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SEPTEMBER 25, 2018

The learner demonstrates understanding of the core concept and underlying theories in preparing and
A. Content Standards
presenting gateaux, tortes and cakes
B. Performance Standards The learner demonstrate competencies in preparing and presenting gateaux, tortes and cakes
LO 1. Prepare sponge and cakes TLE_HEBP912TC-IIIa-f-7
LO 2. Prepare and use fillings TLE_HEBP912TC-IIIg-8
C. Learning Competencies/
LO 3. Decorate Cakes TLE_HEBP9-12TC-IIIh-i-9
LO 4. Present cakes TLE_HEBP912TC-IIIj-10
LO 5. Store cakes TLE_HEBP912TC-IIIj-11
Concept of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Manual pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Reviewing previous lesson or The teacher will present the objectives of the discussion:
presenting new lesson 1. to make sponge cake
(REVIEW/NEW LESSON 2. to make rolled fondant
PRESENTATION) 3. to make a 2-layered cake
The teacher will do the usual routine (checking attendance, making the room clean and
giving few reminders)
B. Establishing purpose of the lesson
(MOTIVATION) The teacher will post some pictures of fondant cakes using power point. And the students
C. Presenting examples/igists of the will give insights regarding fondant cakes.
new lesson After the motivation the teacher will give the gist of the lesson by letting the students
(PRE-ACTIVITY) prepare their stations.
- The teacher will give 15 minutes to prepare mis-en-place
- the teacher will inspect PPE before the activity
- The teacher will inspect hygiene and sanitation
The teacher will show a video regarding the topic of the day.
- The teacher will discuss the ingredients and its purpose.
- The teacher will give the ingredients and procedures of sponge cake and fondant cake.


225g softened butter \ 225g golden caster sugar \ 4 large eggs \ tsp vanilla extract \ 225g
self-rising flour \ splash of milk
D. Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills 1 Procedures:
(ACTIVITY PROPER) 1. Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4, butter and line the base of two 20cm spring-form
E. Discussing new concepts and cake tins with baking parchment.
practicing new skills 2 2. Using an electric whisk beat the butter and sugar together until pale and fluffy. Crack the
(DEEPENING) eggs in one at a time and whisk well, scraping down the sides of the bowl after each
addition. Add the lemon zest, vanilla, flour, milk and a pinch of salt. Whisk until just
combined then divide the mixture between the two tins.
3. Bake in the center of the oven for 25-30 mins until a skewer inserted into the middle of
each cake comes out clean. After 10 mins remove the cakes from their tins and leave to
cool completely on a wire rack. Fill how you like. My personal favorite is a good dollop of
lemon curd and some fresh cream, then dust the top with icing sugar. Will keep for 3

2 pounds confectioner's sugar, sifted / 1/4 cup cold water / 1 tablespoon unflavored gelatin
/ 1/2 cup glucose (found in cake decorating stores) or white corn syrup / 1 1/2 tablespoons
glycerin (found in cake decorating stores) / 1 teaspoon desired flavoring (vanilla will give the
fondant an off-white color) / Cornstarch

1. In a large bowl (do not use metal), sift the sugar and make a well in the center. In a small
saucepan, add the water and sprinkle the gelatin on top to soften for about 5 minutes.
Begin to heat the gelatin and stir until the gelatin is dissolved and clear. Do not boil. Turn
off the heat and add the glucose and glycerin, stirring until well blended. Add the
flavoring. Pour into the well of sugar, and mix until all of the sugar is blended. Use hands
to knead icing until it becomes stiff. Add small amounts of confectioner's sugar if the
mixture is sticky.
2. Form the mixture into a ball and wrap tightly in plastic wrap. Place in an airtight
container. This icing works best if allowed to rest at room temperature for about eight
hours before using, particularly if the weather is humid. Do not refrigerate.
3. To cover a cake with fondant: Dust a clean pastry cloth, or a smooth, clean surface, with
cornstarch and roll the fondant with a rolling pin until it is approximately 1/4 inch thick.
Make sure that the fondant is large enough to fit over the top and sides of the cake. Slide
both hands under the fondant and carefully center it on top of a cake that has been
freshly iced with buttercream. (The icing makes the fondant adhere to the cake.)
4. Dust your hands with cornstarch and smooth the fondant, starting at the top and
working down the sides until the entire surface is even and flat. Cut off the excess icing
around the bottom of the cake with a pizza cutter or sharp knife. Decorate the cake with
buttercream or royal icing. This fondant keeps a cake fresh for two days at room
temperature. Do not refrigerate a cake with fondant icing.
To develop mastery:
- The teacher will guide the students on how to make a fondant cake.
F. Developing mastery - The students is task to do a rainbow cake using airbrush.
For the application:
G. Finding practical applications of
concepts and skills in daily living -The teacher will give various examples of some local ingredients that can be used as an
(APPLICATION) alternative and other local materials that can be found in the local.
-And lastly the teacher will give valuable lessons that can be applied in life, like thriftiness,
patience, resourcefulness and the likes.
Fondant icing, also commonly referred to simply as fondant, from the French: About this
sound listen, is an edible icing used to decorate or sculpt cakes and pastries. It is made from
H. Making generalizations and sugar, water, gelatin, butter, and glycerol. It does not have the texture of most icings; rolled
abstractions about the lesson
fondant is akin to stiff clay, while poured fondant is a thick liquid. The word, in French, means
"melting", coming from the same root as fondue and foundry. However, what the French
call "fondant" is sugar glaze, which has to be applied hot on pastries like "mille-feuille", while
fondant icing would be referred as "pâte à sucre", meaning "sugar dough".
I. Evaluating learning For the assessment, the teacher will assess their final output based on the rubrics.
J. Additional activities for application or If the student or group gets the lower score, the teacher will schedule their day to repeat
remediation again the performance task of the day.


Criteria Points
1 2 3 4
46-65 points Student
35-45 points Students
18-34 points Students practiced the
1-17 points Students didn't practiced techniques a
practiced techniques techniques many
Preparation 65 practiced and we didn't fair amount and knew
once and had little times and knew a ____
points have any personal a good amount on the
knowledge on the large amount about all
knowledge on the topics. topics they were
topics. the topics being spoke
speaking about.
11-15 points Student
6-10 points Students 16-20 points Students
has a typed script,
1-5 point Students do not have a hand written have typed script,
makes some eye
have a script, they have script, they have large makes good eye
Performance 25 contact, they have
major pauses, and you can pauses, makes little eye contact, few small ____
points multiple small pauses,
not understand them during contact,and you can pauses, and you can
and you can hear
performance hear them sometimes hear them the whole
them almost the
in the presentation time
whole time
6-10 points Project is 11-15 points Project is 16-20 points Project is
Creativity and 1-5 points Project is not
somewhat neat and neat, but lacking some neat, well prepared, ____
Neatness 20 points neat or creative at all
barely creative creativity and creative
4-8 points Students are 9-11 points Student 12-15 points Students
1-3 points Students are not
Presentation 15 a little organized, but are organized has are well organized and
organized and are reading ____
points still is reading off the some of the script has a fair amount
of script constantly
script constantly memorized memorized
Total----> ____





Subject Group Head



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