New and Final Research (Do Now, Rest Later)

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University of Luzon

Senior High School

Dagupan City



A Research Presented to

Senior High School Faculty

University of Luzon

Dagupan City

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements in

Practical Research 1


Abrogar, Trixie Mypher

Arrieta, Sheena Marie N.

Chico, Juspher Gene P.

Dela Cruz, John Rovie S.

Mores, Labinnah P.

Sabio, John Oliver C.

Sampaga, Bryle Peter D.C

APRIL 2019

University of Luzon
Senior High School
Dagupan City

Research Abstract




Abrogar, Trixie Mypher

Arrieta, Sheena Marie N.

Chico, Juspher Gene P.

Dela Cruz, John Rovie S.

Mores, Labinnah P.

Sabio, John Oliver C.

Sampaga, Bryle Peter D.C

Institution: University of Luzon

School Year: 2018 - 2019

Name of Adviser: Mr. Bryllie S. Bautista

University of Luzon
Senior High School
Dagupan City


Education plays a vital role in shaping successful people. It gives us

the opportunity to become a productive member of a civilized society by

acquiring all the necessary skills. We learn how to meet challenges and

overcome obstacles. We learn how to become an integrated personality and

maintain the perpetuation of our culture. People learn basic norms, rules,

regulations, and values of society through education. Moreover, high

quality education enables us to lead a successful life, enhances our

intelligence, skills, knowledge, and brings positive changes in our life.

Education is ladder of success. Every day you step into it. Students

attends class every day for them to get knowledge and ideas about

everything. Anybody should have knowledge about what is in

surroundings, how to utilize it. Making small things to a big one. Create

something out of nothing by means of making strategy on how to do it.

Studying can be a great struggle, especially to those people who are having

hard time in organizing thought and ideas. Students have different ways

to express their ideas it could be through writing, speaking or action.

Sometimes because of many ideas that we propose we are having

difficulties in putting it into action. The ideas we create will be messed up

if it is not properly organized. Students should formulate a great strategy

for them to utilize their abilities. We must learn the different strategies,

University of Luzon
Senior High School
Dagupan City

learning strategies for us to easily study and to attain our goals easily, it

is like making a plan.

STEM strand will develop the students’ ability to evaluate simple to

complex societal problems and be responsive and active in the formulation

of its solution through the application and integration of scientific,

technological, engineering, and mathematical concepts as it prepares them

to pursue college degrees that focuses on the enigma of the natural world

thereby leading them to become future scientists, technological analysts

and experts, engineers, mathematicians, programmers, and the like.

STEM strand will transform public education to enable students at every

level of schooling to develop knowledge, skills and understanding in STEM

subjects and to apply that learning to shape their world. Students will

experience these subjects and apply their skills in new ways using

collaboration, problem-solving and interdisciplinary thinking.

The study will expound more learning strategies therefore this study will

help learning strategies that suits them. STEM students can change their

study habits, turning it to the most effective and efficient technique for an

easily studying. They can formulate their own strategies too, by just

reading the ideas that the study gives. In addition, the study will be a big

benefit for teachers too for them to know the learning strategies of their

students, the teacher will get the ideas on the study and apply it to

University of Luzon
Senior High School
Dagupan City

teaching strategy, again the teacher can also formulate another strategy

by reading the given ideas on the study.

The main purpose of this research is to give STEM Students a better

and fortified learning strategies that they can use. The study will provide

relevant ideas and concepts for the students to find the best learning

strategies that will work for them.

University of Luzon
Senior High School
Dagupan City

Statement of the Problem

The research study aimed to determine the learning strategies of

STEM students on their academic achievements of University of Luzon in

Dagupan City Pangasinan.

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions.

1. What are the study habits of STEM 11 students in University of Luzon

in their academic performance?


3. How will this study boost and develop the study habits of STEM 11


University of Luzon
Senior High School
Dagupan City

Research Method

The researchers conducted a Qualitative Research Method

(Descriptive Research). A Qualitative Research is an effective way of getting

the personal opinions and perceptions or our chosen respondents through

interviews and free writing. In this way, we can have explicit and vivid

results that reflect their responds to our study. This method used to

determine the opinions of the Senior High Students of University of Luzon,

about the Learning Strategies of STEM 11 students in their academic

achievements. Researchers used convenient sampling method which is a

specific type of non-probability sampling method that relies on data

collection from population members who are conveniently available to

participate in our study.

University of Luzon
Senior High School
Dagupan City


Based on the findings of our study. We therefore conclude that:

1.The different Learning Strategies used by the Stem 11 students of

University of Luzon are Time management, Advance Reading, Setting

Priority and Waking up early in the morning to review their lesson.

2. According to the data gathered in this study, 93% of the STEM 11

students of University of Luzon have their Parents as a Motivation in

excelling in their classes.

3. The data gathered in this study will help other STEM 11 students to

improve their Learning Strategy by trying new strategy that is beneficial

and feasible for them to do. This study can also help the upcoming senior

high school students for them to understand the lesson in easy way.

University of Luzon
Senior High School
Dagupan City


Based on the findings of our study. We therefore conclude that:

1.The different Learning Strategies used by the Stem 11 students of

University of Luzon are Time management, Advance Reading, Setting

Priority and Waking up early in the morning to review their lesson.

2. According to the data gathered in this study, 93% of the STEM 11

students of University of Luzon have their Parents as a Motivation in

excelling in their classes.

3. The data gathered in this study will help other STEM 11 students to

improve their Learning Strategy by trying new strategy that is beneficial

and feasible for them to do. This study can also help the upcoming senior

high school students for them to understand the lesson in easy way.

University of Luzon
Senior High School
Dagupan City


Based on the conclusion derived, we the researchers recommend a

further study about the Learning strategies of STEM 11 students at the

University of Luzon. We, the researchers recommend the effective Learning

strategy that will be a big help for the future students of STEM that will

enhance them to excel in class

Time Management

This study will be a big help for the future students of STEM it

will enhance them to manage their time.

1. Always do your given task during your free time.

A. In able for you to pass your works on time.

B. To avoid cramming.

C. To lower your stress.

2. If you cannot do you task on your own, do not hesitate to ask for

help of anyone that can help you to finish your given school


A. To widen your ideas.

B. To finish your tasks in a faster way.

C. To make your works more aesthetic or authentic.

University of Luzon
Senior High School
Dagupan City

3. Disregard the things that can bother you, if you have to do your

school activities.

A. To avoid the inconvenience that can be a hindrance to do your

school duties.

B. In order to finish your works on time.

C. To forget the frustrations and confusions during work time.

4. Avoid procrastinating.

A. To have an absolute work.

B. To lessen your burdens.

C. In able for you to have a quality time on doing your school


5. Plan on how to do and when are you going to start your task.

A. To have an apt ideas and procedures.

B. To have a continuous maneuver.

C. To avoid forgetting your tasks.

6. Be conscientious.

A. To maximize time as planned.

B. To be cost efficient.

C. To save time and effort.

University of Luzon
Senior High School
Dagupan City


The success and final outcome of this research study required a lot of

guidance and assistance from many people and the researchers extremely

privileged to have got this all along the completion of our research all that

we have done is only due to such supervision and assistance and we would

not forget to thank them.

The researchers respect and thank Mr. Bryllie S. Bautista, for

providing us the researchers an opportunity to do the research here in

University of Luzon and giving us all support and guidance which made

us complete this Research duly. This Research would not be possible

without the inspiring motivations, hard works, sacrifices,

encouragements, supports, time and recommendation of people around


The researchers would also like to give thanks to their respondents in

this research, the STEM 11 students of University of Luzon, Senior High

University of Luzon
Senior High School
Dagupan City

School Department, for being collaborative, cooperative, honest and giving

their precious time in answering the questionnaires.


This research is dedicated to the people who served as an inspiration to

the researchers

To the teachers who pursue to make this research and help us to finish
and make it well.

To our responsible and beloved parents who gave the researchers reason
for being here. Brothers and sister and relatives who provided
encouragement, guidance, prayers and financial support to fulfil the study.

Also, to our friends and classmates who showed concern and love

And especially to God who is always there guiding and giving us

knowledge to make this research happen and be a successful one.

Thank you so much!

University of Luzon
Senior High School
Dagupan City


Title Page

Research Abstract ………………………………………………. i

Acknowledgement ………………………………………………. ii

Dedication ………………………………………………. iii

Chapter I: The Problem and Its Background

Rationale ………………………………………………. 8

Statement of the Problem ………………………………. 10

Conceptual Framework ………………………………………. 11

Scope and Delimitation ………………………………………. 13

Significance of the Study ……………………………….

Definition of Terms ……………………………………….

Chapter II: Review of Related Literature

Conceptual Literature ……………………………………….

Research Literature ……………………………………….

University of Luzon
Senior High School
Dagupan City

Chapter III: Research Design and Methodology

Research Method ……………………………………………….

Respondents of the Study ……………………………….

Locale of the Study ……………………………………….

Data Gathering Instrument ……………………………….

Data Gathering Procedure ……………………………….

Statistical Treatment of Data ……………………………….

Chapter IV: Presentation, Analysis & Interpretation

Results and Discussion …………………………………….

Chapter V: Summary, Findings and Recommendation

Summary …………………………………………………….

Conclusion …………………………………………………….

Recommendation …………………………………………….

Bibliography ………………………………………………………….

Appendices ……………………………………………………………

A. Letter of Request
B. Survey / Interview Questionnaire
C. Photo Documentation
D. Curriculum Vitae

University of Luzon
Senior High School
Dagupan City




Education plays a vital role in shaping successful people. It gives us

the opportunity to become a productive member of a civilized society by

acquiring all the necessary skills. We learn how to meet challenges and

overcome obstacles. We learn how to become an integrated personality and

maintain the perpetuation of our culture. People learn basic norms, rules,

regulations, and values of society through education. Moreover, high

quality education enables us to lead a successful life, enhances our

intelligence, skills, knowledge, and brings positive changes in our life.

Education is ladder of success. Every day you step into it. Students

attends class every day for them to get knowledge and ideas about

everything. Anybody should have knowledge about what is in

University of Luzon
Senior High School
Dagupan City

surroundings, how to utilize it. Making small things to a big one. Create

something out of nothing by means of making strategy on how to do it.

Studying can be a great struggle, especially to those people who are having

hard time in organizing thought and ideas. Students have different ways

to express their ideas it could be through writing, speaking or action.

Sometimes because of many ideas that we propose we are having

difficulties in putting it into action. The ideas we create will be messed up

if it is not properly organized. Students should formulate a great strategy

for them to utilize their abilities. We must learn the different strategies,

learning strategies for us to easily study and to attain our goals easily, it

is like making a plan.

STEM strand will develop the students’ ability to evaluate simple to

complex societal problems and be responsive and active in the formulation

of its solution through the application and integration of scientific,

technological, engineering, and mathematical concepts as it prepares them

to pursue college degrees that focuses on the enigma of the natural world

thereby leading them to become future scientists, technological analysts

and experts, engineers, mathematicians, programmers, and the like.

STEM strand will transform public education to enable students at every

level of schooling to develop knowledge, skills and understanding in STEM

subjects and to apply that learning to shape their world. Students will

University of Luzon
Senior High School
Dagupan City

experience these subjects and apply their skills in new ways using

collaboration, problem-solving and interdisciplinary thinking.

The study will expound more learning strategies therefore this study will

help learning strategies that suits them. STEM students can change their

study habits, turning it to the most effective and efficient technique for an

easily studying. They can formulate their own strategies too, by just

reading the ideas that the study gives. In addition, the study will be a big

benefit for teachers too for them to know the learning strategies of their

students, the teacher will get the ideas on the study and apply it to

teaching strategy, again the teacher can also formulate another strategy

by reading the given ideas on the study.

The main purpose of this research is to give STEM Students a better

and fortified learning strategies that they can use. The study will provide

relevant ideas and concepts for the students to find the best learning

strategies that will work for them.

Statement of the Problem

Statement of the Problem The research study aimed to determine the

learning strategies of STEM students on their academic achievements of

University of Luzon in Dagupan City Pangasinan.

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions.

University of Luzon
Senior High School
Dagupan City

1. What are the learning strategies of STEM students on their academic

achievements at University of Luzon?

2. Is being motivated can help STEM 11 students to excel in class or is it

a constraint to them?

3. How will this study boost and develop the learning strategies of STEM

11 students?

Conceptual Framework
Input Process Output

The result of data

Surveying STEM
Learning gathered in this
11 Students in
Strategies of research helps a
University of
STEM 11 lot of students in
Luzon about their
students in their their studies and
academic teachers in their
Strategies to
achievements teaching
excel in class.

University of Luzon
Senior High School
Dagupan City


Most companies naturally want the most innovative and skilled

work talent, and their search for skilled workers is increasingly focused on

the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).

The institutions of higher education equipping these students with

workforce skills, however, continue to struggle with several roadblocks.

Although more students are choosing to pursue STEM degrees, many of

these programs have a retention problem. The rigors of freshman year

might be deemed as a “rite of passage,” but many students entering these

STEM programs encounter more than they expected. As these students

grapple with their schedules and stress, they have very little breathing

room to practice and study subjects that truly interest them.

In STEM, many problems often have more than one solution. You can

reach the same answer with multiple different formulas or program a robot

in many ways; this lack of rigidity fuels creativity, but it also opens the

door to more failures — and that’s OK. Experimentation is key to

innovation, so students should be taught to embrace failure — not fear it.

Scope and Delimitation

University of Luzon
Senior High School
Dagupan City

The research covers the learning strategies of STEM 11 students in their

academic achievements. Further, the study dwelt also on question; Is

being motivated can help STEM 11 students to excel in class or is it a

constraint to them?

The respondents are limited to the Grade 11 students who took up STEM

strand in the school year 2018-2019.

Significance of the Study

The result of this study will be beneficial to the following:

1. Students

- This study will enable the future and present Stem students to

boost and develop their learning strategies. This research gives them

techniques to excel in class

2. Teachers

- This study would enable the teachers to teach the lessons in

different ways. These learning strategies would be applicable to a student’s

ability and capacity.

3. Future Researcher

University of Luzon
Senior High School
Dagupan City

- This study would be able to inspire and can be a source of the

future researcher to make their study better and perceive to be experts

in their field and who convey their enthusiasm for the subject.

Definition of Terms

The following terms used are defined for a better understanding of the


Constraints - is a hindrance to a student to achieve their targeted


Enigma - a person or thing that is mysterious, puzzling or difficult to


Enthusiasm - strong excitement about something.

Retention - continued possession, use or control of something.

University of Luzon
Senior High School
Dagupan City




“Despite great efforts made by an instructor to create as

stimulating classroom environment with varied teaching strategies, the

educator has remarkably little control over the learning”

Instructor is also using teaching strategies so that the educator could

better understand the topic.

“Learning Strategies are the total effort that the students need to

process, understand and adopt the information introduce in learning

teaching processes or in their individual preparation (Tay, 2013). In other

University of Luzon
Senior High School
Dagupan City

words, learning strategies can be describe as the whole of the performed

activities of learner to give meaning to information in cognitive and

affective processes (Kadafar, 2013)”

Learning strategies are how the educator can better understand the

subject that is being tackled through his efforts and his own learning


“Second ways of guiding students thinking is to plan assignments

that require students to engaged strategic thinking that is, thaw task in

which students engage are designed to make them use imagery, think of

mnemonics, create a summary or concept map.”

One of the teaching strategies is by giving homework to the educators to

help them improve their creativity by answering it through their own


“One half of all students who begin college fail to complete their

degrees, resulting in wasted talents, time and resources. Through used of

mixed methods but primarily qualitative, comparative case studies, this

research reveals ways a 3-week course in study strategies improved the

performance of students placed on academic probation.”

Many educators fail because they have difficulty with their chosen course

so they cannot use their skills that should be of great help to them but

this research study will help them to improve their academic performance.

University of Luzon
Senior High School
Dagupan City

“Educators have, for how many years noticed that some students

prefer certain methods of leaning more than others. These dispositions,

referred to us learning preferences form a student’s unique learning


Educators have different learning styles so there are those who excel and

there are those who are slow to catch up in class.


(Ventura et al, 2003) “Motivation is the process of arousing one’s

interest ton action and desired way. For instance, we want our students

to study their lessons well.”

Many educator losses their interest in learning. One of the reasons is the

lack of motivation, so as an instructor he will motivate their students who

have difficulty in studies so they will have interest to acquire their


(Glenn et al 2006) “A teacher who wins students interest With

regards to their studying with certainly inspires each student to strive


Students are more to study well not only because of the teacher’s teaching

ability but of likeable qualities of some teachers that deeply touch them.

University of Luzon
Senior High School
Dagupan City

There are even remarks form the students expressing their gladness to

have teachers who have outstanding qualities.

(Aldana et al 2009) “Recent studies have shown that students learn

in different ways in that individual tends to adopt distinct learning

preferences. The most common learning preferences of student are based

upon how they learn best using their perceptions; visual, auditory,

kinesthetic. Studies also taught that learning preferences are determine

by personality trait as well as a variety of factors in the educational


Educator have different ways to learn in it depend on their own abilities,

skills and personality.

According to the Clifton Press (1999) “If you are taking up study seriously

you need to gain the maximum benefit from your study time. In general,

this will mean three things:

- Creating more free time in which to study

- Making more efficient use of your existing time

- Integrating study with other parts of your life

The topic is in connection with how the students develop on handling time

management. Scheduling and managing time wisely are important for the

students. In this way students can’t miss appointment, deadlines,

University of Luzon
Senior High School
Dagupan City

activities etc. that will cause complications to both academic and social

life. This guide will help students to organize time like using time to think

and plan with it. Example applying it in both studying in daily lives this

will help a student to make the most of their time and personalized it to fit

in their tastes and activities.




The researchers conducted a Qualitative Research Method

(Descriptive Research). A Qualitative Research is an effective way of getting

the personal opinions and perceptions or our chosen respondents through

interviews and free writing. In this way, we can have explicit and vivid

results that reflect their responds to our study. This method used to

determine the opinions of the Senior High Students of University of Luzon,

about the Learning Strategies of STEM 11 students in their academic

achievements. Researchers used convenient sampling method which is a

specific type of non-probability sampling method that relies on data

University of Luzon
Senior High School
Dagupan City

collection from population members who are conveniently available to

participate in our study.


This study aims to gather the perceptions of the Senior High School

of University of Luzon as the respondents of this study. Random students

of the STEM 11 strand sections answered the questionnaires given by the

researchers. It was expected that they shared their learning strategies

honestly and provided relevant issue to the study.


The researchers chose University of Luzon campus because the

respondents who are enrolled and studying here are the one who are

qualified to answer the questions.

University of Luzon
Senior High School
Dagupan City


This research used questionnaire and interview for this study. The

allotted questionnaire for this will be the same for the 15 respondents.

After having the results or answers from the questionnaire, an interview

will take place regarding the respondent’s answers. We, the researchers

will ask follow up questions to our respondents. Since the respondents will

University of Luzon
Senior High School
Dagupan City

randomly selected from STEM sections therefore their follow up questions

will be all the same.


Before the researchers formally started their study, the researchers

will give a letter to the Dean of Senior High School. After the letter has

been approved, the researchers will ask 3 person of each STEM 11 sections

about their learning strategies in their academic achievements through

interview with the prepared questionnaires to be answered by

respondents. After gathering information and data, the researchers

encoded it to their study regarding the Learning strategies of STEM 11

students of University of Luzon in their academic achievements.



Results and Discussion

The presentation, analysis and interpretation of data are presented

on this chapter. The researchers gathered the data through survey and

interview from the students of Senior High School particularly on STEM

University of Luzon
Senior High School
Dagupan City

11 in University of Luzon. Moreover, the data was collected by the

researchers from March 13 to 15 of 2019.

Table 1

Profile of the respondents in terms of Sex

n= 15

Sex Frequency Percentage

Male 7 47%

Female 8 53%

Total 15 100%

As stated on table 1, the questions are given by random male and

female of each STEM Classes.

We conducted some questions for the respondents to answer briefly.

On question no.1 which is “How do you cope up with the subjects you


12 out of 15 answered that they ask question from their

classmates/teachers and borrow some notes to copy.

The answer on question no.1 didn’t show an equal percentage.

Partially because 80% of them stated that they ask question from their

University of Luzon
Senior High School
Dagupan City

classmates and borrow some notes to copy. Majority of the respondents

stated the same answer. 12 out of 15 stated that they would study at home

then if they missed some quiz, they immediately ask for a special quiz to

the teacher. It’s their first thought of asking their classmates because they

are the most reliable person to talk about that subject. It’s more efficient

for them to just ask their classmates for notes than feel shy for asking the


On question no. 2 which is “What/Who is your motivation in attaining

high grades?”

1 of the 15 respondents said; “I do it for myself. Getting a high grade makes

me feel confident and proud.”

Then the others answered that is their Parents who motivates them the


The answers to question number 2 are as follows:

The second question gives recognition to the foundation that

inspires students to attain their high grades. The first respondent proudly

said that He do it for himself and getting a high grade makes him feel

confident and proud. His statement truly indicates the confidence and

pride he gained while attaining his academic achievements. While others

said It was their Parent/s who motivates them the most, “and also G!

University of Luzon
Senior High School
Dagupan City

(God)“, one of the other respondents added. 93% of respondents stated

with the same answer. This result indicates that the parents and/or

guardians of most STEM 11 students stands as their best inspiration for

their studies.

On question no. 3 which is “Do you have any time management you follow?

Yes or No, and Why?”

8 out 15 respondents chose “YES”; 5 out of 8 respondents who chose YES

said that if they have time management, they still have time for other

activities in every aspect of their life. While the remaining 3 stated that it

is more important for them to finish their works on time.

7 out of 15 respondents chose “NO”.

The 1st respondent stated “None, because I’m having a hard time following

some time management rules.

The 2nd respondent stated, “I do not have any time management that I

follow because I believe time management doesn’t help at all in my study,

and it doesn’t change anything at all.”

The 3rd respondent stated, “I’m usually lazy and rarely gets productive but

if I do, I finish all my commitments and advance study.”

and takedown notes.”

University of Luzon
Senior High School
Dagupan City

The answers to question number 3 are as follows:

As Time Management is one of the best keys for a good learning

strategy, the third question indicates the students if they follow any time

frame for works and other activities. 8 out of 15 respondents chose YES;

in which 5 of them stated that if they have time management, there will

still have time for other activities in every aspect of their life. 3 out of them

stated that it is more important for them to finish their works on time than

other things.

On the other hand, 7 out of 15 respondents chose NO which means they

don’t have any means of time management. The 1st respondent who chose

NO stated that they are having a hard time following it. In which, this

statement indicates the student tend to have more time with other things

than prioritize studying. The 2nd respondent on the other hand believes

that Time Management doesn’t help anything in his study. This student

might prefer studying whenever he wants for which it is the best method

for him to review. The 3rd respondent has nothing to follow for the

respondent said she is usually lazy and rarely gets productive. The result

in this question is partially equal with 53% of respondents who chose YES

and 47% of the respondents chose NO. It indicates a difference on when

they do their studies.

University of Luzon
Senior High School
Dagupan City

On question no. 4 which is “What recommendation can you give about

your learning strategies that work to you the most?”

1 out of 15 respondents said that he focuses on the harder ones first. After

that, you can start on the minor ones.

2 of the respondents said that you should have proper time management

and to-do lists.

2 out of 15 respondents said that they don’t stress themselves.

3 out of 15 respondents stated that they wake up early in the morning or

they eat while reviewing their lessons.

3 out of 15 respondents said that advance reading is their key for an

effective learning strategy.

1 of the respondents said “Know what type of learner you are and the

compatible learning style. I know I am a visual learner so it would be

effective for me if I make use of charts, colors, bullets, etc.

3 out of 15 respondents said that “Listen very carefully during discussion

and takedown notes.”

The answers to question number 4 are as follows:

The advice of every achiever is a thing where other students could

learn with.

University of Luzon
Senior High School
Dagupan City

We asked our 15 respondents on what learning strategies that

works for them the most which they can recommend for the others. Almost

every respondent gave different learning strategies. 1 out of 15

respondents advised that you should focus on the harder to study ones

then take the easiest to learn after. Another 1 respondent out of 15 advised

that you should know what kind of learner you are, she also added that

she is a visual learner. Visual learning is a style in which a learner utilizes

graphs, charts, maps and diagrams to learn, review or to study. 2 out of

15 respondents stated that you should have a proper and balanced time

management. Another 2 respondents out 15 advised that you should not

stress yourself. “Just relax and believe in yourself that you will do it”. While

3 out of 15 respondents recommended to do an advance reading. “Your

future self will thank you. Also, every night review your notes” one of them

added. And the remaining 3 out of 15 respondents advised that it is best

to Eat sweet foods while studying, “Don’t feel pressured while studying,

have a break in between subjects.” One of them also added. The three

responded that it is also best for the brain if you will study early in the

morning for the brain is not yet exhausted. The respondents gave a

different learning strategy which indicates discipline for them to attain

their High Grades.

University of Luzon
Senior High School
Dagupan City

The data gathered in this study shows that some of the respondents in

every STEM 11 sections have the same learning strategies while others

have a unique one. Every learning strategies of the respondents serves as

their tactics to easily cope up with the lessons they are encountering.

These can also help other students who’s having trouble in their study.




This chapter presents the summary, or the research work

undertaken, the conclusions and the recommendations we made as an

outgrowth of this study. This chapter unifies the significance of our study.

Summary The purpose and focus of our research was to know and discuss

about the learning strategies of Stem 11 students of University of Luzon

in their academic achievements. Many students has their own learning

University of Luzon
Senior High School
Dagupan City

strategies it serves as their tactics to easily understand and cope up with

the lessons they encounter everyday it was great for us to use University

of Luzon Stem 11 students as our respondents to share their

recommendations about their learning strategies to help other students

who are experiencing difficulty in their study and use this as their basis

and as a tips. The methodology of this research was that of a descriptive

research design. It cannot conclusively as certain answer to WHERE but

provide answers to the questions WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHY and HOW

associated with our research topic. Four research questions guided the


1. How do you cope up with the subjects you missed?

2. What/who motivates you in attaining high grades?

3. Do you have any time management you follow? Yes or no?

4. What recommendations can you give about your learning strategies that

work to you most?

The questions are critical for the respondents really include their

insights. The setting of the study was at SHS department at University of

Luzon, Dagupan City. The Dean of Senior High School Dr. Imelda E.

Cuartel, agreed to allow STEM 11 students to participate in our study. The

questionnaires for this study was compromised of 15 stem 11 students.

University of Luzon
Senior High School
Dagupan City

There are 3 randomly selected students in each of every 5 sections of STEM

Academic track. University of Luzon Stem 11 students were given the

instrument to share their ideas, viewpoints and recommendations. The

participation wasn't really forced. The 15 University of Luzon respondents

completely answered the questionnaires based on what they are doing and

to what they really know. In reviewing the results of the study, we observed

that few of the respondents have their same learning strategies that works

on them most. We all know that ideas, thoughts and viewpoints are

different, therefore, the respondents had justified their answers briefly and



Based on the findings of our study. We therefore conclude that:

1.The different Learning Strategies used by the Stem 11 students of

University of Luzon are Time management, Advance Reading, Setting

Priority and Waking up early in the morning to review their lesson.

2. According to the data gathered in this study, 93% of the STEM 11

students of University of Luzon have their Parents as a Motivation in

excelling in their classes.

University of Luzon
Senior High School
Dagupan City

3. The data gathered in this study will help other STEM 11 students to

improve their Learning Strategy by trying new strategy that is beneficial

and feasible for them to do. This study can also help the upcoming senior

high school students for them to understand the lesson in easy way.


Based on the findings of our study. We therefore conclude that:

1.The different Learning Strategies used by the Stem 11 students of

University of Luzon are Time management, Advance Reading, Setting

Priority and Waking up early in the morning to review their lesson.

2. According to the data gathered in this study, 93% of the STEM 11

students of University of Luzon have their Parents as a Motivation in

excelling in their classes.

3. The data gathered in this study will help other STEM 11 students to

improve their Learning Strategy by trying new strategy that is beneficial

and feasible for them to do. This study can also help the upcoming senior

high school students for them to understand the lesson in easy way.

University of Luzon
Senior High School
Dagupan City

Based on the conclusion derived, we the researchers recommend a

further study about the Learning strategies of STEM 11 students at the

University of Luzon. We, the researchers recommend the effective Learning

strategy that will be a big help for the future students of STEM that will

enhance them to excel in class

Time Management

This study will be a big help for the future students of STEM it

will enhance them to manage their time.

1. Always do your given task during your free time.

D. In able for you to pass your works on time.

E. To avoid cramming.

F. To lower your stress.

2. If you cannot do you task on your own, do not hesitate to ask for

help of anyone that can help you to finish your given school


D. To widen your ideas.

E. To finish your tasks in a faster way.

F. To make your works more aesthetic or authentic.

3. Disregard the things that can bother you, if you have to do your

school activities.

University of Luzon
Senior High School
Dagupan City

D. To avoid the inconvenience that can be a hindrance to do your

school duties.

E. In order to finish your works on time.

F. To forget the frustrations and confusions during work time.

4. Avoid procrastinating.

D. To have an absolute work.

E. To lessen your burdens.

F. In able for you to have a quality time on doing your school


5. Plan on how to do and when are you going to start your task.

D. To have an apt ideas and procedures.

E. To have a continuous maneuver.

F. To avoid forgetting your tasks.

6. Be conscientious.

D. To maximize time as planned.

E. To be cost efficient.

F. To save time and effort.

University of Luzon
Senior High School
Dagupan City



 STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) -

University of San Jose - Recoletos



University of Luzon
Senior High School
Dagupan City





Dr.Imelda E. Cuartel
Senior High School
University of Luzon

We, The Research Team from the Senior High School Department
of University of Luzon, Dagupan City, represented by the undersigned, is
currently embarking on a research study entitled "Learning strategies
of STEM 11 students of University Of Luzon in their academic
performances" aimed at broadening the knowledge of the researchers
about the learning strategies of Stem 11 Students of University of Luzon

University of Luzon
Senior High School
Dagupan City

in fulfillment of the requirements of the subject Practical Research 1


Anticipating your favorable response, kind consideration and

preferential attention on this matter, please accept my sincerest thanks
and gratitude.

More power and Godspeed.

Respectfully yours,

Trixie Mypher Abrogar

Sheena Marie Arrieta
Juspher Chico
John Rovie Dela Cruz
Labinnah Mores
John Oliver Sabio
Bryle Peter Sampaga

Mr. Bryllie S. Bautista

Research Teacher



This study is being conducted by University of Luzon students as

part of the Practical research I. This is a questionnaire survey about the

This study is intended for educational purpose only, and not for
any commercial purposes. This questionnaire is distributed among the
top 1 students of every section of STEM 11 of University of Luzon.

University of Luzon
Senior High School
Dagupan City


1. What study habits you use when you can’t attend your major class?

2. Whom do you dedicate your hardship? Are you thinking of them while
your studying?

3. Do you have any time management you follow?




4. What study habits can you recommend that works to you the best?

University of Luzon
Senior High School
Dagupan City

University of Luzon
Senior High School
Dagupan City





University of Luzon
Senior High School
Dagupan City



(Answering of Questionnaire)

University of Luzon
Senior High School
Dagupan City


University of Luzon
Senior High School
Dagupan City


Place your 2in x 2in picture

Name : Trixie Mypher A.
White background:
Maroon/Yellow SHS
Gender : Female Uniform

Age : 17

Birthday : October 9, 2001

Birthplace : Dagupan City, Pangasinan

Father’s Name : Romulo B. Abrogar

Mother’s Name : Lorena A. Abrogar

Address : #53 Palatong Bonuan Binloc Dagupan City

Nationality : Filipino

Civil Status : Single

E-mail Address :


Primary : Bonuan Buquig Elementary School

Bonuan Boquig Dagupan City

Secondary : Bonuan Buquig National High School

Bonuan Boquig Dagupan City

Senior High School : University of Luzon

Perez Blvd., Dagupan City

University of Luzon
Senior High School
Dagupan City


Name : Sheena Marie F.


Gender : Female

Age : 17

Birthday : August 06, 2001

Birthplace : Dagupan City, Pangasinan

Father’s Name : David T. Arrieta

Mother’s Name : Jocelyn N. Arrieta

Address : #167 Bonuan Gueset Dagupan City


Nationality : Filipino

Civil Status : Single

E-mail Address :


Primary : North Central Elementary School

Bonuan Gueset, Dagupan City
Secondary : Bonuan Buquig National High School

Bonuan Boquig, Dagupan City

Senior High School : University of Luzon

Perez Blvd., Dagupan City

University of Luzon
Senior High School
Dagupan City


Place your 2in x 2in picture

Name : Juspher Gene P.
White background:
Chico Maroon/Yellow SHS
Sex : Male

Age : 16

Birthday : April 09, 2002

Birthplace : Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija

Father’s Name :

Mother’s Name : Stacy Czyrl S. Pagdanganan

Address : Dona Maria Subdivision Buenlag Calasiao

Nationality : Pangasinan

Civil Status : Single

Email Address :


Primary : Calasiao Central Elementary School

Calasiao Pangasinan

Secondary : Calasiao Educational Center

Calasiao Pangasinan

Senior High School : University of Luzon

Perez Blvd., Dagupan City

University of Luzon
Senior High School
Dagupan City


Name : John Rovie S. Dela


Sex : Male

Age : 16

Birthday : August 17, 2002

Father’s Name : Roberto L. Dela Cruz

Mother’s Name : Vilma S. Dela Cruz

Address : Pogomboa Agulilar Pangasinan

Nationality : Filipino

Civil Status : Single

Email Address :


Primary : Aguilar Integrated School

Aguilar Pangasinan

Secondary : Aguilar Catholic School

Aguilar Pangasinan

Senior High School : University of Luzon

Perez Blvd., Dagupan City

University of Luzon
Senior High School
Dagupan City


Place your 2in x 2in picture

Name : Labinnah P. Mores
White background:
Gender : Female Maroon/Yellow SHS
Age : 16

Birthday : September 13, 2001

Birthplace : Dagupan City

Father’s Name : Hannibal F. Mores

Mother’s Name : Elsie P. Mores

Address : #48 Dupax, Dagupan City, Pangasinan

Nationality : Filipino

Civil Status : Single

E-mail Address :


Primary : General Gregorio Del Pilar Elementary

PDagupan City
Secondary : Bonuan Buquig National High School

Bonuan Boquig, Dagupan City

Senior High School : University of Luzon

Perez Blvd., Dagupan City

University of Luzon
Senior High School
Dagupan City


Place your 2in x 2in picture

Name : John Oliver C.
White background:
Sabio Maroon/Yellow SHS
Gender : Male Uniform

Age : 17

Birthday : September 21, 2001

Birthplace : Bugallon, Pangasinan

Father’s Name : Pantaleon M. Sabio

Mother’s Name : Cristita C. Sabio

Address : Hacienda, Bugallon, Pangasinan

Nationality : Filipino

Civil Status : Single

E-mail Address :


Primary : Bugallon Integrated School

Poblacion Bugallon Pangasinan
Secondary : St. Andrew Catholic School

Poblacion, Bugallon Pangasinan

Senior High School : University of Luzon

Perez Blvd., Dagupan City

University of Luzon
Senior High School
Dagupan City


Name : Bryle Peter D.


Sex : Male

Age : 17

Birthday : November 19, 2001

Birthplace : Cayanga, Bugallon Pangasinan

Father’s Name : Peter C. Sampaga

Mother’s Name : Thelma D. Sampaga

Address : #22 Cayanga Bugallon Pangasinan

Nationality : Filipino

Civil Status : Single

Email Address :


Primary : Bugallon Integrated School

Poblacion, Bugallon Pangasinan

Secondary : St. Andrew Catholic School

Poblacion, Bugallon Pangasinan

Senior High School : University of Luzon

Perez Blvd., Dagupan City


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