Explain why the secondary sub-title is Victories for the environment! __________________

D. Explain the meaning of the following expressions from the text:

1. “environmentally unviable” (l. 11) ____________________________________________


2. “displace millions of people” (l. 19) ____________________________________________


3. “withdrew financing” (l. 23) __________________________________________________


E. Say what these words refer to:

1. “them” (l. 2) _____________________________

2. “our” (l. 12) _____________________________

3. “their” (l. 20) ____________________________

4. “you” (l.27) _____________________________

F. Fill in the gaps with the correct verb and preposition! Sometimes you need to
conjugate the verb!


1. We should recycle more, that way we would __________________ the environment more.

2. Jim had an accident, but he doesn’t talk about it. He can’t _______________ it yet…

3. What are you doing? / I ___________________ some music.

4. She’s my best friend! I know I can always ________________ her!

5. I don’t know where my wallet is! Can you help me to ______________ it?

6. People keep pollution the planet… don’t they know it _________________ us all???

7. You are disappointed about your friend, but I ________________ (you) him!

8. ___________________ that! The car crashed into a tree!

G. Complete with:

- the past simple or past continuous.

1. When Mathew ______________(arrive) , we ___________________ (have) dinner.

2. The baby ________________(fall) asleep while I ________________(read) a magazine.

3. The driver ____________(run) over the cat because he _____________(not watch) the road.
-the past perfect or the past perfect continuous.

4. He _______________(be) very angry because they ___________________(read) his letter.

5. The farmers ______________(work) the land for some hours when it __________ (start) to

6. We _______________(walk) for twenty minutes when our neighbour ____________(offer)

us a lift.

-the simple past or the present perfect.

7. What _______________ (just/ happen)?

8. My mother ________________(do) some gardening last summer.

9. They _________________ (not eat) anything since breakfast.

10. Whose car _______________ (he drive) yesterday?

H. Comparative or superlative?

1. The Maths test is ________________(difficult) than the English test, but the Chemistry test
is the __________________(difficult)

2. That student is ____________(lazy) than me. I’m ______________(hard-working).

3. Jane is the _____________ (beautiful) girl in class, but my neighbour Sarah is ___________

I. Write an essay with NO LESS THAN 120 words, commenting on the following
quote by U. Utah Phillips:

“The Earth is not dying, it is being killed. And the people who are killing it have names
and addresses.”



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