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As part of the ongoing K-12 Curriculum of the Department of Education

(DepEd), the Career Guidance Advocacy Program aims to inform and fully
prepare students on taking different careers.

The program serves as a guide for students in making decisions on taking the
appropriate path for their given skills and knowledge.


In line with this, several activities were prepared for the students – one of which is
“What is Success?”. The said activity allows the students to define ‘success’ in
their own words inside a small box drawn. Afterwards, the students shared their
own definition of success within their schoolmates.

Students of Grade 11- Corundum writing down A student sharing her insights and thoughts
their definition of the word ‘Success’. on the real meaning of success.

In the same module, the students were also asked to draw a symbol signifying
their self and the career path that they would take. They were also instructed to
put a little description beside the drawing on how it symbolizes them as a
person, and how it symbolizes their career.

The students were directed to make a ‘costume’ using a few art materials -
such as; cartolina, colored paper, scissors, and glue. They were asked to make a
costume based on the four exits after Senior High School.
The students preparing their ‘model’ for the A representative explaining the thought and the
costume activity. inspiration for their costume.

The models/ representatives of the costume-making activity of Grade 11- Corundum.

The models/
representatives of the
activity from different
sections, strands, and


The session started with an activity similar to the first one, but this time, they were
instructed to define ‘the power within’ instead. Similarly, the students were also
ordered to share their definitions in front of their schoolmates.

The students were listening to instructions given by

the master of the ceremony, Mr. Manuel Suarez.

To further understand their skills, one of the activities required the students to
analyze. They were asked to group certain words in their correct branch of skills.
The 25 words that the students need to organize properly.

Mr. Suarez then enumerated the four ‘God-given powers’ to the students and
related it to life by citing examples on how it would affect the students’ decision-

He also asked the student to list down their priorities and explain how it affected
them in choosing the right career.

Later on, the students made a reflection on what they understood or learned
during the activities. The teachers were then asked to select at least three
students per section to share their reflection to everyone.


A video from the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) was shown to
the students. The video depicts the real-life situation of the people who were
trying to get a job.

In the said video, a few tips were given by DOLE in preparing for a job interview,
such as; preparing your birth certificate, training certificates, extra copies of
resume and etc.

Then, another video was shown to the students. The particular video portrays a
caller - a young man in college who was pressured in taking up Law even
though he wanted to be a nurse. The caller asked for help since he tried
explaining his interest to his parents but to no luck- he felt like they were not

Mr. Suarez related this to real-life situations wherein students are pressured to
take a course that their parents want, or taking a course that they don’t have
any interest in.

The video shows a ‘common dilemma’ that some students are facing because
their course are not aligned with their skills.

The master of the ceremony further explained that the DepEd conducts Career
Guidance Advocacy Program to resolve issues like this, and guide the students
on the appropriate path for their skills and hobbies.

An assignment was given to the students to make an infographics about

different institutions that guides about work and employment, such as: DOLE,
Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA) and Philippine Overseas
Employment Administration (POEA).


To fully understand their choice of career, the session started with an activity
called ‘Fit Me Right’.

The said activity requires the students to trace both of their feet in a bond paper.
Later on, they were instructed to write on the left foot.

On the thumb, they wrote their chosen career. On the sole, they wrote why they
chose that career, and lastly, on the heel, they wrote what they think they are
‘lacking’ in order to achieve that career fully.

On the right foot, the students were told to talk to their parents about their
chosen career. The parents will then write on the trace of the left foot about the
career that they think is right for their children.

Mr. Suarez then talked about how important it is to have a proper

communication with parents regarding the students’ career in order to gain
understanding and full support.

Prepared by:


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