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Experimental Investigation On Black Cotton Soil By Using Lime And Rice Husk Ash MR-15



Stabilization is mostly used in variety of engineering works, where it is main objective is to increase
the strength and improve the durability and stability of the soil in a cost effective way. Soil stabilization
is the application or treatment of soil by mechanical methods or addition of modifier (cement, lime,
bitumen etc.,) or combination of both to improve the strength of the soil. Expansive soil can also be
stabilized by using waste materials. The usage of waste material in stabilization has been introduced due
to sharp increase in price of stabilizing materials like cement, lime etc and increase in construction cost.
To avoid these problems, wastes generated from the industries, agricultural areas can be used to stabilize
the soil. It will give a best solution and alternative way to dispose the wastes and clear the environment
surroundings in a beneficial manner.

Figure 1.1: Soil distribution in India

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Experimental Investigation On Black Cotton Soil By Using Lime And Rice Husk Ash MR-15

1.1 Soil
According to Karl Von Terzaghi (1925) who is rightly regarded as the “Father of Modern Soil
Mechanics” “Soil” is defined as a “naturally occurring relatively unconsolidated particulate material
consists of voids and solids.”

The term soil has different meanings in different scientific fields. It has originated from the Latin
word “Solum”. To an Agricultural scientist, it means “the loose material on the earth’s crust consisting
of disintegrated rock with an admixture of organic matter, which supports plant life”. To a Geologist, it
means “the disintegrated rock material which has not been transported from the place of origin”.

But, to a Civil Engineer, the term soil means, the loose unconsolidated inorganic material on the
earth’s crust produced by the disintegration of rocks, overlying hard rock with or without organic matter.
Foundations of all structures have to be placed on or in such soil, which is the primary reason for our
interest as civil engineers in its engineering behavior.

According to him “Soil mechanics” is the study of the engineering behavior of soil when it used
either as a construction material or as a foundation material.

1.2 Black Cotton Soil

Expansive soil which is also called as black cotton soil is very difficult to be used in
construction. This is due to hot climate and poor drainage conditions associated with these soil
formations. These soils inhibit the moisture from the surface in monsoon and summer season by means
of evaporation. Owing to these reasons, the soil possess cyclic swell-shrink behavior, low strength, high
moisture content, volume change in soil, differential settlement etc. These failures may result in
longitudinal and transverse cracking of pavements, surface distress, rutting of surface and deep cutting
in foundations. To overcome these circumstances in the soil, it should be treated and stabilized in best
way. Almost 20% area of is occupied by black cotton soil. These soil are predominant in states of
Andhra Pradesh, Western Madhya Pradesh, Gujrat, Maharashtra, Northern Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and
some parts of Southern Uttar Pradesh (Bundelkhand area). They are mostly clay soils and form deep
cracks during dry season. They are popularly known as “Black Cotton Soils” because of their dark
brown color and suitability for growing cotton. They are black due to compounds of iron and aluminum.
These soils are deficient in nitrogen, phosphoric acid and organic matter but rich in calcium potash and

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Experimental Investigation On Black Cotton Soil By Using Lime And Rice Husk Ash MR-15

Soil is defined as the accumulation of mineral particles through the disintegration of rocks. Black
cotton soil is formed due to disintegration of a black lava i.e. basalt rock by sun, wind and rain. Black
cotton is found in extensive region of Deccan trap in Indian. They are of variable thickness, underlain by
black sticky material known as “black soil”. Though black cotton soils are very fertile soils, they are not
good as road or construction foundation. Black cotton soil when comes in contact with water it either
swells or shrinks, which is not related to direct effect of structure loading. During monsoon’s, these soils
absorbs the water, swell, become soft and their capacity to bear water is reduced, while in drier seasons,
these soils shrinks and become harder due to evaporation of water.
Due to intensive shrink-swell processes, surface cracks resulting in openings during dry seasons.
It is cohesive in nature. It posses low bearing capacity. These openings are usually more than 50mm
wide and several millimeters deep. In India this Expansive soil is called “Black Cotton Soil”. Colour of
this soil reddish brow
n to black and this helps for cultivation of cotton, so is called black cotton swelling soil covers
about 30% of the land area in India. They are also commonly known as bentonite, expansive, or Black
Cotton soil.

Figure 1.2: Black cotton soil

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Experimental Investigation On Black Cotton Soil By Using Lime And Rice Husk Ash MR-15

1.2.1 Problems with Black Cotton

Due to variation of moisture content in black cotton soil, it undergoes mainly two types of
problems In any civil engineering structure they are
1) swelling
2) shrinkage
Swelling – due to increase in moisture content, a volume of the soil increases and it is referred as
ex- formation of heave
shrinkage– due to decreasing moisture content decreasing the volume of soil is called as shrinkage
ex- settlement in the foundation

Figure 1.3: settlements in soil

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Experimental Investigation On Black Cotton Soil By Using Lime And Rice Husk Ash MR-15

1.3 Lime
Lime is an important cementing material use in engineering construction. A cement material may
be defined as that material which has the capacity of holding the structural unit together with sufficient
Lime or quick lime is – CaO
It is obtained by heating of naturally occurring calcium carbonate in the form of limestone, chalk
or marble to about 900˚ in the presence of limited supply of air

The reaction between soil and lime undergoes the exchange of cations in adsorbed water layer
resulting decreasing plasticity of the soil. The lime treated soil is more suitable in subgrades. As part of
my project lime is added to the different proportions of rice husk ash at constant rate of 5% to increase
the strength of soil.

1.3.1 Importance Of Lime

 Workability of lime is high as lime reacts with CO2 slowly.
 Lime is less brittle; therefore it is less prone to cracking.
 Lime posses high permeability similar that of soil.

ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN - While production of lime, CO2 is released into the atmosphere,
but when mortar prepared with lime, it absorbs carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

Figure 1.4: lime

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Experimental Investigation On Black Cotton Soil By Using Lime And Rice Husk Ash MR-15

1.4 Rice Husk Ash

Rice husk ash is an agricultural waste which is produced in a million in tons. Rice husk ash is a
carbon neutral green product. Lots of ways are being thought of for disposing them by making
commercial use of them. Rice husk ash (RHA) is known as super pozzolanic in concrete at optimum
replacement percentage. RHA is very rich in silicon dioxide which makes it very reactive with lime due
to its not – crystalline silica content.

Figure 1.5: Rice Husk

Rice Husk Ash (RHA) is one of the agricultural wastes produced in our country when the rice is
milled from paddy. About 108 tons of rice husk is produced in our world annually. Rice husk consists of
about 67-90% of silica. The silica is present in this rice husk in amorphous form, and it is considered to
be a pozzolanic material. It has been estimated that 1000 kg of rice produce 200 kg of rice husk from
which 40 kg of rice husk ash would be generated.

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Experimental Investigation On Black Cotton Soil By Using Lime And Rice Husk Ash MR-15

Figure 1.6: Rice Husk Ash

S.No Particulars Percentage

1 Silicon dioxide 86.94

2 Aluminum dioxide 0.2

3 Iron dioxide 0.1

4 Calcium dioxide 0.3 – 2.2

5 Magnesium dioxide 0.2 – 0.6

6 Sodium dioxide 0.1 – 0.8

7 Potassium dioxide 2.15 – 2.3

Table 1.1: Chemical properties of RHA

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Experimental Investigation On Black Cotton Soil By Using Lime And Rice Husk Ash MR-15

1.5 Stabilization

Soil properties vary a great deal and construction of structures depends a lot on the bearing
capacity of the soil, hence, we need to stabilize the soil which makes it easier to predict the load bearing
capacity of the soil and even improve the load bearing capacity. The gradation of the soil is also a very
important property to keep in mind while working with soils. The soils may be well-graded which is
desirable as it has less number of voids or uniformly graded which though sounds stable but has more
voids. Thus, it is better to mix different types of soils together to improve the soil strength properties. It
is very expensive to replace the inferior soil entirely soil and hence, soil stabilization is the thing to look
for in these cases. It improves the strength of the soil, thus, increasing the soil bearing capacity. It is
more economical both in terms of cost and energy to increase the bearing capacity of the soil rather than
going for deep foundation or raft foundation. It is also used to provide more stability to the soil in slopes
or other such places. Sometimes soil stabilization is also used to prevent soil erosion or formation of
dust, which is very useful especially in dry and arid weather. Stabilization is also done for soil water-
proofing; this prevents water from entering into the soil and hence helps the soil from losing its strength.
It helps in reducing the soil volume change due to change in temperature or moisture content.
Stabilization improves the workability and the durability of the soil. Soil stabilization could be
applied to both sandy and clayey soil through mechanical and chemical methods. Soil stabilization can
be explained as the alteration of the soil properties by chemical or physical means in order to enhance
the engineering quality of the soil. The process of soil stabilization helps to achieve the required
properties in a soil needed for the construction work. Soil improvement could either be by modification
or stabilization or both.
Soil modification is the addition of a modifier (cement, lime etc.) to a soil to change its index
properties, while soil stabilization is the treatment of soils to enable their strength and durability to be
improved such that they become totally suitable for construction beyond their original classification. The
objective of Soil Stabilization is to improve the California Bearing Ratio of in-situ soils by 4 to 6 times.
Soil stabilization a general term for any physical, chemical, biological, or combined method of changing
a natural soil to meet an engineering purpose improvements include increasing the weight bearing
capabilities. Originally, soil stabilization was done by utilizing the binding properties of clay soils;
Cement- based products such as soil cement and or utilizing the rammed earth technique (soil
compaction) and lime, recent technology has increased the number of traditional additives used for soil
stabilization purpose.

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Experimental Investigation On Black Cotton Soil By Using Lime And Rice Husk Ash MR-15

Stabilization can increase the shear strength of a soil and/or control the shrink-swell properties of
a soil, thus improving the load bearing capacity of a sub-grade to support pavements and foundations.
The most common improvements achieved through stabilization include better soil gradation, reduction
of plasticity index or swelling potential, and increases in durability and strength. In wet weather,
stabilization may also be used to provide a working platform for construction operations. Soil
stabilization is any process which improves the physical properties of soil, such as increasing shear
strength, bearing capacity etc. which can be done by use of controlled compaction or addition of suitable
admixtures like cement, lime and waste materials like fly ash, phosphogypsum etc.
1.5.1 Mechanical Stabilization

Mechanical stabilization is the process of improving the properties of the soil by changing its
gradation. Two or more types of natural soils are mixed to obtain a composite material which is superior
to any of its components. To achieve the desired grading, sometimes the soils with coarse particles are
added or the soils with fine particles are removed. Mechanical stabilization is also known as granular

1.5.2 Thermal Stabilization

Thermal change causes a marked improvement in the properties of the soil. Thermal stabilization is
done either by heating the soil or by cooling it.

a. Heating: As the soil is heated, its water content decreases. Electric repulsion between clay
particles is decreased and the strength of the soil is increased. When the temperature is increased
towards more than 100o C, the absorbed water is driven off and the strength is further increased.
When the soil is heated to temperature of 400o C to 600o C, some irreversible changes occur
which make the soil non-plastic and non-expensive.
b. Freezing: Cooling causes small losses of strength of clayey soils due to an increase in inter
particle repulsion. However, if the temperature is reduced to the freezing point, the pore water
freezes and the soil is stabilized. The strength of the soil increases as more and more water
freezes. This method of stabilization is very expensive. This method is used when advancing
tunnels or shafts through loose silt or fine sand.

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Experimental Investigation On Black Cotton Soil By Using Lime And Rice Husk Ash MR-15

1.5.3 Electrical Stabilization

Electrical stabilization of clayey soils is done by a process known as electro-osmosis. As direct

current is passed through a clayey soil, pore water migrates to the negative electrode. The strength of the
soil is considerably increased due to removal of water. It is an expensive method, and mainly used for
the drainage of cohesive soils

1.5.4 Stabilization With Additives

Stabilization with additives could be cement stabilization, bitumen stabilization and chemical
stabilization with fly ash, lime, calcium or sodium chloride, sodium silicate, dispersants, physic-
chemical alteration involving ion-exchange in clay-minerals or injection stabilization by grouting with
soil, cement or chemicals.

1.5.5 Cement Stabilization

Cement stabilization is done by mixing pulverized soil and Portland cement with water and
compacting the mix to attain strength to material. The material thus obtained by mixing soil and cement
is known as soil-cement stabilized material. The soil-cement becomes a hard and durable structural
material as the cement hydrates and develops strength.

1.5.6 Lime Stabilization

Lime stabilization is done by adding lime to soil. It is used for stabilization of clayey soils. When
lime reacts with soil, there is exchange of cations in the adsorbed water layer and a decrease in plasticity
of the soil occurs. The resulting material is more friable than the original clay, and its, therefore, more
suitable as subgrade.

1.5.7 Bituminous Stabilization

Bitumen is non-aqueous systems of hydrocarbons that are suitable in carbon di-sulfide. It is

generally done with asphalt as binder. An inorganic soil which can be mixed with asphalt is suitable for
bituminous stabilization. In cohesion less soils, asphalt binds the soil particles together and thus serves
as a bonding or cementing agent. In cohesion soils, asphalt protects the soil by plugging its voids and
water proofing it.

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Experimental Investigation On Black Cotton Soil By Using Lime And Rice Husk Ash MR-15

1.5.8 Chemical Stabilization

In this soils are stabilized by adding different chemicals. The main advantage of chemical
stabilization is that setting time and curing time can be controlled. Chemical stabilization is however
generally more expensive than other types of stabilization.

I. Calcium Chloride: When calcium chloride is added to the soil, it causes colloidal reaction and
alerts the characteristics of soil water. It reduces the loss of moisture from the soil, reduces the
frost heave. It increases the maximum dry density.
II. Sodium Chloride: The action of sodium chloride is similar to that of calcium chloride in
many aspects. However, the tendency for attraction of moisture is somewhat lesser than that of
calcium chloride.
III. Sodium silicate: Sodium silicates, as well as other alkali silicates, have been successfully used
for soil stabilization. The chemical is used as solution in water known as water glass. The
chemical is injected to the soil. Sodium silicate gives strength to soil when it reacts with it. It
also makes the soil impervious and acts as a dispersing agent.
IV. Polymers: Polymers are the long chained molecules formed by polymerizing of certain
organic chemicals and monomers. Polymers can be natural or synthetic. Resins are natural
polymers. Calcium acrylate is commonly used synthetic polymer. When polymer is added to
the soil reaction takes place.
V. Other chemicals: Some water proofers such as alkyl chloro silanes, siliconates amines and
quaternary ammonium salts, have been used for water proofing of soils. Dispersant, such as
sodium hexa- metaphosphate, are used to improve electrical repulsion and to cause dispersed
structure. The compacted density of soil is increased.

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Experimental Investigation On Black Cotton Soil By Using Lime And Rice Husk Ash MR-15

1.6 Objective

1) To determine the properties of Black Cotton Soil and soil stabilized with different percentage of
Rice husk ash, Fly Ash and Lime individually.
2) Improvement of bearing capacity of Black Cotton Soil on the addition of lime and rice husk ash.
3) To evaluate the effect on the properties of Black Cotton soil stabilized with a mixture of Rice
Husk Ash, Fly ash and Lime.
4) To find the optimum value of RHA, Fly Ash and Lime

This experimental study focused on the effect of RHA and lime on the index and geotechnical
properties of the soil and its performance. Rice Husk Ash is added as partial replacement material with a
variation of percentage as 5%, 10%, 15% in steps and the lime is added as a binding material at a
constant percentage of 5% to enhance the strength and stability of the soil. The laboratory tests are
carried out, and the effect on soil properties such as Particle size distribution, Atterberg limits, field
density, optimum moisture content, Maximum dry density, California Bearing Ratio, Unconfined
compressive strength is to determine in both natural soil and soil mixed with RHA and soil mixed with
RHA and lime .From the above experimental investigations, optimum value of percentage addition of
RHA with black cotton soil is evaluated.

1.7 Scope of Work

In many areas of Telangana, the main problem in construction is the poor bearing capacity of the
soil. Most of these areas are covered with clay of very soft consistency. Hence it is necessary to find
some methods to improve the soil and thereby make it suitable for construction. The following
pozzolanic materials such as RHA, Jute and Lime are used for improving the properties of clayey soil.
Rice husk is an agricultural waste obtained from milling of rice. Its use will considerably reduce the cost
of construction and as well reduce the environmental.

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Experimental Investigation On Black Cotton Soil By Using Lime And Rice Husk Ash MR-15




Specific gravity of a soil- With mixing of RHA, specific gravity of the soil increases by 0.3%.
Strength of the soil is directly proportional to specific gravity, more is the specific gravity more will be
the strength of soil. Based on liquid limit of a soil - Soil without RHA and with RHA have liquid limit
difference of 16.46%. Based on plastic limit of a soil - As similar to liquid limit the plastic limit of soil
is also reduces. It reduces from 29.35% to 27.03%. % decrease in plastic limit is 2.32%, This result
shows increase in shear strength Cohesiveness and consistency of soil mass. Addition of RHA enhances
not only the strength development but also the durability of lime stabilized soil.
Following conclusions are drawn from this project.
The liquid limit and the FSI of the soil decreased steeply with the increase in the % of RHA .In
case of alluvial soil the liquid limit decreased from a value of 59% to 19.2% for the same quantum of
addition of RHA. The decrease in the free swell Index was from 59% to 13.6%. The shrinkage limit of
soil increased to 23.7 and 24.2% respectively for alluvial soil and clay soil from 12% initially for virgin
soil. The Maximum dry density increased from 16.39KN/m3 to 20.95kN/m3 in case of addition of 80%
RHA to alluvial soil the soil. The maximum and minimum dry density of alluvial soil is 21.8kN/m3 and
18.4kN/m3 respectively. The Optimum moisture content decreased steeply with % RHA 17.8% to
13.25%. The Optimum moisture content decreased steeply with 80% RHA for clay soil from 17.89% to
13.25% and maximum dry density increased from 16.39kN/m3 to 19.5kN/m3. The undrained cohesion
value of soil mixed with alluvial soil decreased from 60kN/m2 to 20 kN/m2 and angle of internal
fraction value increased from 17°5' to 39°. The undrained cohesion value of the soil mixed with RHA
for clay soil decreased from 60 kN/m2 to 30 kN/m2 and angle of internal friction value increased from
17°5' to 38°. The unsoaked CBR value of the soil increased from 3.2% to 12% whereas soaked CBR
value from 2.4% to 6.4% only in the case of addition of RHA to alluvial soil. The unsoaked CBR value
in the case of addition of RHA to clay soil increased from 3.2% to 9.3% and the soaked CBR value
2.4% to 4.4%.

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Experimental Investigation On Black Cotton Soil By Using Lime And Rice Husk Ash MR-15

The following conclusions are drawn on the basis of test results obtained from experimental results.
1. OMC of soil increases with increase in the percentages of lime and rice husk ash. MDD of clayey
soil decreases with increase in the percentages of lime and rice husk ash content in clayey soil.
2. Liquid limit of clayey soil decreases with increase in percentage of lime and rice husk Ash. Lime
and RHA reduces the plasticity of clayey soil. Specific gravity increases with increase in percentage of
lime and rice husk ash in clayey soil.
3. Lime is better stabilizing material than rice husk ash. Permeability of clayey soil decreases with
increases in the percentages of lime and rice husk ash.
4. CBR and UCS of clayey soil increases with increase in lime and RHA content up to 15 %. After that
the value of CBR and UCS clayey soil decreases.


Based on the UCS value comparison, 6% addition of lime showed the good improvement of
92.74% in UCS value for 14 days curing compared to virgin soil and for 10% of RHA with 89.93% for a
same period of curing. CBR test was performed based on addition of 6% of lime for curing period of 14
days which showed an improvement of 91.79% and for the 10% RHA, CBR value was increased up to
60.20% at 14th day. CBR test is also conducted for the combination of lime+RHA in which lime is
taken as 6% and the combination of RHA is done in different percentages i.e (5%, 10%, & 15%) in
which maximum improvement of CBR is observed in the combination of 6%lime+10%RHA for which
% of CBR improvement are 90.65% for 14th day of curing comparing with virgin sample. Addition of
industrial waste (RHA) alone gave an average improvement of 60% when compared with virgin sample.
When the additive lime is added to it the CBR value increased to great extent which had been mentioned
above (91%). So based on the respective results, quality of soil is increasing from poor condition to
excellent condition based on CBR test values. As per the Pavement Design, when the California Bearing
Ratio increases, the sub grade thickness can be reduced. So the RHA and Lime can be used to improve
the CBR ratio respectively.

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Experimental Investigation On Black Cotton Soil By Using Lime And Rice Husk Ash MR-15


In this study the effect of jute fibers on engineering and strength properties of lime treated with
black cotton soil. Soil samples containing 0%, 1%, 2% to 5% of jute fibers were prepared and index
properties were evaluated as per IS code specifications. The test results showed significant decrease in
expansive behavior of black cotton soil. If black cotton soil is mixed with 5% lime and jute fibers from
0% to 5% soil by weight of black cotton soil, and there is significant increase in CBR and unconfined
compressive strength. From there series of test conducted on black cotton soil mixed with lime and jute
fibers, they concluded that the OMC values increases and Maximum Dry Densities decreases. It can be
concluded that addition of jute fibers to lime stabilized Bcc soil decreases its swelling behavior and
increase the CBR and unconfined compressive strength properties.


In this experimental program stabilization of soil has been carried out by mixing lime in varying
percentages (4% and 6%). The following conclusions are drawn from this experimental study:-
It has been found that an addition of 4% lime decreases the liquid limit by 12.1 %, while 6%
addition of lime shows a decrease of only 17.7%. M.D.D. is found to decrease by 2.4% and 5.6% at 4%
and 6% lime content respectively. It was found that O.M.C. does not change with a decrease of 14.3% in
O.M.C. was observed at 6% lime content. The C.B.R. value of black cotton soil mixed with 4% and 6%
lime at 2.5 mm penetration showed an increase of six folds and eight folds respectively. At 5.0 mm
penetration the increase in C.B.R value were also found six folds and eight folds respectively. The
swelling pressure of Black cotton soil mixed with 4% and 6% lime decreased by 40% and 80%
He conducted this project by adding Pozzolanic materials such as Fly Ash, Jute, Lime and water
proof compounds for improving the properties of black cotton soil. They conducted a series of Proctor
test and C.B.R test have been carried out including Atterberg’s limit on soil mixed with jute fiber of
different diameters (2- 8mm) and lengths (.5-2mm) in different percentage(.2%-1%) to find out optimal
quantity and also different quantity of fly ash(10%,15%,20% and 25%) and (1%-5%). It is concluded
that mixing of 1% jute fiber, 20% fly ash and 5% lime together in a soil gives better result as compared
to individually addition of each material for soil improvement and reduces the cost of road (black cotton
soil) near about 50-60% and improves the C.B.R values near about 80-20 times.

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They investigated on Effect of waste tire cord reinforcement on unconfined compressive strength
of lime stabilized clayey soil under freeze–thaw condition. In their paper, stabilization and fiber
reinforcement are simultaneously examined as a soil modification method. A series of unconfined
compression tests was carried out to investigate the effects of tire cord waste products on mechanical
characteristics of a lime stabilized and unstabilized clayey soil subjected to freezing and thawing cycles.
Several specimens were prepared at three percentages of lime (i.e. 0%, 4%, and 8%) and four
percentages of discrete short nylon fiber (i.e. 0%, 0.5%, 1%, and 1.5%) by weight of dry soil.
In this thesis, he studied “Compaction and strength behavior of lime-coir fiber treated Black
Cotton soil”. The effect of aspect ratio, percentage fiber on the behavior of the composite soil specimen
with curing is isolated and studied. They concluded that Addition of lime to BC soil increases the
strength and it has been observed that 4% lime by weight is found to be optimum. Addition of optimum
lime to BC soil increases the strength and the sample become brittle with curing, Addition of 1.0% coir
fiber with aspect ratio of 20 and 0.5% coir fiber with aspect ratio 80increases the strength of BC soil
compared with other coir fiber combinations, the strength of BC soil reinforced with 0.5% coir fiber
with aspect ratio 80 is higher than 1.0% coir fiber with aspect ratio of 20 and lime treated BC soil
reinforced with 1.0% coir fiber with aspect ratio of 20 increases the strength and reduces the brittle
behavior of soil specimen, whereas with 0.5% coir fiber and aspect ratio of 80 strength increase is
marginal and Addition of 4% lime to soil with 1% coir fiber increases strength and improves ductility
and beneficial effect is more with aspect ratio of 20.
They had investigated on some basic geotechnical properties of expansive soil modified using
pyroclastic dust. They report an investigation of the influence of pyroclastic rock dust on the
geotechnical properties of expansive soil. The plasticity, linear shrinkage, compaction, California
bearing ratio (CBR) and shear strength characteristics of the soil when mixed with varying proportions
of pyroclastic rock dust were investigated. The results show significant reduction in plasticity and linear
shrinkage of expansive soil with increasing amount of pyroclastic rock dust. The maximum dry density,
optimum water content, shear strength and CBR all increased with increasing pyroclastic rock dust

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Investigation was discussed on Stabilization of clayey soils with high calcium fly ash and their research the effectiveness of using high calcium fly ash and cement in stabilizing fine-
grained clayey soils (CL,CH) was investigated in the laboratory. Strength tests in uniaxial compression,
in indirect (splitting) tension and flexure were carried out on samples to which various percentages of fly
ash and cement had been added. Modulus of elasticity was determined at 90 days with different types of
load application and 90-day soaked CBR values are also reported.
Studied the effect of polypropylene fiber on engineering properties of rice husk ash –lime
stabilized expansive soil. He concluded that the addition of Rice Husk and Lime decreases the MDD and
increases the OMC of the expansive soil. MDD goes on decreasing and OMC goes increasing with
increase in percentage of polypropylene fiber in the rice husk ash –lime stabilized expansive soil.
Addition of rice husk ash and lime increases the UCS and soaked CBR of the expansive soil with the
addition of polypropylene fiber.

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3.1 Mechanism of Pozzolanic Materials
Lime reacts with any other pozzolanic component (such as hydrous silica and RHA minerals) to
form calcium silicate cement with soil particles. This reaction is also water insoluble. The cementing
agents are the same for ordinary Portland Cement. The difference is that the calcium silicate gel is
formed from the hydration of anhydrous calcium silicate (cement), whereas with the lime, the gel is
formed only by the removal of silica from the clay minerals in the soil. The pozzolanic process is as
Ca (OH) 2 + SiO2 → C-S-H
Ca (OH) 2 + Al2O3 → C-S-H
(Note: C-S-H is cementing material).
The silicate gel proceeds immediately to coat and bind clay lumps in the soil and to block off the soil
voids. In time, this gel gradually crystallizes into well-defined calcium silicate hydrates such as
Tobermorite and Hillebrandite. The micro-crystals can also mechanically interlock. The reaction ceases
on drying, and very dry soils will not react with lime or cement. The mechanism of the reaction can be
represented below:

NAS4H + CH→ NH + CAS4H + degradation product

Where: S = SiO2, H = H2O, A = Al2O3, C = CaO, N = Na2O.

NOTE: As silica is progressively removing, calcium aluminates and alumina are formed residually or

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3.2 Preparation of Soil Sample

The soil sample which has to under go stabilization is collected and sieved through IS sieve and
sample retained on 0.075mm aperture is taken. Then, preliminary test is done on the Soil to analyze the
similarities in the geotechnical properties. The laboratory tests are done to determine the properties
include Particle size distribution, Consistency Limits (Atterberg Limits), ex-situ soil tests, etc. The
Standard Compaction test was done to find the optimum moisture content needed for the CBR test
specimens. The mix proportion for the soil sample is prepared as per the table given below and various
tests are done to strengthen the engineering properties of Black cotton soils.

S. No Mix proportions


4 BCL-10= SOIL+5%LIME+10%RHA
5 BCL-15= SOIL+5%LIME+15%RHA
Table 3.1 Sample Preparation for Various Mix Proportions

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Experimental Investigation On Black Cotton Soil By Using Lime And Rice Husk Ash MR-15

3.3 Black Cotton Soil

For the experimental work, the soil sample is choose from Medak District of Telangana. About
50 kg of the sample is collected at a depth of 2.5 m and brought to the soil mechanics laboratory in our
college for the project work. Standard test on the Soil is carried out in our laboratory with the collected
soil sample and properties of the soil are found.

Figure 3.1: collection of soil sample from site

3.4 Rice Husk Ash
Rice husk is from a rice mill. The material contains silica in huge amount which also refers to be
a pozzolanic material. Being a pozzolana, it reacts with soil in stabilizing process and makes it provide
long life. For the project work, the rice husk sample is from the agricultural areas near Chennaram
Village, in Khammam District, Telangana. It is sieved to remove the vegetative and dust particles and
then burnt at high temperature to get powdered ash. Then it is taken to the laboratory for determining its
chemical composition.
Silica 90.80
Aluminium 3.50
Ferric Oxide 1.32
Calcium Oxide 1.57
Magnesium Oxide 1.20
Sodium 0.15
Potassium 0.24
Table 3.2: Chemical composition of RHA

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Experimental Investigation On Black Cotton Soil By Using Lime And Rice Husk Ash MR-15

Also, the geotechnical properties of the soil are found out. Since the rice husk ash is to be added
in partial replacement material in the Soil to improve its strength, it must also have the similar properties
as like the Soil sample. Therefore RHA sample is observed in the soil mechanics laboratory and its
geotechnical properties

Specific Gravity 2.4

Liquid Limit 49.4
Plastic Limit 24.97
Plasticity Index 24.43
Water Content 30.16
Optimum Moisture Content 14
Maximum Dry Density 1.51
Table 3.3: Geotechnical Properties of RHA
3.5 Lime
Lime is used as a binding material in a small amount in this research. It provides an economical
way of stabilization being less susceptible to water content. In this thesis, lime is used in sludge form a
Paint Shop.
Calcium oxide 90.80
Silica 3.50
Alumina 1.32
Iron oxide 1.57
Magnesia 1.20
Table 3.4: Chemical Composition of Lime

The Rice Husk Ash is added to the soil 5% to 15% at an interval rate of 5% ,and lime is add at a
constant percentage rate of 5%. By this partial replacement in the soil, California Bearing Ratio (CBR)
and Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS) of the natural soil and it is mixed with lime and soil
mixed with RHA + lime is comparatively studied by this experimental work and result is analyzed for
strength increment and reduction in construction cost and to provide green Environment.

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Experimental Investigation On Black Cotton Soil By Using Lime And Rice Husk Ash MR-15

3.6 Laboratory Equipment

The Laboratory equipment used for this study are in Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory of
civil engineering department in Mallareddy Engineering college (Autonomous), and test procedures are
as per IS 2720

The following laboratory tests are conducted to know the various properties of soil

1) Liquid limit

2) Plastic limit

3) Shrinkage limit

4) Differential free swell test

5) Compaction test

6) Unconfined compressive strength

7) California bearing ratio test

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Experimental Investigation On Black Cotton Soil By Using Lime And Rice Husk Ash MR-15

3.6.1 Liquid Limit

Liquid limit is the water content corresponding to the arbitrary limit between liquid and plastic state of
consistency of a soil. It is the minimum water content at which the soil is still in liquid state, but has a
small shearing strength against flowing.

Figure 3.2: Liquid Limit Apparatus

The test procedure for carrying out liquid limit is as per IS 2720(part-5) 1985. Figure shows the
test carrying procedure.

Figure 3.3: Procedure for Liquid Limit Test

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Experimental Investigation On Black Cotton Soil By Using Lime And Rice Husk Ash MR-15

3.6.2 Plastic Limit Test

It is the water content at which a soil will just begin to crumble when rolled to a thread
approximately 3 mm in diameter. It is necessary to find liquid limit to calculate index properties like
Liquidity index, plasticity index and classify the soil as per consistency

The procedure for Plastic limit test is as per IS 2720(part-5) and is shown in Fig.

Figure 3.4: Procedure For Plastic Limit Test

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 Importance
Plastic limit is used to find Plasticity Index. Actually, it is used to state that the soil is plastic or

0 Non-plastic

<7 Low plastic

7-17 Medium plastic

>17 Highly plastic

Table 3.5: plastic limit values

3.6.3 Shrinkage Limit Test

Shrinkage limit is the water content for which soil remains saturated without decreasing the
volume. It is one of the important parameters to know the consistency of Soil and used in determining
index properties

The procedure for Shrinkage limit test is as per IS 2720(part-6)1972.

 Importance -
Shrinkage limit increases swelling of the soil decreases.

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Experimental Investigation On Black Cotton Soil By Using Lime And Rice Husk Ash MR-15

3.6.4 Differential Free Swell Test

Expansive soils or swelling soils are those soils which have the tendency to increase in volume
when water is available and decreases, on removing of water . These volume changes in Swelling soils
cause damages to the structures. Most of the expansive soils found in India are black in color and are
suitable for growing cotton, and hence they are called Black Cotton soils. Most of the expansive soils
are rich in montmorillonite clay mineral. The various factors influencing swelling of soils are type and
amount of clay, initial placement conditions, and nature of pore fluid, size, and thickness of the sample.
Differential free swell (DFS) is one of the criteria to know the degree of the expansiveness of swelling
The procedure for carrying out this test is as per IS 2720 (part-40)-1970 and the soil is classified
as per degree of expansiveness

Figure 3.5: differential free swell test setup

 Importance -
DFS Degree of expansiveness
< 20% Low

20% - 35% Medium

35% - 50% High

> 50% Very high

Table 3.6: DFS Values

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Experimental Investigation On Black Cotton Soil By Using Lime And Rice Husk Ash MR-15

3.6.5 Compaction Test

Compaction is a process by which the soil particles are rearranged and packed together into a nearer
state of contact by mechanical means to decrease the porosity and increase the dry density, in other
words, it may also say as the expulsion of air voids by increasing its density. Compaction test is
conducted to find out the optimum moisture content and maximum dry density which are crucial
parameters on which the strength and bearing capacity of soils depends and OMC for carrying out even
tests like CBR, Unconfined compression test, and Direct shear test

The procedure for Standard Proctor test is as per IS 2720(part-7)1980 and is as in Fig.

Figure 3.6: Compaction Test Equipment

 Importance -
Compaction increases dry density increases

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Experimental Investigation On Black Cotton Soil By Using Lime And Rice Husk Ash MR-15

3.6.6 California Bearing Ratio Test

The procedure for Shrinkage limit test is followed as per IS2720(part-6)1972. And it is shown in Fig.

Figure 3.7: Procedure for CBR Test

Figure 3.8: Figure Showing Failure Specimen of CBR Test

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Experimental Investigation On Black Cotton Soil By Using Lime And Rice Husk Ash MR-15

3.6.7 Unconfined Compression Test

Unconfined compressive strength of soil is determined to know the compressive strength of soil
and their by determining the shear strength of soil. The procedure for the test is as per IS 2720 and is in
the Fig.

Figure 3.9: Unconfined Compression Testing Machine (Proving Ring Type)

Figure 3.10: Figure Showing Failure Specimen Sample

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Experimental Investigation On Black Cotton Soil By Using Lime And Rice Husk Ash MR-15

4.1 Properties of Soil Sample Taken
The Soil sample is collected, and preliminary tests are done on it to analyze the similarities in the
geotechnical properties. The laboratory tests are done to determine the properties include Consistency
Limits (Atterberg’s Limits), ex-situ soil tests, etc. The Standard Compaction test was done to find the
optimum moisture content needed for the CBR test specimens.

Liquid limit 59
Shrinkage limit 14.5
Plastic limit 29
Plasticity index 30
Free swell index 58
Optimum moisture content 19
Dry density 1.68 g/m
UCS 1.15
CBR 1.94
Table 4.1: soil properties

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Experimental Investigation On Black Cotton Soil By Using Lime And Rice Husk Ash MR-15

4.2 Liquid Limit

Determination Number 1 2 3
Container number C1 C2 C3
Weight of container 30 30 30
Weight of container + wet
43.3 43 46
Weight of container + dry
39.3 40 42.5
Weight of water 3 3 3.5
Weight of dry soil 9.3 10 12.5
Moisture content (%) 32 30 28
No. of blows 22 25 30

Table 4.2: Liquid Limit Observation Values

% of moisture content

1 10 100
No. of blows

Figure 4.1: Graph for determination of liquid limit

The liquid limit of soil = 68.55%

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%w No of % w No of % w No of % w No of % w No of
blows N blows N blows N blows N blows N
55 28 46 22 45 20 32 22 30 24
57 26 40 25 39 27 30 25 28 25
62 24 36 30 36 32 28 30 26 28
WL = 59% WL = 40% WL = 36% WL = 30% WL = 28%
Table 4.2: Liquid Limit Values


1 BC 59
2 BCL-0 40
3 BCL-5 36
4 BCL-10 30
5 BCL-15 28
Table 4.3: Liquid Limit Values for Various Composition

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50 40
40 30
WL % 28
BC BCL-0 BCL-5 BCL-10 BCL-15

Figure 4.2: Liquid Limit Graph for Various Soils

 Importance:
Liquid limit is used to characterize the soil by using plasticity chart. It also indicates compressibility of
 Liquid limit with ˂35% gives low compressibility.
LL with 35% ˂ LL ˂ 50% increases compressibility.

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4.3 Plastic Limit & Plastic Index Values

Container No. C1 C2 C3
Wt. of container + lid, W1 30 30 30
Wt. of container + lid + wet
40 44 38
sample, W2
Wt. of container + lid + dry
38 41 36.5
sample, W3
Wt. of dry sample = W3 - W1 8 11 6.5
Wt. of water in the soil = W3 -
2 3 1.5
Water content (%) = {(W3 -W2) /
25 27.77 23
(W3 - W1) }* 100

Table 4.4: Plastic Limit Observation Value

Average Plastic Limit = 25 %

Type of soil LL PL PI
BC 59 29 30
BC + 5% lime 40 27 13
BCL + 5%RHA 36 26 10
BCL + 10%RHA 30 25 5
BCL + 15%RHA 28 22 6
Table 4.5: Plastic Limit Values For Various Proportions

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10 13
5 6
BC BCL-0 BCL-5 BCL-10 BCL-15

Figure 4.3: Plastic Index Graph for Various Soils

The Plastic limit is used to find Plasticity Index. Actually it is used to state that the soil is plastic
or non-plastic.

0 Non plastic

<7 Low plastic

7-17 Medium plastic
>17 Highly plastic

Table 4.6 : Plastic Limit Values

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4.4 Shrinkage Limit:

Type of soil SL
BC 14.5
BC + 5% lime 15
BCL + 5%RHA 15.2
BCL + 10%RHA 15.8
BCL + 15%RHA 16

Table 4.7: Shrinkage Limit Values For Various Copositions


16 16
15 15

14 14


BC BCL-0 BCL-5 BCL-10 BCL-15

Figure 4.4: Shrinkage Limit Graph for Various Soils

 Importance-
Shrinkage limit value increases swelling of soil decreases

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Experimental Investigation On Black Cotton Soil By Using Lime And Rice Husk Ash MR-15

4.5 Uses of Consistency Limits

The consistency limits are determined for remolded soils. However the shrinkage limit can also
be obtained for the undisturbed sample. Since the actual behavior of a soil depends upon its natural
structure, the consistency limits do not give complete information about the in -situ soils .They give at
best a rough estimate about the behavior of in-situ soils.

(1) It has been formed that both the liquid and plastic limits depend upon the type and amount of clay in
a soil. However the plasticity index depends mainly on the amount of clay. The plasticity index of a soil
is measure of the amount of the clay in the soil.

(2) As the particle size decreases, both the liquid and the plastic limits increase, but the former increases
at the greater rate. Therefore the plasticity index increases at a rapid rate.

(3) The study of plasticity index, combination with liquid limit, gives information about clay. plasticity
chart, which is a plot between the plasticity index and liquid limit, is extremely useful for classification
of fine -grained soils, as discussed in chapter 5. In fact the main use of consistency limits is in
classification of soils.

(4) Sandy soils change from the liquid state to the semi solid rather abruptly. These soils do not possess
plasticity and are classified as non-plasticity (NP).

(5) The plastic limit of soil increases if organic matter is added, without any significant increase in the
liquid limit. Therefore, soils with high organic content have low plasticity index.

(6) The liquid limit of a soil is an indicator of compressibility of a soil. The compressibility of a soil
generally increases with an increase in liquid limit

(7) The shrinkage index is directly proportional to the percentage of clay-size fraction present in the soil.
It can be as an indicator for the amount of clay.

(8) The toughness index is a measure of the shearing strength of the soil at the plastic limit. A high value
of toughness index indicates a high percentage of colloidal clay containing mineral montmorillonite.

(9) When comparing the properties of two soils with equal values of plasticity index, it is found that as
the liquid limit increases, the dry strength and toughness increase, whereas the permeability decreases.
However, the compressibility remains almost the same.

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Experimental Investigation On Black Cotton Soil By Using Lime And Rice Husk Ash MR-15

4.6 Free Swell Index


Volume of the settled soil in kerosene = 31ml

Volume of the settled soil in water = 25 ml

DFS = Settled soil volume in water - settled soil volume in kerosene X 100
Settled soil volume in kerosene

= 31- 25
X 100

= 24%


Volume of the settled soil in kerosene = 31.5 ml

Volume of the settled soil in water = 25 ml

DFS = Settled soil volume in water - settled soil volume in kerosene X 100
Settled soil volume in kerosene

= 31.5 - 25
X 100

= 25%


Volume of the settled soil in kerosene =31.5 ml

Volume of the settled soil in water = 25 ml

DFS = Settled soil volume in water - settled soil volume in kerosene X 100
Settled soil volume in kerosene

= 31.5 - 25
X 100
= 25%

BCL-10 soil Average Differential free swell of the soil = 25 %

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Experimental Investigation On Black Cotton Soil By Using Lime And Rice Husk Ash MR-15

Type of soil FSI

BC 58
BC + 5% lime 45
BCL + 5%RHA 35
BCL + 10%RHA 26
BCL + 15%RHA 22
Table 4.8: Free Swell Index Values For Various Compositions

60 58
FSI % 35
20 22
BC BCL-0 BCL-5 BCL-10 BCL-15

Figure 4.5: Free Swell index variation Graph for Soils

Free Swell Index % Degree of Expansiveness

< 20 Low
20-35 Moderate
35-50 High
> 50 More High
Table 4.9: Importance of FSI Values

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Experimental Investigation On Black Cotton Soil By Using Lime And Rice Husk Ash MR-15

4.7 Compaction Test

1. Enter all observations in table and calculate the wet density.

2. Calculate the dry density by using the equation

γd =

Where γd = dry density (g/cc)

γt = wet density (g/cc); w = water content

Specific Gravity of the soil = 2.33

Diameter of mold, d (cm) = 10
Height of mold, h (cm) = 12.7
Volume of mold, V (cm3) = 1000
Mass of mold, W (gm) = 2230
Type of test = Standard Proctor Test
Weight of rammer = 2.6 kg
No. of layers = 3
No. of blows = 25

S.No Determination No. 1

1 Mass of mold + compacted soil (gm) 4300
2 Mass of compacted soil Wt (gm) 2270
3 Wet Density, γt = Wt /V (gm/cc) 2.07
4 Container No. C1
5 Mass of Container + Wet soil (gm) 64.1
6 Mass of Container + dry soil (gm) 62
7 Mass of water (5-6) 2.1
8 Mass of Container (gm) 30
9 Mass of dry soil (gm) (6-8) 32
10 Water Content, w = [7/9] x 100 (%) 15%
11 Bulk Density 2.07
12 Dry Density γd = γt / (1+w) (gm/cc) 1.8
Table 4.10: Compaction Test Observation Values

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Experimental Investigation On Black Cotton Soil By Using Lime And Rice Husk Ash MR-15

Moisture Content (%) vs Dry Density (gm/cc)

20, 1.5
Dry density

6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
Moisture content

Figure 4.6: Graph for determination of OMC and MDD of Soils

BCL-10 soil Optimum Moisture Content = 15%
BCL-10 Maximum Dry Density = 1.8 gm/cc
Compaction is the process of densification of soil by reducing air voids. The degree of
compaction of a given soil is measured in terms of it dry density. The dry density is maximum at the
optimum water content.

A curve is drawn between the water content and the dry density to obtain the maximum dry
density and the optimum water content.

Therefore, from the graph drawn the optimum moisture content of the soil is 13.4 % and the
maximum dry density is 1.265 gm/cc.

Type of soil OMC ODDg/cc

BC 24 1.68
BC + 5% lime 20 1.72
BCL + 5%RHA 18 1.76
BCL + 10%RHA 15 1.8
BCL + 15%RHA 12 1.75
Table 4.11: Compaction Test Values for Various Proportions

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25 24
20 20
OMC % 15 16

BC BCL-0 BCL-5 BCL-10 BCL-15

Figure 4.7: Variation of OMC for Various Soils


1.8 1.8
Dry Desity 1.75 1.76 1.75
g/cc 1.72

BC BCL-0 BCL-5 BCL-10 BCL-15

Figure 4.8: Variation of MDD for Various Soils

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Experimental Investigation On Black Cotton Soil By Using Lime And Rice Husk Ash MR-15

4.8 UCS Test

BC 1.15
BC + 5% lime 1.2
BCL + 5%RHA 1.25
BCL + 10%RHA 1.35
BCL + 15%RHA 1.38
Table 4.12: UCS values for various proportions

1.35 1.35
1.25 1.25
UCS 1.2 1.2
1.15 1.15
BC BCL-0 BCL-5 BCL-10 BCL-15

Figure 4.9: Variation of UCS values for Various Soils

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Experimental Investigation On Black Cotton Soil By Using Lime And Rice Husk Ash MR-15

4.9 CBR – Un soaked Test

Weight of the soil sample = 5 kg
Mass of empty mold = 3.860 kg
Mass of mold + compacted soil = 7.552 kg
Mass of compacted soil = 3.692 kg

1 Penetration dial Penetration in Proving ring dial Load in kg

reading mm readings in divisions
1 0 0 0 0
2 50 0.5 85 73.2
3 100 1.0 100 86.2
4 150 1.5 110 94.8
5 200 2.0 120 103.44
6 250 2.5 129.7 111.8
7 300 3.0 130 112
8 350 3.5 139 119.8
9 400 4.0 150 129.3
10 450 4.5 160 137.93
11 500 5.0 174 150
12 550 5.5 180 155.17
13 600 6.0 185 159.4
14 650 6.5 190 163.7
15 700 7.0 195 168
16 750 7.5 198.73 170

Penetration in 'mm' 2.50 5.00 7.50

Standard load in 'kg' 1370 2055 2630
CBR value 8.10 7.29 6.4
Table 4.13: CBR Observation Values

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Experimental Investigation On Black Cotton Soil By Using Lime And Rice Husk Ash MR-15

Penetration (mm) vs Load (kg)

180 168 170
155 159
160 150
140 129.3
111.8 112
120 103.44

100 86.2



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Figure 4.10: Variation of CBR values for BCL-10

C.B.R. of soil at 2.5 mm penetration = 8.10

Type of soil CBR

BC 1.94
BC + 5% lime 5.5
BCL + 5%RHA 6.5
BCL + 10%RHA 8.10
BCL + 15%RHA 9
Table 4.13: CBR values for various proportion’s

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Experimental Investigation On Black Cotton Soil By Using Lime And Rice Husk Ash MR-15

9 9
8 8.1
CBR % 5
2 1.94
BC BCL-0 BCL-5 BCL-10 BCL-15

Figure 4.11: Variation of CBR values for Various Soils

> 15 good quality material
7 to 15 Moderate soil
3 to 7 Fair quality
<3 Poor material
Table 4.14: Soil based on CBR values

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Experimental Investigation On Black Cotton Soil By Using Lime And Rice Husk Ash MR-15

Atterberg's Limits swell Compaction UCS
Un soaked
Soil type Index
% % % % % OMC% ODD g/cc % kg/cm2
BC 59 29 14.5 30 58 24 1.68 1.94 1.15
BCL-0% 40 27 15 13 45 20 1.72 5.5 1.2
BCL-5% 36 26 15.2 10 35 18 1.76 6.5 1.25
BCL-10% 30 25 15.8 5 26 15 1.8 8.1 1.35
BCL-15% 28 22 16 5 22 12 1.75 9 1.38

Table 4.15: Experimental Test Results with LIME and RHA

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Experimental Investigation On Black Cotton Soil By Using Lime And Rice Husk Ash MR-15


1. By study and experimental investigations, it was observed that the property of black cotton soil
effectively improved by use of different percentage of lime with rice husk ash contents. In this
study varying percentage (5%,10% and15% of RHA) with 5% lime was used to stabilize the
black cotton soil. Points which drawn from this study are listed below-
2. It is observe, that Liquid limit values are decreases from 59% to 28% by adding of lime and rice
husk ash that means soil property changes from highly compressible to low compressibility.
3. Plastic index values are decreases from 30% to 5% on addition of lime with RHA that means
highly plastic to Low plastic
4. Free swell index values decreases that means swelling of the soil also decreases.
5. The C.B.R. values of black cotton soil raised from 1.94 to 9% on addition of lime with RHA
Hence, it can be concluded from this investigation that properties of black cotton soil can
be improved by addition of 5 percent lime and 10 per cent Rice husk ash

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Experimental Investigation On Black Cotton Soil By Using Lime And Rice Husk Ash MR-15


1. In present investigation, BC soil is added with 5 % lime and varying %of rice husk ash, the %of
lime may be varied and same Investigation may be carried out.
2. Incase of lime other dense materials like fly ash may be used, and the same study may be

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Experimental Investigation On Black Cotton Soil By Using Lime And Rice Husk Ash MR-15


1 Codes:
 IS: 2720-1983, “Methods of Tests for Soil.”
2 Books:
 “Highway Engineering” by S.k.Khanna and C.E.G.Justeo
 Punmia B.C., “Soil Mechanics and Foundations,” Laxmi Publications, New Delhi
 Kadiyali L.R. “Principles and Practices of Highway Engineering, Khanna Publishers Delhi-2006.
 Soil Mechanics And Foundation Engineering “by Dr.K.R.Arora

3. Stabilization of Black Cotton Soil using Lime. Shailendra Singh1, Hemant B. Vasaikar 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2013): 4.438 Volume 4 Issue 5, May 2015

4.Professor, Indore Institute of Science & Technology, Rau, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India 2 Asst.
Professor, Sardar Patel Institute of Technology, Andheri (W), Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
5 Experimental Study of Clayey Soil with Lime and Rice Husk Ash B Kanddulna Volume 38 Number
7- August 2016ISSN: 2231-5381

6 The behavior of Clayey Soil Stabilized with Rice Husk Ash & Lime B.Suneel Kumar IVolume 11
Number 1 - May 2014ISSN: 2231-5381

7 Effect of Lime and Rice Husk Ash On Engineering Properties Of Black Cotton Soil Dilip
Shrivastava1issn 2319-5991 Www.Ijerst.Com vol. 3, No. 2, May, 2014.

8 Influence of the Rice Husk Ash and Lime on Engineering Properties of Clayey Sub-grade
Agus Setyo Muntohar.

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